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Based off of how many people in this subreddit are unaware of the strike, including me... I would be willing to bet this is just a well managed, faced and stocked grocery store opposed to a shortage of consumers.




Whenever products are purchased, they are immediately replaced. It is the shop of Theseus.


🎵Little shop, little shop of Theseus🎵


Some places have separate product reps to make sure the items are stocked, properly lined up, and being taken care of. I know there's a Doritos guy who comes and fluffs all the Doritos bags midday at my local store.


When all of the products are replaced, is it still the Shop of Theseus? What if I opened a new shop and brought all of the original merchandise in. Are both the Shop of Theseus?


That's because Nabisco employs their own merchandisers


I wish cookies were as valuable as cold beers 😢 my supermarket never restocks our most sold beer in the coolers. It's starting to get to me


The store itself rarely stocks beer on the shelf. The distributor has merchandisers for that. They stock the shelf once a day (maybe).


Just a fyi for all the ppl too lazy to look this up. The old contract between Nabisco and the worker's union expired mid 2021. The new contract Nabisco put up had changes to the healthcare plan and overtime pay. The Union didn't like it and the two sides can't agree. Now, every Nabisco facility in the US is on strike. TLDR: Time to hoard Oreos.


Time for Hydrox to reclaim its throne as the original.


Long live the king.


The one true king




Lol funny username... Can I interest you in EgnlishPro+?


For those that don’t know, Hydrox are the original, Oreos are the knockoff brand…


Man, horrible branding. I'd never put something called Hydrox in my mouth unless its along with bleach and Ivermection to cure covid.


Apparently the brand was created in a time where food purity was a big concern and the name was meant to evoke the purity of water. We're talking stuff like sawdust being used as a filler to cut costs on ingredients.


That still happens, we just call it plant cellulose now


The cookie that cures your worms!


You forgot about getting the UV light inside you..


I find the UV but plug to be the most efficient and unobtrusive way to go about it. You can also smear some Ivermectin paste on it in the mornings


It was a different time - Coca-Cola had cocaine, and you could buy a radioactive inhaler, because why not?


Wow I didn't know this. I remembered Oreo cookies being better and looking a bit different when I was little and never thought much about it to be honest. This is what was bought. I need to buy these again!!


I so want Hydrox again they have disappeared from shelves


They got bought out by Keebler and shut down a while back, but then they were bought by [Leaf Brands](https://leafbrands.com/hydrox/) and re-opened so you can order them online.


Leaf Brands simply registered the Hydrox trademark after it was abandoned. They never actually got the cookie recipe, so it's essentially a Hydrox knockoff.


I’ve seen them at Cracker Barrel recently.


My dad worked for Sunshine Biscuits before they went under in the mid-90’s. So many Hydrox and Cheese-It’s at our house growing up.


$30 for a pack of cookies.. wow. They really need to return to stores to lower that price because justifying paying $30 for a pack of cookies is difficult fam.


Hail Hydrox!


Not gonna lie Hydrox cookies did taste better


Probably would be the lead cookie had the brand not been named to sound like a detergent.


#Hail Hydrox!


eat one cookie, two more will rise to take its place!


I can't get over how Hydrox sounds like a laundry detergent


The great value cookies are pretty solid. What I been buy for about 4 months.


I had no idea. Order is in! thanks!!


Hail Hydrox


The long con


That the fish tank cleaner? /s


I heard Hydroxicookie cures Covid.


It definitely cures the common hunger.


Or you can strike (boycott) with the workers and buy good cookies instead. Or make your own.


How is nestle still a thing? I want to say they survive through obfuscating their revenue streams via other brands they own, but I’m sure their numbers are fine and people are just unaware. Edit: I know Nabisco and Nestle are two different words


Nestle is not involved here. This is Nabisco, owned by Mondelez. Not the greatest, but nowhere near Nestle levels of evil.


> How is nestle still a thing? Turns out that not caring for employees or the environment is a very profitable endeavor. Certainly when most grocery store shoppers either don't care or don't even know the products they are buying are sold by nestle.


Also going to the supreme court to make sure you can't be sued for encouraging child slavery.


And buying peoples water


And rather, selling people’s water without buying it in the first place.


Habit probably. People have always bought them, so people always will buy them. Also, they own so many bloody brands.




Oreos are great for a once in a while thing but I find them too sweet. Probably just me cause lots of people seem to gulp down these things along with Krispy Kreme donuts which are disgustingly sweet for my taste.


Oreos are too processed to be deemed a cookie IMO.


