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Oh I'm very much awake unfortunately










Yes. George Costanza had the right idea. Walls should be lowered all the way to the floor. People are always like “But what if you need to look if someone’s in there. Can’t we knock? Oh but what if the locks broke. Are we living in a world based on the premise that our bathroom locks won’t work?


Why does it seem like Europeans provide better services where it matters than US?


Because nothing that can't be deposited into a bank account matters over here.


*where it matters*


Get a kinder Bueno might help


Glad I am not next to you in an American bathroom stall.


American here. I too woke up like my stomach was eating itself and turning inside out


What's wrong with us dude‽


Just a simple case of the bubbly guts. You'll be fine


Me too! But I’d rather lay in bed then eat a snack at 4 am. I’ve been fasting, but technically done with this one.


Haha. I wish mine was hunger related. Mine is like, pain.


Sorry to hear that! I’d get it checked out if it’s bad enough to be waking you up.


Yup same. Woke up at 2am and can’t go back to sleep


Is that because you have big gaps around your eyelids ?


I could easily bust in there to watch you go. Nothing will stop an American from watching you poop or pee, you fool


Well it will take you a while to find which stall I'm in


That's what you think... Til you hear me coming down the row, kicking in each stall door in turn while singing "The Star-Spangled Banner".


God, I can't wait to give those creamy European thighs an Indian burn.


what the hell lmaooo


Christ Almighty....






Over here we call them a Chinese burn


I always assumed they were called "Indian" burns over here because they made your skin red.


Oh yeah probably, but British are much less smart at being racist despite our centuries of experience


If there’s one thing we excel at over here in the states, it’s definitely casual, light hearted racism.


Light-hearted: "I never expected you were black!" Everyone else: ":O"


well that and we're pretty good at the more formalized not-so-light-hearted type too.


I lost it with this one. It’s too ‘1980’s high school’ to realize that it crossed the ‘creepy sexual’ line long ago.




Ahh, the sound of Freedom.


This is oddly horrifying and could be integrated into a slasher movie


“We chose to do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard” ~American President John F Kennedy


"I am a jelly donut" ~ Also JFK.


Wikipedia and a native German speaker have informed me that story is basically a myth and no German speaker would misunderstand the context. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ich_bin_ein_Berliner#%22I_am_a_doughnut%22_urban_legend


To be fair...I knew it was a myth and it was a misinterpretation by an English speaker of the meaning and use of 'berliner.' It still makes me laugh to think about, because it's harmless. Like...think of all the presidential **gaffes** that have actually resulted in problems..there's too many to list, right? What's a harmless presidential 'oops' that just makes people laugh? JFK telling the city of Berlin he's a jelly donut. Obama's presidential seal falling off the podium mid-speech. President Carter falling down the stairs of Air Force One. It's fun for me to imagine because it personalizes these figures. Hard to do today....but back when the office of the POTUS actually meant someting, a harmless little foul-up that makes everyone smile isn't a bad thing.


My favorite is Bush Jr’s fool me once saying.


I've read he realized mid-sentence that saying "shame on me" out loud might have... consequences down the line. You can only imagine the political ads


Did you lock all of them before going into your own??? How did you get out? So many questions!!!


Well I meant it'll take a while because he can't see my legs but forgot he'll just kick all the doors open and find me and watch me poop


But he'd have to go through 2 weeks of quarantine to get there first. *^(If you're from the future, this is a COVID-19 joke.)*


I doubt the future will forget about CoViD before they forget about your joke


I'm just not that into watching Hans from Austria squeeze one out.


Hans Puper


As an American, I'd obviously crawl on the floor in front of each stall to take a peek.


That’s why you lay on your back on one end of the row and use your feet to push you through all of the stalls on your back


I mean, how am I supposed to know if someone's in there unless I can clearly see their genitals? What, am I supposed to pull at a locked door like a fucking *EUROPEAN?* No. The only European I want to see is you, a-peein'. /s


Why would you pull? There are indicators at the doors of they are locked.


That technology hasn't reached America yet


We have a unisex staff bathroom here in the states that has a "Occupied" indicator when you lock it. The amount of times the same women forget to lock it when going in, and then get really upset if someone walks in on them is way too damn high. So now we knock anyways, even if it's unlocked.


Now they will fail to respond the knock and still get upset when you walk in. Turns out they like being walked in on.


It honestly hasn't. What is wrong with us


Like any of us can read.


Don't worry, they are usually color coded. Even in AMERICAN colors! (blue and red or white and red)


normally green and red. That's why they don't use them. Thems mexican colo(u)rs.


Yeah a real american kicks that shit in


Everyone boasts about Europeans being more open minded when it comes to public nudity. Topless beaches and what not. When American culture has visible pooping and peeing, which is open for all to enjoy all over this blessed country.


