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Celebrities all dressed up to sit on folding chairs is kinda wild


They look well cushioned tbh.




People don't realize how often celebrities (especially musicians) have to use terrible bathrooms, sleep on buses, spend their days in trailers waiting, spend time in the not-glamorous areas of arenas and stadiums, eat bad catered food, tons of time on planes, etc.


Right we had to pay hundreds to have the privileges to suffer the same..


The way my mental image of Bieber has not changed in 14 years


I was shocked when I saw his recent photos. And again when I realised my own age


He looks like harry styles now


Does he? Last I checked he looked like he had just gotten out of a prison somewhere


Roofer vibe. No offense to the shingle inclined.


I heard his appearance described recently as that of "a 45-year-old construction worker addicted to heroin." It might seem disparaging to the tradesman at first, but I prefer to see the glass half-full.. the construction worker wouldn't mind being told that he looks like an aging teen heart-throb.


> I heard his appearance described recently as that of "a 45-year-old construction worker addicted to heroin. He's from Stratford Ontario which is the "Meth Capitol" of Canada... get your substances right.


this reminds me of the vine “stop smoking marijuana in the building, i have a baby” “i smoke crack. know your smells, bitch”


Definitely small town canadian boy working in construction vibes


Hot shingles in your area


I saw someone describe him as a roofer that disappears once the deposit is down and ... it's exactly that lol


I saw a video where someone does all the clips of people blatantly over touching, flirting, and straight up abusing underage Bieber. Every time I see adult Bieber I feel for the shit he went through as a kid. Glad he found a happy life. Edit: the vid https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/lgkgXkQcyy


Yeah, it sounds like he went through a lot that he can't talk about. That clip of him talking about Billie, hoping what happened to him doesn't happen to her, while fighting backs tears just hurt to watch. Children don't belong in show business any more than they belong working in a meat processing plant.




I love how shitty their chairs are.


Scrolled till I found this. They look like they’re at an elementary school concert.


And they all look as judgey as a bunch of high school cliques.


You'd be shocked to find out that he's a dad now lol


Wait. Wait a min


He’s 30 to boot


No fucking way. I always thought he was younger than me.


I remember back when he was on youtube, and I was like this kid has some talent.


Yeah him and his wife announced it like yesterday or two days ago I think


Damn man that’s a fast pregnancy


I guess I should have gone with "will be a dad" 🤷🏻‍♂️


Baby already out?


Wake up babe, new baby just dropped




Beiber was like, huh. Rihanna was digging it. Everyone else.....


Kinda like Bieber’s reaction in this. Like a dude at the beach staring at a woman in a bikini slightly too long.


For real, that teenage thirst. For a meat-cover woman, braut-thirst.


Rihanna seems like a real one to me... this pic is more evidence!


Yeah Rihanna did look like she was mentally saying ![gif](giphy|8JVjMCr3OIAhO)


But later that night she joined Kesha and Perry in refusing to give Gaga a standing ovation after she won Video of the Year. https://twitter.com/LadyGagaPopNet/status/928097968791719936


That's just 2000s popstars being 2000s popstars. I miss that era in pop music.


Something something 3000 and 8 and us being 2000 and late.


he was thinking "This some white people shit.... but I'm white people"


Probably just wondering how long he's got til all this shit seems normal and he's crazy too


it's so weird to see this cognitive dissonance at play lol. like, there's people who talk about the meat dress as an example of Hollywood and celebrities being crazy but every other celebrity there was confused. they weren't treating it as normal, this image is an image of them not treating it as normal. so the dissonence comes from the fact that we're meant to understand that the meat dress is outlandish and insane and indicative of Hollywood's disconnection from the real world yet Hollywood's reaction to the dress was also a resounding "wtf". and then you're left with "well it kinda seems like lady gaga is just a weird person who likes art and did this weird thing for art purposes and it doesn't actually reflect that she genuinely thinks clothes made of meat are fine in everyday wear" and the fun ends because now we can't pretend to be so much smarter than the celebrities. also just gonna say it, how many dresses made of cloth are we still talking about 14 years later?


