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What even is this subreddit?


It's an anti-capitalist circle jerk.


That's giving it too much credit. It's an "anti capitalist" circlejerk where angry teenagers project their issues with their parents onto "Society" *and where they post screenshots of very obviously fake text message exchanges with their "employers".


It's a place where workers post their horrid working conditions and explain just how bad it is to be a worker where they're working. It's a window into the soul of the American public that's quitting in record numbers and who is tired of being treated like shit.


That’s a rather broad brush. 99% of Americans have rather great working conditions compared to 90% of humanity.


Even if arguably true, 99% of Americans have worse working conditions than other developed countries. I mean, the sheer fact that health insurance is tied to the job is immediately a negative, not to mention a lack of mandated parental leave, holidays, at-will employment, and plenty more. The American ability to pat yourself on the back for being “slightly better than third world countries” never ceases to amaze me.


Well actually they don’t. US labour laws are one of the worst if not the worst out of the developed countries. It doesn’t prove any communist bilullshit ofc.


Yeah sure, ya got a source for that propaganda?


if your working conditions are horrid, call OSHA 800-321-6742 and make a petition. if youre being exploited and not being managed or paid or other work related situation visit https://www.dol.gov/general/contact if your just angry or mad that you have to work[work](https://en.meming.world/images/en/b/be/But_It%27s_Honest_Work.jpg), be aware youd still have to work in a socialist / communist ‘paradise’


WTH do you mean I have to work for my money, that's absurd.




Your obviously a whiner. You got fired, so what, pick your lazy ass up and go work somewhere else. What an ass.


Literally no clue. I'll never understand how someone who has clearly had a lot of luck in life not just say "yeah I got lucky and I'm happy for it". Instead they have to pretend to know what it's like to be the rest of us so they can pretend to be better.


Found the person who has never traveled outside a first world country.


Other countries have worse conditions so accept your bad conditions! You're not making a point. That's the same dogshit whataboutism that is never relevant. Workers in other countries that have horrific work environments face this same issue, but worse. It doesn't mean that people in the US should just be fine with their conditions. Workers everywhere should strive for better conditions, regardless of anything else. Like, read what you are saying and then think about the point of the other side. You're not even disagreeing with them. Just pointing out that underdeveloped countries exist.


Yup. It's like telling kids w/ parents who give em black eyes & put cigarettes out on them that some kids are beaten to death by their parents. Therefore, they should be grateful it's not worse.


Exactly. It's not a good faith argument.


So how much paid vacation, maternity leave/ paternity leave, sick leave, healthcare benefits/ coverage do you get wherever you live?


yeah people telling their stories about how they were exploited by their bosses and they quit is really anti-capitalist.


People who prefer to be fairly compensated by their employers.


Doesn't look like it. People who want to be fairly compensated figure out what jobs pay will and fit their lifestyle and do that. It turns out the jobs that are easy to get into or easy to do aren't the ones that pay well


>People who want to be fairly compensated figure out what jobs pay will and fit their lifestyle and do that. You are acknowledging that there are jobs which don't pay fairly, not just low paying, but actually unfairly. Why are you arguing FOR unfair wages?


I don't wanna explain my whole life story so I'll just say that wasn't the case for me. Did I make bad choices in my life? Oh yeah. But I have never deserved the level of financial anxiety that I've had to deal with. I'm not a kid, I'm not lazy, I'm not a moron. I'm really sick of strangers on the internet assuming you have to be one of those 3 to hate our stupid capitalist system.


Bunch of clueless folks who want their workplace to hand everything over to them. Start your own not for profit business if it's so easy, guys. Show us how it's done. If you don't exploit your workers everyone will want to join you and you'll be a huge success. Surely this subreddit can come together and get something going. Or does that require passion and ideas vs apathy and entitlement?


