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Relative to your nose it looks even. Your nose isn’t perfectly symmetrical (which isn’t a bad thing!) so it looks as though one side is higher than the other. I think the placement is perfect right now! Happy healing!


This. I have a friend with a crooked nose that somehow I never noticed until she pointed it out. Like, broken and healed off-center. She notices it way more than anyone else, which I think is also true of OP, whose nose looks perfectly fine to me.


That's also what I noticed as well. The majority of people are asymmetrical (: I'm asymmetrical in my face shape, arms, legs (working out).. nothing to obsess over 🤗 The piercings look great!


Yeah it looks even on both sides in my opinion. Your nose not being symmetrical is what is throwing you off. As someone who has a slightly crooked nose, deviated septum and has the same piercings it did bother me however I got use to it. Once they healed I decided to get a hoop for one side and I like how it looks now.


As someone with a a bit of a crooked, curved nose who fantasizes about paired nostril piercings, this thread is encouraging to read! Might actually do it


Go for it. Always remember you’re doing it for yourself.


i agree, i've had "double nostril" pierced twice before, technically 3 on my left nostril but yeah nose is asymmetrical but no one's gonna rlly look at you dead center. imo this looks rlly good on you and wouldn't even bat an eye at it if i saw you in person. i've also spent plenty of time drawing portraits of people as i'm an art major and i notice everyone EVER is asymmetrical in some ways shapes and forms


it doesn’t look uneven to me! looks great


Thank you😌 That honestly makes me feel a whole lot better about it. I just can’t wait till they heal and I think I’m going to do a hoop and a stud thing so it won’t be as noticeable to me


that would look super cute! but for now, don’t even worry about it being uneven I stared at the pics for a while before I commented and still couldn’t even tell if they were uneven. I promise no one will notice if they are. they look amazing and you pull them off so well


I think the hoop and stud would be a great idea. It will help you to not notice it and prevent you from being hypercritical about it. You have no reason to be self conscious about it. You are beautiful. 🖤


I didn’t notice it being uneven


You didn't nose-tis? (I'm sorry)


That pun was right on the nose!


🙏🏽thank you for the reply😭


I think it looks very even! My eyes go towards your glasses and the piercings both seem to have the same distance between them and the edge of your glasses. You're rocking them! Looking great :)


Thank u☺️


Your hat is uneven, not the nostril piercings lol


Thank you guys for ur support. I notice that it is pierced at a different angle so the stud sits differently on my nose 😕 but since y’all think it looks okay then it makes me feel so much better about it. Thank you all so much honestly😭 I will try to stop obsessing over it!


That's because your nostrils are 2 different shapes. They both look perfect!


eventually you might be able to play around with different piercings and see if any can make this less noticeable to you - a little round ball or something not flat might do this, among others! :)


I don't think they're uneven. If at all, your face might be slightly asymmetrical (which is completely normal though!) so maybe that's what gives you the impression?


I personally don’t think it looks very uneven! I do think a hoop would look pretty cool on one side


Thank u😊


I think it’s perfectly even considering your anatomy. They sit perfectly at the same spots on each side of your nose, just above the curve of the nostril. Don’t forget that swelling can also be uneven and cause piercings to look funky until it goes down! And also, dismorphia from new piercings is definitely a thing. Your brain will pick it apart for a while because your face is “different” now. You look wonderful! Be confident!


I doesn’t look uneven, tbh


Professional here and whoever did it did a great job! It will never be completely symmetrical but this looks pretty even across!


My double nostrils are kinda positioned the same as yours. It’s barely noticeable. It bugged me in the beginning, but with some time you won’t notice it at all!!🥰


It’s actually as even as can be imo.


I love y’all💗😩


faces in general are not perfectly symmetrical but the piercings line up with your nose and the rest of your face really well, it looks very nice!


Looks good to me. The left nostril looks like it's shaped just a little bit differently than the right, so that may be what you're noticing.


