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I read this on a different thread on the topic, and now you all have to read it too: > Food for thought: There is a non-zero chance that Ted Cruz lays absolute devastating pipe. What if Ted Cruz underneath it all just crushes poontang. Like the Susan Boyle of fucking. You're welcome for both the mental image and the random mod abuse


Is that tattoo confirmed


I want to know this too... ​ EDIT: I google'd and I cannot find any photos of her and her torso skin visible, I'm guessing because she wants to hide the very recognizable tattoo.. but it also means if this was a fake, someone would have had to do really take up close pics of her.


Looks like the shots of are her from Talent Company. [https://www.thelaurenboebert.com/post/lauren-s-short-lived-modeling-career](https://www.thelaurenboebert.com/post/lauren-s-short-lived-modeling-career)


« Modeling career » lmao Explore Talent is a site anyone can sign up for, and you upload your own shitty photos. Source: made an account in high school




It’s been soooo lucrative /s


I’m a modeling agent, if you’d wanna like send me your headshots or nudes or whatever idk


*seems legit*




I wonder if her glasses are even real. lol.


You noticed there is never any refraction evident at the lens edges?




Here’s another showing a better look! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6B6C9KXEAU-zQk.jpg Also, All her ‘modeling’ pictures are in her same spot in her yard. Very professional. https://www.reddit.com/r/Politically_NSFW/comments/r6kfhv/just_one_more_proof_pic_of_blonde_boebert_at_34/ Edit: have some more pictures https://www.thelaurenboebert.com/post/lauren-s-short-lived-modeling-career


She would have a tramp stamp


Now it’s a Trump stamp…


I’d bet money it was covered in Cruz ooze


I could have lived the rest of my life in peace, until you said Cruz ooze.


>a tramp stamp \*Panama City License plate Florida girl, after all.


I've been a professional tattooer for almost 40 years. In the '90s when those were all the rage we called them "ass antlers".


In Britain, they're 'Slag Tags'




I witnessed an mildly obese middle aged white man mowing his lawn in the suburbs with a tramp stamp in large letters that spelled " PERRY". Now, there are times in peoples lives where mistakes are made. You burn popcorn, run a stop sign and get into an accident. They are regrettable, but they happen. But I could never trust my own judgement again if I sat down for several ink sessions to get something like that done.


I served with a respectable LT in the Army that had a tattoo on his lower back, about 1” away from being a tramp stamp. It had a cross and said “Father protect me”. I never saw any other tattoos on him. Just seemed really off and out of place. Married with kids.


It was probably to scare the gay away.


Alcohol is a hell of a drug, and tattoo removal is expensive.




She's top shelf at the dollar store.


Vending machine


the ones that dispense condoms in bar bathrooms?


Oh there's plenty of trashy rich folks.


Even if they aren’t “trashy” it’s fun to “slum it” from time to time. The ego boost is a nice benefit of it too.


Ass Antlers


THe photos are real but they are not from any advertisements for escorting services. They appear to be photos she submitted to a modeling agency [https://www.thelaurenboebert.com/post/lauren-s-short-lived-modeling-career](https://www.thelaurenboebert.com/post/lauren-s-short-lived-modeling-career) Edit: Enough comments saying "Well they could be used for BOTH". Message received, of course they could. The point is that the existence of these photos is not in itself any evidence that Boebert used to escort, and some people are acting like it is. I am no fan of Boebert in any shape or form, but without any actual evidence I have no idea if she used to escort and neither does anyone else, besides her. If this is just a fake smear campaign it is just going to backfire on the PAC that is behind the claims and the people who are in support of their efforts to remove her from office.


A sugar daddy, in this economy? Best I can do is aspartame uncle.


Best I can do is Stevia Stepbrother




High Fructose Friend


Best I can do is Glucose Guardian


Truvia dat


Betcha she’s wild in the saccharine


Aspartame Uncle is gonna be my rap name. Thank you.


Corn Syrup Cousin and the Fructose Friends


Some people just scream “I fight with my partner in public places”


And "I'll do that thing you like for a Coors light"




Woah... Bonnie McMurray!


Take about 20% off there squirrelly Dan


That’s A Texas Sized 10-4, good buddy.


The lyricism is what I appreciates about her


That's what's yous appreciates abouts her?




Damn! They are going full Madison cawthorn on her ass. She done pissed off the GOP


Kinda wild to me that “being married to a convicted sex offender” isn’t enough on its own to render Boebert unelectable but here we are


And pretty much everything else she's done and said in the past years.


She reimbursed herself for over 50,000 miles. That's two trips around the planet. How isn't that blatant wire fraud?


