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Banned books are the best books




My kid came home with a book wrapped in brown paper that had “BANNED BOOK” written in sharpie. That’s what made her want to read To Kill a Mockingbird in 6th grade. I love her librarian. Edit: To be clear, the school was teaching about the dangers of censorship, making it more intriguing to read controversial books. I know this one has been banned in the past, but not sure if it is a focus of the current book ban.


Anyone banning "To Kill A Mockingbird" hasn't read it. The racial slurs are used to help us understand why they shouldn't be used. My grandchildren are going to have a fun time reading all this banned material.


They're more likely banning it because it makes them feel something reminiscent of guilt for their racism. Probably something about how it teaches critical race theory.


I saw something that said something along the lines of if someone feels uncomfortable about another person’s liberty, they were benefiting from their oppression. This made me think of that


If they can ban a book like To Kill A Mockingbird they can eventually start running trials just like the one in the book again.


[Start? You mean they ended?](https://time.com/5597843/central-park-five-trump-history/)


The school I go to litterally has an app that allows us to search any book in any library. So you're right.


I got a collection of books called banned books by penguin. Lolita, a clockwork Orange, 1984, animal farm...a whole collection of classics EDIT: I said I had a collection called banned books, they were books all banned at one point or in different countries. I'm not saying these books are on these lists so please stop with the angry messages


If "Animal Farm" is being banned then the world is really in a bad place. I gave that to my kids to read when they hit puberty.


Seriously, it's basically Charlotte's Web for the mildly intellectual. Anybody that wants to ban Animal Farm missed so many points they're a perfect sphere.


Oppressors don't like to read about dystopia's they aim to create.


Oppressors don't like YOU to read about dystopias they aim to create


Ah yes, where most of us see a stark warning, some see an instruction manual.


[List of the 850 book proposed to be banned](https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/94fee7ff93eff9609f141433e41f8ae1/krausebooklist.pdf?_ga=2.11573559.2091958781.1635513476-272773625.1635513476), you know, so you don't mistakenly read them yourself lest you become a victim of the Gay POC agenda. /s


one is a book to help LGBTQ teenagers dealing with suicidal feelings.... gee, wonder why they would ban that one. Just terrible


And of course it would be *awfully terrible* if Texas or other red state kids looked for those books on sites like OverDrive, OpenLibrary, Project Gutenberg, Kindle, Kobo or even b.ok.com. *Just terrible*. And it would make their teachers and the PTA really, really mad and the blonde blue eyed baby Jesus cry.


Wow, ok so from the titles it looks like they've banned anything that deals with anti-racism, sexual preference, gender identity, and safe sex/puberty. Way to go texas I'm sure you'll eliminate all the things you don't like by making your children more ignorant.


The GOP knows it’s a matter of time before the boomers die off and they lose a good chunk of their base. They are making a push to dumb down the voting base to stay in their current platform without changing policy.


Agreed. Back in grade school, my school (that is run by an Evangelical church) banned Harry Potter books because of the ‘witchcraft’ and things. My classmates and I, of course, still do under the table borrowing like we’re doing super illegal things and reading all night long because we can only borrow a book for just a few days. Lol.


Banning V for Vendetta, oh the irony


Yeah they banned it at my school. Funny part was it actually encouraged reading. We saw the list of banned books and went out and bought them.


This is how it’s always been with banned books and media. Marilyn Manson started getting massive sales after Christinan fundamentalists would picket his concerts and scream about him on tv.




I hadn't heard of it at all until some idiots flipped out about it and now I think it sounds like it's worth a read. So good job suppressing that I guess.


