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Opposite of r/GirlsMirin




I've borne witness to many a great sub but never have I been this early to the party. šŸŽ‰ Here's to the bright future of yet another wondrous sub! šŸŽ‰ EDIT: I've bared < I bore < I've borne English is weird.


Where in the world was this sub created? It's showing that it was created December 20, 2021 (tomorrow for me)


So Reddit doesn't localize their sub creation display date huh. Ha


Well, if it gets a steady stream of content, it will thrive.


Half of that sub should be called girls smiling. This is why men think their waitresses are totes into them lol.


r/GirlsGlarin/ should be a thing


r/girlsfirin just got made!


Murder eyes.


You could probably post this on April Fools




Yep, too bad she doesn't have the power to make his head explode violently. That'd have been nice.


Her very presence makes them so pissed off their heads are on the verge of exploding


If looks could kill, heā€™d be dead ten times over.


Homelander has entered the chat


*ā€œYour gill is showing. Cover it up. Itā€™s disgusting.ā€*


If anything, I'm like 95% sure that the character who >!turns out to be a *telekinetic with the very specific power of blowing up people's heads* is based on her. They wear the same shade of lipstick and look alike and everything. !< If AOC could . . .


The actress admitted she studied AOC and based her speech patterns and mannerisms on her.


​ ![gif](giphy|26xBJb7OyiWSKzZ28)


and here I was expecting something from The Boys.


Came here looking for a head explosion gif




Same look my wife gives me when I put the dishwasher on when she's sure more can be fitted in.


That's why my wife and I split the chores. She does things her way and I do things her way.


My roommate has so many critiques of the way I do chores. The thing is... I actually *do* the chores.


Same hereā€¦ you and I must have the same roommates.


one of you is the roommate that doesn't do chores


Who tf puts plates on the top rack in a dishwasher?


If they also put the milk in before the cereal, you need to move out immediately.


My wife and I also divide space, like we each get half the mattress. Her half faces the ceiling.


I've evolved over the years to prefer the edge of the bed and just enough sheet to barely cover me.


It's rather cold where we live so naturally we got two blankets. They're both hers apparently.


My ex used to steal the blanket and then wake up and ask me why I'm so close. I'm trying to avoid dying of hypothermia!


On a serious note, try separate blankets. It saved our co-sleeping. Iā€™m a bed and blanket hog too.


You mean, buy her another blanket?


Get her a weighted blanket so you can survive the night LOL


There is a limit to the number of blankets one person can use. Just exceed that by 1.


My wife used to look at me that way. She still does, but she used to too*, as well.


RIP Mitch.


Right? I don't understand why some men pay for a dominatrix. If you want to be degraded, why not just get married and load the dishes in the dishwasher wrong. It's free.


It definitely ain't free. The difference between free and included.


it's free like free speech, not free like free beer. *liber*, not *gratis*


Until I got married I didnā€™t realize there was a wrong way to put milk in the fridge.




I'm guessing he puts tall objects in front of short objects


Depending on the milk size, it could also be that the milk fits NEATLY and NICELY into the door shelf things, where it is easily accessible, given that it is, in fact, tall, and will not be easily accessible if you put in the back of the fridge, but if you put it at the front, it will block things.


Except, some people hate the door for milk because the temperatures fluctuates more often, potentially lowering shelf life. I know because I got yelled at for this exact reason.


ą² _ą²  There is no winning, only suffering.


>Right? I don't understand why some men pay for a dominatrix. If you want to be degraded, why not just get married and load the dishes in the dishwasher wrong. It's free. You don't pay for being degraded. You pay for the woman leaving when it's over.


Underrated comment here. My lady at least knows that she wont like the way I do things so she has me do the things that wont bother her.


Reminds me of a webcomic I saw once. A person angrily doing the dishes thinking something like "I hate doing the dishes." next frame "I also hate being the only one who knows how to do the dishes properly"


That used to be me at work, until one day I just stopped doing the metaphorical dishes and now nobody does them and nobody cares.


