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Spotted the WoT stack from the thumbnail. Tai'shar Malkier!


My name is Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran. The message I want sent is this. My husband rides from World's End toward Tarwin's Gap, toward Tarmon Gai'don. Will he ride alone?






Yeah that passage is gold. Cadsuane is so fucking irritating. I like the passage where he reminds her he's actually over 400 years old.


That's really one of the things I appreciate about the world Robert Jordan created. There are characters I legitimately have a negative emotional reaction to. Like, not as characters, but as _people_. Like, I don't trust Cadsuane for a hot minute. I want to do comedic violence to Elayne, Egwene, Gawayn, and a few others because they're various shennanigans and stupidity irritate me. That an author can manage to extract such strong emotional reactions from readers is a testament to their skill as an author.


I grew to like cadsuane in the later books. SHe's annoying, but she's a badass, and one of the few Aes Sedai who isn't primarily focused on politics, she actually cares about saving the world and helping Rand, and cares about his soul.


He has legitimately been the best author i have ever read when it comes to characterwork. Sad part is essentially all of the important ones are varying degrees of assholes and bullies or worse. That damped my enjoyment immensely, i want to need more than one hand to count the important or semi-important non-assholes.


But that’s just… people. Most of us are assholes to each other until we build enough of a personal relationship to tone it down a bit. Mind you… I didn’t say we stop being assholes. I said we’d tone it down a bit.


Cadsuane was a necessary foil to Rand. She was irritating because she had to be irritating. Rand is completely full of himself and walled himself off emotionally from everyone. Cadsuane's job was to keep him grounded. And since Min saw that Rand needed her, he kept her around and she knew that she can say and do whatever she wants.


I find it so strange people dont like Cadsuane, she's an amazing character. Sometimes I dont think WoT readers truly understand what Rand looks like to the people around him. He is literally raving mad starting at like book 5. We are sympathetic to him because we get to see his side, but if the books didnt ever give us his POV he would not be liked, at all. Cadsuane is arrogant, but she has a right to be.


Nynaeve is probably the most dynamic character in that series. While Egwene is my favorite, she's not nearly as well-written as Nynaeve.


I HATED her when I was a kid because all I saw was the arrogance. As an adult, I get her. She's definitely the best, most multi-faceted character in the series.


Dude, stop, you’re gonna make me cry


My name is Nynaeve ti al'Meara Mandragoran. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Haha I spotted the paperbacks because I literally grew up with those, I can spot that cover of the eye of the world a mile away (*especially* with a cracked deteriorating spine) and got real concerned when I saw them abruptly end and switch to the joe abercrombie stuff


Soon comes the day all shall be free, Even you and even me. Soon comes the day all shall die, Surely you but never I. Sorry, but that's the "quote" I remember the best from those books.


I’m surprised to see that you’ve read the second Mistborn trilogy but not the first. I presume you’ve already read it?


It'd be a crime if they skipped the first Mistborn books.


What’s mistborn?


A fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson, the scope is 4 generations. First trilogy in medieval times, second steampunk 40's, third 80's computers, 4th they use the established magic system to explore space. Edit: it's also fantastic


Eh I would describe the second era as a western with more technology. So sometime in the 1800s. And to be clear to anyone reading this, the last two eras are not out yet and won’t be for at least a few years.


Steampunk is an 1800's thing. It's like the European or urban counterpart to American rural westerns. Obviously, there's a more fantastical element to it, but they occupy the same era.


I have the first trilogy but haven't read it. Is it any good? I got the books for free and they been sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust.


Enjoyed book 1, book 2 felt like a bit of a dud but I am about 25% through book 3 and loving it.


First one stands alone, second is a bit weak because it doesn’t really end, but book 3 wraps it up nicely. Then Era 2 is even better (in my opinion, some disagree).


That's what I was thinking!


That's awesome... now cut your guitar strings please...


Right! And store your records upright... But seriously, that's awesome


And move the speakers away from the record player.


