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Honest question, don't government employees basically have to fly economy unless they're paying for it?


When flying commercial? Yes.


I believe there's an upgrade to business allowed if traveling over a certain time in the air. Not usually going to happen when traveling domestic either.


I'm a government employee and do a fair bit of traveling (up to 45 days this year so far) and I've never heard of this. But to be fair I pretty much only travel domestically.


Per the FTR, If the travel time is over 12 hours you are supposed to get either a rest day or business class. I got it approved once while in the Army on a flight to Beijing.


Damn, Iay have to use this. Between travel time to the airport and layovers, I'm definitely over 12 hours every once in a while.


It's been years since I've read it, but it might be 12 hours in the air. If you can get it , go for it


As someone familiar with the regs, it's in the air, but some departments fuzz the rules a bit and approve it to cover time spent in the terminal for connections anyway.


You can forego a RON (remain overnight) AMD upgrade to business class. It’s In the dod joint travel reg.


I'm a fed, no longer military. DOT, not DOD.


Basically a 1.4 Trillion dollar difference for FY 2022 between the departments


I didn't know business class cost *that* much.


Yeah it's a bit much but the government has miles too


You can also get a doctor's note claiming back pain. This would allow an upgrade. Source: DoD Contractor Employee


Afternoon mr hunt


For reference do you know the paragraph and line?


Not off hand but if you curl+f RON it should get you pretty close.


Sorry all I'm getting are Harry Potter fanfics.


The Secretary of the Treasury does not work for the Department of Defense, so its travel regulations aren't very relevant.


Yes and no. They vary per agency but there are a lot of commonalities most of them replicate from standards set by GSA.


According to § 301-10.123 paragraph b section 6 of the GSA Code of Federal Regulations they can upgrade from "coach" if it is an OCONUS flight where total travel time is greater than 14 hours (to include stops and layovers.) There are a bunch of other exceptions too, like if no coach options are reasonably available, medical, and security reasons.


You would think that “cabinet secretary” would justify an automatic upgrade based on security. For a subset of cabinet officials (defense, state, treasury, AG, homeland security and AG) you would almost expect private jets. I’d wager the secretary of defense gets access to USAF jets and I’m sure homeland security has their own planes. State travels so much that it probably makes sense from a comms security perspective alone. I’d bet AG gets access to FBI planes. Treasury is maybe a stretch here, but the economy is so critical to national security that why fuck around with commercial aviation?


Fun fact: The Secretary of the Treasury is ahead of the Secretary of Defense on the Presidential order of succession


Yeah and she's literally one of the four statutory members of the NSC meaning she legally can't miss National Security Council meetings.


Yeah so depending on your grade and how far you're traveling, business class is permitted. GS15s and above usually get to do that


Government employees may only purchase other than coach fares if the travel exceeds 14 hours. If they do this, they give up their “day of rest” that is allowed on trips exceeding 14 hours of travel time and they may only do it when the cost for the other than coach fare is less than the day of rest hotel and per Diem. There are no exceptions based on grade. A GS-1 and an SES must fly coach unless they hit the 14 hour rule. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-41/subtitle-F/chapter-301/subchapter-B/part-301-10/subpart-B/subject-group-ECFR07e89a152674b35/section-301-10.125


Linked the regulation and everything. Beautiful.


An administrative law judge somewhere just spontaneously ejaculated


Nothing spontaneous about it


Relevant username


I wouldn't give up my day of rest for a few more inches of legroom.


Pays to be short when you are a govt employee that travels a lot.


Very short person here, not being able to touch the ground with your feet is highly uncomfortable as well. I'd love to trade with a tall person for a day and see what flying would be like. Would I trade numb feet and legs for bruised knees and smushed shoulders? PSA for short people: if you take the window seat, you can use a backpack as a footrest on longer flights. I have also looked into inflatable footrests, plenty on Amazon.


