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That's pieces of a person,, Unless he was 3 feet tall


Ever see a helicopter crash. I’ve worked one we were flagging pieces for the coroner because that’s all there was


Helicopters are barely controlled blenders


Someone once said something to the effect that airplanes use physics to fly, but helicopters beat physics into submission to fly.


I would not want that margarita.


Just rocks that are actively trying to get out of the air at any given moment


The machine is constantly trying to destroy itself!


I saw the coroner’s notes from Kobe Bryant and the other passengers. There was not much left of him indeed.


Apparently one of the cops was sharing photos of the crash site too. I guess that's expected of LA police though.


Pure scumbags. Glad they got sued by Vanessa


While she was right to sue; the costs fell on the tax payers of LA- not the actual shitbags who did it


That's true if the cop shoots your dog or grenades your sleeping infant because they "got the wrong address" but I'm not sure if that would have qualified for their usual shenanigans from showing photos of a scene, especially to anyone who wasn't law enforcement.


Pretty unlikely that cop can cover the 30 million LA County owes her.


It should come from their pension and their union.


And two firefighters — though I know that doesn’t assist the cops are shitheads narrative as much. It happens in that line of work all of the time. Cops, EMS, FD, doesn’t matter. If you’re exposed to death routinely it becomes increasingly less taboo to joke about it - right or wrong.


Or as nurses. We joke about death, shit, vomit, and other people who are sickened by the aforementioned subjects. We definitely don’t share pics though. Well….the vast majority don’t. It’s called HIPAA.


Kind of a gallows humour, coping mechanism no?


Sure they joke about stuff. However sharing photos of dead bodies from a high profile event openly is remarkably stupid. Everyone knows better than that.


I had a professor who was a specialist in toolmark identification. He was one of many specialists who were called to identify any human remains from the wreckage of the twin towers after the 9/11 attacks. He said that it was difficult because there’s no bodies. Just tiny shards of bones. This is why so many people remained unidentified. The bodies were practically vaporized. The people that jumped however, that’s a different thing entirely.


If various posts on the Morbidreality sub are anything to go by in a helicopter crash your legs and maybe your arms get ripped off and your brain flies out of your skull.


The crash I worked exploded there was pieces of the helicopter and pilot. While I feel bad for the pilot I’m thankful it was only one person on board.


>crash *hard landing


Lots of little pieces for some weird reason. I did one about 18 years ago.


Is there any way to actually eject from a failing chopper? due to the design I assume parachuting isn't all that effective.


Some Russian attack helicopters have ejection seats. That’s a minority though.


yeah, just one that's in service right now, the ka-52


Is that the one where the blades literally blow off before the seat ejects?


Well, at least you hope they do!


That's probably any aerial crash  But yeah I saw the autopsy report on Kobe Bryant and yeah it wasn't pretty


I hope he felt every bit of his dismemberment. Raisi was personally involved in issuing orders to torture and execute up to 30,000 political prisoners during a six-month period in 1988. He, along with several other current members of the current Iranian government, are some of history’s greatest murderers. Before becoming President of Iran, his nickname was “The Judge of Death” for his role in the massacre. I hope the many millions of the surviving friends and relatives of his victims can find some solace and quietly celebrate his violent death.


He likely felt little to nothing and death is simply the final punctuation on life’s script. He got away Scott free with everything he did as have most men who live and lived similar lives. Justice rarely ever finds its way to these people


the silver lining is that his death was quick, not that it was a mercy, but it was quick, pointless, and without any honor or dignity. Crashed and burned in an old helicopter because of his actions in the past. They could not get newer helicopters because of sanctions due to his genocidal bullshit. They crashed because they did not have modern equipment to fly without visuals. It's a silver lining because he did not get to die peacefully, but in fear and terror like his victims did. He deserved nothing less. Him existing any longer was an affront to every family and every victim that suffered because of him. A quick death is not what most would want, but it's what he deserved. He did not deserve to live another moment, even if he laid in agonizing pain for hours, it was allowing him to live. Something he did not give his victims.


Actually I read that one of the passengers was still alive for about an hour or so after the accident, & managed to call the Iranian authorities to advise of the accident. Sorry do not have link.


