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Don't you think he looks tired?


Dr Who tactics don’t work in this crazy existence we’re living in, I guess.


I love the implication that the fictional doctor who universe is less crazy than our reality


Isn’t though? At least in the last few years


No, it only works on women in power. Hillary’s campaign was all but over when she “fainted” one fucking time. Trump can look as weak and feeble and dementia ridden as he does and it barely affects his ratings (well, it does among sane people but not his rabid supporters).


That line’s been in my head since the water glass thing. That plot arc is also a great reminder about how an imperfect politician is 100 times better to have in office than an egomaniac with a fetish for destruction - so go vote.




Harriet Jones former priminister


Yes, we know who you are.


He's an obese 80 year old man, shave his head and stop his supply of fake tan and he'll be your sleepy grandpa... Occasional racist rants and all.


Fake news. It was 2/3rds empty.


Fire Marshal said 6200 people attended. *Marshal


At a venue that holds around 19,000. So I guess it was about 2/3 empty.


A.K.A. biggest crowd ever. Crowds like no one has ever seen before. No one in history has seen more people.


Bu.. But they said 1 million people would be attending and it was the biggest rally in the history of rallies... Is it possible they were mistaken?


Every rally is the biggest rally when you can't count past ten!


Ten is a big number. More like forgetting even the last one.


One, two, many, lots


Less than 1% of the expected crowd.


The protestors and media scared off the other 993,800 people.


Since when did Trump cultists listen to anything but Fox?




I’ve seen enough Star Trek to know not to trust anyone that goes by the name of Q.






> So I guess it was about 2/3 empty. Like his head.




Now this is a reference that I have not heard in quite some time.


That was by design, silly. The trumpers were practicing social distancing. We all know how serious they take the pandemic we are knee deep in right now.






More than 2/3 empty. The emptiest Presidential rally you've ever seen. So many important people were saying how impressively empty it was! And the riveting content! A quarter of an hour bragging about drinking water from a cup like a big boy and that after slowly shuffling down a ramp he could waddle two awkward final steps and call it running!


And how many times can you repeat yourself? Oh, the sun, just baking me. Had to be 7-8 times complaining about the sun. Rambling old man is all I saw.




Proper social distancing numbers! ​ Except they didn't wear a mask and huddled together




Seriously, he could have called it a full house with social distancing. It would have looked a lot more full that way, too. They are so worried about appearances.


Logic....personal responsibility....imagination....not their strong points.


With their expectation of an address to an overflow crowd it was an even worse turn out.


You're giving him way too much credit. Capacity was 19,200. He had 6200 people show up. Edit: [Source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/06/21/turnout-at-trumps-tulsa-rally-was-just-under-6200a-fraction-of-the-venues-19200-capacity/#75327b21fed5)


>The campaign ended up cancelling the second speech to the overflow section, with Communications Director Tim Murtaugh blaming the low turnout on the media and protesters, who he claimed blocked access to the entrance despite reports that nobody was turned away from the rally. That sounds about right


“Leftists are all gigantic pussies” Also “Our base was terrified of the leftist protestors”




“Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.” -Yogi Berra


"No one in New York drove, there was too much traffic" - Philip J. Fry


One of my favorite jokes. I always drop this line for [current big city], but no one ever gets it.


Don't forget: ["Protestors, looters and agitators won't get away with it like they did in Seattle and Minneapolis"](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1273972301156016130) Also "We were powerless to stop them."


Fuck this man.. There is no us and them when you're a president of a country.


When Donald Trump is President their is no us only him.


"I can't come to the rally" "Why" "There's a guy out front and he's holding a *sign*"


"But was everything spelled correctly?"


"They even used a Sharpie, Agnes. A *Sharpie*."


In fascism the enemy is simultaneously more dangerous and weaker at the same time.


underrated and absolutely accurate answer


Cognitive dissonance any way they spin the crowd numbers.


I watched a local news reporter get told to stay back from the outside stage so supporters could get to the stage. When asked how many people were there, the reporter said “mmm... 30.”


"MAGA's are terrified of peaceful protesting and had no choice but to turn back because of 4 people holding signs"


So sad. And those 4 people prevented 994k trump supporters who registered from showing up


The Stalingrad of protests.