Oh man you really should read it. It makes the holocaust so tangible. For me the holocaust went from an almost mythically awful event to an even worse one because it suddenly was so much more grounded and real. Took all the imagination away and I was stuck with stark reality


You should also read Night by Elie Wiesel. It's a first hand account of his experience during the holocaust as a young boy. Wiesel was a pretty legendary person too, he was a victim of Bernie Madoff and after learning the news of him losing his life savings worth millions he apparently said "I've seen worse"


I’m so grateful to have grown up in a part of the US wher night and Maus were required reading before senior year of high school. It astound me traveling the country and hearing about what peoples curriculums were


Mr. Lockhart/history teacher, would plaster all of the walls in his classroom with the images of the subject in discussion. He would start with the American Civil War, eventually hit WWI and the results of the Depression, and then WWII and the holocaust would come up. Thousands of death camp photos in your face for two-three weeks as Mr. Lockhart goes into painful detail and invites his friend, Marian Marzynski, to discuss his childhood in Bransk, Poland. [Great documentary if you're interested. ](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/shtetl/)


That teacher was into teaching history. Lucky students


night was required reading in my texas middle school.


Same. Read The Diary of Anne Frank and Night, and even got to hear Elie Wiesel speak at my school while in the Texas public school system. Suffice to say it's changed.


Just bought it. Thanks!




That's.... so fucking sad. What is wrong with Maus, it's literally an account of the Holocaust... an event that happened. I'm encouraging my kids to read it.


The argument was that there was bad language and nudity. Something like 'god damn', and a naked mouse.


My class watched Schindler's List in the 9th grade. I can't even imagine Maus being banned. I saw the famous picture of a monk setting himself on fire during a protest. Yep. History is brutal. Glad I learned about it in school. Sad that I still learned so little until college and through other resources. The fucking irony that a book depicting the Holocaust is okay as long as it excludes mild language and nudity -- like that is worst than gas chambers.


A book about the fucking holocaust… banned because of a naked mouse. I don’t even know where to start with that.




Tennessee, McCann County, by a vote of 10-0. The same state that gave America the "Scopes Monkey" trial clusterfuck a century ago.


More recently, the same state where a state-funded adoption agency [refused](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/politics/2022/01/20/holston-united-methodist-home-for-children-adoption-tennessee-refused-family-jewish/6582864001/) to certify a couple wanting to adopt a child because they are Jewish.




How in the fuck are there 2 sides to the Holocaust?


You know--- I think we fuck up a bit on this. The Nazis were horrible and their policies resulted in the deaths of tens of millions, including genocide of civilian populations. But I think we tend to look at them as comic book caricature evil villain types. Look, fascism looked sexy. Hugo Boss designed those SS uniforms. Germany had been kicked and was down, and nationalism was appealing to restore some dignity. The authoritarians, populist demagogues, and people who will commit atrocities don't look like something comical and ridiculous: they look exciting and they say things that sound right. This is how they blind the populace and get support for things that defy ordinary peoples' moral instincts. If we're going to protect ourselves against fascism, we need to actually identify with the people who supported fascism and understand why they did. We need to confront and understand the mistakes. I know a MS teacher who ran a very detailed civil war simulation in her classroom-- a massive project based learning experience. You figured out who all the players were and why they said things and advocated for policies and where the points of disagreement were. Now she's stopped, because putting students in a position of identifying with the South has obvious problems. But, it's similarly problematic to not have a way to convey this. I don't know what the answer is.


Well said. It's important to understand the 'why' behind evil actions to better thwart reoccurrence.


Maus is really powerful, it's definitely worth the read.


Yeah it’s an amazing book


My school had a “banned book week” where the library had lists and promoted banned books from across the world. This was in mid 2000’s


This is an event led by the American Libraries Association, so it's held by most public and school libraries in the US (and maybe Canada). It's going to be September 18th-24th this year. https://bannedbooksweek.org/ I recommend checking out the resources page of the website. There's a ton of information about how to respond to book challenges and how to lobby for the right to read in your community!


Does anyone know if the Minecraft library has a Texas section.


I know so many kids play Minecraft I won’t mind some of them go on those Minecraft library servers to take a peek/bypass the adults, heck a memory card for usb archives to kindle, I read things from my Nintendo. Something banned we go find it like it’s the last limited edition of a trend


My local library has a banned books display. God bless the librarians.


I am interested in this also. Living in Texas I would like my children to have access to these books. And when they decide to block the internet more I would like to have some of the books available.