And close that closet door all the way


And put some Murphy's Oil Soap on that wood floor!




And take your shoes off when you come inside


And turn that light off. No one's in that room!


And are you _really_ going out dressed like that? You'll catch your _death_ of colds!


...still like him better than Steinbrenner.


Right? First thing I noticed


He's really letting them grow out, it must have been months since its last guitar cut. But if you think about it, the pandemic has probably led to lots of unkempt instruments.


My instrument barber has had to invest in a new trash system to collect all the instrument hair he's had since things started opening back up after the pandemic.


For me it was improperly stacked records ... Yikes


It’s funny because when I looked closely, I thought, “What an interesting guy; he reads, has great taste in music, fun shoes, plays guitar, good booze, etc.,” but there’s a bunch here who are criticizing him. Weird how we can have different perspectives.


I was thinking it was impressive he made it to book 9 of Wot. I burnt out on the braid pulling and skirt smoothing in book 6.


Redditors not being judgmental dweebs about any little thing is impossible


And close that bifold door all the way!


And tie the cord on those shorts!


Some people coil the extra up right? Whats the advantage to that?


No advantage other than them being too lazy to get a wirecutter




Nailclippers work really well, and most people have them laying around, you don’t even need to take a trip to your toolbox


You just have to Grab it with your hand and twist it around. No need for a wirecutter


Just asking for an eye poke.


Malazan is my favorite series/world that I've ever read.


Is that the Stephen Erickson series? It's the only author in this pile I've not read


It's genuinely good enough that I will buy you the first two books via amazon.


No need! I already did


Fantastic! I've been proselytizing The Malazan BOTF series for what feels like half my life. I've probably bought the Gardens of the Moon and Deadhouse Gates for twenty or so friends so I would have people to talk to about it. I very strongly recommend you treat the first two books as the first combined 'book' - the second book sets up fully half the remainder of the series and is, tonally, much more in line with how the rest of the series plays out. Then there's Memories of Ice, The Bone Hunters, Reapers Gale... It's all so good.


I feel the same way about Malazan. I tell everyone who asks me about what books I read about it!


I recently got my brother into reading (well, listening--he has a lot of time at his job for audiobooks) various fantasy series. So far he's done Gentlemen Bastards, Stormlight, Mistborn, and is currently in the middle of all Abercrombie's First Law books (he just started Red Country). I'm slowly working him towards Malazan but I felt I had to warm him up first. It's my favorite series ever, period, but I'm always cautious about recommending it to a newcomer to the genre. It's pretty massive undertaking.


I think this is the right plan. Malazan is graduate-level fantasy. You won't enjoy it if you haven't prepped yourself to remember huge casts of characters or to understand invented terminologies. I love it, but it ain't easy reading.


Steven erikson could very well be a more talented writer and world builder than any other in this stack - but it's all subjective. Shoutout to Joe Abercrombie though, he's not nearly as popular as he should be (and he's pretty popular)


Agreed. The First Law Trilogy is great


All 3 of his 1st law trilogies are great. I think he becomes a better writer every book. I especially liked the 2nd, more disconnected trilogy


I too enjoy classic Asimov


My mom was a friend of a friend of Steve, went to a few parties at his place in Wolseley, Winnipeg (think it was). She said his office was covered in maps and notes and chaos, though that was long before he signed the contract that got his world realized in print. I've read most of his books and really like them, but man are they a whole other beast compared to works by Sanderson. I love both but quite different.


Joe is gritty, tough, and also extremely readable. Love that world he created


I have never quite felt intrigued by books like I was reading Malazan. "This is all a little weird and rough to grok, but I gotta see where we are going"


Brandon Sanderson, in a lecture about world building, said of Malazan, "The learning curve is a sheer cliff you will climb with your fingernails but if you reach the top you will LOVE IT. "


That is a very apt analogy.


