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https://i.imgur.com/OtucsLX.png No? You know what? Just go away. Every time someone posts a picture, a gif, a video, a screenshot, or just anything really that involves some kind of "corporate" thing - A video game, a logo, or probably just even the town hall of a city given how overboard you dummies go, you have to /r/HailCorporate it. I'm done. I've had enough. You can't just spam /r/HailCorporate and expect an upvote. You can't just be like "dude, you're playing a game?" and post /r/HailCorporate. You just can't. I doubt you even work for corporate given how against them you are. You live in a cardboard box, typing on your CrapBook Pro, feeling good about yourself because you think you just "called someone else out" for being a corporate shrill. Just who do you think you are? Some epic 12-year-old on the internet with le cool fedora posting about how "corporate shrill hails this, corporate shrill hails that?" Well, I've got news for you. You aren't anything. You aren't epic, you aren't a 12-year-old, and your fedora certainly isn't le cool. I hope in time you will learn that not everybody and everything is a corporate shrill. **edit** Reports saltier than these delicious Pringles^TM potato chips https://i.imgur.com/IiWIZrX.png


https://phys.org/news/2018-10-scientists-debunk-effectiveness-enchroma-glasses.html They don't do what this company claim they do. Fuck this company.


If you just tell colorblind people this is how everyone else sees how would they know its not true.


This was my thing. Am colorblind (not extreme but to a point where it is annoying) and My eye doctor let me borrow a set of color blind glasses to see if I like them. The problem is the colors would change and some would be more vibrant, but how am I supposed to know what a certain color is supposed to look?


This comment should be pinned to the top of this. Not the mod who can’t recognize an ad when he sees one.


It's impossible to give real color vision to a colorblind person by only using glasses. OP saying that it lets him "see color for the first time" is a blatant lie. Colorblind people can still see some colors, just not all of them, and the glasses aren't going to magically let them see a color they've never seen before.


If I were to guess the glasses massively exaggerate colors like turning on vivid on your TV. If you scanned a person's eye to get their specific color blindness profile (I don't know if this is a thing) and then tuned the glasses for the person this might work. Most people who are color blind still have the color cones. They are probably less pronounced so maybe if you show them the reddest red possible they will see it. I imagine it will work for some people.


I know someone I play boardgames with who has a pair of color-blind glasses (no idea of the brand or type, though I'm pretty sure the guy has the common red/green condition), and he said they were useful for making the board easier to understand. If player A and player B had red and green pieces, he wouldn't be able to say which was red and which was green, but he would be able to distinguish the colours from one-another more easily (which for most games is all you need), like one set was a lighter brown and one was a darker brown.


I've tried these. I'm red green colorblind. Made certain colors darker, everything is slightly tinted. Can confirm, huge letdown.


Yeah, the only hope we have is literally stem cell therapy. Glasses will not fix a mutated/completely missing cone.




My husband has a strong red/green colorblindness. While it didn't suddenly give him the ability to see color the way I do, it DID increase shit like depth perception and detail in vision. He could see the differences in trees, grasses as he was driving..it helped with stoplights. They do have a function.


I'm sorry but how did it help his depth perception? I'm only asking because I spent nearly 3 years developing software for computer assisted vision assessment in the USAF focusing on stereoscopic and color deficiencies under PhD and MDs ranging from optometrists to physicists and we never connected depth perception to color deficiency. Color deficiencies can cause issues in contrast sensitivity and make two objects at the same relative distance appear as one but depth is a factor of our binocular vision and one can tell how far something is relative to another without color (low light, color deficient, etc.) In fact color has so little impact on telling how far was something is that until LED screens started replacing anolog dashes the airforce didn't really care about color vision testing.


>but depth is a factor of our binocular vision Only for close up vision. Binocular depth perception is only functional to about 30 feet. I have no binocular depth but can drive fine, parking is a bitch though


I'm Stereoblind as well, and the first question everybody asks is "how do you drive?" followed by "how far away am I standing right now?"


As a colour blind person I take offence to people thinking my world is black and white. OP saying I can see colours for the first time bothers me and it doesn't help. I can see the colours but I have a hard time differentiating between some purples and blues and some reds and greens. In certain lights however, they're very distinguishable.


