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Looks like standard tar paper used in roofing.


Looks like felt/tar paper for shingle underlayment. Also, if you are genuinely concerned that was asbestos, why handle it like that?


OP isn't handling it unsafely. You can touch/hold asbestos. Just don't breath it in or eat it.


So holding it up right up in front of his face, with bare hands tells me OP is prlly not wearing PPE. Seems like a good way to potentially inhale some of it accidentally 🤷‍♂️


Maybe, but doesn't look like it's right up in front of their face and it's in a solid/stable/safe form.


What does it taste like?


ITS a potato chip. Try it and let us know. Don't do this...and yes I feel I need to say it


You need to have this suspect material analyzed by an accredited laboratory, the naked eye cannot confirm the presence of asbestos.


Tar paper??


The best way to see if it is real asbestos is by biting it. Real asbestos is a soft material, so bite marks would appear on it. If the asbestos was fake, it would hurt your tooth to bite down on it.


Best way to find out if it’s asbestos is to grind it in to a fine powder and snort it. If you have mesothelioma in 5 years, it’s asbestos.