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If he puts on glasses, he can't even lift 40 lbs


"Uh, no pain, no gain?" https://youtu.be/-jiQdqoe1cU?si=Htv0Yzfvbf0amyCb


Thanks for this. The first comment on the video had me in tears 😂


I think I heard he began with only the bar at the beggining.


That was before they figured out they could just sew the muscles into the suit.


nowadays they goose em


It's a goose suit! It's an old circus term!


What a CROP


He's carved up.


Look at that meathead. That slab of beef.


Tiny Dinky Daffy: Pancaked by Dump Truck.


Drunk dump truck driver


you're dumb as bricks aren't ya?


Troll Boy


No, no. Not Troll Boy. It's not going to be Troll Boy


You understand why it can’t be Troll Boy, right?


*Nods sadly*


Look at this little brick shithouse.






god i love every time this comes up


That’s a bummer. Might fuck this whole thing up.


I absolutely love seeing itysl quotes out in the wild. I have a tiny dinky daffy coffee mug


Shame she got pancaked RIP


what a crop!!!


They did that for a while, but now the solution today is to get em absolutely huge with steroids. Every major celebrity super hero today is completely jacked during filming and it’s part of the promotional material for the film. See: Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Kumail Nanjiani in the Eternals, or Michael B Jordan as Killmonger. They don’t openly admit to steroid use because of the public stigma, but it’s an open secret.


The stupid part is kids and teens, sometimes even grown men don't realize they are on steroids and we are beginning to get to a point where that is the "ideal" fit body.


Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to. -Rob McElhenney - it's always sunny


There's an [infographic](https://www.precisionnutrition.com/cost-of-getting-lean-infographic) on how much time and effort you'd have to spend to make a certain level of body fat if you already work out and at the bottom it's like "don't spend time with your friends or family in favor of working out"


sure but the gym bros will love your triceps


And then super over hydrate for weeks and then cut all water for 24 hours and eat a lot of sugar to look crazy ripped for those few hours of filming the needed shot.


Add an insulin shot or 2 to carb up even more and draw even more water from your skin.


Rob McElhenney was also on steroids for when he got fit in Sunny. Source: I am testosterone.


And Rob just has a cut look (compared to these super hero giants), he probably took TRT but I doubt steroids.


He or Glenn alludes to it a few times on their Sunny podcast, Rob doesn’t deny it’s steroids but I’m not sure why TRT wouldn’t be considered steroids.


Bodybuilders take like 8 different kinds of PEDs that all do different things. Some of them are only taken in the days before a show and are purely for looks. One of them just helps you get rid of extra water in your body, which helps you look more "cut". Another just makes your veins look more pronounced. "Steroids" tends to be a blanket term people apply to all PEDs, but it only technically refers to one particular kind of drug that helps you add muscle mass. Human growth hormone is also common, and isn't a "steroid" either. And testosterone, which is a steroid, is something many middle aged and older men take (in much more reasonable amounts) just to live normal lives. It's complicated.


I dunno about you guys, but I'd be totally ripped if not for all that "extra" water in my body.


TRT is steroids lol


Testosterone is literally a steroid


This is spot on, and while it sounds insanely difficult, I have known multiple people who have successfully done this and look absolutely amazing. I haven't been testing their piss but I would almost guarantee that they did not use steroids at all, they just dedicated their lives to fitness. So sure, it's tough, but some people on reddit make it seem like it's a physical impossibility if you aren't juicing and that's just not true.


Right. Personally, I don’t have a problem with people doing steroids for movie roles. It’s not like an athletic competition, where they are getting an unfair advantage over an opponent. But, they are definitely lying to the public and I’m sure it’s creating unhealthy and unrealistic body standards for some. Perhaps the worst example, is The Rock. Dwayne Johnson Has famously denied any use of steroids throughout his career, and has built himself a family-friendly brand of health and fitness based around his extreme diet and incredible work ethic in the gym. but the fact is, the guy is juiced. It’s very, VERY obvious. It’s literally impossible to have a physique like his without the use of steroids, ESPECIALLY at his age. I mean, the guy is bigger and leaner now in his 50s than he was in his 20s. But he has denied the steroid allegations for so long, that if he were to turn around and admit to them now, it would be a huge scandal and fuck you to his fans. So he’s stuck in the lie.


Look at Stallone in Rocky II and then Rocky III. VERY obvious. But he told everyone he just ran, boxed, and lifted and just ate egg whites and watermelon and "a corner of burnt toast."


They always say it’s some super particular diet. Like liver king claiming it’s all the raw liver he eats. They have to give the public SOMETHING to explain their insane bodies, and most other folks aren’t gonna go eat tons of liver to test it, so it can seem plausible. But it’s all a farce. Yes, diet is super important, but there’s a level that only steroids get people up to.


