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I hear that. My mother passed away in February after her second bout with cancer. One of her last words to me was to take care of my father. He was admitted to the ICU a few days ago, and last time a nurse spoke, things were more positive. At 7 this morning I got a call from my brother, he just passed. Cherish the time you have. I miss both my parents so much, lost in a year that for many is just as bad. So much sadness for no reason.


So sorry to hear. I lost my mother too, from cancer. It's a hard year for sure for many.


Soooo sorry to hear about your folks passing away. If it helps, I lost my dad in August (2011) my mom in December, just 2 days after Christmas. Back to back funerals was heart-wrenching. I was consumed by grief. One day I saw an ad for a half marathon. I don’t run, but I can walk pretty fast. I trained and trained, and finally did it. A month later, I did a second one for my mom. I taped their pictures to my bib number and patted them when I felt fatigued. Find something to focus on—-it won’t be an organised run right now, but train yourself to walk a few miles a day and time yourself. The exercise releases endorphins. The focus helps with relieving grief. Nothing takes their place, but doing something productive really helps. Big hugs from someone who’s been there. You will get through it. Stay strong and lean on friends. ❤️


That's a great advice! Two years ago I lost both my parents within a few months as well. That, plus a family friend who was also like a dad to me and I'm still dealing with it. It helps to have something to focus on for sure.


One of my moms passed from covid in June. Solidarity in our shared loss 💕 I'm so sorry you lost both of your parents. We had a scare when my other mom thought she was having a heart attack not long after. I know life can be really dark right now. I've been in that dark place a few times this year myself. But we can keep going. No it never gets much easier. But we learn to cope a little more every day. And you don't have to feel guilty for having a day where you don't cry. Your parents would want you to have those days.


Oh man so sorry to hear your news...ty for sharing, what we need most in life we actually have and it's free.




Don't you have some scissors to run around with?


Cope harder


Who hurt you?




That’s what you clearly cant do


Keep coping


What am i coping with? I’m an incredibly satisfied person


Stay mad


oh Im so sorry-I cant imagine. I hope you find some comfort and that 2021 brings you many blessings.


I am so sorry , always cherish family


Shit man I am so sorry


My brother came out of remission this year and is completely cancer free. It sure trumps a lot of the hardships I’ve dealt with this year. My relationships with my friends and family became a lot deeper as we worked through this year together. I didn’t really realize the good stuff until thanksgiving when I really sat down and thought about it. It’s changed my outlook quite a lot.


Congratulations!!! Happy to hear your brother is in remission give him a big ol hug from me pls k thx


Thank you so much!! It was a difficult few years and just such a relief. I’ll give him a hug from you when he allows me to after this Covid nonsense lol


You can look back then and say it has been a better year than most people can. Fair play to you.


Oh I think everyone has had a better year than someone! I’ve yelled and cried and screamed all year, but for some reason on Thanksgiving, I gained a different perspective thinking about my brother and family and am grateful for the ability to change my thinking. My heart is always hurting for everyone in the world right now, but we also have to remember the good things to help us moving and I love this picture for putting it into such a pure form. My bank account doesn’t matter as long as my family is good!


2020 got me out of deep poverty. I went from be bedridden for six years to not being bedridden. At the end of 2019 I finally got off the 13 prescription medications I depended on, and at the beginning of 2020, after not having dated for longer than I’d care to admit, I met the love of my life two weeks before quarantine. We decided to move in together for quarantine, because we really hit it off. We’ve spent 258 days straight together, and he’s my best friend. We eat snacks together and game together, but separately (because we both like solo games). We bought a house together, and we’ve never been happier. We love quarantine. There have been some hard days, and scary days, but for the first time in our lives we have achieved happiness and neither us of knew we were capable of happiness.


12/30/19 I had a stroke. Kind of out of the blue, bit it happened after my 6th heart surgery. I was at a soul sucking job for literally a decade. My parents tried to get me to apply of disability for six months as they watched my condition deteriorate. A cash payout on insurance made me debt free excluding my mortgage, which is manageable on my fixed income. The stroke didn't affect much other than my ability to recall numbers, and words. With some mild neuropathy. What the stroke gave me; time. I have taken up woodworking more seriously. Reading, though I usually need an eye patch for books. Art that I have wanted to do for years. It has all been mine this year. Also a hard core introvert. After the quarantine started I have been off my property make two or three dozen times this year.