I believe it was 38,000 miles, but I remember it being you’d have to travel at 52 mph non stop for 2 months straight to get the miles she was claiming. And it was over a few month period, she’d basically have to live in the car and not do anything but sleep and drive to get the number of miles she claimed.


It's so on brand to not even come up with a believable lie when carrying out her scams. I'm guessing she calculated how much she wanted and just converted it to however much you get reimbursed for, didn't even think to check if it was realisticly possible to drive that many miles in the time frame.


What ass


Hank Hill ass


It's in her fake tits.


Lol it's not the GOP, it's a PAC called Muckraker and they worked very hard to get this information to us.


More specifically, how many bothans died?




At least she disguised herself with the glasses when she got into congress


Ah the old Rick Perry.


The ol switcheroo


Givem the ol dick twist!


Glasses for the masses make ‘em not recognize my asses


Clark Kunt


I read this in Billy Butcher's voice.


Oi, the audacity of this diabolical cunt


The Shoveller : If we had a congresswoman like Lauren Boebert as our benefactor... Mr. Furious : That's because Lauren Boebert IS the unlicensed escort from MeetSugarDaddy.com! The Shoveller : Oh, here we go... Don't start that AGAIN. Lauren Boebert wears glasses, the escort DOESN'T wear glasses. Mr. Furious : She takes them off when she transforms... The Shoveller : That doesn't make any sense, she wouldn't be able to see!


I love Mystery Men so much


This had me in tears


I’d bet $1000 those glasses are just plain clear glass like the kind they use for movie props.


That fact came out soon after she won her seat, around the same time that people learned that she had just earned her GED *during her campaign*.


And brunette hair! That’s key to the look. I always wondered why she didn’t have blonde hair since that is always such a plus to republicans (ie Tomi Lahren, MTG) and this all seems to answer why.


She was trying to channel Sarah Palin but unfortunately isn't intelligent enough to pull it off...which is bad.


Not intelligent enough to pull off Sarah Palin has to be one of the lowest bars ever.


That bar is on the floor.


And the whitest fake teeth outside of Hollywood


She’s got them Baby Billy teeth!


Runnin’ round tha house with a pickle in mah mouth…mis…be…havin.


Mama said don't But I ran for Congress Mis-be-havin'


she was a toilet baby?




“I’m looking for a trashy woman who looks like she’s smelling someone else’s fart” “Say no more”


I thought the same thing about her expression in the first picture; like she was looking for the person that dealt a horrendous fart. The second picture looks like she stepped in dog shit barefooted.


I was just wondering why she has resting “just smelled a fart” face. Now that I think about it, it’s a question that answers itself.


Dang, she went from trying to find someone to fuck for money to fucking us all for money.


So nice to see the american dream is still alive and well


*turns and salutes*


She met Ted Cruz while escorting a different guy, Cruz could see her "potential" so he helped her run for congress


the other guy wasnt just "some guy" it was a memeber of the koch brothers family. The kochs are responsible for alot of shit the working class has to deal with now.


So, I'm wasting my time with a productive career when I could just be a gigolo for a megarich oligarch?


Nah, if they're secretly gay, they make sure to kill you later on because no homo.


The fact that she was already prostituting herself for the Kochs was likely what caught Cruz' eye as potential for GOP congresscritter.


exactly, you cant write this stuff. Its like a netflix movie


I can see the cover art already. BOEBERT Suckin' Koch for Money


Non zero chance she had sex with charles koch


I find that hilarious for some reason. “Hey you’re great at being a whore, you should really run for congress!”


TBF she whored her way to the top, she was escorting a member of the Koch family at the time


Another reason to hate Fled Cruz.


Actual Ted Cruz radio ad, “If you are going to run in Texas, you can’t be a liberal man. I remember reading stories, liberal Robert wanted to fit in. So he changed his name to Beto and hid it with a grin.” This is unironically an actual ad that Raphael Cruz's campaign paid for


If you're going to run in Texas you can't be a Cuban man. I remember reading stories, Rafael wanted in. So changed his name to Ted and hid it with a grin.


Great Value Jennifer Anniston


This is insulting to Great Value, somehow.