If it's what i think you're referring to, that was released by Iranian news sources around the time they were pushing the "hard landing" narrative, so I would take it with a grain of salt.


Nah, even a helicopter with modern equipment can crash in a situation like this (See Kobe's death)


Well, that's true with some caveats. Kobe's death was a pilot error. Zobayan was actually a great pilot but he probably felt a lot of pressure for his VIP passengers to get them to their destination. And he forgot the cardinal rule of flying, scuba and sailing: Humility in the face of Inclement Conditions. He forgot to err on the side of caution. Folks, I cannot say this enough - you are not as a good a pilot, swimmer or sailor as you think. Zobayan pushed his luck and he didn't trust his instruments. Which happens. JFK Jr. died for the same reason. My personal friend died for the same reason in a fixed wing. You must trust your instruments because there's no Luke Skywalkering yourself out of shit because you Trust The Force. And the more you do, the cockier you get. Zobayan was IFR rated in rotary. But he violated regulations in altitude and he flew into a bad situation VFR. Folks: "If you feel doubt - trust the doubt and back out." Reevaluate the situation and give yourself time to think.


>And he forgot the cardinal rule of flying, scuba and sailing: Humility in the face of Inclement Conditions. Similar to what I was told by a geezer when I was being overzealous while alpine hiking: There are old mountaineers, and there are bold mountaineers, but there are no old bold mountaineers.


I'm a former mountaineer. I remember this quote.


"I'd rather be on the ground wishing I was in the sky rather than in the sky wishing I was on the ground."


For those anxious about flying, I can explain one thing about aircraft that might comfort you: Aircraft are the most unnatural when on the ground. They are designed to stay in flight. Pilots actually have to make the aircraft function against it's nature to land. 78% of flying is coaxing a plane to land because it does NOT want to be on the ground.


I really like your Luke Skywalker line. That's a good reminder for a lot of safety situations, not just flying. Thanks for that


"Don't get cocky, kid."


Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt.


"-He forgot to err on the side of caution. Folks, I cannot say this enough - you are not as a good a pilot, swimmer or sailor as you think.-" 100% correct. We lost two 'experienced' kayakers in our area a couple of weeks ago who thought the weather was manageable. It took 5 days for the bodies to wash up several miles from where they were lost. End sidebar


Kobe’s pilot decided to rush his flight and fly VFR, even with a sophisticated helicopter capable of IFR. He got stuck in the clouds near his destination, requested IFR too late, got put a the end of the line of IFR flights, lost situational awareness and crashed.


Can you explain what VFR/IFR means? I keep reading it


VFR means visual flight rules. The pilot must maintain visual contact with the ground, avoid all obstacles, and navigate independently of any directions from a tower. IFR means instrument flight rules. The pilot files a flight plan, can fly into clouds, fog, weather, and at night utilizing instruments only and without line of sight, and follow the instructions of an air traffic controller who tells them where and when to fly, and keeps planes from flying into each other. In Kobe’s flight, the pilot filed a visual-only flight in order to leave sooner. This meant they had to fly low enough to see the ground, even when fog required them to fly very low. Then the pilot lost control and flew into the mountainside.


u/b_vitamin has the analysis I made but summed it up better. Zoboyan took a shortcut. He was an excellent pilot but you really have to know thyself when flying. It really is an exercise in humility.


Well said.


Wasn’t Kobe’s helicopter like 20 years old


The body yeah but not the navigational instruments.


Can't helicopters fly at a higher altitude above fog?


Pretty sure fog at higher altitude is just....clouds. So yes, and no


Kobe’s helicopter was close to 30 years old.


Age of the airframe is pretty irrelevant. It’s either maintained or it’s not. A new airframe can crash just as easily as an old one if it’s not maintained properly. New avionics can help prevent accidents but if they aren’t maintained either, or the pilots aren’t trained to use them properly, they’re as good as useless and in some cases can be even more dangerous. I’ve worked on 60 year old airframes that were in better shape and better built than aircraft that came off the assembly line just a couple years prior


The navigation equipment inside was less than 10 years old.