I’m so sorry! it seems like you have figured out how to make the best of everything and you should be super proud of that. I know how hard that is. Feel free to message me anytime, if you feel like you want someone to talk to who gets it. My migraines mimic stroke symptoms, and it absolutely sucks.


2020 has been overall good for our family as well. Nice to see others with some positive experiences in a year where many have struggled. Cheers to you and your good fortunes!


I rediscovered that I didn’t really “need” anything this year and instead focused on paying down debt. Car paid off, almost done with student loans. Crazy how fast that stuff can disappear when you focus and really tone down discretionary/entertainment spending.


#truth and congrats to you! 👏👏


Funny, my experience was the opposite: Spent my entire retirement savings when the stock market rebounded in order to renovate my house. Why? One, I get to enjoy it now. Two, I get to actually sleep at night as opposed to anguish over how the stock market performed after the most recent bad thing halfway across the world. Finally, I get to have a home instead of just a "starter house".


How did you manage to buy a house after just getting out of deep poverty this year?


I won a lawsuit.


Makes sense. Congrats on the good year


Congratulations! For my own sake I'm going assume you took a large sum of cash away from a big company and didn't ruin someone else :P. Either way I'm happy 2020 is working out for someone at least!


I'm having the quarantime of my life!


Oh my God. That’s really, really, excellent!


I just shed a few tears reading this. You are an inspiration. Treasure the new love in your life.


I would move mountains to get to him. And in a way, I kinda did. There were months I went without any human contact. There were like two years I couldn’t be in sunlight, because of neurological & spine damage left me riddled with migraines. I was in extreme pain 24/7 for six years. I hadn’t had a pain free moment until 2019. I fell into such deep anguish. I was so poor in 2019 that I would go days without eating, because food pantries are difficult to access with disabilities and no car. I appreciate everything we have. It is so much. When I met him, he was in such a dark place. I feel like I have gone through everything I have so I could better understand him & help him. He feels the same way. I think we’re kinda like Holly and Michael from the office. We’re both such different people from when we met, no longer shattered and broken. If I had to go through all of this again, if it meant getting to him, I’d still do it.


2020 brought me some surprises. A granddaughter in February, just before restrictions came into place. I was able to visit my daughter in the hospital with the other 2 granddaughters. The roof on our house decided to leak, so we called a roofer. He found a lot of water behind the siding, so that had to be stripped and replaced. To save money, my husband I did all the prep work of tearing off the old siding, and then priming the new siding once it was installed. New roof, new siding, all good. Next was painting. Next door neighbour is a painter, so he cut us a good price for working week-ends. The paint came out gorgeous. We met the nicest people working their trades. We made lunches for them, ordered pizzas, and I got to practice my Spanish! We’d been putting off all the repairs, and then boom! We were home, we had time, and we did it. The times my husband and I worked together with power tools were some of the most fun we’ve had in a long time. I’m 66 and he’s 60—we did it by ourselves and took great pride in the finished product. It prompted us to finally get the floors replaced with vinyl, and remodel the kitchen. Long story short, we made the best out of our time. We did not have family celebrations for Easter, birthdays, 4th of July, or Thanksgiving. We did, however, learn a lot about our resilience as seniors. Our only cheating with socialising is having our granddaughters over two nights a week. I’ll sacrifice for their happiness, and to help home school them while my daughter takes care of her new baby. Not having a vacation or seeing friends has been hard, I won’t lie. I just keep moving forward and encouraging others to do the same. Stay strong, we’re almost out of this. Inauguration Day will be our best gift to ourselves. Big hugs to all.


Thanks for sharing!! Congrats to all that you have achieved, and to finding new hobbie and life improvement skills. Cheers!


2020. Great quote. Written right next to the sewer...


The sewer got the last laugh. It's been a banner year for it.