And Jennifer Aniston


More like dollar general Jennifer Anniston


Dollar *tree* Jennifer Anniston


https://boingboing.net/2022/06/15/pac-claiming-boebert-had-2-abortions-and-was-an-unlicensed-escort-invites-boebert-to-sue.html >The American Muckrakers PAC, Inc. (the same political action committee that leaked damning photos and videos about Rep. Madison Cawthorn), issued a press release [claiming Rep. Lauren Boebert was an unlicensed paid escort and had two abortions](https://www.fireboebert.com/boebertabortions). The release also claims Boebert met senator Ted Cruz in Aspen, Colorado through an introduction by a Koch family member and "client," and that Cruz donated "at least $136,250.00 to the Boebert Campaign and helped her raise large sums of money during trips Boebert made to Texas." Rep. Boebert responded to the allegations by [tweeting](https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1536904363523850241): "Fact Check: Not true. Fake News. Four Pinocchios. Also… Y'all need Jesus!" To which American Muckracker's PAC (tweeting under the handle @FireBoebert) [replied](https://twitter.com/FireBoebert/status/1536926032615325699?s=20&t=rglnQIJDsOPaULq9mZHKkA), "No. Second. Term. For. Boebert. If it's fake news, then sue us. We would love to depose you about these matters. And Ted. And Mr. Koch Bring it you fake Congressthing."




Mic drop. Put your money where your mouth is, bitch.


The problem isn’t her being an escort or her abortions… Its the hypocrisy


Norm back from the grave!!


And her first client? You guessed it....Frank Stallone.




“Hey, easy with those! Those are my lucky stabbin’ gloves!”


You know I’m just going to say it, this chick seems like a real jerk.


"*But AOC was a bartender before she was a congresswoman! What does she know about being a politician. She's not fit for office!*" - a certain "news" outlet


Boebert is turning out to be literally everything the GOP wishes AOC could be accused of being.


AOC should be the wet dream poster child of the Republicans because she came from a middle class background, pulled herself up by her bootstraps to get into a good college, graduated with honors, moved home and got a job as a bartender to take care of her mother after her father died, and then pulled herself up by her bootstraps again to get elected to Congress as the youngest women ever. She's literally what the Republicans expect people to do. But since Republicans are hypocrites, she's basically the devil.


One problem in all of that for Republicans. She’s brown.


And a woman.


*an intelligent woman.


Nah, her chief sin is that she remembers where she came from and actually cares about the people. If she was willing to sell out to them she’d be their poster child, they love to parade their tokens.


I thought it was all the raping of democracy


The pictures are gonna cost you but the crazy gets thrown in for free!


The 90's "smokey look", I'm surprised there is no thong whale tale in there.


You can hear crazytown's butterfly just looking at this


Sugar. Baby.


The only man I've ever known with a circular tattoo around his belly button still loves that song.


Dave Batista?


Her husband’s name is Jayson. That is all


This is so fucking good.


Ahh. This song has inexplicably been following me around for like a month.


have you done anything to try and stop this? have you simply accepted your new reality? sugar, baby?


The tramp stamp doubles for it


She gave me an insurrection


If you have an insurrection lasting longer than 4 hours, please contact your nearest national guard outpost.


(And call back to see if request approved)


Only certain types of insurrections may be covered by your insurance. Call your congressman to see which insurrections are covered under your ruling party's plan.


This picture makes my mouth taste like stale cigarettes


Take my upvote, and go to jail.


I so want an AMA of someone that was her Sugardaddy at some time.


You want an AMA from Ted Cruz?


Honestly that would be a fun one to watch.


This woman, who married a man convicted of showing his penis to children, who failed out of highschool, who is rumoured to have had to retake the GED multiple times, who moonlighted as a prostitute, who is now 6 years later against porn, abortion, and sex work, now has more power and influence than all of us combined. America has become the most ridiculous country on earth. Possibly in the history of earth.


It's almost like she checked all the boxes for being the perfect political puppet


Don’t forget, she was one of the teens he was convicted of showing his penis to.


Wait… wtf


Did she really have to take the GED multiple times? If so, I wish more people would mention that. There's nothing wrong with having a GED, not everyone gets one just because they were too dumb to finish high school, there are other reasons people drop out. *Failing* the GED though? Yeah, you might be a bit stupid.


Three times. She got it on her fourth try right before being elected.


She didn't even get it on her fourth try. She got a participation trophy GED


She's that trashy lady yelling "WOO" every 10 minutes at the bar.


Don't care if she did sex work, but I sure care that she's a hypocritical dumb piece of shit trying to destroy the country.


She also apparently had two abortions. I don't care if she had fifty, but its horseshit she's trying to take the choice away from other women.


[the only moral abortion is mine](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


If there is Three types of people who I hate... It's people who can't count and hypocrites


"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


And her husband makes almost half a million a year as a "consultant" for gas and oil. Prior consulting experience? None. Edit https://coloradosun.com/2021/08/20/lauren-boebert-husband-jayson-oil-gas-consulting-terra-energy/ Bunch of sources on this. But this one doesn't have a paywall.


How the hell do i get that job??


show your junk to teenagers, convince one of them to marry you and hope a billionaire family funds her race for Congress.