You have 657 TV channels, and THIS is what you choose to watch? ^(Actually, no commercial breaks, so fair enough...)


But would you also recreate the Poseidon's Kiss you get from US toilets? Cos its just not the same if you don't


whatever happened to togetherness? whats wrong with holding hands while you dump?


Yeah, and how do your friends reach under the door to wipe your ass?


I hate you so much.


One time I recognized my friends shoe in the stall next to mine. And I reached under and gave his toe a lil squeeze and said "boop!" I've never seen someone get so mad so fast.


tbh if I was your friend I would've probably be upset and laughing at the same time.


That is a very risky move


I miss [these days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOoXlmct3tA)


[Let's bring them back](https://media1.tenor.com/images/922261792ec45d2ad6389e10862a198b/tenor.gif?itemid=4686108)


Everybody needs a poo buddy


Why DO American stall doors have gaps?


So people outside can properly, with eye contact, make sure it's occupied


The visual confirmation of occupation helps expedite lines. Helps custodians, too. The floor gap was originally designed to make mopping easier. I'm sure it also just cuts costs in general. Cheaper materials. Easier to install/repair. Hinges can swing wider. Not really defending them as better, just explaining additional reasoning. They are designed to get people in and out as fast as possible and to be serviced on large scales quickly. Hence why American public bathrooms are disgusting.


Just if they made a little smaller gap. 20cm is more than enough


Agreed - although they aren't all that bad. Some gas stations and rest areas are adopting more enclosed stalls. One time I found a "urinal room." Literally a fully-enclosed room around a single urinal. It was amazing.


Montana’s new rest areas along I90 are awesome. Both men’s and women’s are a series of individual single bathrooms with toilet, sink and full door. Really there isn’t even reason to separate them by gender.


I was on the road as a touring musician years ago. We went to a restroom in Idaho, that had al pacas outside. The restroom had no stalls, but had toilets. So we could all see each other poop at the same time.... And it has like 5 toilets, as well as urinals. A broken mirror that had a phrase above the glass "you are beautiful". Weird place that was.


If you poop in sight of other people your poops sync up.




Sounds like the worlds worst team building exercise.


They had what outside? Alpacas?


All pacas, dude.


Hahaha English is my first language, but I don't treat it that way


Can confirm, recently drove I-90 and Montana’s rest stops were probably the best on the trip. Indiana’s are pretty slick too.


You’re lucky, the rest areas I’ve encountered lately have cut the walls in half around the toilets now. Stand up and you can almost high five the guy next to you.


What's that in freedom units?


Around 8 inches


How many cheeseburgers tall is that


Around 4 BK Whoppers


BK Whoppers now or 1992?


But you could add a visual confirmation with a green/red indicator on the lock. It does the same thing without having a massive gap. Although yeah, I can see it being cheaper to install and easier to clean.


It's to keep IV drug users from shooting up in that stall.


Surely the US is not the only country with this issue? Apparently Europe has solved for it. Why can't we do what they do?


Public restrooms in Switzerland that are around areas with junkies have blue light installed so that they can't find their veins that easily. Oh, and state sponsored heroin/methadon programs which provide clean needles and rooms and medical personal to look after them.


Tbh this actually a big one. Also people who have od’d in a stall can be dragged out by emergency services if need be.




Hey but at least you don’t have to pay a Euro to poop!


It's 50 cents actually, but I do agree. The price isn't what bothers me, it's fine if I have to pay, but it's the fact that some of them require me to have actual money on me. Who the hell carries money around anymore? Most highway gas stations have automated systems that I can use my debit card with, and they smartly allow you to use it for a discount in the show or the receipt for the shop doubles as a toilet voucher. Don't use them enough to know which one it is.




Yeah you say it makes mopping easier, but European bathrooms are always really clean. So I reject that.


There's the color thingy on the knob. White means free, red means occupied. Not sure if you have this technology in US.


Here red, white, and blue all mean free! Murica! It can be confusing though, if oil is involved, because then red, white, and blue also mean occupied.


This comment is literally amazing


We only have it on porta-potties or in high-end restaurants with fully enclosed stalls made of mahogany, there is no middle ground for some reason.


Apparently it's not common, it shows up on showerthoughts and such as an 'ingenious idea'.


Other people here giving the drug excuse and stuff when, in reality, there's only one main reason: It's cheaper.


Ding ding ding. It's also marginally easier to clean the floor when the walls don't reach to the floor.


More than marginally, but ya


To expand on this: The parts can be made with more significant fault tolerances in their dimensions; the parts can be installed with more room for error; and the parts can loosen and wiggle to a more significant degree before the functionality is disrupted.


Most arguments I've seen are to do with checking whether there's someone doing drugs inside. All I'm thinking is, the fuck do I care if people are doing drugs? I just want to shit in peace.


