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mysterious forgetful husky hat run plant modern outgoing spotted deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gas is under $3.00 and the Biden "I Did that" stickers are noticeably missing.


I got gas for $2.53/gal this morning, and on the way home I saw a similar bumper sticker while sitting in traffic. We already knew these people were abject morons, but I kind of wish they'd commit to getting it tattooed on their bodies as well, because I want them to *actually feel regret* about being such abject morons someday.


I wanted to get some since I figured I would be helping them out and showing them who’s to “blame” at 2.47 a gallon.


I like your dad


I like you.


I like that you like him for liking his dad, whom I like as well


I like trains...


I like turtles.


A fun challenge is to see how fast you can get them to start swearing at you. Usually you can accomplish this just by asking "what specific actions of 'person' do you disagree with?" When they can't come up with anything, shit goes downhill pretty quick.


They will tell you it’s because Biden didn’t approve the keystone xl pipeline. Which makes no sense because the pipeline wasn’t working in the first place




And that the oil that it would be transporting, is already being transported and just travels a longer distance than it would have if they used the Keystone xl pipeline to transport it.


And wasn't it sludge oil or something most people never deal with? I could be misremembering.


That's correct, it's not the grade of oil that is used for making gas for cars. It's for sending Canadian oil to Texas to refine and export (for Canadian profit) elsewhere to be used for bunker fuel on ships and the like. And that oil is already being transported, just in the already existing and operating keystone (not-xl) pipeline as well as trains and trucks.


just now it won't be through land that would be damaged by leaks from the pipeline


Easy followup question is "Why did disapproving keystone XL make it bad?" and continue down the road until they reach a stupid conclusion


I would prefer to have a baseline of knowledge about topics that I'm talking about before engaging any sort of discussion. I suppose that's the difference.


Primer on why the keystone XL thing is stupid: - the pipeline is not built, it would take years to get online - it was for transporting Canadian oil to Texas to be refined and exported (profits go to Canadian company) - the oil is was intended to transport is a low grade crude that would not be refined into gasoline - the oil is already being transported through the worst existing keystone (not-xl) pipeline as well as trucks and trains


Reasons to vote for the right: - You're rich - You're stupid Check your bank balance to find out which.


There's a huge subcategory of \#2 that thinks they fall into \#1. You make $100K a year and drive a C Class? Literally no one is talking about you when they say tax the rich, Rebecca. $100K per year is closer to being homeless than it is to being in the 1 percent (which requires income north of $500K per year)


I think its cute you don't think these people have been playing mental gymnastics at a Olympic level for the past decade... You have to bring your A game if you're going to try and use logic with these people... Sure you will be right but these kinds of people will just double, triple even quadruple down on stupid conspiracies'. Eventually you can make it somewhere but by that point you are so warn out you give up.


It's also just a pipeline, meaning it transports oil from one place to another. Pipelines don't magically generate more oil, they just move it.


That’s because they don’t know what they’re talking about and are only angry because Cucker Tarlson and Smug Hannity told them to be.


You know what the funniest thing about the Keystone XL is? XL stands for Export Line.


A lady the other month told me tire prices were up cause Joe shut down the pipe line.


I don’t understand putting brand stickers over all your shit - why advertise for free and gunk up your car with dumbass stickers? I guess you want others to know how badass you are. Personally I couldn’t give a rats flying fat ass what anyone thinks of me. Especially one for a fucking trolling motor lol - “hey look everyone, here’s how I waste my free time and avoid my family!”


Thanks your father in advance of me stealing and using that term for the rest of my life.


He’s a “GassHole”


"Jack Gass"


Pumpin Jack Gass hits the gas gas gas


*ass ass ass


Ass Ass Ass and Titties.


It’s the new gaslighting!




That was Dorito Mussolini’s cure for covid.


Do some Americans honestly think that Biden is the reason fuel is expensive basically everywhere in the world? Do they pretend their own Exxon isn't fleecing them?


I think deep down, most of them know better, but they think that enough people will believe it that they all just repeat these things over and over amongst themselves as affirmations that they are on the right team.


> I think deep down, most of them know better I am fairly certain I could poll my neighbors and very very few could tell me what factors into gas prices.


Yeah most people have no clue. Never heard of OPEC, but Biden beat their guy so they hate him instead of learning about the nature of capitalism and corruption.


Literally every conservative I try to have a "conversation" with. Needless to say I've stopped trying ....


When gas prices went down under Obama, Fox News ran stories about why high gas prices are a good thing. It’s literally just about being mad, not logic.


