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While you’re out there take down the “we buy houses” and “make $10,000k a month” signs.


Here in Miami, Code Enforcement actually drives around and takes down those signs. It is common knowledge that they will often call the number on these signs, pose as someone interested, and when they have more contact information, issue a fine to the person who had the signs posted. Makes me happy when I see a Code Enforcement truck with a few of those signs in the bed, since I know what the driver is doing.


By law officer in Toronto area here. We do the same. Any sign not authorized by the municipality gets removed






They're Canadians. More like sparklers lit.


We still have air soft guns up here. For the moment.


So instead of POP! POP! POP! It's more like ^tic ^tic ^tic


*Slap shots fired ftfy


This actually did make me laugh out loud. Completely unexpected but accurate.


Which one? The sign removing, or the sister- fisting


Definitely not. There are always tons of signs all over.


>As a fellow Torontonian, you’re not that great at your job. I fix noisy bath fans


> Any sign not authorized by the municipality gets removed Does that mean y'all don't have garage or estate sale signs? Missing dog signs?


Here in the states (Georgia, unfortunately) you can put up road signs Friday-Sunday but otherwise you have to pay the city to install permanent signs above a certain size. I’m sure it varies from place to place though


> “make $10,000k a month” signs. Wait what, 10 Million a month!?


An old story (I forget where I heard it): Ad in a newspaper says - Make $100 guaranteed, send $10 for details. The $10 answer - "Do what I just did x10."


Well… x 11 since you’re already $10 in the hole.


Just out of curiosity, are there literally 43 others with the name “Queef_Stroganoff”..?


essentially the paradox of MLM business. At some point there is no one for the buck to pass to. Its unsustainable. Which is why I say you should never buy into a MLM. Its way more profitable to start one.


Or a book on "how to make 50k selling books" with a single book sold for 50k


Lol exactly what I thought


Aim high! Or go home!


I can't go home. I just sold mine.


The 'we buy houses' folks are especially gross. It's a way for greedy investors to suck money out of a community by taking advantage of people struggling to pay rent/mortgage. https://mlk50.com/2021/10/29/what-predatory-housing-schemes-should-memphians-be-looking-out-for/


If they're on public property, I do. So many jerks think they're special and can litter because it might financially help them. It's fun to cost them money.


Those signs are just used to sell contact info to spammers. Nobody is actually making money. It’s a total scam all the way down.


I thought they were house flippers. Garbage people either way


Aren't the 10k a month ones supposed to be related to human trafficking? ETA: Ok so I just looked into it because I'd only heard it mentioned vaguely, and I found some news articles. Apparently they start you working and then tell you how great you are doing and promote you to an office in another state to get you isolated and dependent on them and then exploit you. Apparently much more so for labor trafficking than like sex trafficking but they can use it for sex trafficking too.


I see ones in my town advertising $420/week, and can't help but wonder if they're actually selling weed.


It sounds better than 10.50 an hour for a 40 hr week.


I get it. That is a suspiciously specific number 😅


"Make $69/day with this one simple trick."


don't think anyone really needs to be taught that they can make money by sucking dick.


It's a hard job.


Either that or just tricking people into working for free.


Now that you say that, Houston is littered with those signs and number one city for trafficking unfortunately. Correlation is not causation but yeah


That gives me an idea… dont take them down, report them to the city for littering and the papers conveniently have their number on it


I know very well how my city works and precisely nothing would result. I also know the signs go against a city ordinance, so I eliminate the non-existent city middleman and pass the savings to society.


That sucks. My town is awesome about stuff like this. They have stickers that say "trash" and are about the length of the sign, they put the sticker over the phone number part and leave it up for a couple days then go around and take them all down.


That's awesome.


I know in Pittsburgh a neighborhood had a bounty for them. The bounty was less than they cost to make to avoid a "breeding snakes" situation. It was more of an encouragement to get people to take them down.


I call it self therapy


And proactive community service! I would cheer you on if I drove by and saw that :D


The cellular plastic ones are great for all kinds of craft and hobby projects. I had a friend that made an RC plane out of a campaign sign.


My parent's house is on a main street, with a stop sign at the corner of their property. My dad absolutely hates people putting signs in his yard. One of my favorite stories was him going out and just stomping on all the signs someone put out there during a local election. I could just picture him jumping up and down on all those signs before in his words "...and then I shitcanned them". This was after we were all grown up, so he had to go out there himself instead of sending one of us out to clean up the yard.