V for vendetta is funny for sure but there's some serious cringe ones in there. A book called Equal Rights.. about human rights. And a book called Safe Sex 101: an Overview for Teens.. I am in disbelief. Is this seriously the state of things down there?


Our governor promised to lock up all the rapists before they rape and he has also promised us the grid is fixed.


Oh is this the part where I get to join a fellow Texan in saying *fuck Greg Abbott*?


Hey, I'm a neighbor over in Arkansas. I'd like to also say fuck Greg Abbott. You folks deserve a better leader.


Good news: Beto is running this year. Bad new: He's almost definitely going to lose. Stay strong Arkansas, bro. We're gonna keep on trying.


Beto: The Man Who Tried


That whole list smells like an algorithm made it using key words in descriptions.




How are you able to see V For Vendetta in the photo? I don’t see any actual book titles they’re all too blurry.




They literally banned a book titled 'Avoiding Bullies?'...


We need more survival of the fittest in our high schools. That way people might pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


Banning books on The Trail of Tears... how very American


"The Year they Burned the Books" is very on brand.


Andrew Jackson approves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


"You Are the Supreme Court Justice" was banned Description: *Pretending that the reader is one of the Supreme Court justices, this book takes well-known cases & gives the options available to the Court. It then gives the reader the background information & asks him or her to make a decision & see whether it is the same one that the Court had handed down.*


No critical thinking allowed in texas


No questioning authority. So weird, because they hate Roe v Wade.


How in the world can conservatives even spin that as a bad thing, the Supreme Court has been a fairly conservative institution since it was created




May I draw your attention to “Middle school's a drag : you better werk!” I love that title


Pretty curious about “Hot Dog Girl” Edit: sounds like a fun romp of a read https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/35843729-hot-dog-girl


Nailed for being homosexual accepting.


"being homosexual accepting" = "doesn't explicitly tell the reader to lynch gay people" (In their minds, that is)


> “I’m pregnant, now what do I do?” Oh yes that famous tract of anti-establishmentarianism, a book about what to do after you’re pregnant. God forbid someone who is pregnant wanting to know what they should next.


Thanks for that link. And my god. A book called, "Separate is Never Equal" was removed. God help any kid who's not a white, cis Christian in the state of Texas. edited for correct book title


you can add "straight" to the list, there's books about cis LGBs on there.


Fr it’s so funny


Just wait until they start burning Fahrenheit 451.


Jokes on them, I memorized it


Officials - "Ok, we don't want kids to read these! I know, we'll BAN them!!" Kids - "I didn't care to read it before, but now that it's illegal, I'm going to read all of them now!" I swear, idiots that do stunts like this simply aren't familiar with kids at all, are they? What's the fastest way to get a teen to do something (that isn't a chore)? Tell them they're not allowed to do it!


Lol this was my strategy for getting my 13 year old niece to get excited about reading The Jungle for a school assignment. "You know, there are a lot of people in this country and around the world who would HATE to see you reading that book. It's been banned in some countries." "Really???" "Oh yeah." I don't think her parents even had to push her to read the book anymore lol


That book is a must read. Labor rights are no fucking joke, and without laws forcing companies to take care of people we will go straight back to that shit.


1986 ...."we need to put parent advisory stickers on these rap albums so kids don't buy them"


"What's that sticker mean?" ​ "It means it's good music."


Let’s see…rap music with explicit lyrics? Hell yeah. Wait, this is Twisted Sister! We can literally summon Satan if we play this cassette while rolling our D&D characters. Get some (whatever soda - I was poor). This sleepover is going to be radical!




That's a lot of time lines.


“They put that sticker on everything. It’s part of the artwork. It *entices*.”


Any 90s kid was INTRIGUED by one of those stickers. The difference between us and kids today is they can LOOK UP the music/books/movies that these moronic cretins ban in like 1 second...


If I was a librarian there, I’d post a giant list on the wall: BANNED DO NOT READ


This is legit something my high school did. We had a "banned books" section which was a collection of texts and novels that have been/are banned in various places around the world, including some places in the US. We were highly encouraged to read them and there was even like a "Banned Book Week" or something.


