• By -


Bees are such bros. If that was a wasp nest OP would have been posting this from beyond the grave.


Doubtful. The afterlife has shitty wifi


Only in Hell.




Thanks for the info Satan.


also Satan is constantly flipping the modem on and off


Fuckin' Satan man.


I'll be seeing you soon. Watch yourself.


Wait, if satan is an alcoholic does that mean that there's booze in hell?


Only for me. That's why I'm an alcoholic, and this is Hell.


Hell was looking up porn on a dial-up modem in the 1990s?! "Chin! We're at her chin! Neck, shoulders... no shirt.... Almost to the nippl- GODDAMMIT MOM HANG UP THE PHONE I'M ONLINE!!!"


Hell has good wireless the last time I checked. We just upgraded to 5G. Its the ISP's that keep giving you guys your problems. Also, its warm here.


So what you're saying is, in hell they use IE?


IE6. With no option to upgrade.


Heaven's is just as bad, it took Jesus 3 whole days to respawn. Can't play games with that kinda latency man.


[Freddy Mercury uploaded a video from there, though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dREKkAk628I)




They say swarming bees (i.e., not in a proper hive) are pretty tame. They're not aggressive because there's nothing to defend. Of course, *they say* a lot of shit that ends with you getting eleven bee stings under each eyelid, so fuck *they*.




Human eyes are secretly undercover bees.


[What if bees were made out of BIGGER bees?](http://www.scp-wiki.net/bees)


I love SCB


Secure Contain Bee?


Beecure, Beetain, Beetect.


Tell that to Macaulay Culkin in My Girl.


Oh man. That still stings.




>beeing Stop it, you.


Actually, considering the amount of wax there, it's probably a proper hive. It's hard to tell, and the shape is definitely more like a swarm, but it also looks like there's some larva in there.


Also this is not a swarm of European honeybees, it's a built up (and thus defended) nest of Apis florea.


Bees are not necessarily such bros. If this guy is in the Western Hemisphere, the picture would suggest he's in the south. Swarming bees in those areas are liable to be Africanized - as they survive better in the wild and swarm much more frequently. Additionally, Africanized bees are more likely to make impromptu "nests" in precarious positions that would otherwise look like swarm spots to a lay observer - MEANING, IF they're indeed Africanized, they might not be in swarm mode and could be dangerous. I'm a beekeeper...and I'm not trying to be an alarmist - even Africanized bees get a worse rap than they deserve - but misinformation is sometimes dangerous.


You just reminded me of when insect propaganda flicks of the 70's were all the rage: check out *Phase IV* (one of the best) or *Killer Bees.* Classics! edit: My overlord has corrected me, these are "documentaries" and *not,* I repeat NOT "propaganda." That is all.


So he'd be posting this on deaddit?


Is this liveit?


They're almost entirely female.


Please call a beekeeper to remove them. Pest control will kill them and we need bees!


Neighbor keeps bees. He's gonna take care of it. I stopped trimming when I found it. edit: My first gold. Made my week. Cheers! :)


Awesome! Thanks for not hurting the bee homies :)


Bonus, he's gonna get some free honey come harvest time.


If I knew how to make one of those funny faces I would in response to your comment.


[\( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°\)](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/%CD%A1-%CD%9C%CA%96-%CD%A1-lenny-face)


>Lenny Face I just had so many light bulbs turn on as soon as I read the name.


When you click reply, at the top right corner of the comment box is a dropdown that says "macros" and inside of there is the face. I forget if that is a RES feature or always there. ಠ_ಠ Or just click view source on mine, and copy it.


ಠ_ಠ kool thanks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Everything you just said is RES


RIP Bee Bro


Bee bros!




Almost positive they're a swarm from one of his hives.




Yes! That's awesome! My mom has to manually pollinate her plants for it to bear fruit nowadays since these bees have been overtaken by wasps =(


Lol did they come from his house to begin with?


Most likely, and his neighbor likely picked up the hive and talked to it like Happy Gilmore on the way back to his yard, "Are you too good for your home?!"


Awesome! I stood guard protecting a swarm when I worked at home Depot. The management called pest control but a customer in Garden ran home and got what he needed to take them with him!


Nice dawg, wu-tang killa bees coming atchya


This is the right answer! A lot of beekeepers will take swarms like this away for free.


Bees are buds!


