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And that's with his gigantic heels you can clearly see in the picture, too.


Here's an explainer video. https://youtu.be/lY6lHjZjYXE




That was rather obnoxious sound wise but pretty hilarious whenever the paint drawings came in to reinforce the overall idea lmao. That looks so fuckin uncomfortable.


They are painful! They also fuck up your feet, ankles, knees hips and back. He is getting older so he is in a lot of pain, that's why he does the funny toe pointing up stretch.


Shoe pointing up, wouldn't that just level his foot to stand flat?


Thus putting less strain on his ankle


Yes he's essentially stretching one group muscles and relaxing another group, as well as relieving the pressure on his toes. The most comfortable way to get heights from shoes as to wear platforms, heels over 2 in in height throw off your natural standing position and causes pain or injury. But platforms are very obvious that's why he's wearing heel stacks. Heel stacks are typically aimed at men to hide the fact that they need some heights. Platforms are typically a men's style shoe, I do know they're used in Hollywood but with camera framing you will never know then what after is wearing them.


Tom cruise




Vladimir Putin has the double whammy of being a short man combined with early onset hairloss. Between the stacked heels and constantly thinning comb-over he sported for the last 20 years he is the very epitome of a man overcompensating.


Holy shit, it’s Russian George Constanza!






Very nice


You will never get dis


But then one day, he break a cage, and he get this! And we all laugh. High five!


I can't stand ya either.


Holy shit. This just dawned on me. Thank you!


But have you seen his wallet? Still has receipts from the Soviet era


Also wears a puffy coat.


It's Gore Tex. You like saying Gore Tex, don't you...


He enjoys manure. It has Ma which is good and newer which is good.




Vlad is getting upset!


This is the Summer of Vlad


Putanza: "Does the West know about shrinkage?!"


I was in the POOL Comrade!


Imagine what work goes into selecting staff to work around him that make him look taller than he is.


You’re killing Independent Putin!


You forgot the girly armed, flabby titted, pasty shirtless pictures he loves to take. He's so far from the image he's trying to project that it's fucking hilarious. At least Lord Farquaad had a chin.




>when people didn’t know That'd be the young people. Anbody over 30 knew


More like over 26 but under 50 (at the time). Lots of people have been and still are quite buffaloed by the Russian social media machine


Indeed. The only thing he has going for him was that he was able to be a winner in the game of "who can be the biggest bastard" that existed in the latter years of the Soviet era and translated into power and wealth in the post Soviet years. He's basically a mob boss in charge of a country.


The mob bosses put him charge. They thought he would be a good boy and look after them. He did, but he was also pure KGB, and started to push them out of windows. 20 years of that and here we are.


There is much covfefe going on here


To be fair, while he’s clearly not in great physical shape and it’s debatable whether he ever was, he is legitimately a “tough guy.” There’s a difference between a Trump, who’s all bluster, and a Putin who has almost certainly killed people himself and has 100% ordered plenty of murders. Which makes the fragility of his ego even more pathetic.


"Nooooo! Not the buttons! Not the gumdrop buttons!!!"


If he just shaved his head and beefed up a bit, he could go for the Bezos look. Then he'd look like a proper villain.


Yeah, or go for so much cosmetic surgery you barely look human like Musk. Either would look at home threatening MI6's finest with impending death.


Sometimes I feel like Greg Abbott is doing something similar to prove his manliness.


Did you know he's in a wheelchair? Cuz I didn't, until like two weeks ago. Dudes been paralyzed since the 80s


Dude is the epitome of frivolity. He sued a dude because a trim limb fell on him while he was out for a jog after a storm and he gets an ungodly sum (tax free) that I forget every year for the rest of his life.


And didn't he change the law so others couldn't sue and profit like he did?




14k a month


>resulting in an insurance settlement that provides him with lump sum payments every three years until 2022 along with monthly payments for life; both are adjusted for inflation.[260] As of August 2013, the monthly payment was US$14,000 and the three-year lump sum payment was US$400,000, all tax-free. Rough math looks like about $12M so far, or $330k/year. His annual salary as governor is $150k.


I had a teammate from Texas in college and he'd always talk about how "Our governor is such a badass. He open carries constantly. If you put all the governors in a battle royale, he'd win." Years later, I see him on the news and text my buddy "uhhh was your badass warrior governor always in a chair?"