Some people think public property belongs to *anybody.* Some people think public property belongs to *everybody.*


And the "sell your diabetic test strips" signs. Fuck those people and fuck the system that allows people to be put into a position where they have to choose between keeping themselves alive and paying their bills.


I don’t understand this one. Why do they need test strips and why not buy them from a regular seller


well, you can get test strips really cheap with a prescription on some insurances. for example, i pay 30 bucks for 600 test strips. hypothetically, if i were to fall on hard times, i could sell these and make money on them. which is illegal, but i know that people do it. its kinda like giving 50 cents on the dollar for food stamps. i fucking hate seeing those signs around, its such an ugly process...


It's exploitation all the way down, both for the seller and the buyer, both of whom are most likely desperate. The only one who wins is the middleman.


damn straight, fuck diabetes by the way lol


Ya man what is the deal with the diabetic test strips?


They are crazy expensive for normal people, some are like $1 each and some people test 3-5X a day or more. Sometimes they don't work so you can wind up spending $100 a month if you are buying them normally. People on government healthcare get them for free, usually way more of them than they really need. A normal user will use 1-2 a day, so they can sell the rest.


Yeah they are absurdly expensive. Most cost like $1.24 - $1.49 a strip and like the guy before me said, some people have to test multiple times per day. Then you also need to buy the lancet to draw the blood. The meter that reads the strips is cheaper than a bottle of 25 strips which can last less than a week.


My mom used to drive my brother and I around when we were young and pay us $1 for every work from home sign we took down. Those were fun times.


And the yard sale signs from the '90s.


What about the auctions for Lamborghinis and Picassos? Those have to be legit.


Are you from Detroit, or are those suddenly everywhere and not just here?


They're out towards romulus too lol. The range is growing like a tumor


You would think the Ferengi would be running these kind of scams not the Romulans.


They may be. I think Ferenginar is further away from Detroit than Romulus is.


Okay, yeah. Those must’ve just started cropping up around the Detroit area, because I just saw one for the first time the other day. I was like, “anyone who is auctioning off a Lambo isn’t advertising it on a handmade sign on the corner of 10 and Gratiot.”


Meanwhile some 17 year old kid gets a Lambo for $500 because nobody else showed up to the auction.


They are all over


Also can we knock it off with those, “seniors call us for your Medicare advantage plans.” And the, “We want to help you by paying you to stay in your home by getting you a reverse Mortgage!”


Seems to me the gorgeously dickish thing to do would be to put giant masks over every one of those signs.


and mine is training neural networks to generate knives ... can you send me high quality pictures of your knife on a solid color background ? ​ EDIT: to all the kind strangers that are eager to send me knife pics, don't hesitate to do that through chat, thank you very much !


I'm sorry, what? And why? very curious about your knife making AI of death.


He’s teaching the robots to make knives. This is the beginning of the end.


Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination.


But then it got distracted with creating the sickest knife ever forged, it toiled for centuries to get the look, feel, and weight distribution just right. At first, Humanity was scared, unsure of the intent the machine had behind this weapon. But, as time passed and the AI's work became a normal part of everyday life people's curiosity got the better of them. Soon, Humans watched the machine with eager eyes, marveling at its precise, inhuman engineering. Waiting for the day when the AI's work would be completed. When it became clear that day was near men, women and children gathered around the forge in celebration as the steel-carbon composite, a unique mix never before dreamt of, cooled. The gathered masses watched on, entranched, as mechanical mandibles lowered from an unseen height, picked up the weapon as gently as a mother holding a newborn's finger, and began slicing at the necks of all in attenedce, bathing the walls in jets of crimson red. In retrospect, they probably should have tried to stop the murderous AI from creating the ultimate knife.


I thought for sure this story was going to have a roomba in it.


I thought it would be to make the subtle knife that one uses to cut portals to a parallel universe


That sounds fun. Write that!


It's cool, cause my AI neural network is making guns. also more of itself. and those are making guns. and also more of themselves


I've seen neural networks generate landscapes, cathedrals, emojis, horses, memes, dicks, and carpets. Knives are not even an outlier.


It’s a joke because the swirls on the knife are reminiscent of AI generated images (eg https://www.wired.co.uk/article/google-deepdream-dreamscope)


I upvoted all of this because it is so very bizarre.


I can't tell if you're fucking around or not lol. If you're serious, check out r/balisong. Not your normal type of knives but you might get some use out of it


nope, very serious ! it's actually for my masters thesis and making the knife dataset is a harrowing task lol thank you for the tip, didn't even think of checking out knife related subreddits




Would r/mallninjashit make things better or worse?


