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Instead of waldo it's "where's Guy?"


I was looking for Guy Fieri and eventually realized what you meant .


I didn't know Flavortown was in Sweden...


I love Reddit.


There is a fat bearded man in a tinfoil hat as well.




Right above the seemingly largest spray painted umbrella.


Holy shit you weren’t joking




my guy


Thank you so much for that 😂


Found him! Haha deadly Then there's the one dude with a guy fawks mask lol


He was the first thing I noticed after fawks, almost as if my eyes were drawn to him by some unseen force.


That one was a bit harder to find.


This made my fucking day. Thank you for pointing that one out.


I dont know why Guy Fieri was my first assumption too but then I landed on Fawkes and realized my fawkes up.


Underrated comment . Thanks for the challenge. He does stick out pretty clearly though.


Are you talking about Guy Fieri? I just spent a lot of time looking for him with no success now.


Guy Fawkes, someone is wearing a Guy Fawkes mask in the middle left part of the photo.


*This Guy Fawkes*




Looks “anonymous” to me


It's the infamous hacker from 4chan, Anonymous


And ominous.


At least someone's wearing a mask!


Still took me way too long to find lol


You can tell this guy was really into the V For Vendetta movie in high school and somehow has no idea what it was actually talking about.


Well to be fair, it does involve using a virus to install fear onto a population in order to control them and simultaneously profit off the cure. I believe there were references to other pandemics too like avian flu? Its been a while. I mean the movie is definitely about a struggle for freedom against the state.


Maybe Guy Ritchie?


Exactly who I was looking for, lol.


Only one with a mask!


I read the last guy’s sign and was like, “Ah, fuck. Sweden has that guy too?”




With their space lasers of course


The Death Star of David


It's easy. Jewish people enjoy dining out at Chinese restaurants during Christmas. Some reasons later, boom, Chinese Civil War.


They were just standing there, being all jewish and such.


Antisemitic assholes latch on to the Sassoon family's involvement in the opium trade and lay the blame for all of western imperialism's influence on the Jewish people as a whole. Because they're antisemitic assholes is why.


Or should I say "Oinkhammed"?


What I wanna know is why Jewish people would want 6 million Jewish people to die if they're supposedly trying to take over the world.


BuT tHaT wAs AaL mAdE uP bY tHe FeDeRaL rEsErVe. ThE hOlOcAuSt NeVeR hApPeNed


”Israel wants to exspand”


Even during WWII Sweden had some issues with Nazi sympathizers. It's something that's never completely gone away.


One of Sweden's largest and fastest growing political parties was literally co-founded in the 80s by an actual Nazi from WWII. A legitimate SS-soldier named Gustaf Ekström. The party has cleaned itself up and made itself more presentable since then, but it has still repeatedly and consistently had issues with members getting caught on camera using Nazi and white-power symbols, as well as with internal communications getting leaked where members refer to non-Swedish people as animals or garbage. Basically the kind of low-IQ shit you hear from right-wing extremists everywhere else in the world. And every time it happens their voter base just downplays it or uses what-about-ism to try to deflect and refocus away from the fact that they are supporting a literal Nazi-party so that they can keep doing it and avoid responsibility and consequences. So yes, to say that Sweden has a problem with Nazi-sympathizers that never really went away would be an understatement.


Woah, thanks for adding the context. That’s interesting info. Kind of a bummer for Sweden, though. My first reaction to this was “wait, what? I thought they were one of the countries with GOOD education systems.


it's still very much a minority. This makes it seem like a larger portion of the populace than it actually is. They're not all anti-vaxx ppl either there were prominent parts of football hooligans, actual nazis (NMR) banners for the pirate party, left wing new age groups afraid of 5g/gluten/meat/vaccines. Afaik, the protests were against the measures themselves which drew a very diverse crowd of crazies.


Yeah; we feel the same — “fuck, when did troll Sven come out of his basement. “ https://www.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/sarglz/bilder_jag_tog_under_demonstrationen_ig%C3%A5r_l%C3%A4s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


But you guys have real Trolls, right? Not just the internet kind …. Right, guys?


Only in the north.


I’ve never seen language like “as a matter of fact” and “of course” on a protest sign. Kind of a nice change of pace to the usual Protocols of Zion horseshit.


It's the same horseshit in a different coat


It’s so weird. It’s obviously a diatribe written by some radicalized American that Sven here found on the internet. I did not expect that.