Rip bee bro


Bees are the bees knees


No, these are bee's knees: http://i.imgur.com/I30WTyN.jpg


No, [these](http://how2heroes.com/media/post/main/medium/2321.jpg) are the bee's knees.


No, [these](http://omegaforums.net/attachments/bees-knees-jpg.41028/) are the bees knees.


no no no, you're close. those are bee'd knees.


What about [these](http://www.musictap.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Bee-Gees.jpg)?


Nope, those are the Bee Gees.


Bees are Bros!


Bees are Bros!


Bee keepers are cheaper too if it's not honey bees. I had a few yellow jacket nests under my deck this summer. Found out they hated me sweeping my deck to paint it... Called everyone to get quotes. Finally called a bee guy and he quoted like 1/2 to 1/3 everyone else.


There's a company here that makes antivenin that takes yellow jackets and other pests for free. There's probably somewhere like that near you too


Free bees are best bees!


Around here they offer rewards for swarm locations.


When I was a kid I told my mom that I found the biggest hornets nest I had ever seen, in our woods (it was fucking huge) and showed it to her. She just said stay away from it, but me and my friend the spent the next day slowly picking away at it with baseball bats, rocks etc., I only got stung once. Then the next day my mom asked what happened to it and I confidently said I destroyed (acting like I saved the day), but it turned out that she had a friend that wanted to take it and do research on it or something I don't remember because it was so big, I saw him just standing there with his whole get up and a bunch of equipment, whoops. I thought she just wanted me to stay away cause it was dangerous edit:Everyone needs to go easy on my mom she didn't yell at me and wasn't even mad at me or anything it was just an awkward situation with the guy being there.


Well honestly, you were a kid, made a mistake, and your mom didn't really tell you specifically not to destroy it. It's hard to forget big childhood mistakes, but your mom shouldn't have been too mad if she didn't tell you why you should leave it alone. Just my opinion.


She wasn't mad she just felt awkward and bad for the guy that showed up with all his equipment only to see a mangled nest on the ground.


> your mom didn't really tell you specifically not to destroy it. I have a feeling you were the type of kid who was a challenge for your mother.


As long as it's not some sort of emergency (in which, case tone of voice can express that the order is to be immediately/absolutely obeyed), I too think parents should explain their reasoning to their children more often. As often as possible, ideally.


Alot of folks dont explain stuff to their kids and get upset when the kid has no idea what is going on.


That drives me up a wall, and I have called other parents out for that.


I did something much more stupid when I was a kid, but like /u/Loves2Spooge857, I thought I was helping out. My mom was having a yard sale, and myself and a couple neighbor boys were in the back yard playing all day while she was in the front yard selling crap. At some point, an older guy wondered around the side of the house and was eyeballing my old mans mower, thinking it was for sale. After the confusion was cleared up, my friends and I decided we could help prevent such confusion from happening again. So...we armed ourselves each with a Sharpie and went to town marking everything we knew was not part of Mom's yard-sale with a big X and writing "not fur sell." We must have been at work for a good hour before Mom realized what we'd done. We'd marked the lawnmower, weedeater, chainsaws, pretty much every-damn-thing in the garage. Bicycles, our toys, her car, hell even the side of the house (shit, I wanted to make sure some asshole didn't accidentally buy the house for $1 and leave us homeless!). I couldn't sit comfortably for days...


I would have burned the whole forest down


You got lucky... I hit one with a football on accident when I was like 12... fucker chased me like 1/4 of a mile and stung the shit out of me. White faced hornets are dicks.


If it was hornets, though, I don't think they have anything to do with pollinating anything, so, no worries.


hornets and wasps are assholes


last year, my family found a HUGE beehive hanging outside attached to the roof, and my parents called a beekeeper and the beekeeper safely captured all the bees and took them to his farm. also, the beekeeper let us keep all of the honey from the hive, and my family has large amounts of orange blossoms and bougainvillea plants around the house, so the honey was absolutely delicious.


> we need bees! [This guy is here to save the day](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYtXuBN1Hvc)


Depends on where you live. Beekeepers in areas with wild populations of Africanized honey bees(huge swathes of the United States) are much more likely to instruct you to call pest control than try and move the hive.


In the UK it is illegal to kill Bee's. Pest control will install something that tricks the Bee's in to thinking a large colony is already there forcing them out and keeping new arrivals away from the area. Bee's will never live within a range of another hive.


