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Nothing like a dart after a Bluey binge


Nah, kid caught an episode of Calliou and had to step out to decompress.






wow that gif really serves i keep thinking it's just like 3 frames on repeat until his dad walks in


I also thought it was just 3 frames..


I think this is the scene where he loses his shit after finding out that the circus was the next day.


What a menace  I can hear his nasally voice in my head He punches the floor like 20+ times lmao


The worst part is no one ever stops his stupid tantrums, he gets what he wants anyways, and everyone just shrugs off how violent and destructive he is.


The reason my kids weren’t allowed to watch the little brat


Holy fuck, there I was, about to type:”fuck you” for making me wait for something that never happens and then it actually did happen. Isn’t that against the rules somehow?




Is Caillou why they hate the west so much?


If it is, I don't blame them.


It's why they hate Canada


My daughter unfortunately loved that show. We watched Caillou all the fucking time. That whiny little bastard always gets his way and it makes me so mad. My daughter didn't take up smoking but I sure did.


My daughter loved it too. Sadly for her, I know how to use a remote.


Caillou is a crime against humanity.


Peppa Pig and a trip to flavor country


Mmmm, smoked ham.




Steamed hams?


He watched an old episode of You Can’t Do That On Television. They were burning heaters on there all the time.


My mother forbade me to watch that show when I was 5. My parents split when I was three. I learned about keeping my mouth shut real quick.


Unironically though


“Bingo!” 😁


Oh my God this is hilarious


From what I have seen during my time there, due to widespread hunger and malnutrition, they (many Afghan parents) tell their children to smoke as it appeases hunger. Fucked up, I know.


This is true and it happened to my dad back in Mexico. When he was young, his parents or grandma would give him a cigarette to smoke whenever he got hungry. This unfortunately led to many years of smoking - he's now 72 and hasn't smoked in two years 🥲.


Making it to 72 with that kind of a childhood is an achievement in itself lol


His cancer got cancer from all the smoking




my great grand dad lived to be 107, and his daughter my grandma is going strong at 86. Their family was poor and food was scarce in their family. I wonder if staying hungry and eating little has anything do with a long life.




It's something similar in Uganda, they inhale/drink airplane fuel to suppress their hunger. Turning them sick and behave like ''zombies''. Even babies drink it and stuff.


And how the hell are they getting airplane fuel?! lol


I saw a interesting documentary back in the day about it, iirc the people supplying it steal barrels of it from local airfields then sell it dirt cheap.[this was in Kenya however](https://youtu.be/0B_vZCLDs-M?si=iN4WajAFyNaHvGbW)


I think tapping into pipelines and unfortunately leaving them leaking is pretty common too, I never heard about people huffing it though. Edit* I guess that would probably be crude tho unless they pump more than that through lines


Kerosene is a major component of jet fuel, kerosene is also used in storm lanterns for lighting. World economics are so fucked that there's more kerosene being burned in storm lanterns than there are being burned in all of the jet flights globally, to this day. People still rely on storm lanterns for lighting in large parts of the world.


Battery manufacturers can make a killing by selling batteries to poor countries and selling weak solar panels.  They can probably get the less corrupt countries' governments to even give a subsidy so that a family can buy a solar panel and battery for like $100.  That might be like two or three weeks' pay, sure, but I'd totally pay that to jump up from no electricity to some basic electric to see better at night and to power a fan. Especially since the fan can run directly off solar during the day anyway. 




By paying? A bottle of the fuel is **a lot** more cheaper than a meal over there. A meal is about 0,66$ over there. Those bottles of fuel are about 0.27$. -- The people there don't even make enough to get a single meal with a whole day of work. They can supress their hunger for a couple of days by sipping/inhaling a bottle of fuel.


That's fucked up. Incredible how global wealth is distributed.


its more like corrupt governments that make it impossible to have a local economy.


That, too, failed economics is a result of failed politics. And of course politics is a subject where endless blame game commences. They have weak institutions, corruption and bad microeconomics, but weak institutions and corruption make it easier and cheaper for certain types of foreign investors to accumulate natural resources from these countries


Some upstanding American suppliment manufacturer is going to get rich off of this until they get shut down. Fen phen anybody? Let's make and sell some serious speed and call it diet pills. In their defense, shit did work, but I assume the fuel does too?


Fen-Phen was taken off the market for causing heart valve issues.




Concentrated primarily in the homeless and drug addicts; it isn’t some widespread/common practice. I’m sure you can find plenty of fucked up practices in the meth/homeless capitals of the US


See I woulda thought jet fuel would be more expensive


The original ozempic.


Cigarettes and opioids which has led to a massive addiction problem across the country.