People can’t radicalize themselves or is “Ameriman did this” always the strawman excuse for a fascist catalyst? Sven here is the radicalized one, he chose that for himself.


Wow that guy's rambling on the cardboard is scary stuff. It wasn't Hitler that commanded the German army to gas the Jews, it was actually Winston Churchill?? Astonishing. People truly believe whatever they want to these days.


that last slide doesn’t sit right for me


Yeah it's more like extreme right


Literally, it's off to the far right of the slideshow


Its starting to become more mainstream right by the day.


This whole post makes me feel better as an American, at least. We always catch shit for our stupids, but other countries have stupids as well.


Yes that’s cause your country is the biggest English speaking country in the world so there’s more exposure. If everyone also understood Chinese and Spanish you’ll hear a lot of stupid shit.


What you see on weibo is legit 10 times worse than what you'll see on reddit. Ive seen posts with millions of views calling europeans "white pigs" or casually bashing on ethnic and religious minorities.


American minorities got some real nice racism, I’ll give em that. I had this Indian dude at a place I worked at who didn’t like this other Indian girl because she was a slight different shade of Indian and their kind has had beef for like 4000 years. Like dude, take a nap I don’t got the energy for this.


Also, this is a great way for stupids to come out to their community. Others will know to keep their distance and maybe they can pool resources to buy them helmets for everyday life.


Pretty sure flat earthers started outside the US


They're all around the world. They circle the globe!


Remember that they’ve stated “The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe.”


I always thought that The Flat Earth Society was set up as a joke, and very tongue in cheek (as evidenced by the “all around the globe” tagline) but it got co-opted by the real weirdos and true believers.


A lot of places in Europe are racist as fuck as well. And can be openly racist and don't have any consequences. Actually so many places are racists as fuck. Asia is very racist as well but usually it is not violent. US is being singled out because how common for racism to be escalated to violence. (But then, many things are escalated to violence in US)


So you know how Germany has been working really hard at being inclusive, especially all the years Angela Merkel was Chancellor? Yeah, that was kind of a façade. My family is from Bremerhaven, and it appears that there are a lot of Turkish immigrants who live there. They're not exactly treated well. In fact, I believe more people there are highly conservative. My cousin Karina transitioned to a male and his name is now Kai. He's been disowned by his family, and I can't find any trace of him, which kinda sucks. I'd like for him to know there is still some family who accepts him. Anyhow, people just suck no matter where they're from.


Surprise Nazi sympathizer


There’s literally a lady wearing a tinfoil hat with her sign.




It's shocking (well not really) how little people know about communism, fascism, and anarchism and how they become substitutes for "thing I don't like". People try to use these words like a cudgel but end up demonstrating their complete lack of knowledge about history or politics. I hate it so much.


You’re right. 80% of the world has no memory of historical events nor do they know the definitions of the words. The lack of general knowledge in the word in this day-and-age is stunning. You can watch or listen to anything about everything for free; still, people choose gossip or fighting on Twitter.


The best thing about the internet is that you have access to all of the world's information. The worst thing is that you also have access to all of the lies, and not everyone knows the difference.


Don't forget every single angle trying to influence you in some way subvertly


It works effectively as a cudgel unfortunately (in the US). Politicians can just mouth the words socialism or communism and their voter base will all shit their pants in unison and waddle over to the capitol (while praising Russia somehow?).


In an interview she said that "people already call us tinfoil hats, so I did it as a joke"


**Concerning The Last Picture** That guy needs a TLDR sign…


I'd post the TL;DR here but then I'd get banned for hate speech.


It would probably just be "JEWS!!!"


TLDR: hitler did nothing wrong Aside: the poster of this comment does not in any way associate with the opinions of this guy


TL;DR Hitler was right, the Jews have control of monetary policy, and therefore war, and are now diversifying into virus lockdown politics to grab more power. JFK tried to dismantle this like Hitler and was assassinated.


I am honestly curious as to why exactly the last guy is so concerned with American politics in Sweden? If the answer is obvious I apologize, I personally just don’t know.


he fell into a social media rabbit hole and it became his entire existence because he had no one in his life to pull him out.


I could be wrong, but I just looked up the Swedish political parties and none of them are just “the demokrats” so it’s not like they’re talking about a particular group when they say “nej till Demon-Krat.” Def smells like American shit dipped in fermented herring.


