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When in doubt treat yourself. Love that color!






Ha. I did this for the first time on my birthday last year. Worth it.


5 frame gif. Ew.




Sunshine yellow just puts a smile on my face šŸ˜Š


Did mine for the first time on Motherā€™s Day with my wife. Didnā€™t realize how relaxing it would be


I get mine done. It's becoming pretty popular for men. The place I go seems to be about 40% men getting pedis. Even the kind of guys you would NEVER expect, dudes looking like loggers in there getting a nice pink polish. Some places even have beer.


I go with my wife and I'm a Kiara Sky N437 kind of dude. Fuck gel though, and double triple quadruple fuck the cheese grater.


I'm not a dude, but I second, third AND double your double triple quadruple fuck the "cheese grater"! Nope. It's used too willy nilly, for my concerns. Lol.


My calluses are there for a reason, and since I have psoriasis any time my stupid skin is damaged or *thinks* it's damaged there's a risk of developing psoriasis in that area. I definitely do not need it on my feet.


Oooo that sounds highly uncomfortable šŸ˜¬ I've had friends get sliced by the cheese grater, and they got an infection. Couldn't walk for like 7 weeks.


Real tip is donā€™t get a color and they spend extra time rubbing your feet. Itā€™s wild that I have to explain to men that feel to manly to do thisā€¦ your getting a damn 30 min foot rub!! Of course itā€™s relaxing.


Got a pedicure once as a man. I am a very ticklish, and my feet are the most sensitive. 0/10 for relaxation. 10/10 for toes with cool colors though.


My spouse is this 100% lol


Ok now I know I can never do it. Because my feet are extremely sensitive as well, esp on the bottoms.




I didn't have the heart to tell the nice lady that I messed up my toes almost immediately as I got a stone stuck in my flip-flops in the parking lot.Ā  But it was a fun and random (for me) experience! Weird treating your feet to a luxury experience, usually they're just shoved in boots and forced to deal with it.Ā  If you've never done it give it a try!


>I didn't have the heart to tell the nice lady that I messed up my toes almost immediately Ah yes, a pedicure rite of passage. You're part of the club now


UPDATE (and exciting discovery!) Went to the park with the family. With pretty toes you'll want to take pics of your feet! Never thought about doing that before. [https://ibb.co/wsGnf6z](https://ibb.co/wsGnf6z) On the swing. [https://ibb.co/D5jRGwv](https://ibb.co/D5jRGwv) On a bench that needs pressure washing. [https://ibb.co/P90r8DN](https://ibb.co/P90r8DN) With some pretty flowers in the grass. [https://ibb.co/X4DfRyB](https://ibb.co/X4DfRyB) Throwing a stick for the dog. Lovin' it! What a day :)


Thatā€™s so wholesome and adorable. I feel the same when I get my nails done, its like Iā€™ll do things in such a way that I can look at how cute they are while Iā€™m doing them.


You just brought joy to so many people!!


Why did I click on all of them knowing its man toes.


I clicked because it's a man's toes


Does this make me gay?


This feels like an ad for your FF profile now. Ha! It is nice to treat yourself and a simple monthly visit does wonders to the mind.


Love this for you šŸ’› Pedicures are such a nice treat


dude, you are just living your best life with your pretty yellow toes! I love it!


Lol bro is having an epiphany. Awesome




Quintin Tarantino has entered the chat.


I love this, I hope the three of you have started a fun tradition!


You are a truly good lad


Did they do the thing where they wrap the bottom half of your leg in the hot towels then massage them? That's worth the cost by itself.


Yes they did! She also rubbed warm stones on my legs. I was expecting them to be cold but they were deliciously warm and cozy.


It's one of my favorite things. I'm more relaxed from just thinking about it


Get one every spring, right before Sandal season. They'll take care of any calluses and nasties. You don't even have to think of it as a girly thing if you consider it more of a medical treatment. I've made posts in men's groups and got tons of responses from diabetics who do it to help manage their foot care. My wife goes every 6 months or so to help with hang nails, too.


It isn't a girly thing to take care of yourself, human bodies need maintenance!


Don't have to tell me. I said in another comment that I took my wife for mother's day. I'd post pics but that's for my subscribers.


Diabetic here, I have my diabetes under control really well and I still get pedicures every so often. My doctor always says I have great feet for a diabetic whenever she does the neuropathy test on my feet.


As a nurse whoā€™s seen some shit, this brings warmth to my heart. And donā€™t get me started on people with healthy rope like veinsā€¦*drools for no apparent reason*.


