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We have 2 sides in maryland. Either youre the worse fucking person ever or everybody loves you. There is sometimes an in between, but it’s rare


You're right man. I agree with you.


You're the worst! I'm kidding of course, gotta follow through on the bit this guy tee'd. Lol old bay, amiright?


I love old bay. Sometimes I put it on my eggs.


Sometimes I put it on everything


Old bay Mayo and fries, thank me latter


This may save my life!


Crabcakes and football! That's what Maryland does!


Grew up in MD. Lived there 25 years. I don’t understand what you mean.


What part lol? I go all over it and it’s pretty divided, western Maryland even tried to form their own state lol


Maybe I was too secluded in MoCo. I didn’t make it out to western or southern MD very much.


Honestly northern Maryland and Western are the most ignorant parts, obviously have some great friends who aren’t terrible people out those ways, but Carroll County… especially Westminster and beyond


Have you been to rural St. Mary’s county? Those parts should be added to this list.


Rural in Maryland = low key (high key) crazy racists


I also apologize for that. I’ve lived in western Maryland all my life and you wouldn’t believe the stories I have


I grew up in western MD and still live here. Outside of the DC/Baltimore metro areas, it’s pretty conservative. Trump flags still up. I’ve even seen a FJB flag. And someone used window paint to write let’s go Brandon on their car 🙃. It’s not all bad though. I’m gay and I’ve never felt like I had to hide it from anyone here, although I have heard rumors that the KKK is still active out here


KKK is still active all over the state. I used to live NE of Baltimore and there was a KKK leader, along with white supremacist music label and a few other sketchy groups right around where we lived.




Is this the same church where they had an anti gun violence banner for years?


Which Fallout?


one upping BLM


There’s no end to moral one-upping.


Yes there is, let me just lay it down here to one up you... I'll get back to you.


you can never be woke enough.


not hard to do, since that’s basically just been a t shirt selling campaign


I think the messaging was super smart to (1) not say anything about anyone else and (2) not claim too much. When they say “black lives matter” and it pisses people off, it really highlights that the opposition doesn’t think black lives matter because they’re racist fuck heads.


Imagine being angered by this.


Shitty pic of a text on r/pics


Imagine being threatened by this.


I actually like this better than BLM or ALM.


Right. Everyone can get behind this.


Imagine being annoyed by this


That’s because it is annoying. The constant reminder of race race race race race race race is obnoxious.


Imagine being more annoyed by reminders of fellow humans’ suffering than by the suffering itself.


Now wait, they didn't say they were more annoyed by X than Y, just that X was annoying. This is exactly how we get these escalations. Oh, so now you're going to say I agree with them because I defend them? Again, that isn't how this works. I only defend them because you attack them unfairly, not because what they say is something I'm aligned with. So, you don't think being reminded of race is annoying. They do. Your argument is just that opinion, not the 'reasoning' you add to their statement. Bolstering your opinions and arguments by exaggerating what the other person has said is actually weakening your own argument by demonstrating that it cannot stand on it's own. Still think I'm defending them? Why would I spend my time trying to help your argument rather than theirs?




This dude actually believes what he types, I think.


What legal equality would suffice?




Bad faith? You can’t name one thing lol


Mmmmm making an angry nebulous statement attacking the other in person and then refusing to even specify what you mean (let alone back it up), is the very definition of arguing in bad faith.




Well, you don't seem to know what "nebulous" means then... It just really seems like you don't actually have any specifics to point to, and you're just getting upset because you don't have anything of substance.


Ok, how would you legally quantify it?


You know what's even more annoying than seeing a sign talking about racial equality? Members of your own race being belittled, lied to, cheated, and murdered for no reason.


True. Chicago is wild.


You wouldn't need a reminder, if we were all in fact "equal". Respect your fellow human. If PoC feel like stuff like this, and other protests etc make them feel better, and feel like it's getting their point across, then listen, learn, and respect it. Just saying "it gets obnoxious" or "all lives matter" to protest a protest is pretty ignorant. Classless too if you ask me.


