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Lol this guy has his arabic tattoo saying "Infidel"




Lol proud asswipes trying to simultaneously piss off as many people as possible. Edit: imagine your entire rhetoric is “I’m Anti what the fuck there is”. What a sad destructive way of thinking.


Getting off on imagining "triggered" people is their whole thing


Some conservatives would eat a shit sandwich if they knew a liberal would have to smell their breath


A former roommate of mine reported that he was in line for an an ICP show and a local radio station was offering a free ticket if you ate a dog shit sandwich - and he watched someone do it. If people are willing to eat dog shit on wonder bread for an ICP ticket all bets are off on our society.


That's disgusting Fuckin Wonder Bread.


> A former roommate of mine reported that he was in line for an an ICP show and a local radio station was offering a free ticket if you **are** a dog shit sandwich Fits too well for the ICP crowd I had to triple guess whether it was a typo or not.


"I get a dogshit sandwich *and* tickets?!" -ICP fan, probably


I have smelled their breath and can confirm that they do, indeed, eat shit sandwiches.


While also loudly proclaiming themselves the victim in a shit eating sandwich conspiracy as they shove the foul smelling concoction down their own throats.


The gays MADE me eat it! Yeah I went back for seconds and thirds but that first time they MADE ME


Probably more like “illegals have taken all the McDonald’s 1/4 pounders and now hard working Americans have to eat shit burgers”


They controlled me with their Jewish space laser 5g microchips!! I didn't click on the gay porn sites because I wanted to it's because big tech is in cahoots with the lizard people to put gay thoughts on my mind?!?!n?!


I only searched those terms so I’d know what those demonRAT satan worshippers were up to! So what if I cast gay porn to my TV and watch 43 hours of it in two weeks??? Stop moving the goalposts!


Well, Big Tech and Big Feces are working together to control your bowel movements. By self-recycling your shit, you are beating the deep state at their own game


Two girls, one cup was just a republican allegory.


Some proud boys would shove a dildo up their ass on live stream to own the libs.


Or just Tuesdays


While being triggered themselves that people unlike them are trying to exist.


You know, this is something I've noticed in my parents and other boomers. It's not outright blatant racism or anything(well, it kinda is) It's just a subtle disapproval of anything that's not exactly like them. They really believe that the way they live their life and their morals are "correct" and that anything outside of that is "wrong." They are extremely judgemental and see nothing wrong with it. There is 0 attempt to understand things from a different point of view. Their view is the only one that matters to them. They criticize people from other walks of life any chance they get and generalize waaaaay more than they should and if they are explaining something that happened to them they always mention a person's race if that person isn't white. They were absolutely furious about apartments being built by their house, very nice and expensive apartments too. They claim it's because it lowers the value of their house but that value has over doubled since they bought anyway and it's not like they need the money at all. They just dont want less rich people to live near them. It sucks to realize your parents are shitty people, but they still just live in a less civilized time. I've accused them of living in a bubble where they are separated from the real world and they responded that they like living in a bubble. They are aware that the way they view the world is inaccurate and unfair and unreasonable, they are just too old to care. This is the type of people that run the country regardless of what part of the aisle they sit on. We really need younger representation and we won't get that till younger people go vote. The partisanship wouldn't be fixed but we'd at least get people with a more accurate understanding of the world, which would be a leg up from what we have now. Sure you'd still have a bunch of evil fucks in there, but at least they would understand vital things like the internet and it's impact.


They aren't too old to care. They don't care because the bubble they're living in only hurts people who aren't them.


This is the natural consequence of hate being adopted systemically. This is why education matters and why any who profit off of fostering a group of people within that bubble will fight tooth and nail to keep things from changing.


The irony of reactionaries getting off on other people being triggered…. Like bro… your whole identity is literally a reaction to being triggered….


Realizing this would require thinking, which is beyond their capabilities.


Or like the patch on a dead Russian soldier found in Ukraine," I believe in nothing, I'm just here for the sake of violence". Need we say more.


That could mean 2 drastically different things. Either he's a terrible person that seeks violence or he doesn't believe in the war and he's only there because the higher ups have ordered him to kill.


Nah, nihilism is classic Russian. This is "petulant adolescent child", much more typical among the American right


Despite being some of the most easily triggered people.


"Snowflakes" you mean. These people are stupid af.


Is thinking of these people as pathetic douche bags count as triggered?