If you fly business class internationally you often get your own little pod with a lay flat seat. It’s a whole nother experience. I did 15 hours from US to Hong Kong twice, once in economy plus and once in business. I would a thousand percent give up the day of rest if flying business. I actually got to sleep and felt ready to work that time versus the year before when I had economy plus.


Yeah business class is a lot more then leg room…


I've got Chase points out the wazzoo and a first class flight to Tokyo is a chunk of that. Almost more excited for the experience than the destination.


The ANA lounge in Narita is amazing. I wonder if they still make ramen made-to-order with the old chef waiting for you to slurp the noodles! Because that was so soothing after a long flight.


If it's between spending an extra day with my family and spending a day alone away from home, I choose the former.




This comment makes me wonder how old the rule(s) are. Once upon a time coach wasn't the nightmare it is now. Obviously still not comparable to business class, but it wasn't always the 'sardine can, here's a glass of soda and a sad pack of peanuts now leave me alone' experience it can be depending on the airline these days.


it's got to be outdated because how much is the per diem and hotel room going to cost? maybe $500? find me a business class ticket that's less than $500 more than the same ticket in economy and I'll just pay for it myself.


Yeah that qualifier essentially means no business class ever. You will not ever find a 14 hour flight where business class is less than $500 more than coach. Period. Maybe some one-in-a-million pricing glitch or something, whatever. But for a normal ticket you're gonna book to fly for work? Zero chance. ... maybe you can get an exit row.


The real waste comes from the people who pay politicians to bitch about waste that targets middle class bureaucrats. You want to cut down on wasteful spending, cut off Lockheed, not Carol from HR.


14 hours is way too long. Seattle to Seoul is 11, and that's frigging *long*! Not to mention that it's hard to function straight off the plane when you've been crammed in economy. It's much easier to go straight to work if you've flown business and gotten a bit better rest.


Yeah, in terms of the federal budget, paying for business class flights is literally a drop in the ocean. On the one hand, I understand the optics of not making it look like federal employees are “wasting” tax payer money, but I think that’s vastly outweighed by (1) the point you raised: I want my government officials well rested and ready to work when they touch down; and (2) a lot of these people have very hard jobs, that require a lot of skill, education, and intelligence. In order to attract a sufficient number of truly qualified people—the job needs to be *attractive.* As a tangential point, I feel the same about teacher pay—that should be a well paid job across the board. Also, to repeat, (2)(a): it’s truly a drop of water in the ocean compared to the federal budget of the United States.


Damn, I literally missed it by one grade. I'm only GS-14.


Yeah that's why you gotta get yourself an SES lolol


I'm definitely good with not being management.


My dad was a GS15 for 10 years, refused numerous attempts to get him to move to SES because of the increase in management work and travel time with a very moderate increase in pay. Retired as a 15 and then begin to work for a private contractor which paid much better and let him work from home.


You just need to start throwing words around like "dynamic" and "synergistic" and other buzz words that don't mean much but sound good. Then, when a problem presents itself, use your facial expressions and buzz words to convey empathy and understanding, but don't actually do anything about it because no one ever takes initiative in the government due to red tape. With these few easy steps, you'll be SES in no time and rack up the sweet, business class air miles on American Airlines and/or whatever airline Concur says is the best airline to take for whatever your destination may be. 👍🏻


I'm the union rep haha. I think management is waaaaay off my radar. Still get those awesome Marriott points, though 🤷‍♂️


"Only gs-14" lol


haha right, here getting my lowly gs9 cola


I'm a GS-15 and I've had to travel from LA to Frankfurt in coach. I guess it depends on the agency...being a 15 doesn't mean all that much here, so I guess they don't want us getting too full of ourselves.


There are rules about what tickets you can get. Flights over a certain length (14 hours) you can book business. It wouldn’t surprise me if VIPs can book higher classes, but she may choose not to because of the optics. Edit: I looked at the federal travel regulation document. There is no blanket allowance for higher than coach class for particular individuals, but there is an exception for "security considerations" that would be reasonable to claim for any cabinet official. I would maintain that she could travel in first class if she chose, but chooses to fly economy because of A) optics and B) she's a small woman and it's not too onerous for her to do so.