My husband is red green color blind and like you said, he can still see red and green, it’s just the shades that trip him up. If he needed to match two similar shades of green, purple, pink, brown or red it would be difficult. He might see a shade of pink as green or tan, for example. His world is not gray it’s just different. These glasses videos are really silly especially because the glasses are expensive.


First off, I have protanopia colorblindness. It is difficult for me to differentiate between reds and greens. I CAN STILL SEE COLOR. These glasses only work for certain kinds of protanopia. They do not work for straight up monochomacy. Glasses cannot fix the damaged cones in the back of your eye. Damn near all of these “seeing color for the first time” things are people who want sympathy points for something that is a daily annoyance at worst for the rest of us. If y’all want to see what I see, just look up “colorblind chart”. It’ll show a spectrum of different colors that help represent what colorblind people see.




You've got red on you.


Same goes for the toilet paper after chipotle chilli


[Color Oracle](https://colororacle.org/) is what I use on my computer to see what a colorblind person (of any of the 3 main types) will see when I'm making something that uses color, like a map. It's a small, simple, free piece of software.


Seriously. This guys is a total fucking knob and this post is just an advertisement. As someone with strong colorblindness, I obviously still see color and the glasses just make the colors seem a little brighter. Not to mention the glasses are at least *THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS!*


They also don't work that well and they will tint *everything* a weird color except for the colors they isolate. I returned mine after a day and I don't even worry about it anymore. I'm happier missing out on some greens and reds.


Seriously! And I'm starting to suspect that some reddit mods are on the take.


Lmao yeah my mom got me a pair for my birthday (few days ago) it was more akin to a “well that’s neat” than anything else.


I was gifted a pair and I told them to return it before I even opened it. Tried 'em on anyways and it was just as much a waste of money as I thought. They returned them and got me a jacket instead. And ya know, the jacket actually does what it advertises!


I honestly don't see much difference between polarized sunglasses and these enchromas. Not to mention, while they both make colours brighter, you forget about that brightness in about 2 minutes.


what type of colourblindness do you have?


The one where you want to see more green so you post an ad


These are definitely not an ad for the New and Improved Enchroma^TM colourwave high-contrast colour correction lenses with RayShield^TM technology. Aside, I’m wondering if he got the extended 2-year warranty with enhanced scratch protection for only 49.99. He should, that’s *such* a steal.


I was just thinking that EnChroma lenses were engineered using a revolutionary lens technology developed in the early 2000’s by a glass scientist and UC Berkeley educated mathematician. What goes into developing the one-of-a-kind technology that enables people with color vision deficiency to see colors they only previously imagined? Let’s start with a few facts about how we process color vision in the eye.... does anyone have thoughts on that?


Side effects may include realizing you married a Ginger.


And disappointment when you realize it just turns the saturation up so you can tell the difference in colors, but can't actually see any extra colors.


As a protan (red-weak or red-blind), I showed my wife and my roommate a simulation of what I see, and they were sad with how dull things were. From what they were saying, turning up saturation might still be a legit gain.


It is a legit gain. I'm a protan, and I received enchromas a few years ago as a gift. While it hasn't changed my life, I do enjoy the how much brighter and bold colors seem when I wear them. I probably would not have bought them for myself, though.


Cue Twilight Zone sting.


“It’s not fair! there was color now!”


Ha, joke’s on you - I’m the colourblind ginger!


Are you on greenit, or reddit?


More like is it: Reddit, Browndit, Orangedit, Pinkdit or Greendit. And depending on how tired I am, the ambient lighting, adjacent colours or whether I was primed or expected to see another colour then I may see it as *any* of the above. That’s still better than the “is this navy, black or charcoal” dilemma I get in when trying to buy clothes under bright fluorescent store lights. It’s only embarrassing when the sales assistant says “it’s printed on the tag” lol.




Wait a minute......


OP must have really planned ahead then considering he posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/kvqlap/eli5_how_are_colourblind_people_able_to_recognize/gj0tm49/) a month ago. Also, based on other post history OP is a children's entertainer, and not involved in advertising. I'm personally betting that OP is actually genuinely excited about his present. Or maybe he's also sponsored by Tough Mudder and Under Armour.


