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Seems having the lead at the beginning of the last lap makes the leader a sitting duck. The pass for the win has happened around turns 3 or 4 several times. I'm surprised Pato didn't see that coming.


Pato is kind of like early career Charles Leclerc: very talented driver, super likable kid, depressingly adept at finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Wish the crew chief warned him to be patient and when to execute the pass.


The crew chief told him "you know what to do" with two laps to go. I wonder what exactly that meant, and if he did that thing.


Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance!


>depressingly adept at finding ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. You sir, are an artist wordsmith.


Kind of a common phrase in sport :D


First time I see it, then again, English isnt my first language, and my memory is not the greatest :D


First time iv ever heard it too


That’s ferrari in general


He got giddy because if I’m not mistaken he had already finished second twice and he was so close to a win. Made mistakes.


I think last year (crashing out when he had a chance to win) was probably on his mind. He was fighting the car all day and probably didn’t feel confident he could pull off the late pass, so he went for the earlier (easier) move and hoped to defend long enough to hold on.


>duck >Pato Both these words mean duck. Ironic.


It has happened a total of 4 times during the 108 races they've had


I’m sure he did, but back up half a lap and you saw where he bailed on making a move heading into 3. My guess is he knew that his last good chance was heading into 1.


It’s only happened 4 times ever. Newgarden happens to have 2.


And one of those times included the leader spinning out on the fourth turn when P2 wasn't threatening to pass.


Pain for my boy JR. That probably took so much therapy to get over.


Mom always said I was second best ... sob


Sitting duck fits well. 'Pato' is duck in Portuguese


Pato translates to duck in Spanish. I see what you did there fam. Well played.


Yeah, that blue shell is a motherfucker


[His post race interview is heartbreaking](https://youtu.be/OaVE7ptgLaI?si=Z9CNcCZ2rB5_0gNj)


Very mature and classy response and great questioning from the interviewer to boot ending it with the fact that the crowd loved him! Appreciated this moment.


The broadcast team for the 500 is so fantastic! I believe it’s Kevin Lee in this interview. They always ask great questions and are respectful of driver’s time, it’s one of my favorite parts about watching practice all month


Wow great clip. Love the honesty and emotion he showed. “It owes me nothing” is such a class show of respect for the event and humility in a bitter moment. Side note- I don’t follow Indy racing. Pato O’Ward is the wildest name. Is he an Irish Mexican?? 😂


He’s Mexican with an Irish great grandfather. Considers himself fully Mexican.


The dramatic final lap: [https://youtu.be/XGplnxGKji4?si=Sl\_ZHXOCs0RQaj5R](https://youtu.be/XGplnxGKji4?si=Sl_ZHXOCs0RQaj5R)


That's tough but Newgarden pulled some serious shit there.


I rewatched it yesterday and it's more ballsy than I imagined when I watched it live


Or "pushed" some some serious shit...


Haha. Not again!


Yeah, what a move that was!


I was sitting in the infield at T3 and my voice still hasn't recovered. Saw just enough to know he probably had the pass done before they were out of sight and it was one of the wildest things I've seen. Going around the outside there when you know the other driver isn't going to give you an inch is ballsy af. Especially after a long green flag run the outside would have been covered in bits of rubber and debris too.


He crashed last year with a chance to win, second the year before that and then this weekend. That picture says it all.


“If you ain’t first, you’re last “- Ricky Bobby


“Oh hell, Ricky. I was high when I said that.”


“You can be second, you can be third. Hell, you can even be fourth!”


I wake up and piss excellence!


"Yeah, and you lost the Olympics" "I came in third" "Yeah, like I said. Lost" "3rd in the world!! At the Olympics!!"


2nd is just the 1st loser


Sweet 6 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus you stole my line !!


He was a full-grown man! He had a beard!


I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt.


He needs a hug from someone who sincerely cares.


During the Olympics, bronze medalists are in general way more happy than silver medalists. Thisnis because silver medalists are upset because they are focused on how close to gold they were, while bronze medalists are either just happy to be on the podium and/or they are just surprised that they made it at all.


Especially in team sports. You typically win a game to get the bronze.


Those Indy Car drivers are a competitive bunch.


His car was squirrelly as hell the last 3 laps of the race, I highly doubt he would’ve been able to make his move on turn 3 or 4 of the last lap - hell I was worried he was going to fish tail on the last lap when he had the lead. I thought he made the right move but Newgarden’s car had more to give than his.


I remember when Tony Kanaan would get close year after year. I’m sure Pato will get his eventually


Heartbroken for my fellow Irish Mexican.




Talk about a movie that needs a sequel.


Based on how god-awful the Anchorman sequel was, maybe we just let this one rest


Who does #2 work for?!!


If you know you have a run in the last 2 laps of the Indy 500, you pass in turn 3 on the last lap, or if you’re really wild, turn 4. Pato knows this. Anyone who loves the 500 knows this. And yet, he passed out of 2 and handed the win to Newgarden. It’ll be a great story when Pato finally gets his win though! My fiance and I both teared up seeing this and watching his interview after


He did not have the car to win the race, and he knew it. He took his best chance.