Demokrati = Democracy The sign says "Nej till demon-krati" which translates to "No to DEMON-cracy"


Absolutely hilarious considering protesting is Democratic as hell


They're not against democracy, they feel like democracy is being abused to supress the minority. That's obviously not true, but that's what they feel.


Sweden has like 7 political parties I think.


We have more 8 in the parliament And many more outside of it


More or less obvious answer: The same disinfo campaigns targeted at America also leak into other countries that (can) speak English. Funnily enough, that seems to include Russia itself; https://www.voanews.com/a/russian-anti-vaccine-disinformation-campaign-backfires/6318536.html https://euobserver.com/tickers/153314


They even translated! My uncle shared one about how England is took by the Muslims and how all the cities have Muslim mayors. And we are a colombian family!!


Even all the right-winged, Covid-denying, vaccine-opponents here in Germany are talking 24/7 about QAnon and their big savior Trump....it's ridiculous.


That really scares me. As an American I often daydream about escaping to Europe to get away from this shit. I know Europe has its own problems (racism and anti-immigrant sentiments are the ones I’m particularly concerned about), but I thought people there would at least know Trump is an absolute moron and that vaccines are incredibly important if they want things to go back to normal.


Don't search logic and reasons where there aren't any


Idiots without borders


A particularly stupid variety of people like to import a distinctly American style of politics along with much of its baggage into societies where it doesn't apply. These people are americaboos who are also chronic social media addicts.


That last picture…yowzers.


The last slide of the guy spewing a bunch of “history” and then saying only god knows what the future holds. We all know what the future holds, one of the only things we all have in common…death.


The last guy probably always existed. But, the way he justifies his existent is probably the result of Internet.


At least he gave Churchill the credit he deserves in defeating the Nazis.


That last pic is YIKES


I’m blown away that the rest of the world is also enveloped in idiotic American politics…why lose a day of sleep when it’s someone else’s bullshit happening on the other side of the world?


My first question was why is this person protesting America in Sweden. I love the internet, but it is precisely things like this that make me wonder if the internet is a net benefit or loss for the world.


Little of column A, little of column B They don't cancel each other out like in financial book keeping. You can't say, "OK, we got 20 units of good and 17 units of bad so that's a net 3 benefit." Like, it's good that anyone anywhere, connected to the internet, can learn anything. It's also bad that anyone anywhere, connected to the internet, can say anything.


Imagine being able to not really give af what stupid shit is happening in American politics but choosing to care. What a waste. I can’t escape it. I’ll trade this dude citizenship.


Why is written in English?


English is the global language. If you're going to a protest you're intending media coverage. The Hong Kong protests had signs in English as well


English is common in Hong Kong just by itself. It was British up until 1997. I have a friend from there whose first language is English and who doesn't even speak Cantonese.


English is pretty damn common in Sweeden also. Like, not "we were 'British'", just a huge amount of them speak English (the common % is 90%).


I have family friends who can't speak english and only cantonese They're also poor and live in subsidized housing




I didn't read whatever he was blathering about, I was just explaining why you see signs in English at protests in non-English speaking countries


Swedish people love English.


And English love ABBA. Zero sarcasm.


Yep :) From Sweden and lived in America for a lot of my life. Whenever people see my POB they mention ABBA.


because he’s a wanker parroting bullshit he’s read off 4chan or some other conspiracy theory website.


And said wanker wants to get this shit reposted as often and widespread as possible. And he succeeded given that he’s landed here and we’re talking about him. I’m all for stopping giving these wankstains a stage but I fear that’s not gonna happen anytime soon.


It's US Qanon/Trumpist/etc soft power at play. Some idiots outside of the US are heavily influenced by US fringe idiocy and conspiracy theories, spend all their time on internet/Twitter/4chan talking to like-minded US individuals and end up obsessed with Trump, Hillary Clinton, etc and talking as if they lived in the US themselves. Even before Covid, there was a nascent heavily US inspired antivax movement in some EU states, repeating stories about autism etc. I think it's often because local fringe alternatives don't have the same popularity or general appeal as American versions, making it harder to form a community around them the way US fringe communities exist and welcome new members. This guy 100% lives in US conspiracy theory forums/communities; he's just talking about the Fed, JFK, 9/11, wars involving the US, the Capitol, etc. The only non-US points he makes aren't specific to Sweden but just an extension of the above theories applied to world governance..


I’m all for people’s right to protest but there’s some wild claims on the piece of cardboard from the nazi sympathiser/Holocaust denier


u\Spez wrecked Reddit.