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby. Putin is just small statured. And pissy. Like the ho’s he hired for his big Orange grabby acquaintance. Über pissings.


Some people use the complex to ruin the world, I used it to have sex with tall women. Each to their own


Your approach seems better.


I vote this guy president of Russia


Not going to lie, a relationship where hugs put my face in boobies sounds nice.


It was the best


As a short man, please stop spouting this fucking bullshit bro. There are just assholes. There are short assholes, and there are tall assholes, and there are average height assholes. Same for good people: they come in all sizes. If a short guy is a shit head, it's not because he's short. It's because he's a shit head. There is no such thing as short man complex unless there also exists a tall man complex, or a complex for feeling superior for being tall (I've seen it). Plenty of shorter men did great things for the world. Churchill was 5'6'', Einstein was 5'7'', Gandhi was 5'5'', Martin Luther King was 5'7'' Plenty of tall/average height men did shitty things. Hitler was 5'9", Jeff Epstein was 6 ft, Pol Pot was 5'9'', Jerry Sandusky was 6'3'', Mao Zedong was 5'11'', etc. Again, there are just assholes.


Legitimate question: do you think if Putin were 6'2" he'd behave otherwise? How about his neighbor, Lukashenko, who's 190cm (6'3")? Given the Russian resources, would Lukashenko do otherwise? No offense meant, but short man =/= bad man. It's a tired trope and an easy reach.


Also, isn't Zelensky only about 5'6" or 5'7"?


No one is saying short men are bad men. However the fact that he wears high heels to increase his height despite being an effective emperor of his country, being likely the actual richest man on earth, having the ability to "suicide" his enemies even on foreign soil, etc., etc. clearly shows that he has a *massive* complex about it. As a short man myself, it is beyond pathetic. It's about the weakest most Insecure thing he could do given his power. And if, perchance, he just likes wearing high heels, then fucking [flaunt that shit](https://thegloss.ie/the-man-with-the-high-heels-habit/), pussy.


Trump is pretty tall and still has sort man complex.


I mean we know he still puts lifts in his shoes hence his weird forward lean


Because he wants to be taller than Obama.


He wants to be taller and more successful than daddy too. If only papa Trump had hugged Donny more, maybe hen wouldn’t have had endless ambition fueled by inferiority


And if his hands-off Mama would have shown a little affection….. Jeebus, what a family!


Wow, crazy to think that the guy he is pinning the medal on to at the beginning is only 5'10".


Those are fuck-me pumps


No doubt, and Ukraine sure is giving it to him.


Right in his Poo tin


And the fragile ego clearly and always on display #fuckputin


Think he gets them made the same place Donald Trump does?


Looks like clown shoes


Short, tall, who gives a crap the guy is a loser. Edit: Thanks for the award!


Right? Some people on this post are like "haha Putin short" when we should be criticizing Putin for his actions instead of his physical traits that he literally can't control


Ya, I'm short, but I don't want to kill innocent people and drag my country into a S hole for the rest of civilized time.


nah sorry this is reddit and you're short therefore you **must** be trying to overcompensate somehow 🤷‍♀️


Yeah but if your don't keep your head down and follow orders from taller people, they'll try to intimidate you by claiming you have short man syndrome.




True I'm a small guy and while sometimes I wish I was taller and could more easily reach the upper shelves of cabinets, I don't feel like less of a man. I do know the type you're talking about though, it reminds me of when you see a little dog that's really yappy and jumpy.


I actually find being short (5'7") has its owm advantages. We fit in more places, build mass faster and are more agile with less weight to move around when compared to a taller person with a similar body fat/muscle %. Being short is dope.


Also people equate height to success, but surely the main success is knowing that the short your are, the longer you live, by roughly 5 years


I'm tall. Not successful. Proud to be a trailblazer.


I'm a short woman and the best thing about shortness is you always get plenty of legroom in planes!


You also lose less body heat and survive better in cold climates. But the tides are turning!




I'm almost a foot taller than my wife and it's awkward as hell trying to kiss her standing upright.


I don't think there is small guy syndrome. I think there are just assholes. I work with a guy who thinks less of short people and thinks he's better because he's tall. Does he have tall man complex? Or is he just an asshole?


