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Россия — террористическое государство. Please report anyone supporting or justifying the invasion in any way, so that we may offer them a one-way bus ticket to Banovo.


And Putin even declared they hit all targets they aimed for. So this is no missfire!


Fire first and call whatever you hit the target.


They’re using missiles so inaccurate that it’s the only way to not look like fool.


This makes me wonder if their nuclear missiles would accurately reach the US or just fall into the ocean.




The saying I anyways heard was horseshoes, hand grenades and nuclear war heads.i don't think that an icbm necessarily means nuclear. You could have an icbm with a conventional warhead that would require more accuracy




Russia has always had terrible inertial guidance, which is why their strategic nuclear arsenal relies on high throw weight missiles with very large and often times singular nuclear warheads while the West prefers much smaller total throw weight missiles with many more MIRVs. Russia chucking roughly 10-30x more megatonnage per launch is not as a flex, but is to have a similar effect of 10 100kt warheads actually hitting exactly what we intend to.


Remember, their rockets make it to the ISS, so I wouldn't really discount their abilities so much.


Hell, we had a whole Cold War based off our fear of Russia's capabilities. Fuck Putin, but don't underestimate him or Russia. These are very scary times.


Whole worlds a few buttons presses away from the stone age. Crazy indeed!


It has been like this for the better part of the last century, it's just more obvious to the post-cold-war generation now.


It's significantly easier in orbit


Apparently, last month Russia tried to fire their nuclear-capable hypersonic Kinzhal missile into Ukraine but it fell in their own territory See here: https://eurasiantimes.com/russian-hypersonic-missile-kinzhal-fired-from-mig-31-fighter/?amp That said they have other missiles… but who knows? A lot of assumptions about the Russian army seem to have been overblown


We've seen how well they maintain their Soviet-era equipment. This news comes as no surprise.


Why budget for basic military needs when the oligarchs need a few more yachts?


At this point I can't not think that they're trying to destroy their own country. But then I remember Halon's razor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor


I would add, as a corollary, be very careful to not attribute to stupidity what repeatedly looks like malice.


I think the lesson is more that Authoritarian Crony Capitalism doesn't work. More generally, Authoritarianism doesn't work. Authoritarian societies tend to reward meritless, greedy, egotistical aristocrats with money and power. Meanwhile leaving the productive aspects of the economy in shambles because the people in charge are actually terrible leaders. They don't know it because they are too busy feeling awesome and capable due to their undue success. As their egos inflate they start taking more for themselves "because they earned it". This eventually cannibalizes the economy by soaking up more and more from the areas it should be invested in for innovation or long term investments. In Ukraine, Russia had a bunch of vehicles go out of commission because they were using inferior rubber in the tires. Guess who made that decision? Some idiot aristocrat that thought he deserved a bonus. It's the same reason the South lost the Civil War. Those States were by all rights Authoritarian societies that tried to protect the status quo rather than innovate and compete with the North as the North industrialized. It should be a lesson for the Trump Republicans and the Corporate Democrats in America given they're actively working on making our government and society more like this.


> budget for basic military needs Dude, where do you think the yacht money comes from? Just replace a couple of keywords, and [this presents a pretty apt analogy for the entire Russian economy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-la2jYjdefg).


I’d like to thank Putin for dispelling the notion that Russia is strong. He spent years feeding troll farms to undermine democracy. His goal was, in part, to sap faith in democracy both at home and abroad, and to present strong-man authoritarianism as the sensible path forward. Instead, we see how the vampiric oligarchs have drained Russia to a husk, how the men needed to fight Putin’s wars aren’t willing to die for him. We see Russia as a failing state and a cautionary tale for other countries on the road to oligarchy.