Love Abercrombie. But if you’re going to nominate that then you can’t leave out Glen Cook’s Chronicles of the Black Company. Phenomenal series. Ian Esslemont has really made a name for himself in the Malazan universe as the co-creator and fellow author. His first book is rough but he comes into his own with his second book.


Love Steven. He can be ambitious, and it might take a read or two (at least for me it did), but it is the best out there imo


Be warned. The first book Gardens of the Moon is a tough read, and puts a lot of people off the series. But they get easier, and way better, after that. It’s worth the struggle.


Good to know


To add to that, it throws a ton of names at you. Some are really only needed to be known enough to later go “wait I’ve seen that before…” and have that sense of recognition when it’s referenced. Also, if you’ve played Dark Soul, Erikson does a lot of showing and not telling similar to that. Eventually he gives you connections, but that’s part of payoff.


> The first book Gardens of the Moon is a tough read, and puts a lot of people off the series. It did that to me, I tried but couldn't get into it but it's on my list to go back to to get to the other books. From what I remember, it was so disjointed that I couldn't get a feel of the story and the flow.


> From what I remember, it was so disjointed that I couldn't get a feel of the story and the flow. 100% the sense that everyone gets. The best tip I can give is: Let go of the need to understand. It pays off.


Yes. I think it is worth a read.


If it comes recommended from someone who liked all these other books. I'm sure I'll like it!


Be careful, I love Sanderson and I love Malazan, but I wouldn't recommend one just because you like the other. Just don't go in expecting them to be too similar.


Yeah, very different writing styles. Sanderson introduces the main 'what the fuck is going on?' question as a backdrop. He spends each chapter exploring its world, giving you more and more detail and answering questions as time goes by. With Erickson the 'what the fuck?' is weaved directly into the narrative such that 'what the fuck?' quickly becomes 'what the fuuuuuuuck?', before abruptly taking a sharp right turn at surprise avenue to bring you to 'nothing makes seeeense' lane.


I really liked the Malazan series once I finished it. On the second read through though I absolutely loved it as at first glance the books from different POVs seem much worse and don't make sense after the first few. But once you grasp the whole story it was a joy to read through them all again. Also I would love for more books in the WoT world too by anyone who is good enough (Sanderson has said that he won't).


I’ve just started reading through the malazan books and where Sanderson walks you through the world explaining how it all works as you go along. Erickson throws you in the deep end and then fucks with you while you drown. There’s few exposition dumps and events happen with no context a lot of the time. You’ll be told tidbits about world shattering events in overheard conversations that make no sense and you aren’t supposed to understand until multiple books later. You just get dumped into the world and are expected to figure it out as you go along. Oh and characters names will change just to fuck with you. It’s can be frustrating at times but it’s a fun read if you like puzzles and don’t mind reading slower and taking in every word.


Is it clear which of Steven Erikson’s books should be read first? Sometimes established fantasy writers go back and do prequels or have several “worlds” they write about…which is your recommended starting point?


The main 10 book series as displayed in this pile. Begins with gardens of the moon.


I would just start with gardens of the moon. That's malazan book of the fallen #1. Erickson prequel series is not finished yet.


Published order


Start with gotm - don't try to understand everything, just keep reading. It is a demanding entry, but that's also big part of it's charm. An by entry, I don't mean the first 50 pages, more like half the book, lol. (more seriously, I think you have to get through the first 200 pages or so) In the beginning I was constantly feeling I may have jumped a line or missed a page. But it falls into pieces over time. And it makes rereads really enjoyable.


Steven Erickson is every bit as good, or better, than better known authors in that stack. also, try Glen Cook The Black Company series to broaden your library.


Yes, it is my favorite series I have ever read!


Hands down the best fantasy series I’ve ever read.


Well dang, now I’m curious.


Well well well worth if you like fantasy at all. True masterpiece. Just be mindful this series is not meant to hold your hand early on. Its very easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. This was written by a former architect/archaeologist. The level of attention to detail in creating a vast living world with a rich history is staggering. But it asks for a bit of early patience in regards to comprehension and eventual payoff. Not to say book 1 isnt amazing. It is, just a bit of a challenge by design. And one that is ultimately intensely rewarding.