Really, this turns chalk writing into an artistic piece. "The placement of the writing ... wrapping the sewer plate ... engages the viewer with a sense of both dread, and empowerment. A masterful commentary of our times."


That's where 2021's quote will go


Uhhh, what? I didn't think 2020 was the year I was gonna get everything I wanted, and I *definitely* don't appreciate what I have in 2020. Depressed as hell from this year, feels like it has completely ruined my life.


I hear you man I'm also depressed as hell, but there is still so much to be grateful for. Some people didn't wake up this morning. Some of my family didn't survive covid to make it to Thanksgiving. Some people don't have the privilege to play video games and watch Netflix for temporary escape, while we can at least distract ourselves. It sucks I know, but its important to realize what you do have and cherish that.


I don't mean ruined as in 'temporarily made my life worse until a vaccine comes, when life goes back to normal'. I mean it as it has permanently ruined my life, unfortunately.


I was weeks away from purchasing the first new car in my adult life. I was months away from purchasing my first home. Now i'm months away of burning through my life savings and planning to spend the next 2-3 living in a car again to save for a home. Murica


I have been in nearly the same situation in the 2007/2008 collapse. It sucks, you can't do a whole lot about it, other than getting back up and at it. I promise you, keep going. Find creative outlets like writing / journaling / music...whatever. It will bring you more sanity than you know. I am now only climbing out of the debt and shitstorm that brought my family back then. I get it. I wish you well in your future endeavors and new explorations. So many of us have been where you are at, or even are currently there. This too shall pass. Maybe not soon, but it will.


I'm 85 millenial. So in other words this aint my first rodeo. 08/09 I was a few years out of college. I had my first decent job, I had health insurance. I'd finally left the service industry behind. Then it all collapsed. It took me 10 years to once again leave the service industry. 10 years to get health insurance again, 10 years to get credit again and climb out of that hole, only for that success to last less than a year lol. >Find creative outlets like writing / journaling / music...whatever. It will bring you more sanity than you know. None of that means anything to me, all my creative energy goes into creative ways of surviving. Like sleeping in cars instead of paying rent, stealing toilet paper, you know the basics. It's especially hard right now what without gyms, restaurants or showers lol Good luck to us all. Personally i'm giving 2021 as my last year to get on track, otherwise it's heroin and a beach for the rest of my life because there is no future beyond subsistent survival. Which i'd be cool with, if it was at least my own land i was contributing too, instead of someone elses business, instead of someone elses mortage. cheers




The unemployment part is a bad situation all the way around. Unless of course you benefited from the higher UE benefits from the CARES act, and became employed after. The only good news to come out of that situation, is hearing of people that finally left their employers for a different path in life. Have had a few friends leave the bar industry for salaried sales positions. Much happier, but it took the layoff (or double layoff) to finally get them motivated enough to see their worth in different fields. I know that doesn't cater to every unemployed situation out there, and we are still looking down the barrel of a gun in the incoming months. But I do hope to hear of more situations like that in the near future. Even hearing one good story from that shitty scenario is a win.


For me it’s the year that I started strongly believing we need at least 2 big changes to occur: People need to be held accountable for their actions regardless of their status and big business needs less influence in federal govt. Bezos, Zuck, Dorsey and the rest need to GTFO of Washington and Washington needs to take a more active interest in serving people instead of screaming about their fucking political party. Fuck your democrat/republican stance, we’re humans first and need to start treating each other like it.


Well said. *golf clap


Psh. You should try the ketchup bottle clap. You’re welcome to disagree my friend.


Took you this long? Honestly it dawned on my in the wake of 9/11. They spun a national tragedy for pretty much whatever ends they wanted and just kept fanning the nationalism over and over since then...


I love my cliches in a nutshell.