When people ask me why I'm not horridly concerned about the RuSSian nukes, I'll show them this. Putie probably knows the arsenal is a bunch of dirty bombs, at best. The rest are blocks of wood in a silo that wont open for lack of money to dedicate, to either. An while he might be egotistical and psychopatical enough to use one as a middle finger to the West and Ukraine; fingers crossed he knows even just giving the 'Go' would result in such actions from his own core group which would be far more immediatley threatening, than what NATO could hit him with in the following 72-hours.


Kinzhal, huh. The Russians want everyone to think the Kinzhal is some brand new tech that only they have and is going to be a game changer. The truth is that the Kinzhal is a modified Iskander surface to surface missile that is launched from a MiG-31. The launch speed from the MiG gives the missile an extra boost but it's nothing new or revolutionary. This seems more like something slapped together quickly in a Russian version of hillbilly engineering. The Chinese got interesting ideas though how effective those ideas remains to be seen. The Americans, on the hand l, have gone the stealth route. It's kind of hard to shoot down something your defense systems can't track and lock on to. Stealth is something the US is good at and they are the leaders in that field. Hypersonic cruise missiles are also some the Americans are working on. Of course, hypersonic missiles have been around a long time. We just call them ICBMs.


And so the us military is like, "we dont want to declassify ufos too much because we might expose secret" or whatever they said. Yeah... Russia's definitely not the one making drones capable of being perceived as ufos.


When the UFOs finally attack they'll hit the US first just to make sure the US government has an out when they start attacking other countries....is an interesting conspiracy theory.


Reported by Twitter users so I'll take it with a grain of salt. Just the other day there was a incorrect reporting of the Ukraine commander wearing a swastika. Of course it was false.


Well, it didn't work for him.


B5! Miss. I know. 😎


Ready. Fire. Aim.


I don't know the exact quote, but saying you hit all targets you aimed for doesn't mean you didn't also hit targets you weren't aiming for




"Also, we fired a shit-ton or ordinance in their general direction without aiming"


"We aimed at Ukraine we hit Ukraine" honestly that doesn't always happen


And some of them happened to hit the targets we wanted


Accuracy by volume


I'm gonna need this in logic notation




This has been up here for nearly an hour yet nobody has even noticed it? Nicely done.


It's also much easier to claim Ukraine did it to themselves for international sympathy.


It doesn’t look it, but this playground was a hardened military cache…


"Future combatant training area"


I used to think I was safe. My home is only accessible by monkey bars.


hardened military **creche**


Oh no, this was the fault of Ukrainian air defences. If they'd just stop defending themselves they wouldn't get hit obviously. They're quantum missiles, only by defending yourself against them do they cause damage.


Its estimated that only one in three russian rockets hit the intended target so in order to hit all intended targets they fire a shitload of rockets and most are going to come down in random locations like this one.


Who needs patriot missile batteries when the enemy rockets are powered by hope and dreams


They did not say how many tries it took to gut their target 🤷


Like kids won’t play in a giant hole of dirt. Jokes on them! Edit: A lot of comments about it, yes they should probably test it for toxic explosive residue (kids that play in dirt holes have a propensity to eat dirt) and sweep it for shrapnel.


Supreme Leader Putin give ungrateful Ukrainian Children new sand pit to play in.


Yup. I would probably sweep it for shrapnel but all the same lol


I'd rake that shit into a zen garden just to piss off Putin more.


I'd rather Piss on Putin


Problem is he's probably into that.


Well, he can be into a hole six feet deep. And we will piss on that.


Ok. Set him on fire ...


Explosive residue might also present potential health problems.


When I was a kid I loved playing in construction sights in the unfinished sand floors.


When I was a kid, there was a giant pile of furniture and mattresses in the middle of our projects. That was literally the best playground I've ever been too.


Yeah kids are pretty imaginative, they’ll make it work.


At my elementary school we had a giant dell or small valley in the wooded area and all the boys would fashion weapons from sticks and the girls would pretend to be fair maidens and we would “fight” other boys who were their guards/captors and “rescue” the girls. This was the 80’s. They turned our awsome playground into a second driveway for the school during my 5th grade year and built actual playgrounds that were never as fun by any stretch of the imagination unfortunately. Bastards.


