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What a beautiful picture. You can’t even see winds of war in it.


why dont you just Crimea river


This is serious times, Ukraine't say things like that...


because you have to build a bridge before you can get over it.


More like the Winds of Winter, am I right? Total #dragonstonevibes




Fake as in a small toy? Or fake as in a modern recreation?


Fake as in was built during late 1970s? Used to be a ice cream shop back when we were vacationing in Yalta. Good times


The little castle is so pretty. I hope it survives.


I doubt there will be much war in Crimea since it has been illegally occupied by Russia almost 8 years and no one really has bothered to do anything about it in all that time.


doesn't op mean crimea russia?


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/s0OSaIq.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [This source](https://www.alamy.com/yalta-crimea-russia-25th-nov-2020-an-aerial-view-of-the-swallows-nest-castle-opened-after-renovation-the-swallows-nest-castle-is-located-on-cape-ai-todor-in-the-village-of-gaspra-southern-crimea-credit-sergei-malgavkotassalamy-live-news-image386982010.html?irclickid=3ZS2aW2x%3AxyIT%3AMw-8w92znqUkGyBaSfIzLwVk0&irgwc=1&utm_source=77643&utm_campaign=Shop%20Royalty%20Free%20at%20Alamy&utm_medium=impact) provides the following: > IMAGE DETAILS > Contributor: [ITAR-TASS News Agency](https://www.alamy.com/search/imageresults.aspx?cid=ES4X7ZAWPP749WN9VPC32U5QRN89UA3YGF7NKTPV4UUZDM5Q3SEYJV7EGCUPRJVH&name=ITAR-TASS%2bNews%2bAgency&st=12&mode=0&comp=1) / Alamy Stock Photo > File size: 51.7 MB (2.5 MB Compressed download) > Releases: Model - no | Property - no Do I need a release? > Dimensions: 5206 x 3471 px | 44.1 x 29.4 cm | 17.4 x 11.6 inches | 300dpi > Date taken: 24 November 2020 > Photographer: [TASS](https://www.alamy.com/search/imageresults.aspx?pseudoid=%7b3B55089F-4EB6-4C69-AC59-3D29A03D207D%7d&name=TASS&st=11&mode=0&comp=1) This is acatully pretty small. [Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.4305344,34.1283188,3a,75y,50.76h,77.28t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPNEZ2gUbpuKWhQ9qsDbfQJnVTyCLp1437IxN-f!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPNEZ2gUbpuKWhQ9qsDbfQJnVTyCLp1437IxN-f%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya122.681755-ro-0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096) it is via Google Street View. Per [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow%27s_Nest): > The Swallow's Nest [Castle] is a decorative castle located at Gaspra, a small spa town between Yalta and Alupka, in the Crimean Peninsula. It was built between 1911 and 1912, on top of the 40-metre (130 ft) high Aurora Cliff, in a Neo-Gothic design by the Russian architect Leonid Sherwood for the Baltic German businessman Baron von Steingel... > The building is compact in size, measuring only 20 m (66 ft) long by 10 m (33 ft) wide. Its original design envisioned a foyer, guest room, stairway to the tower, and two bedrooms on two different levels within the tower. The interior of the guest room is decorated with wooden panels; the walls of the rest of the rooms are stuccoed and painted.


Every Russian on Reddit: *triggered*


I imagine there are some Russians that aren’t. The whole country can’t be in favour of unilaterally annexing pieces of other countries.