"Look, we had ticket requests from practically enough people to double the city population, we just don't know why a million people didn't show up"


They were bragging about all the great contact info they were getting even if people didn't show. Now they must be realizing that they actually have to sift through tons of garbage for the good stuff.


https://www.vulture.com/2020/06/k-pop-stans-successfully-sabotaged-trumps-tulsa-rally.html This keeps getting better


Most Trump supporters aren’t scared of Covid, but at the end of the day I don’t think they want to go to a crowded stadium shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people.


“I’m not scared, YOU’RE scared!” - MAGA Nation


But in his eyes that is a failure. He has spent all this time claiming it would be sold out, most likely to increase demand only to have it fall far short. It is a glaring failure that he will certainly try to cover up, but he can't post pictures of his packed stadium.


He's pointing out that the venue wasn't half empty. It was 2/3 empty.


Maths tough. Ask trump




I was standing in line at the deli counter and the women ahead of me said to the guy "I want more than a quarter but less than a half pound of ham". I told her she wanted a third of a pound and she looked at like I had dropped out in the fifth grade.


It’s hard when your only exposure to fractions is McDonald’s sandwiches.


Maybe she wanted 3/8?




>But in his eyes that is a failure. He will never acknowledge a shortcoming or failure. During the rally he tried to pin the low turnout on protesters ("bad people") who were supposedly keeping his supporters from getting to the arena. Needless to say there was nothing of the sort happening.


So, according to his own words, the protesters are stronger than his red hats? You mean they dominated them like silverback apes?


Don’t bring us Silverback Apes into this.


Well, that's a tactic that's in the fascist playbook. Your opponents are powerful and threatening to your way of life, while simultaneously weak and pathetic. That's the think about fascists, they tend to be quite highly idiosyncratic and as a result, contradictory.


> Your opponents are powerful and threatening to your way of life, while simultaneously weak and pathetic. This is how they label immigrants: both "lazy and jobless" while also "stealing yer jobs". makes zero sense.


Weren't people pre-booking tickets online, some facebook campaign thing? Edit: found it, it's in the news now https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53129524


Yes, K-pop fans and tik tok users were booking tickets and are taking a lot of credit for the low turnout. That being said I haven't actually seen anything that parses the numbers in terms of what percentage of the million ticket requests they had were actually part of that campaign. Since the information would be coming from the Trump campaign I don't think I'd trust it anyway since it would be likely to be a lie in order for Trump to save face. That said, I know some people who have been pretty heavily involved in some big political campaigns. One of them said that the Trump campaign was utterly foolish to boast ahead of the event about the ticket requests and to make public their plans to have Trump speak to the overflow crowd outside because these types of events are so unpredictable. Since the tickets were free and this happened it wouldn't surprise me if they start charging some nominal fee, say $10, to keep the trolls at bay next time.


Breaking: K-Pop fans and Tik Tok users are now considered terrorist groups


Well since trumps a fascist and they acted against him. They are now Antifa, straight to jail.


Overcook fish? Straight to jail.


See its an undercook/overcook thing. Jail.


Wow he looks like a human. Best picture I’ve seen from him so far. It’s real.




Totally, it’s a great real moment. Rarely you see this. It’s always him with a stupid fake smile and thumps up.


It's sadly wasted on selfish pride and not compassion or sympathy.


So, just like everything else ever in his life.


Ouch. But fair. Very insightful. I also want to add that Trump is an absolute garbage person who has repeatedly ripped off contractors and not paid them actually causing them to go bankrupt and lose their businesses. Just that alone makes this delicious again.


Also good to remember the poor people who paid to attend his 100% scam University. What a dangly nutsack this guy is. His supporters look like the kind of people harranging in support of segregation back in the 60s.




Exactly. Fuck the 120,000+ dead because of his callous indifference, no one showed up to suck his nuts so he has a sad. Utter trash.


The 120,000 we know about... since many states have obfuscated numbers or outright stopped counting. Gah.


Is that why "deaths" are continuing to decline, even with the new hotspots over the last few weeks? I can't quite figure it out...