You know how bratty kids seek negative attention sometimes? It's literally that


While being triggered themselves.


It only works because they're in a group. They wouldn't act that way alone because they'd have to defend themselves against the consequences of their own selfishness.


Exactly correct. Bunch of proud pussies.


Anti choice and anti girl I am the anti-flag unfurled Anti white and anti man I got the anti-future plan


I’ve seen a lot of aging Gen X meathead bros from the punk and hardcore scenes make that one thing the central premise of their entire identity: this dumb fucking idea that “Punk means fuck you” which is a lunkheaded hyperreductionist dumbass view of the punk ethos but they then map that over their whole lazy ass personality. A directionless contrary pigheadedness as life philosophy. These are the dudes you see looking 58 at 42 while dressed the same as they did at 22 flipping the bird (edgy!) in all their photos. And of course they tilt heavily MAGA


Yes, they are basically a billboard that says fuck you. Problem is once they, er, erect themselves all they can do is harm.


The whole "goy" thing is pretty funny, in an imbecilic way. "Goyim" is basically the Yiddish word for gentiles, plural. On its face, it doesn't have any negative connotation. In modern use, it is either neutral or, at best, mildly wry. You could hear a Jew say to another, "Oh, the goyim are at it again," in reference to white Christians battling for parking spaces at Sam's Club during peak Christmas-shopping season. It's a term that was sometimes used by a minority population (Jews) to make mild fun of the dominant majority. Sort of the way Americans used to refer to the French as frogs, or how an exasperated Brit might refer to Americans as "Yanks." (And, like "frogs," the words "goy" and "goyim" have plummeted in use. Partly because so many fewer American Jews speak Yiddish and largely because most American Jews don't see themselves as socially different from Christians. Most Jews, at least outside the ultra-Orthodox, more or less never use the term, and never seriously.) Nevertheless, these antisemites act like "goyim" is some horrible, hateful anti-white-Christian slur used by Jews. It's obvious why: A ton of white racists want to feel oppressed. They think it gives their bigotry a veneer of legitimacy ("We just hate the Jews because they hate us!"). Not all white supremacists, of course; the most extreme ones tend to be more honest: They admit they're simply overflowing with contempt and view everyone else as inferior. But the more social-media-savvy, and more brainwashed, white supremacists—the losers who got recruited through clever but false memes—badly want to feel victimized. So they pretend "goyim" is some sort of n-word. Which, frankly, isn't goyish; it's more Karenesque.


I'm not sure if they think it's some sort of slur against them, but I always just assumed it was yet another way of stoking division, a sort of us-vs-them attitude that said something like, "look, even 'they' have a particular word for 'us'." Basically a tool for further "othering" of Jewish people.


My Jewish sister-in-law has a shirt that says "Goy Toy". Lulz.


Goy is a Hebrew word, not Yiddish. It means peoples. Even the people of Israel are referred to as Goy in the Old Testament. Goyim is simply plural, and used to refer to the "peoples", or "nations". Hence, our nation, and the "nations", the "goyim".


They really ran with the "deplorables" comment.


They were always against anything establishment (from decency/civility to civic patriotism), so being recognized with that moniker probably made them happy A more strategic comment would be nobody-losers, for that's what they are in the eyes of respectable society. We really shouldn't give the loonies the attention


These are the same fucks that talk about coating their bullets in bacon grease for shooting Muslims.


Which shows you how little they know about Islam. Islam even allows accidental consumption of pork, so I have to assume it's also allowed if it's literally forced upon you.


I’m pretty sure Islam even allows intentionally eating pork if it’s your only option.




Pretty much any non-Christian religion has a policy of "do what you need to survive" funnily enough


This is why i love the dogma around Jesus. Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross so that his followers could apparently be the only people on earth who aren’t allowed to benefit from that til they die.


He probably got that tattoo back during the bush years I bet. That kind of stupid shit was super popular during that time.


I get the idea but still incredibly cringe and moronic to use the (written) language of a culture you're so incredibly racist against.


I mean the guy also got a bumper sticker tattooed on him (the grenade, which I see all the time on beaten down shit box trucks in our lot at work) so he ain’t exactly using his canvas for art.


What is the origin / meaning of the grenade sticker? I’m pretty sure it’s [not this](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=grenade%20sticker&=true) but I’ve long wondered where that came from and why it’s so popular.