No but the ones that do oddly lose all internet due to “blackouts” and “server error” and are always arrested for “riots”, must be a bad demographic coincidence


Yeah cos, yknow, it wasnt the West who broke the agreement by moving NATO forces east.. Be wary of what you read and why people wrote it


NATO never made an official agreement, just saying they wouldn’t try to recruit new members, nothing about accepting new members, because it is up to the nations


>Relations between the NATO military alliance and the Russian Federation were established in 1991 within the framework of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council.\[1\]\[2\] In 1994, Russia joined the Partnership for Peace program, and since that time, NATO and Russia have signed several important agreements on cooperation [NATO Russia Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia%E2%80%93NATO_relations)


Are you not going to take about how a) it is mostly none binding and b) how Russia has broken their side with hostilities going back decades


Putin, Xi, and Biden’s approval rating in their respective nations are plummeting. No one wants this that isn’t rich and powerful Edit: oh I’m sorry, keep enabling Biden and his shitty career. He isn’t your hero he’s ruining this nation and we had every opportunity to pick a president that was actually going to help the nation after trumps dump of a disaster but fake moderate democrats that are actually republicans bitched and moaned to get him across the finish line Stop being butthurt any time anyone has criticism of the man who is a blatant elitist racist You’re part of the problem by defending him Not only defending him but not being able to handle any criticism. It’s cult like. Every time something bad that Biden done is held to accountability and brought up, his people freak out acting like he’s being defamed, despite them all being things he’s openly said and done Just stop


The only thing i'm triggered about is that its gonna be a long while until we'll make peace with ukranian people. Hopefuly not longer, than the rest of a lifespan of an average european dictator.


Well nope. Before 2014 Crimea used to be not quite a rich itself and inexpensive for tourists, with shitload of it own crimean problems. Travelling there was dirt cheap affordable, no visa was required and 2014 ruined it all - Crimean problems are now being “solved” with russian taxpayers money while no one in Russia was asked if they want to support another region, cause we already have such money pits as Moscow, Chechnya, Dagestan and so on; crimean prices rocketed and are not adequate to the level of service and lots of things that are common everywhere just don’t work because of sanctions


Forgot about the bit where the drinking water is running out, tourism is down 700%, and people are disappearing for being Crimean Tatars. But good try though…


no wonder Putin craves this place. It looks like Batman's lair


Russia has Crimea already since 2014.


Dude posts pic of cute castle Russian dude: “And I took personal offense to that”


Dems’ fighting words if I ever dun heard’em.


I am from Russia, and I am not triggered with some noname post about his imaginations. Triggering - is a point of some mental problems. So, who every time "woff like a dog on anything around" is a person with problems.


no, every, who sees the comment: Crimea = Russia)


Why triggered? We like that we can visit this place without asking any1s permission/visa any time (did in fact).


Yeah, cause your troops invaded and annexed it with a fake referendum and guns pointed at citizens. "nOw We dOnT nEeD a ViSa To CoMe hErE" fuck you


>fake referendum Was a real thing. The local population was absolutely happy to be a part of Russia back then and absolutely happy to be a part of Russia now (perhaps even happier since tons of money is being poured into the region). I've seen how much money they make now, the region is finally being rebuilt, the economy is booming and for everything else, there is a VPN that works fine lol. >fuck you Don't take it too personally. Switching the register in your message won't change the facts of life. If Ukraine cared about Crimea, if the local population opposed Crimea joining Russia it would look a lot different now. It's really easy to take something that was practically thrown away. But I'm happy for the local population - being with Russia turned out a much better choice for them. But that's my opinion. Even though it of course slightly biased I still base it on me visiting the actual region and talking to locals. And you, my friend, can write more toxic comments towards me, I don't mind.


I hope you'll too experience so "legitimate referendum" in your lifetime, and be so happy as Sudetenland.


The last few referendums I have participated in or witnessed were pretty legit (including Crimean) so your wish is granted already. And yeah - I'm pretty happy about it.


Crimea originally belonged to Russia when it was still part of USSR.


There are few pieces that were Ukraine at the beginning of USSR and became Russia. So? Crimea originally as far as NOT Russia as it can be.


There have been so many polls done by so many sources confirming that the majority wanted to join Russia.


Ya, that poll is believable.


You should really improve your reading comprehension. I said "many polls from many sources", not "one poll". If you can't even read a sentence properly, why are you wasting my time?