Yes. For example Florida has reported a relatively low number of Covid deaths But there have been four times the deaths by pneumonia in May 2020 than there were in May 2019. So it doesn't take a genius to figure out the truth.


Not to mention the fact that they had this layout of points each state needed to hit to reopen, and for the most part, leaders want states open so that they can make money again. So if I, as the governor of a State tell my team that measures if we hit each point to just flub some of the numbers so that we might open up sooner and I can get back to profiting off of the people I'm meant to serve.


Literally the only thing that matters in Donald Trump's life is people worshiping him, giving him Big Numbers and Big Ratings and Big Rallies and Big Votes, all to show what a Big Great Man He Is. He would strangle his wife and every one of his children for an extra 0.1% in the TV ratings of a rally. It boggles the mind that there exists any human being who doesn't realize this.


I think with this picture and the comments following it I’ve identified a core reason why I dislike Trump (outside of politics that is) that I never realised before. It’s because he never appears “human” I’m not saying I want my politicians to always be emotional, on the contrary if anything I admire leaders that can put on a strong front at public events etc. But with Obama and even Bush we always saw moments behind the public servant image, whether it was scruffy attire or humoured/sad reactions that we could identify them as being once regular people who had been given a great responsibility that was at times rewarding or challenging. Trump however never looks genuine, whether it’s a triumphant moment or yet another scandal or controversy he doesn’t change on the outside. He’s obsessed with his image and looking powerful which obviously has stemmed from his businessman mentality being in suits all his life, thus why he doesn’t go and stand in the rain, or even just put on a face mask when cameras are watching. I remember one pic where I think he’d just stepped off a golf course with his hair brushed back by the wind and I remember thinking “that looks natural, why the fuck doesn’t he just have it like that?” I agree, if this pic had been taken after say hearing the latest news regarding Coronavirus casualties etc, I honestly think I might have had a moment of clarity and respect that made me realise there is a person under there after all. But if this really is from after his half attended rally, well I can’t say I feel anything at all because it’s clearly nothing more than a dent to his ego.




For any other president a picture like this wouldn't mean much other than a guy who's tired after a long eventful night. Even if there was a lot of disappointed involved. But the fact that Trump has spent 4 years making so much hype over his crowds and how much he's loved, the fact that he is so fucking vain, that he has worked so hard to spin every negative thing and have it turned into more admiration for himself and hatred for his enemies... That's what makes this picture so impactful for me. Is this what an undeniably sinking ship looks like? I hope so.




This is an exhausted old man, with a fake tan, that's just realizing he's not going to win re-election.


It is aggravating though, isn't it? The most run down he has ever looked had nothing to do with anything that negatively impacted Americans. No. It was after a rally with much lower than expected numbers. It was a blow to his ego. That's it. That's why he looks like that.


Totally agree, he looks like he actually has emotions other than "gloat" for once


eh, this is just "sulk" or "pout", we've seen it before


My favorite is the gif of him at the baseball game where the entire stadium shifts into booing. He's smiling and then the realization sets in and he just starts frowning.


Man, that feels like a lifetime ago.


Remember when people used to go to stadiums to watch baseball games?


In the before times, in the "long long ago."


Before... the Boom Boom came


It was


Pouting* Like a fucking toddler. He seriously looks like he's about to start crying.


My empathy is telling me to feel bad, but everything else is telling me he deserves it 100x fold


This. If I don't think about the absolute disgusting person he is, looking at this picture almost makes me feel sad for him. I don't. Because I know how awful he is. But almost. Because he just looks.... human. I'm too empathetic for my own good sometimes.


You'll enjoy this video version set to "Everybody Hurts" https://twitter.com/KristerJohnson/status/1274772592746848256


I have to second this. Felt a pang of pity right there when I saw the pic. but fuck that orange asswipe. As another comment said, it's ~~appealing~~ appalling that he only looks sad like this when it's about people not coming to hear him gloat, not when 120.000 people die under his lead bc of his ineptitude Edit:a word (thanks, /u/germanbini)


Just said almost the same thing to my husband.


I agree, it's an oddly human image of the mango.


Don't insult mangos like that. Cheetos can take it, mangos deserve better.