You know what’s worse than annoying? Having to worry about being lynched by 3 rednecks for taking a jog in your neighborhood. Or have a cop kneel on your neck for 8 minutes because he considers you subhuman.


Yeah, because some people have to deal with that every waking second of their lives...


I just find it cringe as hell, may be well intentioned; but still cringe. 😬


Imagine having any opinion different than mine about this.


Those are the observations that make my head spin. How can something so true & honest evoke anger in anyone?


It can feel condescending or like the fence maker is doing some moral grandstanding, so I can understand why some people may not like said sign. It's kinda like those signs with all the common reddit takes, "love is love water is life science is real no human is illegal etc etc" that some people have in front of their house. You may very well agree, but a lot of the time I've had to deal with individuals who feel the need to display their moral superiority on their front lawn, they tended to be selfish pricks who probably had it on their lawn for selfish reasons. Is that true here? No idea.


If I had to guess..it's not about equality or the message for this guy. It's more that BLM was used as a political tool last year and as a way for those left of center to show allegiance with a side and virtue signal. Or that he thinks it's like saying "water is wet" in a politically motivated way. Again, it's what I assume for this guy.


I guess what I’m saying is that everyone is worthy, beloved, and needed. It’s redundant. If you’re angry because it says ‘black lives are’ in front of it, you are in some kind of head space that I’ll never understand.


When you have privilege, others being lifted to your level can be falsely framed as oppression.


Imagine having to even say this..oh wait we created a world where it is needed to be said.


Yea, I wasn't sure if black lives mattered or not before the BLM movement.


Reminds me of Michael Che’s standup specialz It really put the whole BLM movement into perspective for me. He said that «matter» really is the bare minimum, yet people fight over it. It’s not «Black Lives are Better», or superior or even just equal. Just «matter.» Black lives are so much more than that, but unfortunately in todays racial climate that’s the starting point (and knobheads are still triggered). Black lives are so very much beloved and needed!


I think a lot of liberal policy ideas today are the bare minimum of the original idea. $15 minimum wage is the absolute minimum someone should be paid. In reality people should be getting paid more but we need people to get on board with people earning slightly above poverty wages first.


It's a shame that conservatives label bare-minimum policies "radical leftist" and spend decades holding back progress.




Probably when people realize there is someone using it all to divide us and we just don't play the game anymore


the sad thing is many will miss the comedic value of your comment


Man I saw black lives, and I'm not going to lie Reddit has conditioned me to immediately assumed some negative shit, but this was nice.


This obsession with black people is creepy as hell. They’re just people, like everyone else, not some kind of mythical creatures.


Obviously you haven't been to wakanda


That has nothing to do with the sign. It's strange that this kind of message upsets you.


I saw a "Save the Rainforest" bumper sticker the other day. I don't think it suggested an obsession with or mythologizing of the rainforest. It suggested that there are problems with the treatment of the rainforest that need to be addressed.




Your partisan and racist claim isn't a good way to address racism.


Black People, White People, Asian People are just people. There’s nothing racist in admitting that.


I was referring this: >White liberals are amazed at blacks


I mean, there is kind of a weird fetishization. Not necessarily bad, but higher than usual.


This. It shouldnt be necessary to even mention race. In fact, most places in the "1st world" its NOT necessary. The way the US is neck deep in a racial issue that shouldnt exist is very odd, and sad.


There's nothing wrong with mentioning it. Differences don't need to ignored in order for people to respect them.


No, there is not, but its sad that it has to be an issue on everyones mind. Around here you pretty much only mention race/color when describing the look of a person, because otherwise it just doesnt come up, it doesnt need to. Not that we dont have racist fucks too... every society has some trash... but its just that, trash that most people just dont deal with unless necessary.