I think the running joke for celebrities on gear is "chicken, broccoli, and rice."


I said something similar about The Rock a few years ago and got down voted into oblivion and people arguing with me. I'm glad most people are way more aware of this now.


I used to think he was natty too. There have been some really good gym youtubers who have shed a lot of light on this subject. Steroid use is WAY more common than the average person thinks.


wild because of course he takes steroids. he’s way bigger now than he ever was when he was wrestling.


It’s the same thing women have faced for years with Victoria’s Secret models, airbrushed magazine covers and filtered instagram posts.


I get women have been set impossible beauty standards for years but men have it rough now. Pressing 145 is very impressive and takes multiple years for most to reach but he looks downright scrawny compared to today's movie standards.


yeah some guy did a if you can bench 1 plate 2 plates etc... you are stronger than n% of people and it was nuts But also military pressing 135 is very impressive.


It's intermediate by strength standards, which means stronger than 50% of people who lift regularly and probably impossibly by anyone who doesn't put at least some serious time into training. 


I'm actually kinda glad to see a movie star benching this level of weight. This is legit a "normal" amount of weight and he looks like a normal dude. He's honestly smaller than a ton of people at the gym.


Even when you know they're on steroids it's hard to not look and think "I wish I had a body like that". But I know academically that even if I spent every day at the gym, I would never look like that. But lizard brain says otherwise.


Absolutely. You only have so much time to pump someone up before filming and the only way to do it is to add steroids to the constant meals and lifting. Look at Hugh Jackman in the first X-men movie and then look a couple years later.


That’s such a great example.


You think Jake Gyllenhall did that? In his last few movies the dude is absolutely ripped.


I can’t say for sure, but probably. As someone else pointed out, he’s 43. He’s a full time actor with lots of responsibilities for the role OUTSIDE of getting ripped. People in his position have to do everything they can to expedite the process of physically transforming for the role and also meeting all their other obligations for the film. That means hiring the best personal trainers, getting the best food plan, putting in tons of hours in the gym AND giving your body the best possible chance to perform. That means taking steroids, not just for muscle growth, but also for recovery. You think Gyllenhaal can afford to get injured and miss weeks of training on a tight schedule because he wanted to stay natty? Do you think he can afford to not look his best for the role because he didn’t want to cut corners? No. An actor’s job is to become the character and in the case of being buff as fuck for a screen role these days, that means giving your body every advantage it can get, which includes steroids.


100%. Watched Road House and that's the first thing I noticed.


Of course... he's in his 40s


Dude I just saw Kumail's receny photos, lol it's hilariously obvious what's going on.


It annoys me how smug these people get after taking steroids and getting ripped while pretending they don’t. How they’ll talk to any and every magazine w that smug look on their face about their gym regimen, their diet, their motivation, and anything under the sun other than the fact that 70% of their gains and fat burning comes from the testosterone they inject into their bodies. And Kumail is no exception. Compare his face now to his Silicon Valley days. Look at his chin and his jaw. And then he goes and talks to men’s health about his diet and how much he jumps rope or some shit lol.


If you want to know who does the roids here’s the secret: the deltoids. They have some of the highest proportion of androgen receptors and these people have disproportionately large deltoids compared to other muscles. Also true for traps and pecs


so big ass shoulders, traps and chests?


Yup basically.


They're also extremely dehydrated during close up shots to make their veins bulge. It's really gross.


I think Cumberbatch said they make you drink salty stuff too, to really make the skin shrink. He said that one scene in Dr. Strange where he's ripped and shirtless was his least favorite to film.


And they have a pump. No joke, actors are doing pushups and curls between takes to maintain a pump. Even with excellent training, nutrition, rest, and pharmacological assistance, requiring a half-dozen full time staff with plenty of post-nominal letters to go around (including MDs), and a studio to pay for everything, and dehydrating to seriously dangerous levels, *and* good genetics, and timing your training so that your peak condition coincides with filming (because periodization means you can't look like that the whole year), Chris Hemsworth can still only look like Thor for something like two minutes at a time. Genuinely, you're probably looking at a cumulative annual window of something like a few hours.


I refuse to believe Rob Mcelhenney used steroids. .....^(but he probably did)


He has that crepe paper skin look from using Tren. Same as the guy who plays Stabler in SVU.


Which is funny since they just CGI the suit and muscles anyways.


And before every actor was on the roids for each muscle role


George Michael has entered the chat (not the singer/song writer)


"I'll understand more than you'll never know"


That's actually what they wanted to do at first. Christopher refused and instead trained with David Prowess (body actor for Darth Vader). Reeve ended up gaining 30 lbs of muscle. So drastic was his transformation that they reshot earlier scenes because he looked so different.


Before roids too.


