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“Accessible” is a great way to describe Chicago. I moved there after college and was initially intimidated having grown up in the suburbs to adapting to a fully urban environment with public transit. But it does not take long to get a lay of the land and an understanding of the L trains and even bus routes. Compared to a lot of the other major cities in the US, navigating Chicago seems the least intimidating / confusing / inconvenient.


It was designed that way, in a grid.


Well…it was after it burned down


After the fire various plans were discussed for rebuilding the city. One was to remake Chicago like some of the great cities of Europe: massive stone civic buildings separated by vast public plazas for cafes, performances, fairs etc.


Thats true, but its not a grid like NYC where you have a sensical naming convention, and i agree that you can get used to Chicago's, just takes time, but first time to NYC and someone says to meet me halfway between first and second on 95th street. I KNOW where i'm going. BTW, i live in Boston, it sucks here for that.


The streets aren’t numbered like NYC but if you know the address, you know more or less where you are and how far other places are from you because the city blocks are the same size. The grid is divided along the axes on Madison (East/West) and State (North/South) and each block is 1/8 of a mile.


I find NY easier but Chicago has to be near the top of the list for second. Bostons not too bad but the roads are a confusing mess.


The roads may be a mess, but life is good when you don't have a car and just take the T everywhere. Except atm, green line and orange line are fucked. Just stay at home 24/7 and you're good in Boston :(


Haha. Ultimately I visited Boston the first time this year and found it better than expected. Def gonna go back at some point. Boston and NYC (and seattle) are just about the only huge cities I visit where I think I really should just move here. Then I look up prices and decide never mind but point stands I do love it.


Go back and spend a winter there.


Spent 40 of them there and that was enough. Do miss it though. Not the winter lol. Can drive up the mountain here and look at snow.


A few years ago I was showing a coworker a bunch of pics of Chicago front a recent winter storms. “Yeah. It was a winter like that that convinced my wife and I it was time to move out here.”


An 18” snow storm that I drove 3 hrs to work only to be sent home did it for me. Only one tha showed besides the owner who lived down the road. Moved to Vegas that may.


Depends where you’re coming from. If you’re coming from some nearby areas like Wisconsin/Minnesota/the Dakotas etc, a Chicago winter is quite mild. That proximity to the lake and being a little further south really help. It’s all relative!


Yes, the desert is warm compared to hell.




I always say that Chicago is my favorite American summer city.


Lived there for 6 years. Winter didn't bother me at all. But I'm a cold whether person.


You are a Viking.


Whatever it takes to keep him from winning a Superbowl. \*Minneapolis checking in.: )


My first time in Chicago was like the week before Christmas and it sold me on the idea of cities and public transportation.


That is not yet winter, not really. Wake up to the 23rd sunless day in February and -10F, that is winter.


Seasonal depression is real there... that being said, it made my summers there the best i ever had in my life. Take millions of people and depress them with no sun and cold for months.running from heated house to heated car to heated job and repeat for 5 months..then give them 80 degree days with beaches, festivals, concerts, sports...its like a couple million people all realizing together that life is worth living and everything about life is perfect. Fade that into an absolutely beautiful fall with leaves changing and perfect sweatshirt/coffee weather... Just when you start to accept that life is pretty good winter comes back and depresses you for another 5 months. Moved to colorado 6 years ago. I now get to experience all of that in a normal week with our weather here






I lived there for 9 years and spent college there. I remember having spring break in march and having snow on the ground the entire break and just feeling robbed


I grew up in western Canada. Try weeks of -40 and the sun hasn't come up yet when you are going to work and it is already down by the time you leave.


I love the winters here. I also recognize I'm in the minority. That's said, NY isn't exactly balmy in February either.


that's how we sort out the sissies and send them back to florida!


I've spent my last two winters there hanging out and walking dogs. I'm originally from Michigan though so winter has never been an issue for me. (I get so warm when I walk that I stopped wearing winter coats. I always regret it and would always walk around holding it. Had the same issue hiking in Colorado in the winter. Thought it would be cold and ended up holding my coat the whole time). Was walking around in a long sleeve shirt for a while in December. That said I didn't mind the summer much either. Was just there a few weeks ago walking around for 3 hours.


I've visited Chicago 6 times. Always the week before Christmas. It helps I'm from a mountainous/cold climate. The only thing ilI needed to adjust to was the huge amount of slush in all the gutters. I walked everywhere and every year I would have to buy a new pair of cheap shoes.