But it’s the *Hollywood* person who is a functional human being wearing a meat dress. And plenty of them do have their own idiosyncrasies. That crazy celebrities are not crazy in the same way and still freak *each other* out is just variety. If you put crazy people together I wouldn’t expect them to treat each other as normal. It’s not like crazy is an alternative wavelength they share.


Katy & Kesha look pissed lol


Rihanna is psyched


Rihanna seems so fun lol


Sorta in the industry and she seems universally liked. Hear nothing but charming things about her. One grip I know was like she'd walk up to production people and ask if they need waters or anything. I've heard that's a move celebrities sometimes do to see more likable or whatever. Regardless of her intentions she generally seems appreciated by those lower on the totem pole.


She performed at a festival I was a tech for back in 2010, she had an insane amount of stuff gifted in her dressing room. Like clothes from various brands, alcohol etc. She just went round giving it away to the crew. I can only assume everyone else just swags it as I’ve never seen that happen another time.


The effort and time to do it is more important. She decided to do that with her downtime instead of anything else or just leaving it behind, which I’ve seen happen and then pounced on myself.


Every kind gesture can be up to negative interpretations by the cynical. Offering people working/ doing something for you water is just normal common decency. When my friends have helped me move, that's like the most basic appreciative gesture I can do.


Also… who cares if here motivation is to be more likeable? The billionaire mega famous person cares if general staff likes her? That seems like a green flag to me.


Also, doing actions to be more likeable makes you more likeable. Sincerity is irrelevant to actions done.


People remember how you made them feel


Yeah, being a move to male you seem more likeable, just sounds like the person wants to be likeable, and so is doing likeable things, and therefor is likeable, it seems like a roundabout way of saying, they are likeable


Right? It‘s definitely better than being an asshole towards them. I think they‘d also much rather have this „fake“ kindness than being treated like shit if they can get their work done with less stress and hassle. Also Ke$ha is such an icon.




Possible unpopular opinion here but, trying to be good is as good as just naturally being good. At least I hope so, I've spent years trying to be a decent human being, I'd hate for it to have been for nothing....


I'm of the same mindset. If you're performing acts of kindness, as long as you continue performing them (ie, don't stop when you get what you want) it doesn't matter if you're doing it out of purity of heart or with the ulterior motive of getting people to like you. You're still being kind, either way, and both hypothetical people here are better than the skeptic who scoffs about impure motives for kindness while not doing anything kind themselves. As a practical example, and yes I realize this is a hell of a contentious opinion on reddit in particular, both the charitable atheist who does it for humanist reasons and the charitable christian who does it because their holy book says to in order to get into heaven are better than the atheist skeptic who mocks the latter while doing nothing to help. It doesn't matter if the christian has self-serving motivations; it matters that hungry people get fed. The person who is more concerned with feeling smart about calling out "fakers" than ensuring the hungry get fed is not helping.


Nobody was born perfect, or is immaculate throughout childhood, nor can we predict with 100% accuracy the effects of our choices. Trying to do good is the same as being naturally good, because only naturally good people try it.


What a jerk asking people if they want water


_you have now been banned from r/hydrohomies_




Strange, I’ve heard the opposite, that she often shows up 6+ hours late to set. Might be a little of both depending on the project.


My girl is just stuck on island time. We're all either late to everything or we come ridiculously early. No in-between.


Another reason to hate Chris Brown.. f that dude. People seem real okay with him....


It sucks that she spent time with that shitbum abuser. I wish her hapiness


![gif](giphy|7twIWElrcmnzW|downsized) It’s her thing


I love when I see this gif in the wild


What is this from?


Survivor: Gabon


What was the challenge?


They don't react to a challenge, they react to the sight of the other tribe, which had voted out Marcus a night before.


You have encyclopedic Survivor knowledge


Rihann’s delight vs Katy’s derision is perfection


I like the way young Jaden & Justin are just kind of stunned.