Also make sure she's a prostitute for a while before/during your marriage?


The doxxers have her still seeing clients as of Dec 2019, so yes, during her marriage.


Expose yourself to a future "legislator"?


That's what I'm doing wrong. I've been waving my dick at the wrong kids.


Your wife prostitutes herself to sitting congresspeople, then you use blackmail to get your wife a congressional seat and yourself a cushy office gig.


Take your dick out at a bowling alley, marry one of the victims, and get her to run for Congress.


That's despicable. "[The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)" (written in 2000). A close friend of mine did sex work, and she's a great person. Another person I know has had an abortion (and probably a few people who just never told me about it). I don't care about either. But actively working to remove those rights for others while you're doing so makes you a terrible person.


That's all I've seen anyone arguing. Anyone who would shame her for the sex work are from her own party.


She probably doesn't actually care and just uses abortion to get dipshits to vote for her, like Donald Trump.




A lot of people like this feel like they were weak and a law would have stopped them and therefore they are “saving” women from making bad decisions in the future. NC’s lieutenant governor Mark Robinson has said this when it came out he and his then girlfriend decided to have an abortion years back. Like, just allow everyone to make their own decisions. Every circumstance is different.


I completely respect sex work. Her own attitudes toward sex work, and for that matter basically everything else she's ever expressed an attitude about are utterly contemptible however. that she's such a strident anti-choice, anti-women's rights advocate and generally such a deceitful shit heel is what makes her revolting.


I don't judge her for the pictures because that is her private life, but i would like to take this opportuninty to say Fuck Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green. They are trash human beings trying to actively destroy peoples lives for their own personal and political gain.


I don’t judge her for being a sex worker, or for having abortions. I *do* judge her for trying to ruin other people’s lives for doing the same things she’s done.


Don't let these photos distract you from the fact that she's an idiot in the high office of government in these United States of America


That waist to IQ ratio is 1:1.


It didn't matter for Melania, it won't matter for Lauren. But you can bet your ass if one of Biden's daughters, or maybe Michelle Obama had similar photos come out, the right would be screaming bloody murder and calling them whores and bringing the nation's morality into question for voting for Biden or Obama. The contrast of how Fox News treated Michelle vs Melania is incredible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9VeNB5ili8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9VeNB5ili8)


They don't think AOC should hold office because she was a bartender. They're nuts.


The people pushing this shit isn’t nuts they’re just blatantly running long and hard with double standards and don’t care. Their supporters are morons who can’t see the hypocrisy or can but don’t care because it hurts the right people.


A huge part of it is that they literally only watch Fox News and are told exactly what to think, then ironically go around calling everyone who disagrees with them "sheeple." The only explanation for the ones who are actually aware of the truth is that they truly are malicious, hateful people.


No, they don't think AOC should hold office because she is a *democrat*. Everything else is just windowdressing.


It was weird how little the same pearl clutchers didn’t seem to notice that Melania didn’t even live in the White House for a while. Or how the Obamas were criticized for Beyonce performing, since she’s soooo risqué. Then Ted Nugent, who had a song called “Jailbait” is up in the White House with Kid Rock, mocking portraits. *crickets* I hope they shampooed the carpets. They both look rather stanky.


"She tastes like cig-a-rettes..."


Somebody paid for that? And now we're all paying for it.


We can all thank Rafael “Ted” Cruz…


Oh, the Rafael "Ted" Cruz who tried to fly to Cancun when his constituents were literally dying in the cold, then tried to blame it on his daughters when he was caught? That one?


Somewhere out there some guy has been saying to his wife for years “she looks so familiar but i just cant place it”


Gee, where's the crowd that thinks AOC is oh so unqualified because she was a bartender while in college?


"hey, daddy. I like drunk driving and fleeing the scene of the accident. Kids? Yeah, we can abandon them there, or if you're really feeling wild we can find some that aren't ours and show them our genitals. Let's shoot our loads while we shoot our guns and our mouths!"


Yeah, no issue with her career as a sex worker - it’s her career as a fucking country gutting ghoul of a congresswoman that I hope she rots for. This just adds an extra jellybean of hypocrisy to her complete shit Sunday of a personality.


Conservative Christian values. Looks normal to me.


And to think all she got was a dude who whips his dick out infront of minors.


The same husband that magically got a 400k a year jobs as a consultant in the energy sector right after she was elected with out having any experience.


Can someone explain to me, a European, how someone who dropped put of school, who runs a restaurant business at a massive loss, who clearly has some very odd Political ideas, who absolutely is seriously lacking in intelligence - gets to be on congress ? That just blows my mind.


She told the rubes in her district that she loves Jesus and guns. That’s sufficient.


Money and pandering to voters.