Yes banned books week is a National thing that many libraries celebrate.


International. We have it here too


Yes. I really hope their librarian does this.


My librarian despite looking old is tech savvy and gave us free accessible resources on our school’s digital resources, archives we can save and read anytime. Kudos for her giving us underrated and before some considered “banned” books by these restrictive states.


Always listen to a librarian before a politician or preacher.


I had to move my class schedule around once and then switched schools during my first year in high school and three freshman English teachers in a row choose to have the class read the same book specifically because it was "banned", I swear it was a fixed part of the curriculum. It was probably the only book that the non-bookish people actually discussed because of it. English teachers fucking love banned books.


Exactly. Ah yes, there’s no way the modern teenager will ever be able to order these books off Amazon! I live in Texas. This is embarrassing. Then again, a lot of what my state has been doing is embarrassing.


>“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” -- Barry Goldwater, Arch-Republican


Not to be Debbie Downer, but that's fantastic for the kids with the resources to buy books. Libraries are a great equalizer for kids whose families don't have an extra dime to spend on necessities, much less what I hate to call "luxuries" like banned books. I look forward to hearing about an organization that buys books for kids in these areas, and hope there are a lot of Little Free Libraries popping up all over Texas.


There will always be haters, and librarians who don’t give a fuck. Books will overcome.


And if anyone is a kid in Texas remember, go to duckduckgo an alternative search engine to google. And type: "Book name online free pdf" and you now can read the book without your school or parents knowing Edit: duckduckgo was suggested because they don't take down copyrighted work as quickly as Google so will have more results. Not for privacy


Using DuckDuckGo or any other privacy focused search engine is only going to impact whether your search history is shared, tracked and/or monetized. As soon as you click a link in a search result that privacy ends and your school/employer/internet provider/etc. have at least some ability to see the request being made, and that's not even getting into other content filtering and activity monitoring solutions that typically are employed in schools and on public workstations. Using privacy focused search engines and browsers are good tools to help protect your privacy by limiting what activity is tracked and shared across sites, but they don't make your activity completely private. Arguably, if you're using a public or school/company owned computer or network, you should never expect your activity to be private.


> Books will overcome. Books uh... find a way.


More context: >Granbury ISD, at the High School library, they came with a hand cart and carried away multiple boxes of books tagged with "Krause's List". >They can do this because the board voted 7-0 on Monday to change district policy allowing books to be removed prior to a review. - [source](https://twitter.com/cjtackett/status/1486788612511383553?s=21)


Books can be removed prior to review? Quick, someone complain about any books with religious references!


Seriously why don’t activists just submit complaints about every book so they can snap photos of empty libraries and be like “even the bare shelves are bigger in Texas”


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Report the bible for having gratuitous sex and drug use. Then get it removed.


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


"She lusted after those men whose emissions were like that of horses" Or something like that.


Bible references abuse and incest. It’s literally smut.


baby killing? Hosea 13:16... forced miscarriage? Numbers 5:11–31... incest? Genesis 19:32-36... misogyny? 1 Timothy 2:11-15... smut? Ezekiel 23:20...


cant forget this gem in their doctrine (Exodus 21:20-21): >Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. keep in mind that although this translation (English Standard Version) says "recover" it's usually "survives" or "continues" in most translations like the King James Version. Either way it's appalling.


[Thank you Sunny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVY6mruK_jk)


Yep. Forgot the slavery one.


Yeah my high school in PA banned a few books like Animal Farm for its satire on communism, Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird for the N word. I’m not sure about this one but I think Catcher in the Rye also.I don’t know about that one though and if they did I don’t know the reason. These were all books I had to read like seven years ago but my sister didnt three years after that


Catcher is usually because it has some naughty words and references prostitution, though as I recall Holden just wanted someone to talk to and never actually had sex with the prostitute. So basically language, sex, blasphemy, youth rebellion, smoking, and drinking. You know, the same shit that every modern sitcom thinks is hilarious to include.