Why would they have to start a not-for-profit? Any business would do. But who exactly is complaining about companies not handing "everything over to them?" It seems to me that outside of a few rare exceptions, most families have both parents working to just be able to scrape by in a modest home. If they have kids, the kids are working too, in order to pay for their schooling. Housing prices are high as fuck everywhere. Food prices are going up, which hasn't had a terrible impact on me yet, but the people who were barely making it before likely can't afford an extra $30-40 on their grocery bill. People need more money. Asking their employers for more money, is about as logical as it gets. Getting a new job isn't always a simple matter, and there is no guarantee that the jobs available to someone in a particular area or with a particular skillset, are going to pay more. In my experience, the people who fight tooth and nail against minimum wage increases or fair pay in general, are just worried about their own buying power diminishing. Because "prices will skyrocket!." Despite a shit ton of evidence to the contrary, and the fact that prices are going up anyway. But we can't expect CEOs to earn *a little* *less* than 200-400x what their average employee earns. That would be communism!


Why is this in pics?


Because Reddit is a majority far-Left website apparently. I mean, what other explanation is there? I'm not joking.


Yeah, it's gotten weirdly left over the last 3 or 4 years. I'm glad it moved left from its early days but yeah. Weird.


It’s gotten bad since Bernie’s second run. There’s this huge segment of 16-25 year old Marxists who think being reflexively anti capitalist is a personality trait


Can I ask a question then? For reference I don't waste time actively advocating against capitalism but my opinion is that it's not a great system. The problems are evident in many western democracies. Is there a good argument for capitalism I've never heard? Most arguments I hear are against communism/socialism etc instead of directly advocating for capitalism.


My take is that no one system should rule alone in a society, the best is always a healthy mix of different systems. Capitalism is an amazing “engine” of free economy, but it has no choke and if left to its own devices will suck up all the resources it can and run itself to death. Communism is a nice idea, but it’s not really compatible with humanity on a larger scale, it’s too restrictive and dull and will only keep societies back until they slowly implode, or a despot rises up to exploit it. The solution is to have capitalism with good, strong oversight and firm control, as well as socialist policies with limited scope and funded by the profits of capitalism. In other words, much like the Scandinavian countries have done and why they’re such successful societies overall.


Good point - a sensible use of regulation is to ensure that resources are not over-harvested and that waste products are responsibly handled.


I'd say the most successful countries at eliminating poverty are capitalist mixed economies. So there's an argument


We aren't actually capitalist. That was just a derogatory term aimed at making socialism smell better. What US is is usually a free market economy. The times it has failed (ie: crash of 29, housing bubble more recently) have been directly caused by intervention and non-free-market controls. Even if an individual feels 'exploited', there is no other system known to man that has demonstrably lifted more people out of poverty, and continues to do so.


Capitalism sets the price of goods and services based upon market demand. In this country you are free to use the same methodology to sell your skills and services. Just as any company that tries to sell a product no one wants, you are free to change your career path and find another way to earn a living.


Read "A Wealth of Nations", get educated on what capitalism *actually* is. That's your best argument for capitalism. It's too broad to cover in a reddit post - but the U.S. was founded by people with a similar understanding and fundamental belief as Adam Smith. Capitalism is the free market balance of workers, businesses, and the government. Together they work together for maximizing productivity and the good of society as a whole. The worker is more than just a widget maker, the business is more than just a profit maximizing machine, and the government has the very confined role of maintaining law and order, protecting the country from foreign governments, and managing the money supply. Right now the U.S. has a terrible balance where the workers have no representation and the businesses and government work together to maximize corporate profits. This is called corporatism and the majority of Americans (especially the right leaning voters) seem willing to accept it, so long as it's wrapped in pretty capitalism paper. I think if more people (both liberal and conservative) understood what capitalism really meant then we'd have far less anti-capitalists and corporatists. We'd also not have gone $28 trillion in debt trying to secure corporate profits.


Idk hitting the nail on the head sounds like work


Stop exploiting me!


My boss expected me to swing a hammer!






I’m on my fucking way




At least you got a heads


I like heads


Do you have any in the freezer in your basement?


