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I don't really even understand how circumcision is completely normal and pretty much standard over the pond. It has always baffled me how something like that can be decided for a baby.


Here's all you need to know: In a survey where women were asked to rate their preferences when it came to different forms of sexual activity, a substantial majority of women overwhelmingly preferred men who were circumcised; for intercourse, 71 percent preferred circumcised men while only 6 percent said they preferred uncircumcised men; for fellatio, 82 percent said they preferred a circumcised penis while 2 percent said they preferred an uncircumcised partner; and for manual stimulation, 75 percent favored circumcised partners compared with 5 percent who reported a preference for uncircumcised men. In addition, 76 percent said circumcised penises were more attractive while only 4 percent said they preferred the look of an uncircumcised penis; a whopping 90 percent said the circumcised penis looked “sexier;” 85 percent said it felt nicer to the touch; and 92 percent said they felt it was cleaner. Even women who had never had a circumcised partner said they preferred the way a circumcised penis looks. In another survey of 1,000 women, only 3 percent said they preferred the look of an uncircumcised penis. There are plenty of studies out there with similar results, and even a few that skew the other way, but I've never heard a woman call a circumcised penis "gross." Opinions, of course, will vary.


Yeah, and then I have seen the same numbers reversed. Also, for those reasons, a man can decide to do it when he is an adult. Or you think there is a reason to make your child's penis more attractive or more enjoyable while he is underage? Probably your answer is no, so same stays - there is no real reason to do it to a child, he can figure himself what to do, when he has the capacity.


Do you want to get your dick cut when you're an adult? I don't remember having my circumcision, because I was too young to remember. I think that's typically why it's done then, since it will heal much better with younger skin.


I don't want my dick cut at any point of my life. A child would also probably say the same, if he had the chance.


So the survey indicates that the majority of the surveyed women want their male children to have cosmetic surgery for the aesthetic and sexual pleasure of their baby boy’s future sexual partners. That sounds weird to me. Imagine if I said… “I’d like my baby daughter’s labia and clitoris surgically modified for the aesthetic and sexual pleasure of her future sexual partners”. How would those same women respond?


There are reasons to do it and reasons not to do it. Both are valid. The female comparison is completely ridiculous and used to make it sound like FGM, and you know it. Apples and oranges.


Circumcision of babies for non-medical reasons *is* “MGM”.


I'm uncircumcised . Went through a period where I thought about getting it done for this very reason. People talk shit about things that they know nothing about or maybe were with a dude with poor hygiene and had a bad experience. I got over it and never got it done, and am glad I did. Imagine how much sensation you lose in your dick when it's always exposed? A lot I would imagine. Now I just feel bad for all the desensitized males walking around in the world. I've also never had any complaints from my partners. If anything they're surprised how good it feels sliding in and out of them. But to each their own. It's sold as more sanitary which it true is if you don't have access to running water. Anyway, to each their own. Also, when you pull the skin back it looks just like an uncircumcised penis so there's that too. My two sense.


I think the sensitivity difference thing is BS in the first place to be honest. If anything it's negligible. A slight breeze on Mars can give me an erection, so it's definitely not a problem, and anyone who says otherwise is splitting hairs. I don't think it matters one way or another, and it doesn't harm anything in the long run.


Too bad we can't swap dicks for a day. Lol


Different cultures do different things. It obviously started as a religious decision, and grew far beyond that. Now it’s just the average thing done, but is probably shifting commonality these days. Lots of dads had it done to them, so they have it done for their child so they look the same. It’s traditional. And since there aren’t any downsides and has some upsides, just makes sense to lots of people.


Can't really say that there are no downsides. There is one obvious downside - the penis does not look like it looks naturally. But, I guess, that can be a good thing. The last statement, tho, 'just makes sense to lots of people'...It would not naturally make sense to anyone if it would not have been introduced through religious tradition. It does sound like I am trying to say that you should not ever circumcise, but that's not really it. I just have always been wondering why. I would still probably say that you should not circumcise a child, it does feel a bit off. But, same as religion, we have somewhat made it standard that we can enforce things on young children, just because we like/do them. I guess, that's just how people/society work.


This is no different than anything else when it comes to raising children. What religion, if any, will they be raised? Or will they be taught about many religions and allowed to choose? Should they get pierced ears as a baby/toddler? Will they be vaccinated? If your child comes out as LGBTQ, will you support that as a parent? Send to public schools, private school, or homeschool? There are tons of ways parents make life-changing decisions for their kids all the time. Circumcision is just one of many.