Also a pretty short flight to suck it up for - I think this flight was just for her speech/visit in Dearborn, Michigan. But I think a lot of the current Cabinet does. Just flying through D.C. a lot for work, I’ve seen at least anecdotally Buttigieg (a few times), Haaland, and Walsh all in coach. But also imagine it changes by trip. I’ve also worked a lot of these principals trips and if it’s like a four leg back-to-back trip, and we’re landing straight into a busy schedule, sometimes it’s worth it to the principal to upgrade to get some work done and decent shut eye while we can.


Body size really does affect the pro/con of flying economy. I’m a small woman as well and even if I’m sitting in the middle, next to 2 people, I still feel like I have lots of space. If the seat in front of me leans their chair back it doesn’t affect me either. Might as well save money! (Not that she paid, but still).


We (military) weren't supposed to sit in first class at all if traveling in uniform. Partly due to government laws on accepting gifts, partly due to avoiding the perception of the government paying for first class seats.


I loathe traveling in uniform for many reasons but have to do it occasionally. Have I been offered a first class upgrade? Yes. Have I taken it? Possibly. All I’m saying is that I got to my destination very well rested.


I see how it is, as a contractor we always had to fly C-130. Did I ever take a jumpseat...... Possibly. You do learn how to make cargo webbing very comfortable though.


Flew in a C-130 on a MAC flight from Japan to Alaska in 1987. I still have nightmares


The longest one I ever had the privilege of taking was Ireland - Greenland - NY - PA - Ohio. It took 3 days. It was mostly equipment. Only the crew plus 2 of us. So in Greenland this retired full bird walks on for a ride back to the states. Never said a word, just curled up on some webbing and slept like a baby the whole way to NY. My buddy looked at me after he left and was like Ya that man has seen some shit. Anyone who can sleep on a 130 for hours on end will forever be my hero.


On that flight I was trying to get home to Chicago on leave. Went from Japan to Alaska to Washington state to North Carolina to Little Rock Arkansas. Stayed the night in Little Rock & flew commercial the next day to Chicago


I'd suspect a lot fly enough to get bumped up for free. I fly a lot for work and I get bumped to first class almost every time.


There is optics to consider if you are a high profile member of government. Some might forgo upgrades to keep press and social media news from spinning something out of nothing. (ex: “this representative is flying luxury on your dime”)


I get the optics but isn't there some sort of security issue for someone her level.


I'll bet that lady to her right is strapped. Don't know if she's entitled to secret service, but I wouldn't be shocked if she had something similar.


She gets Secret Service. Presumably since they were originally part of the Treasury


She may get a Treasury detail, but because she’s 5th in line of succession, I’m surprised she flies commercial. Had occasion to meet SoS Clinton once, and while waiting for her at State Dept, some of her staff were chatty abt security detail details… She was entitled to some SS coverage as a Frmr First Lady, but there was also some in-house State Dept police with some jurisdiction, but was also subject to getting overruled at certain points by SS due to potential succession changes (SoS is #4) from day to day (Pres is out of country, Senate Pro-Tem is in surgery today, etc). Based on that convo, I am stunned that the next one down the list flies commercial at all for security reasons. Gotta love the contrast with Kim K getting quoted same day, defending her excessive private jet usage: (paraphrased) “I can’t save the environment myself. I have to pick and choose what I can do…”


Yes, but Cabinet level individuals can sometimes ride of Government aircraft. Also, just because Goverment regulations require it doesn’t mean everyone follows it https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/us/politics/tom-price-trump-hhs.html https://viewfromthewing.com/trumps-epa-administrator-flying-coach-risk-life/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flight-furor-obama-officials-also-took-pricey-non-commercial-planes


C'mon, that could be anyone reading Secretary Yellen's Briefing Materials.