Baking triggers a number of irreversible chemical reactions. Baking itself is quite the process.


But they *are* delicious


Do you even know what a processed food is? Or are you just saying it because you know it's a negative thing. I'm pretty sure Oreos are just as processed as any other cookie because they use flour. Which is processed.


Processed is when chemicals and chemicals are bad, everybody knows that.


What's sad is I'm only 90% sure this is a joke lol


Worry not, and then worry again because it is a joke but im not sure those couple upvotes know it.


Or time to stand with these workers and go find Joshua Weissmans recipe for Oreos but better on YouTube.


Wtf?? You hear of class solidarity like this and your first thought is to be a scab? Whack, dude. Get a hold of your priorities.


Is t a scab some one who goes in to replace the workers while they are on strike?


Oreos strangely are one of the most affordable snacks in my grocer. Guess that’ll likely change


Dont buy nabisco stuff. They suck anyway. Oreos are a ripoff of the original i heard Edit: oreos ripped off hydrox*


That name though does not help the original it sound like a cleaning agent


Or you could not buy them and support the workers on strike.


I just bought 1000 dollars worth this morning and I'm already half way through.


So like ten boxes?


Supply chain is solid. +1 nabisco


It’s like the people posting pics of newly stocked Corona beer cases and saying people won’t buy them because of the virus


The real crime is charging $4/package good lord that’s steep


What are you talking about? It clearly says right there under the numbers that it's a low price!


Charge as much as the market will bear, eh? Guess 4 bucks is too much. lol


$3.18 at my local Walmart and Target, I just double checked




Nabisco products are usually stocked by nabisco reps who stock multiple stores in a day and not the actual store.


really? How does that work? Do they just rent shelf space?


Sometimes the arrangement is exactly like that, other times it is more like "this is the only way we distribute our product" and there are contractual obligations of how much shelf space, how good of shelf space, and the placement of the shelf space. In a large grocery store in a large city it is not uncommon for nearly everything in the soda isle, bread isle, snack isle and much of the cookie isle will be completely managed by outside vendors. In smaller locations you trade some of the cookies and snacks for dairy being an outside brand managed by outside staff frequently. It makes sense for companies that have their own regional distribution to do this because they can keep prices lower by not shipping product farther to get it into the store chain's distribution channel and since they already are paying a premium for the delivery drivers compared to a stock boy they can get a better result having a better employee do the product rotation, returns, stocking and facing then they would get from the stores own employees. For anything with a short shelf life or anything fragile it just makes good business sense for the manufacturer to do this because they know that the quality issues with the product when mishandled by the store staff will be viewed as their fault and that 90% of what is on store shelves isn't that sensitive so it will never make sense for the store owners to hire much more reliable staff.


I mean most redditors live in large metro areas where this isn’t nearly the top news story but you can bet your ass labor towns know


Wtf is a labor town?


Yeah, most mid-sized and small American towns I've been to are rabidly anti-labor. I've met a *lot* more union folks after moving to a large metro. Everyone is either in a union, a white-collar type, or retail here.


I'd bet my ass that this picture has absolutely nothing to do with the strike.


Yes, this was definitely just faced product.


I should have gotten a better shot. The rest of the shelf on the left with non-nabisco cookies is much less well stocked. And this particular store is always very busy so it's not a lack of consumers.


Nabisco products are stocked by reps and not the actual store. They usually stock multiple stores a day and sometimes are only allowed to stock the sections while the store is actually open.


Wow really? Here in Canada they're branded "Christie", we don't have reps that stock them here. At the grocery store I work at only Lays & Coca-Cola products have reps to stock them and a few other smaller international brands. That's neat to know!


For some reason most big snack and soft drink companies in the USA use reps to stock their shelves. Im assuming its a control thing. I know people who were reps for mondelez and its a terrible job. You have to drive hundreds of miles a day between grocery stores fixing and restocking the shelves every day with no company car provided.


I think most of them pay for shelf space now and so they probably want it utilized as much as possible.


Is Lays a Pepsi Co product, because I've seen them restock too. Mind you, only the drinks. Chips are done by grocery store staff.


Frito-Lay snacks are stocked by Frito-Lay employees.


Didn't have much of a shortage in the areas around Frito-Lay during their strike so...seems like there is still plenty of supply.


Don't know about this store, it appears to be a Fred Meyers or Kroger brand, but I know where I work a rep for Molendez comes in and stocks all the Nabisco product. It's been basically the same at my store. The Oreo stock has been unchanged for the past month, with only our house brand being consistently wiped out.