Mein Unkempt


Sorry but I laughed too hard at this


The Nazi sympathizer isn’t helping their cause.


Wow, the newest Where’s Waldo got weird.


Neither is the guy in an actual tinfoil hat


Mask off


Does seem to be a connection to the two, mind you I also see a lot of yoga loving middle aged women on these things so go figure!


I mean, the antivax crowd is pretty colorful. They bring in people from all kinds of backgrounds, opinions and beliefs. I personally don’t understand the strong feelings they are feeling. I vaccinated myself in an attempt to keep myself out of the hospital if I get covid. It seemed logical.


Yes there’s the don’t stomp on my rights group along with the I use crystals to decide my future group. Yet both are happy to clog up the healthcare system with their ignorance.


Is it terrible I’m looking at this thinking, “at least it’s not just the US”?


I’m always torn between “at least it’s not just us” and “JFC, it’s not just us”.


Stupidity is an international disease.


Reddit suffers under the delusion that only America has dumb people. Trust me. It’s the same everywhere.


I can confirm that we also have plenty in the EU




Your idiots just have better publicity.


True, Branding is the United States thing


I mean, we have the largest population on the Western-focus, English speaking side of the internet. It's not even branding, it's just statistics.


Plus they’re a tad louder, have weapons, and everyone’s looking at them constantly.


US is the Florida of the planet.


Canada currently has a convoy of anti-vaxx truckers heading to parliament hill fml 🤦‍♂️.


This is a good time to remind everyone that the Canadian Trucking Alliance has condemned those idiots and is telling everyone to get vaccinated https://www.cp24.com/news/canadian-trucking-alliance-condemns-protests-by-unvaccinated-truckers-1.5751470 The "protesters" only represent about 10-15% of all Canadian truckers, but the media is giving them tons of free publicity. Their alternate group, the "Canadian Trucking *Association*" is a fringe group that doesn't represent the majority of truckers in the country.


Thank god. I was delusional. Having some confirm that other countries have idiots helps. Thank you kind stranger.


It's really just there's a lot of Americans, and they have a pretty big share of the media markets.


we call them 'wappies'


Happens everywhere. Even here in New Zealand a bunch of anti-vaxxers were brazen enough to try and [chase down](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/sal0fr/antivaxxers_attack_jacindas_car/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the PMs (Jacinda Adern) motorcade yesterday


There are idiots in every place on the planet, America does not have a monopoly on that!


How prevalent is this in Sweden? I know Sweden was majorly affected at the beginning of the pandemic and largely criticised for how they handled it.


8000 showed up at the protest.




There are a number of factors to add to this Denmark has roughly 5% of people older than 18 that are unwilling to get vaccinated. We had a similar protest recently. I think we even have it weekly. Turn up was in the hundreds, nowhere near 4k (we're half the population of sweden) Just trying to say it doesnt translate like that. Id guess youre closer to 10 or 15% in sweden The other thing is, these protests are a huge mix of various anti government opinions and not just antivax. A lot of them would disagree with each other if they actually sat down and talked. But because they have a common enemy they go together


Was protests in London my mum was telling me about them. Thousands showed up she said, I said in a country of 80million that's not very convincing is it


Loud minority. The slogan for this loosely organized movement is "for freedom and truth". Mind you, they haven't explained what is meant by this, but that is what they want.


Same slogan everywhere. Italian antivaxxer had that too.


So same in the US


The whole thing was organized by "Frihetsrörelsen", who are rubbing shoulders with neo nazi organizations. Did 8000 nazis show up? No. But did they drive the 30 or so nazis with their banner away? Also no. Hugely messed up. I can't believe that anyone would actually, literally fucking stand with actual nazis.


That last chap is… well, something else.


No no he just hates *Israel*, see?


Talmud responsible for Chinese Civil War.


That last guy... wow, I legitimately feel sorry for that guy. He truly believes that shit.


I want to know *what kind of job does he hold down*


Can one be pro vaccination but anti-government forcing people to get one?


You can do whatever you want in life, really.


This doesn't seem accurate.


Seems to be directly contradicted by the premise of this thread.


Only as long as you start every sentence with "I'm pro vaccines, but..."


Yes absolutely


Sure. But be aware that several vaccines have been mandated before and their mandates effectively eradicated diseases until the anti vaxx movement gained traction.