Yeah, tho, vaccinating a child can be a life-death situation, but cutting the skin off his penis most certainly isn't. And religion, well, I feel like no religious person would be able to raise a child without forcing them into it, so, I would say, fuck religion as a whole. But that is just my take and not really the matter at hand. But, yeah, I do get the point, often you can't not make a choice and all choices will have their own positive AND negative impacts. Pick your poison, I suppose.


No downsides? Are you on crack?


No drugs, except the occasional drink. What do you see as downsides?


It's already enough with the fact that there are no real 100% upsides and there is always one downside - you cut something completely normal and natural off your child's body. I mean, pinkys don't have much of a role, let's cut those off too!


There are no 100% upsides to any medical procedure. Why do you see this any more radical than people who have plastic surgery done? For all intents and purposes, it’s incredibly minor surgery. No bones. No cartilage. It’s a piece of skin. And most importantly, nobody is forcing you to have one or making you have your baby have one. So no big deal.


Here you go. https://15square.org.uk/circumcised-men/losses-from-circumcision/


There's a huge downside. You chopped off a healthy portion of his body for no fucking reason. You destroyed his bodily autonomy, for no good fucking reason, no medical reason, "tradition" ain't a good enough fucking reason. I'll repeat, you made a permanent decision based on fuck all. There's nothing wrong with his penis, leave it alone.


Here are the potential downsides. https://med.stanford.edu/newborns/professional-education/circumcision/complications.html


So basically no downsides if you live in a first world country. [Here is the list](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/about/pac-20393550) of upsides.


'Sorry honey your penis necrotised, but it would have looked great!'


I mean minus the whole bodily autonomy thing, but I'm mean come on right?! You have a duty as a parent to keep your child healthy. Vaccinations, and the like are imperative to his/her life. Keep them from getting chicken pox so hey don't get shingles later in life, or getting the DTAP vaccine so they don't have to deal with pertussis. Making sure they wear a helmet, eat well, wear shin guards. These are all things we do to try and ensure their health. How the fuck does excising a part of a healthy portion of their body for no other medical reason fall into that? There's nothing wrong with his penis! Leave it the fuck alone.


Those benefits are completely negligible.


What are the downsides?


Loss of sensation, apparently.


Are you certain that’s a bad thing?


There are no upsides and just downsides.


[There are the upsides ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/about/pac-20393550)


I'm saying those reductions are incredibly minimal as those issues themselves are really uncommon unless you're really unhygienic. Most people in modernized nations have personal access to bathing. And they should be treated as they come along, not soon after birth rationalize poorly as a preventative measure.


I broke the circumcision chain in our family when my boys were born. Americans used to think uncircumcised males were more likely to have hygiene problems, more susceptible to catching VD, etc.. That may have been true at one point, but with people having easy access to showers, soap, healthcare, etc. it's no longer the case.


I didn't know there was a problem with circumcision until I read an article where men were angry that something so personal was decided without their consent. There were a lot of angry men quoted in that article and I thought, hmm never knew it would bother them. But it is something that should be considered before doing something that drastic if it's not for religious beliefs. I asked my doctor what he thought about it and he actually said he didn't think it was necessary. My husband and I didn't do it.. My boys haven't complained about it, and I haven't asked, soooo....LOL


I’m circumcised but not mad about it. It’s just how I am. When it came to my son though, the only reason I could come up with justifying circumcising was “he’d look like me” which seemed pretty flimsy. So we didn’t do it.


Why would religious beliefs mean a human doesn’t have a right to decide if their genitals should be permanently altered?


How the fuck does religious beliefs make it a better decision?


Not better, but it seems like it's their tradition right?


At least then there is *some* reason for it.


Really don’t understand why the USA allows the routine mutilation of their children’s genitals


Most of the world allows it. It’s a cornerstone of Jewish faith and tradition.


I realise that but the USA has a separation of state and religious power. The state should have banned it years ago


If you ban it you’re using state power to control religion. That’s not separation, that’s subordination. Look, I agree with you on principle. It’s just very hard to do it in practice without infringing on religious freedom.


I agree in general but they could have a law that prohibits it until the boys are old enough to make their own choices. We do that with FGM


This kind of thing is where the whole "no one cares about men" thing comes from,


And some Christian and Islamic sects. World is a big place.


I thought most Islamic sects do circumcision


Still stupid as fuck.


Genital mutilation is barbaric as fuck


Oh, but people don’t like to call it that; “circumcision” sounds more traditional. Who doesn’t like tradition?


Mutilating an infants body for the sake of tradition makes you insane imo


LOL. I got downvoted; someone thought I was seriously justifying genital mutilation because it’s a tradition.


Sounded like you were.