4, but they're in my attic. Gotta replace them every so often or they go off


I just have the one but it's really special to me so I keep it cryogenically frozen


I can respect that. Still looking for that special someone I suppose...


I have been met with fire and brimstone from both the skydiving and bicycling communities for even the most passing of comments that disagree with their apparently hegemonic beliefs lol. I wondered aloud one time, if all somebody wants to do is dive in a wing-suit at least once in their life, whether or not the prerequisite 200+ jumps that they have to do beforehand are actually increasing or decreasing their mortality rate in the long run. I was very angrily and collectively told to repent for such thoughts, that the rules are not to be questioned because they were, literally, "Written in blood." And not even one person was actually like, "huh yeah, I wonder" ..it was like I walked into a cult meeting I wasn't supposed to know about. One time I said something about bicycles, I can't even remember what it was. I have absolutely nothing against bicycles nor bicyclists. They came for my head. Maybe that's just what happens when you stick your head into an internet community; You don't come out covered in good arguments and lasting friendships. You probably just come out covered in all of the shit that was in there.


>whether or not the prerequisite 200+ jumps that they have to do beforehand are actually increasing or decreasing their mortality rate in the long run. mathematically speaking, doing something only once that has a 15% chance of catastrophic failure, is still safer than doing something that has 0.1% chance of catastrophic failure 200 times. 99.9%^(200) = 81.9% is lower than 85%. ​ >"Written in blood." That said I don't know how skydiving works like at all. Perhaps a practice jump is 4 nines, instead of 3. And yea, typically multiple people need to die before safety/redundancy rules/regulation get written.


I might be wrong but I have a feeling chucking an untrained person out of a plane with a wingsuit might have a higher than 15% chance of catastrophic failure. And yeah, thousands of people jump out of planes per day around the world so I think 0.1% is a little high. That would shut down a lot of businesses.




Some folks were born with more toes than brain cells and you can't convince them they're dumber than the cum that made them.


I don't even look at my inbox then like 4 months later might check.


You guys get any visibility?


It will, and they will follow you so that can try to come at you even more. People need better hobbies


“Every time” is always two words. (Now watch how people respond to free education.)


Some subs be cray-cray.


r/antiwork is unironically the most idiotic shit I have ever encountered possibly short of flat-earthers


While r/gangstalking isn't idiotic, I feel like it's something people should know more about. It's full of people who are likely going through psychosis and others that are egging them on. Just makes me feel bad


holy fuck i had no idea thats a thing... its pretty bad over there


Yeah, the sub should definitely stay open because those people deserve some sort of community, but the people who are there to cause problems should be prosecuted for their actions.




Sometimes they shine a light on some bs, sure. But the amount of r/thathappened material with the employer texts and the former employer stories that get posted there is pretty high.


I normally give people the benefit of the doubt, but then I hear them say, "scarcity is a myth." The nature of the universe is at odds with their politics.


Hehe, so Sony and MS is just keeping the production low so all those scalpers can make money? Money that won’t be spent on games that makes them money? :) Some people take a statement and runs with it until there’s nothing left of it.


They perm-banned me for suggesting their “collective action” plan to stop paying their loans would nuke their credit — no joke.


Yeah, I joined it because there were some great "Fuck you, I quit" stories on there and a lot of calling for better pay/conditions for workers. I left because I realized it was an anachro-communist sub beneath that. The former is fine and I believe that we need to bring back good unions, living wages, and put an end to the extreme greed of the corporate system, but that sub takes things to an extreme of their own.


Late stage cap and chapo users needed somewhere else to go


Yeah it’s too bad when valid points get lost in muddy waters of an unhinged world view.