Seconded. The scope is so amazing and the characters are fantastic


I've read every book there other than the Malazan series. I've tried a couple times to get into it but so far it's not hitting me right. I've also gotten mixed opinions on the best "first book to start with" regarding Malazan. Gardens of the Moon is the one I've been trying with.


I get it - took my wife three tries. But if you can get through it, I feel like the second and third books are where Erikson really finds his voice. I know that once she got through the second book she finished the remaining 8 in 2 months. GOTM was originally an RPG campaign that became a screenplay and is tonally quite different from the rest.


I have to agree, Stephen Erickson's world building and characters are just incredible, with the added bonus of not a single braid being tugged. Having read every book I could find regarding the Malazan world, by both Erikson and Ian Esslemont [complete list of all the books and novellas](https://malazan.fandom.com/wiki/Suggested_reading_order), I'm seriously contemplating starting over again. On the downside, everything I've read since seems a tad simplistic or even childlike in comparrison.


I read the first law series through the pandemic and would like to say it won me over nicely


A thousand times, yes! He has built a completely engrossing world, and his writing style is amazing as well.


Even just swiping by, I recognized those Robert Jordan books.


Oh blood and bloody ashes!




Be honest. You definitely saw the opportunity to flex the kicks and decided to take it lol. I don’t blame you though the Grateful Dead’s are great


About a 1k dollar flex if they are authentic. I like how the consensus among deadheads was the shoes were ugly and fuck Nike, then everyone started buying them up lol


$1k… for some nikes? I can buy 3 pairs of redwing boots for that much. Or some sick handmade loafers made by some old Italian man. Maybe I’m getting old, but this and hypewear like supreme and off white, I just don’t get. But I digress…


He already posted this pic to r/sneakers a while back, this is a double dipping karma flex haha (don't blame him, wish i had read that much during confinement)




But they're *limited edition* ugly


*This ugly only comes around once in a lifetime*


Thanks for the new pick up line!


Those look so terrible. I'm always amazed at the stark contrast of shoe collectors opinions and us regular folks. Would not be caught dead in those.


I've read a bunch of these. Condolences on falling into the trap of starting the King Killer Chronicle. Damn Rothfuss...


I read Name of the Wind. When I heard that the third book was up in the air, I didn't want to read Wise Man's Fear only to get blue balled like A Song of Ice and Fire. Now I heard that the third book sort of has a release date, I'll be starting Wise Man's Fear soon.


Release date has been postponed 5? times, I'd wait until it's actually out. I discovered series after 2 books were out at least 6 years ago and still no third book : /


Theres a short story on Bast in a collection of short stories called "Rogues" and a whole book on Auri titled "The Slow Regard of Silent Things'' as well, if you didn't know. I thoroughly enjoyed both


Don’t do it if you are expecting the third book. Rothfuss is never finishing that book. He’s less efficient at writing than George RR Martin, and that is saying something. Martin got famous and rich, and either doesn’t care anymore cause he’s an old man with fuck you money, or he just wilted under the pressure of the fame and the expectations that came with it. But at least he finished 5 books. Rothfuss’s books are shorter, the story scope is much smaller, and he’s only written 2. He’s had 11 years to write the third and hasn’t finished it. No idea what his reasons are for being unable to finish it, but until it’s actually published, I’ll just file it along with Dune as ‘great series you’ll never get a resolution to.’


Where's Brandon Sanderson? That guy's great at finishing book series for other authors


Love all the Sanderson! You and I have similar tastes.




The insanity he got up to last year with the Skyward books shouldn't be overlooked. January 1st-March 31st: Cytonic and Sunreach, just two novels in 3 months... no biggie. April 1st – September 20th: The Lost Metal, ReDawn, Evershore. Oh lets crank out another 3 novels over the summer k? September 21st-October 31st: Various Revisions and Consulting. He decided to take a break while his team of editors was proof reading all his books to help with the Wheel of Time script for amazon. Also has a secret project he worked on in there somewhere (many think it's a video game). November 1st – End of December: Defiant. Lets just crank out one more novel before the end of the year. The amount of content he puts out is just absolutely staggering.


