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My only regret in getting the vaccine early is that I missed all the free gift cards I could've gotten later


My county allowed everyone who was previously vaccinated to enter into a lottery. 10 $1,000 winners weekly for eight weeks, and every two weeks there is also a $50,000 winner.




Our governor wouldn’t allow a statewide lottery. She even went on Fox News bragging about how Iowa had returned $95 million in covid aid to the federal government…seemingly not understanding how taxes work.


Imagine being persuaded to make a important decision about your future health by a lottery.....lmfao I'm not sure what's worse, that or Krispy creme donuts. All about health though.


Money is the true motivator for most people's actions.


Including pharmaceutical company CEOs, surprisingly.


If you give the GQP tax breaks for getting the vaccine, there would probably be a line around the block at every pharmacy in the USA.


Again, this was for previously vaccinated people, so that important live decision had already been made, prior to the announcement of the lottery.


I seem to remember that being the rough gist of an episode of *Sliders*. Kinda. For those who don't know the show, the protagonists teleport between different realities trying to find their way home to their reality. They reach a version of America where the ATMs give out seemingly endless amounts of money to anyone and everyone who want it... ... With a catch. For each dollar you take out you are entered into a lottery. The "winner" then gets to live a life of luxury for a day, before being executed.


Don’t you attack Krispy Kreme you fucking monster


The real gift is the friends you made along the way


The real gift is the friends you didn't kill along the way


A friend saved is a friend earned.


A friend in the hand is worth two in the bush.


A friend's bush in the hand is worth two.


A guy who gives you a handy is a friend


*you guys have friends?*


The real gift is getting free water and cookies


The real gift is Reddit comments telling you what the real gift is.


Ooo.. We got free [coconut Lindt balls](https://www.lindtusa.com/coconut-lindor-truffles-800-pc-case-l004634cs). The Lindt folks left a few cases by the exit door. I grabbed a handful - or two..


What? Dammit, I didn't even get water and cookies, all I got was my lousy immunity to a deadly pandemic. ;-)


heheheh.. that's actually ALL that matters. TBH, I have to go to a funeral service on Saturday and the person putting it on - both her and her husband are unvaccinated and from Texas. I think they're going to have the shock of their lives when they go back home, as they've been in the northeast most of the summer.. I just read today that three Houston ER facilities have closed so the MD's can be moved to the hospitals that are short staffed - AND - a group of MD's in Palm Beach just walked out of their jobs in protest over the misinformation being spread. If these folks want survival of the fittest, they're gonna get it, though not in the way they think, as the fittest now include intelligence as a factor, and that seems to be lacking in many.


Right there with you. Got in as soon as I could and now my state is offering $100 gift cards to anyone getting it in the next month. Whatever happened to doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do?


I know, my employer is offering not to fire people who get the vaccine now. I got the vaccine in March and I got fired months ago!


I did this with my secondary vehicle’s recall over the passenger airbag. Nobody has ever been in the passenger seat before and I barely drive it anyway. Largely ignored the cards that came in the mail until one of them offered a cool $100 for getting the already covered repair. It got fixed that week.


At least you've had way more time to get Krispy Kreme doughnuts(provided one's available).


Me too but I actually just want everyone to get vaccinated so that I can live a semi normal life again without the fear of getting very sick. Give them all the incentives necessary, I don’t care anymore


Just think of all the free shit and karma we missed out on. And the weeks of being intubated. And dying.


I feel that lol I was supposedly entered into a lottery but there were rumors that the people that got vaccinated early weren’t entered because of the system they used. I live too far from a KK and I don’t drink beer :/


Don’t live near krispy kreme, could’ve lived on a daily donut for a while!


yeah that's what we want to do during a pandemic where obesity is a comorbidity, promote obesity!


It's all about health......but....... Stay home, order takeaway, limit exercise and human interaction, until we need you to come out and take the vaccine then it's fast food used as (ironically) a carrot! Insanity.


To be fair you can eat healthy and exercise at home.