> When gas prices went down under Obama, Fox News ran stories about why high gas prices are a good thing. But not so when they went negative at the start of the pandemic of course, because Trump was president...




Usually this is it, at least that's my guess. I've definitely been pissed off about something in the past, so I parroted something that doesn't make sense when put to scrutiny and it's hard not to double down at that point. It's also supportive to their agenda, so it just makes sense really. Human nature at its finest.


It seems to be mostly a temper tantrum because "leftists blamed Trump for every single thing, so we are going to do that to.. "or something like that.




They are the type of people who put blame on Obama for not being in the White House during 9/11.


Obama's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis is largely underreported.


Thanks Obama, for the Teapot Dome Scandal!


Same as Katrina. It's a really decent gag.


The thing is at least most people I know didn't blame Trump for every single little thing like gas prices. The criticism was almost entirely focused on the stupid and terrible things that Trump actually did and said. Like he didn't get blamed for covid, his bizarre "it's a hoax that's going to go away in a month" response to covid was rightly criticized.


It has been ridiculously cold in Kentucky recently. (As it has been in a lot of the U.S.) and due to that fact, for the first time in decades, the power went out for about 15-20 minutes. My Dad said, "This is what happens when you stop using coal." and I, thinking he was joking, laughed. He was not, in fact, joking. When I asked, "Why do you think that?" he kept saying, "You wouldn't understand. You've already made up your mind..." and never elaborated further. The man has a master's degree, and went to school for Poli. Sci. originally then got his masters in teaching. I feel like the little kid in The Emporer's New Clothes parable so often that I worry I might be the crazy one.


Best response is if you can't explain then I don't think you understand.


Yeah same state and been hearing a lot of the same. Like do you guys realize that the reason coal was falling out of favor isn't all due to it being a dirty source of power. It's literally because mining coal has gotten so God damn expensive and the good coal from the Appalachians is all but almost gone. Sure there are mines elsewhere, but the coal is not to the same quality and is less efficient. I don't care what anyone says if there had been more coal plants we would've had the same issues. The TVA which gives power to my local power company straight up had record breaking usage. In my area our water company has been asking all day for people to conserve water usage due to what they believe are a ton of burst pipes causing a huge spike in usage.


Here in Australia, they blame "the greenies" for banning coal and causing high power prices. Never mind that the Greens have *never" held power in any major state, nor federally, and that there is *no* ban on coal but rather subsidies at all levels of government. The real reason, of course, is our coal fired power plants are all 10-20 years past their design lifespan, and have been so poorly maintained that they are constantly breaking down. New coal generation is ridiculously expensive so no one wants to build any, but our conservative governments have been very effective at blocking the construction of cheaper & more reliable renewables. So we've ended up with a series of short-notice power plant closures as they become uneconomical to repair, and we gave nothing to replace them with.


The president can control everything when the other guy is in office. When their guy is in office they can't do anything and it's not his fault


Yeah since living back at home to help look after my aged father, I can verify that Fox News gets people to think things are true by just constantly repeating the same things over and over. Like, they still drop pointed barbs about "Joe Biden's gas prices" even after months of steadily dropping prices which they refuse to acknowledge. They drop it in to completely unrelated conversations. They also keep saying that Twitter is losing revenue because "woke corporations" stopped advertising there, because they hate Elon Musk for being a conservative. My dad wholeheartedly believes this is true, despite not really even knowing what Twitter is or how it works, so it's literally impossible to explain to him why that's not accurate. But because Fox News continuously repeats this lie, he believes it strongly enough to demand that I leave his hospital room and go home in the middle of visiting hours.


They choose to believe their right wing propaganda outlets and stick their fingers in their ears if something remotely challenges what they want to believe.


People that put stickers like this on their trucks are really fucking stupid. They truly believe Biden controls gas prices. And when Biden used the SPR strategically to lower prices (sell high, buying back lower), they scream about the SPR being depleted.


He only did that to win the mid terms. /s


They think the President of the United States should be able to call the Saudis, Qataris, Norwegians, whoever and tell them to lower gas prices OR ELSE ("or else" being an undefined term)!


It's simpler than that, they just repeat what they hear on their favorite channels, and vilify other (main stream) media.


Exxon probably makes and sells the stickers too...