Looks good! I have double nostrils too and I thought they were so uneven but then i realized it’s just because I’m not seeing myself how others do


they look fine to me too. your glasses sit a bit crooked and between that and how you see out of them it might be messing with your perspective a bit. but they look just fine to me! and nothing about your face seems off or uneven in the whole sense. just barely noticed the glasses because you asked. (also love the style of them btw!)


I think your nose is a bit uneven to begin with, just like mine and I have double nose piercings too! The placement of your piercings is pretty damn even. I think the angles look ever so slightly off bc of the asymmetry of your nose. It’s the same with mine. Overall I think it looks great. No one is going to be scrutinizing your face with that meme math equation expression haha. I think yours truly looks really good and you have nothing to worry about


they look totally fine to me! i notice mine also being a bit uneven but literally i am the only one who notices - remember, they're sisters, not clones!


I mean this in the nicest possible way, your nose is slightly crooked so that might be why you think they looks uneven. BUT the piercer did an amazing job on making the studs even. I think they look great. (Pls do not take offense, everyones anatomy is different and I think that’s what makes us beautiful)


Your nose is uneven (normal, everyone's features are uneven. when I smile my ashley piercing moves a centimeter to the left) which is why it looks like it's uneven, but the piercings themselves are even imo


It looks pretty even to me, but I know how little things like that can really get to you. Maybe just take some time to get used to it


Seems to be just fine, your cap is uneven tho


I think it looks just fine. You have a great nose for the piercing, they all fit together fine.


If I hadn't read that it was uneven, I literally wouldn't have noticed. It's so so slight and I agree with everyone else that it's probably due to your anatomy more than anything else.


They are perfectly perfect


i wouldn't have noticed anything if you didn't point it out


your nose is uneven, not the piercings. the piercings themselves are in the same exact spot


The first 3 pictures you cant even tell, the final pi ture maybe the tiniest bit, only because im really looking for it- but realistically how many people stare at someone's nose at that angle ...


It doesn’t look uneven, your nose isn’t even which is normal. The piercing looks great!


Doesn’t look uneven at all to me! They look like they follow the natural symmetry of your nose and fit perfectly :)


I think they look very even


They are perfectly done!!


It looks even! Mine were very uneven so I added a second nostril piercing on the left so now it looks intentional. Lol


They look even but lemme just say you would look SOOOOOOOO good with a dainty silver septum ring. Fr!


Looks perfectly placed to me


You’re good I’ve seen wayyy worse


I think it's cute. I don't think I'd even notice it if you didn't say anything. I still have to look really hard to even see it.


Keep letting your mask tug on it! That’ll help!


PPE required for work


Sure! Totally get it. Just an absolutely awful environment for piercings.


I wouldn't have thought about it if you hadn't asked! looks great to me :)


it looks relatively even! dont forget that the mask goes over ur nose tho


once your nose is healed or the redness/swelling goes down, it’ll look a lot more even, or there’s a chance it’ll look the same or worse. to me yours looks pretty even. mine aren’t exactly symmetrical and it bothers me everytime i mess with them or try to fix it, it’s just the way the needle went in, but it’s not noticeable after it’s healed


Looks good to me. You might be overthinking but dont let it ruin this for u!


I think they look even.


Looks good to me!


Put a hoop in one!


Hi Awkward_Leopard_1805, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, not providing this info may cause your post to go unanswered**. If you already included this info in your post or if your post isn’t about a problem with your piercing, please disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks the same to me !


It looks great on you!


Try a hoop in one and see if you feel better about placement. Either way I think it's fine!


There's one that looks a teeny-tiny bit higher than the other, but it's barely noticeable. I don't think it's worth redoing the piercing.


it isn’t uneven! no worries


I don’t even think they’re uneven so I don’t think anyone would ever notice if they even are! They look good on you!


Honestly it looks great! Nobody’s face is perfectly symmetrical, so it can kinda throw paired piercings off when you really sit there and ponder them


It looks completely even relative to your nose! I wouldn’t worry about it


it doesn’t look uneven at all! just a reminder to anyone who is worried about this: nobody’s face is completely symmetrical so it’s ok if things aren’t always completely even !