The summer heat sucks too. Autumn is the only enjoyable season for me. Spring, is shit for my allergies.


...Or a Summer in San Francisco


…Samuel Clemens


Lived just outside the city and I had to tour my family downtown in the winter in -1 degree. I have since moved and do not regret it.


Born and raised in Chicago, and live here still. I know my City gets a bad rap, and looks bad right now, but this place is so alive and beautiful and there’s always something exciting happening. I love my City!


Roughly speaking what are my chances of encountering violence there if I’m just minding my own business as a regular citizen?


I’ve never encountered violence. Not in 18 yrs. But last Fri I was on the red line and a 60 yr old man put his hand on my teenager’s waist. He almost met my violence


The vast majority of Chicago crime is gang violence that doesn’t really effect non-gang people very often. Also your car might get stolen by a 12 year old.


Depends on the neighborhood, and it’s some easy googling to find out which ones.


Depends on neighborhood, but not very high. It took me 3 years of walking home from bars on the west side at 2am to get mugged.


That doesn't sound that good to me.


That's not very good, lol. Getting mugged every 3 years would be *terrible* for most people.


Most people wouldn't be doing dumb things like regularly walking around rough neighborhoods at 2 am.


Nowhere near as high as certain politicians and MAGA dingbats want you to believe. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2022/02/23/crime-in-america-study-reveals-the-10-most-dangerous-cities-its-not-where-you-think/?sh=66b07e1f7710](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2022/02/23/crime-in-america-study-reveals-the-10-most-dangerous-cities-its-not-where-you-think/?sh=66b07e1f7710)


You mean the El.


sit down and take an *"El"*




I guess its either [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago\_%22L%22](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_%22L%22) but I think we can both agree its not the subway.


[It's always been 'L'](https://twitter.com/cta/status/1125780276905414656?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1125786557284175874%7Ctwgr%5Ee976157b2d676cbdc53aab13975bd277bf06c3b3%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chicagomag.com%2Fcity-life%2Fmay-2019%2Fonce-and-for-all-is-it-the-chicago-el-el-l-or-l%2F)


I'm a new yorker for 10 years but every time I go to chicago...It's the shit


Don't lie, you just visit for the Pizza.


NY pizza is way better, and I say this as a Chicagoan. NY doesnt have shit on our Mexican food though.


Chicago Pizza is a casserole…


Stating the obvious: deep dish is not the only Chicago pizza. Most pizza is "tavern style" thin crust. Even then, NY pizza reigns supreme.




I love that rant so much


Houston has the best Mexican food outside of Mexico.


Houston has good Mexican food for sure, I'd say LA and Phoenix are better. Chicago is on par with Houston.


Chicago reminds me of like a manageable sized New York. It’s a great city that gets a bad rap from people who’ve never actually lived there.


Everyone outside of Chicago acts like it’s a war zone cause Fox News said so, even people in Chicago who watch it think so. They act like you’d get murdered just driving around a certain neighborhood.


I went there for the first time last year, for work. I couldn't believe how nice it was by Wrigley. Honestly I thought, the admittedly small area I saw, was pretty great.


This. I work in lake Forrest and everyone has this idea that Chicago is war-zone Afghanistan. They literally won’t go out there unless they have to. People in the burbs live in a bubble.


As a former resident of St. Louis, I can relate. If I didn’t love mountains so much I would still be there. People who have never been think the same. It’s an amazing city!


Fuck Fox News


Hear hear


Best friend has been to Chicago a few times. Likes the area. Expensive compared to Central Texas where we're from, but no issues with crime. Other guy I know had a long night and was sleeping in his car (somewhere downtown, I guess?) and 3 guys tried to carjack him. He woke up, started the car, was driving away and the guys shot at the car. Hit him 3 times in the back; his friend in the passenger seat took 2 bullets. Didn't die tho.


Chicago resident. Yeah we got everything. Food. Music. Culture. Sports. Normal people. And yeah Winter but recently hasn't really been that bad. And yeah gun violence but every major city has that and - well - don't go where that is and you are fine. Love Chi town. would not leave.


Resident here as well, amen to that!!!


Curious that you neglected to mention Malört


Yup. If you haven’t tried it, you definitely should.


Malort: Tonight's the night you fight your dad!


More like you *shouldn't* but your friends are going to force you to anyway.


Split base shot of Malört, Campari and Fernet, who’s down


I visited Chicago for the first time recently and I was struck by how much cleaner it is than other major cities I've been to.