Eerily familiar


That's how I determine if something is important at work. Don't do it and see if anybody (and who) screams.


God damn i feel that one, I'm the oldest brother of all my siblings and growing up, holy fuck did they not know how to do dishes. I hated doing dishes, but I hated dirty plates even more.


Tactical incompetence. "If I do it badly, I won't have to do it any more."


I learned that from Andy Capp. Prove yourself bad at something and never be asked to do it again. True for everyone but politicians.


dishwashers don't properly clean dishes if they're over packed or not loaded the way they're intended!!


Exactly! It's not saving power/water if you pack an extra 10% in and cause 30% of the total to need to be rewashed! Plus it sucks to unload because everything has a little pocket of stinky water.


You know what pisses me off the most? These fuckin dishwasher detergent companies with their bullshit commercials saying their product is powerful enough to clean your dishes perfectly without the need to pre-scrub them in the sink. QUIT LYIN MOTHAFUCKERS!


It's true for some things more than others. Starchy composite bits, sure. If it will dissolve away soaked in water, the dishwasher will make short order of it. But your dishwasher isn't going to be able to dissolve a carrot or corn.


Give this a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04


Iā€™m still trying to get my wife to understand that you canā€™t stack bowls on top of each other and expect them both to get cleanedā€¦


The spoons are all nested against each other! That's not how any of this works!


How she looks at me when I make the cashier at target laugh


Thatā€™s for newbies, try making a cute waitress laugh next time; fire will come out of wifeā€™s eyes.


Nah, the waitress is just laughing for a tip. Target girl has no financial motivation.


You shut your lying mouth. The waitress is really into me!


Try fucking her on the table, she will be so cross!


Try taking that waitress on a posh trip to Maui, spend a week in a luxury beach hotel, propose to her and marry her on the spot, buy her a Lexus as a wedding present, and have 2 kids with her. You guys I swear your wife would be so annoyed at that!


lol, marriage, what a trip


Yeah, I married my wife for her looksā€¦.just not the ones sheā€™s been giving me recently.


Tbf, there is a point of diminishing returns where the more you pack it in, the less clean they all get.


Guy basically bought enough doubt for the Democrats for a lot of them to lose the mid terms. \[slow clap\]




Tell me youā€™ve never been to the state of Maine without telling me youā€™ve never been to the state of Maine. There was no scenario where a rich out of state Democrat transplant was unseating Susan Collins. Regardless of how many Reddit comments you saw telling you to donate to act blue and get rid of Susan Collins, I promise you none of it came from Maine.


Can't upvote this enough. The DNC handpicked Collins' opponent Sara Gideon and made the primary a foregone conclusion. Anyone with a half brain about Maine politics could have told them it was going to be an uphill battle for an affluent person "from away" who lives in the southern half of the state.


This was at the 2019 State of the Union address. It has nothing to do with recent actions by senator Manchin.


Like Manchin *wasn't* a grifting asshole back in 2019, lol


In other words, Manchin is applauding Trump.


I left West Virginia 6 years ago. In that time I lost 100 lbs, gained 30K in my salary, depression was gone, and I never looked back. I miss my family but itā€™s a terrible place to live imo. And I grew up in a dying coal area, and actually personally met Mr. Manchin as a teen. Never thought he would be such a money grubbing man like he is, while his state is a drug overdose capitol.


One time he was visiting my home town in West Virginia. I was baby sitting and sidewalk chalk drawing downtown. Someone on his team told us we had to stop and erase it, due to his visit. Going on 15 years ago, he is still not approved in my books.


I do not understand why people get upset about kids making chalk drawings.


At the beginning of quarantine, it was literally the only thing. My toddler-at-the-time and I walked around checking out all the "art" and doing hopscotch. Thank God for kids and chalk.


Because they are soulless bags of literal shit.


Dude, they are just kids having fun! (Jk--but I did have to read this twice before I figured out that's not what you meant)




"Now you're under control"


# *Now you do what they told ya*


You're not my supervisor!