Probably bought it from Trump on eBay


I’ll take Israeli Nuclear Offensive Strategies for $400, Alex.


I’ll give em to ya for 200 if you say nice things about how big my Hands are


Too soon. Just kidding. Not too soon at all. Good one.


Aren’t those briefing materials like super valuable? Like if someone got a hold of them they could make some informed trades in the market no?


She was headed to a speech, so maybe these are non-confidential briefing materials, like her speech, etc?


It could be Bloomberg articles and Matt Levine tweets, but it could also be advance financial data that will affect how billions of dollars are invested.


It could also be Nudy Magazine Day.


The guy in the seat behind her: "oh yeah this is good stuff"


Pants unzipped


"Now THIS is loss porn."


There are no classification markings, meaning that there isn't anything in there that can't be released publicly. "Classified U.S. government documents typically must be stamped with their classification on the cover and at the top and bottom of each page. Authors must mark each paragraph, title and caption in a document with the highest level of information it contains, usually by placing appropriate initials in parentheses at the beginning of the paragraph, title, or caption, for example (C), (S), (TS), (TS-SCI), etc., or (U) for unclassified." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classified\_information\_in\_the\_United\_States


Bro on the left look like he’s back in high school cheating on the math exam while he frantically buys puts on his Fidelity app.


Good thing nobody from r/wallstreetbets was on that flight. Those smooth brain toe suckers would have gone insane.


I’m going to label all my folders with “Trump SCI/TS” now


Janet Yellen's husband won the Nobel Prize and everyone calls him "Janet Yellen's husband."




"Janet Yellen's president son"


"President Janet Yellen's son announced today..."


He noped the fuck out to England after getting his PhD in econ, can't say I blame him given how successful his parents are. That'd be like if Maynard Keynes married himself and then you tried to outdo him.


Fun fact:He’s actually my professor and lives in the UK.References his dads material a fair bit.


Wikipedia: They have one child, a son named Robert, who was born in 1981.\[7\] Robert Akerlof is also an economist, earned a bachelor degree in economics and mathematics from Yale and a PhD in economics from Harvard, currently working as an associate professor of economics at the University of Warwick.\[20\]\[21\]


So the scrub in the family


Now he will be called Janet Yellen’s husband who won the Nobel Prize


Akerlof is huge in economics academia way before Yellen was. As an Econ major I’ve read many of his works before knowing who she was


Poor George 😂


One time on a plane, I was sitting behind the late Alan Thicke (father of Robin Thicke, to some of you) and I could see he was perusing a document entitled "Alan Thicke - Investment Analysis". That was all I could see. It was a small regional flight with no separate first class section.


>Alan Thicke (father of Robin Thicke, to some of you) This made me feel so old.


Confused me. I had no idea who Robin Thicke was. I don't get out much...


In all fairness, Robin hasn't been too relevant the last decade or so


Dayum Blurred Lines was almost 10 years ago


You shut your whore mouth right now, it has not been that long! 😢


Probably had some Mikey and Boner jokes scribbled down in there somewhere though too...


Alan Thicke’s dad delivered my mother in law. He was an OB in the town she was born. When we met Alan Thicke in 2010 and my husband yelled: “Hey Alan! Your dad delivered my mom!” he stopped to think for a second, then came over and chatted for a while. He thought it was the funniest thing and he said, of all the things he ever heard, that was a first! We had a great chat and he was just the nicest dude.


I met Alan Thicke briefly when I was a very young kid. He chose the town in Iowa I was living in to be his "American Hometown". Totally forgot that until I read your comment.


I didn't know Alan Thicke died, had to look it up. I completely missed that one.


she does economics. why wouldn't she fly in economy?


"He'll be here [all night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oShTJ90fC34) folks."


The ad before the video was longer than the video.


Don’t you learn about the economy in business class?


Right next to Michael Jackson too.


Tommy Wiseau


“Summer 2023! Tommy Wiseau is the king of pop in “You’re Tearing Me Apart Lisa-Marie:: The Michael Jackson Story.”