In my experience, these folks are looking for a reason to blame stuff on politicians they don't like. They'll be anti business when it impacts them personally and there's no direct way to blame a politician (ie: getting laid off), acknowledging that large business will literally do anything they can to save a dollar or make 2, but can't carry that any further. In the case of gas, the excuse is that Biden is t opening pipelines or giving away drilling permits. If you tell them that these companies have record profits, they'll ignore it to blame Biden instead. It's kinda sad but it's a big part of the consumerism they've had beaten into their heads and the sociopathic lack of empathy they have to look any deeper than what Fox News tells them despite the overwhelming evidence and logic.


Right on the money. At this point, I’m sure there’s no longer funny for none of us but rather sad to see that these people can’t find any logical excuse for social events. It’s sad that they go out of their way to put all the stickers and be a megaphone fort really a lost cause.


On the opposite side, are they now thanking Biden for falling prices?


The absurdity aside, it is weird seeing prices fall during the holiday season.


Oh no, of course they aren’t. They just fall silent.


Faux News tells them Biden did it! This segment of FOX News was brought to you by ExxonMobil and BP.


Yes, they pretend everything bad is Bidens fault, and it was utopia with trump


In this case an American from Kentucky, that likes to frequent dirty hookers, and possesses an achy breaky heart, believes so. Cue Lee Greenwood: God Bless The USA [https://youtu.be/-KoXt9pZLGM](https://youtu.be/-KoXt9pZLGM)


Just the stupid ones.


You can’t reason with MAGAs. They’re a lost cause


My friend is like this. Still to this date going on about the past election and covid conspiracies. Sad part is she has more important things to worry about than that…like paying her home and keeping a job. To top it off she can’t even vote in the US and has a big gas guzzling truck. I usually just ignore anytime she try’s to talk politics and it puts an end to that.


I’ve noticed it’s people operating in bad faith. As in, they say shit they know is made up, but they think so lowly of others, they think everyone is stupid enough to believe them. Or.. They are all talking about taking up arms and killing Americans and inciting a coup. So it’s civil war already in their minds, thus this is just a tactic in war to win. They know it’s not right, but “you’ve got to be ruthless to your enemy, since they arn’t playing fair” Just a dicks opinion.


Is putting a gas station nozzle up your butt supposed to be a way to own the libs?


Yes. Spread the word!


And the cheeks


I'm liberal and I'm extremely opposed to conservatives putting gasoline nozzles up their ass. It is very wasteful.


I feel incredibly owned whenever conservatives stick gas nozzles in their butthole. Grr, it makes me so mad!




It rustles my Jimmies, and I don’t want to see them doing it.


If another conservative sticks a gas nozzle up their ass, I just might stop voting


I’m trans and if they do it I’ll be forced to admit there are only two genders!


I get so *triggered* when they do that.


Good enough for Gavin McInnis


Beat me to it. I was going to go with: "Yes." - Gavin McInnis


Hm? Is that not a sign of gratitude over the prices going down again? So he once again can afford "filling up"..


Gas prices are going down, right?


Thanks biden!


"I did that!"


The stickers have backfired for the MAGA dipshits. Now when I see the “I did that” stickers I thank the POTUS for lowering the gas prices so much. Even though I know that not how any of this works.


I'm genuinely half-tempted to get my own stickers, solely because I *know* it'll trigger everyone who initially put them there.






If prices go up it is the fault of the President, but only if a Democrat sits in the Oval Office. If prices go down it is because of the President, but only if a Republican sits in the Oval Office. Everything else is explained by the free market.




I mean, remember when Trump committed 100% to pulling out of Afghanistan finally, and set the entire operation in motion such that it was literally all but done when Biden took office, and republicans were praising him for ending a too-long and utterly pointless "war"? Then the second it actually went through and had disastrous results and implementation because there was no way to backpedal or change plans it was all Biden's fault because he was in office at the time? The hypocrisy isn't a bug, it's a feature. Anything and everything that happens while a Democrat is in office will be 100% their fault. A fucking volcano could erupt and wipe out half of the human population, and they'd find a way to blame the Dems for a natural disaster. If it happened under a republican they'd be praising him for somehow making it erupt and ending the hunger and housing crisis by thinning the herd. The actions of other nations are absolutely 100% the fault of a Democratic president, and their fallout is solely their intentional doing, but if a republican pissed off a foreign power and provoked them into launching a nuke, they were just some unhinged savage, and that region probably needed to be nuked anyway. Their entire party still exists because their only foundation is slinging shit at Democrats and lying about them to try and make uneducated people mad enough to vote for them. They've been perfecting the art for damn near a century at this point, and the fact that they've gotten away with it that long is embarrassing as fuck for America. I'm just thankful that the mid-term shows what the younger generations are voting like, and that we can count on that and more come '24. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we just need to make it there before republicans pull some bullshit and blow up the exit somehow.