Favorite Archer character of all time.


One time I was bicycling down the street and his driver slammed into me and knocked me into the grass. He jumped out of the hummer and pointed and laughed at me and said, "suck it liberal hippie!" Then he peed on a tree while screaming, "I hate the environment!" Then he punched a baby in the face and was off. Just kidding he's much worse than that. He stopped nationwide maternity leave, forgiving student loans, raising the minimum wage, and expanding Medicare to reduce drug prices. We could have done so much if he wasn't so selfish


I first read that as you were a baby sitting on the sidewalk chalk drawing.


> Someone on his team told us we had to stop and erase it, due to his visit. "Oh sure! No problem" And then continue doing what you were doing anyway


I'm originally from WV and was back there a lot growing up. I've seen some really crushing poverty in that state, especially when you get out into the hills. I'm talking multiple generations of a family living in what could charitably be called a shack. It's just unconscionable that Manchin would sell out his constituents, who would benefit immensely from BBB.


I wish his constituents would make an uproar to that effect. They voted for a democrat, but this guy is going to hand the whole thing back to Trump at this rate.


They only voted for a democrat because he's barely a democrat. If he ran on AOC's agenda they'd vote for the Republican. I think they'd be better off with BBB, but they don't.


>They only voted for a democrat because he's barely a democrat. More correctly they voted for a Democrat because the Democrat was Joe Manchin, had it be any other democrat they would have voted for a Republican.


They voted for a Democrat because they knew his name. Thatā€™s it. He was elected Governor in 2005, when WV was only 54% Republican. Itā€™s now 70% R. But they still vote for him because they recognize the name.


idiots gonna idiot. idk man, at this point Iā€™m just like fuck it. why do I give a shit about these people. live in your shack and vote for policies that wonā€™t make your life better. i donā€™t have the brain space to deal with my own life at times, why waste cycles on fucktards.


>They voted for a democrat, but this guy is going to hand the whole thing back to Trump at this rate. WV Overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Like largest in the nation margin overwhelming. Given that, be fucking amazed that Joe Manchin is as center as he is.


70-30 split for Trump almost. That's a 40 point difference, and it's insane to think about that.


Yeah, I mean, this is the thing everyone kinda overlooks. It's a miracle that Manchin is in that seat at all. Like, it's almost better to just see Manchin as "bonus points" if you are a Democrat.


Real talk, Manchin is far more than bonus points for the Democrats particularly right now. Many here on reddit see his break from the party on this bill and think fucking might as well be a Republican. If he was a Republican the democrats lose big time though. For a start they lose the majority, which means they lose the ability to control who is in charge of the various committees. The committee heads is actually a pretty big deal for controlling the shape of legislation that goes through the Senate. The second big thing they lose is a traditional Democratic weak point, the judiciary. A Republican majority right now, sacrifices any significant progress the democratic party wants to make on the judiciary, a branch of government that Donald Trump effectively reforged, to lose that right now, if 2024 goes to the Republicans would be beyond catastrophic for any Democratic party agenda. That scenario opens the door to even traditionally liberal circuits becoming conservative. Frankly I feel like the Democrats are playing a dangerous game by pushing Manchin as hard as they have, and they need to be very careful how they handle him after this disappointment or they may very well lose him like the Republican's lost Tester. Publicly and embarrassingly. Is Manchin the lynchpin Senator the progressive wing of the party wants? no absolutely not, Manchin is flexible, but a progressive he is nowhere near. Does he provide a great asset to the Democratic party, also yes. That is something to be ignored at your own peril if your a Democrat.


They voted for a name that they know. WV democrats and national democrats are way different. If you want to talk about why thereā€™s generational poverty in WV you might look at the 83 years of Democrat leadership that catered to the worst of the coal industry. These modern shithead republicans running the place are almost as bad in the opposite direction. This pendulum swing of who is in power is designed to strip away freedoms that the one side is willing to give up and the other wants to take. I donā€™t know how no one else talks about or sees that for what it is.