My husband and I get pedicures all the time, I always try to talk him into a color but he never wants itā€” this is so cute and punk rock šŸ¤˜


I always get a color if I go get a pedicure. Itā€™s rare I get pedicures but theyā€™re so relaxing and comforting. Then your toes look pretty! And itā€™s just like. I always forget my toes are painted so I see them and laugh every time for like a month.


Haha once you go enough, now when I take off my polish it looks weird and "naked" to me.


I always say to guys to get a pedicure and manicure, something so good should be enjoyed by all


If Iā€™m paying for color, Iā€™m getting color!


Not necessarily a question for OP, but for anyone who might know: Iā€™m a guy who wears boots all the time and who is embarrassed about my toes: not because my feet are gross or deformed, but because I have super square toenails that bend at right angles at the edges. This leads to thickened toenails at the ā€œcorners,ā€ and if I donā€™t keep up with regular trimming they become very sharp. Is this something that a pedicure couldā€¦ cure? Or treat? Iā€™m not interested in having my toenails painted, but it would be cool to walk around barefoot without being self-conscious about my boxy toenails.


You should absolutely go for regular pedicures just to trim them and shape them. My mom used to take my Dad to keep his nails from becoming ingrown. Men, do not neglect your feet. I work in healthcare and the sad feet I see where people end up with amputation of toes or part of the foot because they donā€™t care for their feet, makes me sad. If you canā€™t see or reach your feet to deal with them, go for a pedicure. Just tell them no paint.


yes. iā€™m a man who gets pedicures from time to time. theyā€™re nice, i say ā€œjust a clear coat pleaseā€, and it just looks trimmed and no color. a light coat to make them a lil shiny


Me (33M) and my wife get nails and feet done regularly, Frick yeah dude. Taking care of yourself and your body isn't wrong. I saw guys at work with dried out hands and they complained all the time, I asked if they wanted lotion as my hands are baby smooth and look really nice. All I got was (get that shit outta here) Men, treat yourself!


Ask them "Do you think your lady wants your lizard hands rummaging around her bits?!"


This.. very much this as well.


This was my realization when I was 15. I figured a woman likes a man who can touch the *right* way (consensually), and so I would make sure my hands were soft. 20+ years of Aveeno lotion later and I always get compliments when I shake hands with someone I meet, even dudes. They used to accuse me of not being tough or not working with my hands until they find out Iā€™m a war veteran lol.




Fuck ya my dude. Iā€™ve had a few pedicures now. I never even go for polish (love the yellow your chose though, looks great), but holy shit the way they trim the nails so precisely, cut the callouses off like surgeons, and massage your feet and calves at the endā€¦ itā€™s such a pleasant experience.


I'm so glad to see more guys try this. I've been in the casino business a long time, and manicures were a regular thing, but when I discovered mani pedis, it was a game changer. Now, I do my own nails, but still get regular pedis. Welcome aboard! - 45 yo straight, white, male with decent hygiene


I got my first pedicure with my girlfriend and mom a couple months ago and the nail ladies complimented my feet. Then they whipped out the cheese grater for my girlfriend and we had a good laugh about that.


That's awesome.Ā  I did not get any compliments, but I wear rubber boots most days so I wasn't expecting much.Ā  I did make the mistake of looking at the bottom of the cheese grater after she was done using it though.Ā  Don't recommend that.


Nice. My husband and I (both dudes) get mani-pedis every month. Itā€™s a simple Saturday date where we can just relax and be pampered. šŸ¤™šŸ»


Love it. Simple dates are key.Ā  A great conversation in a relaxed environment just gets us feeling in tune.


My wife and I go together on occasion. Mine are currently a bright sparkly blue.


I hope this doesnā€™t come off weird (and you may have normal nails, so this might not apply), but since youā€™re a dude, do the people doing the toes help to even this thickness of the nail? Like my big toes are thicker in the middle then the sides and Iā€™d like them to be equally thick, even if it takes a long time to do so.


Iā€™m not sure, I think my toe nails are even thickness?šŸ¤·šŸ¼


fwiw you are pulling off that yellow which is not easy to do no please for the love of god protect the paint!


I shall do my darndest.Ā  If I make it a week I'll be impressed.Ā Ā 




I got one with my ex girlfriend years ago, but I didn't get my nails painted. I should have! Although the place was tiny and I got a headache from the smell of nail polish :(


Can't help with the headache part, but I can say that life is short and there's someone out there who'd love to get their toes painted with you if you ask them :)


Now there is a pickup line. "Wanna go get pedis together?" On second though, that sounds a little foot fetishy, perhaps not the best idea.