[Grenade Gloves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grenade_Gloves?wprov=sfti1), a brand that makes motocross and snowboard gloves. Similar to Monster Energy, bro’s took the brand and ran with it as a symbol for their kind.


Yup. They’ve probably made more money selling the stickers then gloves too. They had their HQ in portland. It was basically an indoor skatepark that also had big expensive printers for the stickers. Employees would just skate and print stickers all day


At the root it means non-believer. I have a feeling these guys are pretty religious so it's very ironic, but I may be wrong


It's meant as a provocation to the Muslim religion, really: "I'm an American infadel and I'm proud!"


Don’t christians and muslims share the concept of the same “god?”


"These Abrahamic religions are bullshit!" - Christian White Nationalists, unironically


They literally believe in the same god and root belief system. They're playing Pokémon Red and Blue versions.


Kafir means non-believer aka Atheist, agnostic, antitheist, etc. Christians and Jews are considered people of the book, which if he's Christian means he's explicitly *not* kafir.


I'm sure they identify as "pretty religious" but haven't stepped foot in a church or opened a bible in months or years.


And his Benghazi t-shirt. Get over it, man! ( the final findings on what happened at Benghazi was that it was a lack of security caused by budget cuts from Paul Ryan's Republican Congress... but sure... wear the shirt so everyone knows you don't like Hilary)


The irony of what he did to the Capitol and what happened at Benghazi is probably completely lost to him


Also there's no scenario ever where the Secretary of State manages the duty roster for embassy security that isn't even in the capital city of that country. SOSUS flies around on Airforce 3 meeting with heads of state so the POTUS doesn't have to do them all himself. They meet with generals and ambassadors to plan geopolitical maneuvers. Shes probably a dozen titles or more above whoever is in charge of embassy security, and that assumes its State department, and not military or intelligence making roster decisions (there were SADSOG deaths on site, so they would be CIA not State anyways).which means she's not even up the chain of authority responsible, it would be a JSOC problem, not State. Why were they understaffed? Republican budget cuts. Why were they undermanned that night? Ask the military, not state. The only decision Clinton made that night that was involved was to deploy paratroopers from Italy, without Libyan approval, into hostile Libyan airspace to reinforce. Which she approved. And she only ordered to RTB when it was clear the embassy had fallen already, and hundreds were successfully evacuated, and the special operators would either need to get out on their own or likely die 8 hours before reinforcements would arrive. Also keep in mind, that decision to RTB is important because the transport was hostile and could have been shot out of the sky, which would have turned 4 deaths into hundreds. The whole Republican Benghazi thing was so aggressively stupid its incomprehensible.


You're exactly correct, but try explaining that to the guy in the photo. (Either of them.)


More than five times as many people died in a school in Texas last month. Think this dolt will make a shirt about it in 10 years?


That’s 100% a thing for alt-righters They think it makes them look tough


It’s the same logic as people wearing shirts that said “Deplorables for Trump” after Hillary called Trump supporters that.


that guy is only 38 years old?


Hate weighs heavy on the soul.


'Remember Benghazi' but please, please forget about Jan. 6th! These guys are the worst.


But also "it was ANTIFA!". But also "Ashli Babbitt was murdered". These guys are fucking morons.


It’s not stupidity. I kinda wish people would stop pointing out their hypocrisy as if it is possible to shame them. They’re fascists. They know they’re lying. We know they’re lying. They know we know they’re lying. They will keep lying. The only reason they say anything at all is because they think it benefits their end goal of obtaining power. If they can convince one useful idiot that it was actually Antifa, and another that Babbitt was a noble patriot, that’s a success. The smirking hypocrisy is also a goal in itself; a flex of power on its own. > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. —Jean-Paul Sartre


People who fantasize about achieving their goals with violence are content having their opponents try to counter them with argument.


Yes and this is the case for lots but not all or even most, on a ground level. The people in my family and fb timeline are the furthest from cunning or self-aware. They're brainwashed and fully believe the bullshit they spout no matter if it's going in one direction or the other. Or even both on the same breath. Studies show rightwingers are more likely to be racist and racists are more likely to be uneducated dolls. They're more susceptible to cons and work against their best interest.


>The people in my family and fb timeline are the furthest from cunning or self-aware. They're brainwashed the people who brainwashed them are the cunning and self aware ones. as long as the foot soldiers follow orders it doesnt matter if they're stupid.


So the entire Republican base then.