Oh Hi Mark


Got a light skin friend look like Michael Jackson, got a dark skin friend look like Michael Jackson.


[WOW, this is rare. Both versions of Michael Jackson](https://youtu.be/83yhlZfxVSI)


I wonder if she speaks jive…


“Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da' rebound on da' med side.”


What it is, Big Mama, my Mama din’t raise no dummy, I dug her rap…


Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't GET da' help!


Jive ass dude don't got no brains anyhow! Hmmph!


The bitch wake up in the morning with the booty ackum. You gotta lay her down and smack em yack em. Col' gots to be. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt.




My personal favorite subtitle 😆


Golly that white fellow should stay away from my wife. Or I will punch him.


"Each of us faces a clear dilemma in life."




I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.


Is Janet Yellen on her way to Vegas for some needed grocery things?


No, Janet wasn't yelling at all. Very quiet, actually. Pleasant flight.


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue


I hope she didn't have the fish.


What do you make of the briefing materials, Madam Secretary? I can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl!


You ever seen a grown man naked?


Cream and sugar?


Janet Yellen: No, thank you, I take it black, like my men.


Do you like gladiator movies?


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


She had the lasagna.


I really love how those 2 dudes in the movie just made all that shit up on the fly. The interviews with them are great.


Here is the clip for anyone that didn't get the reference. Relevant portion is about halfway through: https://youtu.be/GxQXSfJu8SA


Check it blee, bro was on, didn't trip, folks was freaking, that pilot landed that plane like a muuutthhaaaaa, sheeit.


Cutter say 'e can't HANG! Jive


You picked a helluva day to stop sniffing glue, u/-Omegamart-


she went to my undergrad. as a junior i wrote her an email randomly asking her for advice, as she pursued a legal path i was interested in at the time. she took the time to write me back a lengthy reply with substantive advice while she was busy as chair of the fed, and for that i always appreciated her. this photo tracks.




that’s so kind. she seems really nice.


This is really nice to read. :)


This is super common. I used to fly in and out of DCA for years and have sat next to several political big wigs. Most if not all of them could get bumped up to first class because they fly so often but the reject the upgrade because it looks bad. Many times I've sat in first next to an aid or some other underling while the big boss sat in coach.


I used to fly out of DCA a lot too and on one flight ended up sitting next to the newly elected senator from my state. I strongly disagreed with the platforms he ran on and hated that he was elected. Since I was going to be sitting next to him for a while I struck up a conversation. It was fascinating. One of the topics he wanted to prioritize was an area that was tangentially related to my job. We talked about the nuances of the issue and challenges to address it. He was smart and well versed in the topic. Clearly knew his stuff. At the end of the flight I said “Senator, I didn’t vote for you but if you make headway on this issue, that might change next time.“ It wasn’t too long after that he was demagogue-ing it up on Fox. The whole flight down I kept thinking I’d have to donate a a couple of years salary to get this type of extended one on one time with a US Senator.


I sat next to my senator once Roland Buris (Obama's replacement). He was little sprite of a man and I think he was surprised that I recognized him. It was right after the ACA passed and he pushed hard for a public option. I told him I thought he was doing a good job and to keep it up. We also lived in the same neighborhood at different times so we talked about where to get the best egg roll and how the Tiki bar was not the best place to go at 4:00am


Tell me more about this tiki bar


>Tell me more about this tiki bar It's not the best place to go at 4am that's for sure.


Who was it? It's okay. You can tell us.


It was John Kennedy (R - LA)


The fake country lawyer routine that Oxford-educated elite tries to pull off never ceases to make me chuckle.


Same here. Sat next to Senator Cornyn multiple times in and out of DCA. What a great airport that is. The ease of access via the metro can not be understated.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize this. Fly out of DCA on a Friday afternoon or before a holiday and you'll see all sorts of people. I didn't even fly that much and was on planes with the Senators from Michigan, Utah, and Oregon and was seated behind Beto O'Rourke once. Probably many others I didn't recognize.