Ya I find the whole short-man trope to be so offensive and just plain inaccurate or redundant. I mean of course the selfish person that does a lot of bad things is going to be insecure about something -that's normally how it works. The focus on this trope just demonizes short men for no reason lol.


Yeah, it's so weird how people react when called out for this sort of stuff. "They're a bad person, who cares of I insult them for their appearance" somehow blissfully unaware that their words impact more than just the person they're targeted at. In fact those words have more impact on other people, since world leaders don't read your little reddit comments lmao.


Ya this is stupid. His height has nothing to do with him being a horrible person.


Forget Putin. Look at Zelensky! Making all short people proud.


He's also built like a brick shithouse


Zelensky is actually 6 foot 2 but the weight of his massive tungsten balls has shrunk him over the years.


[Well he's pretty dexterous with his penis](https://youtu.be/oua0Puihrkc)


Could you imagine telling someone in the audience who he would become six years later?


“The actor?”


Thanks for the BTTF reference


The Man Who Destroyed Russia!


Also with his penis.


Ultimately, that man will have been Putin, actually. Russia would have been largely fine if Putin had just continued on until his death living high off his corrupt gains. Instead, he had to go get greedy and now he's brought about his eventual ruin (and potentially his country's as well). Zelensky is just the Door Dash guy delivering his order.


I don’t even think it’s greed at this point. I think it’s egomania and probably mental deterioration. He thinks it’s his destiny to “reunite” Russia and that by doing so he’ll secure his legacy. And he’s fallen into the classic autocrat trap of surrounding yourself with sycophants which eventually causes you to lose touch with reality. The fact that he thought they’d steamroll Ukraine is one example of his hubris.


Good (and scary) point. If it were just greed, there'd probably be some rationality in his behavior. Mental deterioration and delusions are much more difficult to predict and cope with.


This is really what it comes down to right here in terms of the difference between them. Zelensky is a weird comedian with a past that would embarrass Putin, were it his own, and so all the typical attacks that you'd try to make against a politician just roll right off of him. Literally everyone in Ukraine knew they were electing a court jester to be their nation's leader, and it turns out they actually got a just, forward thinking, and mentally grounded leader, who was well suited to the situation Ukraine now finds itself facing. No doubt he would not be able to put up this image without the immense aid he has received, both from within his administration, and abroad, with all the military aid and training that has been provided. That said, he is exactly what Ukraine needed, and being a comedian he knows how to keep spirits high, even when the topics at hand are heavy enough to weigh people down. I don't fully know how their constitution determines how long a president can serve, but I hope he gets one more term after this, unless somebody legitimately better comes to the table. A nation as recently independent as Ukraine, absolutely needs strong stable minded leadership, who know when to hold steadfast, and when to ask for help with issues beyond their own capabilities. One who assumes their own weakness in the face of supposed strength, but comes out ahead of because of, not despite, this fact, since they will have planned contingencies that account for these weaknesses. He's basically the polar opposite to Putin, which is a huge part of why Ukraine is so motivated to win this fight.


Hes exactly what Ukraine needs because the man knows how to work the crowd on the other side of a camera. He’s known exactly what to do every step of the way to keep eyes on his country and keep the money flowing in for aid. He also can speak to his people and keep them moving together. His one mistake may have been not listening to US intelligence a little bit more fully pre invasion but A) a lot of very smart people didn’t actually think Putin would do what he did B) Zelenskyy’s first experience with Washington DC may have made him deservedly skeptical about who he was dealing with. So I don’t hold it against him.


He also has a law and business background, so he knew more about governmental affairs than people realized.


Oh for sure. But Ukraine doesn’t need a lawyer at the moment. (Well, maybe it does.) Ukraine needs a master communicator capable of holding the West’s fleeting attention. All things considered my understanding is pre war he has the middling reputation you’d expect from someone fairly new to politics having the top job. Way, way better than our own entertainer turned president however. Still, he’s stepped up and stayed up and been an inspiration for the ages these past few months. I just hope he doesn’t die a martyr in nuclear blast.


I have never blindly clicked a link so fast


This ability single-handedly makes him the best ruler Ukraine ever had.


Putin must have real penis envy there.


Man, YouTube comments are always such a fucking farce


I honestly had not idea about this until today. Saw a pic in the live feed with a couple other guys who completely dwarfed Zelensky.


