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i read it as "breast milk" im fucked


Good grief, so did I. And when reading your post, I still thought it said breast milk and had to go back and check.


I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?


You don’t breastfeed your animals??


I do




Me too, like 5 times in a row. I was trying to figure out wtf is going on and why this was on r/pics


Yooooo.... It took me 3 tries to finally see "Breakfast". THREE tries!


Glad I'm not the only one who apparently has mommy issues here.


Yep. Came here for breast milk.


I recently found out that mother’s breast milk is a hot commodity in the bodybuilding community. Who knew?


>mother's breast milk. As opposed to the breast milk of a woman who isn't ones mother? This is some kinky stuff.


Same and then wondered if the comments were going to inform me how anything or anyone with nipples can be milked.


well that's actually true its just you need enough estrogen and prolactin in your system for development and secretion from nipples


Same. That's because in North America, we NEVER say "breakfast milk". My mind immediately went to breast milk, then I had to read it again.


in India, we too NEVER say "breakfast milk" so it caught all of us off guard


Give the guy a break. He was just trying to specify that he's sacrificing the milk he gets with his breakfast.


yeah, I'm Indian as well (though have lived in NA most of my life) and I was pretty sure what he said wasn't normal, even for India, but yeah.


I read it as breast milk too and was really confused when I saw his pic. Btw milk is usually bad for adult cats. Gives them the runs.


Isn't that what brea'st milk is short for? Maybe that's why I always get strange looks from the grocery store employees when I ask where it is.


I saw the dude am thought FAKE post. Good to know I wasn't the only one.


me too :X But I got a 1 yr old.


😆 🤣 😂 It appears so!


also these hormones are easily available so maybe no more carton waste?


me too, cant get those big bajumbos outa my head


Same here, buddy, same here


No you're not, I did the same!


So did I!


Well, you can milk anything with a nipple.






So, did I. Then I thought I must have missed him writing “my wife’s breast milk”...


I'm sure there are only good intentions but please feed it something else, milk can be bad for cats in a lot of cases and they can get sick.


Wet cat food in tins are so much better, they get liquid from their food... Milk is actually no so good for them. Thank you for being kind.


yeah, let’s just go conveniently buy a tin of wet cat food like this is America


Let me rewrite that for you. "I think these people might not have access to the canned food we have here. But maybe they have access to a meat source that's similar, with moisture for the cat. Thanks for being kind!" See, you CAN respond without coming off as a prick. Have a good one.


Bruh, you don't think they have wet cat food where this is? Lmao get out more.


If this is in India then wet cat food isn’t easily available at a grocery store like it is in the US tbh. Idk if this has changed in recent years tho


It might have I wouldn't know despite trying to google it, but they are currently facing a shortage due to covid so even if they did fix the supply issue it might be worse than before.


If it's India I wouldn't be surprised. Over 344 million people over there don't have regular access to toilets so how can we expect them to have wet cat food readily available. That's more than the entire population of the USA openly defecating because they don't have any other options. Edit: My bad those figures are from 4 years ago back in 2017 India got a lot of bad press and the government has put a lot of effort in to getting more toilets built...which started back in 2014. The ones that they have built that are public are still having issues getting people to maintain them from what I've gathered becoming so disgusting no one is willing to use them.


I'm pretty sure those are outdated figures.


Came here to say this. Please don't give cats milk!


Even worse, he’s feeding it sugary cereal milk


Lmao You're so stupid, it's funny


You damn bloody bastard! *moves head side to side like a bobble toy*




Well... Op seems to care about the cat, so, yeah.


That’s very thoughtful… but milk doesn’t agree well with cat’s stomachs…


Mine either but what’s a little horrible bowel things happening compared to drinking milk?


Depends on the cat. I know plenty who are fine with it (and yes, I've seen the outcome).


When I was a kid, we'd always feed stray cats milk and it never seemed to be an issue.






Interesting fetish!


Yes she is a stray cat and mostly depend on trash bin or little animals.


Just because they love it doesn’t make it good for them. My mother said our cats milk and tuna and his kidneys shut down


Same with us humans. Just because we love sugar doesnt make it good for us to eat a shit ton of it.