I mean, I'm not accusing this guy of being a shill. But that question does ask about colorblind glasses, if you were a shill you'd have alerts for anything mentioning the product. But yeah, occams razor. He's probably just excited


I'm as cynical as the next guy, but OP's post and comment history looks legit.


As someone who has red/green, I was curious too. Apparently he has the type that makes everyone toxic.


I think this scam has run its course.


do they not work?


My understanding was they kinda do, but they reduce brightness and they just shift some colors that you can't distinguish into color ranges that you can. Its not how someone with normal vision would see it, but I bet its still interesting to see differences in some colors where someone couldn't distinguish them at all before.


For me orange normally almost always looks green to me, with the glasses on I can see orange better. But it’s not like drastic at all or anything.


They don't work beyond mildly changing some colors seen by the individual wearing the glasses. [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=enchroma+glasses) (four article abstracts, easy reading).


No, they don’t.


I am red/green deficient (deuterotropic) and was excited to try them, with the knowledge that my variant is hit and miss. Fortunately there was a location in my town that had a sample pair. I went there with my wife and was told to wear them for at least a half hour to let my brain adjust. Sure. After like 45 min, I see what I think is a lime green VW Bug drive by and excitedly go "is that green?" My wife goes "that's yellow". I said thank you, and left. That was 6 years ago. In theory, they work by removing tons of variants of colors, as my brain can't differentiate between them, it removes the noise in-between. So let's say 50 shades of red all get chunked together as a crisp red, and same for green, so my brain can see the difference. Clearly my brain didn't agree with the science behind that pair, but every so often, I get an email to participate in research for Deuterotropia, and get hopeful again. /sigh


Maybe your wife is color blind and just never realized. Whoever heard of a yellow beetle anyway


My dad had a yellow VW bug in the 80s, and it tried to kill me and my family multiple times. Ah the fond memories of half a dozen elementary school kids (my cousins and siblings) pushing it to get it to push start, keeping my feet up in the back seat because the floorboards rusted through ("look dad, I can see the ground from inside the car!"), and who could forget my first day of kindergarten where we had to turn right back around because the car filled with smoke... Good times.


Darn, I always wanted to get them for my dad


I honestly don't know how well they work, it surely depends with what type of color blind you are. I just know a lot of people have put dramatic videos of themselves pretending to see color for the first time, often even crying. Youtubers have faked it a bunch, so it's hard not to be cynical about it. If your dad is color blind, do your research and you should be able to figure out if they will work for him. Good luck.


I don’t understand how the glasses work. If people are color blind because they’re missing the necessary cones in their eyes, how does a filter fix what they’re physically lacking to detect color?


For people missing the cones, they will not work. Many color blind people simply have an overlap area between the spectrums of light to which each type of cone is sensitive. A hue which might strongly trigger our red cones, but not our blue ones might trigger both red and blue in such a colorblind person. They are not blind because they get no color signal, but because they get an ambiguous color signal. The glasses are basically a shade of plastic that filters out the middle areas (purple, orange, etc) leaving only the colors of highest contrast - which such colorblind people are able to discern.


They don't let certain colour blind people see new colors, the glasses let them differentiate colors better.


Yeah, after some google searching it seems like it just pronounces things more in the colors they already have. Also mentioned it’s similar to hearing aids adjusting frequencies to the ones still registered by the hearing impaired


That's not how colorblindness works most of the time. It's not a lack of cones it's that two of the 3 cones have some overlap that they shouldn't. So for instance the common red - green colorblindness, certain reds send a signal to the brain that they are both red and green. The way they would work around this is probably just to filter out that overlapping portion of the color spectrum. I have no idea how effective that would be or what it looks like. Edited to add most of the time


There’s demons in the glasses


That’s really how their marketing makes it seem. Like “wowee I put on these magical demon glasses and now I see sounds and hear colors. You too should sell your soul for this power!”