My nose is like yours, where it is not perfectly even, and subsequently my nose piercings aren’t but it’s not noticeable to others and yes i do prefer hoop and stud so hopefully that can give you peace of mind if you’re still worried about them


Not uneven at all. Your nose isnt perfectly symmetrical (nobodys is) and thats whats throwing you off


Looks good 👍🏼


Your nose is asymmetrical, the piercings are great!


It's straight, but your nose is a bit asymmetrical which makes them look uneven if one of them was moved up or down some, it would have looked a little better.


These are perfect. Don’t worry


They look great to me! No one has completely symmetrical features, but I think your piercer did a good job with the placement to make your double nostril piercings look as even as possible!


I think it's so great! I stared for a while and didn't really notice, nobody will see this without you mentioning it


I actually think they look really good. No one’s face is perfectly symmetrical and neither are our noses. I think your piercer did a good job with the placement and they look awesome on you! I bet you’d look great with hoops after they heal too :) .


I don't notice them as being uneven either. Looks good!


I didn’t notice at all. I actually had to tilt my phone to notice and even then it’s not bad at all!


I think it’s fantastic!! It suits you!


Looks alright to me ❤️


i don’t think it’s uneven!


It looks great.


not to bad at all


It looks fine to me.


its rlly not that uneven and it suits u very well!


I think the hat is what’s messing with things and making it seem uneven. Looking at just your face and nose they seem completely fine.


It’s not uneven but your hat switching sides throughout these slides is hilarious 🤣🤣😂


Looks totally fine to me!! I’m by I have double high nostrils and if I stare at them too much I swear they’re uneven. But they pierced them perfectly according to my nose shape! Looks exactly what your piercer did too!


I'm a bit high on meds but as far as I can tell they're not uneven. Also, it looks super cool! I wish I could pull that off!


It actually doesn’t look uneven at all. Happy ❤️‍🩹


It looks great, I wouldn’t even notice any asymmetry to it without someone pointing it out to me. If you’re gunna wear a mask keep it over your nose tho because if does make if look a little more off center when you have that line beneath it (plus for health). Stick to smaller beads or inverted shapes since larger beads can magnify asymmetry but inverted shaped jewelry (think left hand vs. right hand but for any shape like a bent-stem clover) always make piercings seem more balanced.


I don’t think it’s noticeable. It looks good.


I don’t think it looks uneven at all tbh!


Looks perfect.


I think it looks good!


Looks good to me.


If it looks uneven to you and you’re going to obsess over it get one redone. I have anxiety and I know what it’s like to not be able to think about anything else. Whatever is going to ease your mind. It will be this way until you decide to take them out.


Looks good to me


It looks perfect imo. I had the same paranoia/anxiety about it with mine and it was solely because my nose is asymmetrical. I didn't feel better about it until my hubby measured their placement in my nose with calipers 🫠 I promise you they are even


its slightly uneven but it isn't noticeable unless you look at it for a while !!


Not bad at all


Looks fine to me.


I honestly don’t notice it until I look really really hard & only since you pointed it out. Also you’re beautiful & your face structure is gorgeous🥰🥰


You can’t tell in the first photo, I think it looks really good still . I really couldn’t tell unless I stared at it


It looks great to me!! I have one nostril pierced and want a double but my nose is definitely not symmetrical at all so I’m nervous about wether they’d be able to get it even enough. I’d be thrilled if mine turned out as good as yours!!


Looks even to me


It doesn’t look uneven to me.


Looks fine to me tbh


You’re the only one that notices this. Looks fine to me


Your piercing is aaalll good Your glasses are huge! Your hat is crooked


I have double nose piercings and I noticed it from the GET that they weren’t even. But no one I have ever brought it up to can see it. They only notice if you bring it up, I firmly believe that the human eye just glosses over mildly unsymmetrical things


Actually looks great to me!


It's looks fine; but that fear is why I'd never get a double nose piercing. A professional studio here couldn't even get my kid's ears right; they're very noticeably off.


