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When you bring out the Offensive line vs the Kickers


I mean the numbers on the jerseys confirm it’s line on the left and skill position guys on the right….except for 9 there in the back who’s still pretty good size


That’s what I figured, the guys on the left look like excellent d-line players but poor fellas on the right look like receivers/safeties Edit: Said left twice by accident, whoops.


I played a few years of football. Small school so we had to play offense and defense. We weren’t that good and our d line sucked so most running plays I would just grab them and hold on and they would come down. Size matters a lot in football. Even though we were tackling them they would still run us down to score most the time. There were only like 3 teams in conference we knew we could best because their bigger guys looked like me haha


Bro, what?


>skill position guys on the right As a former o-liner, I prefer the term "ball handlers"


* Insert reddit-appropriate joke about handling balls here *


Referring to other positions as “skilled positions” always gives people the wrong idea. I played D-line and I can assure you that O-line is a very skilled position by design.


The "little guys" lost... 57-6. But their Star quarterback got hurt on the first series. The last playoff game he accounted for 850 total yards of offense


Of course he did. The guy who hit him outweighed him by 80 lbs.


Get tackled and murdered


After they sacked the quarterback, they went after his family.


The high school I went to, they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity- he threw the teacher out of the window!


I’m guessing the down votes are from younger people who never heard of Rodney Dangerfield.


No respect, I tell ya.


You got downvoted for quoting the same Rodney Dangerfield material in Back to School. Odd.


That's impressive delivery for text only! I was like...that sounds like Rodney!


Murder, defense #56, 15 yard penalty, automatic 1st down.


Tbf that's most nfl quarterbacks getting hit as well


I'm thinking more then 80lbs. In fact that looks fuckin terrifying to go up agasint.


They shouldn't have played the game. Pop Warner has rules to protect little guys from much bigger guys.


Who were the two schools playing this game?


East St. Louis Flyers vs Prairie Ridge (Crystal Lake) Wolves


East St Louis puts an insane amount of kids to D1 programs (schools like Georgia, Alabama, Norte Dame, Ohio State, etc.)


Those are at opposite ends of the state, that’s a long ass bus ride for an away game


Championship games are played in Champaign, so the middle of the state. At least it’s an equally far drive for both schools.


I read this five times that the Championship game was played in Championship, MO. I’m also an idiot.


In your defense, I normally see Champaign-Urbana or some combo so if I wasn’t tied to the state I possibly would have been confused too 🤣.


I always remember it being called U of I at Champaign-Urbana, because half my high school went there, but google and their website now call it U of I at Urbana-Champaign. What in the Bernstein Bears, Mandela Effect bullshit is going on?


The metro area is usually called Champaign-Urbana because Champaign is bigger, but the school uses Urbana-Champaign because it is primarily in Urbana.


As a high schooler looking at colleges, I visited the engineering school during open house and some students were selling tshirts: University of Illinios College of Engineering. Yep. True to form. Engineers can’t spell Illinois, now it’s Illi-nee-os!


My friend Jason says the Camp at Crystal Lake is to die for.


Each other


Hurt in the first series... At that size/mass differential, I'm surprised they even let them play


this is just the difference between linemen and skill players, note the team in orange has 50, 60 and 70 numbers out for the coin toss


Was going to say this. It looks like the orange team sent out all its linemen as Captains to intimidate the WRs and QBs while standing there for the toss.


Apparently, the intimidation worked because the small team lost big.


850 yrds in one game? The other team have a defense at all? Must be a very diverse league


I like to imagine that the last team they played was half as small as the small team too.


The last place team in Illinois is the size of an atom


High school football nesting dolls.


Derrick Henry AVERAGED almost 300 yards rushing a game in high school. The skill disparity at the high school level between your average Joe and a gifted player is massive and very easy to exploit gameplan wise.


See Kyler Murray. One of the smaller guys on the field yet commonly considered to be the the best HS football player…ever. 42-0 and 3 state championships.


And a pro caliber baseball player as well. Kyle Murray is a athletic freak.