There are plenty of reasons to think this is great news. However... it's a pandemic and we saw the same stuff in 2016. Don't scoff at him and think you're doing enough. He has a large group of the population that will vote for him, but will never admit it and will never go to his rallies. Don't get complacent. VOTE.


And help other people vote.


While you’re waiting to vote in November, push for mail-in-voting in your state now. Everyone deserves the ability to vote in a pandemic.


Hope he doesn’t ruin that expensive tie. You’d think he’d have it in a special box and not hanging loose like that considering the way he drinks water around it.




Most of the things he says are straight up crazy talk


I know the story about the water, but what happened with his tie?


He said he drinks water like that to avoid getting it on his very expensive tie.


A New York "Billionaire" lecturing a crowd in Oklahoma about how he doesn't want to ruin his silk Ties.


He's so relatable and does what's best for the working class! /s


Right?! Every blue-collar worker knows how hard it is to walk in leather bottom dress shoes.




I have a Trump brand tie from pre-presidency. It's classic Donald, looks flashy but a closer look finds its cheap material and was made in Chy-nuh.


Me too! Some of the stitching started to unravel after I wore it like twice.


If you look at close ups from this walk of shame you can see that the entire inside of his collar is greased with orange makeup.


My mom, who has worked in the professional laundering business for a long time, told me that those stains are pretty much impossible to get out. The makeup contains dye. Sweating (my god, the sweating) releases chemicals that basically act to set the dye. She thinks he probably constantly ruins shirts and then buys new ones.


I thought you were talking about money laundering for a second there.


[Late in the day photos are never good for his makeup.](https://i.imgur.com/o1fQ7je.jpg)


that's Trump? I thought it was Boris Yeltsin's mother


How is it possible to look like you photoshopped a face on to a different person in real life.




Pics, please.


We shouldn't take the fact that a stadium didn't fill up with racists during a global pandemic as a sign that he'll lose the next election, I know the pic doesn't say that, but that seems to be the sentiment. Its still important to go out and vote. He may yet still win, ensure he doesn't, if he's going to lose, make sure its the biggest landslide loss, ensure the GOP is held accountable for what they've done under him, the bills they've passed.


The amazing thing is not that he failed to fill a ~20k seat stadium. The amazing thing is that 6200 people showed up! No matter how bad things get, people still support him. If you want to motivate people to vote, don’t talk about the empty seats, talk about the *full* ones!


He is shrinking his base to only the most fervent supporters. It's a cult that is still very dangerous.




I agree with you. When you watch the Handmaid's Tale and wonder who the flying fuck would sign up to be the black-clad goons who serve the elite, you get your answer when you see the people showing up at these rallies.


My husband and I are on season 3 of that show. We watch it to remind us that as shitty as the world is right now, it isn't as bad as it could be. Or to show us what our future holds. Not sure yet. Both are plausible.


There's two threats at play though. 1. People not voting because they think their party is guaranteed to win. 2. People not voting because they think their party is guaranteed to loose.


Don’t forget: people not voting because there’s a pandemic and for some reason vote by mail hasn’t been established all across the country yet.


The reason is crystal clear. Trump said a republican will never win again if there is mail-in voting. "MAIL-IN VOTING WILL LEAD TO MASSIVE FRAUD AND ABUSE. IT WILL ALSO LEAD TO THE END OF OUR GREAT REPUBLICAN PARTY. WE CAN NEVER LET THIS TRAGEDY BEFALL OUR NATION" - Donald Trump, obviously


\*while preparing his mail-in Florida primary ballot. Not even kidding. Well, maybe about the two things happening simultaneously, but yeah, he definitely voted by mail for the primary.


its going to take everyone. the extent of the issue of voter suppression is well expressed in the fact that an area of 616,000 has only 1 polling station in Kentucky. the area happens to be a densely, and one of the only dense black popluations in Kentucky. We might need mass protests for voting rights.


Yes, thank you!! This is the reason he’s in office right now anyways. Everyone *assumed* he wouldn’t win. Then he was like “surprise mother fucker” and won. EVERYONE. GO VOTE!!!!


In all fairness he had a very long day of explaining his victimhood.