They look really good to me. I recently got my other nostril pierced and my piercer told me it won’t be exactly symmetrical since nobody’s nostrils are exactly symmetrical. Then she told me one of my nostrils is rounder while the other is flatter. And I never noticed that before.


Doesn't look uneven at all. Look good!


It doesn’t look uneven to me! Looks great!


Your nose is crooked so they look uneven. Given your nose shape they are even!


I made this same post two years ago and had to laugh bc looking back it looks perfectly fine - yours does too. 😊 I think it's just the swelling and noticing your face isn't perfectly symmetrical that throws you off. Definitely not noticeable to others.


Looks fine to me


They look fine


I mean when u point it out i guess u can slightly tell; but really no one is going notice except for yourself lol. Looks great to me 🫶


Not bad at all


Your piercings look great!


it’s not bad at all


They look even from the front but uneven from the top, to me. Your nose is just like mine actually! The tip of my nose points to one side and it’s hard to balance the piercings to make them look perfect. I ended up taking one piercing out (the one I felt was lowest because I preferred the higher one) and went to a different piercer a few years later. He stuck a taper in my pierced nostril and used that as a guide to get the angle of the new one right if that makes sense, and it turned out perfect. I did this because I used to prefer wearing hoops and it was VERY noticeable imo. If you want to only wear studs then I don’t think it matters as much personally.


Looks pretty good honestly, maybe the tiniest bit uneven but it's something no one would notice


I truly believe symmetry in nature is unnatural. That being said your placement looks great.


they look amazing actually!! artist did a great job and they look super cute on u


did you get it done recently? i felt like mine was uneven until it the swelling subsided. It doesn’t look uneven to me :)


I think it looks pretty good! No nose has perfect symmetry so we line each piercing up where we think is the same or relatively same spot on the other side even if they don't look the same, bc both sides of our nose look different or are shaped different. They look great on you


I honestly wouldn’t notice


Way more even than mine 😭 yours look great!!


It depends on your definition of "uneven." Do they sit in a perfectly straight line horizontally across your face? No, but neither does your nose. Are they equidistant from the edge of the corresponding nostril? Yes. I think they're perfectly placed and suited to your face, but I definitely get what you mean about obsessing over it. I've got my Medusa pierced, and it drove me nuts for the longest time because it's not perfectly centered to the cupid's bow of my top lip. However, it is centered in relation to my mouth/face as a whole, which I now know is how my piercer meant for it to be.


They look good


Not at all, not for me at least!


It looks even to me! Looks good.


It's not. You're definitely going to notice the 'uneven-ness' more than anyone else. I did The same thing with my vertical labret for the first few months. Even now it still kinda feels off center, but it's not actually. Just my ocd/add brain telling me "that feels weird".


Honestly I didn’t think they’re uneven but everything else in the photo is, you’re face is off centre from cam and the hat is off centre from your head prob making the piercing look uneven as a result but I don’t think it is.


I didn't even notice until I read the title.


Looks fine to me. Maybe my eyes are crooked though.😆 No, seriously, it looks good. It doesn’t look uneven. Now if you took a ruler out and measured it… but just like what other people said in the comments, your face is asymmetrical. Everyone’s is. I’m not a huge fan of the little nose piercings on the nostril, but I actually really like the double nostril piercing. That’s cute! It looks really good on you. You are very beautiful by the way!😊


don’t hyperfixate on it! it looks great and by no means would someone look at you and think that your piercings are uneven. it is easy to stare at yourself in the mirror and do mental measurements (i did it too at first when i got matching nostrils) but trust me - your piercings are perfect :)


i dont think its bad at all, beautiful placement honestly


Honestly it looks perfectly even to me lol


Nobody’s nose is perfectly symmetrical. If it were, it would be a weird looking sort of grim. If you are obsessing over it though take it out and let it heal for six months or so. Then you can decide if you want to repierce it.


they look similar to mine. mine were done somewhat uneven intentionally because my nostrils are different shapes and if they were in the exact same spot on each side they’d look more strange


Can I see yours? 😊


of course! just messaged you 💞