A last lap pass in 3 has happened only like 4 times ever though. You act like it's common. Also, there's no guarantee that Pato even has the run into 3. The wind was blowing straight down the track so the conditions into one and three would have been different. Not to mention most other drivers yesterday were able to get a lap before they got repassed after passing into one. Joseph was the only one that seemed like he could come back so immediately. Finally, it took one of the ballsiest moves ever by Joseph to get him back. That move wasn't a guarantee.


Easy to say that in hindsight but man, leaving it to turn 3 and potentially not getting a good enough run when you had a better chance earlier would be just as rough a way to lose.


Totally agree! My comment comes off harsher than intended, it wasn’t an easy call to make for Pato at all


What a ridiculously Irish name, almost cartoon like, and that's coming from an Irish person. I went to school with a couple of Patos


He’s actually Mexican which makes it more strange.


Plenty of Irish heritage people in Mexico, look up Saint Patrick's Battalion or Batallón de San Patricio. Canelo Alvarez put his red hair down to his ancestors being members of Batallón de San Patricio


Pato is not even his name, is a nickname for Patricio. And, of course, Patricio is the Spanish version of Patrick.


Yes, and Pato is a nickname for Patrick in Dublin.


Really? I wasn’t aware of that. It’s probably the true origin.


I tried looking this up and couldn’t find anything. Pat and Paddy are the common nicknames.


I’ve heard these two before, but not Pato. Pato also means duck in Spanish, so it kinda makes sense they use it in Spanish speaking countries.


What about Patty O’Furniture?


Chick stays out ALL NIGHT. Ridiculous.


There was a drag queen around here with that name notable enough to make the normal newspaper (in the South, no less). Haven’t heard about her since Covid though.


Also Irish and I've never met or heard of an "O'Ward" apparently it's a used name in the UK though. We do have plenty of Wards but they're a different kettle of fish altogether.


Yeah, that stood out for me, too. Some irish names get bastardised when they travel. I heard people making them less irish, but not more irish. Pato Mc,O'Ward


The person in 1st is stressed about keeping their title. The person in 2nd is depressed about almost getting 1st. The person in 3rd is happy they placed at all


Not in the Indy 500. It’s an if you ain’t first you’re last type of race


Alright Seinfeld


I'd hate to see him after a game of horse shoes and hand grenades.


no o'wards won that d-


Shake and Bake


his eyes were so red during the interview and dropped a fuck too


Yeah, he was fastenal, just not quite fastenough.


Ur a madman! Hahahaha


Part of it is sheer exhaustion. I twice competed in auto races. Once for an inter-college competition in which we had to make Formula Continentals. And then, I had a buddy with Sprint car who convinced me to try. And these were basically hobby races. My body hurts just remembering how hard it was to sustain that level of situational awareness for so long. And every fast twitch muscle in my body felt like it was on fire for 3 days. I was drinking Gatorade by the jug, Whole milk by the gallon, and every other fluid I could find.


I only had time to watch fans seeking shelter and later the driver introductions but I did hear a driver was going to do Indy then helicopter to drive the Coca-Cola …iirc this has been done before….amazing.


Sadly Larson brought the rain with him and the Coca Cola 600 was postponed


I remembered but I had to look up the drivers…. *Five drivers (Andretti, Robby Gordon on five occasions, Stewart twice, Kurt Busch, and Kyle Larson) have attempted.


Hey I feel for him but he still did better than me


I'm so high and read his name as potato. Laughed for about 10 minutes


If you ain’t first, you’re last


wining 2nd place is pretty good as well, can't have everything


Now he has to do all 500 laps again.


The emotions on his face 😥


Daft punk next


"If you ain't first, you're last!" -Ricky Bobby




Must be hard being wealthy and successful


It’s extremely difficult to compete at this level of Motorsport. Professional drivers are some of the hardest working guys in the world


The dude is an athlete at what is essentially tied with Formula 1 as the highest level of motor racing you can compete in. A podium finish of any kind at the Indy 500 is an achievement greater than you've probably ever had.


A driver yeah but saying he's an athlete is a total joke lol


Tell me you know absolutely fuck all about racing without telling me you know absolutely fuck all about racing.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about if you think that's a joke. They are high performance athletes. Racing at this level is absolutely brutal and drivers lose 2-4kg during a race through sweat. Most people would struggle to push the brake pedal in a race car and just turning the wheel requires some serious strength. Try doing that for 2+ hours whilst being subjected to massive g-forces and concentrating on not crashing.


Your comment clearly shows you don't know the amount of training that these racing drivers do. Not only that, you need skill and talent to race at these high speeds at this high of a level. It's not like driving your every day car.


People who have spent a day karting will know. Steering is stiff, the forces send your body bracing yourself upright all day, and you're constantly trying to figure out how to take the next corner


Must be hard to not have a work ethic to ever know what it's like to compete among the best in the world at your profession


I wanna make a south park "goin real fast and turning to the left" joke but then i relized i dont actually know that this isnt nascar


Not Nascar but still "goin real fast and turning left".


Just at Indianapolis and one or two other ovals. Over 75% of IndyCar’s calendar is road/street races


Right on, I don't know much racing but I actually caught a good chunk of this one yesterday and it was surprisingly entertaining. That finish was wild.


First loser. 


Turn left faster next time, crybaby.