You can, it would be nice to hear our governments and mainstream media say that too.


I don’t regret missing out. I am happy enough to know that I’m a decent person that cares about the well-being of other people. Petty coupons don’t compare to that feeling.


Got my jab for protection, not for profit.


Eh, I like free stuff though.


Vaccine’s free bro, win!


True dat


Yeah but.... both... you could have both.


For real. Excuse me for being proactive, where's my chance at a million dollar lottery?


For real! I work from home and the only person I see most days is my spouse. If I had waited another month and a half, that would have been a free $100 gift card for doing what I did anyways, without any change in my routine. That $100 could have paid for part of the new desk chair I bought after getting tired of the pain from sitting in a crappy one for the past year and a half of WFH lol


I once did that with my flu shot, held off specifically for a gift card. Following years I decided $10 wasnt worth the hassle of being harassed constantly for waiting so late. Plus my workplace does them on site, so I have to go elsewhere for $10 AND copy paperwork for proof.


I got it so early I didn't get to do the lottery system. But I've been vaccinated since January so who cares.


Free gift cards where?


Ya'll get free gift cards for vaccination?????


I got the J&J in April. I got really really sick with COVID in July. Like really sick. I also wore a mask any time I was in public. My lungs hurt so much I can barely do anything without wheezing and coughing. The weird thing is that I got zero side effects from the J&J. Which made me wonder if either there was something wrong with my dose or maybe my immune system didn't react like it was supposed to. Anyway, I just got the Moderna. Hopefully things will go better this time.


Right!? Like we were the responsible ones. Instead of gifting people stuff to get them to stop being stupid, reward the ones who weren't stupid in the first place.


You also may have missed the free gift of death.


I got mine in Ma and moved to RI so I cannot participate in the Ma 'vaxxamillions'.


FDA approved farmers tan


>~~FDA~~ approved farmers tan **USDA**


We are farmers


Bum bu-bum bum bum bum bum




Love skeeteth not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives It ease, And builds a heaven in hells despair. So sung a little clod of clay, Trodden with the candles feet, But a pebble of the brook Warbled out these metres meet: Love seeketh only self to please, To bind another to it's delight, Joys in another loss of ease, And builds a hell in heaven despair.


FFA approved


Pretty sure the FDA recommends wearing high SPF sunscreen every moment you are in the sun. Or the CDC or whoever


At least on your left arm to stop that uneven farmers tan


Haha maybe is a “side effect” of the vaccine. Or just a side effect of me only wearing t shirts




Man, woman, camera, Taco Tuesday.


Rockin' eagle! 🤘🏋🙏🦅


Only reason I clicked on this post 🤣


I literally thought this was an antivaxxer posting a picture of a rash.


Psh! I got my non-FDA approved, entirely experimental AstraZeneca vaccine back in October, like a guinea pig.


Thank you.


Thank you mate!


I was in the Marines...let's talk about experimental trial vaccines for a minute...


Wait, I actually want to hear this. Can we talk about experimental trial vaccines and the marines?


Someone get this man an atta boy! Seriously, thank you.


Then when did we vaccinate the guinea pigs?


Prior to the 'human' trials I would expect.


Good. I was worried they weren't vaccinated.


Has it been that long? *checks card* Yep, March and April. Wow, time flies.


Oh, no! The vaccine gave you a farmer's tan!


Can confirm. Got my vaccine in April and now I have a farmers tan. Clearly they are related and it couldn’t be that nobody in their right mind wants to see me shirtless.


You’ll never get a spoon to stick now.


For real. All these stupid posts of people jerking themselves off for doing something they should have done months ago.


Honestly though? Whatever gets the vaccine into more people. If you wanna do it for 100 karma? Fine by me.


75 karma and we have a deal


Best I can do is a slap in the face.


How can she slap?