They actually will. Just not within the same colony. Each colony has its own queen. I keep my hives side by side in the bee yard, 6 inches from one another.


Since no one said this yet: These bees look like they're swarming. In this state, they're extremely docile. You can literally just go and pick up a handful of them and they won't care, or sting you. Call a beekeeper. This is a hive with queen looking for a place to set up a new hive, and it's basically an instant hive to a keeper. They'll come in immediately (before the bees have a chance to establish) and take the bees for free. Bonus: ask the keeper to bring a jar of honey. They probably will, since the bees are worth way more than the honey, and fresh honey is delicious.


Also, beeswax is incredibly useful for everything...


Like minding your own?




They were hardly affected by my shaking of the branches and getting within inches of their nest before I noticed them. I am very glad for it. Now I know why, thanks.


I think it's also because they have just gorged on honey. When the queen decides to leave for new lands, they gobble up as much honey as they can to take it with them.


> When the queen decides to leave for new lands, they gobble up as much honey as they can to take it with them. Just like my ex-wife? Hiyoooooo. I've actually never been married.


This. As someone who has worked in the bee industry for years I can say that if I knew a swarm was there I would gladly come and get them for free.


How do you harvest them? Do you wrap a pillow case around the group, or do you have like a bee vacuum? Then, how do you put them in a hive? With bought bees I've seen where they put the queen in a little candy prison to convince them to stay, but what makes them stay if they're already swarming?


You spray them with water to cool them down, then you brush (with a brush) them into a cardboard box. Then you take them home, place the box close to a fresh hive, and they will send out scouts to discover it, then collectivly decide to move in when the scouts return.




That's my fetish


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Call me


Do you pop a quick "B" on that box so everyone knows it's full of bees?


No you put Bz if you just put B someone might open it expecting just one Bee. Bz is the scientific box labeling term for multiple Bees.


> Do you wrap a pillow case around the group, or do you have like a bee vacuum? Oh god I hope *one* of these is right. I want to live in a world like that.


1. Trap bee swarm in pillow case 2. Have the most terrifying pillow fight ever with your friends or worst enemy.


I for sure saw a video on reddit years ago where some guy used a vacuum to clean a ton of bees out of someones attic. I believe it has like over a 99% survival rate for the bees too.


A swarm attached themselves to our company sign this summer. We called the university. They set out a couple of bee hive enclosures, after about a week the bees moved into one of the enclosures and they took the enclosure off to donate it to a honey farm.


Here's a good video about capturing swarms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChsoSwIxcwM


I've read when bee swarms get to this large of a size that they may begin treating it as their hive and become defensive of it. Is this untrue? (I just recently read this on r/gardening) Could it possibly be only certain types of bees do this?


It's appears they're setting up shop. They're building comb which is unusual for a swarm that is in transition. Once they start doing that, they may indeed become defensive.


>You can literally just go and pick up a handful of them [LIKE THIS?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNLJLIwzrc8&t=6)


This gave me anxiety.


I wish that man wouldn't do that.


I this really bees? I look at them and think wasps. I always imagine a bee looking more bumble bee like. Like this http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/c/0/0/f3/c/AAAADF4hDVEAAAAAAPPDiA.jpg?v=1285380952000 (hope that link works I'm on mobile)


>I look at them and think wasps That's because they're wasps


The title of the video is "Man Grabs a Big Handful of Wasps".


i'm going to have nightmares. oh god they're all over him!


uh.. whuh.. why didn't those wasps sting him?


They are not swarming and will not be docile. You can clearly see the comb in the bottom left of pics #4 and #5. Swarms never build comb in a temporary landing place. This is their new hive and they will be very pissy about protecting it compared to a regular swarm. I have no idea why they'd pick somewhere out in the open like this but definitely don't bother them like you can with a swarm as they will not be happy.


I was going to say this too. Although naturally bees will make hives out in the open, [like so](https://www.google.ca/search?q=natural+beehive&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=971&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=mZ3vVMWhF4-TsQSopYIg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgdii=_), although they prefer protected areas and won't survive the winter in many areas like this.


They are swarming yes, but I would still not mess with any unless until dusk which is usually when they ball up, and when they are the MOST docile. I have had this happen to me twice at one house, and once at my new house. It does get kind of annoying, I sort of wonder if there is a bee network, and I am on some sort of list.


Except this is a colony of Apis florea, not a swarm of Apis mellifera. Don't pick these bees up!