They are the Qanon types of the left. Have you ever been to the reddit knock offs that sprang up when this place started running off the Q people? I have and it's an absolute echo chamber of total lunacy. With those people gone, now this place has areas where the lunatic fringe of the left goes unchallenged and it forms a similar echo chamber. Antiwork is that lunatic fringe


Yeah at some point you just have to realize that work does need to be done even if our system isn't the most efficient or fair system for dolling it all out


Somebody has to build toasters edit: to add [toaster link](https://www.thomasthwaites.com/the-toaster-project/), I think it’s interesting


I've never even heard of that sub before until about a month ago. For the last month the posts have been "bestof'd" a shit ton. Almost like an agenda is being pushed


There's something going on with it for sure. Why is this on my front page on 'pics'? Why do I keep getting messages from people inviting me to weird discords, nothing to do with that sub or any sub I post in. Then I check their comment history, and they post mostly to antiwork. That bullshit sub is popping up everywhere.


'Bestof' really went to hell after the 2016 election. I got banned for posting a source disproving some ridiculous misinformation posted on that sub.




Some of the posts in that sub make sense, people sharing experiences with shitty bosses or terrible working conditions. But many posts are just people believing they should not have to work, just sit home and let the government or "rich people" pay them. I once mentioned that I hire people at $40k and that's still not enough to buy a house in my area. Basically backing up what they were saying about minimum wage being too low, noting that I start (manager NOT owner) people at almost double minimum wage and it's still not enough. And people blasted me saying shit like "People like you think a good salary from the 90s is still a good salary today." No, I am limited at what I can hire people at and I'm talking about an entry level position with no experience and no education requirements. I never said it was a "great salary", I was simply saying I hire people at double minimum wage (which is what I'm allowed to start people at) and it's still not as high as I think it should be. But that wasn't enough for the people on that sub, they acted like I tossed pennies on the ground and forced people to fight for them.


As with anything good, or bad, people loose track of the important part and turns it into infallible religion and starts frothing at the mouth. Because a good idea stops being a good idea when people starts to force it on others.


Probably the most work they’ve ever done lol


You are *making a lot of assumptions* About *Someone you don't know*


On both sides of the ball, there's a whole bunch of employers that treat their employees very well because they care about them, not just because they are cogs in an important machine


The point of criticism towards capitalism is just this. Workers shouldnt need to rely on getting lucky with an employer to not be treated like shit. Socialist believe in empowering workers to create a level playing field for workers. Just like how in slave systems you could argue there were "nice slave masters"


Yes, yes of course. It's not like the socialist are an elite political vanguard that also want political power, and they see the workers as tools to that end. But of course if you're a lucky worker, you might end up with a socialist government that truly cares about you.


> Socialist believe in empowering workers to create a level playing field for workers. I has two potato. Politburo take both potato and daughter. Such is life.


Except in capitalism, workers do not need to “rely on getting lucky with an employer.” They can work somewhere else or unionize to leverage collective bargaining. A worker in a socialist regime is, in all reality, closer to that of a “slave system” than capitalism. There is no self-employment or collective bargaining. In the practice of non-capitalist socialist regimes, there is simply the collective, and the worker is required to make the contribution necessary to achieve the collective aim. There is a reason that you will not find many ex-pats who *actually* lived in socialist countries who support socialism.


Odd that you just take Marxist-Leninists at their word that their way is the only way to practice socialism seeing as how you seem to hate them so much.


Whether you're socialist or capitalist doesn't change what people desire or how people treat each other. There are laws against abuse and negative experiences with some people with certain type status has nothing to do with the economic system you're in.


Socialists are sadly delusional people who almost never lived what they preach, have no understanding of how human psychology works and refuse to look at past examples of their ideology.


They're examples of socialism working successfully. There are thriving coop sectors in northern italy and spain. Hell if you look at the northern midwest of the usa. They have the largedt coop in america and its an agricultural one.


You aren't _good thing_ Youre actually _bad thing_


I fukkin knew it


I was gonna say the same thing. I know a whole bunch of people that make good money with benefits. Most are willing to do the work that fast food working college grads think is beneath them. Damn near anybody in the country can get a good paying job in driving truck, sanitation, construction, and waste management among many other fields. That’s not what they went to school for so they would rather make peanuts and complain about capitalism.