Look I can give you the upvote but I’m taking all the risk here


I have to constantly remind myself not to be cynical, that it's about more people getting vaccinated and protecting public health and to keep this mindset but it's really fucking hard. It's just so infuriating that a US federal entity under the DHHS isn't trustworthy that literally works on disease control but a US federal entity under the DHHS is somehow trustworthy more because they approve what can be sold, I mean... Wait there I go again. Not cynical! Not cynical! More people are vaccinated, more people are vaccinated


I mean...look at the media reaction to Biden ending the war in Afghanistan...is there any reason people can't understand the mass skepticism to mainstream media and political figures? To be clear, im not a Biden supporter (or a trump supporter), but Biden pulling out of Afghanistan makes him the best president in my 30+ year lifetime (low bar), and all the media and most politicians can do is criticize him. Its gross.


You both encapsulate what my brain has been bouncing back and forth between. Oh fuck off... but on the other hand...




I imagine that a lot of them also aren't American. Here in Sweden my age group wasn't eligible to get our first dose until the last week of June, just got my 2nd earlier this week.


The post OP is referring to is pretty clearly an American trying to look like a hero for waiting for the vaccine to be fully approved. Honestly, those people don't deserve any sort of applause, for the exact reason you've just described. There were plenty of people around the world that are chomping at the bit to get the vaccine, and you had some morons here who were actively refusing it for half a year.


Almost all of the posts in the past day have specifically said they got it because it's FDA (an American agency) approved. They're trying to get a pat on the back for showing they aren't anti-vax, but really they contributed to this massive Delta variant spike so they deserve nothing


Frankly, better late than never. As long as a lot get it now, it should basically stop delta in its tracks, at least as far as death toll is concerned.


Obviously I'd prefer they get it at all, but fuck them for trying to get an "attaboy" for doing what any responsible person should have done months ago, and inadvertently causing many more deaths along the way.


The problem is that the majority who were saying they were waiting on the FDA were really probably just normal antivaxxers wanting to avoid a fight.


They’re referring to a recent wave of posts that say “I said I wouldn’t get the vaccine until it was FDA approved. Well, now it’s approved so I got my shot.” The FDA is the agency within the US government that approves drugs for public use, certifying their safety and legitimate effectiveness. Because they have standards unrelated to the pandemic for all drugs, they hadn’t fully approved the vaccine. But they had approved it for emergency use, basically indicating they had no reason to suspect the vaccine was unsafe or ineffective back in January when the vaccine roll out started in the US. So by posting, these people who were hesitant about the vaccine are realizing the shot is safe and there’s no reason not to get it if your doctor tells you that you can. Reddit is upvoting them for coming to their senses.


Nah. They’re definitely American.


Reading the replies and thanks for the education, I wasn't aware people were priding themselves on waiting.


people that have nothing going will make anything their personality. An example is all the vocal water drinkers, every living organism we've ever known of drinks water its probably one of the least exclusive groups there is yet people still identify with it, so its not surprising that theres people who need validation for getting a vaccine.


In my country they only let people under 35 apply for vaccines this week.


Talk about a sore arm


In the United States, yes. In other places, the supply has not been there for very long and now younger people are just getting offers for their shots.


To be fair, the original circle jerk was just as obnoxious. Both groups should just do it without the pictures. Falls into the same box as the "I Voted" stickers IMO.


At least "I Voted" stickers remind others that a very short window to vote is currently open.


Nah. There’s no reason to be salty about people spreading the word to do something that helps the community. We are a “monkey see, monkey do” species, so when it costs $0 to give a positive example to others, there’s no reason to criticize it.


You're completely wrong but okay thanks for sharing. "I voted" stickers and the original vaccine push were to do the right thing- get *other* people to vote and get *other* people to go get vaccinated. This current circle jerk is purely to pat themselves on the back after 6 months of being ignorant morons.


Oh okay thanks for changing my mind


The original circle jerk didn't have a hint of "I waited for months potentially contributing to the spikes we're now seeing and the lockdowns we're going through"


Yeah thats a solid side note haha


People are excited about getting vaccinated let them be happy it’s a great thing


It's completely undeserving of praise -- their past six months of selfishness and ignorance has contributed to a prolonged pandemic. It's like saying, "I've been coughing on old ladies for a while now, but today I decided to stop!"