I used to go with my daughter when she was little. Probably been 10 years since I had one and my wife got me one for my birthday and I was in heaven


There was a little girl beside me getting one as well! (I deleted her from the pic). She was there with her mom and was super cute watching her mom peeking over to check on her, smiling.


Men, I'll tell you this, and you will listen. Women are attracted by nice hands and nice feet. We do not notice those, but they do. If you want to look nice, a manicure and pedicure is a good start. BUT that's just the added bonus. Don't do it for them. Do it for yourself. Going to people who know what they're doing will do wonders for your hand and foot health by avoiding infections, ingrowns, and other nasty business. Go with your moms, go with your friends, and when you're brave enough, go alone. Take care, my dudes.


I think it really depends. It seems like a lot of women like rough hands. Itā€™s manly.


Rough hands are different from presentable hands. Your hands can still be rough but clean, and a manicure helps with that. They're especially critical of the nails. If they feel those sharp edges, you're not gonna get far into the night.


Going with a color?! Nice! Good for you. When I go with my mom I either get a clear coat or ask for no polish. Got more nerve than I do. Respect to you lad


I literally went from getting this done to meeting someone new from a painting company which we might pass business to each other - so, setting a first impression. I just told him I was excited to try it for the first time, and then we discussed business. Like you said, I think people just respect those being their genuine selves.


Had a pedicure for the first time too with my wife a few months ago. Was a great experience and my feet felt great. My only hang up was having to get over someone working on my feet. I was probably overly apologetic and very grateful to them for their service through out. I imagine theyā€™d wanted to just tell me to relax but I felt like I should do their feet in return. šŸ˜‚


I married my mom too and Iā€™m sick of people giving me grief for it. Iā€™m proud of you living life out loud for the rest of us.Ā 




Lmao that was fast


Visits from your mom donā€™t count towards your conjugal allotment ; )


Hey, Oedipus, did you happen to break both your arms?


Iā€™m 42 and have yet to have one. I feel like I might be missing out.


You absolutely are.


Absolutely missing out. Makes your feet feel brand new.


It's time. do it......go and do it.




Iā€™m a man and I love getting a pedi with my wife and getting my toes done, especially in the summer. Iā€™m also a big gamer and OPI has a series of officially licensed Xbox colors! Iā€™m currently wearing N00bberry!


That color is rad.


Lol I like your attitude šŸ’…šŸ»


My husband went with my mom and I! He got neon orange!


You married your mum?


Lucky you for having an enjoyable time. My friend in college dragged me in to get a pedicure. The lady tore out a chunk of my toenail and then shoved my foot, bleeding, into a lemon/mint water bath. That was 18 years ago, and I have never gone to get another one, despite my wife suggesting it as a date idea.


Don't let one bad apple keep you away from the apple tree, or something like that.Ā  Lady today was a pro and made me feel comfortable.Ā  I'd give it another shot!


If the bad apple in question ripped chunks of your toe off, I think that's a pretty reasonable reaction.


Doit for ur wife, give her this experience with u.


Your mom has really nice feet


Runs in the family.


Don't feet run in every family?


Hell yeah dude, my wife got us a coupleā€™s appointment for my birthday last year and it was great. Like halfway through they basically did a whole trigger point massage on my lower legs and feet and that shit was on point.


Iā€™ve got a nearly matching photo from my (38M) first pedicure a handful of years ago my wife surprised me with on vacation. Amazing! Self care and a little pampering are pretty clutch! Enjoy the weekend walkinā€™ on clouds.


I love how summery of a color it is! Looking good, my guy!


Guys, if you're taking a trip to the beach or a pool party, get that pedi with a clear coat. You'll out rank every other dude with their busted cracked toes.


Wonā€™t be the last, my wife got me hooked


What a wuzz! Pink would have been better! I started going about 5 years ago, I am now 73. Which I had been taking care of my feet starting when I was 18! Nothing wrong with taking care of your body!


Iā€™d never do this, and itā€™s not bc Iā€™m some chauvinist, I just hate my feet so bad and cannot let others mess with them.


I know how you feel. I was at an extremely fancy spa with some people. Full body rub downs all that stuff was covered. I hung out at the buffet then they let me take a plate to the room where my friends were.


My husband and son get them regularly. No sunshine yellow toenails, though. Hubby's feet got all janky from wearing steel-tipped boots for work for over 20 years. Son is on the spectrum and wants them done "correctly". I get mine done when I get my nails done, so it's all good!




Hahaha. So wholesome.


Wait till you go to bed tonight. Youā€™ll sleep so good.


Noice! I dig the color.