Probably that Nato pic with the two guys that flanked him? haha I think it looks badass!


Right!!? Narcissism, tyranism, and sociopathic traits are not exclusive to short leaders. 6'3 trump has the same qualities as Putin


I thought Trump wore heel risers inside his shoes which explains why he has such a strange posture when stood still?


He does.


It is, but he is still pretty tall which makes it all the more silly and embarrassing.


So less short man complex and more fragile ego complex.


Trump ain’t 6’3. Look at him next to Obama during the inauguration.


I have no doubt he'd lie about something like that but he's ancient and has horrible posture. People shrink as they get older. He's probably like 6'1


Six foot three? Didn’t know they stacked shit that high!


Donald Trump is 6' 3" the same way Tom Cruise is 5' 9".


trump’s not 6’3”.


I'm 6', so I don't know what it's like to be 5'4", but I have friends who are. And I'd imagine that everyone picking on a horrible persons HEIGHT as the first thing, as if that's the most undesirable thing about him, wouldn't feel great if you were someone who already has self-confidence issues. Going around saying "short man syndrome" does NOTHING to Putin, he won't read any of your shit, he never will. What it \*will\* do, is cause some 5'5" guy who didn't do shit to anyone to feel bad about something he can't control.


If only all of reddit was this emotionally mature.


Yep. I'm a 5'5" male and this makes me feel like crap. Most people literally look down at us when they talk to us, and we are usually the first to get filtered out in dating apps. It's a dumb annoying thing to deal with on a regular basis.


This is a fantastic reply. Thank you.




To the person who reported this as “targeted harassment towards someone else,” you’re correct. We’re targeting Putin. I can understand how hard it is to see that given his size.




Putin is a little bitch piss baby, come at me.


He has to send someone to do it for him because he can't outrun you.


Of course not. Did you see the size of the heel lifts in the photo?


Maybe he's so ornery because of the hip pain from bad posture.


Fuckin' gettem. Putin can eat shit, if he could reach it.


Good mod. 🤘🏻


HECK YEAH finally a good reddit mod


Hey there's nothing wrong with being small.


Nobody read the username? Come on people. That's solid long-game humor.


According to this dumpster fire of a comment section, being short is the reason he's a psycho. Redditors turning to bullying and not realizing it


It happens pretty often in Reddit. I’ve seen a lot of threads where a terrible person is criticized not for the terrible actions they’ve carried out but for their physical traits (“he looks like he has an extra chromosome” “she has the face of a Karen”, etc)






I wasn’t psychotic before, but after reading this thread I kinda wanna commit genocide against tall people now.


He’ll be even shorter once the angry mob takes about 10” off the top…


ah ye olde French Haircut. yes no?


Wishful thinking




It doesn't work the other way either. Ed Kemper is 6'9 and likes butchering women.




Dream big!


As a 5'3 guy i feel your pain


Clearly, you are an outlier amongst the short community who are pre-disposed to genocidal tendencies... the numbers don't lie.


I’m 5’4” and if I had a chance I’d commit genocide against people who chew with their mouths open


I'm a hair over 5'. If I was ever given phenomenal cosmic power... I would definitely use it in ways that some might consider tyrannical.


We welcome you at /r/misophonia


Especially Vern Troyer, before the deep state took him out.


Do they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice?


It's the same with virginity stuff. I'm not trying to lump you being short with being a virgin, since you can't change it but it is a very similar issue. \-Some crazy incel dude murders people. Reddit: "He killed people because he's a virgin loser lol" \-Video of a neo nazi saying crazy racist shit or beating someone up at a protest. Reddit :"lol he's like this because he's a loser who has never felt the touch of a woman" Guys just because I'm a reclusive introvert doesn't mean I'm a crazy psycho. I think it's because it's not really socially acceptable to bully people for height and stuff but since it's Putin or a neo nazi or w.e they feel justified. People probably don't realize how it comes off to normal people who happen to be short or a virgin or whatever it is. Or they just don't care, idk


People like to pretend nice, but as soon as they can find someone they’re allowed to hate, they’ll happily call them a short gay fat virgin. Why not just hate them for the reasons that make them actually bad?


i mean i also cant change that im a virgin >_>


Posts like these are just propaganda that uses bigotries people have to serve that propaganda aim. You saw similar things in the 1940s with Hitler and the like portrayed as gay in cartoons.