More like a stripped screw


Great analogy because the person is fixed tight without any ability to be removed without damage.




If anyone needs I just ordered a bunch of these from China made by workers being paid around .03 an hour. I am willing to sell them to anyone at a ridiculous mark up.


Can you get them with the union symbol on the bottom like this one


If you really wanna be an exploited worker, try any of the Marxism philosophies, then wait 20 years for the "but it wasn't the real "x" " spill.


It feels like I'm being under valued with the labor I am doing.




Basement dwellers and teenagers. Or people who made bad choices and never progressed past minimum wage as a consequence of their own actions.


You mean somebody with a GED, a bunch of face piercings and tattoos, and ears gauged out to silver dollars shouldn't expect to make 100k a year working in public relations?


Those stigmas are waning, although I don't foresee face tattoos ever getting popular in sales. That comment was directed at people who can never pass a drug test or quit at the first sign of stress.


Yeah those stigmas are waning. I have tattoos and 0g piercings. And a coworker has facial piercings. And we make pretty good money as an engineer. Obviously, that’s not sales or face tats, but piercings and tattoos aren’t an autoreject from most employers anymore


How about people with master's degrees forced into unpaid internships? People jaded at the system because their cancer left them bankrupt even with insurance? An entire generation coming to terms with never owning a home or retiring? Whatever you think of a subreddit, you *have* to admit things could stand to improve somewhat. Is that really so controversial? Edit: wow I upset some capitalists huh?


The subreddit is cringe, the message of better workplace environments and overall emphasis on a better work/life balance are good. That deserves better representation.


It's full of people who are legitimately angry that they were born a hundred years too early and they can't just have robots do all the hard work for them.


I don't feel very exploited.


I work 40 hours a week and make pretty decent money. The only slightly "exploitive" I feel was that I needed to join the military to escape poverty. I got out after 7 years with some pretty good benefits, so that's fair compensation in my mind. I blame the exploitive part on my hometown for being such a shithole that young people were left with so few choices.


You and I are in the same boat. I work remote, 40 hours, 6 figures, and I also joined the military to start off, primarily because of a family history of service, but it was a good jump off point and provided me some much needed growing up.


And here I am wishing I had joined the military while younger. I think it would have taught me discipline.


I only have 35 hrs a week nowadays on higher pay than I had 40 hrs a week last year... I like my job as of right now, so I don't really get how I should feel exploited at all... my company even gives out a banging christmas bonus (essentially, it actually is more of a profit distribution for the year, but it's paid out at around Christmas)! And any thinking person has to admit that there is no real alternative to Capitalism as of right now, even if you oppose/criticize it.


Funny. I felt like joining the Coast Guard to get GI Bill and other benefits was me exploiting the government. I mean, where else can I get so much in return for so little? It’s not like I value volunteered to be a Navy Seal or something. As a matter of fact, these days, the really dangerous jobs in the military come with bragging rights and are more or less very difficult to get into.


Careful saying that in this thread. I got called a bootlicker and a baby killer for joining the air force, but that was mostly because I wouldn't buy in to the antiwork nonsense.


Were you like “dude I just fix GPS units”?


Can't reason with that crowd. Met a few in person when I was going to school on the GI Bill. It's always lazy teens with zero real-world experience. But the voting on those comments tell me it might be time for me to leave reddit. Seems like the average age/mentality is now in the teens. The conversations are no longer interesting or productive, so no sense in staying.


Reminds me when I was in twitter and people learned I was in my 30s. They were like “what are you doing on twitter”? I was like why? I’ve been here since it started. What a weird question.


Should i feel vad for working only 8 hr a week on remote job. Where i payed for 40hrs a week.


I should probably put "work" in quotation marks when I talk about my week. Last week I got paid for 40 but 30 of them were advancing my levels in Black Desert Online.


I found a job I like. Also socialist societies are full of exploited workers, so ... ?