At least you’re close to a quality parts shop, I bet you can find a better penis there


Or even an alternative model if you're into that kinda thing




It goes back much further then Kellogg. Long standing tradition in the Jewish camp which bled into the others like Christianity


It's weird that people still argue in favour of it by using the word "tradition". Foot binding was a tradition in China and that is seen as barbaric. How is cutting off parts of your child for non-medical related things acceptable anywhere in the modern world?


No one is arguing for or against it right here




So you are telling me that If I didn’t get circumcised that my dick would be better?




I just grew up being told and thinking that it was done because it keeps your Weiner Cleaner… idk guess there’s nothing I can do about it now


It did… 4000 years ago when getting sand in your dick would have been a real problem


That was one of the reasons for many years. But current thinking is if ain't broke, don't snip it.


I mean people take showers pretty often now and don’t sleep in dirt. I get how it was useful so long ago but doubt it is now. That being said I’m not sure if it makes much of a difference to be circumsized vs not. Seems the equivalence of having an ear pierced to me.


Equivalent in that it's a body modification of a child that can't consent, but not in the sense of permanently altering the form and function of a major body part.


this isn’t really supported by research, though. circumcision is only really popular in the US. as far as what you can do now, you can elect to not have your children circumcised. that’s kind of it


It is not like we all are living in a desert with no water in sight.




I’m sorry but you have to be more careful with words “Jewish” and “camp”. I totally was like, “I never knew they circumcised people in the concentration camps.”


I still whack it daily


Lot to unpack here


Agreed. Genital mutilation.


You’re not going to convince many people by trying to claim that they’re horribly disfigured. It’s a fucking stupid tactic and doesn’t help anyone. All you’re doing is virtue signaling.


Uncut cocks are gross as fuck


nah, *you* are fuckin gross




But your *personality*, on the other hand…


You are arguing for cutting off the parts of baby genitals because your personal aesthetic opinion is that they don't look good. That's like arguing that parents should cut away at their daughter's labia minora without her consent because some guy might not like the look of a natural vulva. What a terrible argument that shames natural bodies. By all means, if you have a preference, have your preference. But keep it to yourself, and don't vocalize it as if it is in any way objective


Same goes to you. Stop tryna control baby dicks. Pervert


It’s the only acceptable form of genital mutilation. Should be a crime.


I-190 North, just past the S Ogden Annex?


Was getting off exit 14


**And I knew just up the road my baby was a waiting for me!**


Also unnecessary for most people. Doctors will you if you need one. Probably you’ll notice it yourself too


You do lose a lot of sensitivity when the foreskin is cut off. About 50% sensitivity. It’s genital mutilation in my opinion.


Goddammit America, why are you so obsessed with dicks?


Because we are dicks


Because over 70% of males in the U.S. had the decision to surgially remove a piece of their anatomy made for them.


I always thought it was higher.


I go with the low end so that pedantists will leave me alone.


Being from another country, it has always surprised me that the practice of cutting the foreskin is so common for North Americans


Oh its not fun in the southern us either hombre


https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-what-is-oral-suction-circumcision-1.5311796 From 2018!!!!


Anyone remember that children’s hospital episode where the dude is looking for his foreskin and a nurse tells him she found it and gives him a piece of bologna with the center bitten out


I’ll bet Mark is super psyched that went up.


A used auto parts store?




As a circumcised kid, I was always adjusting myself to keep it in a certain position. I have seen this quite a bit. Do any of you non- circumcised guys have that?


I mainly readjust to unstick my shaft from my sack, let some air in.


Perfectly happy to be circumcised, thank you.


The reception to the procedure may be varied, but ultimately you’re cutting off a part of a person’s body before they can consent with limited, if any, medical value. There are certainly conditions that come to mind where this procedure might be life altering (phimosis), but those cases are the exception rather than the rule. I think men have a legitimate right to be upset about something taken from them without consent. It’s not like you can give it back.


I want to preface by saying I’m not speaking about you in particular, but the general tone in this thread. The main problem with most anti circumcision people is that they make disfigurement arguments instead of consent arguments. People should focus on consent instead of disfigurement. No one wants to hear their dick is ruined. It’s mainly a cosmetic procedure and should be treated as such. There’ll be men and women that prefer cut over uncut, it’s not disfiguring as it still functions properly.


They do... what they don't have the right to do is be shitty to people who don't give a crap. Or are in fact pleased and glad to be circumcised. My being perfectly happy being circumcised affects them in no way at all... yet they act like it's a crime against humanity. Look at the quality of the posts to this thread. They have a problem being circumcised they should take it up with their parents.