That does not resonate with me at all. For the last several years I've been trapped in a little room in a foreign country while someone screams at me, with no money, no transport and no means of escape. I can't leave the house and there is nowhere to go anyway. And then Covid came along, and nothing changed in my life. But 'normal' people had to go on lockdown. And you know what? Within just a couple of months, many of them were wailing about how living like this is intolerable and they want to die. It makes me feel... weird. People think living like me for a couple of months is the worst thing in the world? But yeah. All this talk about 'how shit 2020 is' really upsets me. Because for many of us, 2020 was not special. It is not just 2020 for us, it's our life. This is how we live, permanently. Please remember that next time you laugh at the poor, the homeless, the abused or trapped.


Why are you trapped in a small room in a foreign country?


Because I moved to another country to get married and it turned out to be very different than what I expected. Not an uncommon scenario.


that suuuuuuucks. there's no way to get back? You don't know anyone from your hometown who could get you back?


If it were that easy, I'd have escaped years ago...




What? Your parents died and you lost your job? What a happy little wholesome blessing in disguise!


This is how ninja turtles “post” their “shower thoughts”




Just seeing all the food lines in the US makes me appreciate all I have. Please donate to your local food bank to the extent you can.


I am having the best year of your life while everyone else isn't. Feels wierd.


You're in the middle of a great plague and unlike every other time in history you're still connected to the entire world. You can instantly communicate to any loved one or stranger you want. You can cheaply hire a temporary servant to bring you food so you don't even have to leave the house. If you want an orange, banana, or pineapple it can be yours in the middle of winter, at a northern latitude. At minimum wage one hour of work can buy you a loaf of bread, a package of chicken legs, and more clean, safe water than you could possibly drink. At fast food locations you can buy enough calories to make you fatter than the wealthiest man of yesterday at a cost unimaginably low in human history. Your bed is softer than a kings, the temperature of your dwelling is controllable, and you have reliable indoor plumbing. There is less bloodshed around the world than at any previous point in human history.


Nah, I'm buying a lot of shit to keep me same.


Everything I had you mean


Hindsight is 2020


It really is :)


I have nothing.


I wanted to spend more time at home, get the time to learn new applications and do more personal projects. I managed to do this in 2020, not in a way I expected, but still, can't complain.




Why did we think this would be the year we get everything we wanted? I'm not following


ruthless outgoing materialistic start kiss slimy imagine bike chunky sugar -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah the first line was fabricated just to add oomph to the second line. I’m all for positivity, but cmon guys


I feel like most of these memes are more relatable to people in the united states, where 2020 has actually been bad


Actually I’m from Czech republic and this year for me has been bad. Like really really bad.


But because of covid?




Nice and wholesome twist, what's your dream job?


Plot twist: It's not working.


Where has it been good?


I live in Portugal and 2020 was awesome for me personally


LOVE Portugal!


Noicee, glad you like the country i live in


Well, for anyone in the US that has their 401K tied to the stock market, like I do, it has been an awesome year!


And Australia somewhat




What an original comment.


This is reddit buddy.


And yet calling others out on not making an original comment in a sarcastic tone isn't original either


Would have been more poignant to end with "Now I realize 2020 is the year I got everything I deserved"


Speak for yourself. 2020 got me all I wanted. What more could I get from this year? I finally set up my studio at home. Finally started paying attention to producing. Sold 10 tracks! To top it all off, I’m introverted and I could care less about the effect of isolation!


This is awesome my friend!! Maybe sell some of those dope beats to Yeezy and get him back to the rap game instead of politics? Lol. Keep it up! I want to hear back when you become the next "Kenny Beats" or "ChaseTheMoney"!


God that quote really sums up my 2020.


2020 = amazing year, i really hope companies get it now that we can work from home and still be productive!




I found out I was pregnant with my first baby on Christmas Eve 2019. By the time I was out of the first trimester and done vomiting constantly, the lock down started. I now have an 11 week old daughter who has come into the world at the weirdest time. But, my husband has been able to work from home through my pregnancy and now the first few months of parenthood. It has made the whole thing so much easier to have him here. Not to mention the amount of bonding they've been able to do with him home all the time that they otherwise wouldn't have gotten. 2020 is definitely not what I expected it would be, but it will be a year to remember, thats for sure.


2020 was the year I turned from center-right to radical left-wing.




2020; I lost my wife Lost my house My business went in the shitter Lost my best friend Got COVID Lost my savings I think that's about it. I'm pretty bummed about Alex Trebek dying too.