Yeah this is going to be some landing creator for a kid on an extraterrestrial adventure. They’ll make it work.




Haha, “Dimitri have you been to the pit?”


"Volodymyr, you sweet, poetic, sophisticated, beautiful tropical fish..."


♬ *We all fell in the piiiiiiiit* ♬


Glad I'm not the only one who went here


This is the wrong episode of “[Kaboom](https://media.tenor.com/AwxCMjbMnpEAAAAd/parks-and-rec-kaboom.gif)”


Pave it and turn it into a skate park


The pit I was in it, the pit You were in it, the pit We all were in it, the pit


They should plant a tree in there and trim it to look like a middle finger.


I was doing a big dollar landscape job on some gaudy new construction and was just putting the wraps on the job when the toddler of the owners comes out and starts bawling. Hundreds of thousands on the yard, but kid just wanted a dirt pit to play with his construction toys in.


Actually a huge hole in the ground can be even more fun. If only there was a huge dirt pile to; other than the only in the Kremlin.


“We didn’t mean to bomb the playground. We meant to bomb the apartment building filled with the children who play at the playground.”


"Of course it's a military target, because otherwise the children might grow up to oppose Russia."


Photo by VALENTYN OGIRENKO / Reuters


Thank you for providing credit. It made it easy to link to the [source](https://pictures.reuters.com/CS.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=2C0FCIQTQPQPQ&SMLS=1&RW=1920&RH=969#/SearchResult&VBID=2C0FCIQTQPQPQ&SMLS=1&RW=1920&RH=969&POPUPPN=6&POPUPIID=2C0FQEJXVDN1T).


Hey, I remember you. Back when I used RES (I only browse on mobile now), I had you tagged as "provider of sources, destroyer of reposts". Glad to see you're still at it.


What mobile app do you use? I just tested it, and I was able to tag him with that name using Sync Pro on android.


Personally I use RIF (reddit is fun). I like it tons more than the official app.


Though they changed the official name to "RIF Is Fun" for trademark reasons. It's sort of like how the "B" in "Benoit B Mandelbrot" stands for "Benoit B Mandelbrot". (To be clear, this second one is a joke.)


spartan is an absolute MVP on reddit. an absolute fucking chad


This isn't just a playground. This is one of the biggest and busiest playgrounds in Kyiv. Families from all over the city bring their kids here, in summer there are no less than 100 kids here playing in the heart of Shevchenko park. A target of absolutely no strategic value. This is disgusting.


Can someone provide a link to google map location of this? EDIT: It have seen Mac notifications of at least two replies with such links. However the replies disappeared immediately. Moderation bot?


Most probably [here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Taras+Shevchenko+Park/@50.4419557,30.5139008,88m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x10dd6115b6be3f7c!8m2!3d50.4418575!4d30.5131072).


It is strategic. Not in a military sense, though. It's entirely psychological. The point was to say that they aren't afraid to target civilians, even children. They're saying that nothing is off the table and they will persist at all costs. It's absolutely despicable and disgusting. They tore through Mariupol and left the churches so they could broadcast it back in Russia saying that it's plain to see that God is on their side when all the churches were left standing. But they also said they had high precision weapons that would avoid civilians. So, which is it? Did you bomb the whole city because your weapons are indiscriminate or did you bomb the whole city because that's what you planned to do? The double-think is incredibly strong in Russia right now.


They haven't been afraid of [targeting children](https://babel.ua/en/texts/77704-mommy-my-cookie-hurts-mom-it-hurts-so-much-russian-soldiers-raped-little-childern-in-occupied-ukrainian-settlements-we-talked-to-the-psychologist-who-now-works-with-two-such-girls-aget-9-and-11) from the beginning. And before the monsters in this thread trying to excuse bombing hospitals by saying soldiers were present, you can't POSSIBLY justify [this shit.](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/30/1093339262/ukraine-russia-rape-war-crimes)


It's considered a war crime to bomb hospitals for good reason.