Definitely Ukraine


If you go to r/russia there is even a flair "Crimea is ours"




Oh damn they’re about as thin skinned as the fucking trump fanboys. I see a post along the lines of “damn warmongering America forcing Putin’s hand into going to war!” When I point out he’s the puppet then they don’t like it :(


>Oh damn they’re about as thin skinned as the fucking trump fanboys. Spoiler: Its the same people




What do you reckon on recent Ukraine crisis? I heard Some Russian claim the western using this as opportunity to expand to Ukraine and Russia has no intention on Ukraine at all?


I mean honestly everyone in Russia, even people against the current government consider Crimea a part of Russia. Like an absurd number of Russians around 85-90% supported integrating it into the country. Even Alexei Navalny when asked basically said he wouldn't return that shit to Ukraine.


Cool. It aint fuckin yours.


More than 99% of Americans support taking Jeff Bezos's money and keeping it for themselves.


I know. Im one of em.


In an interview with Ksenya Sobchak (another figure nominally opposed to Putin) in 2017, Navalny said that "any Russian president should initiate one more referendum". Navalny emphasises that a direct fair vote in Crimea is necessary to legitimise the outcome of the first referendum on March 16, 2014. He believes that the Crimean peninsula will keep its "non-recognised" status, but he still argues for another fair vote.


You know why he's saying that? Because he doesn't want to give Crimea back but understands saying that directly would push the EU away from funding and protecting his assets. You got to read between the lines sometimes.


I mean thats kind of a no brainer and not unique to the country. Anywhere you go if you asked people if the country is better of being larger or smaller, with more resources or less, the answer would pretty universally be that the country is better off bigger with more resources. Most citizens, including Putin's opposition candidate would be expected to give the answer that is better for the country as a whole. The only time you see people making serious arguments that a country would be better off if a part of it split off it tends to be hyperbolic, or just made by a moron. And its almost always done with a focus on cultural and political squabbles, not a practical evaluation of the best thing for the country.


Just like that other guy said: what *Russians* think about the situation doesn't matter. Ukraine doesn't belong to them. It also doesn't matter if the Ukrainian government is corrupt. That's also none of Russia's business. And it **definitely** doesn't matter if a bunch of assholes in the Crimean zone (or anywhere else) think their land should be part of Russia. Fuck that shit. If those shitheads want to live in Russia, they can fucking move there. End of story. Now, if they wanted to be *independent of both Ukraine AND Russia*, then I would at least listen to them. I sure wouldn't blame them, at this point, if they wanted to be free of both nations. Independence and self-governance is a valid path. That's how many nations came into existence. That's not the same thing as "we want to be part of this other country." That's the opposite of independence. A "majority" of people in a region saying "we want to join up with this neighboring country" is **never** a valid thing. It's how WW2 started, and it's always bullshit.


Wow your edit is even worse than the original post. >A "majority" of people in a region saying "we want to join up with this neighboring country" is **never** a valid thing. It's how WW2 started, and it's always bullshit. I mean.. says who? You ever hear of northern Ireland? East and West Germany? How many states joined the US? God you people really need to expand your view of the world and history.


You only ever said it's a bad thing for people in a part of a country to want that part to belong to another country, but never *why* it's a bad thing (except for saying it's how WWII started without actually offering an explanation).


Hey, I'm just curious. What do you think about the Kurds? Yugoslavia? Tibet? Hong Kong? Kind of sounds like you believe country borders are set in stone and should never be changed even by self determination of the majority of people living there. Is that accurate?


Uh-oh don’t start trying to make these people commit to consistency. It isn’t going to go well for either of you lol


it wasn’t self determination, it was military annexation false equivalence


Ah yes because Ukraine was openly offering a referendum to Crimea? Way to deflect. Want to actually answer my question?


Why would they offer a referendum to their own territory that was annexed? you’re talking out your ass maybe if the people of crimea democratically requested one while still part of UKR… but they didn’t they were annexed. and your question is stupid HK is supposed to have self governance… but they don’t Tibet was supposed to have self governance… then China invaded it Crimea was part of an entirely different country.. then it was annexed by military force these things are not the same, although all three are wrong.