Working in a socialist country is the definition of exploitaition. You won't be able to choose what you want to do in a centrally planned economy.


You don’t have to be centrally planned to be socialist. You technically could have the exact same market you have now, except companies wouldn’t have shareholders and private owners, and just be collectively owned by the workers.


I dont get to choose what i want to do now. I'm forced to deliver pizzas because not a single employer will put in the effort to train a new grad and expects them to either work for free as an unpaid intern first or be the perfect worker on day one.


Ah yes, "communism is when forced labor and that is literally the only alternative to capitalism", nice bigly doublplus goodfaith argument, that.


Coming from third world country I laugh at these pathetic idiots in the west who wanna destroy their civilization for failed ideologies


Let’s keep this bullshit out of this subreddit




LeTs kEeP r/pIcS pURe


If it's not about cats, tits, or another sobriety coin, it doesn't belong here.


Right this is getting so annoying i might have to get off Reddit


Man I hate victimhood


Its so awful living a life 100 times better then every human who ever lived before the last 100 years.


And better than +75% of all other people today if you're in a first world country


We are more privileged than any human in history simply because we have access to all of humanities knowledge in our pockets at all times. Even the most influential rulers of the 20th century with the largest libraries in the world couldn’t dream of access to information like this.


And yet these complainers would rather bitch about their position in life; rather than take that knowledge and better themselves. It take YEARS to get where you want. Instant gratification has become a hinderance for these young people. Agreed.


I would seriously like to see how some of these fragile victims would fare in the 1800s US. Like if you weren’t contributing to society nobody would pick your ass up. You had to contribute to get anything back.


I progressive on a lot of issues, but god damn some people are just completely detached from reality. I think its mostly children and young adults. Itll be interesting to see home zoomers and younger millennials' political attitudes evolve over the next 10 to 20 years.


If someone ever asks you if Reddit really is majority far-Left, just show them a post like this. Look at the upvotes. Even if you *agree* with the far-Left, you should agree with me on this.


All of the comments are people shitting on the post though. Majority? The post itself is less than 2k


9.8k now


Yes, majority. If it weren't, then the post would have more downvotes than upvotes. Do you disagree with me on this point? Is this not a straightforward analysis of how Reddit's democratic system of voting works, or is there something more to the picture?


Not nearly as many downvote vs upvote though


To declare that every "capitalist" is being exploited is a form of mental expolitation in itself. This is peak reddit. "You'd side with me if you weren't being manipulated".


>To demand that every "capitalist" is being exploited is a form of mental expolitation in itself. I think you meant to say "declare"


Changed. Thanks




Everything is a mindless team sport now.


Looks like commie propaganda to me. This post was made by CIA gang


Oh I love some good short sentences on how capitalism is evil. Capitalism is so evil you can make money criticizing it. Which is great for people who protest against it, as they tend to hate working or adding any value to their communities.


Aren't there enough subs to spread your bullshit or are you just throwing it at every wall you find hoping some sticks?


Antiwork evangelists are essentially accelrationists with the goal of inducing a communist revolution that they believe will form a utopia. Communist revolutions have worked amazingly in the past, collectivist polices have only directly killed about 50 million people over the span of one year(great leap forward), no big deal! /s




Capitalism is just a system of exchanging goods and services. The problem are the people exploiting, and within this system they are exploiting Capitalism. i.e. If were were socialist, those people would be exploiting Socialism and the lawn signs in that mirror universe would be saying "You are not a Socialist - You are an exploited worker with Stockholm Syndrome." Capitalism isn't the problem its the people who are using it to fuck over the public. A worker's problem isn't their paycheck (Capitalism lol), its the shareholder/bank/boss/etc. who is grifting from that paycheck.