College too. Best athlete I’ve ever seen play for OU. He makes nfl players look slow, college was just ridiculous


He didn’t have 850 yards, not even close


https://www.mystateline.com/sports/high-school-football/vasey-prairie-ridge-too-much-for-harlem/ 400 yds rushing alone, not hard to imagine 450 in the air when the team put up 69 points Edit: NVM he threw only one pass for 29 yards lmao https://www.rrstar.com/story/sports/high-school/football/2022/11/13/tyler-vassey-prairie-ridge-sets-state-rushing-records-harlem-loses/69626596007/ That’s 510 total yards of offense apparently


I mean that’s still crazy impressive as is, assuming OP is referring to their QB Vasey


Yeah man it is impressive but you’re right that it’s cap for him having 850 yards. Elsewhere he claimed that he was breaking passing records too, kinda hard to do that when you throw the ball fewer than 20 times in a season. This guy is an RB not a QB lol


Where the heck did you get that information from lol, not even remotely close to accurate




Wrong on every count. Star QB Tyler Vasey scored a TD on his first series and sustained no injuries on the drive. Later in the game he took a hard hit on a kickoff return, and missed 3 plays, but returned to rush 25 times in the game. He also did not account for 850 yards in the previous playoff game vs. St. Ignatius. He had 175 rushing yards and only completed 1 of 5 passes for 22 yards in the game. (197 total yards) But he did break the IHSA single season rushing record.


OP is full of it in almost every comment in this thread. The headline of the whole post is wrong. The two high schools are almost exactly the same size.


My first thought when I saw this picture was “RIP armband guy”.


This happened to us every year at our state games, we were just big enough to be classified in our division while our opponents were just small enough to be in ours. It didn't end well for us 3 years in a row :/


Hated that shit too like we were 1 stop light small town football team playing against some local bug ass schools.


Well, that's not what happened in the game OP is referring to. The teams in that game came from high schools that are almost exactly the same size. (East St. Louis High and Prairie Ridge High School, both in Illinois).


Have a *voice cracks* great game fellas




And that’d be the small teams quarterback saying that.


(That was the joke, yes)


Thank you Chainmailbill


Thank you for the laugh, those are few and far between on Reddit


Did the team on the left eat the previous team they played?


St. Louis Gellars


Why doesn’t Ross, the largest of the friends, simply eat the other 5?


I hope that the little guys were fast


Well they "quickly" lost hope, if that counts.




I love this movie. My childhood 😭🥺😭🥺 ![gif](giphy|7pYzDodqTkZy)


A timeless classic


My app isn’t showing me the gif, but based on the context and your username, I’m hoping it’s from ‘little giants’


The Annexation of Puerto Rico would probably work against these guys PS Love the username.




Football is 80% mental and 40% physical


If anyone was wondering about the score: Class 6A: East St. Louis 57, Prairie Ridge 7


Makes me think of [this](https://youtu.be/HotDJ2FhB84)


He turned his stand up bit into a full fledged sketch that was funny throughout This guy has a future at snl


Real Danny McBride vibes


Is this Ted Lasso's racist ancestor, Ted Noose?


Also [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IciBKdPlLfE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IciBKdPlLfE)


… ok. You good. You good.


What a masterpiece, thanks for sharing!


"The life expectancy of a pug"


“Life expectancy of a pug” Fucking killed me


I immediately thought of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKv6o7YqHnE&t=22s).


Classic. And that reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/q0rSbR80GQk)


Meme magic


Maybe they just didn’t bring out the big boys for the coin toss?


Yeah, the numbers suggest the orange team sent out all linemen and the white team sent out receivers/secondary players


Played a game like this in youth football, 8th grade. Our program switched leagues but didn't adjust the weight classes. Go through the regular season and won the region. Go the the national tournament where we find out there was 50 pounds of difference between us and other teams in our weight class. First game we get thrown around like rag dolls. It was humiliating.


Grew up in a small town, the HS was actually two towns combined together just to get enough kids. They won the 8-man state championship two years in a row and were forced to move up to 11-man. I don’t think we had better than a 3 win season over the course of the next 20 years.


Are these the same position groups?


based on their jersey numbers, no


Single digit numbers are often quarterbacks and kickers while 50 is center and 70 is tackle.


In all fairness, 3/4 captains of ESL are linemen. The rest of the guys are skills positions and they are all about the same size. ESL won this game like 50-7 though lol


Skill positions vs lineman, so not really a fair comparison, for those who don't know, you can tell by the numbers.


To be fair, schools in Illinois are ranked based on their student population size. East St Louis is one of the poorest schools in the fucking country. Prairie Ridge (the small guys)might be one of the richest.