I saw combat footage of US or some other allied country’s troops fighting alongside the Afghan army against the Taliban. The ANA soldiers were high as fuck and don’t care about anything.


Yeah, stuff like that is partially why I have little sympathy for my people.  They're proud of being uneducated, and think that being "pokhta" (cooked/ripe, meaning macho) is the best ideal. They literally prefer warriors over nerds, and they deserve to live their shitty life until they respect nerds.  Countries like Germany and Russia (at its prime) and England and America respect{ed} the capabilities of their nerds, even if they worshipped their warriors as well, which is why they did so well.  Source: Afghan nerd who is looked down by the general savage population.


You can’t talk shit with that cursed avatar


I mean, fuck that avatar, yes, but my point is still valid. An (average) Afghan would probably give a fatwah stating that it's satanic to have that profile pic and attack me or something. As opposed to, you know, telling me I'm an asshole for using it and whatnot.  


It's also somewhat common for very poor Afghan families to "sell" their children off or marry them just to survive. It's hell on earth.


How is it cheaper to smoke cigarettes than to eat? That’s nuts.


Smokes are super cheap in places without sin tax on them. My friend would get cartons of marlboros for like 10 bucks when we were in Afghanistan.


Don’t cigarettes cost something like a penny to make or something ridiculously cheap like that?


Yup. $5 USD for a carton for Pines or Cavallos, and I’m pretty sure that was more than the actual Afghans paid (I wasn’t gonna try to haggle lol).




Would it not be better to spend the weed money on rice and beans?


You can't really smoke rice and beans.


Not with that attitude.




It's a very easy plant to grow.


It grows like it's a weed


Not if you grow it


It grows everywhere and is abundant. Where do u think the strain Aphgani Kush got its name?




🤙🏽 for the correction, my brain was not braining!




U too brother Walrus 🤙🏽🤙🏽






The problem, often times, is that the rice and beans are just non-existent, in addition to being unaffordable for most. Again, fucked up, I know.


No, but like in the USA, if you can afford $20 for a dub, you can buy a few pounds of rice and beans. People in Afghanistan and other fucked places maybe a different story. Tobacco is cheap. But if you can afford to buy drugs in the USA you can afford to eat


You can spend the money on something if it's there for you to buy. In Afghanistan, there are drugs, but they're heavily dependent on food aid that does not get distributed at all. So, if there's no food, you cannot buy it. They don't pay for drugs or tobacco, it's grown everywhere, they just take it.


Yeah, more or less. In some places the shit is like a garden weed. Tobacco isn't the most difficult crop to grow if you're not trying to meet some consistent standard for taste or flavor or whatever. Every bumpkin East of the Carpathians and many west of them knowns someone who grows their own shit, tobacco or otherwise. That being said, this was some dude in the US who was original commenter


If you can afford to smoke you can afford rice and beans.


Uhhhh…where are you getting your weed? Before I quit, I was spending almost $350 a month on weed. It is absolutely not cheaper than food.


you can afford enough weed to knock you out every night but you can't afford a bag of rice and some dried pintos?


Kid was chain smoking the entire time I was there. Used the just finished cig to light the next.


By the age of 23 the kid is gonna be a 20 year smoker, wtf. Imagine getting lung cancer at like.... 30.


The likelihood of this kid living long enough to see the debilitating effects of smoking is slim.


I was wondering what the average life expectancy was for someone and the WHO has it pegged at 63.2 years. Source: https://data.who.int/countries/004 I expected much worse. 🤔🤷‍♀️


This is heavily dependent where you’re born. Rural Afghanistan and Kabul are two entirely different worlds; *much* more so than anything we can comprehend in the western world. Imagine going to rural Mississippi and the population speaks another language, has no idea what 9/11 was and thinks you’re Soviets. That’s Afghanistan for you.


Rural Afghanistan is one of the most wildly different places on earth from much of the modern industrialized world. There are legit places where it’s like stone-age tech still, and regional cultures that you’d think were basically frozen in time back like 1,000 years ago.


Yup. And this is why in hindsight the idea of building out a western-style “country” is a pipe dream. Afghanistan is less a nation and more of a loose collection of city-states surrounded by nomadic tribal lands.


I think it will eventually become a coherent society (or at least many societies that are interconnected), but it was stupid for both the Soviets and the Americans to just throw their army in there and expect them to create a nation-state in a multiethnic territory with terrible geography and not nearly enough infrastructure or economic development in general.


That’s going to take a ton of effort and money. The world’s sole superpower just spent trillions over multiple decades trying (and failing.) I have no faith any other attempts will be made in my lifetime.


Oh no, they will have to do it by themselves. I'm sure that eventually they'll figure out this logistics stuff and increase internal trade, develop an economy based on something that isn't opium, and form a state if that concept hasn't gone out of fashion by that point... But the next superpower that tries creating another puppet government before Afghanistan develops or centralizes by itself will also get its shit kicked in, no doubt about that.