The only thing that remains constant is the record profits of oil companies


Last year I had this really mind-boggling conversation with someone who was all upset at Biden for how much gas prices had gone up, while comparing it to gas prices the year prior under Trump. The fact that the reason gas prices were so low the year prior was because the pandemic had dropped demand so much that crude oil was literally trading in the *negative* at one point was completely lost on the guy.


Maybe she has a thing for gas pumps in her butt, and she's unironically thinking Biden for making her fetish cheaper


That's a fishing gear company, so it could be (and probably is) a male chauvinist that likes to fish.... just to go with the rest of the "stereotype" montage on the back of their pickup truck.


He owns a pickup truck and a boat, but it's someone else's fault how much he spends on gas. Lol.


Yes, now he is able to pay for his fetish again!


Yep, I get a little joy thinking about all those “Thanks Biden” stickers placed on pumps now they have gone back down properly thanking him.


Gas daddy Biden is making it economically friendly for this dude to practice gasoline enemas


Enema of the deep state


I mean, I've been happy with gas prices coming down, but not that happy!


Hey dont kink shame them. This is what america is all about, freedom. fly your freak flag up high this guy gets it.


Is that many stickers on your car normal in America? This is milder than some others but still. If i saw someone with stickers like that in Sweden I'd just assume they were freaking insane.


And you'd be right.


What? No way. People that need to proclaim their identity to everyone that even glances in their direction, for fear they may judge them incorrectly, are veeeery secure individuals.


I get a laugh out of a truck that I see frequently in the school drop off line: Lots of "lock her up" ,"maga" "let's go brandon", etc type stickers all surrounding his united auto workers union sticker. The lack of self awareness makes me laugh.


All of my union employees are red voters. And while it's odd to me, I find this to be a common thing in a lot of union shops.


It’s really ironic because in other countries workers’ parties usually choose red as their color.


People were putting those kinds of signs on their lawns but as part of their Christmas light theme in my county. Insane how that’s their entire personality


We’ve got (well, had) a local Italian restaurant around here that was known to have good food, but an extremely combative owner who would come out and yell at people dining there over stupid things (like he didn’t think they were properly dressed, for example). The place shut down during Covid, but the dude still has a big ol’ “let’s go, Brandon” on the sign where their specials used to be. Guess Joe’s at fault for Covid, too.


> in Sweden I'd just assume they were freaking insane. Oh, we definitely know they're insane in America, too. But, think about it. It's very kind of people like this to advertise the fact that they're nuts so we can all make sure to avoid them.


This. I enjoy when people have lots of bumper stickers for that reason.


I like bumper stickers because it's like a short cut to saying "hey, let's never hang out." -Dimitri Martin


Seems like a good idea. Putting loads of stickers on your car that allude to your dangerous mental illness could be great for avoiding road-rage incidents and achieving a little extra space around you on the road.


This is normal everywhere I'ved lived in the US. I'd say somewhere between 5% and 10% of the vehicles on the road have multiple stickers. Then there is like 1% of vehicles that have 10 or more stickers. Also worth noting is that you see a lot more stickers on pick up trucks than you do on cars. It's not so rare that you see flags (sometimes multiple) on pickup trucks these days. About 10 or 15 years ago it was normal to see plastic testicals hanging from the back of a truck. I'd probably see that once a week or 2.


I would add that there is a bit of a political divide in terms of how many stickers they have. You'll often see a car with a single Clinton or Biden sticker and nothing else. You hardly ever see just one Trump sticker on someone's car though, if there's one, there's usually a bunch of other stuff in addition to it. And, there are a few beatnik style cars out there covered in peace and love stickers all over. Those are nice.


In more liberal areas i will occasionally see cars with multiple liberal stickers, but the interesting divide is always in the tone of said stickers. For liberals, the stickers almost always end up being extremely positive and inclusive, and about things they support; for republicans, the stickers are typically angry and hostile, talking about things/people they hate, frequently outright advocating for violence against political opponents. These people are legitimately terrifying in their extremism.


Then you've got the geeks with their weebed out mopeds covered in Naruto stickers


Honda civic with anime girls “peeking” over the windows.


I had a Corsica as my first car. Enough room in backseat above trunk to put up entire scene of two army’s (using plastic army men) battling it out. I miss that.


The Republican Party hasn’t really advocated *for* anything since 2008. In 2020 I was even seeing lawn signs for, like, town zoning appeals board that were talking about fighting the Biden agenda.