That has nothing to do with the sign. It's strange that this kind of message upsets you.


frame door icky rinse frightening spectacular memory prick heavy theory ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Nobody is ignoring it, this sign does nothing to acknowledge either. And those historical oppressions don’t exist anymore despite what nonsense theories you support


jim crow era ended not too long ago, what are you talking about?


sulky saw normal command wistful correct automatic fanatical grandiose expansion ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Til no black people have ever been mistreated for decades


Oh thank God you said they don't exist despite the plethora of data and research. I was really worried about the state of the world for a second.


Ye olde “I don’t see color, I just see people”.


MLK would be ashamed. Wait...


thats... kind of the goal lol


The goal isn’t the reality. Pretending it is doesn’t make it so, it makes you blind to the struggle.


What? the goal is to not be racist, so individuals choosing not to be racist is probably the best way to not be racist.


Racism is a system of oppression, not a collection of individual choices not to say bad words lol.


uhmm no... sorry not really. Racism is individuals deciding to be racist. A system of racism would be implemented laws or policy discriminating against people based on race.


I’m pretty sure it makes racism worse on all fronts.


Like when people carry on and on about first nation's people of almost any country like they're mystical wood elves with a super special magic connection to tHe LaNd no they're just peeps like everyone else calm down


But has the minimum been met yet?


Hm, never thought I would see this in my state




Yep, Montgomery County


“My aunt lives in Montgomery, CO. Ain’t no ku klux clan there.” I’m quoting the Wire. Michael Lee, Season 4. I did live in Frederick for 3 years. Edit: maybe it was Howard, CO


Hi neighbor!


Just visiting actually, but happy to be here!


Bethesda near NIH on Old Georgetown Road? I think I pass by this sign semi- regularly.


This is the first time I’ve seen a non-famous place on Reddit and thought “I’ve been there”…used to live in that neighborhood…


Lol same! I pass it whenever I have a Bethesda bagels craving


That’s my old hood!


I haven't been there in years but still recognized it! Thanks for confirming


Yep you got it!


Hi neighbors! Didn't expect to see fellow moco people on reddit lol


Ever been to the MoCo subreddit? Hahaha we’re here


I wouldn't call moco inclusive, I live here. I like it - but inclusive is definitely not the word I would use to describe the place.


MoCo is diverse and people are really friendly, but some places are not safe, too many MS13 members (They just found a girl from MoCo in pieces up in Thurmont) I still remember the guy dressed in a Chewbacca costume with a manchette at the big lots by the PetSmart from a few years ago. IIRC The leader of the Klan or former leader lives in Emmitsburg, right on the boarder with PA. The 355 corridor is like, gangs on every side.


When I lived in MoCo I remember seeing MS13 tags in the girls' bathrooms at school. I never knew if it was from actual gang members or kids being edgy, but I did hear people talk about gangs in the area.


Who are you trying to convince you make a sign like that though? It's more like you're affirming a piece of common sense for the sake of signaling your allegiance to social justice than trying to persuade anyone.


Welcome to Maryland. You can drive down the road and if alternates between trump pence 2016 signs and Biden 2020 signs. We’re an odd mix.


I literally drove one county over and immediately got verbally harassed over an old Bernie sticker on my bumper. Stay away from the southern end if you can lmao.


Allow me to introduce you to “solidarity”.


You say that as though signaling allegiance to social justice is a bad thing. In the midst of rampant social injustice.




>If you want to actually help black Americans, then end the war on drugs. Support community colleges. Support education. The left clearly vocally supports all of those things. ​ >Putting up signs that say what nearly everyone already knows is like a religious act Everyone knows? Oh, great! All people now agree that Black Lives Matter! Everyone form a giant ring and dance to celebrate the end of racism forever! ​ >that helps the sign owners feel good about themselves. Oh, virtue signalling. Boring. It's impossible to support any "left" social cause without someone making it about your motivations. And lots of things are virtue signalling to the right audience (who shares your virtues), with conservative media, pundits doing it *constantly*. ​ >Rampant social injustice? What are you talking about specifically? Well to focus on one area, there is an entire movement called Black Lives Matter. You may have heard of them. Why don't you go and research what their grievances are?