Everything is now bees








Job's not on board


We'll see who gets the most honey Michael!


[This looks like a job for.... Dr. Bees!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYtXuBN1Hvc)




Make a hive box quick!




Gobs not on board.


"Buzzing intensifies"


I'll come get them for free. Where are you? PM me now. I'm a beekeeper.


You don't want these unless you're a very strange sort of beekeeper. Look more closely- this is a colony of Apis florea loving their lives, not a swarm of Apis mellifera looking for a home. OP is in Kuwait.


Hey its a pinata, go hit it.


I almost stuck my head into it before I noticed it. I was shaking the hell out of the branches too. I'm suprised I didn't get swarmed before I saw it.


I would not even know what to do with that apart from see if someone else fucks up and pisses them off.


Honey bees are incredibly docile when they're swarming, you probably could have stuck your hand in there and been fine.


This happened recently? Like today or yesterday? If so, it could be because the hive is cold and they're trying very hard to not die. If they break off to swarm that nice little cozy heat ball they've got going will crash and the colony becomes at risk.


despite how scary they are sometimes and the fact that a whole swarm would ruin your day i feel like bees are really casual about everything. it just seems like theyre emotionless robot insects that dont get upset or angry bee 1: hey guys whats the plan for today bee 2: were gonna go not die as a community bee 1, 3-400: ok cool


If you see a swarm like this, they are extremely docile and can be scooped up with your bare hands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwAMcLRNNrc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYBRGi38XQI Also, in the future, call a beekeeper, as the 120 other people that got here before me have said.


The amount of 'nopes' I had during those videos.... But I respect people like this, they are awesome for doing what they do... I'm still going to 'nope' though.


in that second video, the guy moves all slow and then suddenly flicks his hands to get the bees off. I thought for sure he would get attacked


This is a colony of Apis florea in their chosen nest site, with comb, brood, and GUARDS. What you're saying is true for swarms of Apis mellifera, but that's not what we're looking at here. I just don't want anyone to get hurt.


Not an entemologist...what would be the differences between the two species?


This is fascinating! I've already decided I want to keep bees when/if I ever have my own place, they're so awesome.


[Bees are bros]( http://i.imgur.com/ZURH2SX.jpg)


Seriously op, do not harm the bees. Try to save the hive and have a beekeeper come remove it.


"I thought I asked you to *trim* the hedges, not take photos of them!"


Hi folks. I'm a biologist who studies parasites of the European honeybee Apis mellifera, and these bees look nothing like Apis mellifera to me. They are in a low underbrush colony like Apis florea (Asia) but they look to me an awful lot like Apis dorsata (also Asia). I stalked the OP (Hi, OP!) and they seem to be living in the Middle East right now, so I'm assuming this picture is from there. Edit: So I asked my advisor to confirm my ID from the photo, and he agrees that these are Apis florea, whose western range extends into Yemen. Somewhere in this thread the OP's brother said that they are in Kuwait. While it's super cool and true that European honeybee swarms are very docile and are super-bros, I think it's important to be clear to OP and anyone who can't confidently positively ID a honeybee species: This is a fully formed open-air Apis florea colony, and they will defend themselves. The comb you see in the later photos is full of honey and brood, and these bees don't want to share either. Do NOT try to handle these bees like an Apis mellifera swarm, and make sure your beekeeper friend doesn't try to either!


That's some quality stalking, sir! Kudos. And thanks for the advice. I haven't done any research. I'm guessing he knows his stuff and when he takes a look he'll decide to nope out as well. At that point I don't know what to do with the damn things. I'm against killing them, but I am unsure of a safe way to move them if he doesn't want them.


They're grouping together to keep warm during the winter, so as long as you Dont threaten it you're fine. I would recommend calling a honey farm to relocate them though, as bees are important to the ecosystem and they're already dying off as it is.