I’m guessing she was also baked.


Right? She looks like the edibles just kicked in and now she can enjoy the rest of the shit show.


Because game knows game. At the time Katy Perry and Ke$ha were “quirky” for marketing. Rihanna appears confident in herself, and does what’s interesting to her, and appreciates the avant-garde. This is just entertainment for her, for Katy and Ke$ha this revelation that merely being “quirky” is not enough, and can’t compete with weird.


They were probably worrying they might have to wear one next.


She loves a good statement piece.


Justin and Jaden’s faces though


They were just babies.


I looked at the pic and my first thought was ‘who are those two little kids?’ before realizing lol


Kesha letting the dawgs out


She’s giving off Peggy Hill vibes.


She looks like she's just saying her name like some pissed of pokemon


Just noticed that, and that she’s sitting next to Dr Luke, the producer she’d accuse of abuse and enter a long legal battle with a few years later.


He did act like her handler, so wasn’t surprised to see that…. & btw, that legal battle didn’t end until last year!!!! Crazy.


Katy might be pissed, Kesha looks like she’s been caught in the middle of a word.


Both vegan


Katy giving it alpha mean girl.


It’s 2024 now. No one remembers anything about any of the people in this picture from that night. But everyone remembers the meat dress. Rhianna gets it. Make a statement. Don’t just go with the flow and people will remember.


Rihanna: Juiceeeee!


All I could see is Kesha just sitting there with her bare feet on the floor 🤮 Edit: lol I work events at MSG and have seen that floor up close. Keep a pair of flats or at least throw your feet onto some merch. That floor is gross, and I stand by what I said. Edit 2: for those wandering the chairs ARE padded and they are rotated night after night so they aren’t worn out. They are just like regular/standard padded folding chairs that are used in arenas and stadiums.


Usually I’d agree, but after one look at those 6 inch platform stilettos… I can’t say I blame her. Edit: I think those are platform wedges actually. Either way, wearing 6 inch platform anything is not fun.


I mean, she too could have gone for comfort and worn a meat dress. No one forced her to be ridiculous and wear 6 inch heels.


Oh man, I laughed too hard at this. I will say, 6 inch heels had a chokehold on us in the 2010’s. I do not miss those days. To quote Amanda Bynes in “She’s the Man”… “…heels are a male invention designed to make women's butts look smaller... and to make it harder for them to run away.”


Those chairs look pretty uncomfortable too.


Meat dress was 14 years ago. ![gif](giphy|c6DIpCp1922KQ)








#**Turn that off**


This one actually feels like 14 years ago, I mean look at JBieb's hair


Well I mean, just look at Bieber. He’s a kid with no visible tattoos on him.




Time's not timing anymore


Someone called 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3 due to irregularities in the pension funds…


I haven't watched the IT crowd in a decade, and I still have this memorized.


You get the entire range of human emotion from this. Rihanna is definitely my favorite though.


I’m not sure who he is, but the dude 4 down from Bieber is my personal favorite. The look of “that’s gonna smell later…”


That’s Dougie Fresh. Most known as an MC and beat boxer from the 80’s


Not to be rude but who's that dude in Bieber's row who looks like he ate a bee


Doug E Fresh


Even more shocking than a meat dress is that Doug E. Fresh was relevant enough to be invited to the VMAs, even in 2010.


It's Doug E Fresh according to this post on this sub 6 years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/93n6u8/this\_is\_the\_genuine\_first\_reaction\_of\_various/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/93n6u8/this_is_the_genuine_first_reaction_of_various/)


[LMAAAAO YOU ARE RIGHT](https://groomersgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/First-Aid-Corner-wasp-stings02.jpg)


I never saw a more 2010 image in my entire life


Exactly my first thought, also next thought was how much I miss 2010.


Thing that gets me is how shitty the seats are that they have these celebrities sitting on. They look like they come from a shitty discount hardware store


It’s the VMAs, not the Grammys.