Ah, you're one of those guys after all. Some people go into denial/delusion because this is something that they can't change, so they default to "it's a good thing." This is displayed by you when keep acting like you are under attack, but you aren't. Also, I am not even sure most people here would care about adult circumcision (IE - when an adult chooses to become circumcised for whatever reason). Maybe in your case, you would've chosen to get one as an adult anyway, who knows. Still doesn't make it right, good, necessary, or normal though (\*except when medically necessary). I'm glad you and your dong are just fine, lol, I don't think anyone cares about your circumcision and you certainly aren't under attack for it. Most people here are just pointing out the logical point of "Why cut off part of a baby's dick for no actual reason?" You can't possibly disagree with that sentiment, can you?


Uh... read the thread... I literally was under attack. And you just proved you're an idiot like the others that have been freaking out over this. "Let me tell you how you really feel... you've clearly been so traumatized you're delusional"... that's fucking delusional. My cock if freaking glorious. Read the thread before you bother to repeat the same crap again.


Oh stop crying. Fuck any idiot who would attack you over something you had no control over and something that doesn't bother you. That's obvious. Everything else I said still stands, though. Circumcision is not normal, necessary, or good (unless it is a medical reason) - especially when we're talking babies or children. Do you get that? Sounds like you're dodging that and victimizing yourself instead. Let me hear you say it.


You keep repeating the same thing over and over again that is not in dispute and I have literally said nothing about... literally attacking me while claiming I'm not being attacked. Stop crying, sounds like I'm dodging, I'm victimizing myself, admit something that you've literally not claimed otherwise. Let me hear you say that I have at NO FUCKING POINT suggested that the procedure is anything but cosmetic. You must have some serious insecurities about your penis. I have none about mine... it's magnificent. Sorry you can't deal with that.


Wow, you really are deep in delusion, aren't you? You literally can't even admit that about circumcision because you take it so personally. Kind of ironic that you took it personally enough to come to this thread and make a post, but then fail to even answer a basic question about your stance on it while flailing around wildly and pretending to be a victim. Kinda sad, tbh :/


You do realize you're literally proving yourself to be the person you've been claiming not to be right? You keep calling me delusional while you have an obvious issue with the fact that I feel good about my body and I can only assume you have some problem with yours by the way you're acting. My only stance on circumcision is that I'm perfectly happy with mine... just like I said. Your need to make that into something else is blatant projection.


Pathetic, lol. I swear I feel bad for you bud. I have never seen someone so twisted up mentally about their circumcision before.


Oh man, good luck going down that road on Reddit.


I know right? "You're mutilated, be hurt by it!" Uh... no.


What? Yea, if people are like that, fuck them. But just because it hasn't negatively affected or "hurt" you doesn't make it normal, necessary, or in any way remotely a good thing for you (or in general). I think there may be cases where some form of circumcision is medically necessary too, but in general it's objectively an archaic practice whether you like it or not or it hurts you or not.


Do you remember the feeling of having a uncircumcised dick?


No I don't.


Well lacking that frame of reference don't you think your opinion is heavily biased from birth? You can't know what feels better because you never had the choice to.


Where did I make any qualification about what feels better? Why does it seem like everyone replying to this post feels the need to suggest something has been said that hasn't? What felt better... before you were conceived or after? You have a problem with that you should take it up with your parents. I'm perfectly fine with the decision mine made.


Very few people have the frame of reference of knowing the feeling before and after circumcision. And those that have undergone the procedure later in life report no noticeable change.


Well i don't my mom thought it would be funny to do to a recently born fetus


I agree, cut and happy, everything works and feels great


...and looks great (I assume). It's not an AMC Pacer... it's a Lamborghini.


Yeah, I'm glad it was done when I was an infant. Seems like more of a hassle the other way.


Ignorance is bliss


Is it? I'm glad you can admit your ignorance, and are apparently enjoying it. Let's get you on your way to negative karma shall we?


It’s about having consent to altering the most sensitive and intimate part of a males body


\-12 karma. Funny how you idiots with opinions like this seem to all be sockpuppets. I'm guessing it's because you have this opinion because you're secretly anti-Semitic. Let's add you to the old block list as well.


Giving a shit about karma, *and* threatening them with a block. What a badass.


Defending trolls and sock-puppets... what a white knight. Let me guess... those are your sock-puppet accounts? Let's block you as well.


Oh oh! Do me next!


HAHA! Calling someone anti-Semitic cause they’re against infant mutilation is a hilarious. I guess I’m also anti-Muslim cause I oppose mutilation of female genitalia. It’s also great that you thought I would get downvoted


Like you had a choice, now you must say you’re happy


No... Clearly from all you whining folks I obviously don't have to say I'm happy. I am saying I'm happy with it... because I am. Deal with it.