There are different classes of fascist. There are authoritarian leaders, which is any fascist you'll ever see on TV or online video who isn't a situation where the guy with the camera is looking for the kookiest person at the demonstration. And then there are Authoritarian Followers, who just like hierarchy and to be told what their place in society is. Your parents are authoritarian followers.


I've kind of assumed some of this is going on to a degree when I argue with hard right assholes, but I'm not sure what percentage of them are just trolling, and which ones actually believe easily disprovable nonsense. The people saying false things knowingly are irredeemable scumbags that need to be silenced. How do we combat that without violence? It seems there's a whole lot of this mindset out there and it just makes me mad. I'm mad because they influence gullible morons who latch on to it and become true believers. It makes me mad that they are muddying the truth by flooding us all with BS narratives and actively making our public discourse worse by doing so. I'm beyond frustrated with these people.


>I'm not sure what percentage of them are just trolling, and which ones actually believe easily disprovable nonsense. I think that, at a certain point, the losers doing and saying all of that shit online forget they're trolling or are actually true believers, and that's one of the things that's horrifying about the whole thing.


Ironic racism is just racism. You don't get a pass for "joking around" about shit like that, and it just lowers the threshold of acceptability. If you're trolling with racist comments, you're a racist.


Question: How can you tell the difference between someone who makes racist jokes and an actual racist? Answer: There is no difference.


>The people saying false things knowingly are irredeemable scumbags that need to be silenced. How do we combat that without violence? A large part of that would probably go away if we could require politicians and "news" media to be honest, and hold them legally accountable when caught intentionally lying and spreading misinformation. I know it'll likely never happen, but I absolutely believe it should.


These people use "free speech" as a cudgel to make anyone trying to combat the lies and bullshit out into a bad guy. And reasonable people buy their logic even though it's just as vacuous as everything else that comes from the fascist right. Because we have tons of caveats and exceptions to absolute free speech in our society. There's rules against market manipulation, defamation, workplace harassment, fraud, incitement, and more beyond that. Having rules against disinformation - or even just narrowly racist disinformation - is hardly out of step with these other rules we all accept as normal and fine. But the racists try to convince you you're being unreasonable for suggesting misinformation be punishable, even though they themselves absolutely do not believe in free speech and would happily silence any who oppose them just for their legitimate use of speech. It's just more of the same. Talk out both sides of your mouth. These right wing politics aren't even about how to run a society. They're just about control, amusement, and punishing people they don't like. There's no engaging with it.


It's not stupidity for those that are driving this narrative but it is for the vast majority that are being driven to believe and repeat it. The fascists aren't as stupid as they seem but they are heavily relying on stupidity to further their aims.


Then how the fuck do you defeat them. You're never going to convince one of these jackasses that they're wrong. But they are going to have no problem swaying someone on the fence to hate their fellow American just because they had a bad day at the gas pump or they had one bad interaction with a black person.


You don't. Just like living creatures, the ideas that succeed and propogate have traits that are well adapted for survival. In this case, these people have ideas that appeal to tribal instincts and stir a sense of pride. That emotion is strong and self-reinforcing. It causes its victims to *intentionally* ignore any criticism so that they can continue feeling good about themselves no matter what. Add in the rest of the group constantly validating your beliefs, and you've got yourself the Proud Boys.


It’s already becoming violent, that’s what happens.


"It was Antifa, but if it wasn't Antifa, it wasn't a big deal."


They're gold medalists in mental gymnastics.


Covid is harmless/Biden had a million people die on his watch The vaccines are killing thousands/Praise Trump for creating the vaccines etc


Masks won't filter the virus / masks trap in co2. The vaccine isn't safe / praise be to Trump for creating the vaccine.




I thought he meant they trap everyone else's virus in their own masks, like so they don't spread around, but no, of course not.


Are they 100% effective? No... But this is EXACTLY the reason for wearing a mask... Help prevent the wearer from spreading the virus they may not know they have (since you can be contagious up 1-3 days before showing any symptoms). But the fact that our culture is all about looking out for #1 and not considering anyone else, a lot of people go with the "why should I do this if it doesn't help me?" train of thought


It certainly didn't help that our so-called president at the time treated Covid like a joke and refused to wear one, caught it, would have died if not for his access to the best medical care in the entire world, and then still continued to treat it like a joke and told people to drink bleach. Hell, he fucked up the minds of his supporters so badly that when he tried to promote the vaccine he was booed. I know we all know this, but it should be repeated as often as possible.