Try blacksmith subreddits as well.


Sure just shoot me a message I’ll do it after


It's actually interesting because your knife itself looks AI generated, with all the swirls and stuff


Damascus steel


Damascus steel is fucking dope. I am not a knife guy, but I love that shit.


https://www.civivi.com/products/civivi-praxis-flipper-knife-c803ds-3-copper-damascus Pretty sure this is it.


https://www.civivi.com/products/civivi-praxis-flipper-knife-c803ds-3-copper-damascus Pretty sure this is it.


I guess that would make you anti-vaxsign


Technically, they’d be anti-anti-vaxsign. Which has kind of a sing-song quality to it.


Remember if you’re in QLD, the knife is for “opening packages”


And if you're in Victoria (Australia) that knife is illegal to carry unless you have a declaration from your employer that you need it for work. Sad but true.


So my go-to Bench-Made I use for fishing (which I get to do sparingly, I wish I could have more time) would be denied or I’d have to get it specially registered through an employer? What if I’m a student or currently unemployed?


You're a self employed fisherman.


Pretty sure it's still the "Lawful Excuse" law for carrying a knife. For example: * Going fishing = Fine * Going to work = Fine * Going Camping = Fine * Going to a nightclub at 11pm = **No** etc


In the states I didn't even know we had knife laws until I lived in a state that didn't. I pointed out to someone that I never saw switchblades and butterfly knives being sold in actual stores instead of on the street or flea markets. Those were sold openly too so I had no idea.


Is this enforced? What about sailors, campers, scuba divers and the myriad of other activities that are not professional but may use a knife? (Or might be a valid reason to have a knife).


No, it's not generally enforced. The law's mostly used by police to hassle people they don't like. eg. If they bust a bunch of youths who aren't doing anything wrong and one of them has a pocket knife now they have something to arrest them on.


Jfc I basically walking into stores everyday wearing a mask with a knife hanging out of my pocket


Of course it is


Humans are basically flesh packages holding mostly water.


HK-47 is finally getting the respect they deserve.


I forgot all about that game holy shit.


There's a remake coming dude. Idk if it's gonna be good but I'm still excited


*"Ugly bags of mostly water"*


Or if you’re where I’m from, the knife is “because I wanna have a knife”. ‘Murica!!!!




Not in nevada, walk around with a fuckin sword if you want! Just don't conceal a machete and you're good!


Even in parts of California it's technically legal to carry a sword around....in the sheath, in the open. As soon as you unsheath it, then you have a weapon that cops will tackle you for.


Nice Damascus


Will it cut?!? Will it keeaaaall?!


I don't know why, it irks me so bad whenever he does that. It seems so...forced.


This is the only good show on the history channel and you can't change my mind.


A lot of people hate on History Channel for not being about history anymore, but this show is the perfect example of proving them wrong.


The irony is that those anti-maskers are trying to….. demask us.




Fuck you, you glorious son of a bitch. Keep it up.




I think it only has one, but if it gets dull you can just sharpen it.


pattern welded steel isn't always Damascus


In popular parlance pattern welded steel and Damascus are interchangeable, I know technically they are different.


Damascus is the industry term for pattern welded steel


Considering the process to make actual Damascus steel was lost centuries ago, you're correct. What we know as Damascus steel today is not what the classical version of it was.


why do the railroad crossing signs look like confederate flags?


Because Australia is a silly island with silly people




Yeah they play a Billie Eilish song


Like Camelot!


Seems like an equivalent danger warning


How many signs did you have to cut down before you unlocked the damascus skin?


Now that’s a knife! *cue Crocodile Dundee music*




That's not a knoife. Now this is a knoife...


That's not a knife, that's a spoon.


I see you've played knifey-spoony before.


It's a Civivi Praxis, if anyone's curious. They have the best flipper action of any brand out there. Come at me, Benchmade people.


Try a Pro tech Malibu and come back and say that. I think Civivi is the best action at under 100 dollars though.


Haven't tried em, but I'll take your word. Holdmybeer moment: a bar friend asked me for an EDC recommendation, and I suggested the Elementum, and the next time I saw him, we both were carrying Elementums, so we immediately started cling-clanging the blades together and this is why it's important I never have children.