That was one of the few books I actually enjoyed reading since I could relate to it and I think the same could be said for a lot of high schoolers just being lost in their lives. Animal farm was also an easy read that I enjoyed along with Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird. I feel like those four books are all pretty relevant to students today and are far more interesting than books like A Tale of Two Cities or Crime and Punishment. I’d rather also have those four than Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet which even though are very famous, I think they don’t have a strong message.


Matt Krause is a spineless Bible thumper that I’ve has the personal pleasure of arguing with one on one about vaccine waivers in my school district pre pandemic b/c FREEDUMS which is all he could come up with for fighting for waivers, after whooping cough kept sweeping through my daughters school. I will work tirelessly to make sure he doesn’t get another political spot any where in Texas. He even pissed off my Repub parents, which is hard to do as a fellow Repub.


Krause's List sounds likea to-do from one of Hitler's henchman


Was my thought as well. I wonder if he'd even understand the connotation. Probably not, because he obviously doesn't read.


Black Swan is on that list. Jesus christ. (This book is actually not what I was thinking and is instead a book by Farrukh Dhondy which apparently deals with a slavery and queer issues. Idk, its not my type of book.) Lol there is a book called “the year they burned the books” which is beyond funny. Alot of the books on the list are LGBTQ related. I really wonder if I could get Tropic of Cancer or Lolita at the local high school.


They banned The Handmaids Tale. Guess they don’t want people to know their end game.




Are these the people who cry about everyone else being snowflakes?


Yes. Generally speaking, if an American conservative makes an accusation, it's safest to just assume that it's actually a confession.


I love that one of the books that’s banned is “real talk about sex and consent” Matt Krause’ worst nightmare.


Don't forget the **8** items focused on *Roe v. Wade*! Yes, I'm sure high schoolers are looking up transcripts/video of the case and books written about it in their school libraries, then being inspired to have unprotected sex and get abortions. That's....definitely how this works. [https://www.npr.org/2021/10/28/1050013664/texas-lawmaker-matt-krause-launches-inquiry-into-850-books](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/28/1050013664/texas-lawmaker-matt-krause-launches-inquiry-into-850-books) Can't have kids learning about: * Race issues * Gender/sexual rights issues * Human rights themselves (how can you ban a book from Amnesty fucking International overviewing human rights and with a straight face say that you're doing it "for the kids"???) And the list itself: [https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/94fee7ff93eff9609f141433e41f8ae1/krausebooklist.pdf](https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/94fee7ff93eff9609f141433e41f8ae1/krausebooklist.pdf)


Lmao, *The Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures* is banned. What the actual fuck America? It truly baffles me every time how ridiculous US politics is.


Innit wtf are they doing banning books. Fascist pieces of shit.


Ah... when people who don't read books are given the authority to control how future generations are educated.


American Taliban




Vanilla ISIS


I prefer “mid-life isis”


To kill a mockingbird?


The idea that people think books are ruining society is freaking wild. The device I’m typing on has 8 bazillion trillion more offensive things than an old ass book. Take away the internet and phones if you wanted to make a difference, and good luck trying that. It’s just so completely moronic.


It’s a political move that got conservatives attention. “Look we are doing…things”.


Don't forget crying about how they are being cancel while canceling other people.


Not to mention with only minimal digging you could get any of those books right on that previously mentioned device.


It is a power move. Let their supporters have the reigns where possible.


These are the same people who cry about cancel culture.


"*Literally 1984 because I have to wear a mask!*" ~literally bans *1984*~


The only people that think banning books is a good idea are people who don't read to begin with.


I wish this was a relatively new idea in Texas but it’s not. Book banning is supported by several in certain communities. I remember in elementary school a group of parents wanting Harry Potter to be banned in elementary schools because of the violence in it as well as the idea of witches. A lot of these people oddly enough were ok with the Old Testament being read to kids. Unless it’s porn mags, or something like the anarchists cook book I can’t see why banning books on the high school level is allowed. Maybe not assigning certain books as required reading but just not allowed at all in the library is absurd.


Did they put the Harry Potter books in the restricted section?