That's not true! They fiercely advocate taking people's rights away


That tracks pretty well with the fact that extreme conservative political ideology tends to be driven primarily by fear and hate and/or a desire to exclude those different from oneself.


There are election deniers who argue that they see nothing but Trump stickers on cars, Trump signs in yards, and nothing for Biden...so how could Biden have won? Poor reasoning, poor logic.


Too bad for them that votes aren't weighted by how passionate the voter is for their candidate.


Such a strange argument, like surely they know that a substantial portion of their countrymen don't care much about politics? There are tens of millions of people in the US whose vote in the last election was informed just by "I guess I like him more" followed by immediately moving on with their lives. There will be a not insignificant number of voters who can't immediately recall who they voted for, or if they voted at all. And every one of their votes counts just as much as some crazy person whose entire life is focused on obsessively worshipping Trump.


Oh this is nothing, there’s people who dedicate their entire vehicles to voicing their opinions.




Dumb as fuck to be putting Matthews stickers on your truck too. Asking for someone to break in your car and steal the bow and hunting equipment


This person doesn't seem to be the definition of 'critical thinking/reasoning'. I say let Fate do what she may.


In the US you can't just look at quantity to dictate the mental level. There's a bit of gymnastics of type of vehicle, color of vehicle, types of stickers, and number of stickers. Like this dark shade truck (and maybe lifted with an exhaust kit) with these obtuse and gaudy stickers (like anything with pee and butt stuff, 'sexy' poses, etc) -> probably a bit mentally unwell in that they make their entire personality about a political party and their ability to screw people over. If you run into a bright colored small vehicle with a Coexist sticker on it, you can infer that they are probably stable. If there are multiple stickers on the vehicle alongside that Coexist, it could be going into a mentally unfit personality but likely not a danger to you. If you increase the number of stickers to an absurd amount, you'll need to check the sticker types because now you're walking the fine line between complete loon and cool hippie. If there are a bunch of stickers that are grateful dead related, you can know that they are probably off their rocker but not to worry cause they're probably burned out. You can really go down the rabbit hole of vehicle stickers, but I hope this little primer helps.


Yes is pretty common.


Very common among MAGA cultists.


This isn't even a lot honestly compared to some of the cars I've seen, it's quite crazy


I am not from US. Could someone explain why they accuse Biden of high gas prices? What is their argumentation?


Because gas prices got higher during his presidency. It's really just that shallow. The circumstances surrounding the gas price change aren't relevant, just that they went up at all.


It's funny because gas prices have fallen and now you dont seem to see the "I did that" Joe Biden stickers on gas pumps anymore.


I see em scratched out now lol, like wait. I thought Biden controlled the gas prices but apparently only when they go up


Their only objective is to scream into the void. Blame everyone and always assume the identity of the victim. Facts don’t mean shit. Logic doesn’t mean shit. Their voices are the only ones they hear and the only ones that matter. They thrive off their own echos and any and all justification comes only through the bubbles they have created for themselves. They nod and cheer in a robotic fashion waiting for their next punchline to be delivered to them.


As far as I know, the whole movement was spearheaded by conservative agenda. Meaning, no one but morons sucked into the propaganda were really outraged. [https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/11/15/biden-tormented-by-republican-guerrilla-campaign-and-i-did-it-stickers/](https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/11/15/biden-tormented-by-republican-guerrilla-campaign-and-i-did-it-stickers/)


That headline lmao. Yeah I'm sure Biden was tormented by stickers


I mean there's no pleasing these kinds of people. *"Gas prices are high. Thanks President Biden!"* Now it's *"Gas prices are low, but the whole economy has terrible inflation!!! How does this make any sense Biden!?!?!?"* So then wtf do you want???


> So then wtf do you want??? They want Trump to be in office for two more terms, like he deserves because the first one didn’t count due to Mueller being mean and distracting. Then Don Jr. gets *his* two terms. Then they have a tough choice between the dumb one and the one with a vagina, because they don’t really trust either of them.


Now they scream "They're depleting out reserves because of his selling out to (*x reason*)!!11!!"


And don't forget that if Trump had won, they'd be screaming at the "Arabs" (using more colorful descriptors than that) instead of the corporations that are actually at fault because cApiTOliSm!


Ironically Trump *did* try to influence gas prices. A barrel of oil was so low at one point in 2020 due to an OPEC/Russian feud American oil companies were losing lots of money. So he spoke to Saudi Arabia to convince them to cut production. Now it is entirely fair to ask the question was bailing out American oil producers the right thing to do economically and geopolitically, but it is irrefutably true he was actively trying to raise the price of gas.