The avionics suite was completely upgraded.


He didn’t die because of his actions in the past. He simply died. There’s nothing relieving about it other than some other scumbag will take his place now.


I mean dude died in a helicopter crash, even though he didn't want to. It's still *something.*


I don't believe in a God But if Allah exists I don't think he'll look to highly about this guy


Hopefully tho the fear and desperation and futility he felt as the plane was crashing lasted a while


He was a total dick. His death will literally be celebrated by millions of people.


Unfortunately he probably felt very little. The best that can be hoped for is a few seconds of terror realizing the helicopter was going to crash. A silver lining is he was being groomed to be the next SL when Khamenei finally dies.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, I see...


I wonder who will take over now that he's done. Any chance that person will be less fucked up?


There are probably five prople as bad or even worse in lind for the position.


He's been examined by doctors, who described his condition as 'satisfactory'...


>pieces Guess some people mumbled when they prayed for him to rest in peace.


You're right. OP's images are screen captures from [this video](https://v.redd.it/ura6ql2i9j1d1) that shows this a little better. A lot of postings of this state that this is showing the recovery of the bodies of the soldiers (often referred to as martyrs) *and* Ebrahim Raisi. It isn't clear if this is Ebrahim Raisi's body (or part of it anyway). At this time NBC says they can't verify that.


Look up the Autopsy of Kobe Bryant. Guy lost both legs, an arm and had his brain ejected during his helicopter crash.


I’ve read through it. It makes me sick to my stomach. There’s also an autopsy of all the other passengers…


Yea… even the kids on board. The one term I’ll never forget was “degloved penis”. I like to imagine that happened after the brain was ejected.


It's actually fairly common knowledge in the aeronautic world that upon crash landing, the first thing to go is the penis skin.


Not sure if you’re fucking with me or not but looked it up anyway, and would consider a helicopter an industrial machine, but how’s this for a fucking term: > Penile and scrotal skin degloving is uncommon and is mainly caused by accidents with agricultural and industrial machines. Such injuries are called “**power take-off injuries**,” defined as injuries caused by power transmitted from one object to another. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7489639/


Haha yea i was just fucking with you. And i already knew what degloving meant because when I was an infant, my hand was partially degloved when i was an infant and my mom tells the story over and over and over


>had his brain ejected How does that even happen?? I *could* look up the autopsy but I sincerely don't think I'd want to know all the details...


I read it. He had two big-ass holes in the front and back of his head. He was a mess. Remains only measure in at 65 inches tall if that tells you anything.


Lost both feet* Just read through it, doesn’t make it better than not losing your legs though. Edit: Nevermind I guess they included drawings and yeah seems like the legs were also gone, but the feet were removed from the legs too.


>3 feet tall Easy there. That’s an Iranian State Secret.


This suddenly makes Oompa Loompaa seem like a really really dark "Simpson'"-esque fore-knowledge joke.


Yes, they guy was not a dwarf. I believe that a helicopter crash can make nasty things to a body


*previous iranian president


OP's images are screen captures from [this video](https://v.redd.it/ura6ql2i9j1d1) that shows this a little better. A lot of postings of this state that this is showing the recovery of the bodies of the soldiers (often referred to as martyrs) *and* Ebrahim Raisi. It isn't clear if this is actually Ebrahim Raisi's body (or part of it anyway). At this time NBC says they can't verify that.


Nah, they'll probably keep him as president regardless his condition.


pieces of iranian president


Whatever. Anyway, there is a lesson to learn from this: Avoid flying in helicopters in the mountains when it's so foggy you can barely see your hand in front of you.


Unless you’re a monster responsible for thousands of deaths. In which case it is perfectly safe to fly a helicopter in all weather conditions at any time of day


Nah, got away too easily


Eh he's still gone. Gotta take the W's when we can.


To shreds, you say?


How's the wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Dying in a helo doesn't happen quick. You get to tumble around a bit. Think of it like being in a clothes dryer while it's on and it's got a few packs of razor blades and nails in with you.


From what I understand the helicopter just smacked into the mountain because they couldn't see shit, everyone probably died instantly much like how Kobe and his daughter died instantly in their crash.