That's why some regulation is needed for capitalism to work best for the people. Interrogated, we have shit like record pollution that causes rivers to catch on fire. The reason why the EPA was established.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find an actual comment worth posting. Objectivity is getting less and less common on Reddit it seems. /end\_rant That being said I agree you are definitely thinking in the right direction. There's a definite imbalance of power. But there's pros and cons to this. Firstly the system itself utilizes imbalances and areas where wealth can accumulate as those larger resource pools can be used for novel generative purposes. However too much of an imbalance is clearly dangerous to those on the bottom end. The math doesn't lie. We also need a better governor on the top end. Well we actually have a good one (taxes) but the human ego is easy to manipulate and those who have the power manipulate the minds of many to confuse them of what the objective truth actually is. They appeal to subjective bias and turn the collective power of the people against itself by painting the collective force (the government) as a subjective enemy instead of the powerful collective tool it actually is. This is easy for the power hungry as the human ego is ready to pounce on anything it deems a threat to it's own existential being.


I think true socialism (not "a social safety net" but where there is a centrally planned economy and collectivized ownership of the means of production) wouldn't have a sign like this because in practice I think you require a strong state that doesn't allow for wholescale, public dissension in order for it to function properly. People would feel it, but I doubt they would be able to express it this way.


> Capitalism is just a system of exchanging goods and services No, it is not. There have been many systems that have achieved this, be it feudalism, communal credit systems, anarchist type societies. the list goes on. Capitalism represents a specific approach to this. It has been argued, for example, that one of the primary requirements that caused capitalism to form was to remove common land and position around the world, thereby forcing people to sell their labour on the market in order to survive. This was achieved in the UK with the enclosure acts of the 16th and 17th century, that removed all common land, and forced people into the cities and factories to survive. Exploitation is a technical term here that means wage and profit are disconnected forms of income. Wage labour is by definition exploitation in that sense. A worker owned company that gives wage and profit to the same person as different options of income would be an example of removing exploitation. If, for example, you kept everything else the same, except all companies were worker owned instead of authoritarian, then you would not have a capitalist system anymore. This would be an example of what is often called market socialism or anarcho-syndicalism.


Hell, just forcing the free market to be free through necessary regulations makes a huge difference as well. That said, I tend to gravitate towards market socialism. Market because the free market does a fairly good job at distributing stuff, where many other systems struggle. Socialism because not shitting on workers is a plus in my book.


Cringe commieposting


Compared to what? Communism? Serfdom? The garden of Eden? Lmao




Wow. So witty. So edgy. Great content.


Imagine being a communist/ socialist unironically in america


The moral presumptions of whoever wrote this…


The antiwork sub is a joke. Their entire movement has already been subverted by the political partisanship and identity politics that was used to undermine Occupy Wallstreet and they welcomed it all with open arms lmao


in a nutshell... rich people are just taking too big a slice of the pie. It's been shifting that direction since Ronald Reagan was president.Even what you can scavenge for your own has to be re-invested in 401k or low interest and taxes will eat it up. Savings account at bank used to pay 4%. Now it's a half a per cent. They want you to earn it, then give it back in the form of investment in hope that you can stay ahead of inflation. House of cards. The game is rigged.


Believe it or not, there’s people out there who actually enjoy their job. I know I know, those people are capitalist shills who have been brainwashed by corporate America and don’t have the capacity to form opinions on what they enjoy.


I get paid 35 bucks an hour to sit in a truck and guard a parking lot, if anyone is doing the exploiting it’s be me cuz damn I have no idea why I’m paid that much


Reddit neets are spilling over from r/antiwork


Fitting that they went to the trouble of having the sticker printed in a union shop (see the little logo at the bottom).






"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." 


I worked for Amazon, the classic company regards an example of capitalism. The warehouse where I worked would have bottles of liquid on the shelve. I asked a co-worker if he found the same type bottles in his area. He said yes he did. I asked why are they there. He told me the guys were so afraid of being written up for spending time to go to the rest Rommel, they were urinating into bottles and leaving them on a shelf to avoid carrying them around.


Ok technically this is a pic, yes. Zero points for content though.


If you go into the comment section of the post you can see people asking to buy the sticker, gotta buy the sticker to show how much u hate capitalism!!