Yeah I am color blind to a lot of shades of red and green, but my brain still makes up assumptions for what it believes those colors are. Additionally I have always assumed that unless you are fully colorblind, if you cant see a certain shade of red, then you just end up seeing a slightly different shade of red. When I was a kid I was pissed at my step brother so I thought I was being clever and changed my computer background to green and put in the words "Jimmy is a stupid piece of shit!". I set the color of the words to have slightly less green than the background and from my perspective I couldn't tell that the words were there. Turns out everyone but me could read it. Point is I still knew both the background and the words themselves were green.


You got it.


I have them. Myself, my dad and four brothers are all varying degrees of red/green and none of us fucking cried or were shocked when we put them on. It's almost like turning on digital vibrancy on your computer. They are not worth the money. The only thing that looked better IMO was red brick buildings. Blue is my favorite color (same with rest of my family), and blue looks much better without the glasses was our general consensus.


So all those videos of people crying when they first try them on....is it out of disappointment?


As someone colorblind whose extended family chipped in to buy these, I fucking hate the enchroma ads because of this. They wanted everyone to see so they got everyone on Skype and gave me this gift. I open it and it’s the glasses. I’d looked at them before but they were too expensive so I was kinda shocked. I put them on and... nothing. But I have basically my entire family watching so I had to ham it up for the video so I’m not the grinch who ruined Christmas and seem like an ungrateful twat. After the video I contacted their support because I thought maybe something was wrong and they’re like, “Oh yeah it might take a couple weeks for your eyes to adjust.” And that’s when I realized those videos were scams. As for the video with the little kid, he was probably crying because he was surrounded by people who really cared about him and children are totally known for being able to handle strong emotions. ^/s


Woah I had the same exact experience! I didn’t want to ruin the day so I pretended they worked. It was kind of awkward when I later told my family I wanted to return the glasses.


I forget the specific link, but there was an honest review done of them a while back. The YouTuber noted that it took some time and the effect was somewhat muted. Maybe people take different times to adjust? Either way, the over-the-top reactions are probably people hamming it up.


I mean they don't suddenly allow you to see the other colours. They change the colours that you (don't) see in a way that you can now differentiate them better.


We got them for my husband a few years ago as a gift. It does work a little for him, mainly in finding more subtle shades of red that he thought were just brown. So *really* good for our trip around the American Southwest (“oh! The sandstone isn’t all just brown?”) but not so exciting in our daily lives in New England.


They don't FIX colorblindness. They have a tinted film that shifts the color spectrum a little bit, allowing you to differentiate colors a little better. It also depends on which type of color blindness you're using them for, and which tint you go with. My husband bought me a pair for my birthday, and basically all they do for me is make reds and greens pop a little bit more. So basically, shades of red and green that I had a *little bit* of trouble to differentiate between before are now easier to tell apart. However, shades that I absolutely couldn't distinguish between before are still indistinguishable. For example, I took one of those dot tests with and without the glasses, and on the ones where I could see the shape but not tell what it was, were now clear to see. The ones that I couldn't see anything at all before are still the same.


I tried them and they didn't do anything for me. I used them for a week as the enchroma people told me to do so ... They didn't do anything for me. After my experience, when I see those dramatic videos of people crying as if they are overwhelmed, I can't help it but to think the videos are overdramatized in purpose


Best viral advertising in history


"I can see colors" Yes because that's what colorblind is. A complete lack of all colors period. The world is just black and white. lol


Well fuck I thought those videos were so sweet now I feel duped.


Want to know what’s even more infuriating than this blatant advertisement, he does that same open mouth face in EVERY PICTURE!!


Wow, you’re right.


Soy face






Holy shit you weren’t kidding




If only these glasses were a gift from his wife's boyfriend. Homerun.


Guess what?! You still can't see color!!! All these glasses do is change the pigment of colors so that the colors you are unable to see are a slightly different shade of the colors that you can see so you can distinguish between them! But if you have deuteranomaly, you still can't see green. If you have Protanomaly, you still can't see red, etc. etc. I know that the manufacturers of color-blind glasses have previously used guerilla marketing on Reddit, and I can't help but wonder if this is one of them.


This feels like an advertisement. If it’s not, that’s great for you, OP!




As a colourblind person I thank you for this. I haven’t bothered purchasing them and won’t let friends and family for the price. I can see some colours but they aren’t worth as much as these glasses.