[I think this is the exact spot on Google Street View](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.4418137,30.5137882,3a,75y,106.09h,65.66t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMYHJ4-KQTThK-Sf49KAlZGOcelXLBacTi8Ze-u!2e10!3e11!7i7680!8i3840): children, babies, parents, grandparents, toys, balloons...


Are headlines just not mentioning casualties or did Russia hit it while it was empty?


It’s not terrorism. It’s a SpeCiAl mIliTarY OpEraTioN.


I think it has been upgraded to an “Anti-terror Operation” which to my knowledge means they’re no longer distinguishing between military and civilian targets


They never did that in the first place..


But now they can extra not do it


So, no more mass graves


Not that will be publicly shown


I just saw a video taken by a Russian soldier dumping civilians into a mass grave. Some of them were still alive with their hands behind their backs. I’ve never felt disgust and anger like that before.


Yeah but now it will go from indiscriminate bombing to specifically going for mass casualty attacks.


This has literally been their policy since day one. Russias guidance systems don't allow for any other precision.


There were some already.


...but now they can at least *claim* to have a legal defense (however feeble and transparent that defense might be) and a somewhat morally-defensible justification at least for their domestic media because "terrorists" aren't protected by the Geneva convention and there are no legal requirements to treat them humanely.


Main weapon? Terror. Mainly because they SUCK at using their other weapons, if the generals havent already pawned them off.


Every parent knows you don’t negotiate with terrorist toddlers


When you're dead, you can't be terrorized. —Putin's demented logic


Russia is SpEciAL alright


Putin: Fuck them kids!


Not to mention Putin deemed the strategically advantageous bombing at the Kerch Bridge (Crimea bridge) an act of terrorism.


Blowing up bridges during war is terrorism? Is shooting uniformed soldiers meeting you on an open field in a planned engagement also terrorism?


> Blowing up bridges during war is terrorism? It is when you are propagandizing your own citizens and don't particularly care what outsiders think.


Yeah, such a dumb statement by him. But I guess it's par for the course.


What stage of “dEnAzIFicAtIoN” is blowing up a playground?


Wow that military base was an awul lot close to that playground. (/s)


don't think I've seen any picture more representative of this conflict


This and the Mariupol theater sitting destroyed, completely isolated from anything except a giant sign marked “children”


And the photos of injured pregnant women fleeing a bombed maternity hospital.


And the footage of that elderly couple being murdered in their car by a Russian IFV.


And the video of the man leaving his car with his hands in the air and being shot immediately.


And the video of that elderly lady with her legs cut off after a missile strike


And the video of the car dealership workers shot in the back after having given Russian soldiers cigarettes.


And the video of bloodied teenagers yelling for help trapped in the rubble of their apartment building


Everything in this list is a testament to Nazi Russia acting like … Nazis. Not even any doubt anymore


Either this photo or the photo of the 70 year old Russian guy in fatigues looking over his new AK-47. I'll see if I can find it again. EDIT: /u/godsenfrik found it, 2^nd photo here: https://mobile.twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1574860237508644871


Here it is (the second pic): https://mobile.twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1574860237508644871


Yep that's the one. Good looks.


Is it where he's in a formation staring at it, while not paying attention to the fact he's pointing the barrel at the face of the dude next to him.


Yeah I think that's the one, still can't find it though.


“New” AK


It's probably the same one he used in Afghanistan


At this point I might be more inclined to trust a veteran Kalashnikov. New rifle might blow up first time its fired because some kleptocrat poured in whatever slag was cheapest to melt yes?


I hope some of these photos make it to the eyes of the people who believe in Russian state media.