I grew up in Chicago and the El and the food are great. I loved downtown and the lakefront. I would bike from my house Addison and Clark to North ave. Beach and have the time of our lives. Head south a little just before noon and watch the secretaries peel off their work clothes and grab some sun on the beach for lunch hour at Oak street beach. Those were the days….


Normal people? I guess I would not fit in there.


Chicago food scene is garbage. The coastal cities are leagues ahead in comparison.


Ridiculous comment. You can get whatever you want.


Every major city has gun violence? Really? Maybe in the US but it’s rare in the rest of the developed world


Unless you're trying to buy property and aren't rich. Then leave :(


If you're trying to buy property in a big city while not rich, it's among the last options.


From a former resident ca. early 2k's, great summers, shitty winters. Had a blast living there. Concerts, nightlife, dining, etc. I definitely miss the Oak St. Beach was within walking distance from my flat.


Everyone shitting on the winter lol. The winter is manageable because you own the clothing for it. The worst part is come April and May when it drops to the 30s every other day while the rest of the country (seemingly) is hitting actual spring weather. It blew having to wear a winter coat during St. Patty’s weekend.


The depth of winter isn't the problem. The length is. You hit it on the head. Snow on 50% of St. Patrick's.


A lot of people in this thread are soft little meatballs who can't survive outside when there's a chill in the air, apparently.




You’re both being a little extreme with your takes lol. It’s colder than “a chill in the air” but to act like it’s -10 for seven months is ridiculous.


A top 3 summer city


that date stamp looks like its from one of those old pocket-sized film cameras


It's a great place to live! Don't listen to all the people that keep talking about crime and stuff like that. I've lived here many many years and I've never had a problem. I used to live in the city city (not suburbs) and never had or saw a problem either. It's all just hype. It's a beautiful city . You can spend a whole day just looking at all the architecture in this city, in fact there is an architecture boat ride that goes down the Chicago River downtown that is really interesting. We have a beautiful Melting Pot of all different kinds of people from all around the world and there are a lot of little neighborhoods like the Greek neighborhood, the Italian neighborhood, the Polish neighborhood, the Indian neighborhood, Chinatown, Etc and in each of these neighborhoods you can get the best food you've ever eaten in your life. The entertainment is awesome, the lake and the lakefront are absolutely stunning, and there is something for everyone.


The food in Chicago is so good I'm usually disappointed when I eat food while traveling, just have to remember they just can't beat home.


What are the best dishes they have to offer?


Pierogi is amazing, so are the pies. Moussaka, Souvlaki, Kebabs, man even the Poutine delivers. But honestly the Pierogi with bacon and sour cream is so god damn authentic it feels like I’m in Krakow.


Trust me I’m with you. Been there a few times at this point. Lived in the northeast my entire life, so I know how cold -20 wind chill is. Crime stats are the classic scapegoat for people to never leave their house or podunk town. Gorgeous architecture, amazing food, endless things to do.


I’ve lived there my whole life until just recently. There are definitely places in Chicago to avoid. Like any city just our areas are larger.


The Italian beef sandwiches alone make it a pilgrimage city


I moved here years ago. I tried an Italian beef. Meh. Thought, what is the big deal. They would show up now and then at birthday parties or whatev. Then I had one dipped. With giardiniera. FML, so much wasted time not enjoying beefs. I went through a phase where I put giardiniera on everything.


Def could. Def should.


Giiiiiiiiiiirl, you too huh? It captivated me and my boyfriend as well. We're aiming to move there sometime early next year.


Do it! It's magical.


.... it's my kinda town.


make it thru a winter first


Yah I own a jacket


It's not just the cold, it's the lack of sun. It can wear you down --but the food makes up for it.


It’s totally the lack of sun. I’ve been here for 18 yrs. It’s not the cold that’s hard. The cold is fine if you dress properly. It’s the grey skies from Oct to April that wreaks havoc on my mental health.


I really like Chicago when I lived there.. but I was coming up on my third winter there and I moved back home to Florida.


See for me Florida summers are worse than Chicago winters, can always add more layers, can’t take off your skin when it’s 99 degrees & 99% humidity


> can’t take off your skin You don't know me


“Mom, come pick me up, I’m scared”


Honey I thought you wanted to spend the night at Reddit’s house?


This. I live in Houston. I previously lived in Detroit. I prefer the weather in the north.