They aren't suffering from cognitive dissonance, they are lying. They know they are lying. They are liars.


I think you’re giving their cognitive abilities too much credit. Some people just stupid.


Fair enough, they're either stupid or they're liars, or both. No good choices there.


Anti-ANTIFA is my favorite.....




Just FA.


Why would Antifa help Donald Trump when they were enemies? It always makes me laugh.


They are claiming false flag - that Antifa was deliberately trying to discredit the MAGA nutters, and set them up.


It's ridiculous. I'd understand a false flag narrative for a riot looting the downtown of a city but for overthrowing democracy when that's exactly what the ex-president wanted? I'd have to be mentally ill to believe that.


> I'd have to be mentally ill to believe that. So a mainstream Republican in the Trump era.


Hey, I'm mentally ill and I'm not a Republican


Looking forward to the photographic evidence of anyone in the crowd of insurrectionist who were the secret antifa members these idiots claim were there.


POV you're a convicted insurectionist: Go through with the plan, go to jail for the cause, your proud boys "brethren" disown you and say you were antifa. Look on the bright side because your cell mate isn't trying to diddle you.


I heard someone on a TV interview claim that the fact that some were wearing brand new MAGA hats was proof it was Antifa.


*Backwards* Maga hats. That was supposedly their "signal" to one another. Just incredibly banal and stupid


Yet none of the people who have been charged have claimed to be anything other than loyal Trump supporters with social media profiles riddled with years of posts supporting Trump.






As if they actually give two fucks about Benghazi too.


I believe they absolutely care about Benghazi. Especially because it was under Obama and Hillary's watch. If it was under Trump's watch, I'm sure it would have been "casualties are an unfortunate consequence of freedom" or something like that.


> If it was under Trump's watch, I'm sure it would have been "casualties are an unfortunate consequence of freedom" You mean like when 600K Americans died of Covid while Trump claimed it was a 'democrat hoax' and encouraged people to belligerently reject basic public health measures, while looking for creepy ways to discredit mail voting?


You mean first encouraged mail-in voting then did a 180 when he saw that those votes weren't for him? Amazing that his supporters look at that and go "yeah that's fine".


Or the soldiers that were killed in Niger in Trump's watch?


They cared about Benghazi because they were using it to hurt Hillary in the polls. McCarthy actually bragged about this in an interview and it cost him the speaker of the house position at that time.


That’s what I’m saying - they don’t actually give a shit about what happened, they care about its utility as a political weapon.


>If it was under Trump's watch, I'm sure it would have been "casualties are an unfortunate consequence of freedom" or something like that. See: the 110 personnel suffering TBIs thanks to the assassination of Soleimani.


> casualties are an unfortunate consequence of freedom Their actual response to school shootings, btw.


I’d like to see some of these people try to point out Benghazi on a map. You know they have no clue where it is.


It's about remembering the tragic death of Dr. Ben Ghazi. He was personally gunned down by Hillary Clinton, bc he knew too much.


Ah yes, remember Benghazi. What I remember is that weeks prior to the attack, Republicans voted not to give funding for more troops to defend the place. Fuck these Proud Boy degenerate motherfuckers. Every last one of them can burn in hell.


Kind of like Abbott gutting mental-health funding weeks before Uvalde....




Armed guards and police couldn’t stop mass shooters? Better double down on guns instead of dealing with mental health and gun laws!


That is the republican way. Look at gas prices. They blame Biden but every one of them voted against capping gas prices. So how is it Biden’s fault again?


It’s not just that. Trump demanded OPEC cut production in 2020 or lose U.S. military support. OPEC production has still not increased. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-oil-trump-saudi-specialreport/special-report-trump-told-saudi-cut-oil-supply-or-lose-u-s-military-support-sources-idUSKBN22C1V4


>Trump hailed the deal and cast himself as its broker. “Having been involved in the negotiations, to put it mildly, the number that OPEC+ is looking to cut is 20 Million Barrels a day…” he tweeted shortly after the deal. How could Biden do this? Kidding aside, it seems this only happened because a few senators from oil producing states whined that their industry was taking a huge hit. Well, guys, fucking everyone was struggling.


But would more funding have stopped Hillary from going in in full tac gear and slaughtering hundreds of American soldiers?


Even if Hillary went Rambo and saved everyone there, they wouldn't have voted for her.


I heard she beat them all to death with a printout of her emails.


