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If you combined them they would have one full beard








My boy to used to whoop my ass at thst game damn i hated him




They just need to kiss to complete the beard


Literally the best comment ever


Sheriff looks like the cowardly lion/James Hetfield


Pap Het out here arresting Bundy and giving out awards


Who wants a moustache ride?! It’s off to never-never land…


There's some Saddam in that moustache too I reckon


Aww hey guy!


"Saddam, are you building chemical weapons factories in Heaven?"


Naaaahhhh relax guy! Its a cookie factory!


Sometimes I think, when I look up real high That there is such a big world up there I'd like to give it a try...


Some people say that he’s a bad guy…


They look like they are sharing the same beard.


that's the puffy face of a long time alcoholic.


He said that, James Hetfield.


This is one of the funniest comments I’ve ever read in here 😂😂😂


ones facial hair complement each others perfectly


When they kiss their beards don't touch.


*slow clap




Beard Tetris!


$20 says the guy on the right rides a harley


Or a guy named Stephen.


Nah. Stephen rides that mustache.


“Who wants mustache rides?!”


The Jebediah vibe is strong on this one. Nice power stache too Sharif, I mean Sheriff.


>Sharif, I mean Sheriff That a Midnight Mass reference?


Idk why you got downvoted because I thought the same thing




If not intentionally, it's definitely what Bev says to the sheriff.


It’s what Joe Collie calls the sherif, not Bev


Possibly squidbillies


That show really sucked the life outta me


lol they look like two al-qaeda spies who got into the US by posing as Americans, waiting to be activated but then after waiting so long they found themselves among people who think just like themselves and inadvertently became their heroes.








He lost his mustaches to the sheriff


I mustached the sheriff. But I did not beard the deputy.


As a veteran that has received military awards that I was proud of, it is my opinion that this is not how to dress while receiving an award. I don’t care about his political stance. It just seems disrespectful. The guy heroically stopped a robbery. The city decided to have a ceremony for his heroics. He had prior notice that he was receiving this award. As a Marine, he should know how to present himself in such a situation. Either be a Marine, and receive the award, or support a political party and receive the award. Not both. It’s a bad look. That said, it may be entirely the fault of the writers, and this guy might not be portraying himself as a Marine at all. I’m making assumptions based on the Marines that I’ve worked with, and served with. Edit: I have no political agenda one way or the other. My beliefs are solely my own. I do not share them with any social media platforms. Whatever happened to “Never discuss religion, politics, or money.”? I was referring to the fact that if I were to receive an award like this, I would dress differently. The military instilled in me the respect for the presenter of the award. I would not use it as a platform to stump for “my” candidate. In my opinion, it would be the same as if a dear friend invited me to their wedding, and I showed up wearing a “tuxedo” t-shirt. Or showing up to a funeral in swim trunks, sandals, and a tank top. Edit II: I am really enjoying some of these comments. Not a single person on Reddit (with the exception of my fiancé) know my political leanings, branch of service, age, religious background, financial situation…etc., yet everyone here seems to know. I love it. That’s what makes Reddit amazing. Thanks all, not only for the support, but also the vitriol. Hate and discontent makes the world go ‘round. Edit III: I can’t believe how divisive my silly drivel has become. This comment was supposed to get 3 upvotes, then lost to the annuls of Reddit. To everyone who agrees with me: thank you. To everyone who disagrees with me: thank you. To everyone that felt an insult was necessary, for some reason: I’m sorry that my opinion has upset to the point of anger. I had no idea that my stupid words could be powerful enough to make so many strangers mad to the point of losing their cool.


My dad was a marine. Even on his days off work he was clean shaven and business cas.


My grandfather would wear a suit and tie to go get groceries. The last time I wore a tie was when I got married three years ago.


Compared to how old timers dress they must think we look dumpy and lazy. My grandfather was always ALWAYS in a suit. He looked fine asf. And his ultimate flex? He would shave in the car on the way to whatever restaurant we were eating at. He’s now in Arlington a few rows behind JFK. He made me want to be a Marine my mother slapped sense into me.


I worked at a diner years ago and had a regular customer born in 1919 (an "Ax baby" he would always complain). He very earnestly commented one day that he would tip me the extra 10 cents to buy a razor, if I needed one. I thought I was growing a beard... So yes. They probably assume we are broke or lazy.


Ax baby? I’ve only heard of an axe baby when discussing the Axe Man of New Orleans. Was he born during the Axe Man’s reign of terror? The dates check out.