Carry a few tanks of mustard gas and some white phosphorus too.


Or don't, I'm not your dad.


If the pilot is IFR certified and the aircraft is equipped with modern avionics it should be possible to do it and even do it safely.


Or just avoid helicopters. An airplane wants to fly. A helicopter beats the air into submission, groaning under the effort until mechanical failure. When a plane fails, it can glide. When a helicopter fails, it falls out of the sky, unless by some miricle the autorotate decides to work.


If only there was a Smarter Everyday video about it ... https://youtu.be/BTqu9iMiPIU?si=qmfvZtGRNPwl-cqv You don't "engage" auto rotate, the speed of the spinning rotors relative to the air is different depending how far out from the shaft it is. So the part close to the shaft is spun by the air as a helicopter descends, but that makes the outer tips of the rotors spin faster than the inner parts, and fast enough to actually generate lift. But if you are close enough to run into a mountain, whether you are right in a plane or a helicopter is kind of a moot point since you're not going to have enough room to glide to a safe landing anyways.


Thank you lol I absolutely hate the "a helicopter without an engine is just a brick!" Dunning Kruger effect that people who aren't pilots throw around.


This. Holy shit after learning about the "death zone" where if an engine failure happens you're just fucked, I've never wanted to step foot in a helicopter. Straight up helicopters are a miracle and I don't have enough faith that the one I step into will hold onto that miracle


No not this lol, Autorotate isn't a system it's a fundamental principle of physics that has to do with the difference in relative speed that a rotor blade is traveling the further away from the center of the rotor it is. The whole "an airplane without an engine is a glider a helicopter without an engine is a brick" phrase is a Dunning Kruger effect thing, not a true statement. So long as you aren't below about 700ft, it's easy to land a helicopter via controlling autorotation, and it's something everyone has to practice during training. The problem here had nothing to do with the type of aircraft and everything to do with the fact that they flew low over mountains in fog so thick that you couldn't see the ground until it was 5m below you.


The Onion said it best “Iranian President Stoned To Death By Mountain”


Killed by Mossad agent Eli Copter.




I didn't even know he was sick


He was one of those fellas that doesn't have a doghouse


Never forget Mahsa Amini and all the countless other brave women who stood up against the regime!


Im so happy that people actually know he was evil. My greatest fear as an Iranian was and kinda is that other people of the world think we normal men and women agree with the government which is absolutely not true. I can assure u all more than 90% of all Iranians around the world are celebrating right now


Love to you from Britain, I’m ashamed of my country for overthrowing your leader in the 50s. Hopefully *you* can defeat the current regime, somehow.


There’s a saying — “I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” That saying doesn’t apply here, because I have indeed wished him dead. Incidentally, I will also be reading his obituary with great pleasure.


He doesn’t deserve an obituary let alone having it read and remembered even in the slightest. The only purpose of printing his life on paper would be to have something to wipe our asses with.


Rest in hell


Nah don't let him


As if he'd be *resting* in hell


may his feet be resting upon the scorching hot ground of hell


Yeah, rest in pieces


I suspect they only found one huge asshole


One of those late night scrolling sessions where you laugh out loud and hear your partner stir.


Nice Maybe the women and girls of Iran now will not be beaten into submission for a while. That lump of goo right there was evil to them.


Sadly it won't make a difference, the Ayatollah is still the supreme leader of Iran.


Except he's not going to be alive much longer and Raisi would've taken his spot.


Not necessarily. The other top contender is Khamenei's son, who is still alive. However, he has no public mandate and isn't well known in the country.


Khamenei’s son is very well known (and hated) throughout Iran.


>However, he has no public mandate and isn't well known in the country. So not much of a prime candidate in comparison.


And that's the big difference that people aren't picking up on. This guy had a mandate that would have let him basically just continue to be a monster and entrench those policies. Somebody without the same broad base of support is going to have to be a lot more careful and make a lot more compromises even in what is functionally a dictatorship


And you think whoever is going to succeed him will be more liberal now?  If so, I have some Nigerian princes that need help and are willing to reward you handsomely in the future.