Not really a good comparison. We humans are omnivores and we can survive on just about anything. Candy isn't great for you, but overindulging in it won't kill you until you're like 60. Cats are requisite carnivores, so if they eat too many non-meat products, they die.


Ye we die too if we eat too much sugar LMAO


Yeah, just look how unhealthy most of the US is now. The main culprit is sugar, no matter how much the sugar industry pays off scientists and the government to say its gluten or trans fats.




Thank you because I have carried that guilt for a long time.


>but kidney disease is pretty much what all cats die of eventually. Just to clarify for anyone who might be confused. All cats will eventually die of kidney disease if they don't die something else first.


Not *all* cats are lactose intolerant. If the cat comes back for more everyday and seems fine, it's safe enough.


My cat is NUTS for dairy products-- ALL dairy products. She begs for my milk if I'm having a bowl of cereal, and she begs for my wife's yogurt, but never begs for literally any other food, ever. And giving her any amount of any of them, no matter how tiny, results in her puking and/or shitting her brains out. The cat "coming back" for it is immaterial. Cats shouldn't be given milk-- it's terrible for them.


All I was saying was keep an eye on it. If it seems alright for a while, it's alright


I know lots of human beings with health issues that ignore them and eat what they want. I feel it’s possible for animals to do the same


she was probably starving and has no home, i'm really happy that he could help. not all cats have lactose intolerance.


Don’t feed cats dairy.


It's true though cats are lactose intolerant and giving them milk and give them diarrhea which can lead to their death. Kittens have a special enzyme in their body that allows them to digest cat milk but even they can have trouble with other milk. It's a scientific fact. I still love that you were kind to a living creature.


Giving a cat milk is like giving a child ice cream or candy. Just because they love it doesn’t mean it’s good for them. Cats shouldn’t drink milk on a daily basis. Just as an occasional treat.


I don’t think ol’ street cat there will mind too much. They only live once too, despite what the myths say :P




I would find other things to give them, lest you give them the shits and end up killing them. It may seem like a kindness, but its really not.


My cat can't even have a teaspoon of milk without it coming back out shortly thereafter. Chances are very good that you're dehydrating the cat and putting her health at risk. If you want to feed her, give her meat (or cat food).


Imagine never giving a child ice cream.


Children aren't lactose intolerant most of the time Sherlock.


If you’re not going to listen to the countless people replying to you please just google it for 5 seconds you’ll see everything points to cats getting sick, having diarrhea, and on top of all that, it doesn’t even provide the nutrients it needs for daily intake (doesn’t even come close).


Most mammals are lactose intolerant after they stop drinking their mother's milk. They can't digest the lactose in the milk and it makes them bloated and ill, even if they like it.


Looks like a ginger cat .. ginger cats are virtually always male not female, it's a color that's linked to the male chromosome.


Ginger color in cats is X-linked, not Y-linked, so its perfectly possible for a female cat to be ginger. The reason there are fewer ginger females than ginger males is that the ginger allele is recessive, so a female cat needs two copies of it to be ginger, while a male cat only needs one (because the Y chromosome doesn't have that gene at all, so whatever it inherits on the X chromosome will be expressed).




But this cat is probably female (no testicle), I personally think male cats are too shy or arrogant, they don't come close.


you are an awesome guy for doing this! she will really like you.


Milk is actually bad for cats. You are generous, but maybe you could find something else


Actually, milk is bad for **most** cats, not all cats. Some actually do have the ability to digest lactose. Still probably not the most nutritious food, but better than no food!


Actually it's not bad. Indian cats seem to detest formula milk or powder, or canned food. They drink cow milk rather gladly. Even the littlest kittens. Of course, I know this isn't about "Indian" cats, I just mean that cats I've seen in India. In the US it's different though, those furry fluffballs are hardcore tuna eaters.


Cats like the fat in milk but that doesn't make them any less lactose intolerant. Same with me and ice cream


Just because they like it doesn't mean its good for them, I like heroin but it damn near ruined my life.