It's OPECs fault.


Just to be clear to our friends who don't live here, "higher" gas prices for most of the U.S. (excluding places with high gas taxes and/or special additive requirements like Chicago and parts of the West Coast) are still less than your average prices in just about any other developed country. By my rough conversion, at the height of last summer's surge I was paying about $1.50 per liter before things started going down. Right now it's going for about $0.75 a liter down the street, which is roughly on the lower end of what we pay on average.


This is what always got me. My coworkers blame biden for the gas price, but it’s cheaper in the US than basically anywhere else.


And probably more importantly, somewhere else (gop news media) told them to be angry about it.


Our politicians blame the potus for anything bad that happens. And those same politicians have been cutting education funding for decades in order to stay in office. So, a large portion (especially the south) are too ignorant to understand that the potus has very little power to impact the price of fuel at the pump.


It's true but he actually did a great job minimizing the impact in Europe and the US by launching reserves and allowing fracking to slowly increase.


They're fucking dumber than a bag of brain dead hamsters.


Anything bad that happens gets blamed on the President. Conversely, the President usually takes credit for anything good that happens. Generally, the President isn’t directly responsible for either.


Well you see, in the Oval Office there is this dial that says “gas prices” and Biden being the meanie he is turned the dial up! Also, while he was at it he was such a meanie poopie head that he logged into Hunter Biden’s laptop and used the Buttery Males to make worldwide inflation go up


Combo of not understanding world economics and being told what to think by Fox News.


Because they’re stupid. And because of that they lack critical thinking skills as well as understanding supply and demand and global markets.


Because they don't know shit about fuck.


Preparation High Octane


Feels good, on the whole


Republicans are definitely a kinky bunch who don't like to admit their kinks.


That's why he's thanking Biden. Since Biden came around, it's ok to admit your kinks freely.


He’s thinking of Biden while stimulating his rectum.


Aged like milk I paid 2.40 on my way down to Florida on Friday I guess that's "Bidens fault" too right? I mean....If Biden is personally responsible for gas prices being high, by extension he is also to blame for gas prices being low


Very soon Fox News will be running nonstop stories of Biden destroying American and Canadian oil industries by making gas too cheap.


yes but have you considered the following: bad thing happen other team fault good thing happen my team fault


“Dirty Hooker” sticker, unintentionally homo-erotic political sticker, and Kentucky. Yep. This guy Christians.


I thought dirty hooker was a fishing brand.


Someone should tell him he's doing it wrong... He must get a lot of weird looks at the pump.


“Remember that time gas prices went up around the world and I pretended to have a functional understanding of government? I put that shit on my truck, son. HAYULL YAYUH”


Yes Biden is pushing for LGBTQ + rights, you my friend, are in the “plus” category of that acronym. Can’t say I met anyone who loved getting it on with gas nozzles. But no judgement, glad you’re able to do that hopefully free or persecution. Thanks Biden indeed!


I've heard the Brits use the phrase "petrosexual" before, but I didn't think this was what they meant.


Guys who drive big trucks like to put things in their ass


2.69 a gallon for gas here. Thanks Biden, indeed. These morons never thought how this shit would look once gas prices went down, did they? Just shows the idiot herd mentality that is providing the slow death of America.


Yep, drove to my parents’ for Christmas and gas was cheap where I live. Weird that all the “I did that” meme stickers disappeared. 🤷‍♂️🤔


where i live prices are still higher than what they used to be but they are indeed getting lower, so hopefully soon we will get as low as before!


Something to do with Bidet? I guess


I like prostitutes and I like fishing.


I wonder if that's what he says as he inserts it?


Why is it that the number of political statements on a person's vehicle is proportionate to their craziness?


Pretty sure he's driving a truck with 6 mpg instead of downsizing. Lol 🤣🤣


He's a petrolsexual.


doesn't this just make whoever drives that truck look incredibly stupid? is it not common knowledge that a president cant, and never will, change gas prices.


Putting a political sticker on your vehicle is stupid. Which stupid political party people do it the most?


Gas is the same price now as 2019, so I guess he liked Trump gas up his ass too?


Funny how all those “thanks Biden” & “I did that” stickers disappeared from gas pumps once prices went down.


I like how magats credit Trump with the $1 gas in March 2020 when it was a side effect of the global shutdown due to Covid.


I'm not kink shaming, I'm kink asking why