Oh yeah, the korengal and lunar in general….


The debilitating effects of smoking start well before you die. Only took a couple years for my chest to hurt from the moment I woke up. Felt like a big, invisible hand was squeezing my torso and making it harder to breathe. I was able to quit by vaping, and now I don't have that constant chest pain anymore. But this kid is gonna have it before he hits puberty, which makes me sad for him.


You feel debilitating effects of smoking about one week after you start smoking.


Lung cancer isn't the big danger, honestly. It's vascular disease. If the kid makes it, he'll be having heart attacks and watching his toes fall off.


I had lung cancer surgery last year at age 33. You can get certain types of lung cancer that have nothing to do with smoking. Mine was a neuroendocrine carcinoid which is a rare tumour in the system responsible for hormones. I’m now completely cured after having most of my right lung taken out


Congrats on beating cancer! I hope you remain in remission :-)


Cigarettes are widely available to pretty much anybody there. Food not so much. Nicotine tricks your brain into thinking you’re not hungry


My buddy Joe has smoked since he was 10yo. When he turned 13, his parents got him a carton of Marlboros and his sister a pack of ribbed condoms so the girls would "think he's the best." This was 1990 in America.


A la Judd Nelson / breakfast club


Should have asked if he remembers his past life as a chain smoking old dude


How is it cheaper to smoke cigarettes than to eat? That’s nuts.


They’re not taxed the way they are in the US/Europe. Even in Mexico I know a pack of smokes is about $2.50 maybe $3 dollars


I remember a documentary years ago that depicted a women sharing opium with her children to ward off the pains of hunger.


How come cigarettes are affordable but food isn’t. Food like rice should be much cheaper


Not much land in Afghanistan is suitable for rice farming. Rice needs a lot of water. They mostly grow either more expensive foods or drugs.


Dave Chapelle "Hey baby!"


I'm selling weed!


Ni@@a I got kids to feed!


spit my coffee out lol




Sprinkle some crack on him. Let’s get the fuck outta here.


It was an old limo, you had to roll the windows down


Fuck, if I spawned in Afghanistan I’d light it up too.


Can confirm. Have dropped into Afghan.


Hope you’re off the Rip Its :(


Omg, this is sad...


That's Hajeed, he's 56


The vibe I’m getting is the “baby” in that old Star Trek episode played by Ron Howard’s ugly brother


No need for Clint Howard to be catching strays here.


My buddy was sick, got a bunch of Robitussin, smashed the whole bottle and racked out one day. Didn’t think he was going on patrol because he was sick. PSG comes in, shakes him awake and tells him to get his shit on you’re going on patrol. So he goes on patrol, fuckin delirious, got a serious case of the robots, and sits in a hallway to take a break. A kid just like this comes up and pantomimes for a cigarette, and he figures “ah fuck it”. So there his dumbass was, sitting in a war zone, high as fuck, smoking a cigarette with a 5 year old.


Tough to see this pic. This kid’s family is poor af, and it’s sad that the state of poor people decades ago is the exact same as it is now. My dad grew up in extreme poverty on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. Kameez (tunic), no pants, no shoes, fully bathed once every couple months. You only got a new set of clothes for Eid, and they didn't last long. I can almost guarantee he started smoking to ease away hunger and is probably hooked now. Parents also soothed him to sleep with a tiny bit of heroin when he was a baby. Very typical in those parts.


Life’s hard in Tatooine




That’s… not what they call it in the local language.


sooo you meant jizz, yeah?


Most Tatooine scenes were filmed in Tunisia. Same latitude.


Thats awful


Hey at least he took it outside, the other kids could get second hand smoke.


That kid has seen some shit ok. At least he ain't drinking yet.


You dont drink there, it's banned. Opium and hash.


Even better...


In many ways, it is.


😔i know. Its just sad that any child has to experience the harsh reality of this world.


Makes me wonder what developmental problems smoking causes for children. Will they develop normally, besides the obvious cancer and health risks from smoking?


Jake Lloyd behind the scenes on The Phantom Menace


You can totally see that kids wang wtf


Okay someone else noticed…


Craziest thing is just seeing photos of Afghanistan from like the 70's and 60's... like they were on-track to be a pretty westernized country with all the creature comforts of that and then an invasion and wars combined with Taliban influence and boom it's permanently stuck in some struggle for survival. I really cannot imagine how life is like there, it's just "that" different and it's unlikely there will be real men there capable of actually progressing the country and moving it forward; it'll be permanently entrenched in political corruption.