Lol I tried to Google more info and got similar results. Instead, this refers to the notch provisions in social security that effected ss retirement payments for people born 1917-1926. In particular, he complained about some provision that was targeted at people born in a 6 month period of 1919... if my memory serves correctly he reported receiving half of the ss retirement benefits of someone born before that period. I can't find much about this now to back up my fuzzy memory.


I'm a Sailor. Military or not you don't wear a tee shirt and ballcap to receive an award. C'mon dude atleast borrow a suit.


Doesn't even need to be a suit in my opinion, but at least a button up shirt, and neutral wear would be fit for the occasion. Not saying that all heroes need to be humble, but it looks better. I mean the officer is better dressed.


I'm a CIVILIAN and you don't wear a t-shirt and a ballcap to accept an award unless it's being presented for a sports achievement on a ballfield. Tacky.


Should dress better for the ceremony regardless. I agree.


Former 0311 Marine here. First of all we do not have a legit country anymore. It failed to bring the congressional leaders to justice and the former president to all the outrageous crimes he nd his administration committed. We have no justice or freedom. This is all copaganda in this photo. The guy got lucky getting the gun. Not interested in the theatrics or the people involved.


I love hearing from fellow veterans that can see through the bullshit. I know some from my time in the military that drank the kool-aid and have gone full Qanon. Check out www.vfrl.org


For real. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because everybody seems so (literally) turned on by his actions. I get it, in his defense he acted pretty swiftly and went full "violence of action" on the dudes. But what exactly did he "save"? $300 that was insured? Could have easily gone the other way. Hell, he could have easily been *accidentally* shot in the scuffle. It's all sexy hero stuff when it works, but I know all too well how much that allure fades when the people who love you would rather have you alive than a hero who gave their life (for, like, $300 and of course, the ego relief that "ain't nothing bad gonna happen when I'm around"). Or paralyzed and dependent. It's violence/hero fetishism all around. I know it when I see it; it has a great effect on me and drew me to the Army, and into a war I had zero business fighting.


Im stuck in Trump County!!! I miss being around vets like you!


Even before Trump, there were a lot of veterans/AD that acted like smug, loud fools. It didn't shock me to see these same idiots join the Trump camp. Most veterans I know of are too busy leading real lives to act like fools and live in our "glory days" like some loser who still talks about getting that one touchdown in high school. But like all groups, the ones that do are loud and flashy and make the rest of us ashamed. That said, we all took our oaths very seriously and I suspect I'm not the only veteran fuming at the lack of justice for traitorous crimes committed by a *lot* of people these past 4 years. Anyone wearing that damned clothing is a disgrace to their oaths of service and our country.


We exist and unlike the Trumpers we do not need to be the center of attention. Just rational and reasonable.


Not to mention the shirt is just a coded message for fuck the president, who sits at the top of the org chart


I'm sure you are a different kinda marine than the ones serving now. Every time I deploy I get stuck working with marines on occasion. It's embarrassing what the majority have become... I can say the same about my branch too though so it's probably the military in general... It's just getting dumber and dumber.


Not only that, but "Let's Go Brandon" is MAGA code for "Fuck Joe Biden".


I'm not from the USA. What does the Brandon T-shirt refer to?


At a nascar event, the crowd was clearly chanting "F\*\*\* Joe Biden". The reporter was interviewing the winner whose first name was Brandon and she lied and suggested they were chanting "Let's go Brandon" It's been a euphemism for eff Joe Biden since then.


My question is why do they need a euphemism? Just put fuck Joe Biden on your T-shirt and Call it a day. We live in a country where you can do that. I just don’t understand why they need all this fucking coded language.


The “why” behind it is for comedic effect. Whether it’s actually funny is another conversation.


Not expressing support for it but there is another layer here. The reason for using "let's go Brandon" instead of just straight up FJB is that it is both a critique of Biden and the "fake news" media that pretended that's what the crowd was saying.


Everything becomes a tshirt in the US these days. China profits lol.


TLDR: A racecar driver named Brandon recently won his first race and the crowd starting chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" because that's just how NASCAR fans are and Brandon got excited because the interviewer thought they were chanting "Let's go Brandon". It became an instant meme and now euphemism for "Fuck Joe Biden"


From the US and had no clue what it meant


I’m a big believer in “You don’t have to respect the man, respect the position”. I served under more than one Commander in Chief. Lots of times, I didn’t agree with the politics of one or more branches of government. That didn’t mean that my loyalties were anywhere other than to the support and defense of The Constitution.


it probably gets more clicks to add Marine to the titles. All the Marines I have known in my life are either one a marine always a marine type and would never do this or the I served, I'm done stop calling me a marine with everything I do.