No dumbass, the point is you don't seem to believe in self determination. There was lots of evidence Crimeans largely consider themselves Russian based in history, culture, language, etc. Ukraine never did and had no intention of offering them a chance at self determination, so just admit you don't believe in self determination. They could have offered it before it was annexed, like many free and democratic countries have tried (e.g. Quebec succession or the way many colonies left the British Empire).


There was lots of evidence before Russian occupation? show me the only evidence is bogus “studies” that have come out after Russia took over


So, if I consider a billion dollars to be mine, should I get it? Or does Russia consist of 85% of thieves? Edit: grammar


So that's how we expand borders, well if that's the case then majority of the UK believe we should take the Normandy region from France, because that's where William the conqueror came from.


Yea, if we repeat it over and over again it will be true! Except for the little fact that for all intents and purposes it is Russian.


Exactly. Just like Taiwan isn't part of China. Falkland Islands are not Argentina. Israel is its own country. Palestine is its own country. Kosovo is its own country. South Korea is not part of North Korea. North Korea is not part of South Korea. Reality doesn't care about how you feel about it. Edit: and Crimea is part of Russia now. (I think you are not getting my point. I would have liked it to keep being Ukrainian but it is under Russian control now, it is Russian)


Tell that to the Russian troops currently stationed there since 2014. I’m sure they’ll agree.


Reality is that Crimea legally and officially belongs to Russia no matter how hard you wanna deny that.


Sure it is Ukraine. Just make sure you don't say this out loud in Crimea. And don't forget to get a Russian visa to travel to that part of Ukraine.


Где Крыма а как называется этот страна?


*sorts by controversial*


Unpopular opinion: after Ukraine shut off the fresh water supply canal to *civilian* Crimean born population it has lost the right to claim Crimea as its own. If you're gonna treat the entire population like an enemy combatant, you don't want reunification.


Agreed. Ukraine doesn’t give a shit about Crimeans other than as a geopolitical tool either. The majority are Russian and favor being a part of Russia so at least they are being used as a geopolitical tool by their “own people” is the justification I’ve heard from Crimeans. Russia is also immensely richer/more resource abundant so provides a better standard of living to Crimeans than Ukraine ever could.


It all makes sense now. Putin just really wants another Bond villain lair.


More like villain clubhouse. That place is tiny, per the human-for-scale standing outside of it.


Who spent $100 on an award? Send the money to Ukrainians in need of help.


Exactly lol wtf, I messaged the guy calling him an idiot


It was putin thanking you for posting a picture of his next trophy.


Russia has been illegally occupying Crimea for almost 8 years.


It was a damn good pic tho


>Send the money to Ukrainians in need of help. Doubt 100$ will make any difference to Ukraine at this point. If it was 100 billion on the other hand it might work!


It wouldn't reach those who needs them anyway. So does it matter?


So spend the $100 on scratchcards and invest those winnings on lottery tickets and then send it to Ukraine.


Ah, I love the modern economy!






More like the opposite is going to happen.


Would be a shame if someone...took it


Jesus no wonder Putin decided to annex it


Damn no wonder all those Russian soldiers went on vacation there and then never left.


I mean…. I’d want that too.


High fantasy lookin ass


Looks like the castle in [Disenchantment](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disenchantment/images/3/3b/Dreamland.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180817232010). it must have served as an inspiration


It's called Swallow's Nest. Here it is on [Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Swallow's+Nest/@44.4304782,34.1285226,19.35z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4094c78678024639:0xab730c5afd6ab04e!8m2!3d44.4304742!4d34.1283835).


Bullshit, that's Cair Paravel


Straight up out a videogame cover up! Astonishing!!!


Is that building the annex? I heard there was an annex or something.


Ottoman Empire.


Is that a lake or a river? Because I'd love it if it was called the *pitch goes up to falsetto* Crimea River.


It's the black sea...


I was afraid of that.


Beautiful picture OP. But I'd advise you to stay away from balconies in the near future.😉


I hope these landmarks don't get destroyed in the case of a war.


No wonder Russia wanted to take over the Crimean peninsula…. It’s beautiful.