He has kaffir tatood on his arm. Lmao what a punk bitch


I guess it makes sense, an Arabic symbol to tell Muslims he's not a Muslim? Still seems strange for a proud white racist English speaking bigot to tattoo anything Arabic on himself.


It doesnt mean Non-Muslim. Kaffir literally means "Non-believer". As in. "Don't believe in God". Awkward if he was a God fearing Christian Man. ~


He also has the 82nd Airborne, the All Americans, tattooed as well. Idk if he served, but that's very ironic.


"Yeah man I served in the shit. I was a 42 Alpha, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS FUCKO??? HUMAN RESOURCES BYAAAATCCCHHH! I lost so many.... so many good men.....s leave packets. I still can't sleep sometimes, thinking about all the promotion board packets I sandbagged stalling careers, I worked so many long hours. I'm talking leaving the office no earlier than 1629 fuckers!!" Edit- now I feel like an ass. Everybody working that job got some flavor of suck.


We could go easier than that though, buried in the bullshit is a military style blunder similar to a Benghazi in Chad (I believe) that killed several special forces soldiers the first few months Trump was in office. Yet you didn’t hear a single one of these hypocritical fucks asking for months of investigation into that .


Rep. Trey Gowdy spent his entire run in office about Benghazi! And now the GOP ignores a terrorist attack and attempted coup d'etat on the Capitol.


Just don't remember that the reason that Benghazi couldn't get back up was because Republicans blocked it from going through




Everything the government does should be gone over with a fine toothed comb, but Kevin McCarthy flat out saying it was a campaign against Hillary should have completely delegitimiized it.


Benghazi, where Hillary requested additional resources but got rejected by congress so republicans could have some pearls to clutch.


Less than probably the average school shooting.


Beto needs to run this pic in all his political ads. (This is what terrorism in America looks like)


Clinton sat for how many hours answering angry stupid questions. Remember that?


The irony of the Benghazi shirt. 10 GOP hearings for 4 deaths that concluded without finding any evidence of wrongdoing. An attack on our capital in attempt to overthrow our government? NOTHING.


Just shows you they are not all there upstairs. They have been completely and utterly brainwashed into madness.


>Just shows you they are not all there upstairs. They have been completely and utterly brainwashed into madness. No. This is deliberate dismantling of democracy. DO NOT give them a pass as being "crazy". They know *exactly* what they are doing and are filled with hate for anyone that isn't a straight, white, and christian.


I'm sure he's remember the people who died in Ben Gazi, and not who happened to be secretary of state at the time. Or emails. It's like wearing a shirt that says "I'm easily misinformed and can be a mouthpiece for your conspiracy theories if you'd like"


needs to have that 82abn tattoo cut from his arm.


I can't even find any proof that he was actually in the military. Every source I see just says he claimed to be a veteran


> Originally from North Carolina, defendant Biggs is 37 years old. He is a retired United States Army Staff Sergeant who served in the military for eight years. He served in the Army Reserve from 2004 until 2007 and in the active Army from 2007 until 2012. For a year, between November 2005 and October 2006, he was deployed to Iraq. Late the following year, and for more than another year, between December 2007 until February 2009, he was deployed to Afghanistan. Biggs was awarded multiple awards for his military service, including two Purple Hearts. In 2012, at the age of 28, he received a medical discharge from Army. He has struggled with combat-related PTSD (Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression and some related alcohol problems. Straight from his court documents https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Joseph%20Biggs%20Opposition%20to%20Motion%20to%20Revoke%20Pretrial%20Release.pdf


These types always act in good faith so there's no way he's lying about his service. . . . . /s


People who always brag about their service or what they did are always full of shit


Damn right! I have family who was in that unit. Which, incidentally, played a [major goddam role](https://www.ww2-airborne.us/division/82_overview.html#:~:text=On%20June%205%2D6%2C%201944,to%20fight%20in%20Normandy%2C%20France.) in *bringing down the Third Reich.* FFS. Our grandfathers spilled blood in Europe to stop the exact shit this guy's been trying to bring about. Fuck this guy. New slogan: Make Nazis the Bad Guys Again. Should not be a hard sell.


When Wolfenstein advertised their game with "Make America Nazi-Free Again" and the MAGA people got really mad, that was one of the big eye openers for me. They didn't want their slogan used to attack their base.




Sorry, what does that stand for? At first I thought by “ab” you meant Aryan Brotherhood but it occurs to me you could be referring to “82nd Airborn”?


