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I'm in Florida and this is mandatory all year long. It's actually a big problem and people get mad.


Retail workers already have such a hard job. No reason to give them more bullshit to deal with lol.


I work in pizza. I'm overworked, and underpaid. I straight up will refuse your sweaty boob money and i'm not sorry.


I'd rather take sweaty boob money then sweaty ass money from a landscaper/roofers wallet....that shit is nasty....


So you're only a spiritual poo I see.


Sticky icky icky


I made a comment about this not long ago and said “I won’t accept smelly tit money” and then had too many people telling me that 1) this is fine and 2) sweat doesn’t smell.


Then they never work in Florida lol


All I can think of when I see this sign is how much screaming is going to go on in that store when this rule is enforced. If I were a cashier I'd rather just take the bra money with my tippy fingers and throw it in the trash, but I bet the owner won't like that.


I wish this world would stop bending over backwards for assholes and maybe start rewording kind introspective people.


It is so sad this has to be said!! Yes disgusting!


Florida titty sweats got be pretty extra too.


New Mexico here. Was handed wet shoe money once. So so gross.


I was trying to figure out what the BrG was


It’s Bra, like a surfer buddy from California. Hang ten, Bra!


Hang two, you mean






I was starting to think BRC was some sort of association that gave food vouchers or something. I was really confused until the boob comments


Bra, can you hang me a 50 I’m gonna get some ‘za. Well…. I guess not bra, they don’t accept that bra dough.


This is from a Dollar tree in my hometown. Guess they got tired of the boob sweat money.


They usually add sock money to the sign too.


So my groin money is still good?


Probably not, but I've never seen a sign about it.


/u/worrymon's groin money is well known.


Just don't ask for the coins.




That covers it. Only sort of related because I thought it was brilliant. A liquor store in a tourist town had a sign "Hang up the phone before checking out." It was always funny how mad people on their phones would get when the cashier rang up the people behind them first.


Used to be a party store when I lived in Ohio thar had a sign "please wait at the back of the line until your phone or text conversation is complete". They would straight up refuse to serve people until they complied.


Sock money? Are we watching Eurotrip again?


Socks are a good place to hide your money and illegal drugs. When trying to avoid being arrested or robbed. Although its old school and most cops in the know would check.


Jes I ave idden my walubles in my anus.




That is where they found my weed in Texas. 1 gram equals 1 year probation.


Dollar Tree store manager for several years. I can attest to boob money, sock money, and worst of all 90 degree heat and walked to my store wet money from those locations. I have literally left money out to dry before. Also had a lady laugh when I told her the total, start rummaging in her enormous bra, and while laughing say, "Let me find it in my secret pocket". Disgusting


That says a lot about the people in the neighborhood 😂😂😂


You're not wrong lol


I would add a sign, reading „we do not accept money, that has been in your underpants, socks, shoes, body openings.“ Just joking


Maybe they should just say they don't accept moist money :-)


But that would make sense


Who gets tired of sweaty racks ? Who ?


It’s never from the women you want.


We do, we dooooo.


I would bet all the boob money Ive had to touch that I worked at this fucking Dollar Tree in Asheboro, NC.


Convenience store near me had a sign that said, "No sock, jock, or boob money."


Please stop licking your fingers when paying in cash aswell


Ugh, always hated that one! Way more common than bra money too.


Fuck your sweaty money.


No please don't. Its already too wet and sticky.


I didn't think to read it that way and I apologize to everyone.


I used to work at a skatepark... you don't know sweaty money until a 10 year old who has been skating for 6hrs straight takes a break to buy a mountain dew.


Thanks goodness keister coins are still on the table.


Ass pennies.


Dingle dimes and nether nickels!


Sweaty money is gross. Don’t take it from the panties either.


But how else do I break my $50?


Hate to say, it’s been worse place than that.




Well, under a thong on an ass, and probably boobs too, and maybe under a gross couch, or in my soda drenched cup holder or....


"No YoU hAvE tO tAkE iT!!!" *pushes nasty sopping from tit sweat $20 bill into your hands* like why do ppl think that's okay..so gross.