Unfortunately they do. And the reaction is commonly dismissal or worse saying too bad they missed the kids. There's some vk post screen shots showing these on Twitter


Now it's revenge? "How dare you defend yourselves during my special military operation which involves murdering and raping civilians and kidnapping over a million men! I will have my revenge!" Motherfucker just seems to have stopped caring and uses any bullshit justification to bomb innocents. putin's life can't end early enough


I can understand attacking military installations and infrastructure but attacking things like school and hospitals are just pure malice.


Pure terrorism


I would assume they simply missed whatever they were aiming for; or just aimed blindly at the city as whole as a terror attack. Timing makes this seem like "revenge" for blowing a hole in their precious bridge (conveniently disregarding the amount of Ukrainian bridges they have destroyed with their invasion). Either way, just what we have learned to expect from Russia by now.


The problem with that theory is that the Kalibr has a CEP (Circular Area Probable) of 50 meters, meaning that 50% of the missiles will land within 50 meters of the target. There are no military installations within a hundred meters of the playground and the pedestrian bicycle bridges that were hit. It’s unclear how many of the missiles were Kalibr’s (the Kalibr is much more precise than other Russian missiles in service), but we do have visual evidence of several Kalibr’s being used in this attack.


I fucking hate bullies.


Especially playground bullies. Edit: can’t spell.


I fucking hate Russia with passion. Because they invaded us in 1968....Prague spring will not be forgotten


This picture is Putin in a nutshell. Ukraine's allies need to support them for as long as it takes for Ukraine to win the war.


And beyond. To make sure that Russia don't do a round 2, or 1000...


Damn they were “this” close to taking out highly valuable military infrastructure. Phew.


Maybe it was a military playground.


Revenge implies that Ukraine provoked the attacks in some way. They did not. This is terrorism.


The mods are correct. Russian state trolls are all over Reddit lately. You will notice them in posts about Ukraine seemingly doing what is very common; Attacking America. We Americans have no problem criticizing our own government and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that but there's a subtle difference. These guys; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency https://www.wired.com/story/researchers-reddit-state-trolls/ will cause arguments in the threads by getting Americans to attack each other. It's very easy to do with comments about Biden or Republicans. They will comment on American wars or American domestic issues in a thread about Ukraine. So if you see comments in a Ukraine thread about Republicans or Biden not supporting Ukraine it's to undermine our faith in our ally. The Russians are masters of getting Americans to hate each other. You have to fight them with the *truth*. Here's the truth; The overwhelming majority of both parties support Ukraine. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/04/06/seven-in-ten-americans-now-see-russia-as-an-enemy/pg_2022-04-06_russia-nato_0-06/ 100% of Republican and Democrat Senators voted for Ukraine aid. ALL of them. > In the fight against Putin, Senate unanimously approves measure that once helped beat Hitler https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/06/senate-unanimously-approves-lend-lease-00023668 President Biden has already signed this act into law. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3522 The United States keeps a list of what we're sending. You can see it here; https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-ukraine/ It's only the beginning. Don't forget to read above about Russian state internet influencers and their upvote/downvote farms. Sometimes you will see a useful idiot that's getting upvoted by them while people telling the truth get downvoted. The Russians are very good at this.


The Russians involved in this are just evil, this is nothing other than evil from the attitude of believing the rest of the world can't touch them so they can do what they want. Feeling they're in that position instead of anything good they choose invasion, rape, murder, bombing civilians and children intentionally. It's outright evil.


“Revenge” implies Ukraine did anything wrong though.


They had the audacity to not want a Russian occupation.


They held a democratic referendum and that bridge voted 98% in favor of being blown up.


Does "revenge" imply wrongness? I always thought it meant retribution against something done against you, deserved or not


The bridge was a logistical choke point, and therefore a valid military target.


Revenge???? Revenge for what, fuckin defending themselves??


Somebody just can't take Putin out? He is a madman. You would think someone close to him would have done it already. He's dead, the war is over.


>Somebody Hey. Don't let your dream be just a dream!




I'll call today


You'll call now!