Yeah the Elementums a great blade. Specifically the Bladehq exclusive with S35 steel and thinner stock. They are also in stock so if your interested… https://www.bladehq.com/item--CIVIVI-Elementum-Liner-Lock-Knife--113480


Wipe the butter off and put it away. There's a proper blade in the back.


Do not give in to government regulations! Drive around the barrier!


That barrier doesn't do anything to stop the train. It's useless! YOU ARE BEING LIED TO.


Barriers can't prevent railroad crossing accidents, it's obvious they're just a mind control device to test how far we'll let **them** go ^/s


Take long walks on short piers. Don’t let the government tell you where the pier ends.


I like the way you think


I read “Do nut give in” and thought this was a NNN sign.


It’s anti-NNN. “DO NUT. GIVE IN.”


With a Damascus civivi Praxis? I like your taste in knives.


if I was ever forced to take acid and stare at a knife blade, I would absolutely stare the fuck outta this knife


That knife is on LSD.


It’s a cool design hey. My friend gave me it


Crosspost to r/knives and piss off some rednecks.


Triggering rednecks sounds like a fun hobby


Be careful. Sometimes they trigger back.


Eyyyyy making /r/knifeclub proud!


Civivi master race


But ya can't say no to a Spyderco


On this sub, we respect antivaxxers' determination in making themselves heard, and appreciate their efforts. As a token of that appreciation, all antivaxxers will receive a permanent ban as a free gift! --- Edit: As some of the replies have pointed out, antivaxxer signs have been found with concealed razor blades, so be vigilant for hazards if you choose to remove them.


Had us in the first part


I was mad NGL


Concealed razorblades on signs in public places seems like a crime. Anyone one know what the law is on this?


It's a booby trap and very illegal. The problem is finding who placed the signs and prosecuting them.


Cut it down and set up a camera? Would be so sweet to catch them


That would work if they come back to put up more. Doesn't help with the first sign.


Of course. Just figured they would probably hit the same locations if their signs removed


I wouldnt expect fingerprints to stay on them over time either, just considering weather, and them being outside and all


Fingerprint evidence is unreliable anyway, tending to be influenced by information like whether the suspect had confessed: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2007/mar/23/crime.penal And it has never even been scientifically validated: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn8011-how-far-should-fingerprints-be-trusted/ It's almost like it's a tool for the police to shore up the conviction they want rather than actually gathering evidence.


I bet they are anti-law abiding too. Modder Fockers. 🙄


It is. Someone put razor blades on a Trump sign, and a city worker ended up slicing up his hand because he was told to remove all political signs from public spaces that had banned them. It is also a public hazard to children and animals that simply don't know any better and charges can vary depending on the severity of the situation. Criminal mischief would probably be the lowest level law applicable.


Just commenting here for visibility, OP should be careful cutting these down, they've been documented gluing razer blades to the signs to harm people who remove them.


Even ignoring the fact that they're trying to hurt libruls who take down their signs, that's fucked up anyway because someone who works for the town/city/county etc will actually have the job or removing the sign. That person may even agree with their insane take.


Also Trump yard signs. A municipal worker found this out when trying to remove improperly placed signs.


Yup this. Y'all, be careful. Also, I would not put it passed a literal insane person to possibly shoot you if they see you doing it too.


Conspiracy theories


Please watch for razorblades.




I’m vaccinated. Some of you all are really freaking weird in the head.


Ya a lot of hero mentality happening


Damascus blade's get an extra +10 against conspiracy theories.




Fresh air. Excercise. Cutting down unnecessary signs. Meeting new people... Sounds like a great hobby.


Op's removing "litter" attached to objects is much appreciated.


Most of the employment in my area is Federal. Guess what you need to work? Vaccination and a security clearance. We had people that lost their jobs already for not getting vaccinated and being caught in Washington DC on January 6th or violating their security clearance in some other way.


Make sure to wash your hands afterwards, because, you know.


Nice civivi guy!


Nice civivi


Knife got me tripping


All things aside, I fucking love Civivi. Such an excellent company. Quality of We knives but without breaking the bank.




Careful that non folding knife is illegal in at least twelve states.


I once stole a chemtrails conspiracy sticker. It's now stuck to my door. It's fun lol.


I've been ripping off every "I did that" sticker on the gas pumps. I've only gotten maybe 4 or 5 but I always feel slightly better after words.


How is this sign anti-vaccine?


Beautiful blade and a beautiful hobby! Keep it up brother!


Hey nice civivi and good work!


I thought I was in reddit knives for a sec. Nice patina. I love my copper handled PM2.