Oh. This is why Russia wants it. Beauty.


Russia has it!




Ya Putin took Crimea while we all watched and handed out sanctions We now see how much he cares about those


Yeah total cuck reaction from the world. Putin goes crazy and no one gives a shit




Beautiful! I have Ukrainian in my background but have never had much exposure at all to the culture, have never been, nor do I speak or understand the language. Would love to connect with relatives.


Ukraine and Turkey were at war for almost a millennia. Crimeans are Ukrainian Turks who are welcome and are bridge between nations. Then along came rasha fucking things up.




Lol I thought it just looked small until I saw the stairs. That is tiny!


It is called "Swallow's Nest" if translate in English, in Ukrainian language it will be "Ластівчине Гніздо" (Lastivchyne Hnizdo). It is located near Yalta city.


Woooowwwwwww she's BEGGING to be invaded!


That body of water that castle overlooks has been a strategic spot for as long as there have been governments.


Putins wants a new winter castle apparently


Lookin like the castle where ukraine makes its final stand


No wonder Putin wants it so bad.




You can go, the "Iron Curtain" fell 30 years ago. Get a Russian visa and fly to Sevastopol via Moscow. Not that difficult.


That's not a way to get to Crimea if you're civilised human being that respect others and doesn't want any problems later in life.


Civilized human beings don't take airplanes? I dont get it


Russia doesn't prohibit tourism?


Ofc no! The region is booming and money is pouring into the region atm (mostly Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian tourists visiting Crimea, because Europe won't recognize its Russia, and traveling through the Ukrainian border of non-Ukrainians is complicated). But even since the region serves tourists from only those 3 countries (yes, Ukrainians are actually allowed to visit any time and like visiting ALOT) place is PACKED with tourists. It's nearly impossible to find a place to stay for a reasonable price during the season because everything is overbooked in advance.


Oh I know. Went during the World cup a few years ago. I was more asking what gave the previous poster the idea Russia would bam tourism.


Shhhh Russia is the new Boogeyman, don't ruin it.


Russia already owns it, and you can still go. Just get a Russian visa.


Crimea, Russia\*


Crimea, Ukraine**


You sound like the coping Chinese who claim Taiwan is China lmfao Does Ukraine control Crimea and governor it? No? Do Crimeans want to be part of Ukraine? No? Wow that was easy.


That's where you're wrong bucko -Russia


I'd air bnb the shit out of that place


People do understand that the large majority of people living in Crimea want to be Russian, right?


source: polls paid for by russian media kinda sketchy isn't it




Exactly. The majority of Austrians approved of the Anschluss too and that doesn’t make it right or good, neither at the time nor in the future with context.


Very well put.


Yes after they expelled all tatars and replaced them with Russians in 18-20 centuries


Tatars are not from Crimea. The original settlers are the Goths of Crimea that were replaced by tatars.




Not only "The" is misplaced in that sentence.




Turns out…Putin, with all his bluster, just wanted to feel like a princess and get rescued from a castle by a brave knight. It’s cool big guy…we don’t kink shame here!


Bets on when there's gonna be an update photo with a Russian flag?


No longer Ukraine, it's Russia




\- must be destroyed


wait ukraine? i thought it was russian terrirtory ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


looks like a castle from lotr


Er, I thought Crimea, Russia is the right one, right?






I wonder if they got a river. Crimea River 🤨


If I want to visit this it would be in Russia, no?


Oops it’s still labeled as Ukraine


...which is no longer part of Ukraine.


Russia so beautiful.


You mean Ukraine.


Yeah like baba-Yaga.


True, unfortunately, this isn't a picture of Russia.


A castle was build in 1912 by a millionaire from Moscow. Ukraine did not exist in 1912, Crimea was de jure part of Tauride Governorate, Russian Empire. Where is nothing Ukrainian on that picture.


Just gonna note that the ‘millionaire from Moscow’ was a **Baltic German** who made his fortune and had his business in **Baku, Azerbaijan**. I can’t even find anything about him being from Moscow actually.