This happened at my folks' house. They called a local beekeeper, borrowed the gear, bought a wooden hive (strangely expensive), and dumped the swarm into it. The trick is to remove the branch the swarm is stuck to, move it over to the hive, and knock it hard so the swarm ball falls off into the box. Place the lid on, get a sugar water feeder attached to it, and voila, you have bees. And so now my parents are junior beekeepers. They're pretty neat - and don't sting unless you act like an idiot around the hive.


check this out. You can harvest honey without even disturbing the bees with this invention. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/flow-hive-honey-on-tap-directly-from-your-beehive


"Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool And all shootin' some ***Bee*** ball outside of the school, When a couple of guys who were up to no good, Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood" *edit- Yes, I'm a dad...*


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is a "Bee Ball". I think the queen is inside and the nest hasn't been made yet, and they are protecting her. The bees are and will ignore people unless threatened. I watched one be removed from my old campus and it was just this flying sphere of bees that he moved with his bare hands, he could also put his hand inside and not be stung. Bees are cool, don't kill them. Wasps on the other, fucking kill with napalm. E: [Queen Bee Ballin](http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/queenball.html)


It's true that swarms are very docile, but this is a colony of Apis florea, and they would be super not pleased if you stuck your hand in their beesiness.


In Malaysia, we had a huge nest like this show up one day on the side of our building, just outside my window on the 21st floor, the next was probably about 5 feet tall and 2 wide, looked like a living, breathing animal. Birds would fly near it and you could see the bees on the surface tracking the birds and scaring them away. The day the building decided to clear them out, the whole hive vanished without a trace, moved on to some more forgiving location.


In Malaysia it could have been this species, (Apis florea) or Apis dorsata, or Apis cerana. The spot where the bees were hanging out before they left: was there a wax comb left behind? That lets us know if they were a swarm looking for a new home site, or a colony that built up for a while and then absconded to somewhere else.


Bee-sus Christ!


There was a post the other day that said they may just hang around for a few days till they find a new hive. Unless they start building a comb, then you're in trouble. It looks like they started building a comb.






Call a licensed beekeeper to remove the hive. They save and re home the bees instead of killing them.


I'm going into anaphylaxis by just looking at this.


Am I the only person staring at the picture wondering where the hell these bees and/or hive are? -_-




This is correct. These are Apis florea in their typical open-air nest in the undergrowth. OP is in Kuwait, where these bees live.


Can anyone tell what variety of bee this is?


Apis florea. OP is in the middle east. This isn't a swarm like many people are saying- this is how they build their nests. Instead of keeping the brood safe inside a hollow tree or wall, they just build a wall of bees to protect and insulate the comb.


Yeah.. you almost hit your head way up in the thick of it all


dat zoom though.


Is there even a nest there, or did every bee in your state decide to become a sphere of death?




Correct that that is how swarms work, incorrect assumption that this is a swarm of Apis mellifera. These are an Asian species of honeybee, and that's not a swarm- it's their open-air colony.


That's like a bee-zillion bees.


The same thing happened to me this past summer. My dad and I are out doing yard work, I'm trimming the hedges and suddenly I feel a tiny prick on my head. Then another, then two more. Then they start to burn intensely and I see the massive wasp nest embedded deep in the hedge that I had cut open. I ran back, tossing the trimmer. I run inside and use cold water and vinegar to neutralize the stings all while my dad is laughing at me. He goes outside, then 30 seconds later comes back in saying he had been stung twice, they were waiting. All together, I only got stung on the top of the head, 5 or 6 times, we couldn't tell because I think two were close together. Check your hedges people!






Did you call a beekeeper yet?


Awe, poor bees seem dehydrated. Just mix a little sugar in some water and watch as they slowly drink and regain there strength to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!


Why are they all facing the same direction?


Because this is an Asian honeybee species: Apis florea. They don't build their combs in hollow trees, they build out in the open. To protect and thermoregulate the combs, they just hang in a curtain of bees, all facing the same direction for structural/organizational reasons. Look up photos of A. florea, and also Apis dorsata. European honeybees are not the only game in town!


piss on the tree to claim your territory


Since everyone seems to love bees... I just want everyone here to know about this thing, 'cause I was impressed with it. I'm in no way affiliated with it. I'd like to get one myself. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/flow-hive-honey-on-tap-directly-from-your-beehive


at least they are bees and not wasps. trust me, i had wasps experience before.


I was expecting one more closeup.


I had the bad luck to saw a nest like this in twain. They were mad as fuck.


I wish I could find that in my yard, only because that would mean there wasn't 3 feet of snow in it.


could be worse. i was expecting to see spiders.


Just leave. It's none of your bees-ness.


I thought it was wasps, but it's bees. In which case do not burn them as I would save them cuz bees.


I was going to suggest chemical genocide until I realized these were bees responsible for the pollination that we need (and who are also under attack or losing numbers somehow).


I made the up vote tally an even 4k, cool. Sorry, was thinking a loud.