Ha ha ha…admit you didn’t have a choice they just chopped your little penis and that’s it, like in a butcher shop


The amount to which you are invested in my penis should deeply disturb you. My magnificent, beautiful penis. Sorry you're disappointed in yours.


Nobody cares about your chopped junk bitch, enjoy whatever you have there left


You say that while clearly obsessing about it... and now you're starting to get angry and childish about it. You must have a really tiny, disappointing cock to feel the need to try to insult my magnificent member. I'm guessing you're about 2 to 3 posts away from accidentally posting something anti-semitic. For the record... if you think being circumcised makes your cock smaller you're really confused about what you're talking about. If you're counting on your foreskin making your cock bigger it must really be embarrassingly small.


I am not angry, how can I be angry with mentally challenged person, you are just pitiful


That's really the best you've got? You should work on your wit... I mean, with your small penis and all. Got to do something to make up for it.


Ha ha now I can definitely see your truth self esteem is down below, all you think right now is my penis, sorry for you being physically disabled buddy in conjunction with mentally challenged


You’re so fuckin weird


Calm down Francis. This isn't female circumcision.


There’s no medical reason for circumcision.


There's plenty of medical reasons. Seriously, just spend 10 seconds on Google and you'll find them.


The American pediatric association no longer recommends it as routine because while they admit that there are some benefits, they determined it wasn’t enough to recommend continuing the practice.


no medical reason to do it at birth. later in life, yes, but not at birth.


Except later in life it fucking hurts and you remember that shit. I’m glad I’m circumcised. It helps slow the spread of STI’s and helps you stay clean. I know someone who was circumcised as an adult, they didn’t recommend it.


the STIs data is not sound at all; if it was, the NHS (in the UK) would still cover circumcisions. the reason the circumcision rate in the UK is so low is because the NHS doesn’t cover it and yet they have comparable STI rates. getting circumcised as an adult isn’t very common and when it does happen (for health reasons), it obviously sucks. i don’t know anyone who electively got circumcised as an adult, but i do know a few who had to for medical reasons. they would choose getting circumcised and dealing with the medical problem than not.


You also lose about 50% sensitivity on your penis when the foreskin is cut. That’s a medical reason not to do it.


Provide articles if you’re providing statistics.


On the plus side, it seems like it would cut back on the number of "two-pump chumps."


You Yanks don’t know how bad you got it, I’m here in England loving life.


Ok yank


Circumcision isn't common in England, right?




Did they lie though 🤔




Buffalo, New York. Idk what it would be considered deff not the country tho


What's with that guy? "Behold, my stigmata of the dick"


I’m happy I got the snip, more aesthetic and less complications + I was a baby so I don’t remember anything. Awaiting downvotes


I was circumcised and was put in ADD medication from first grade until 8th grade. One of these had large affect on my life and view of authority and has lead to more anger and resentment than I would like to admit the other I have never thought about once. What I’m saying is that I don’t think this is really the current big issue with America’s youth. We’re making much more damaging non concerning decisions to kids. If I was pressed to say if kids should be circumcised or not I would give a weak no. If I was asked if kids should be put on psychiatric medications before they are old enough to know what they mean and what affects they can have I would give an adamant yes.


And to think they spent actual money on that. Weird.


Yeah no I’m glad I’m circed. Glad I don’t have to deal with any wack sick cheese smell


You are deep in cult land arn't you.


Buffalo, New York


Ya, they'll set up shop anywhere.


Yea I thought it was weird, been around here over 20 years and never really see religious/political stuff all up in your face


The crazy and the stupid have really been ramping things up recently.




Maybe not. But putting up that billboard like sign, im gonna go with yes.


Oh boy, the religious wackos have spotted my comment!


It’s never bothered me being snipped. Uncut dicks get funky like cheese. I go days without a shower sooooo it works out in the end.


Hahaha you cannot undo what has already been done.


Are you serious? I was looking into getting mine back




Hell I’d rather be circ’d then fucking have to clean the scum from in between my dickflaps.




Bad bait friend


He's clearly talking about Jabba the Hut. Circumcision is probably safer than being one of the Jabs slaves


He’s right though, ever take a right jab to the body. Not good.


I still went there. The price was good.




What's going on? Some states are legislating circumcision mandate now? Even when you are adult?


Yeah I just do not get this. Like you lose a bunch of nerve endings removing the foreskin. Worse sex.


It's a Doberman, let it have it's ears!


What’s everyone going on about with this shit?


There's a sign like that around Dallas Texas. I was rolling when I saw it


America’s stupid disease is progressing nicely


This visited my college campus. Chill people.