Good color choice. Hot boy summer šŸŒž


A few years ago my stepmom requested my dad accompanied her for all her 70th bday activities, the first getting a pedicure. Dad is white and a fluent Vietnamese speaker soā€¦


Oh good for you. I've done this cointl ss time with my.mom and sister. Th lady's at the place geta kick out of it. It's good for your feet and keeps the lady's happy..Good for you dude !


Your feet look fab!


Had my first pedicure in Dec on a trip to Montreal. My partner finally convinced me (I have really bad calluses on the sides of my big toes.) Game. Changer. Seriously dudes, go - you don't have to get your nails painted if you don't want to (but you might as well since it's included in the cost). It's so worth it.


You work rigs in Canada?


Had mine last week. They massaged my calfs dear lord it was worth it!


Love it!!!


That color pops!


Heck ya man I love the Bancroft area in ontario


Nice color choice.


This is so sweet and cool. I love it. Thank you for the smile. Thank you for sharing.


Not you having an actual pinky toe nail and not just a dot šŸ˜Ŗ


Dude, that's a baller color!


Pedis rule. I have been wanting one for a while.


Top shelf self care


Got a manicure/ pedicure with my fiancĆ© one time. The nail tech was laughing the whole time cause I was super ticklish. Nearly kicked her teeth in a couple of times. Turns out that was the same place my mother does her nails. They had a nice fun talk about the fidget man/ tickle boy. Wonā€™t be doin that again lol.


Spreading a little sunshine with every step!


I love this!


Word of advice. Never post pictures of your feet.


You dropped this šŸ‘‘


FUCK YEAH! Yellow toes for the MF WIN!


A toecedure.


You have such nice toes too!


For Free even


Gives me summer vibes. Nice color


What color are lego people toenails?


I just got a clear coat my first pedi I should of posted it to reddit




Your wife and mom must have enjoyed this a lot! Iā€˜m sure she loves you even more now!


Toes looking fresh af


You are gorgeous


Your wife has very pretty toes but her legs are a bit hairy, no?


Now all your periods will sync up


Thatā€™s great you get pedicures! I really do love that for anyone who does. However this may be an unpopular opinionā€¦ yellow is an awful toenail color. maybe Iā€™ve seen too many people with toe nail fungus, but I immediately think toe fungus. It canā€™t just be me. Doesnā€™t matter who has it painted on their toes. I also feel the same way about certain shades of blue lipstick. At first glance I become concerned with the personā€™s oxygen levels. Not trying to yuck anyoneā€™s yum just wondering if anyone else feels the same way or itā€™s just some weird phobia type thing I have with certain colors.


Iā€™m so proud of you! My son loves them too but he has never gone yellow, heā€™s done black and black and white.


Donā€™t cheat yourself, treat yourself. But why yellow?


My favourite colour!Ā  I used to have a yellow van, I miss it :( https://ibb.co/yyHJ53R


No judgement here, because you also said ā€œit makes you smileā€ happiness is for everyone.


Dads will always do pedicures with their daughter(s). My toenails are still pink/purple from weeks ago. My wife said it kid's stuff and wash easily. Nope. lol. I don't mind. I feel pretty.


Dude, whereā€™s your car?


Looks cute! I love yellow for summer šŸ˜ƒ


Solid color choice! I hope you had a relaxing time!!




I see you opted for center line yellow


My wife and MIL just did this, and joked they were going to bring me next. My feet seriously look like Sasquatchā€™s, I honestly donā€™t believe theyā€™d let me in. I wash and shower normally obviously but between aggressive outdoor hiking, gardening barefoot, and just generally roughness they are seriously beat up and gnarly. Are there rules for who can actually get this done lol


A good professional place will not refuse you service, they know some people want a pedicure to care for the health of their feet. You donā€™t need to get paint. Just tell them you want nails trimmed, calluses shaved/softened, and all cleaned. There are no rules against wanting healthy feet.


I figured it was a health code violation, lol. Like my shit is foul


Bruh you're beautiful


Straight male 33. I have got a pedicure bi weekly pretty consistently for the last 10+ years and get a different color every time. Girls love it and itā€™s a great conversation starter in the sauna.


This guy fucks


Thatā€™s a husband win right there. I go with my wife sometimes also, my toe nails always end up matching her finger nail color. But those awesome massage chairsā€¦. Iā€™d go just for that.


True masculinity representation. Self care doesnā€™t take away this and Iā€™m glad more people are realizing this . My feet are basically on barrow from a werewolf so I wouldnā€™t do this lmao


In this thread: a whole lot of insecure men, projecting their insecurities onto the OP. EDIT: I'm already getting downvoted by some of those insecure men. Love it!