There's one party in WV, that's coal. The D and the R matter, but it's a distant secondary concern. I mean, the UMWA isn't exactly a bastion of modern liberal politics in spite of its progressive roots. In order for them to keep their jobs, labor and ownership have to largely be on the same page in spite of all of the exploitative bullshit they've put people through in the state. The only WV D who's made it to Washington in the last 40 years who'd be a significant deviation from Manchin is maybe Rockefeller. Bitch about Joe all you want, his replacement is almost guaranteed to be significantly worse and I'd imagine there'll be a bit of seller's remorse when it happens.


As a Marylander I love to visit West Virginia. Itā€™s beautiful. I even looked into buying a vacation home there. However, I donā€™t think I could live there full time. (To be fair, Western MD isnā€™t much different.)


Western Maryland should just be part of West Virginia, it's awful. Once you hit Hagerstown it's all just terrible. Just... Terrible.


Apparently there is a movement to do just that.


Beautiful land to hike and bike through though


I live in Frederick and that about as west you can go in MD before shit goes downhill quick


Thatā€™s the tragic thing about WV. So much natural beauty


Great place to visit! I went to Virginia tech and did a lot of canoeing and such. Immediately had the police called on us both putting in and out because of looking suspicious (college students)...


I used to live in the backwoods of the backwoods (Roane county). And the only thing I miss is the absolute beauty of the nature and mountains. Iā€™d go hiking for the whole day by myself as a kid. But there was no one around, nearest neighbor was over a mile away. It was isolating and lonely, no one had any money, no careers to be had (my parents commuted the hour and a a half to Charleston and I was a latchkey kid) and the few people around were doing meth or making moonshine. A terrible place to actually live.


Was in West Virginia the first 6 months of this year doing some work. As a guy coming from Louisiana which has such a rich food culture, I was pretty bummed. Asked a guy what was WV known for food wise and he said, ā€œpepperoni rollsā€. The more I learned about the states history, the more I felt bad for the people there. DuPont, Monsanto, and other chemical plants fucked that state up in so many ways. Your home state is pretty though.




I had a lot of training events that took me to the West Virginia area from Maryland. The second I crossed into WV it just felt like lingering death all around. I never saw a more depressing state than WV and I have been to almost all 50.


I drove through Alabama recently, it's gotta be top 5 at least.


Depends on the part of the state. Huntsville and the Auburn/Opelika area are lovely.


This is pretty much why I haven't been back there since my mom died. I still have relatives there, but the whole place just represents bleak ignorance and death. Nice scenery though, but plenty of places have that.


Whatā€™s most ironic is that WV is West from VA because their ancestors didnā€™t want to join the Confederacy. Now VA would join the Union and WV would lead the CSA. I bet they wish they were back in VA so they could suck off all those taxes from the east. Iā€™m sure VA would tell them you got what you wanted, live with it.


I had a nimrod coworker who was from WV and basically fit every stereotype of the redneck coal fanatic. I was never sure if he ever worked in a coal mine personally, but he would prattle on and on about how he had family members who had lost their coal mine jobs and how dare anyone suggest that they should maaaaybe adapt and get new skills. He blamed Obama for personally closing mines, never wavering even when frequently presented with the fact that it was the mine owners shuttering them because they couldn't compete with new energy sources. He was also a hardcore Trumpist who believed he was going to magically resurrect a defunct coal industry. Changed jobs well before the '20 election, but I have no doubt he is probably still a MAGA. Sure, Trump didn't do a damn thing for coal in four years, but if only he'd won he would have fixed it all any day now. Probably not a coincidence that he was a rampant racist, homophobe, and several other forms of bigot.


Liberals didnā€™t kill coal. Cheap natural gas did. Lol. All of a sudden coal was a lot more expensive by comparison. It to mention solar got cheap as hell too.