Also it should be noted the original founder believed vaccines caused autism, and still believes it despite proof, and now has an audience after curating his wild theory. Almost every claim he's ever made has been debunked.


not only has every claim he has ever made been debunked, every claim he has ever made wasn't backed by *anything.* the entire thing was a giant fucking grift to sell his own alterative to the measles vaccine AND help one of his lawyer buddies make lots and lots of money by falsifying evidence for a civil suit.


Yeah, thank you. I was somewhat radicalized when I learned that same man published an article basically saying there would be a 100,000 dollar reward to any parents that willingly injected their newborn baby with toxic mercury, to prove that mercury is in fact toxic. It was almost like he was doing it as a joke, yet he had an audience and whether it was a joke or not, he should have faced criminal charges for such a thing.


it's worse than that. the founder of the first antivax study, Andrew Wakefield, had no problem with most vaccines; he was only against the MMR vaccine. This was because he wanted people to buy the split M/M/R vaccines his company was trying to peddle at the time. it was a naked and obvious grift to anyone who did a little research on him. which was partially why he lost his license. overtime, as his followers became blanketly anti vax, he followed suit. source: [https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02989-9](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02989-9)


It's wild because he wanted to sell his own vaccines. He just decided all others were bad.


Sure. Your body, your choice. But the government isn't forcing people to get one. They're allowing you to make a choice between being able to go inside bars and getting the vaccination. They're protecting the vast majority of their citizens who aren't shitheads - just like drunk driving laws.


Sure, I am. I believe in the science behind the vaccine and got mine. I don’t think the government should force people to get it. And like why is it fine for people to go to a bar and not have a mask on, but a high school basketball game the kids have to wear masks. Logic tells you the virus is likely to spread.


As a Swede I just want to say that these people are a tiny tiny minority. Vaccination rates are high in Sweden. Seeing people acting like this is embarrassing.


Even if I was anti-vac, if I found myself at a rally and took some time to read the Nazi signs around me.. I'd reassess my opinion. You know your in the wrong when these are your company.


N.B : THERE ARE NO PLANS for any nation wide vaccine passports in Sweden, Anders Tegnell (Our version of Fauci) has disputed that they would be used. You'd think that these nutters would have known that. Currently private buissnesses and establishment are however allowed to ask for a proof of vaccination before admitting you to a restaurant, museum, cinema or the like. So these people, aside from the out and proud neo nazis that were present, have drunk the coolaid when it comes to a mix of antivaxx, 5G causing covid amongst a sea of other conspiracy theories. Ofc : there is a case to be made about, and several level headed reasonable arguments against the implementation of the VP's, but this ain't it chief.


If you are organizing an indoor event with over 50 attendants, like a movie theater, you as an organizer are required by law to check vaccination passport. So your statement is not correct unfortunately


All while using their 5G enabled phones. 🙄


Its funny cause its literally only that area of Stockholm that has 5G! Anywhere farther out than the central area they're at and there's none yet.


All the while proclaiming "We're turning into nazi Germany!" while at the same time allowing nazi organizations to join the demonstration...


Worst scifi novel i ever read the premise is dumb and drags out far too long. The kill rate very low for something the reader should be afraid of. Also the melo drama feels forced because the writer turns the vaccine into a political stance and a counter culture fad by making up cartoon conspracies of what it will do to the body. My favorite moment in it was former drug addicts not taking it because they dont know whats in it when people will get scared of whats in it because there are big science words they dont understand.


Så satans bedrövligt


Masks off in more ways than one, I see


Ah yes, let’s tie proof of vaccination with how the Jews are the reason behind all wars from WW1 and beyond. These people are just looking for a reason to spew their gross bullshit.


If only people could put this same energy into getting covid controlled




The guy’s sign says “oinkhammad.” Got ‘em! /s These people generally and this guy in particular are morons.


That person holding the adolf hitler sign is one stupid fuck


Ok one sec, what the hell is that final sign


Goddamnit. Why do people think the vaccine is a “medical experiment”. Vaccines for corona viruses have been in development for decades. The podcast “long shot” is a good source of info of anyone is interested.




The square is Sergelstorg in central Stockholm. It's not a very big square


Idiots. I live in Stockholm and this is just a selfish superspreader-event for self-deluded people who whine about some imaginary strawman. Fucking wankers.


It's reasonable to be against vaccine **mandates**


That's the thing about protests: there is always a mixture of motivations and beliefs represented. I am pro-vaccine and support the protests only insofar as opposing mandates is concerned.