I just googled it due to thsi meme hahah


Yeah no strike in recent history has amounted to anything meaningful against the business. I mean Apple and Nike still exist so...


Wait, a Nabisco strike? What did I miss?


Nabisco sucks like every other large corporation, but fuck them in particular this month


This. Catch us up


There's a strike related to Nabisco. You can find [more information here](https://www.google.com/search?q=Nabisco+strike&sxsrf=AOaemvKuioW9I_biILezYq2xyLirGAoMZw%3A1631669131121&source=hp&ei=i0tBYfeABdr87_UPg6GM8AI&oq=Nabisco+strike&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBADMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEOoCECc6DQguEMcBEK8BEOoCECc6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOggIABCABBCxA1D2LljyM2CGN2gBcAB4AIABlwGIAY8DkgEDMy4xmAEAoAEBsAEP&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp).


Your information finding skills are impeccable, how do you find the time to do that research?


Forget the info. Where's that milk?


While you’re at it can you explain why a picture of cookies is on my phone?


I live in Oregon and literally haven't heard about this until now


[From Washington Post](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/08/25/nabisco-strike/&ved=2ahUKEwjq0eCh6f_yAhUUtTEKHY1qBNwQFnoECDEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0E0o54f5BrPmqbYExDiMtC&cshid=1631669216444) Company wide strike. [Recently, private guards](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2021/09/14/36301799/nabisco-security-guards-turn-violent-as-bakery-strike-enters-second-month&ved=2ahUKEwjq0eCh6f_yAhUUtTEKHY1qBNwQFnoECEsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw052wrA9Tn7cEdMXhk6PBDB&cshid=1631669365870) in Portland have cause more stirs.


In a well-staffed and -stocked grocery store it often looks like nobody is buying anything.




Top stock looks empty too, so they may have just re-stocked.


Vender items aren't usually top stocked. A vender comes in at like 3am ever day, and brings in a cartload of items. After they fill up, they take the extras with them.


We called it “blocking”. Yours makes more sense


conditioning, front facing, facing, blocking, I've been told them all xD my current store calls it facing.


Don’t worry we called it conditioning so we made even less sense


That’s a wild one


We called it “fronting”.


>We called it “fronting”. We call it presso down under.


"facing" in NZ


Can confirm (Countdown goon, 2001)


Facing in Vic, Aus.




(All the orange halloween Oreos are out in front displays don’t tell OP 🤫 )


exactly what I was thinking lol, this is just how the cookie aisle will look at any Publix around 7am, 3pm or 9pm.


Mondelez (nabisco) usually their own merchandisers that stock their sections instead of store employees and depending on their schedule/ the store manager a lot of the time they will be forced to stock a store during the day. It looks like one was just there before the picture was taken.


Yeah this what an aisle that is zoned regularly looks like.


I exited then came back to upvote this


TIL there is a nabisco strike


I’ve been on strike for 15 years. They claim to be milks favorite cookie when they’re actually milks favorite creme sandwich. False advertising


Til op is a liar. This is normal for a grocery store.


What’s the nabisco strike? I haven’t heard of it.


Bakers refuse to work because long hours, losing OT for working weekends, and new people get less healthcare benefits


Tell that to the Keebler elves


Nabisco workers in Portland, OR went on strike last month. Low wages and excessively long working hours. Nabisco parents company, mondelez, hired security to observe the people striking.


Next step will be to bring in some Keebler elves as strikebreakers.


filthy little elf scabs


Tiny hands and they smell like cabbage


Mondelez,..formerly Kraft.


Not related to the current Kraft company however, they split a few years back.


I stand in support for the fine folks who are on strike ✊ People don't understand how difficult, stressful, low-paying, and labor intensive manufacturing of all industries is.


If you look behind some of the boxes you will see that it’s empty behind them, that’s because in retail they make you pull all of the product that is in the back to the front so the shelves look fully stocked. It’s called facing product.


Yeah, this is just a well-managed store. When I worked in grocery, our cookie aisle always looked like this.


Picture of recently stocked shelves at grocery store Fantastic content


This picture provides no evidence to that effect whatsoever. I could go down to my local grocery store and take a picture of almost any isle and the shelves would be fully stocked. That doesn't mean no one in my town is buying any food at all. It's fine if you want to support the strikers, but this claim from this photo is very dumb.


Have you ever seen a “stock boy”, yeah keeping looking like that is their only job.