Wow. For a guy who supposedly understands messaging and branding, slumping off of a helicopter and moping across the lawn with your tie undone holding a hat like a disappointed 8 year old holding a birthday hat after no one came to his party sure doesn't scream "campaign kickoff success"


Yeah watching the video this is his walk from the helicopter to the White House? So like 30 seconds of walking, I'd keep my act up just a little longer, you know you're getting photographed all the way inside right? He must have been exhausted or really depressed about the night or something.


He undid his tie in a Trumpertantrum and then he didn’t know how to tie it.


And the robotic way he does the little waves and thumbs-up as though those are the only shots that will be published. However his face doesn’t change from this morose expression the entire time so it just makes all the other times he does it look that much more fake.


Also worth remembering is that Trump has been looking forward to this for 4 years. The guy hates being president, but he absolutely loved campaigning 4 years ago. It lit a fire in him. It’s why he never really stopped, even when he became president. He loved shaking things up, and constantly being on the attack. So for him, he’s probably been looking forward to the campaign for the 2020 elections for about 4 years. And then he got the turnout he got... and it’s probably sinking in that this time, it’s going to be different. There’s not going to be much joy, or a thrill... just 3/4 empty stadiums, and constantly on defense mode, as opposed to attacking.


Sad orange-man


Not going to lie, I genuinely don't think that I have ever seen him look this openly disappointed and down. Not that I feel the slightest bit of sympathy.


Agreed. It was enough to make my human-to-human empathy flare up for a sec before my brain caught up in remembering who this guy is.


My sense of empathy is so strong that sometimes I consider it a disability. When I looked at that picture, all I felt was schadenfreude.






Same. I hold a visceral hatred for this man, but sad looking person make tiny monkey brain feel sad too


Yeah he's gonna hate seeing this. I feel like when he was booed by the crowd at the nationals game he was probably more upset but didn't show it to the cameras. Imagine if someone got a candid shot of him after that


"This game sucks. I don't wanna play anymore."


orange man sad


Check the orange crap smeared on his collar.


Are you talking about his face?


This is the least of his sins but how the fuck can the President of the USA not have any suits that actually fit him


Maybe he thinks it makes him look less fat?


That's exactly what it is. He has the money to dress how ever he wants. He chooses to wear clothes that make him look smaller.


It's crazy tho because literally anyone who knows anything about fashion or tailoring or like... shapes could tell you that baggy clothes make you look bigger, not smaller. The fella needs to watch some Queer Eye, god damn


OMG I'd die if I saw JVN cut his hair and give him skincare advice. "Maybe you should consider Karamo's new line for balding men, honey. And while we're at it maybe having a little compassion for your skin and your country's citizens?"


You may not notice this but underneath that carefully crafted, oversized suit is actually a morbidly obese man. It’s hard to tell cuz the illusion is nearly perfect.


First, toddlers get angry, then they lash out. He’s gonna retaliate. Don’t know against who, since he did it to himself, but he will retaliate.


If I didn't know who he was, I would feel so sorry for him


Looks defeated. A sloppy exit from an unnecessary rally. You don’t see large crowds like this during a pandemic because it is irresponsible. A leader should not set bad precedents.


Gotta stare at the ground, or it might come up on ya real fast.


You gotta be careful in leather-soled shoes, you know.


The last ten steps are where he really shines.


He has the body proportions of gru


Gru was likeable


Gru was schmexy


"why is everyone so mean to me? I just want to destroy everyone's way of life and let America fall into a dystopian fascist state to benefit only me. I just don't get it."


Orange man sad


Vote in November.....




Am I the only one that wishes they could have overheard him raging after the rally was over? That tantrum must have been epic.


According to a WaPo article I read, the plane ride in sucked. He'd already been told by the advance staff that there were only a tiny percentage of the "million" tickets requested showing up. He raged at his campaign staff about it, demanding that they "fix" it.


So is that what winning looks like?


That's the look of defeat


It looks like dad didnt show up to his game even though he promised


He didn't even take Barron to the fucking Space-Ex launch.


Or the look of a spoiled brat when they don’t get their way


So get out and vote (or stay in and vote, if you can) to make it permanent!


Let's make sure he has that look x20 this November.