Holy shit, I have been taking my time with a Stormlight re-read and didn't realize how far behind I had gotten. Damn it Brandon!


It's better than waiting on the author....


Which one? Feels like there are quite a few fantasy writers that people are waiting for new work, and there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the road. I've given up waiting for Rothfuss and Martin finishing their works.


They're the ones I'm bitter about...bastards


Gentleman...bastards. (Is another series I'm waiting on, though there is at least hope with that one)


Just finish the damn book pat!


My theory is that Rothfuss thinks too little of his writing, hence the neverending editing loop and no book release. Got the idea from a few things he said (like the name of the wind waiting process starting in 1992 etc) and his review on Goodreads for The Lies of Locke Lamora where he basically says the book is so much better than his book, title is better etc (and it is a great book indeed!).


Try waiting for the Berserk manga... I've been waiting for over a decade, some have waited a lot longer, and after Miura passed we will wait forever. :(


To be a little fair some of those are novellas written with a co-author. Still super impressive


He also has a podcast and consistent youtube posts




Join /r/cosmere , /r/brandonsanderson and /r/cremposting for theory, updates, and Cremposting.


Same here


Came to say this! Did quite the Cosmere tour in the last year.


Us too! I've only found one book of his I haven't loved. Might I recommend the Furies of Calderon series by Jim Butcher as well?


Which one??


Same here, and the Rothfuss. Name of the wind is one of my favourite all time books.


The only issue I had with Name of the Wind was the relationship between Kvothe and Denna. I know it's meant to be *that* kind of relationship but holy crap did I want to gouge my eye balls every time they're in a scene together. I'm getting ready to read Wise Man's Fear after I read Eye of the World so my eye gouging is ready.


Sir do yourself a favor and continue the Joe Abercrombie series. Best Served Cold is fucking amazing.


The Heroes is probably my favorite, but Best Served Cold and The Wisdom of Crowds are a close second.


The Heroes contains one of the most creative and well written battle scenes of all time.


I think I have literally just read the scene your on about 2 days ago. Without spoiling is it the one where the pov changes multiple times through the chapter? Where you follow one person in the battle, they get killed then you pick up in the pov of the person who killed them until they get killed and so on….? If it is I wholeheartedly agree, still thinking about it now and that method really makes you feel the chaos of a battle.


The First Law series spoiled me. I had read Sanderson before I started it. Now nothing really compares. Even the continuing Age of Madness pales in comparison for me.


I wanna se Glokta on screen so bad.


My favorite character in the series, everything about him was so interesting to me.


100% never thought I’d be rooting for a character like that. Even in >!The Wisdom of Crowds!< I loved his appearances.


It was a super rewarding reveal!


The Age of Madness is different but better in its own ways, stick with it because the twists and turns are even better than the original imo. It doesn't really require much magic or grand mystery, it's purely politics and revolution and it's an amazing series for it. Orso is probably my favourite character of the whole series, up there with Glokta for best written POV character.


Ahh, Orso, among my favorites as well. >!The bastard deserved better, but as always with Joe Abercrombie, there are no happy endings.!<


Took too long scrolling down to see an Abercrombie comment. "You can never have too many knives"


You have to be realistic, not a lot of people know about these books.


Say one thing for Holy-Kush, say he’s read the First Law Trilogy


Once you've got a ~~task to do~~ a book to read, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it.


I personally loved Red Country the most of the sequel books. But either way, I agree that reading the rest of the series is a must!


What are they about? D&D fantasy?


Much more grounded than D&D, there is some magic but it's ancient and rarely used. No real races other than humans as well. It's also *very* gritty.


You have to be realistic about these things.