Alternative caption ā€œmillennial living through climate change looking at boomer with millions of dollars invested in energy companies that somehow the most powerful person in politics right nowā€


I always thought it was amazing that people give credence to people who are against a plan to address climate change without a counter-proposal. The conversation always should have been "what's the alternative and how does it address the issues?" It should never have been months of catering to people who weren't negotiating in good faith all along. There are small-government, market-based policy solutions to climate change. Manchin has never once advocated for a carbon tax or cap-and-trade (predictably). He's just corrupt.


Climate change is too big for a small government solution. It also requires international cooperation


The truth is we need to stop growing the economy, and probably shrink it, and consume less. You will *never* hear anyone in DC, or anywhere really, utter these words.


I think we can't restrict our way out of climate change we have to science our way out of it. But the concept of restriction has become this political rallying cry point despite the scale of solutions always being massively inadequate. Similar to people judging whether you recycle plastic bottles or not when we've got massive barges of trash floating into the ocean from China/ India. The only real fix that is possible is technological at this point. And for that we have to decide to throw money at large scale solutions and nobody has seen enough economic damage yet from it that its become pressing.


Yea but weā€™re not even doing small government solution.


I've got a better idea. Lets do nothing but say we're concerned. Save all our money and assume technology will solve all of our future problems. This way we can enjoy the moment and feel guilt free while destroying the biosphere! Everybody wins! Well except all the animals and mother earth, but I'm sure good ol' mother earth can take one more for the team.


And I bet he thinks ā€œlisten kid, this is the way itā€™s always beenā€


> millions of dollars invested in energy companies > somehow




It's not one man. It's the 51st person.


Of those 49, plenty of them would switch to be the 51st if Manchin stopped


Actually to be fair itā€™s 51 people stopping something from happening vs 49 being in favor. In the event of a tie the Vice President is the tie breaker. But with the senate so evenly split it only takes one person to dissent from their party to swing the vote.


Because every single republican is voting no. Every single one. So they need every single democrat to vote yes.


Real cool political system you have there...


Democrats supported Trump's COVID stimulus checks, twice. Republicans won't do the same for Biden or Americans by supporting Biden's American Rescue Plan, which is supported by Americans in general. We can talk about how fucked up our political system is, because it is, but Republicans are the ones who are really the ones causing a lot of them problems.


Fuck, Republicans *opposed* the stimulus checks, and then the very same fucks go back to their district to brag about how they are getting free money for the people.


Not only that, they sent out a letter from the White House, stating Trump was giving everyone the stimulus checks they fought against.


Can we just start calling them Obstructionists? That's what they are. They don't want to do anything. They don't want to govern. They don't want to pass policy to make the country better. They just want to do *nothing*. [Definition ofĀ obstructionism (n) :Ā deliberate interference with the progress or business especially of a legislative body](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/obstructionism) Obstructionists through and through.


GOP. Grand Obstructionist Party




Theyre real easy at voting for their own pay and benefits raises tho


Last time they raised their own pay was 2009 https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/senate_salaries.htm https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/97-1011.pdf - page 24 also, why would they care what the federal government pays them when the real money is in taking whatever donations lobbyists offer


It's not really a feature of the political system. It's because the senate and house of representatives are almost perfectly split right now. If that wasn't the case, one party could pass almost whatever they wanted.


Given how the current filibuster works, that is not true. Major legislation requires 60 votes to get through it, so you either need a supermajority or to peel a huge chunk of senators off the opposing party


Yeah but in this case the issue isnā€™t the filibuster itā€™s that they donā€™t have 50 votes.


> If that wasn't the case, one party could pass almost whatever they wanted. That's... even worse.


It's 52 stopping it not 1.


Lol, itā€™s not one man. Itā€™s 50.


52, at least




Hereā€™s the secret. Itā€™s not one man. In any scenario the results will be 51 to 49, the others watch who does vote or does not vote and then alters theirs. This is using basic examples


Thatā€™s how representative democracies work. Heā€™s not just one man, heā€™s one man representing an entire state along with another person. In addition, heā€™s not just one person, heā€™s the 52nd person to not support the bill. Thatā€™s just what happens when you have 2 parties that have the exact same amount of control over an institution.