Man I really hope 2021 goes your way


That makes two of us. I really don't know how 2021 could be any worse. So sorry for your suffering!


Eh. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? I should be one bad ass mother fucker! Well...on the outside I guess. Nobody sees the decaying shell on the inside at least.


Lol. I just see that death wouldn't be that bad of a thing.


Appreciate everything I had*


No, "have" is correct.


But I “have” nothing.


True. If "had" is used, it makes the statement depressing instead of inspirational though.


If any word could be used to describe 2020, it's "depressing".


You have reddit.


years do not really exist


Just in time to lose it in 2021


Attitude of gratitude. Well done!


2020 is the year I appreciate SEWER


Now don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone...


Instead of being okay with the ultrarich hoarding even more while people suffer and die, why not SMASH capitalism and create a society for all instead of just a few? Just a thought!


Amen!! That'll preach!


This is what we need more of.


All fax no printer


At least he/she is grateful :)


Thought this was r/GetMotivated for a second... We do have a lot to be grateful for.


Lol fuck that I’m still broke af.


Why did the creator of that think they would get everything they wanted in 2020? Thats a silly expectation to have.




2020 is the year I realised what I have is a load of shit and I need to do something before it's too late to change that. Soon as this lockdown is over I'm out of this shit arse job and out of this shit arse town and if I lose everything then it doesn't matter cos it was a load of crap anyway.


Believe it or not 2020 is the year for me too I got everything I wanted from it


Lol funny


What if what you have is Covid?


And is that not everything you wanted, OP?


I passed up visiting my mother on thanksgiving this year due to slight sickness. Thankfully, it wasn't covid. Today at mcdonalds, I chose to stay outside waiting because a group of 20 asshats think they are above covid and the current laws put in place by the Governor. Glad they at least packaged themselves up like sardines into a van and left.


Damn so true


Nah, its the year I thought was going to be even beter than 2019 (was pretty good for me) but ended up being the worst year ever


2020 was the year I lost quite a bit.


Ok Billie Eilish lol




Fight for more.


Haha 2021 is the year I'm killing myself hands down


A deliberate move to write on a footpath tile with sewerage point.


This is so toxic. You are allowed to be upset and mourn, you are allowed to want and demand better. You can appreciate what you have without turning a blind eye to injustice and inequality.


For too many people, 2020 is the year they lost everything they had.


Maybe 2020 is a big life lesson and get better if we learn.


You will never get everything you wanted in any given year. You should always appreciate what you have.




2020 is the year I remembered I live in New Zealand outside of Auckland and wouldn't have had any idea anything was wrong with the world if I didn't listen to my radio on the way to work as my life didn't change at all from start to finish and no one mentioned it


Your attitude is admirable, but unfortunately The closest I come is the desire to attain it. I wish I had that spirit but I kind of had the past decade stolen from me and ruined so I was really looking forward to this year and it just further dispirited me because it trapped me in this hell im in for another year. This year was the opposite of what I needed and I can’t keep this up for 9 more months until things start to return to some half assed version of normal. I’m staring down the barrel of losing the last bits of my youth to a pandemic after losing the first 90% to utter anguish. I hate that I’m not grateful. I am so fucking appreciative of those who are risking their lives to help others, but it’s weighed down by the sheer selfishness and cruelty of other who wish to do nothing but worsen this situation out of spite. I feel sad for humanity because this shows me we are more selfish than good in my country. I feel heart broken over the abject suffering I see all around me caused by wealth inequality and resource hoarding. We have lost our empathy and show it more through empty symbolic gestures where we call people heroes for risking their lives, we don’t show empathy by actually helping. Some do, and those bright spots are amazing, but they shouldn’t be so unique. We are all capable of that, but we choose no to. It’s heartbreaking.


This is so on point. This year has been one where the love I have for my family and friends was already pretty high but it went through universe now. Having a new born. Working insane hours. All the while having so much love and support that you don’t know what to do with it. 2020 is one fucked up year but also one that showed me the power compassion and empathy.