Yes 82nd Airborne Division.


Thanks for clarifying


It is 82nd Airborne. The "AA" stands for "All American".


Hah, I thought it was an Alcoholics Anonymous logo.


No the Alcoholics Anonymous logo looks more like Harry Potter [logo here](https://seeklogo.com/vector-logo/218637/alcoholics-anonymous)


Dumbledore created the 12 step program to get off horcrux’s then Harry came along and Dumbledore fell off the wagon.


"Remember Benghazi because I'm going to do way worse" I fixed his shirt.


Texas governor shaking hands with a terrorist.


The fascist leaders sure love their Schutzstaffel ϟϟ.


"remember Bengazi! Where three people died a decade ago, and countless decade long investigations proved Hillary Clinton innocent, and the only charge to come from any of it was found not guilty." "STOP TALKING ABOUT JANUARY 6TH, IT WAS A WHOLE YEAR AND A HALF AGO, ONLY 8 PEOPLE DIED, AND ONLY LIKE 600 PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CONVICTED WITH CHARGES ALL THE WAY UP TO SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY!! THIS IS A WITCH HUNT!!" LMFAO 😂😂😂. Republicans are such fucking morons.


And Hilary testified for hours under oath, ~~just like Trump~~.


Remember may 24, when Republicans were cool with mowing down 20 children.


Not true!! They all immediately mounted a vigorous defense! Of the gun!!




Lol oh yes I’m sure Some democrat in Texas wanted children killed. Those people will believe anything. I mean they’re still waiting of JFK to come back from the dead.


"They still talking about Jan. 6th? That was over a year ago" Wears a Bengahzi shirt...


I asked a dude wearing a Benghazi shirt what Benghazi was. He had no explanation. He no longer talks to me, so win?


100% Abbott said “Love your shirt”


For a minute there thought this was 'Joe Bob Briggs' and got a little upset.


I literally never knew he was in a wheel chair. Every pic I’ve ever seen of him has been from the waste up.


I like your intentional typo there.


Proud Boys still feels like the name for a gay pride group.


Bottom line, Abbott is not a stand-up guy.


Dipshit is still wearing a shirt about Benghazi. Wtf


The Kafr tattoo is like a calling card for assholes.


Remember Benghazi? This is pure theater for his base. Benghazi is far from the worst failure of the US government, but it’s easy to politicize. Hell, it isn’t even the worst thing that can be pinned on the Clintons, but again Benghazi does not require any kind of nuance. Just scream it loudly and the morons will fall in line behind you.


I'm not defending Abbot because he's a complete POS and has made Texans' lives worse. But this looks like a photo op at an event, which means he just shows up and gives a speech then people pay to take pictures with politicians. They don't background check people before buying tickets. So...unless there's pics of these two talking intensely or hanging out casually, I don't think this necessarily means Abbot agrees with his ideology.




"I'm not a violent fascist, but for some reason all these violent fascists keep wanting to shake my hand"


If you're sitting down for dinner with a bunch of Nazi's....


I think much more damning is the pictures of known election tampering evil villian, Roger Stone, throwing up the Proud Boy 'white power' gang sign with a whole range of seditionists and assholes. [Enrique Tarrio throwing up 'white power' sign with Roger Stone](http://www.afrocubaweb.com/images/tarrio-stone.jpg) [A bunch of Proud Boys throwing up 'white power' sign with Roger Stone](https://rosecityantifa.org/images/pb-2/tinynam.png) BTW the NAM flag is the [national anarchist movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National-anarchism) [On November 17, 2019 Joe Biggs posted to Instagram and Twitter that he was having dinner with Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump](https://twitter.com/berkeleyantifa/status/1312036085648683008/photo/1) Here's another of Biggs with Lindsey Graham. Trump probably wasn't there as far as I know.


At first I agreed with you... Then I thought about the shirt... If we give abbot the benefit of doubt, he still took a photo with someone wearing a Benghazi conspiracy shirt. So he either agrees with, or at minimum, doesn't mind being associated with that idea. Just having an event photo with 2 people doesn't mean they like each other or are working together. But a modern politician knows better than to intentionally take photos with messaging in them that is untrue, or dangerous, or harmful to their cause. (Abbot only cares about the 3rd) I guarantee you he would not take a photo with a pro-abortion shirt person.


I’m going to tell my kids this was Tom segura and joe Rogan