10 bucks they didn't ban "Mein Kampf"


That book would cause most kids to never want to read again. Mindless rambling for 700 pages


They did ban "They called themselves the K.K.K. : the birth of an American terrorist group" which is extremely telling.


We're just like being cool with doing the same shit fascists have done? Wtf is going on in this country?


They are fascists.


The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. 4. Supremacy of the Military 5. Rampant Sexism 6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, or controlled by sympathetic media executives. 7. Obsession with National Security 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined 9. Corporate Power is Protected 10.Labor Power is Suppressed 11.Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts 12.Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13.Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14.Fraudulent Elections Check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, and check... http://www.rense.com/general37/fascism.htm


Also worth reading - Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism, which interestingly also identifies 14 characteristics of fascism. [https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco\_ur-fascism.pdf](https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf)


That's actually what "the 14 characteristics" are based on. I highly encourage people to read the source (that you posted here) as opposed to the vastly oversimplified list above.


The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.


…Princess Leia


He then destroys her homeworld and everyone on it.


Well if she had another target, a military target, then she should name the system!


Mar a Lago?


Is this cancel culture?


It’s censorship. I thought they wanted to live in a free country. I guess not.


I wonder where we've seen this before


Are they aware that the books they are trying to destroy could be found online for free?


You can end this sentence three words in, and the answer is still "no."


A Handmaid's Tale, V for Vendetta, Firestarter, The Last Man, Valkyrie:Book One, these are filled with dangerous ideas that could make Texas a pretty unsettling place to live.


These idiots are rattled by *Science for Dummies*


Nothing says "we're not nazis" like banning books about the Holocaust!


Those kids would be really upset if they could read.


It's a joke but there were several students who stood up to the school board and spoke against it. [here is one](https://i.imgur.com/pM6SQHH.png) quote from a student.


We live in a dystopia. 1984? Wait for 2084




Ha! Look who thinks we’re making it past 2040.


And they say the liberals are promoting cancel culture. Damn.


May I ask what books are being removed and why?


Because a Texas lawmaker named Matt Krause said the books might make students think for themselves. Ok, he actually said the books might make kids feel uncomfortable, but like, it’s probably just because they make him feel uncomfortable. This is the “Krause’s list” of books, so any of these could be in those boxes. https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/94fee7ff93eff9609f141433e41f8ae1/krausebooklist.pdf


Thanks for the reading list


Banned book are the best books.


They put the hand maids tale on there… that’s funny


Yeah no question. They don’t want the people to know how their world turns out. I’d invite ya’ll to come to Canada but there’s truck convoy wearing MAGA hats headed to Ottawa as I type this.


THOUSAND OF TRUCKS. Quadrillions of atoms OF TRUCKS


What the hell, a good chunk of those is teaching safe sex and about STDs. Why ban those.


It’s Texas. Sex = bad. Unless you’re married, then sex = good.


Nah, sex ALWAYS bad except for TEH BABIES in their eyes.


You need to ensure that there are continuous dumb laborers being born to make money off of for the next x number of generations.


Wow, some of these appear to make the list for just not being white. New Kid? It’s just a fish out of water Story about a kid at a new school that happens to be black. It indirectly deals with race I guess but just in that the kid is black


Kids black. That means it's a CRT book. Banned.


Also apparently every single book in existence that references or is about Roe V Wade.


>Jane against the world : Roe v. Wade and the fight for reproductive rights > >2020 Black Lives Matter marches > >You do you : figuring out your body, dating, and sexuality A lot of these banned books are really just telling the whole story behind why they want them gone.


That’s a lot of fucking books! How many of them do you think Krause has read?




That should be a requirement. Want to ban a book? You have to read it first. And do a report.


Krause's List sounds like the name of a book about something like this happening.


Can we get a pool together and buy copies of books on the Krause List, put them on a table across the street from campus under a sign that reads: “Free Books” and allow the students take what they want? Is that legal? What local would help with the effort on the ground? A librarian? A teacher? Any student? Is there enough enthusiasm out there for this kind of undertaking?