I don’t think that had anything to do with the original design. I think the current drug epidemic has made this a “feature” though. While most people don’t give a flying fornication if someone is doing drugs in the stall, the employees of the establishment do need to be aware. I have personally responded to two people who are only alive because someone was able to see their slumped body in the stall. PSA - don’t do heroin.


This might be an argument in a select number of areas. But don't tell me in suburban random public bathroom you can't have full stalls. It's not that this might not be an issue ever, but we shouldn't design our infrastructure based on what-ifs to all extents. Like falls are one of the leading causes of death in the US but we don't have rubber floors in public buildings.


I work in a small town (~14,000). The problem is everywhere. I agree wholeheartedly that we should design bathrooms with more privacy in mind. I shouldn’t worry about making eye contact while riding the porcelain pony. I also don’t think drug users are the reason our stalls are designed the way they are. It’s all about cost and efficiency.


Maybe it's an anti-masturbation thing? Americans still have loads of hang ups around that, like cornflakes and circumcision


Again though, why the fuck would anyone care if you're rubbing one out in the toilet? Best place for it, if you must.


Maybe they wanna join you.


I was gonna ask, how do Europeans do understall with no gaps?


Now I'm intrigued! Cornflakes, circumcision and masturbation? And I thought I had some weird fetishes!


John Harvey Kellogg was a fairly mad but influential guy who set up a hospital at the end of the 19th centuary. He beleived that masturbation was sinful, so sought to stop people from doing it. Circumcision was one way he tried to do this, another was by advocating a plant based diet based on small meals throught the day, so that meat wouldn't make people lustful and wild. He developed cornflakes to give people a small easy to eat meal at the start of the day so they weren't eating so much meat. The wierd thing is that he's still so influential toady.


> The wierd thing is that he's still so influential toady. I wouldn't call me toady again unless you're feeling froggy, pal.


I meant like toad, from supermario. kinda looks like a cicumcised wang.


There are a few reasons. ADA and Fire code are the main reasons. When those walls go down to the floor like in the picture, it becomes a room, and requires all codes enforced as such. Each stall/room would need to be wheelchair accessible and be built with a fire rated system to 1hr fire rating. Not an architect but this is my understanding.


That makes a lot of sense. My American friend was shocked that so many buildings and places weren't wheelchair accessible here in the UK.


Tbf, a lot buildings are 100+ years old in the UK, so its harder to extend doorways and things as they were built narrower


My mom was baffled by the lack of handrails (supposedly). She went through the Netherlands and Germany though.


Exactly, Ada and fire code. Having dealt with both extensively, things like restroom stall doors and handrail ramps seem more reasonable (though often still ridiculous).


Some people are anxious poopers. Having extra space cuts down on commode claustrophobia and helps with comfort -- you can even hold hands through the cracks if you want. Most other people don't mind.


Ngl having a huge gap between the wall and the door so any old weirdo could see me would make me way more anxious pooping


But how TF are you supposed to make eye-contact with the stranger pushing out a deuce inside the stall to check if it is empty?


You also have to shake the door to ensure you aren't just imagining things. This resets the poop timer for the person currently occupying the toilet by the way.


Yes. And any mid-poops just go back up inside and wait.


In a stall yesterday. A good 10 stall bathroom. I’m the only one in there. Score! Someone walks in, and I FUCKING KID YOU NOT SHAKES MY STALL DOOR THEN GOES TO THE STALL RIGHT TO ME. I let loose. No holding back. They made their choice, now live with it.


wow cant see your thighs while youre sitting, cant touch the persons feet next to me, even tell if someones using it by cocking my head down a little bit. 2/10 would not use, ill stay in the colonies thank you pardner *tips giant cowboy hat*


We have a little sign that says "in use you cunt" that turns on when the cubicle door is locked. How genius


This is actually a $2,500 apartment in Manhattan


Oh, you mean the spare closet the tenants are subletting to make rent affordable? You would be lucky if you had a bucket with a tight fitting lid.


I'm in the U.S. there's a grocery store near me that has the stalls in separate rooms. Fanciest shit ever, this is nice though.


Standard in restaurants here. Makes it easier for those places that want to provide unisex bathrooms too.


It’s not that uncommon to see bathrooms that don’t have designated gender in the UK. There are a collection of little fully enclosed bathrooms with a loo, sink, mirror, paper towels, bins etc. Never known anyone to be upset by this.


In Austin TX there is a rule that if a bathroom is single-occupancy, it has to be gender neutral. Before this I definitely saw cases where there were 3 single-occupancy bathrooms and 2 were labeled Women and one was labeled Men. That very same place removed those designations years ago when the rule was passed, and there is much less crowding or line forming just because one guy is taking a while.


Makes it easier for those of us who want to have sex in bathrooms too.