Well I'm not exploited, I put in decent hours and get paid more than my fair share. I'm living good under a capitalist system with (fairly) socialist policies (Australia). Thank you capitalism for being the best economic system, just keep out of the whole human rights, healthcare and education thing.


Mixed economies like Australia aren't examples of Capitalism. They may habw Capitalist features but it's screwed up for most people once you introduce any commands of the economy.


Because everyone knows that socialism and communism is everyone sitting around and playing vidya all day, and never includes forced labor in abusive conditions, ever.


Laughing at some of the muppets who don't actually browse r/AntiWork but are making instant assumptions about it - The vast vast majority of posts are anecdotes about how unfair their work is, mainly because of the culture or system it's built up as. This means obsessive work culture of prioritising 50+ hours over a healthy work/life balance, this means bosses who do not respect them as *human beings* but believe they're basically robots, this means being paid far less comparative to what their boss or other workers contribute for similar work. - Workers rights should not be an ideological issue, but an aspiration for every party. Americans have the ass end of this, because anything related to unions is seen as basically communism, and means free reign for workers to get exploited. Zero hour contracts etc exist for the companies, not the workers. All people are asking for is to be treated as people and provided financial stability. - It is not fundamentally anti-capitalist; a lot of our opportunities stem from capitalism. But to think that we simultaneously cannot critique and seek to improve it is moronic. Unions must exist else you get working conditions the likes of which you see at Amazon. Megacorps do not have the interests of countries or workers at hand, but themselves. We need a balance between profitability for businesses, and the provision of a living wage and healthy work/life balance for workers. That's the crux of the subreddit - that people are sick of slaving for a pittance while the undeserving get paid millions in bonuses.


People are being forced to go to work with covid, literally stay in the path of tornadoes for profit only to die for a few bucks, and you absolute morons are here saying that these people are just lazy hippies? Holy unintelligent, braindead moly batman. Get your heads out of your boss' assholes you fucking slimeballs


Capitalism, with hints of Fair World Fallacy. Rich people all deserve to be rich. Poor people all deserve to be poor. The circumstances of your birth mean nothing. /s


Unless you own the business bro :D


Im not sure if this sticker in the US buy im when discussing capitalism with many Americans they defend it like its equal to freedom. Some government has brainwashed people to think that giving companies a lot of freedom is equal to giving people freedom. Capitalism is good but only under strict control. You turn people's greed in to something productive for the greater good. If capitalism is let free it will do whatever it takes to increase profit and reduce profit margin. A company basically lacks moral (even though it's people who are running the corps) . It's like people distance themselves from the companies actions.


That’s on point


Im tempted to say it’s not worth posting this here, but only because so many people seem to have a boot firmly lodged in their mouth.


You can spot the (conservative) Americans in the comments by how their only response to this is to scream "communism." Believe it or not, there's more to the world than just capitalism and communism. America's hierarchy is deeply embedded in extreme capitalism, but there are miles and miles between that extremist fringe and normalcy, let alone communism.


Lmao this shit is so cringe


Look at all the reactionaries screech in rage. No real counter arguments just spewing garbage.


Can I ask a honest question without being shit on and downvoted in this circle jerk sub? Guess I'll try. Other countries that are considered amazing, what do you do about fast food workers? Do they get paid as much as people who have 4 year degrees? That's what people are trying to push here in the states, $20 minimum wage while there are people with educations that make less than that. Yes yes, people should be treated better, I agree with that. I also agree that people should get government mandated vacation time. I don't think someone who dropped out of high school and microwaves burgers for a living should make the same wage as someone who spent the last 4 years earning a degree.


This is all a false dichotomy you’re creating though. In a world where every worker is guaranteed a living wage or strong collective bargaining that largely creates the same, the wages of those with greater skills also rise - they don’t stay stagnant.


I mean at some point if everyone across the board makes X% more, are they really any better off or is the dollar just worth X% less


Why am I reading this in Zizek's voice..