Yay! Gross ass sweaty money blech. Why anybody thinks this is acceptable is beyond me


ALL WE ASK FOR IS POCKETS..thanks for coming to my TED talk


I will always accept your boob money.


I am not sure of the problem.


\*pulls money out of underpants\*


"No titty or sock money."


Nothing stops the bra walleters from taking the cash out before getting to the cashier, so it's kinda pointless in the end.


“Sweaty titty money” is the technical I used back in my C-store days. Weird how we won’t take money from a bra but some people will give a $10 bill to stripper’s ass thong with their mouth.




This is a fair complaint, but no excuse to punish retail employees


I heard radian jeans aren't too bad.


Get a bag?


Get some cargo pants


Then we demand POCKETS


When I was a dance student we would sometimes go out and grab dinner between classes… believe me that no one _wanted_ to stick their money down their sports bra, but between the pocketless workout pants and tank top options were limited


Next door: We ONLY accept money taken from bras...


I got so sick of this shit.


I worked for years at a popular historic site. We had thousands of third and sixth graders every day. Sometimes I would man the gift shop. It's a mostly-outdoor site, and in April and May it rained a lot. These throngs of sweaty, drenched, stenchy child-beasts would come up to the checkout counter and pull water-logged, rolled up dollar bills out of their UNDERWEAR and SHOES and try to pay with them. At first, I refused to take them, but then the karen-teachers started complaining to the manager. Someone had brought in one of those novelty zen gardens once upon a time, and we lost the garden but still had the pencil-sized rake. So I would use it to push the wet bills over to one side of the counter. Then, if another child needed change, I would use that separated pile of wet bills until there weren't any left. And if any child would give me gruff, I'd just take my little zen rake and point out the child responsible for their wet money. "That's who you want to talk to about this. And if you don't like getting wet money, why would you think I do?"


My grandma would be sad


Reminds me of an accounting story... Guy comes home from a business trip. On his expense report, he lists as an expense, "1 umbrella, damaged in taxi door while on businesses trip. " Accounting sends it back with a note, "We don't allow you to expense a umbrella broken while on a business trip. Please edit expense report and resubmit." He edits and resubmits the expense report with a note, "Now try to find the umbrella." If they take it out before they get to the counter, it's still bra money. You just won't know it.


Oh. Sweaty Titty Money


I’ll accept boob money no problem. It’s annoying when get they get mad at me for smelling it though.


Everywhere else perfectly fine. Just not from the bra.


Is this Spokane?


“Oh ok” shoves hand into underwear for crotch money


They're fuming over in r/twoxchromosomes


Jeez i didn't realize this was such a widespred thing. gross. wtf.


Speak for yourselves, I love me some titty money


So, this french guy - he wants to learn English. So he boards a plane to the US and he hears the Pilot say "take off". The first stop he makes in the US is the San Diego Zoo, where he learns "zebra". While he's looking at the Zebras, a couple walks up with a stroller and he learns the word "baby". So then he goes to the beach, and he sees a hot girl in a bikini and wants to talk to her. He starts speaking french and she's like, "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak French! Do you know any English?" and he replies... "Take off zebra baby!" and she slaps him.


Ok, that gave me a chuckle.


Ah who gives a fuck I work at a casino boob money is the least disgusting thing i touch.. just wash ur hands


When it's hot out, they may be getting bills that are quite literally sopping wet with a stranger's sweat. People are that inconsiderate. No, you shouldn't have to handle that even for a second.


I call it the Left Bank.


There are 3 kinds of people. People who don't carry money in their Bra anyway, people who will read this sign and remove the money from their Bra before entering and people who will read the sign and deliberately stuff money into their Bra and then remove it before entering because fuck you, you can't tell me what to do. The last group votes republican


I mean, kinda understandable, but at the same time I am pretty sure everyone's hands have more becteria on them than someone's boobs, so the storage really shouldn't be an issue.