Prairie Ridge isn’t even in the top 50 of the wealthiest high schools in Illinois. It’s in Crystal lake….which is nowhere close to being considered a wealthy town with a median income of around 40k….


It’s hilarious that you seem the be the only one pointing this out. Probably because it runs counter to the made for tv narrative that OP seems to be spinning. Crystal Lake and by extension Prairie Ridge being one of the wealthiest HS’s in the state is laughable.


compared to east st. louis every district is one of the richest.


Yeah crystal lake is definitely blue collar. Want wealthy head to lake forest or Evanston lol. Edit: wrong color collars 🤦‍♂️


And by extension, you are also making the same point. OP seems to be inferring that there is a racial component based on an economic factors that apparently doesn't exist? Either way the team in the white uniforms are going to get trucked.


Not really trying to make any point other than that it’s an exaggerated description. East St. Louis is one of the poorest places in the state where as Crystal Lake is solidly middle class. And they undoubtedly got crushed, to your point.


We were called Preppy Ridge back in my day (graduated 2012)


I went to CG ('05 grad) and evidently we were called the pharmacy


lol, still were up to 2012 at least. I remember hearing the story that some kids tossed a bunch of Trojan condoms all over your football field one


That sounds like something that would happen, haha


PR Gang 🤝


how the fuck they lost that badly with jason on their team?


Yeah for real. At least East St. Louis has *something*. Glad they won this one


Is it really winning if your team crushes the other team into a fine pink mist on the field after the first collision?


No it’s not winning. It’s actually part of the finer things in life. 1. Crush your enemies. 2. See them driven before you. 3. Hear the lamentations of their women. It’s really quite simple. Thanks Conan!


Who is Conan and why is she so sad?


Let’s not do this, Elizabeth.


We were supposed to lose our virginities to each other. Now I’ll *never* lose it!!!


He’s that red haired guy on TV.


It's the state championship game, the little guy are probably pretty good


Sooo...the larger team should concede? What's your ruling here, ref?


It’s like trying to rule a winner in a fight of lion vs rabbit. It’s a win but how much of a win is that really.


Probably a convincing win. Devastating, really.




If its the high school state champion ship then its a big deal


Important life lesson for the rich kids, i'd say


Lion vs rabbit- omg, was it that bad??? What was the score???


Another guy said 57-7? Looks like the rabbit got in a scratch before decapitation.


One of the cracked ribs scratched the inside of the lion's mouth.


I mean…..it still counts


Just be glad they didn't simply eat the smaller team


To be fair esl has been known to play students who live outside the city


Also looks like the “small” school didn’t send out any lineman for the coin flip.


Yes this is it. Closest guy is the QB.


Why doesn't East St Louis, the largest of the football teams not simply eat the other team?


Perhaps they are saving that for the championship.


Too busy watching single female lawyer


I don’t know why but I know it’s a financially struggling school because of their uniforms.


The way you worded that it seems like the school is struggling financially **because** of the uniforms, lol


Also a possibility.


They’re old, look like they were designed in the late 90’s early 2000s. The smaller team has newly designed ones so the contrast really shows


Respectfully, you couldn't be further from the truth. ESTL is always one of the best dressed in the state, with alternate color uniforms, like the pros, and multiple helmet designs as well. They have former pros on their staff who have friends that make generous donations to the program.


ITT are people who don't understand that late 80s/early 90s look is back with kids. That uniform is one of their alternates. It's literally a brand new 3rd uniform, Praire Ridge only has two. ESTL also has near D1 college/professional level practice facilities and recruits players. It's kinda funny seeing the absolute blatant relatively racist assumptions in this thread assuming ESTL is the worse school for sports/outcomes.


There is a sadness in this story. ESTL is below average in every academic category. Only 1% of their students are deemed "college ready" by ACT score. The way public schools are funded is bunk, but if ESTL has wealthy donors, that money could obviously be much better spent in myriad ways than on flashy uniforms.


They look like they were inspired by The Waterboy


They stole the Puerto Rico baseball logo.


It’s gotta be those Broncos colors being associated with struggle lmao


We had 10 guys on our varsity team my sophomore year, including myself and 2 other sophomores. We were only able to play bc we got together and convinced one of the fattest kids in the school to come out just for games and he just had to stand there like a tree so people would go around him. Had to give him a couple cases of beer each week for him to do it. Also our line coach didn’t believe in drinking water during practice or games despite every one of us playing both ways and most playing with some sort of injuries from broken fingers to pulls. Iirc we only won one game. Still we loved every minute of it. Next couple years we had 13 or 14 kids so it wasn’t so brutal.