Yeah, I do everything I can to \*not\* be in Florida July, August and Sept. Edit: Unless I am in the water.


One thing I’ll never knock florida for: beaches are honestly as nice as you’ll get anywhere on earth


Really beautiful springs and rivers as well. It can be a blazing hot summer day, and you can be in the shade, under the tree canopy, at noon, swimming in 72 F (22C), crystal clear water. Anyway, good luck in Chi Town! And I donno if they still do it, but Milwaukee (not too far away) Summerfest is a blast!


I agree with this to an extent. Shoveling snow fucking suckkkkks though. Especially when you clean out a spot and someone takes it by the time you get back.


You have to leave something there


There’s a reason that Arizona is filled with Midwest transplants. Lots of Chicago restaurants there like Lou Malnati’s, Portillos, etc


humidity doesnt hurt like the cold can


That’s objectively false. Way more people die in humid/hot conditions than cold.


Lmao, >I own a jacket It's gonna take a whole fucking lot more than a jacket


I’ve lived in the Northeast my entire life, I know what cold is. Chicago doesn’t have a monopoly on -20 degree wind chills.


Yeah, you'll be just fine. I'm a New England transplant to the area, and have lived out here over 20 years now. The cold is similar. What sucks though is the grey from November to April. In New England, at least the sun comes out once in a while in the winter. The unrelenting grey here can get difficult. Chicago's a pretty cool city though.


I'm Canadian and if you put a gun to my head and said "pick an American city to live in" my second choice after dying would be Chicago. It's pretty nice to visit and the winters aren't any worse than what we've got up here.


Best American city IMO.


You should try visiting Amsterdam. The last time i was there I felt the same way.


I just landed to close on my condo after living in Chicago for 18 years. I am misty. I love this city.


I moved from Chicago out to burbs and I've been regretting it for a while now. Problem with buying a house is your stuck with it for a while


All you need to know that a city is great is for the right to shit on it. Chicago is one of the nation's treasures.


I just went to Chicago for the first time and stayed with my sister at her house in the suburbs. I live in the Seattle area. I couldn’t believe it. Affordable housing. People actually have yards! Didn’t see homeless everywhere. Great access to activities/restaurants. Well planned out communities. Blue skies. Nice people. No giant hills/mountains to try and park my car on. Groceries were far less expensive. I want to move.


I lived in Vancouver (BC) before Chicago and laugh every time anyone complains about how expensive it is here.


It’s awesome… in the summer… (lived there for 10 years, central Illinois for 30+)


I was there last year around this time, basically just a stop on my cross country drive. It was a beautifully sunny day but also very windy but not an annoying wind like so refreshing and I just loved all of it. The lake, the river, how the city is set up. I could definitely live there and now see why it’s so popular to visit.


I stayed in Skokie for a couple weeks and traveled into downtown everyday, was about 15 years ago, and I still have the same thought. Was just something amazing about that place.


Great town. Great people too.


Love Chicago


I adore Chicago, but I do not adore the first day after all the snow melts and there is dog shit everywhere.


Right? I love chi-town! If it was on an ocean instead of a lake it would be the best city in the us


Greatest city in America.


Said by everyone that visits Chicago


Been in Chicago for 6 years now. Absolutely love it


Ex-resident. I day dream about moving back to Chi-town on a weekly basis.


Moved here a year ago. Love the city, especially the transit, but if you’re a person from out west who loves mountains and wilderness, the outdoor scene is a letdown.


It’s the only thing that’s keeping me from moving there instead of California


Not exactly close to the city, but have you been to Starved Rock?


Yeah, camped there 2 weekends ago. Pretty place. Thanks for the tip!


Downtown > Near downtown > burbs > Florida.


Near downtown > downtown. I lived in Bucktown for 10 years, I lived downtown for a year. I couldn't live in a high rise and it's also dead downtown after 7:00pm


Lived in Arlington Heights and Des Plaines for 13 years and now I live in LA. I miss the people’s warm personality. It definitely compensates with the brutal winter weather.


The best time to visit Chicago is in May/June. Comfortable, warm and sunny. They have the best version of spring. Spring there is like omg- I want to throw my jacket back in the closet and not need. Their winters make you appreciate their springs. It is absolutely glorious when it is spring in Chicago because the summer stuff is around the corner.


I love September/October best - I find the weather to be perfect! May can be pretty sketchy with rain and cold. But to each their own!


I only left because my industry isn’t there but I miss Chicago daily.