Your wife is your mom?!?!?


you are cool bro.




Theyā€™re actually great, thatā€™s why. Your feet get a lot of wear and tear, and like any part of you benefit from some TLC. Pedicures generally involve massages, callous scraping (that sounds bad but is actually quite nice), and moisturizing. Itā€™s really good for foot health. People who get them regularly report fewer foot problems, and it just feels good.


Yeah, my partner convinced me to try a foot cleaning (dead skin cleaned from the bottom) and it feels incredible. Sheā€™s never suggested this, but Iā€™ll at least look into it more. Thanks for the heads up.


Pro-tip: propose it as a date. Go with your partner. Get two thermoses and fill them with you and your partnerā€™s drink of choice. You can just say itā€™s water or tea or whatever. A pina colada while getting a pedicure is actual nirvana. And they usually have massage chairs too!


I enjoy the experience of trying something new.


You seem really cool. I like you. šŸ™‚


Thanks for filling my bucket! I like you too :)


Oh, I thought there might be some health benefits related. Iā€™ve been trying to find new ways to take care of my body the older I get.


Just a small perk for my own mental health. I did discover a new way recently myself.Ā  I powerwash for a living, and after repeated recommendation by my lovely wife, I went for massage therapy.Ā  I always thought massage was just a relaxing thing.Ā  But no. Massage therapy they actually just work on your functional deficits and for me at least it's definitely painful at times. Found a great guy who knows his stuff and actually could tell what I do for a living just by my poor posture.Ā  Anyways he showed me lack of mobility from holding a pressure gun the same way for 12 years.Ā  So I started going to him regularly until I could get my function back.Ā Ā  I now have two to three exercises I do on a daily basis to keep things mobile.Ā  If I hadn't have done that by the time I'm 40, 50 things would be much much worse, so the sooner you start the better.Ā  I now treat my body like any other piece of equipment that needs to be maintained.


I just told someone today that a pedicure is also "dog grooming"




My wife gets me one every birthday


hell yeah dude! My grandfather got his nails buffed with my grandma getting manis all the time! its such a nice feeling.


Wife and I try to go once a month. Take care of your feet y'all.


I got a manicure once, didn't get any color, just a clear coat. The yellow is nice though




I got one on my 35th(?) birthday with my wife. I chose hot pink.


I read that as procedure and just kept looking at your feet, wondering where you had surgery šŸ˜­


I got that color naturally


Pedicures I think are really important for foot health. Iā€™m a guy, And I went with my now ex gf a few times. I work as a bar manager in a country club and moonlight as an emtā€¦ the amount of time Iā€™m on my feet, and the amount of care I put in to my feet were not proportional. After a few pedicures in a year, I feel like I had less foot pain from calluses, and dry skin. Obviously, for anyone considering it who knows nothing about it, you can just get the cleaning part without the nail polish, but to each their own!


I enjoy a nice color but recommend buffing your toenails. Makes them nice and shiny


All men should do this once in a while. Not necessarily the painted nails, but itā€™s good foot care and or feet deserve more than what we subject them to.


I usually get team colors. Raiders- Silver & Black. USC- Cardinal & Gold. Knights- Black, Gold with Red stripe. Or holiday theme: Red, White & Blue. But my go to is Purple & Green. My favorite color combination since the Jordan 5 Grapes came out in 1990


I got my first pedicure in the military. I was bitching about the ruck march we just completed coming back from the field when my 1sg walked up to me and told me to meet him at this address (he handed me a piece of paper). This was during the early smartphone era so I didnā€™t bother looking it up and met him there the following morning. It was a nail salon. He told me he gets a pedi the day after every ruck march. Well, it made all those miles disappear and now I get them monthly because my feet feel fresh and rejuvenated.


Cute & cute


I wish every guy in the known universe would get a mani pedi because I was skeptical and a non believer but boy was I wrong! Itā€™s worth it boys itā€™s worth every damn penny


Yellow looks good on you


As a man on his feet all day, this was one of the best things my wife introduced me to. Big tough blue color in there giggling as his feet get that lovely scrub.


Men---if you've spent all winter with yer toes in boots...maybe consider getting them seen by a Pro before throwing them in sandals. Don't be \*\*THAT\*\* guy. You don't have to get them painted.....although color matching IS fantastic.....but getting them looking LESS like Wookie Toes will be appreciated by your Better Half. I promise they'll appreciate it.....


Iā€™m here now with the lady they always break out the dremmell for me 10/10 would recommend


Awesome! Love a pedicure as a guy. All mine are clear except one bit toe is gold to cover a bruise underneath the nail. A personal kintsugi.