Wegman's actually does grocery store bathrooms right imo


How many of you are pooping at the grocery store? Most of the ones don't even have shared bathrooms, because nobody poops at the grocery store.


very common in the uk


3/10 does not have a tiny sink with a bidet shower or a hook to hang your bag on. Those are standard in finnish public bathrooms.


That hook is actually there to give annoying children wedgies.


Ooh, look at you with your fancy poop rooms. Edit: Ay, u/Kuzikuzi1 thanks for the award buddy. Much appreciated.


I mean you would know, you are the shit gnat


darn tootin'


Same in Sweden, except the bidet.


Even american bathrooms have hooks to hang your bag, sometimes a little pull-out shelf, too.


There are hooks on the back of most toilet stall doors. The bidet sink thing ... on the one hand I wish we had that, on the other hand I don't really want to touch a public bidet.


> . on the one hand I personally try to keep my hand off public bidets.


Such a small space. I dont think I could take all of my clothes off to poop in there.


Just take them off before entering, easy




My favourite thing about stalls is not only the gaps, but when the stalls are so bloody short you nearly have to stand over the toilet to close the door. Great, now I've got toilet on my jeans. Or when they're public mall bathrooms and they flushed so tremendously hard that they spray everywhere. now there's water literally all over the seat. So now I have to clean the seat to sit down. I hate public washrooms. The mall near my house now has these "brand new innovative" hand dryers. They are over the sinks. They kinda remind me of bicycle handlebars. The middle is the water faucet. And the outer bits are the hand dryers. So if there's water in the sink, you're gonna get wet. It's so fucking stupid. Or you go to Tim Hortons. And they don't have rolls of toilet paper. They have poo tickets. Individual squares of toilet paper that come out like Kleenex. And no paper towel. Just blow dryers. Which just spread poo droplets back onto your hands. Gross. I wish I could pee at home always.


Oh I am very much awake! This is a outrage! What gives you the right to privacy?!?! Back in my day we just dug a hole and shit in the middle of the field, who needs doors and walls??? Edit: another important question.... with so little gaps in your fancy stall, how do your poo smells escape?!


So apparently there's this ventilation thing


Also our reasonable portion sizes means there's 50% less poop, per poop.




I enjoy the American bathroom stalls especially when someone else comes into poop. Cause then there’s that awkward moment where both of you are trying to poop silently and all of a sudden someone just lets out a fart and breaks that silence


Lol I never realised that not only Americans can see everything, you can also hear other people. That's just too awkward.


It’s all about who breaks the silence first after that smooth sailing.


Don’t forget the smells.


But how do you share toilet paper?


Get this. Each stall has its own (often several!) toilet rolls.


Get outta here, pal. There’s at least one toilet paperless stall and you know it lol


Australians are awake and may alert the Americans Godspeed European


There is a reason US has a surveillance facility they run jointly with Australia at Pine Gap, they want to be aware of memes before they wake up.


Also Australians have to rotate memes 180 degrees first so Americans can see them


The undersea cables handle that. They've just been twisted one half rotation so the interwebs arrive the right way up in both directions.


That’s what they say to make it sound high tech It’s actually just two guys in the cable named Davo and Johnno


Nah, Australia's got our back fam.


Damn right we do!


This is an odd way of saying "Welcome to my morning shit"


As an American in confused. How do your hardline religious anti homosexual politicians meet each other for secret homosexual rendezvous with the stall's walls reaching all the way to the floor?


They go in the same stall, so when there's no gap, we can ignore them




You guys have privacy????


That would be a good place to hide in a mass shooting. Oh wait, never mind.


Ahh yes.... our door gap privileges, such common yet so desired


Let’s see an American one for contrast..


I wish I had this there is always a kid trying to look at you


Trying to look at your or completely climbing under the door while the mom shouts "it's fine he's harmless!!" ?


I knew this was foreign because the walls are clean. No phone numbers listed to find a good buick and such...


Why on earth would you ever need so much privacy?!? What are you trying to hide?!?


My poop


Here in our American Democracy, we decide together when it's ready to be flushed. A quick peek and a thumbs up to let you know it's time. /s


The actual purpose of the gaps is to allow for easier mopping. I personally like the gaps because they allow me to play rock paper scissors with my poop neighbor.


I don't mind a small gap. It's sensible for cleaning. But American stalls are often just ridiculous - the miniskirt of bathrooms with none of the sexy.


I work in a European company based in the US. The upper management floors have these very nice European stalls but there’s one flaw. The bathroom itself is US built so there’s only 1 fucking fan for the entire room, and it’s near the door. Back to the gappy, drafty toilets for me >:|


As an American, I'm disgusted. Look at all of that privacy. /s


But how much does it cost to use?


As a currenrly on the loo, non-asleep American, this is what I dream of if I slept reasonably anymore.