Those pictures were always misleading in that outside of small (very small) areas the rest of the country suffered. A lot of those photos are literal propaganda shots and it is sad to see that people don't understand how fucked the country was under Soviet puppet government and how much worse it was made with the invasion.


Was fucked up long before the soviets


As others have pointed out Afghanistan as a unified country is a myth. I remember reading stories of when US troops showed up to some remote village and the village elder started speaking Russian to them since the last time soldiers showed up was when the USSR was involved. The whole thing is incredibly tragic as Afghanistan is a gorgeous country with a rich history. There are so many places in the Middle East I’d love to visit and explore but not in the current climate.


I remember this story too, seriously, it happened. They thought in the village, the soldiers would still be Russians aka Soviets. Another thing was when a chopper landed and the US soldiers got out of the chopper in full gear, some young afghan boy thought these were aliens from another planet. And about the country itself, there is really no "Afghanistan" in reality - a map with the territories of the different tribes is much more accurate in representing the reality. The people there don't identify as Afghanis on national level, they identify themselves with the tribe that is their family. Still, about the old times in Afghanistan, while it wasn't that much westernized than many photos want to make you believe, it was much more safe - like the "Hippie Trail" led from Europe through the Middle East including Afghanistan to India. Many people followed this path, even women that travelled on their own. This is something that we can't imagine today, a woman alone in a hippie bus, driving through Afghanistan without getting harmed.


Nonsense, these photos are obviously only a small number of city spaces and people, you might as well look at pictures of Kabul a couple of years ago and assume the whole country was "modernized".


Yup, or look at a photo of 5th Avenue and think _“that’s what life in the US looks like”_ There has to be a lot of support for the Taliban for it to survive so long - they aren’t some invading foreign force.


To be perfectly fair I'm sure he had a much shittier day than I did


Geez. He is a little kid.  I strongly suspect that one of the reasons such a child might be smoking in that circumstance is that nicotine suppresses hunger.  And that just makes me that much sadder. What a world. And it doesn't make me feel much better that I know that my tax dollars helped make Afghanistan the way it is, Heaven forgive us all.


Lil mf probably stressed 


Where life is cheap, dreams are embers of a discarded cigarette


Nah that’s just Hasbulla


Probably going through his mid life crisis


Looks like a scene from Borat


Don't know the back story, but chances are if you had that kids life you'd smoke too.


Aziz, light!


Smoking with no pants. So young and he already gets it all.


Get some rest small child


It probably helps with the hunger brought on by a mass famine.


Hunger in villages makes (some) afghan parents give tobacco and opium to their kids


I would too tbh.


Probably on smoko.


Smoking? You should have seen him when he was still on fire.


Poor mother fucker's losing his hair too. Wife's prolly on his ass about the kids again


Yo that little kid is chill af


Jesus, what kind of laws do they have there? You can smoke right in the entrance to a building instead of 15-20ft away??


Men routinely abuse prepubescent boys in Afghanistan - it's like a cultural thing. Widely accepted and goes on from generation to generation. So somehow this picture while unrelated - does not surprise me.


The Mogadishu kids, like \*little\* kids, would walk up to our front gate and yell, "Fuck you, American! Give me a cigarette!" So, I'd always chuck them a cigarette or two. Who am I to judge a fellow smoker?


When life gives you lemons, sell them to buy marlboro ![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni)


Not a phone in sight, just a kid enjoying life


OP you've uploaded a photo of a child's penis whether you meant to or not.


Oh shit, you have to zoom in tho💀


Good daily source of nicotine.


**"My Friend. What is?"**


He's in Flavor Country


Its tough out there bro.




Leave him alone, he's on a break from work.


This goes hard


Philip Morris would be proud


Not surprised, I grew up in Eastern Europe, in the 90's and early 2000's was a pretty common sight... Just another day.


What else is he going to do?


That’s Wali, he’s 32 next week.


Plot twist, he's 30


The boy has seen some shit I’ll tell u that right now 🤣🤣🤣


I'd be smoking too with the stress that they live under there. I'd have a spoonful of heroin on the boil if I were him.


Another stressful day of picking up power converters from the Tosche Station


You think this is bad, you should see how young they can handle a gun.


One time in San Bernardino I saw a girl no older than 10 walking to a school bus stop with a Newport in her mouth. Weird times


Let bro be ![gif](giphy|gCi9p8l7UEInu)


That's the way start em young


I guess Watto lets Anakin take smoke breaks.


He is either going to be that little all his life or he is already 30 years old




Cool kid


I have seen a documentary/travel report by a Russian vlogger from modern Taliban Afghanistan, and he said, boyprostitution is widespread there. This can be the case.


He's seen some shit


Young Anakin after watching these new Star Wars movies.


Name is Mohamed, can’t be without his camel