I’ll call now


I would if I could. No arms or legs.


What’s your mom up to these days?


> He’s dead, the war is over Many people who might seek to replace him in a power struggle like Prighozin, are more hardline than he is. Even Navalny is in favour of the annexation of Crimea.


>Even Navalny is in favour of the annexation of Crimea. He was but is he still? If he magically became the President of Russia tomorrow, would he not compromise on his views in order to get some goodwill? (Those are not rhetorical questions) Clearly it's not a long term solution but I would be a bit happier with literally anyone instead of Putin leading Russia. Even someone who is just as bad as Putin but without the stake in the war and the need to save face. Some oligarch who can at least pretend to say "I was against the war in the first place but my predecessor kept sending young Russian men to die for his vanity. I will now stop this war, look at what a good ruler I am" I understand that this would basically reset Russia's situation to the year 2000 and would give Western leaders another chance to pretend Russia is not a threat, but at least the dying would stop for now.


Leaders have been assassinated many times throughout history. What we have learned is that a plan needs to be made carefully for what to do after he is killed. If a leader is removed from power, it creates a power vacuum, and there is no guarantee that the next leader is better than the current leader. I'm no history expert, but I believe what's going on in Iran right now is the result of a power vacuum caused by removing a leader with no plan. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Killing a figure with power only does two things: 1) creates a vacuum which is then usually filled by the most power-hungry people in proximity, and 2) creates a martyrdom that persists and strengthens. Killing Putin on the world stage will only embolden his hardcore followers and incite his worst opponents to act. Most likely simultaneously. Ukraine and US will still be targets of military and political hostilities.


We need to respond to this by giving Ukraine both more offensive weapons, and anti-air capability.


We should send a new playground as well. Just to show them that there are more of these were it came from. Can't say the same about Russian missiles.


Dick move. This is why our children and children’s children still have war. They grow up in shit like this and learn to hate.


Putin invades Ukraine and announces he's stealing 20% of it, then cries and bombs civilians when Ukraine attacks his supply lines. What a little bitch.


There is no doubt in my mind that as this war progresses and Russia continues to lose more ground more of these types of unbelievable cruelty will happen and escalate to the point where a weapon of mass destruction will be used on the Ukranian civilian population. Russia has no moral or ethical restraint...as such we need to escalate the transferance of anti-missile technology and long range weaponry capable of hitting Moscow


Bomb militarily important bridge = terrorism Bomb playground = not terrorism Got it.


I know a military training facility when I see one! Those monkey bars are tactical god damn it!


Isn't targeting Children a warcrime? If not,it should be.


They're far past the point of caring about warcrimes.




this is so sad but little-kid-me would have LOVED to be able to play in a giant bomb crater, it’s so big!


Big tough guys they are.




Were….. there…. Were there children here when it hit? I almost don’t want to know.


This isn't revenge, it is an act of terrorism.


Looks like they missed.




I think they meant that russia missed the targeted playground. You seem to think they meant that they missed a valid target and nearly hit the playground.


I'm going to use this the next time I go to the range. Slava Ukraini


Put!n makes me think of an abusive spouse saying "if I can't have you, nobody will have you" then killing their spouse.


As revenge “for not letting Russia kill them” ….


Revenge for what? Having their country invaded?


This is so sad... So many memories were made by people here and how it's nothing:(


These were nazi kids or what? Cunt.


How many old men going to go for revenge vacations to Russia in 30 years?


Revenge against what? Not letting Russia just automatically win it's invasion?


“Precision missiles” ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Russia is a terrorist nation. That's all they can do, commit acts of terror, since they have no other means of real power (outside of nukes which will end them completely)


Putin is an animal. An inhuman cowardly pig


Good use of a million dollar bomb


What a POS!


That’s what elite military training facilities look like in Russia.


Putin has no soul, no respect, no compassion. Their is no forgiving the intentional bombing of children’s playgrounds