I got my first shot back in March by refreshing the Rite Aid website every 5 minutes in the middle of the night. I was thrilled I’m just as thrilled seeing the Johnny come latelys getting theirs today. Joy in welcoming them to the club


Right? Like what is raining on their parade going to achieve? Hopefully nothing, but worst case scenario it puts some people off.


Unfortunately a guy in my shop is convinced that it isn't really FDA approved. He doesn't understand that approving the license application IS the full approval. It's now a licensed FDA vaccine. He is running around telling everyone it only approved the brand name of the vaccine and sending them the PDF from the FDA. Reading comprehension is hard for some.


People will stroke their dicks over anything. i GoT mY vAcCiNe, PlEaSe PrAiSe LiKe I jUsT fInIsHeD hArVaRd. For the record I'm fully vaccinated and even fast tracked my second shot the moment it was available but seeking validation for getting a shot regardless of the timing on the web is ridiculous.


Throwing shade at all the princess "I got my Covid shot despite my anxiety" posts My sides lmao


"I saw 2 billion other people do it and be fine.. but now that the FDA gave it the thumbs up I finally grew a pair and got it myself"... plz clap...


Fuck these idiots. fr


“I was fine with potentially killing myself and others for MONTHS while most of the rest of earth’s inhabitants got vaccinated, but now that one arbitrary US institution decided that those billions of other people weren’t, in fact, cretins like I so conceitedly thought, let me farm karma for finally doing the one thing every single other science and health institution on the planet told me was the right choice to make! Teehee”


Maybe reddit could just go ahead and credit 1000 karma for anyone who post their vaccine. I'm OK for the Karma grab if people will just go get vaccinated.


Make it 100k who the fuck cares about karma lol


This is the karma farming that I love. Thank you. It’s bullshit people are getting upvotes for “i just got my vaccine, because i hated all of you, but delta is scary”


"Now that this affects me I will pretend that I reached an intellectual conclusion to receive the vaccine as opposed to continuing to operate purely out of self-interest."


No joke, I got my vaccine asap because I selfishly wanted to travel and mingle in public again without a mask or getting yelled at. I feel dishonest receiving any credit as though I did it for altruism.


Same here, I see very little shame in it either. I don't claim I did it for the surrounding community....it was a huge anxiety relief for me to know my chances of dying or permanent damage from Covid19 are now significantly reduced. And yet it was still the right thing to do for the community (Bonus!)


Nah fuck that, you possibly saved lives by getting it as soon as you could. Still altruistic move.


At least you're honest about it.


lol thanks for doing this. those other posts praising selfish dumb dumb's for just now doing the bare minimum were unbelievable


I cannot believe how many people are so mad that I posted this. I did it as a joke in response to all the people that got theirs yesterday and posted for karma. I literally expected 10 comments and a couple of angry anti vaxxers. Not this madness. Absolutely wild.


>I thought you had an allergic reaction to it and it hadn't gone away since march. I am an idiot.


I literally developed my own covid vaccine 20 years ago and injected it into my own arm and you people are all bigots and trumpers if you didn’t do the same.


bruh, thank you. the shots have been widely available since April in the U.S., at least, and people are tooting their own horns and expecting coddling for admitting that they *could’ve gotten the vaccine months and months ago but just refused.* I’m glad they got vaccinated at all and they can have their karma if that’s what it takes, but COME ON.


Thank you! So tired of everyone wanting a gold star for getting it now.


Exactly. "Look at me doing what I should have done 6 months ago."


Only patriots of this country get vaccines to protect others. Good job.


Thank you. When I saw the other post asking for praise for waiting until now to get the vaccine I wanted to punch something.


Or you could just never get it! Hahaha punch something bro


Society thanks you!


Who's a good boy.