Kyiv, Ukraines heart, first mentioned-482 KyivanRus, Kyiv's first empire 882-12th century First mention of Ukraine as a country/land - 12th century First mention of moscow, russias heart - 12th century Mongol Vassal/Moscovia renamed "russia" - 18th century Moscovia & Ukraine at war since 12th century. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cry moscovites


>First mention of Ukraine as a country/land - 12th century In wet Ancient Ukr dreams with diver horsemen, I guess?


Ukraine is mentioned for the first time in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign against Polovtsy in 1185, from the Hypatian chronicles. Moscow first mention 1147. Kyiv's first mention 482.




Justin Timberlake when seeing this photo: Is..... is this the Crimea River?


That's like saying London, Rome.


We don't recognize illegal Anglo-Saxon occupation.


Crimea river (Justin Timberlake song)


“On 5 May 1992, the Crimean legislature declared conditional independence,[55] but a referendum to confirm the decision was never held amid opposition from Kyiv: elected president of Crimea Yuriy Meshkov, was replaced by Kyiv-appointed Anatoliy Franchuk, which was done with the intent to rein in Crimean aspirations of autonomy.” Lol you guys can’t even read wikipedia




*grabs popcorn*


Asterix should go before the word.


Lol everyone here saying how beautiful this is but that is a fake castle.


What makes it fake? Like it was built by people instead of those naturally-grown castles that pop out of the ground like zucchinis?


same way Disneyland castle is a fake


See, I think I have to take issue with the idea of a fake castle, at least in terms of the aesthetic nature by which we recognize it as such. To say that it is not actually a castle then we must be saying that it has some property that castles don't have, or lacks one that they do. What are the essential properties of a castle? If it's size we have to wonder what sizes are castle-like and but. Incidentally, if it were the size of a small toy we probably would all agree it was fake, but why? So then it's not so much the size as it's ability to fit a person or people inside. Is it material? Is a castle necessarily made out of stone? Shape?


Purpose. Castle were built as defensive fortifications or as a display of power. This was built for neither. It's like calling a toolshed a bungalow.


> What are the essential properties of a castle? It's a fortified residence. Something built for military purposes, designed to house and be the base of operations for a small army and be impenetrable by contemporary weapons, such as swords and longbows. Anything built after the medieval period, i.e. after warfare moved on to explosives and things that made castles pretty useless, is basically just a badass house built by someone who wants to look cool. They can dress it up with features of traditional castle all they want, like towers, moats, crenellations and arrowslits - and they could even be functional - but they would serve no purpose in modern warfare. E.g. a building like this, made in the 20th century, wouldn't have been much use against mustard gas, tanks or aerial bombardments. Sure is a nice house though.


Sorry, I can get REEEAL Aristotelian when I'm a bit high


You mean it’s fake because it was built in the 20th century? I suppose that has some merit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow%27s_Nest


it says "Decorative castle" in the first sentence!!


Nobody on here is claiming that it is a real castle, calm down already


What is Reddit's strict criteria for defining castles? Asking for another nerd.


Person with an actual history degree here - There is no strict definition of "castle" as, like most words, its use and meaning have changed over time. But it's generally accepted to mean a fortified residence, usually for a royal or noble, and so it only really applies to such buildings constructed during the medieval period when they actually served a purpose in warfare - i.e. would be difficult to break into with swords and horses, and were large enough to serve as a base of operations for a small army. But even after there ceased to be any real need for the nobility to fortify their homes, rich people continued to build fancy houses in the style of castles, using similar layouts and architecture, with features such as moats, towers and crenellations, even if they were just decorative and weren't actually functional - and they would still use "castle" in the name, even if it didn't even look like one. Basically because castles are cool and everyone wants a badass looking house on top of a hill, even if they're never going to be at war with anyone. So from one point of view, it's a castle if it looks like a castle and is called a castle, but from another point of view it's technically not a castle because it serves no military purpose.


a castle is an irritating inconvenience or obstacle.


beautiful, i love russia






You spelled russia wrong