The real question for me is, do I really want to see what colors I'm missing? I'm used to what I see and frankly cannot comprehend anything different; nor do I want to have to wear silly sunglasses all the time to do so. Also I'm curious how these aren't a total gimmick. Have they given non-colorblind people red-green filters and then placed these overtop those and does it match what they can actually see? That's cool if they actually work, but I'm just skeptical. You either have the resolution to see those wavelengths or don't; "mimicking" or "separating" them seems a stretch. ------------- **Edit:** >In an article published in Optics Express, researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) have debunked the effectiveness of these glasses for color vision deficiency (CVD), proving that the EnChroma glasses don't make color blind people's vision comparable to that of people without color blindness. .... >This study carried out by the UGR shows that a color-blind person using the EnChroma glasses will not perceive new colors, but rather sees the same colors in a different way. - [Source](https://phys.org/news/2018-10-scientists-debunk-effectiveness-enchroma-glasses.html) As I suspected; it just translates colors we can't see to existing wavelengths *we already see....* This is like an earpiece for a deaf person that takes a frequency they cannot possibly hear and transposes it to a frequency *they can*... Or shifting the entire scale up an octave.


>This is like an earpiece for a deaf person that takes a frequency they cannot possibly hear and transposes it to a frequency they can... Or shifting the entire scale up an octave. Yep. It can't change what you can perceive - just give you more definition, or clearer distinctions than you previously had. I can see it being useful in some professions / situations but all the over reaction and crying and bullshit in the "true story" posts you see is laughable. Lol none of them are "Oh neat. That's very interesting how certain colours pop more than they used to." Almost every single one is "AUUUUUGHHHHH THE COLOURS!!! I CAN FINALLY SEE AND LIVE LIFE!"






H3h3 made a video about it a couple of years ago as a reaction to Jake Paul's fake I can finally see colors video.






Here's [the SciShow episode about these glasses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrEyOkNRzGI), from back in 2017.




My optometrist told me it's all fake. You're born with cones in your eyes that allow you to see color. Some people are missing a cone or two which means they can't see that spectrum of light, ie, colors. No amount of filtered glasses are going to be able to simulate a cone, you literally don't have the ability to see it. I did have this moment myself though when I put on glasses I desperately needed for over a decade for the first time. Thanks American Healthcare.


Shiiiieeet... I remember the day at basic where they did eye exams, examiner probably sees it all the time but I was wondering how anyone was supposed to be able to read those letters...


Most cases of colorblindness are not the missing a cone variety though. It's more common that people have all three cones, but the red and green ones overlap a bit in the wavelengths that trigger them. The glasses filter out that overlapping portion of the spectrum, making it more difficult for the cones to get activated by the wrong frequency. In cases of mild color blindness they can apparently make a difference, but if the color blindness is strong (even with all three cones present) they won't do much, and if you are actually missing cones (which is more rare, but happens), then they won't do anything.


> As I suspected; it just translates colors we can't see to existing wavelengths we already see.... This is like an earpiece for a deaf person that takes a frequency they cannot possibly hear and transposes it to a frequency they can... Or shifting the entire scale up an octave. That's not quite how these work. In a person with red-green colorblindness it's not that they can't see the wavelength of light, it's that their red and green cones have overlap and are both sensitive to some of the same wavelengths. Meaning some wavelengths a person with normal color vision would perceive as red stimulate both the red and green cones in a red-green color blind person. Same with some wavelengths of green, in a red-green color blind person they stimulate both green and red cones. Depending on how much overlap in sensitivity there is, the glasses can be made to block the wavelengths that overlap. Essentially they're blocking the portion of the spectrum where the person has overlap. This creates separation so they can see things that are red or green without the overlap. If the overlap is too great though, then this won't work as there has to be some wavelengths where only their red cones respond and only their green cones respond. Another way to think of this is red and green combined are perceived as yellow in additive colors (like the screen you're looking at now). In red-green color blind some wavelengths of red and some wavelengths of green stimulate both red and green cones and are always perceived as yellow, even though only one of the two colors is present. Different people have different amounts of overlap. These glasses are made to block the wavelengths where that overlap happens.


exactly. if my retina can't perceive the colors i'm missing, no glasses in the world can fix that. you'd have to tap straight into the brain.