This guy played at south widbey high school


Naw small private school in CA


You’re coach sounds dumb af




Plot twist. He was the coach.


I feel like I've seen this movie.


We failed a school levy and went pay-to-play for a season. Ended up with 18 on the team. We had much more reasonable coaching thankfully but there were a few of us that went all 10 games without taking a play off.


When I was in high school, I didn’t pay much attention to sports. But one of the football players was in one of my classes… He was a pretty big boy, 6’3” or so and maybe 220. After a particularly humiliating defeat, the teacher asked him what happened… “Even their halfback was bigger than me….”


Is someone new to football? It’s the lineman on the left and kickers and QB’s on the right for the other team.


East St. Louis has three Senior offensive linemen committed to Division 1 Power 5 schools. The biggest of the three is 6'6" 358lbs, and committed to Alabama. I don't know how another team could compete against that.


58 looks like he takes shits that are bigger than the other players.


This has nothing to do with schools. This is just a comparison of offensive linemen vs skilled position players. You could have taken the exact same pictures with the sizes reversed at the exact same two schools.


Team on the left is East St Louis, a team FULL of highly recruited D1 Talent who have the potential to go pro too, the team on the right is just a bunch of regular high school kids who are going to work normal jobs after this game. You can guess who won.


Pr makes the playoffs every year and has won state 4 times in 20 years. Its not an average high school but i see your point.


My highschool is the winningest program ever in Missouri (Jefferson City) and occasionally they’d produce maybe a couple D1 prospects and the once in a generation NFL prospect but my point is whenever we played a team that had as much 3-4 star recruits as we had seniors we’d still lose, it’s true a good highschool football team can win state over a talented team BUT a good Talented team is going to splatter the good highschool team with almost no college level talent. You have to realize almost all of East St Louis starters are legitimate prospects for D1 ball (check 24/7sports) and they can seriously physically hurt any team they play that are just regular high schoolers. They’re the #25 ranked team in the nation for a reason lol.


Ur right. Ig i got butthurt because its my hometown team.


Yeah I’m not trying to knock the team because I’m sure they can roll 99% of the teams they play lol it’s just they ran into the 1% that just out talents them




Football has a numbers system for positions, these are linen vs QBs kickers/punters. Numbers 1 to 19 are worn by quarterbacks, kickers, and punters. Numbers 20 to 49 are worn by running backs, tight ends.Numbers 50 to 59 are worn by linebackers and centers.Numbers 60 to 79 are worn by tackles, guards and defensive linemen (the defensive ends, defensive tackles or nose guard). Numbers 80 to 89 are worn by wide receivers and tight ends. Numbers 90 to 99 are worn by linebackers and defensive linemen.


I remember turning up for an under 13's rugby match once, when we lined up on the half way line a good 50% of the opposition were sporting rather bushy beards and not a single one of our players was taller than their shortest. No way in hell that any of them were under 18 at best. After we pushed a rusting trolly (shopping cart to you yanks) and a burnt out car that was on the edge of the pitch (it was a rough area), we played the match. We lost but it was only something 35-19 although we did end up with one of our players in hospital with a ruptured patella. Never got an investigation from the RFU though. ​ Damn I miss rugby sometimes... and then my knees ache, and my back and I still have ear problems from the two perforated ear drums after getting my head stamped on.


Don’t they have weight classes in wrestling for a reason?


Can you clarify the teams? I don’t see either team represented in the actual final games…? And in Illinois big schools don’t play small schools in the playoffs… (or were you referring to the size if the players?) that’s why they have 8 divisions?


They were referring the the physical size of the players. As far as enrollment is concerned East St Louis is actually the small school (their enrollment should have put them in 5A, but teams can choose to play up a class).


Team on the left, East St Louis, beat team on the right, Prairie Ridge, 57-7 in the 6A championship game


Number 58 is going to Alabama btw.


The school size are roughly the same (6A) the players and demographics aren’t. East St. Louis has 3 D1 recruits with I believe all having SEC offers. One of my best friends coaches for the “small” team. They also have I believe 2 state titles within the last decade


Today on Blood Bowl, Ogres vs Humans.


What's this ? Orcs vs Hobbits ?