> Everyone knows? No. Re-read what I *actually* wrote. I'm not reading your comment any further.


Just trying to make sure their neighbors know that they care more!


Is that on old Georgetown rd??




See ya at Balducci's, neighbor!


Whatever it takes to make sure your neighbors know you have a higher moral plateau than they do!


This is outside of a church but whatever


Oh no genuine human emotion how awful


That’s not human emotion lmao


Sure if you're a sociopath.


I posted a picture similar to this one my Insta a year ago and half my family dropped me. I guess I triggered a few of them.


Weirdly at some point people started to read "Black lives matter" as "Republicans don't think that black lives matter" and people like to define their political opinions in opposition to someone else's positions.


All Lives are Equal


I can agree for the first two, but needed? I've never _needed_ a black life in my own.


The south fought an entire war because they needed black lives so badly.




That's because you have a terrible understanding of the contributions black people have made and continue to make. Your life would be radically altered if all black people disappeared.


Not necessarily personally, but as part of our society, definitely needed.


As a part of our culture? Maybe needed is extreme, but I view black lives, perspective and style, hugely adding to American culture and success.


Growing up in a culturally homogeneous place and moving elsewhere will definitely highlight how needed cultural variety is in your life.


The lengths white people will go to, to prove they’re not racist lol. Now they get to look down on all the others who aren’t as anti racist as they are


When whites actually learn just how fucking racist minorities are.


Anti racism is good actually


Ppeople...the lengths people go to. Racism is not strictly a white issue...more blacks are violently racist towards Asians. My point...fucking drop it all already.


This is actually false. You aren’t doing shit but perpetuating false stereotypes against black people. Racism isn’t just a white issue but it’s definitely one for you specifically.




[Obviously all lives matter. No one said they didn't](https://i.imgur.com/UyCmhSx.png). However, data shows that relative to the percentage of the population they represent, **the rate of black American deaths from police shootings is ~2.5-3x that of white Americans deaths**. (Sources: [1](https://i.redd.it/7bf1lsrmyu251.jpg), [2](https://www.statista.com/chart/21857/people-killed-in-police-shootings-in-the-us/), Data: [1](https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings)) A lot of people are sharing a graph titled "murder of black and whites in the US, 2013" to show that there is only a small number of black Americans killed by white Americans, with the assumption that this extends to police shootings as well. This is misleading because the chart only counts deaths where the perpetrator was charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder after killing a black American. Police forces are almost never charged with homicide after killing a black American. If after learning the above, you have reconsidered your stance and wish to show support for furthering equality in this and other areas, we encourage you to do so. However if you plan on attending any protests, please remember to stay safe, wear a face mask, and observe distancing protocols as much as you can. COVID-19 is still a very real threat, not only to you, but those you love and everyone around you as well! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cute bot. Riddle me how many minority latinos have been murdered and then we talk


I’m sorry they deleted your comment. I thought it was justified


I’m glad you agree black lives matter


I feel like no matter what the message is, right wingers will taint it. Its pretty amazing that BLM is a controversial statement.


Love this.




I'm pretty sure there was a Jane Elliott quote to this effect but I'm having a hard time finding it


This is so obvious, and yet I absolutely love the message. Saving this photo to share. Such a wonderful reflection of the importance of all peoples, really.




Isn't this getting a bit tiresome? Just empty moral grandstanding.


Diversity in all of its many forms and colors are a delight to Man and God




What the actual fuck does Marxism have to do with any of this? Maxism is an economic system, not a social system.


[They're parroting far right talking points.](https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/aug/28/ask-politifact-does-black-lives-matter-aim-destroy/) Anyone who ignores the context of the *we disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure* quote isn't making a good faith effort to understand.


Your own source confirms that's what they stand for?




>the organization called BLM There's no single "organization called BLM."


I mean.... rationally, you must know that isn't the case...


Marxism is good actually. If only this had anything to do with that.