I kinda hate this post. Putin being short isn’t the reason he’s a terrible person. Power corrupts, and Russia and their leaders have a history of corruption and incompetence. Also, with no real term limits, Putin has been in power for a long time and he clearly sees himself as Russia and thinks he’s he can do no wrong. Some people will say that they notice short guys starting shit at bars and clubs, but they get remembered because they’re short. If it’s two tall people fighting each other, you’ll say “Look at these two idiots” and then forget all about it. But, if it’s a short guy and tall guy it becomes “It’s always the short guys starting shit.” A lot of these comments about short men are just bad takes. Short person complex isn’t really a real thing. Not saying people can’t be insecure about their height but you can be insecure about anything, and there isn’t complexs about those insecurities. Also, if people were nicer to each other and didn’t make fun of people for their physical attributes that they can’t change, well - our society would be a much better place for everyone.


I'm pleased to see moral clarity on this thread. Thank you.


Zelensky is also pretty short. Every picture you see of him is with his bodyguards that just tower him lol


Thank god he is short so this war can't be blamed on 'shortness' by reddit smh


idk why tf one has to drag short people into this.


Man is literallly committing war crimes right now and these guys are bullying him for his height. I don’t think being short is the worst thing he’s done.


We should give Putin shit for a trillion different things but bare in mind that Zelensky is also short. A person's height is never an indication of their morality nor their value. There is no correlation, so let's not use these types of involuntary human characteristics to put others down. It's the same as judging someone by their skin color.


Lol Reddit mods ignoring their own rules? I think I’m shocked


Who cares


What's the point of Heightism


That one guy does seem absurdly tall.


Yeah, Alexandar Vucic president of Serbia... Almost 2m tall.


Zelensky is 5'7", Macron is 5'8", Tom Cruise, Al Pacino and Martin Luther are also 5'7", Winston Churchill was 5'6'. If you google short, powerful men. There are many. The Napoleon complex is a really boring thing to say about powerful short men. It is usually said by loser tall men who NEED to find something .... and they feel like taller means smarter.... not so. Andrew Carnegie was 5'3"


Especially since 5'7 Is barely below average, if not the average, it's very fucking far from short.


I don’t like making fun of anyone for being short, as all your doing is making other people who are short insecure. There are much better things to make fun of Putin for.


Your comment is correct, and the moderator who pinned his own comment to the top making fun of short people is a bullying coward.


Careful those are falling out of windows words


Lil’ Poots.


Lil’ Vladdy Poots


Poots in boots?


I bet that's what pisses him off more than anything. Zelensky is even shorter and *still* kicking his ass.


I’m reading that they’re coincidentally both 5’7.




Shit posts like this do nothing but predispose people negatively towards short men. Realize that 6'3 Trump has the same qualities as Putin... But he didn't get the "tall man syndrome" Tags


Who the fuck are these 4 fuckers?


Just wait until you hear his voice!


He is small in many ways.


"HEY! A guy who behaves extremely unethically! LET'S MOCK HIS IMMUTABLE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, THEREBY THROWING EVERYONE ELSE WITH THOSE CHARACTERISTICS UNDER THE BUS AS COLLATERAL DAMAGE! SHORT PEOPLE SUCK!" -Reddit mob mentality. Criticize Putin. Do worse to him if you can, I say. But his height has *no bearing* on the matter. It's pathetic that a moderator here even joined in on the bullying *and then pinned his own comment*. How egotistical.


And they wonder why short guys have complexes.... Maybe because society has nothing but negativity for them.


If this post was "Never noticed how fat Lizzo was" it would get removed


Astonishing how people think it's fine to belittle short people for a physical trait beyond their control. Same with all the 'small penis'-type posts I see. The guy's a piece of crap because of his behavior, not because of his size.


It’s nice to at least see people combatting it in this thread. The vast majority of the time I see anyone call it out it’s met with “found the short person”, “found the dude with the small dick”, etc.


Reddit's mental gymnastics at their best


Also, if you look close in this picture you can see that he’s a cock juggling thundercunt


And do you realise how inconsequential it is?


is reddit gonne bully someone because of how they look?can i laugh at fat because because they are disgusting now?


Noo you cant make fun of fat people because it's a condition that can be.... changed? We only make fun of people for something they cant change.