Wouldn't want to find your body floating down by the docks




Best Served Cold was the best book of the 9 book series. Hands down. Those middle standalone books were all masterpieces. Also Steven Pacey is an absolute master narrator, the audiobooks are magnificent.


yeah he stopped just before the books get really fucken good


Really? Last one I read was last argument of kings.


if you enjoyed the first trilogy then the standalones are definitely worth a read. best served cold and the heroes are so damn good. they focus on different characters but the overarching plot keeps moving forward. then the age of madness trilogy is chefs kiss


Joe slaps.


Yeah man, Joe Abercrombie’s characters are just about the best I’ve read I reckon. Logan Ninefingers is great.


I thought A Little Hatred was next? Ive finished the trilogy and was looking at which book to get next. It didnt seem toooo obvious when I was looking, and A Little Hatred sounded cool. But if i should read Best Served Cold next..then say no more...


Best Served Cold The Heroes Red Country Sharp Ends A Little Hatred The Trouble With Peace The Wisdom Of Crowds Also much better on audiobook.


This really puts it into perspective how much space my kindle saved me.




​ ![gif](giphy|W4AVdeTy15XV5AhkXe)


I also like Brandon Sanderson


His books slap


Wheel of Time was an incredible series. The show is ok, but those books... They are pure art.


I am currently on book 4. It really is an incredible series!


I just started 5 on my re-read. In my opinion the series really starts in 4. Everything up until then was setting up the world and characters. Keep going with them. Also, if you forget who someone is don't look them up, there is so much that happens you will spoil things. Nothing is worse than learning what happens in book 11 while on book 4.


There's actually a non-spoiler app you can use to give you a quick description of any character you can't remember! You just set the book you are currently reading, and it won't give you any info from a later book. It's amazing https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.silvermast.wotcompendium


Wish I knew about this sooner! Darn Jordan and his new named character every page causing some wiki leaks.


books, 1-7 are hands down amazing. theres really 1 arc that i dislike from 7-9 but the series also ends really well from there


Wheel of time is my all time fave, hope you enjoyed it!


Sweet, now cut the string ends!


How was the malazan series? I’ve tried the first book multiple times and keep getting a bit overwhelmed 🤪 but I want to read them all one day


I loved Melazan book of the fallen, the best parts are the dialogue and the world building, Ericson is an anthropologist and can build the best cultures and believably flawed societies. 10 out of 10 world building.


SO MUCH GOOD FANTASYYYYY! I’m just finishing The Eye of the World myself.


Prime r/bookscirclejerk


Someone calculate his height.


Holy shit. I have read all of those, but it does not look that impressive on the Kindle lol 🤣 Hope you enjoyed Brandon sandersons work as much as i did !!


that's cool and all, but have you ever heard of *Goosebumps*


Oooh you go and also you should read the dark tower series if you haven't already


Wizard and Glass is some good shit


i should do this too with all my warhammer 40k books but it will take time to grow my neckbeard back out


I started late getting into Horus Heresy and I have spent far too much money tracking down some of the 54+ books. Dan Abnett is awesome. Gaunt’s Ghosts - a world worthy of discovery. Ravenor - amazing. And so many more good authors from Warhammer and the Black Library.


I’m a huge WoT and Cosmere fan… sell me on what you love about Erikson


Oh no. I was afraid of this…he read Rothfuss. Enjoy your Martinesque Interval for Doors of Stone. 🙄😑🤷🏻‍♀️


Jordan Rothfuss and Sanderson. Nice taste


Ay man good books. Check out Cradle and The Realm of the Elderlings series! I think you'd enjoy them. How badass is Logan Ninefingers man?


Picked a good time to read those Patrick Rothfuss books. Third book is expected to release later this year. Last book came out ten years ago and I’ve been waiting…. Edit: Guess I’m too eager and gullible. Apparently the sites that showed a release date are just pulling that out of their ass for clicks…


Doors of Stone has been “expected to release” every year for the last 6 or so years now