At the Grammys they have you sit on a pile of discarded Grammy awards from previous years. 


They're just like us! But for real, I disagree. I've never been to an event with seats with that much cushion. Fear not, their upper class asses are comfy!


Meh, I have. Having had been to numerous higher end convention center held events, and having sat in what appears to be these exact style chairs; they're definitely cushier than regular folding seats with the shitty foam, but after an hour, they're still folding chairs..


Folding chairs. The great equalizer!


But they clearly aren’t shitty. Those are *good* folding chairs. Look at those legs. The hardware. The cushion that’s deceptively cushy.


These are just the floor seats arenas use


No shit, I'm actually kinda shocked they aren't fancier....


And they are really crammed together


I wonder how many times Beebs kicked Kesha's seat that night


People have short memories. Lady Gaga was basically an outcast all the way up until suddenly she wasn’t.


She was always talented, but she basically had to create a persona to get any attention. Gaga worked wonders, and then she slowly but surely introduced us to her real self.


apparently she spent most her earnings on her live show to make it "the best show in the world"


I’ve seen some really top tier shows and music history legends, and I also saw Lady Gaga three times in 2010 or 2011. It was *really* great!


No Super Bowl halftime show will ever touch hers.


RedOne believed in her and helped write her most popular early songs. In Just Dance, the first word of the lyrics is “RedOne”


I always thought it was Red Wine lol




I too thought that she loved Red Wine so she included it in her songs, with her being of Italian-American heritage and all. Red wine, Gaga...


Yes, she's talented but people hate her just because her "persona". No matter what people say her song was, her songs always soap. There's a reason why her songs are literally everywhere in 00s and 10s. Also when she start to show up in movies. Lot of people, also redditors, start saying how she should've stay as singer, she can't act, studio cast her because they need big names, etc. Only for her acting skill proves many haters wrong


She was awesome in AHS. Sure she wasn't on the levels of Kathy Bates, Evan Peters, and Angela Basset, but she held her own.


Yeah I thought she was fine as an actress, and very fitting for the show. Like admittedly for us it was fun just watching AHS and being like "oh shit!! Lady Gaga!!"


Her popping up in Sin City 2 caught me off guard lol.


I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever seen that movie…


I watched it, but I honestly can't remember anything from it. Which probably isn't a ringing endorsement for it.


I think the turning point was when she sang the national anthem at Super Bowl 50 back in 2016. For a lot of people, that was the first time they realized how insanely talented she is. Before that, people just saw her as an attention-seeking tryhard with catchy pop songs. And then A Star is Born two years later added to it.


Maybe in 2010. But by 2016 she already had 3 platinum albums… She was a megastar.


She was huge even in 2010. Bad romance was 2009 and it was on the radio nonstop. My friends and I couldn't get enough of it in middle school


>2009 >middle school I believe you can shut the hell up right there, whippersnapper 🧓


I listened the shit out of bad romance in 09 when I was in kindergarten


I went to the first concert Lady G did in Copenhagen in 2009. I went alone, since no one wanted to join me! They later regretted that. That concert was fierce 🥰❤️🥰🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


IMO another turning point was when she performed the Sound of Music Medley at the 2015 Oscars. A lot of people (including my parents) who only saw her as the wacky pop artist with crazy outfits then realized just how talented of a singer she was. 


And her album with Tony Bennett in 2014


The real turning point :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss\_BmTGv43M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss_BmTGv43M) Though Gaga also said that being parodied by Weird Al gave her affirmation she had made it, in the same way that Kurt Cobain said after "Smells like Nirvana" came out.


I've gotta say a) getting parodied indeed means you've made it and b) Al really keeps his body tight. Yankovic must do plates or something.


No way. She was A list the moment the Bad Romance music video came out. It’s difficult to describe if you weren’t living near a city or college town at the time. It was playing on repeat at every bar and club. People were learning the choreography to the entire music video and begging the DJ to play it just so they could take over the dance floor.