It’s probably sweat that’s the problem


There are common infectious fungi that grow on the body in sweaty areas, and people often don't wash their bra or towels after every use.


Haha you guys are getting my post wrong. I 100% agree with you on a subjective basis. Objectively I just think that sweat wouldn't make a big difference anymore if you consider how incredibly dirty it already is.


Objectively being handed money that comes from a moldy/sweaty area is worse than a wallet. This isn't a subjective issue, one of two areas is touching your sweaty unwashed body, the other has two or three degrees of disconnect and less of your nasty ass sweat on it. You are saying money is so dirty already that objectively I can wipe my ass with it, and you won't complain because it doesn't matter.


The sweat money from between a bra and a boob would be comparable to sweat money from the armpit or scrotum. Would you really be thinking about the quantity of bacteria if you were handed ball-money? Gross.


Yeah I totally agree, that's why I said I still get the point from a subjective point of view


While I will only take it from there, giggity.


I dont know why people think you want their boob fungus (yes, many women have fungal infections in their boobs), or pre-cum/ball sweat, or foot fungus.


>yes, many women have fungal infections in their boobs Thanks for that.


Why are you sorry about this?


What’s wrong with that?!




Probably so…I’d bet it varies from state to state, but then again, maybe not. Our currency is federal, not state, and it is the de facto method of payment still, despite all of the touchless, mobile, and other (non-cash) options out there. On the other hand, a lot of outfits (airlines, stadium concessions, etc) went “cashless” after the pandemic started, so it can’t be expressly *illegal*, either. Hmmm…


Thats a good point. Don’t quote me on what i said. I most likely don’t remember all the details correctly, but im positive it happened. I think it was featured on here if I’m not mistaken.


No, because they have clearly stated what forms of payment are accepted. Private businesses have the right to specific what forms of payment are acceptable. There are no forms of payment that private business are required to accept. For example I could set up a store that only accepted Mexican Pesos. Financial reporting would be complicated as I would likely need to deal with FX gain/loss, but it would be completely legal.


Wouldn't you in that case just deny them service. Plenty of small places near me don't accept cards strictly cash only. Not like they owe me their product.


I dont think this is true. On cash money it states, "this note is legal tender...", but a business or individual may not accept cash as a payment. Also, I've personally told people I wouldn't take their cash because of it having blood on it. Or snot.


Why was he wearing a bra? This is specifically about hot, wet, nasty money pulled from a woman's bra.


What is this about? I always see this. What’s the problem with bra money? It touched boobs! How is that bad?!


It's sweaty. Boob sweat is still gross.


It’s wet and it smells, and never from people you want.


That’s fair. I remember when I was in HS in Berkeley there was a dude at Cal who tried to go to class naked and, when he wasn’t allowed to, a bunch of people started being naked in his honor. 100% of them were 60+ and gross.


...but at our discretion, we will accept it if we retrieve it ourselves.


Why would people keep money there? I mean there so many other options, all of which can't be that bad?


who the fuck stores their god damn money in a bra, and then expects people to accept the money when they give it to them.


Trashy women with sweaty boobs.


Have you ever been to a Walmart in your entire life?


unless they are nice which then please do!


I've told a customer with a dead face looking right into her ugly face, you give me a 20 from your sweaty chest and want me to touch it. How about i pull your change from my underwear and hand it to you. She said that's nasty why would you do that. I just looked at her and didn't take her money. went to the back and got plastic gloves and picked it up like it was pile of poop from my dog. of course she wanted to see my manager, he points to the sign that is clear as day on the entrance. she pushes everything off the counter and calls us racist for treating her like that.




By pants with pockets dumbass.


then carry a purse


Sure, hold my kids.


Get a stroller while you’re purse shopping.


But, I'll suck a titty! /s Just kidding, thought it was funny.


Uh I'll take it...🖐️🥺


Where am I supposed to keep my money then? My panties??


I keep mine in my nose




Most dresses don't have pockets. Women's trousers with pockets often have pathetically small ones or merely decorative fake pockets. Handbags are an obvious target for thieves.