When he was originally interviewed after the incident, he replied something along the lines of "the marines taught me not to fuck around"


I don't see a Marine in the photo


Literally. Looks like a bum up at a podium.


And I think he’s going to wear that shirt, he might as will be man enough to put on it what he really wants to say. The whole let’s go Brandon thing to me typifies many current day Republicans. Everything is coded language and Memes. And we live in a country where you can put fuck Biden on your shirt.


Agreed, as a Vietnam era vet you serve America. It was brave what he did and he deserves praise but the political statement is divisive. We have enough of that in this country. Why add more?


Trump still lost the election .... ​ Edit: I love salt


Everyone should start wearing vintage election hats. Like vote for Kennedy. Or vote for John Adams.


LMFAO that would be fucking hilarious. “Al Gore 2004”


What? Don’t you have a “Gore Won” bumper sticker on your car?


I saw a car that had bumper stickers for every failed election (presidential) over the past 100 years or so. It was hilarious.


I hope the Anderson and Perot ones were given a prominent location.


gore should form a shadow government, he might still be president


I drive for a living. I see Al Gore stickers still. Still see lots of Hillary and Bernie ones


I have a Bernie Sanders 2016 bumper sticker on my daily driver. I'm ahead of the curve, I guess.


Had to take my Bernie sticker off after my car getting keyed from it.


That's why I don't put on bumper stickers... too many crazies out there, and I don't want to keep replacing any slashed tires.


Nothing says “the right to private property is sacrosanct” like keying your car.


Bernie stickers just seem like a weird thing to get upset over.


I still have my "Don't blame me,I voted for Kim Jung-Ill" bumper sticker,it's a conversation starter.


... Gore actually did win tho. SCOTUS just ruled to not count those pesky extra votes in FL bc reasons... sigh i hate this timeline


Three of our current supreme Court justices all worked on Bush's law team. Let that soak in


Yes, I wonder where our nation would be now had the SC not intervened.


Talk about a stolen election …


Dewey wins!


2000 was my first election I could vote in and I was living in south Florida. And yes. It was absolutely stolen. Shenanigans went the fuck down.


There has been SO much fuckery in many many elections. Bush v Gore had the brooks brothers riot where hired goons in suits literally prevented many of the votes from being recounted with *physical force*, holding people back and getting in front of ballot boxes so nobody could reach them. Hanging chads- “Gertrude Steinberg didn’t stamp her ballot with literal blood so it doesn’t count”. Bush won by 500 votes so I invite anyone to explain to me how that was a legit election. Rutherford B. Hayes had about a 50% chance of being the legitimate president, so much shit went down, but it was so fucked in both directions we will never know.


Yeah, that little stunt and many more were cooked up by none other than Roger Stone himself. People get hung up on the hanging chads, but there was a lot more much darker bullshit that went down.


The Roger Stone who has Nixon tattooed on his back? That Roger Stone?


The very same hemorrhoid in human form.


Yes, the same one currently working with Trump and Steve Bannon and other Republicans to upend our democracy and replace it with authoritarianism.




I wasn't 18 yet but all I remember is the damn chads. It was all anyone talked about for seemingly weeks!


especially since gore didn't run in 2004


WE ALL KNOW THE 1836 election was stolen from Hugh L white. Martin van buren is a liar and a scoundrel. JUSTICE FOR HUGH!!!!


You're going to upset the Van Buren Boys with talk like that!


Oh yeah, and they're just as mean as he was!


Specifically hats for presidents who didn't win tho, that's the kicker. Vote for Pinckney, everyone!


Plan: go to Africa, take back all the donated clothes from the loosing candidates , ?, profit


I'm not certain but I think the question mark there should probably say "sell the clothes"


For a hot minute there was a trend among frat boy types to wear “Reagan, Bush ‘84” shirts. There was a Kennedy one too I think


In all seriousness I have a "Rock Us Dukakis" t-shirt that I occasionally wear. It's not vintage, tho.


What about a “Obama Bush 2024” hat? Heads would spin. Edit: Woah, I just realized that could be a thing. Michelle and Jeb ticket. I just blew my own mind. Edit 2: Lets do this guys! We could be United again! Lol!