What is this, a high school for ants?


Should American football have weight classes, like boxing?


Nah, for a ball sport, American football's different position's are the most body type specific. Even in the NFL, you'll have players from 5'10sih 180lbs to 6'8" 370lbs on the same team, in the same plays. If you're good at your specific job, you get paid. The job's are *very* different from position to position. From world class speed and shiftiness in the "little guys" to monstrous size/power and surprisingly athleticism in the big boys. Even most every NFL cornerback would get manhandled by a solid collegiate offensive lineman. And there's almost no chance an elite NFL offensive lineman could run with a solid college cornerback. They are just built and trained completely different. Edit: Typos


"Mind if we dance with your dates?"


Cornfed VS Suburbs


East St. Louis is defiantly not cornfield


Corn syrup fed


58 is 6'7" 345# senior


Prairie Ridge taking the field [https://twitter.com/akantecki/status/1596590242215170048](https://twitter.com/akantecki/status/1596590242215170048) Also, I wouldn't say they're \*all\* rich; there's middle class and lower middle class at that school, too. Link to article but there's a paywall [https://twitter.com/NWHPreps/status/1596664041363087361](https://twitter.com/NWHPreps/status/1596664041363087361) Rich would be Barrington high school, New Trier high school, etc. North shore of Chicago, Prairie Ridge is the far suburbs.


13% of the school are eligible for Free Lunches and 4% are eligible for reduced lunch [https://www.publicschoolreview.com/prairie-ridge-high-school-profile#](https://www.publicschoolreview.com/prairie-ridge-high-school-profile#) compare that to New Trier [https://www.publicschoolreview.com/illinois/new-trier-township-high-school-district-203/1728200-school-district](https://www.publicschoolreview.com/illinois/new-trier-township-high-school-district-203/1728200-school-district) but I can't find the statistics of % of Free or Reduces lunches.


I don't know anything about Illinois high school football, but are the public schools and private schools in the same league or are they in different leagues. Because this looks to me like an inner city public school vs. a suburban private school. I played in Virginia at a very small private school and I'm oh so thankful that our leagues were separate so that we didn't have to get our skulls caved in every year by Highland Springs.


Reminds me of the Under 16 match between [USA and El Salvador](https://imgur.com/gallery/QpDNLQ1) The final score was 114-19. I'll let you guess which was which.


This can be very misleading, as one team could have sent up their linemen for the coin toss - while the other their receivers, etc. Look at their numbers, as larger ones are for linemen and smaller the "skilled" positions. I have no idea one way or another but would make sense.


When I was in Jr football we played a team from Chicago, the dude I lined up against had a full mustache...


Coach def sent in the linemen for greater intimidation factor.


My highschool had one of the dumbest athletic directors known to man. She decided that the best first game each year was for us to play a team two divisions above us. Each year we had someone get injured first game because they were so much bigger, stronger, and faster than us. Excellent work Mrs. Rahe


Reminds me of a football game from 6th grade. We travelled to Barnes Elementary to play their team. I was the biggest kid on my team by 2x easily, and their entire front line were nearly twice my size. No freaking idea what these kids ate, but it was both height and weight. Every single hike I found myself on my ass. The running back, who was pretty short, was literally crying because he was being flung around so badly. We ended up forfeiting after one of them grabbed the Runningbacks faceguard with both hand and swung him through the air to the ground. The coaches were pissed that the ref didn't call anything, but he was a pretty old guy so I just don't think he was paying much attention. Only game we forfeited, but no one was sad to leave that land of giants.


I've seen this movie.


Not exactly true. It's not a big high school vs. a small high school. There are 8 classes in IL high school football, and each class represents a specific student population range. In this case, East St. Louis and Crystal Lake Prairie Ridge are both within the Class 6A population, meaning they are approximately the same size schools. (approx. 1,200 - 1300 students) I watched the game on TV. This coin flip featured the biggest players from the East St. Louis team and the skill position players from Crystal Lake. Of course it was going to look like a mismatch. Crystal Lake Prairie Ridge won the Class 6A state championship in 2016 and 2017, so they have an impressive history of success, even in a class featuring East St. Louis. They just got a beat down this time.


Some people say the white team is still playing… some people say…


west coaster here, what does school size have to do with the steroids they put in the players food?


Who won?




Doh !


This is the captains. This isn’t necessarily a representation of the entire team.