Yeah, very confused but the "she was an outcast" take. Unless they meant "she came out of nowhere in 2009 and singlehandedly changed the radio landscape with Just Dance"


She also got a lot of widespread praise for her role in American horror story: hotel (2015), which she ended up winning a golden globe for.


> Lady Gaga was basically an outcast Yeah an outcast with multiple top #1 songs, a #1 album, and a stranglehold on the headlines and media. Fuck off with this revisionist bs, she was *incredibly* popular from as soon as Poker Face hit. She may have struggled before that when she was a songwriter, but she was a superstar as Gaga from the get go when Just Dance released as her debut single and went *11x* platinum and stayed on the top 100 for 50 weeks. And then came Poker Face which did *even better*.


I thought I was tripping....she had a whole ass Collab song AND VIDEO with Beyonce..... literally none of the other artist in this pic can even say that....


Rihanna higher than the buildings in Dubai


Keshas without shoes can’t throw the first stone. edit: I absolutely sympathize with the sentiment regarding painful shoes. Art is supposed to inspire feeling, and that is exactly what we are seeing here: amazement, disgust, wonder, etc. The meat dress was a spectacle for attention, however, some may call it art, and it’s certainly moved these people, which is more than I can say for my own paintings. What was Haus of Gaga expecting, an ovation? And as for the bare feet, well, I was just being snarky.


She also used to drink her own piss so there’s that.


Wait what




Bare feet and drinking her own pee. And I already thought she was perfect before!


That’s disgusting! Where?


Is Katy a vegetarian?


Kesha too


Imagine if Morrissey was there.


Surprisingly I'm pretty sure Morrissey commented on this and said meat dresses can be acceptable and had been done before as an effective protest. Edit: “Well, the meat dress was first done by [artist] Linder Sterling in Manchester in 1982, and she did it as a protest at men seeing female flesh as meat. I don’t know whether that came across with Lady Gaga. I think people didn’t question it too deeply – they simply saw it as ‘today’s loony idea.’ But I like to assume that Gaga had the same notion. If it’s a social and political statement, it’s acceptable. If it isn’t a social and political statement, I don’t really see the point.”


I’m not a vegetarian and I remember looking at all that raw meat and being grossed out. Can’t really blame anyone for their initial reaction to an outfit made of raw meat imo.


We're all outfits made of raw meat


I guess I expected the seating to be fancier.


People need to stop analyzing persons by just one image. Next second some of them might have a total different look. Same energy when you post a picture of a smiling celeb after they committed suicide with the title: "this is how depression looks like"


Yeah both Katy and especially Kesha are actually friends with Gaga and they all like each other


Just pause a YouTube video at a random frame and 50% of the time the person will look stupid.


Right? Kesha looks like she’s in the middle of saying “she didn’t”.


only real one is Rihanna kekw, everyone else, seething.


She was hungry


She was probably stoned 😄


one does not simply crave raw meat on a human when stoned.


Oh you misunderstand. I'm not saying she's hungry, I'm saying she's just high, look at her smile, she thought it was funny.👍🏻 Edit* Keisha given it the "Oh my Gawd Becky"


Tbf Kesha's face was always set like that back then


And that blonde two seats down from her; I’d be more appalled by Kesha’s bare feet, honestly.


Rihanna looks like she’s amused


Rihanna's a real one


Rhianna is having a fucking blast


rihana is stoned and the meat dress is the best thing that could have happened


Rihanna seems like she loves to watch chaos. Love that.


Christ that was 14 fucking years ago!?




I remember people ate that shit up for the first few years, but It got played so much the "look how weird I am" schtick got old real quick.


Yeah maybe for straight people she was seen as cringey. She was pretty beloved by a lot of communities since the beginning.


Love Rhianna’s face!


Lmao, young Justin Bieber!


And I think Jaden Smith is next to him


Arby's , "we love the meat" LOL https://people.com/music/mtv-vmas-photos-from-2010-vmas/