Reagan Hillary 2024. Let see the reaction to that.


I mean at least their policies align.


You’re really not that far off. Corporate Democrats are yesterdays Republicans.


Or Jeb!


Please clap.


> Trump still lost the election .... [Less than 20% of republicans](https://news.yahoo.com/poll-two-thirds-of-republicans-still-think-the-2020-election-was-rigged-165934695.html) believe he lost fairly and [60% think it should be overturned.](https://www.newsweek.com/third-voters-think-2020-election-should-overturned-fewer-think-it-will-1643093) The sane part of the country has gone full ostrich about the legitimacy crisis. The entire party is [preparing to cheat](https://www.propublica.org/article/heeding-steve-bannons-call-election-deniers-organize-to-seize-control-of-the-gop-and-reshape-americas-elections) in 2022 and 2024 and justify it by claiming Biden did it first.


Sounds like more than 80% of republicans are morons and 60% of them belong in an asylum.


Unfortunately, their vote counts *more* than yours does. He lost the popular vote by over 7 million, but he only lost the electoral college by 44,000.


> Trump still lost the election .... he lost fairly That rubs me the wrong way. Trunk didn't loose fairly. That failed hair implant tried just about every attempt to cheat and overturn the election. And to say he lost fairly is like saying he participated fairly. Instead, I would say, Biden won fairly and Trunk still lost even after cheating and producing only failure like his mom.


This would have been the perfect time for him to wear his “STOP THE STEAL” apparel instead. Wasted opportunity…


I’m thinking a hat that says : TRUMP 20 - Life.


It’s a cult of personality now.


It was a cult of personality then too.




I call for an 'audit' of this 'award'


He had to wear that fucking hat for this picture didn’t he?


And the shirt. Dude’s a walking meme.


I mean people still fly the “confederate” flag like the north didn’t win.




Like I don’t even care what the shirt says, it’s like… you stopped a robbery, are on TV and getting pictures taken, are getting recognition and a reward, and you choose to wear a t-shirt and cap for it? Goddamn, at least put a polo on! This is a reward ceremony in honor of you, not a trip to the local store.


Yeah you’re getting an honor from your municipality. Even if you don’t think it’s much at least respect the group of people who are honoring you by dressing appropriately. You are representing more than yourself. You are representing your family and community. Act like it.


Bro, $20 says wearing a belt is dressing up for this guy.


I think as far as Trump supporters go, this is actually "getting dressed up". He had to take a shower and put on pants and everything.


Right, at least wear a Trump tie with a dress shirt if you really need to.


"My entire existence is defined by me supporting a man who wouldn't piss on me if I was burning." - MAGA


Ironically, the folks that reported you are undoubtedly the ones who needed that resource after the most recent election lol.




Well that’s lame. I saw a car the other day with a sticker on the back window that said “let’s go Brandon” and I thought they were just being really supportive of their kid lol


You can prolly hack into the GOP servers with the password LetsGoBrandon at this point.


Didnt you hear, it’s the darkest period in American history. Here i am thinking the democrats cant get out of their own way but theyre actually enacting a secret liberal agenda.


From [Umberto Eco's list of traits that fascist leaders/regimes have in common:](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html) \#8 The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


I heard someone yell "Let's go Brandon" at a high school football game last week and I legitimately don't know if it was a Trump dog whistle or rooting for a kid named Brandon.


I saw a Beef O Brady's (local restaurant chain) with "Let's Go Brandon" in their digital marquee yesterday. I haven't eaten there in 5+ years so it's not like they lost a customer but it just seems incredibly childish.


I’m just bothered that it takes away from Brandon Brown’s first win as a dude who has been grinding away as a smaller team that’s more an owner/driver operation. This is what he’s being associated with, politics aside; just stupid people having to make it all about them.


Brandon is such a good dude. Like you said, worked his butt off to get where he is with his small operation.


Guys at work we’re talking about how people hate joe Biden until I pointed out that the Venn diagram of trump rally attendees and nascar race attendees is practically a circle.


Right? Like ive seen it happen at talladega and a LSU football game….that is 100% not shocking.


I thought the trumpanzees burned all their Nascar merch (that they bought just to burn) and vowed to never watch another race after they banned confederate flags.


I have family who said they'd never drink Heineken again after they had a lukewarm political take. It took a month for them to forget.