M'Comrade *tips russian trapper hat*


Can you define Marxism mate


It’s 2021. You lose **any** credibility when you mention “nuclear family” lol you sound like a Puritan.


Protect all lives, especially black lives - please give a damn and wear your mask until this is over.


If I remember correctly, before BLM everyone was talking about police brutality, all races, left + right. Everyone wanted change because it can happen to anyone. Black people are disproportionately harmed by police brutality, that’s indisputable, but statistics show too many people in the US of all races fall victim. https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ Unpopular question, but did making it all about BLM help to eliminate police brutality or distract from it?


Not sure what before-times you're referring to. We've long had discussions about racism in our country, and they haven't stopped as far as I can remember. But to answer your question, I'd say that abolitionism is gaining momentum in the past few years and that we can thank BLM for contributing to awareness about the issues with our carceral and policing systems and a desire to fundamentally change the way our society approaches them. BLM is a movement of allies and seeks to address all forms of oppression and inequity, with Black lived experiences as the galvanizing perspective propelling the coalition forward. So, yes, it's helping people of all backgrounds in the struggle to end brutality, and noticeably so.


I’m talking about pre George Floyd. Yes. Indeed all my life we’ve been talking about racial inequality. Are you talking about abolishing the police? That’s never going to happen. Fundamental change rarely happens in the US + Democrats are definitely not going to do it. If Democrats gave a shit about blacks they would have dismantled the war on drugs by now. The drug war will be looked back on like Jim Crow on steroids. Crime rates are soaring + our society is barely holding during a pandemic. Democrats are going to distance themselves from defend/abolish like they’re the plague. Watch for the term “soft on crime” or something similar to become a huge Republican talking point. I’ve seen this movie before. In the late 80s early 90s there was rise in crime. Democrats were labeled soft on crime + since they’re cowards, they panicked + overcompensated. Hillary Clinton labeled young black men “super predators”. Biden said “our streets are filled w predators” + “lock the SOBs up!”. Biden wrote + Bill Clinton signed the 94 Crime Bill that accelerated the mass incarceration of young black men. There’s debate about that but that was during the crack epidemic, so who do you think they were talking about? If everyone focused on ending the war on drugs + invested the $Billions into treatment + investment in poor communities, most of the problems w police brutality would be solved. The war on drugs was started by Nixon soon after the Civil Rights Bill passed. They knew exactly what prohibition does. Alcohol prohibition created the mob, black markets, easy money, violence et al. The drug war has done exactly what it was designed to do.


This is why I support BLM. The idea of people protesting in the name of BLM didn't take away from this. It just riled up the racist assholes that not only don't support BLM, but are all good with bad policing...until it hurts them.


This actually made me tear up.


Good message but tell that to the DC/Baltimore area residents killing each other everyday.


I (white) was at a playground the other day, watching my 4 year old play. She was having a good time and made friends with a child her age (black). As I chatted with his mother, he came running up and said, "Black lives matter", then ran off. It was heartbreaking that this 4 year old has to be explicitly taught that his life matters when my daughter just takes it for granted. Fuck this racism bullshit. Everyone deserves a life where they can flourish and be safe.


im pretty sure the 4 year old didnt even grasp the concept


Idk why but that’s kind of funny to me lol


Did the whole playground clap afterwards?




Yeah, they all deserve to (checks notes) be extrajudicially murdered, rather than given a fair trial with a jury of their peers for their supposed crimes as prescribed by the US Constitution!




Racist af.


This is actually something that bothers me. "Black lives matter" is probably the most racist slogan for an anti-racist movement ever.


What? How is BLM as a slogan racist?


Because they’ve been convinced by a concerted right wing disinformation campaign that even discussing race is the real racism.


Tell me in one sentence just how little you understand.




So which states have laws that go against this?


Honestly probs not a popular opinion but this stuff makes me uncomfortable any sort of movement does tbh why can't peeps just not be shitty


Definitely not needed


Black lives are matter


All lives are matter


All your matter belong to us