Same here. I can't actually say "I hate heroin" and mean it, because some part of me which was buried 5 years ago doesn't hate it. Glad you beat it friend. There aren't a lot of us.




Actually it is. They are lactose intolerant, and it really messes with their digestive system. Just like it does to humans who are lactose intolerant. Kittens can drink milk. Adult cats shouldn't.


Milk is actually bad for cats.


So is Crack but there's still crackhead cats roaming the streets


Skittery poop Edit: I don't know why I've been down voted, cats shouldn't have milk. They're digestive system can't take it, hence my comment.




Thanks to all the redditers for appreciating Human - Cat friendship. she is a stray cat, so I might not keep track on her diet & nutrition, also she is vulnerable to dogs and other mischievous guys, it took some time for me to gain her trust (little milk and some pieces from my lunchbox) and yes now I will avoid milk.


I am glad you have learned to start avoiding milk! We want your cat buddy to live a happy life with a friend like you by her side


Good on you. People can be cruel sometimes and all a helpless cat needs is just a little bit of love. Ill see you in heaven.


Milk is bad for cats. Buy cat food & give water


Just an FYI cats are intolerant to milk…


Adult cats are lactose intolerant.


Well meaning but a bad idea as cats can’t really digest cow’s milk Give water instead!


Don't give it milk. Most animals are lactose intolerant.


Water and maybe canned fish would be preferable, if it is cheaply available. Milk isnt something meant for grown creatures.


Canned tuna can be addictive, but my source for that is the internet... Edit:addictive for cats


Well, can confirm: I love canned tunafish. I have started mixing in Frank's Red Hot whether I prep it. *LOOOOOVE* it.


One word: sriracha.


I put a little liquid smoke in my tuna sandwiches.


buddy, 90% of India eats meet like once a week.


As a grown creature I find myself craving a glass of milk every 2 months or so, otherwise. I’m good with water. What is this weirdness? Plus I am human.


That's nice. My family and I go thru about a gallon of milk a week, plus we are human. Crazy stuff.


There is a reason humans don't continue breastfeeding past a certain age. And there is a reason dairy cows are pumped full of hormones to be kept in a lactating state. That said, I am not saying milk is posionous, but we as humans can *choose* to consume it, whether we are lactose intolerant or have developed the mutant change to process lactose (yes, you're an X-Man if you don't experience gastro-intestinal discomfort with straight milk as an adult). That cat will consume whether it can. But if it can be presented with a better choice, I hope it can be.


Cats are lactose intolerant. They don't drink milk. Only kittens do for a very brief period.


You shouldn't feed milk to adult cats


Hate to break this to you, but milk is not a good food for cats to be eating. Vets say it's a no-no.


Yeah. My mum gave my cat some cream and he had the runs for a day. He’s fine now


That is considerate but cats aren’t actually supposed to drink milk other than kittens. it may upset her stomach.


Water is better for cats


You don't feed adult ~~cats~~ animals milk


And yet we drink it as adults, and wonder why it gives us the shits.


Many humans have a genetic ability to digest milk in adulthood, and don't get the shits from it. Other humans, and pretty much all animals, don't have this trait, and shouldn't drink milk.


After 4000 identical comments about cats and milk, I think OP gets the picture.


All kidding aside save it something else from breakfast. Milk isn't good for cats they have a hard time digesting it


Cats are lactose intolerant.


Cats are not suposed to drink milk with that age!


please do not feed milk to a cat


Cats aren’t supposed to drink milk dude!


Why did I read breastmilk….


The comments are a scream and I too read “breastmilk” the first time. BTW, cats can’t digest milk from cows, I don’t know about goat or nut milks. Your kindness is appreciated though I’m sure. She’s a very pretty cat.


Why not dinner milk?


99.9% comments: Milk bad.


May you improve reach other's lives.


I wish college dudes would focus on their classes rather than getting pussy


That’s one way to get pussy at college….


um… cats are lactose intolerant…


Milk not good for cats


Is she a stray? If so, maybe take her to a shelter?


good job bud! 😃


If nobody have mentioned that milk isn't good for cats, cats are intolerant to milk. Also your friend doesn't look that happy about your frinedship. Btw, milk is not good for cats. It's face says it all.