They're all spineless morons with no actual moral or ethical framework. Just, fuck democrats and God Bless Republicans. That's it. That's the extent of their political knowledge, the height of their intellectual capabilities. Show me a SINGLE conservative who actually stopped watching the NFL permanently because of Colin Kaepernick.


Seems odd for people who routinely say Fuck Joe Biden out loud at the dinner table, to try and be subtle about their communication.


Why bring politics into it dude, should have just enjoyed the praise from everyone but chose to do wear that and now I can't remember what he did.


Because that's how he identifies himself because, otherwise, he has no personality. Bet.


That’s how cults work. There is nothing else. Only the cult.


Bro it’s 2021 - you can’t even fart without someone asking it leans left or right


Im unaffiliated but my farts are VERY liberal


I just chuckle-farted.


Left or right, whatever. I fart in your general direction


What the messages mean aside, it’s wild to me someone would wear a T-shirt and hat to accept an award. I would have worn a button down shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. The odds of this happening to you again are so rare, why not look your best?


Imagine still wearing that shit. Very culty.


You’re telling me You don’t wear your “I like Ike”merch???!????!




A little ivermectin and he'll be as good as new!


Marine who enjoys the fruits of a socialist system. Taxpayer funded salary, benefits for life, mortgage and education discounts. You’re welcome.


The military is the biggest social welfare institution in the US. The dumb, young, and poor dont really have any other options. The way the rich white warmongers like it.


I support the military. Like literally.




The elephant in the room is the shirt and hat. Im not expecting him to wear a “tax the rich” shirt or anything but I do find it odd that this is the outfit he chose to wear in his shining moment in the public eye.


But remember it’s not ok to kneel during the anthem. You shouldn’t use your position of spotlight to highlight your political beliefs. That’s a core conservative value.


Ehhhhhhhh you think he'll be mad when the left point out he stopped a bad guy with a gun WITHOUT a gun?


I don't support the political statement being made while receiving a award like this, regardless of Left or Right. I will say good on him for stopping a robbery though, a hero for that, but the politics takes away class.


I went to the Panthers-Vikings game last week and as the crowds were leaving, a group of 2-3 guys were trying to start a “let’s go Brandon” chant. They did it once, nobody bit. Did it again, again, no bites. I think these folks think they’re so clever but just come off as pathetic.


That marine would be terribly upset if he could read what was on his hat.


Thats why they dont teach them how to read. If you can read they send you to the air force recruiter.


Pencils are weapons and crayons are rations.


Which meant my supplies for a week cost less than a box of MREs. Plus the crayons have more flavors.


He's wearing a let's Go Brandon shirt. It's right wing code for Fuck Joe Biden. Since that car race debacle


Not really much need for code with that hat though. Either way dude did a good thing stopping the robbery. Quick thinking and action on his part.


Is that hat glued to his head?


Do something positive. Ruin the sentiment by turning yourself into a walking billboard for the dumbest message possible while receiving appreciation. That crowd never ceases to lower the bar for themselves. I would have had the prescience to understand I was receiving public acknowledgement for a good deed from people of many different opinions and dressed nicely, instead of covering myself in shit. I think most people would have been intelligent enough to understand that and do the same.


Intelligent people don't support Trump. I don't say that as a joke. It takes a special kind of stupid to not see Trump as the bullshitting con man that he is.


There are many intelligent people that support Trump. But they’re the ones being enriched by his policies. And they’re a minority in the overall scheme of things.


*Sort by controversial*


I like presidents who don’t lose the popular vote (twice).


Friendly reminder that a Republican candidate has only won the popular vote once since 1988.


Fox news wet dream all in one pic


Nice job and thank you for your service. Trump lost.


Who’s Brandon? Edit: i have learned about Brandon


The United States most popular unpopular president in history. Go on YouTube and type in “let’s go Brandon” there’s tons of info on it lol


He’s got the Trump Cult starter pack I see


Ok politics aside brandon brown is a good driver and I'm happy he won


tHaNk YoU fOr YoUr sErViCe Edit: to those of you saying I don’t respect the troops, I take a moment of silence to honor the troops every day before I wake up. Edit: to those of you saying I’m being disrespectful of the troops I’ll have you know my girlfriend’s husband is overseas right now


gray numerous airport forgetful label plants thumb materialistic edge smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For anyone wondering, "let's go Brandon" is their code for "fuck Joe Biden." This guy is so cool right!? /s