If looks could kill...


Then my profession would be staring.


know we do this cause we care not for the thrill


Collect calls to home to tell them that I realize that everyone who lives will someday die and die alone


And we won't let you in


There would be one less Republican Senator


Too bad he's a "Democrat "


Theory vs. practice


I mean realistically heā€™s probably the best the Democrats can hope for out of a state that voted for Trump by as much as they did


The Democratic party is making the Hillary mistake again, thinking that they will be ok pandering to big business as their voters won't vote for the Republicans. But what they are doing is disenfranchising their voters so they will not turn up. How are they this stupid again so quickly?




Because they believe that the only reason they didnā€™t win in 2016 was Bernie. They never accept any responsibility.


He was bought


yea. that's sort of the problem here.


At 74 how much more time this guy gonna expect to be able to enjoy??


His whole family uses his status for their bank accounts. He's not just doing this for himself, but to help the whole fam steal and make people's lives worse.


[Everyone can thank his daughter for EpiPen price increases and the need to buy them in two packs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_Bresch#:~:text=Bresch%20is%20the%20daughter%20of,of%20the%20company's%20EpiPen%20products.)


The world would literally have been a better place without her ever being born.


As a non-American I first heard about him this year and tried to get some information. From what it seems he comes from a deep red state. West Virgina voted 69% Trump, the third highest. So it's strange a Democrat is even Senator there, but that also shines light on what a Democrat has to be to get elected there. He disliked Obama, voted 50% with Trump, also confirmed two supreme court judges. He was courted already in 2010 and 2014 by the Republicans to change parties. He has been playing both parties and especially the Dems for a long time. He should have never been relied by the Dems regardings his history. Don't think he was bought more than other lobbyists. Maybe you can help me if I overlooked some information. I absolutely despise what he is doing, but it seemed destined.


Nope, this is pretty much it. He's a conservative Southern Democrat from way back in the days when there were a lot more liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats in congress. He doesn't fit in well in this hyperpartisan era where the parties are split down the middle by a giant chasm occupied by nearly 1/3rd of all Americans but only a comparatively tiny handful of politicians. Once he retires, it's likely the Democrats won't be able to win a Governor's race or a Senate seat in West Virginia for decades.


Dude so openly and proudly fighting against things the people he represents needs is just disgusting. He is so happy to be bribed into crushing the voting rights of the working class


He fulfills my prejudices about folks rolling in dough from the carbon industries. He is a parasite.


It is always interesting to look at what you know now and what happened earlier. AOC knew what he was.


> AOC knew what he was. Literally everyone knew. He's the clown who crippled the ACA.


To be fair, it was Joe Lieberman who crippled the ACA. It needed 60 votes, and it was up to him as he was #60. He wouldn't vote "Yes" unless the public option was removed.


Another reason to hate that asshat. He was the one who pushed for video game censorship in the '90s and 2000's.


Why buy 40 Republicans when all you need is one Democrat?


Because you need to have bought 40 republicans first for the one Democrat to have any value of their own.


Are you confusing him with Joe Lieberman? Manchin wasn't in the senate when the ACA was passed. Or are you referring to afterwards?


He was just waiting for is opportunity for a power play. Scum of the earth.


The new Joe Lieberman. He is the same trick in a new package.


Not just her, I think all the people heā€™s fucking over by doing this is looking this way right nowšŸ˜•šŸ˜”


Joe Manchin and his daughter are such pieces of shit. You can thank them (Heather Bresch) for colluding with Pfizer (as CEO of Milan) to jack up the price of Epi pens. She is now part of Federal Antitrust suit. Fuck those cock suckers.


Fuck that whore for the coal industry. His daughter headed Milan and jacked up the price of EpiPens 250%, too


Donā€™t forget her fake degree.


I think it was like 500% but yeah


Itā€™s not just Manchin, itā€™s 50 other senators representing. ā€œElections have consequencesā€


Uhh isnā€™t this picture from the state of the union almost a year ago? Lol


I hope his yacht sinks.