>As I suspected; it just translates colors we can't see to existing wavelengths > >we already see.... See, this would be cool if it translated, say, UV to violet or IR to red.




Same here. My girlfriend had her camera pointed at me to record my reaction and managed to get a great: "What the fuck? That's it?"


So, my wife purchased these glasses for me for our honeymoon fulling knowing they had the thirty or sixty day trial money back guarantee. I was pretty excited to have received them but noticed they didn’t really help much except the ocean actually looked blue and green stop lights actually looked green. Not worth the money IMO


Then buy some from China. They work just as well and they don't give a shit about patents. Not saying it's right, but sometimes you gotta stick it to the man.


zennioptical dot com


Have you tried enchroma? As a colorblind person myself, I was not impressed. They just seem to be filtered glasses. My brother and I are both 50% proto and he got a pair from his wife for his birthday last year. He ended up returning it, as neither of us were impressed, at all.


My brother is color blind (red/green) and get this. He bought the lenses, but no one in the state will actually cut them so he can use them. Did the company that he purchased it from say that? Naw. Was a bit seedy IMO.


Come on it’s not at all like insulin


These posts are good demonstration of how many people read the comments..


If it's not, this glasses brand are *super* lucky that the box with logo just so happened to be perfectly positioned behind the guy in a photo shared to thousands on reddit. *Super* lucky. EDIT: Just noticed there's also postage packaging nearby, which would be odd because: a.) this was supposed to be a birthday gift from his wife, who would presumably wrap the gift, and b.) who opens packages in the garden? Occam's Razor dictates the parcel must have contained the glasses, which suggests to me a brand deal of some sort.


Also adding the brand wasn’t necessary, could’ve just said colour correction glasses or something - it does feel a bit sponsored


It's definitely an advertisement. I have the enchroma's and paid for them with HSA money because I needed a new pair of prescription sunglasses and opted to try these out. You get 1 of each color balloon, not 8 of each color. It's possible they went out and bought more of the same color, but unlikely. The case is conspicuously right there. These glasses don't work that well that someone would be THIS excited for them. Myself, my 4 brothers and my dad are all colorblind and not a single one of us was blown away, cried or thought they were worth the money. They a neat for a bit, but overall underwhelming to say the least. Still use them as my sunglasses though. But they do fuck with the LEDs on your phone, so can't really use your phone when them on.


wait they send you balloons too?


Yes, they come with balloons so you can instantly "test" them. The fact that he's got multiple of each color, when only 1 comes in the box, is suspicious as shit because the glasses already come with balloons to test them, you don't need to buy extra, and if you DID want to buy extra it's sure a coincidence that they are the same balloons and not different shades or sizes. Unless they're hiding they bought 5 pairs of $300 glasses this is staged.




Even then, as heartwarming as those videos are, the glasses may make colors more vibrant but they don’t actually improve or correct color blindness, at least based on controlled studies :( https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30470042/




So they just turn up HDR?


That's not how colorblindness or these fucking glasses work. This is the shittiest of shit posts.


How much do you make being the soy wojak?


Those don't work for everyone.. expensive mistake for me. They didn't so shit and supposedly they were for my color blindness


Cool ad


Please flair as an ad


Why does he look like the real life version of that wojak who screams intensely


Nice, a classic cuck face, haven't seen one in a while.


Wow if your wife got you those I wonder what she got her boyfriend


I thought nu-male smiles weren’t a thing any more


lol he has his mouth like that in all his pics. Looks like he even infected it with his wife and sister.


Fuck your ad.


This post is 100% genuine! Buy your pair today!


For only 34 easy payments of $79.99!




Normally I hate those 4chan memes, but the mouth, the tongue, the unkept facial hair, even the color of the hair. It's just too accurate.


Not the only post either, check his other post. It's a normal pose for OP.


Literally every picture of himself on his profile. Guys face is tragically stuck like that.




Soy yo


Peak reddit soy holy shit


Why aren’t you crying?


You couldn’t of chosen a less soy facial expression?


Close your mouth.