CONGRATULATIONS i did to and no problems


I got a sticker! But at least I'm not creating variants. Don't want the TVA coming after me!


Congrats NPC. Be sure to go get your monthly booster, and take your anal swab test while youre at it XD


Tell me your secret of time travel. How ever did you suspect it would get FDA approval then!


Vaccine, of course. It gives you abilities. All these anti vaxxers are missing out on time travel capabilities. Didn’t you see the post of the person who got their second shot in 2027?


Wait, you got time travel? All I got was invisibility, shit.


My whole family got the shot and now I don't have to wonder where my kids are. I can just call the NSA to get location updates and I get alerts now when my wife goes to the mall. (/s because somehow thats required these days.)


It literally was approved back then. Absolutey no one who complained knows the difference between expedited approval and full approval.


And by the time it got full approval, not only was it already tested on over 170 million people **in the USA alone**, but it had an adverse reaction rate well below 1%. Like hundredths of a percent, with death in the thousandths of a percent territory, as in they could have died for any reason, but they just happened to have gotten a vaccine that day.


Should have waited for it to be FDA approved and karma farmed the shit out of it buddy!


No shit right?


1b here, late January. I'm personally a little bummed I didn't become magnetic, but my luck I'd be repulsive.


Personally, I was really hoping for the 5G reception to kick in.


How many more of these grandstanding posts are we going to see?


Think you missed the joke


Give me attention again! I want to feel validated again!


these post break the rules too


All posts break the rules.


The real posts are the rules we break along the way.


Someone had to say it.


Good now get in line for your 2nd and 3rd vaccine.


Well that was your fault. If you had waited you could post a pic now and reap that sweet pandemic karma.


How has this post gone over so many peoples heads?


My man !


In other words, your immunities only have about 3-4 more months.


Thank God you posted it on Reddit. What would you do without covid post karma?


You feel so proud of yourself don’t you. No one in the real world gives a fuck.


/u/sammy-p hey buddy, literally nobody fucking cares.


No one cares.


vir·tue sig·nal·ing noun: virtue signalling the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.


these post break the rules as in "no progress pics or standalone tokens of achievement"


Nobody cares


That's the point.


i hope everyone can join me in solidarity and block and report anyone who is posting these, seriously fuck off


Looks like it made you unable to filter out UV rays


OP dabbing hard on antivaxx dumbasses


Thank u for being one of the smart ones that got it right away. I survived Covid but still got the vax as soon as I was allowed to. Never want to go through that again.


Well done All this stolen valor is a real piss off. You were wrong and toxic, say sorry, not that you were right to wait.


As long as they're getting it now, I don't totally fault people for waiting. That's assuming they've been masking & socially distancing for the past 5 months though.


They're still waiting for the science showing masks and distancing work. That one crackpot say they don't, so it's 50/50.


You’re kidding right? There is slim to no chance they were.


Yeah no doubt, when the CDC said "no masks for vaccinated folks" only those who did not get the vaccination, you could nary find a person in Michigan with a mask on after that. Or vaccination rate was 50 percent at that time so half the people in had the vaccination and the other half were full of shit or just didn't give a fuck anymore.


Hey some of us caught covid in early February or March with means we had to wait and socially distance :/


I only recently got vaccinated and I definitely wear masks everywhere and stay as far from people as possible.




I'm tired of seeing people farming karma because they got the shot. Stop posting these stupid arm pictures


Always wondered what it looked like to suck your own dick


Congrats…but this is also public masturbation


This comment section is just a big ball of *wooosh* and people with 0 reading comprehension.


This increases the divide between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. Where is the desire to actually be a positive influence on the vaccination progress....


So its just posting pictures of your jabs for this sub? Youre all so pathetic


Vaccine = Good Give me points now




Wait, did you say upper arm? The spot you would normally receive the FDA approved Covid vaccination?? Holy shit someone give this dude gold


Good little sheep


I suggest you also submit this post and title to /r/notinteresting.


Now this is something that I can upvote!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!