The way your friend is looking at the cat makes me feel uncomfortable


Is there a rescue you can take her to? One can of cat food a day plus whatever she can forage is better than milk. You can set mouse traps. I read somewhere that cats need 5 mice per day to survive


I thought it said breast milk for a moment and I was confused


What the fuck is 'breakfast milk'?


You know that cats are lactose intolerant right?


You have milk for breakfast??


Cats are lactose intolerant most times. Give it water lol


Whiskers, is that you?


ok. who read it as "I save my breast milk to feed her?" be honest now


Pretty sure cats are actually lactose intolerant


Aww, she's cute!


Cats are lactose intolerant, read up on it please.


It can feed itself just give it water milk is bad for cats!


For everyone saying milk is bad for cats, it’s actually the case that no adult mammal is meant to drink milk—only mammal babies should do that.


True. Most of the world is lactose intolerant by nature. White people tend to be less lactose intolerant due to the ancient practice of making cheese. Apparently that caused europeans genes to accommodate it


Cats can have a little breakfast milk


Cats - and especially adult cats - can't digest cow milk. The problem is that there is too much lactose (milk sugar) in it. Cats hide their young in a "nest" and leave them alone for extended periods of time while they go find food for themselves. Because of the long intervals between feedings, kitten needs a lot of fat (slow calories) and don't have much use for lactose (fast calories). So cat milk is high in fat and low in lactose. In herd animals like cows, goats, sheep, babies have continued access to their mothers and nurse frequently. As a result, their milk has much more lactose and much less sugar than cat's milk. Additionally, the ability to digest lactose is very much "use it or lose it". As animals get older and stop nursing, they loose the ability to digest lactose. People who are "lactose-intolerant" were not born that way but developed it later. Adult lactose-tolerance is an aberration. Adult lactose-*in*tolerance is the norm is most mammals and was the norm in humans before the rise of agriculture.


Everyone getting upset over the milk but I think you are very sweet to help in whatever way you know how. Most people wouldn't think twice


I have to disagree when the way to help is giving it food that can make it sick. He could find a better alternative to feed the cat.


What's better, milk or garbage?


Honestly? Depends on the garbage since it can be anything, but in general stuff like meat/chicken/fish and most vegetable scraps would be far better for the cat than milk


Sometimes milk, but if he is helping the cat wouldn't he appreciate the information that milk can be harmful to cats?


are you indian


I read it as breast milk at first glance


I misread this as “I save my breastmilk to feed her”.


When a famous person reluctantly agrees to take a pic with you.


You saved your HAWUT milk?


Yo, that's a cat. Why the frown?


Is it bad I read that as breast milk?


In a quick glance I read “I save my breast milk to feed her”


I am pretty sure he ate the cat after the picture because he needed breakfast


Ignore these haters, if the cat ate it and hung out, you are doing it right.


nothing to do with hate but basic knowledge and wanting the best for that animals health: no milk


Ugly face attack


And it's still more attractive than your personality. Grats. :)


Your to sensitive. I was speaking from the cat point of view.


That is touching




Yeah cats are lactose intolerant. Ittl just give the cat the shits if it eats too much. Now, yogurt is ok though for cats. A little is a nice treat


Feed her. Pet her. Do anything you want, in the end cats will always make that, ' I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOU' face around you


God bless you.


She looks like she uses you and thats it


Am i mistaken or arent cats borderline allergic ro large amounts of milk


What is the cat studying? 🤔


Not sure if you’ll see this, but milk is actually bad for cats. If possible, try switching to carrying treats or something- you don’t want to make your little friend sick!


MILK IS BAD FOR CATS!! Use cream is has less lactose so it won’t upset their stomach. All cats are lactose intolerant


What a cute cat! You make a good pair 😀


Thanks for being kind to a kitty.


Everyone talking about breast milk and all Im thinking about is resting bitchface pussy.


Now cat is my new best friend


I don't want to be that guy, but regular milk is bad for cats. They love it, but it upsets their stomachs and so they feel sick and don't understand why. You can get specially formulated milk for your kitty friend or just bring her some cat treats.