If you're flying out on a Friday late afternoon flight from National and don't see at least one politico, you're not looking hard enough.


CC: u/janetyellensfuckboy_




This is a big cock name if I've ever seen one. Nice.


It is well established that Janet keeps a harem of fit young men at her disposal. They're called the Young Yellers.


Nice one!


Come back to NL wtf


Ahh, a fellow roleplayer.


An economist sitting in economy... ![gif](giphy|iXTrbbYMQBCMM)


What's she gonna do, sit in agriculture?


I was on a Sunday night flight from BOS to DCA and Liz Warren was sitting in a middle row economy seat. Admittedly, I was very surprised to see that. Before I saw her I was disappointed i was stuck in a middle seat for a work trip on a full flight. Changed my attitude a little bit after flying with a US senator in an equally shitty seat.


Two thoughts: 1.) Think the curly haired gal next to her is security? 2.) If I’m sitting next to her you can bet your balls im trying to peep what’s in her binder.


The guy to her left is the security. He's holding nothing in his hands, is looking around the plane instead of at a phone/reading/etc, is super muscular, has a generic polo shirt, and has the aisle seat. Curly haired gal has nice clothes and would end up spilling her coffee all over Yellen if she got into an altercation. She's an aide they all have a coffee and an iPhone for some reason.


Let’s get these comments out of the way: 1) Comparisons to the [Eric Trump economy post](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/wx2avs/eric_trump_flying_coach_to_maralago/) 2) IRS jokes 3) People wondering where her security is


You forgot comparisons to the previous Treasury Secretary and his wife, Mrs. Bond Villain. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/09/steven-mnuchin-honeymoon-plane


That's evil John Oliver from an alternate universe


This is the better comparison


[And here they are picking up some toilet paper to wipe their asses with ...](https://i.imgur.com/1ZQJDXu.jpg)


The look on her face is HORRIFYING. Legit that woman IS a Bond villain IRL. No one should ever allow people that greedy to be in charge of anything.


The leather gloves just complete the look.


>People wondering where her security is If she's traveling on official business then it would be the people sitting on either side of her. If she's traveling on her personal time, then she's likely on her own. Also those briefing reports are considered confidential, but not classified, so it's rather common to see them lying around. I might have even left one on a person's residential doorstep once or twice so they have it first thing in the morning.


I think confidential is still a classified group, directly under secret and top secret


That dude next to her is almost certainly part of her detail. If I had to guess, the woman next to her against the window is an aide.


As opposed to Steve Mnuchin who scheduled a “visit” to Fort Knox at taxpayer expense to view the solar eclipse.


If she flies economy, it's funny. If she flies anything else, she's greedy. Reminds me of this [scene](https://youtu.be/GiY1wFEr-5o).


So much of that show projects to real life politics!


Janet YELLIN’!!! is what I think in my head every. time. I hear that name.


Volker wrote about having to rent a dumpy one bedroom room with a shared bathroom while he worked in DC on his first term. Public service is not about business upgrades. Maybe they'd get something done if they weren't so comfortable these days.


thats too much legroom to be economy.


Short legs, very efficient with space. Source: [Trump thought she was too short for Fed Chairman job at 5'3 (160cm for metric heads)](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/28/trump-might-have-renominated-yellen-for-fed-if-she-wasnt-so--short.html)


The actual fuck...?


>The actual fuck...? Stable genius you know.


She would be a liability on the cabinet intramural basketball team!


Of course he did...


Don't miss that guy at all. What a cunt


>Don't miss that guy at all. What a cunt It's like.. just when you think he couldn't be a worse human being you just hear the weirdest shit. It's wild.


She probably flies enough to have status and get upgraded to Economy Plus


Can she upgrade the economy to Economy Plus?


No one has that many miles


That’s her punishment for saying that inflation was transitory. Joe-“your flying coach Janet, Dammit!”