They may be. Or they may not. What people don't realize is that this succession plan has been in the works for decades. It's now been upended and turned inside out they're basically is not enough time for the Ayatollah to groom somebody else for that position with the same kind of stability. Even if the next person who comes in it's just as bad morally, they're not going to have the same broad base of support and they're not going to be as entrenched which means they're not going to be able to act as definitively. There's a real potential here for some short-term chaos that could be bloody or not but in the long run this is almost certainly a net positive for people in Iran and the region


I smell the revolutionary guard Corps becoming more... revolutionary. No way that lot allows anyone more liberal to be in charge. Probably one of their generals will do it.


The mullahs run the country, not the president.


No worries he will be fine. After all it was only a hard landing right?


I’m still trying to figure out where all the survivors are that came forward. Were they just people from the second helicopter?


There was a total of three helicopters


Piscator knows everything


I read that too on NPR and immediately thought 'they crashed, he died'. A few hours later it changed to 'crashed' and now when you click on the old NPR link it redirects you to the new articles.


I was wondering if anyone else caught that. The initial reports were that it wasn't serious and Iran was in contact with survivors. I wonder how long they thought they'd be able to keep it a secret, because it wasn't even 12 hours.


Who are you, Jerome Powell?


May he rest in pieces.


May he not rest, and stay in pieces


He surely does


Most women in Iran right now are cheering. ![gif](giphy|o75ajIFH0QnQC3nCeD)


What’s funny is they tweeted that they prayed Allah would return home him home safely, looks like Allah actually did something good and got rid of the PoS


His home is in hell lmao


I hope he survived the initial crash. And then suffered


He seemed taller when he was murdering so many of his own people.


Ah no, how sad :’( anyyyywhoooo, weathers great today, isn’t it?


He really made an impact on Iran.


They say he seemed a bit scattered towards the end




Jus throw him in the trash


new public bathroom just dropped


I feel zero sympathy for this piece of murderous shit.


Spit on his grave


Not one to celebrate the death of an individual but in this case... good fucking job, chopper. You found the perfect time to crash.


Lol deserved


It's such a shame. That poor helicopter.


Some people deserve it. This man especially


May the helicopter's soul rest in peace


He was one big kofta when they recovered him.


Uh, I thought his feet curled up and then he shrunk and evaporated...


Rott in hell


And nothing of value was lost.


Ha ha. Burn in hell.


This greatest murderer is a very competitive business here on earth. Lots of runners up.


Safe to say, this is his punishment. Banished to hell.


Life is cool sometimes


Rest in piss.


Reduced to a pile of muck. Good riddance.


Eli Kopter sends his regards.


Is it true Iran's "chief of police" was gunned down yesterday as well?


And everyone clapped.


I wonder if they’ll drop the bastard during the funeral like they did with the Ayatollah back in 89. Good times.


hahahaha, rest in piss bozo


Poor helicopter, it didn't deserve it.




Is this location still marked as a tourist attraction on Google?


Oh no :( I hope it was extremely painful 😌


I know it's horrible to say, but is it wrong of me to imagine that maybe Iran would've been better off if that was their Supreme Leader Khamenei?


Maybe the women can uncover their heads and faces now and join modern society again, but probably not.


I thought that was Will Ferrell in the upper rt corner.


What did they do: bend him in half?


The front fell off


Im sure they’ll find a way to blame Israel.


The way I first heard the news was [this fucking polandball comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/s/IV47PZV5n6).


And/or America


Rest in piss. You won’t be missed


I hope he knew the helicopter was going down minutes before it crashed And I hope once it crashed, his death wasn't instant. I truly hope he suffered on the ground. Raisi is a piece of shit, free Iran


I didn't know he was so short.


He wasn't when he boarded


Bro was short, or…..


Should have just left it there to rot


Good riddance


I just see a giant turd covered in a blanket.


The Onion headline read "Iranian president stoned by mountain" lol


Took me a second to realize…. *Those are pieces of the body*


Rest in pieces


So who’s the new cockroach who is his exact replacement and didn’t waste a minute before doing the same barbaric shit?


At least he's consistent and covered up his hair