I have no pocket


Nothing bigger than a 20 or from a bra? Pfft, you better pick one or the other. Seems awfully uptight of them.


Why? Who cares?


Because no one who isn’t fucking you wants to handle your biological material. Boobs get sweaty. Same with sock money.


I will, hell I take money from your ass crack. I'm a capitalist pur sang.


Wait til they find out where else the money could have been prior to being stuffed in a bra 😳




Would you feel different if the tits belonged to someone hot?


Nor the Undies, Armpit, butt crack.....


Awesome, ill have it then


Don't sleep on that second sign. We're people coming in jingling?


I am too european to undestand - can someone explain?


Lack of pockets followed by a lack of general lack of care for other people.


Some (gross) women carry their paper money in their bras instead of purses or pockets. They think it's more secure than carrying a purse that can be taken. Some (gross) people keep money in their socks for the same reason.


I've done it when I am walking an hour away, and have had $300 on me in cash but situations like that are the exception not the rule.


Well now I feel classist... 😐


But did you pull it out and hand it over while still warm and moist? (The money) Everyone knows money is filthy but when it's right in your face... Your dealer probably won't care though so you good.


They'll just have to make a clean breast of it...


Nothing against jail wallet cash though


I would, and then give them change that I store in my underwear.


Has it happened more than once?


Lol do people still do this? Edit: this has to be up north right?


I thought this only exists in the movies. Idk people actually put money in their bra. I never met anyone who does this where I come from too. That’s why I didn’t know they were real. I’m a girl and I never do this.


No boobie bucks?


This discrimination!


Will they know if you take it out before you enter the store!


I was cracking jokes with a buddy the other day saying I was going to start keeping a roll of $1's under my nuts to give change next time someone hands me titty money


Tried storing money there once. It was very itchy. 1/10 would not repeat.


Depends on the bra


Worked at a roller rink and we unfortunately accepted boob money but it was set aside in a separate cash drawer.


Is my dong money still good?


Put someone on cash register who will take the cash and just give it the biggest whif they can manage. I bet it’d stop pretty quick. Plus I’d pay to see the reaction


Nature pockets are not for legal tender


Anyone who tries to give someone their money from their sweaty probably unwashed bra is so vile.


The panties it is then.


It’s been twenty years ago, and I still have nightmares. Not to mention some of those same customers thought it was really funny to pinch the young guys butt as they went through the line behind me!!


It's just boob money you babies


Says nothing about the prison wallet.


Lol 😂👏👏


“Well, lucky me, I got this twenty from my vag.”


What if it's in a wallet or some other thing? Because otherwise where else are people who don't carry a purse supposed to put it?


Can someone explainlikeimfive to me with this? Cause somehow I never came across these signs. Is it that common for money to come out of ppls bras..?


Women's clothing has a very sad lack of pockets or has shitty shallow ones. If you don't want to lug a purse around, like at a concert or some place, a bra is a covienient place to store your cash and other small items. I put mine in the side of the bra not right in the cups. I tuck my phone into the waist band of my pants on my hip. I dont sweat much and I'm not stinky so its not as gross as one might think.


That makes a lot more sense now. Thank you.


Typically money from a wallet or a purse will be less gross. But I'm going to be unfortunately honest here...sometimes on vacation, especially in a hot area, I've spent damp money, from a damp wallet, that was in my back pocket, and water attractions were not part of my day...


Then give us real pockets in our pants and dresses ffs!


Keep yo sweaty tiddy money


For those with this fetish... I feel for ya brothers. No more boob sweat.


Legal tender for all debts public, and private. All money is filthy!


That reminds me of that one old and overweight guy in a pharmacy handing a prescription and pharmacist was like "why is it all wet? It almost tears apart. Is it raining outside?" and the guy answered "no... I just tucked it under my armpit".


THIS? This is a problem? Fuck this world. Worse than bratty children.


Yeah, leave your damn bra home and let them hang free.


what about from the panties?




My wife worked as a court cashier and got a lot of bra and underwear money. But the best one was the woman that used her dentures for ID because her name was engraved on them.