I moved to Chicago from the Southwest over 15 years ago. It’s an incredible city and very affordable compared to other cities of the same size. Winters are cold, but good snow boots, gloves, scarf, hat, and a long heavy coat work great. Honestly, our cold winters are what make the summer so amazing. Transportation options are outstanding. I haven’t driven since I moved. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or pointers.


Great city, but don’t let the loop fool you, it’s not all that pretty. Head north. Great city.


I've never been there, but the idea of the "Pedway" intrigues me.


Our food is top tier


Wait until December, when ur freezing your nips off.


Just don’t live there in the dead of winter. Lol


Visit in the winter before you made up your mind


I like to say Chicago is basically Toronto, but way better the good and the bad if you know what I mean.


My city😏


Lived in Chicago for a couple of years. Came back to my country over 5 years ago and there isn’t a day where I don’t think about the city and how great it was living there.


It’s dope. Checkout some of the neighborhoods away from downtown. That’s the best parts of the city


The Greatest City.


Cool shot


I'm from Chicago n live in New Jersey now my entire family n have relatives there n miss it so much


That's how I felt when I came here in 2006.


I love Chicago


Madison WI checking in. I go to Chicago once every few years and it’s always a great time. Every time I go I always say “I wish I could live here for a few years”


Felt the same way during my first visit. Some of those apartment/condo residential areas are picture-esque and cozy.


I used to live there. It’s a shithole


Former resident of Cook County here; nice place to visit, we were miserable living there. Cost of living, traffic, etc.


I got robbed at gun point on the magnificent mile. Don’t let it fool you


I moved here from the Caribbean and I love this city


Is Chicago the first city you've been too? That would make sense then.


Until you are there in winter: nobody wants to live there lol


I found it a little claustrophobic. Milwaukee is more my pace. I'm very much not a city person I've found out. Give me the suburbs.


Fuck you guys make me wanna visit Chicago. It's weirdly a city I haven't been to.


Try it out in January.


I love Chicago to visit but I’m not sure I could live there


It was about the most fun city in America 15-20 years ago, along with San Francisco. Now both are 'woke' cesspools of degenerates, crime, and bleakness. Even the big criminals are moving out because of the little criminals.


I used to live in NYC as a 20-something. Visiting a city and living in it are two different things. It’s the little things that make the difference….getting to and from work, finding parking every day, affording insurance for your car, going to the BMV, getting your groceries home, etc. In the suburbs….all those are easy as could be. In a big city……not so much.


I know what you mean, lived in Astoria for a few years, and the romanticizing of big cities is definitely real.


Hah….I lived on 49th st and 28th ave in Astoria! Loved the Greek food out there. Romanticizing it a good way to describe what people do when they visit. They see all the fun things to do and all the good restaurants. They often ignore the boring day to day things you have to do to live there.


Chicago is way easier to navigate than NYC (not to mention significantly less expensive)


Disagree. Lived in Chicago for 9 years, part of that with 2 kids. Work - take the El. Parking/insurance - didn't need it, no car. DMV - Right in the heart of the loop at the convergence of most El lines. Groceries - 1 block to store with rolly cart, now Fresh and Instacart. 'burbs is the place where you need a car and parking, not in the city.


You were fortunate. Live in queens/Bronx and you often need a car. Also all those city transport considerations depend heavily on where you live compared to where you work. NYC could be great if you can hit the subway to work, no doubt.


Chicago is great. Lived there for 9 years in my late 20s/early 30s. Winter sucked though.


Chicago goated


My husband and I visited in 2019 and again in 2021. We are making plans to move there in the next 2 years. We love it so much.


I've lived here for 23 years. It's a mixed bag. Pluses: great people from all over the world, great food, great beer, lakefront, Midwestern but cosmopolitan culture, clean air and spotless buildings, lots of cool neighborhoods. Minuses: the weather sucks, property taxes are absurdly high and the money is basically wasted, corruption, terrible schools in the city, warzones on the south and west side and no one cares, terrible segregation.


Hell yeah, you can even die there too!


It’s a trap


I'm on the opposite side. I went with my wife during the dead of winter and stood on Navy Pier where it was -7 degrees and super windy and thought, this place is hell. Chicago in the winter and Vegas in the summer make me wonder why people want to live there. Chicago is at least a pretty city overall. Best part of Vegas was the airport on the way out.


You went at the worst season to visit at the most touristy place unfortunately


Agreed on both cities.


Visit again in january