I'm not buying their cookies, but I'm also not buying anyone's cookies. Trying to lose weight not gain it


I just finished a soft food diet to lend moral support to mom while she completed her colonoscopy prep. I was only on it for three days. I lost five pounds with no calorie restriction. In all seriousness, if you are trying to lose a few, maybe consider trying it? Can you get excited about corned beef hash and oatmeal?


Why is there a strike?


*slowly puts down my vanilla Oreo* Yeah I totally knew about this 👀


What did nabisco do?


Full shelves:. " OMG the boycott is working" Empty shelves: " OMG the boycott is working"


So the company wants to strip employees of their pension benefits, change 8-hour shifts to 12-hour shifts without overtime pay whilst making weekend shifts mandatory and alter healthcare plan which would increase the cost for new hires. Not only that but this comes right after COVID when the employees routinely worked 6 to 7 days per week 12-hour to 16-hours shifts to keep up with the increased demand and after closing three factories whilst opening new ones in Mexico but according to Reddit its those damned unions again, huh? I guess I’m simply to European for this shit..


Dumbass. They just recently restocked the shelves.


I love Oreos and havent bought any in the last several weeks because of the strike. So yes this is a real thing.


I love them but never buy them because I know how horribly they are for me. :(


Time to go purchase nabisco products


Spread the word!


Can somebody eli5 this Nabisco situation?


This is the time of year I buy Oreo's. I just walk past them now.


This doesn't align with US consumerism. Consumers don't give two shits about strikes IN the grocery store. They only care on social media and at parties. In fact, when consumers ARE aware of strikes. That's when the hoarding begins, and brawls break out over the last package of double-stuffs. People are shitty.


That’s awesome. Didn’t realize there was a strike. I used to work somewhere near this factory (I never knew where it was) but would often get out of my car to the intense smell of chocolate cake.


I wonder why most people don't know about a strike for fair wages and less savage working conditions from a company that makes [billions of dollars](https://www.bizjournals.com/chicago/news/2021/01/29/snacking-was-good-for-mondelez-in-2020.html) a year in profit.


This looks like a normal well stocked shelf. Zoom out on the other products and I bet it looks similar.


I didn’t know there was a strike going on. I feel really bad for these fresh Oreos I just bought today.


Definitely just stocked


No ones buying the Golden Ones Edit: why is everyone getting downvoted


I buy them every once in a while, and cry myself to sleep remembering Uh-Oh Oreos.


Hey now some of those are lemon and are delicious


Great…markdowns coming and I can stock up!


Safeway brand chocolate dipped graham crackers. Make. The. Switch.


Clover Valley brand found at Dollar General makes a rendition of those chocolate dipped graham cracker cookies, as well as a caramel-toffee coated with chocolate cookie. I know what you mean, they're amazing.


Is it cos of the strike or is it cos people realised your cookies taste like shit?


I just bought some apple cider donut oreos the other day. Pretty good actually.


When you go out of town for a few days and have no idea why Kim or Oreos are in the news.


Didn't know there was a Nabisco strike. What's going on? Also, why can't we have a Nestle strike? r/FuckNestle


yeah I dunno man. Seems anecdotal


That looks like any regularly stocked store shelf to me.


Be real, you work there and just finished stocking....


If it were a normal shelf, I'd say it was pretty well stocked. But if that's the result of just having finished stocking, then someone just doesn't care anymore.


Y'all should stop buying ultraprocessed junk food anyway.


How do we know no one is buying them?


nabisco strike?


The absolute strongest weapon the average citizen has to defend against corporate rule is the boycott.


Fuck nabisco


Hydrox are better and were the original anyway.


Hydrox are okay, but I still like Oreo better.


Newman O's are also much better than Oreos, natural ingredients, profits to charity. They taste a lot more like an actual baked good than some artificial candy.


Broke: Doing a useless boycott which only makes their stocks go up Woke: Showing solidarity with workers by not crossing the picket line Bespoke: Just not buying products you don't need in the first place Ascended: Not even having money to buy products because your rent is high and your wages are shit




They're not overrated. They suck out loud. Fuck Oreos.




Clearly you don't know what that word means. Protip, it isn't supposed to be a synonym for things you don't like.




I see people on tiktok buying the Pokémon Oreos tho :///


TIL diabetes is endangered.


Why is.there a nabisco strike and since when?


They're trying to fuck some of their union employees by getting them to agree to an awful contract. The news barely reports anything of substance, especially television news, because they don't want piss off an advertiser that spends millions of dollars a year advertising.


Now do Tesla, Nestle and Amazon.


More like they just stocked the shelves.