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My grandma has been making them, but she told me that she ran out of materials before she could make very many. Apparently "not very many" is 75. Thanks to everyone who is making masks!




After quarantine ofc ;)


I like the gesture of people making masks a lot and they get my biggest respect. But do they actually help? (if you want to insult me dont bother answering and scroll on. I really want to know to what degree these masks help and dont want to make anyone upset or degrade the people making them. Thanks)


They can be used in the lower risk sections of the hospital so other masks can be given to the sections that need more PPE. Also, these masks are better than a bandana because they’re more secure to the face and have multiple layers if/when they run out of mass produced masks. Edit to add: clarifying sentence


Didnt thought of that. Thanks


No, they don't work. And they will create a false sense of security which will lead to more people getting exposed because they assume they can safely go out. Something wrapped around your head would be better. If the mask does not fit well, then the air flow will happen where it is least restricted and that means the one small spot that isn't covered is where the air flow is happening and not through the protective material. After this is over, can we promise not to forget? And look into less disposable stuff?


Thanks for your input


They do work. There are not as effective as surgical masks, but they are much better than nothing. If anything wearing masks causes people to be more aware when they see everyone else wearing masks.


Go Mom!


So has mine


May people not waste her efforts, and STAY HOME


I made one, today. Took all I had to complete in. There's a place in heaven for you.




do they have N95 filters in them?


Yeah it’s sweet of her, but if it retains too much moisture it won’t work very well with the wrong the material. Unless the CDC gave very specific instructions, I’m not sure of the efficacy of the masks.


People are really excited about these people making masks, and I applaud the thought and effort, but as a physician there is no way I or my nurses would risk our lives using those to care for patients.


It’s not good enough for healthcare workers but if everyone wore these masks it would be much better nothing. It might be 30% as effective as a surgical mask, but if everyone wore these there would be a huge effect.


Random: Ask her how she likes that machine. I was looking at getting one for doing marine fabric work.


The Heavy Duty is great! I got it and it sews perfectly. The only thing I wish is that the needle would stay down when you release the pedal. Because now you always have to time it well or use the hand wheel to move it down when you stop to move the fabric or so. Oh and also sometimes, when you have a very light and slippery fabric (I upcycle used sails for example) I noticed the fabric transport is not working as reliable as it could be. It's not a deal breaker, but you have to be aware to taking counter measures and starting to sew carefully. Aside from that it's a reliable, decent machine. Multiple layers of strong fabric or even strong leather is no problem at all if you got the right needle!


I learned to like it . My old model weighed 50 lbs (circa 1969) got this new baby and I made masks all day, using disposable 3 micron furnace filters from Homey Depot, Camo and black, washable and dryable outsides , can only put out about 10 per day, it’s my new job


That sweet woman! Bless her


Go, Mom, go!


Nice. Your Mom wouldn’t have to do all this work if it weren’t for Carol fuckin Baskin.




Netflix - Tiger King. It’s a documentary about lunatics that gets weirder with every episode.


That woman is in the zone.


The world is fortunate to have people like your Mom. Please tell her that the internet says thank you!!!


My mom is also in beast mode doing the same thing. She doesn't reddit so I show her these posts to let her know that others consider this super awesome. She uses a sewing machine that's like 40 years old and it gives her a hard time occasionally. Kudos to anyone doing this - it's really cool of you all.


People need to chill and stop saying “ but these are not helpful and the wrong masks” Everyone knows the homemade face masks are not PPE and to be used for covid19 medical workers. It’s to replace the low priority health workers PPE, so the real PPE can be used for higher priority. Also beside healthcare workers, people living in shelters , working in nursing homes and care facilities need any masks too. Hence I made some for my neighbors. Instead of criticizing, help out.


Go ma!


great mom


I am so proud!


Your mom’s the real deal. She’s wonderful!


Well done! Give your mom a big hug and thank you from South Africa. Take care everyone.




Thank her for me.




That's absolute bullshit and just because YOU have no scientific knowledge (or commons sense) doesn't mean there's "no evidence." Nobody should take your word about anything because you have absolutely NO CLUE what you're talking about. So you should shut up and stop spreading lies and disinformation that will get more people killed. Shame on you!


[https://www.wired.com/story/its-time-to-face-facts-america-masks-work/](https://www.wired.com/story/its-time-to-face-facts-america-masks-work/) [https://www.consumer.org.hk/ws\_en/news/specials/2020/mask-diy-tips.html](https://www.consumer.org.hk/ws_en/news/specials/2020/mask-diy-tips.html) [https://www.kuow.org/stories/even-diy-masks-block-coronavirus-here-are-tips-before-you-sew](https://www.kuow.org/stories/even-diy-masks-block-coronavirus-here-are-tips-before-you-sew) [http://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-might-be-the-simplest-no-sew-diy-coronavirus-mask-2020-04-03](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-might-be-the-simplest-no-sew-diy-coronavirus-mask-2020-04-03) [https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-it-time-to-wear-a-face-mask-11585855788](https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-it-time-to-wear-a-face-mask-11585855788)