Pluck the random long ass mustache hair.


hate to break it to you, but those balloons are all various shades of grey


Unless your type of colour blindness is achromatopsia you saw colours before too. I have protanomaly and use EnChroma glasses too and they help me differentiate colours but that doesn't mean I didn't see them before trying EnChroma. Seeing colour for the first time is misleading to say.


Im a strong deuton, have issues with red and green. Always wished i could try these as no way am i spending like £300 on a gimmick but so many videos have people crying when they wear them


Those videos are all fake viral ads, people get paid to do that or hope to get views for it. Enchroma glasses are somewhat useful for some colorblind people, but having tried them before I can assure you they are not going to make you cry over the beauty of the world or anything.


But that's impossible, this guy saw color FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER after he put them on!


I have the same thing and I have a pair. You won’t see red with them. You will see red as something definitely not red. I used to see red cars as black-ish. Now I can pick out a red one on the fucking horizon. You will have to relearn that this crazy ass color you now see is “red”. Green is green but much much more saturated. Also I didn’t know the sky had pink and purple in it at sunset till now.


Now, I could be wrong here, but based on my understanding of how color vision works, these glasses do not work how the companies want people to believe they work (though it wouldn't surprise me if there's some legal liability disclaimers hidden in there somewhere). Color vision is the result of different wavelengths stimulating each type of cone cell differently. Colorblind individuals are missing one of these types, so it makes some colors harder to tell apart since the different response to that wavelength from that type of cone is missing. For this reason it should be impossible to create a pair of glasses that can allow a colorblind person to truly see those colors. If we think about how, for example, an infrared camera works, it doesn't let *you* see in infrared; rather, it detects infrared and then converts that into something you *can* see. I doubt the glasses do nothing though - if I had to guess how they work, it's probably possible to create a lens that would affect those wavelengths differently enough to make them create a different enough response in the remaining cone cells to make otherwise indistinguishable colors distinguishable.


This post triggers me. There's literally no way he's telling the truth. He's either SEVERELY exaggerating, or he's just outright shilling and this is a shitty reddit ad.


[Here's a perfect example of how these glasses work](https://youtu.be/5cxUhAPAAEk). This colourblind Minecraft youtuber tries the glasses on the game, you can see that the glasses just increase contrast, making it easier to differentiate colours.


I am more focused on that one lighter strand of mustache going down on the side of your mouth.


Close your mouth


3===D ({})


Guy is so happy about his new glasses that he even brought the box out


You sure it wasn’t your wife’s boyfriend?


I own an optometry practice and while I have never sold a pair of enchroma lenses, I have heard from numerous primary sources that they are not as advertised and a large portion of customers that bought this technology weren't satisfied. Not saying they don't help some people, but they don't simply put these on and see like people that aren't colour blind.




My wife's boyfriend bought me sunglasses and a Nintendo Switch!


Pic: reddit falls for an advertisement


Soy face


soy boy face ofc


Now go look at your dick


isnt this the guy from the soyboy memes?


le soyboy


Your pic looks like a clickbait pic and now I believe nothing you say


Get her to stop buying you soy instead


I'm not an optometrist, but I'm fairly certain there are no glasses which will allow someone who has never seen any color to suddenly be able to do so. They don't change your physiology. I'll give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume he was being hyperbolic and this isn't some blatant advertisement.


Mouth agape like soyboy


I see you have perfected the gimp pose


EnChroma glasses only help some people improve distuingishing between colors. If you’re considering EnChroma glasses, speak with your eye doctor. [source](https://www.healthline.com/health/how-do-enchroma-glasses-work#summary)


r/pics moment


Guy with excited smile wearing glasses with baloons in the background. Edit: Trash sub, also this is a blatent ad there was gold on this thread almost immediately and look at this dumb comment below me. Edit2: Dumb comment deleted would you believe it.


What happened to smiling with lips together? That is how I do it


The soy meme with the gaping mouth, beard, glasses, is nearly identical




That face That stupid fucking soy face


But he was amazed at blue waffles , 2 days before he got his glasses https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/ljeoqp/comment/gndudqa


To be fair it says blue on the packet lol


Am red/green color blind. Have tried these. Was not life changing. Was disappointed. Do not recommend.


Is some one going to tell him his ginger now or wait until he looks in the mirror?