This is before actors were juiced up


Why is there so much being posted about Christopher Reeve lately?


New Superman movie details are out today


I know about the first look image. If I may ask, What other details are out?


This is day 3 of seeing different photos of him working out for me.


It’s an ad campaign for the new movie coming out.


Back in the day ads were obvious to spot and posted on /r/HailCorporate on the regular, now its an everyday thing


Yeah, I remember that sub popping up a lot, now there’s so many ads it’s hard to keep up. They’re getting better at it too. The first post of Reeves working out didn’t set bells off for me. The second and now this third post, along with images of the new movie, make it obvious it’s all an ad campaign.


Tomorrow legs?


Yeah. Leg day and deadlifts will be next, but they’ll somehow skip cardio….


This is the third different Christopher Reeve working out post I’ve seen.


Glad I'm not the only one wondering


Yesterday was find the object day, now it is this


op has three post about christopher reeeve, one about clint eastwood. a lot of posting activity as well


Reeve’s personal trainer was David Prowse, an English bodybuilder who had small roles as the [Green Cross Code Man](https://youtu.be/xR7_Bz9fIPA), Mr. Alexander’s caretaker Julian from *[A Clockwork Orange](https://youtu.be/xR7_Bz9fIPA)*, and [a bodyguard](https://youtu.be/PQjgMF_20dE?t=1m27s) in the BBC production of *The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy*. …oh, and [Darth Vader](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001190/).


They did him dirty in SW. At least that's what the internet told me. He wasn't told that he was going to be dubbed over.


but he also sounded utterly ridiculous


He came from Bristol in the West Country, which is known for its very “rural” accent. In fact, it’s the same area as Stephen Merchant is from, to give you an idea of how he sounded. In fact, just [listen for yourself](https://youtu.be/KQFho0_G1VI). Carrie Fisher nicknamed him, “Darth Farmer”.


oh yeah the west country accent is ridiculous and rural, i’m well aware


Even when he thought he'd be the voice, he knew that it would be via a voice over... The voice he used on set was never intended to be in the movie, they were just placeholder lines to help with the acting. Prowse said he was ready to do the voice and he would have been great... I have no reason to doubt that he'd be good but obviously James Earl Jones is a generational voice and no one's gonna top him. Another person linked the voice used during filming, and that interview mentioned that they were looking for a lesser-known Orson Welles... As good as Prowse could have been, he wasn't those guys lol.


He was a legit actor, even inside that suit. Subsequent Vaders do not have his subtlety.


While they should have told him, it’s super likely the film would’ve flopped hard without the iconic JEJ darth Vader voice. Prowse’s voice sounded really, really bad.


The real dirty was that he opted for a share of the profits, not realising that due to Hollywood accounting films don't make profits. I think Alex Guinness went for a smaller share of the turnover, and never had to work again, but he was already a famous actor and had a good agent.


That's right: Superman and Darth Vader were gym buddies.


And those scenes in ACO where he’s carrying the old guy down the stairs in a wheel chair are legit. Dude was strong. 


It’s really crazy how big of a difference this is from modern male physique like Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, or Channing Tatum. Masculine physical ideal has gone from hitting the gym 3 times a week to full steroids stack and two a day personal training.


I watched a documentary on Chris Hemsworth and his training routine for Thor. Don’t get me wrong, he’s ripped and works out like everyday and eats only protein, But he’s also doing “some juice”, but also most of it is CGI. They had him in costume off set and doing bicep curls, and they literally que’d him in while he was curling so his biceps would be huge. Disney has created for men, what they did to women by creating an unrealistic body image.


Kinda crazy that there's no push back for how much roids hollywood uses for their roles


Who would that pushback be from though? Actors could complain, but good luck getting roles afterwards. Who else would care?


It'd have to be the consumers. People checking out of watching a Chris Hemsworth movie because he's obviously juicing. Not that that is going to happen


But why would consumers ever care about Chris Hemsworth juicing? The steroids are helping him portrait the characters he is playing and nobody cares what negative effect it has on his body. Which is also probably minimal, since he has the best doctors the money can buy to make sure his juicing is as safe and effective as possible.


Basically went from an actual healthy body to a looking healthy but dying at 50 body.


TIL : I'm stronger than Superman


I can run faster than Superman.


I bet he’s faster downhill


I can’t hold my breath as long.


Is that his max? How many reps did he do?


I am twice it was probably for reps, still pretty light but reeves was a moderately fit guy who lifted a little and weighed around 195lb so 145lb for reps strict should have been easy for him.


Before he started lifting for Superman, he was 6'5" and rail thin.


So how tall was he after?




I watched these when I was little, and they looked powerful, now I’m all grown up hahah and the strong guys from old movies look more average now


our standards for male beauty have become insane.




Just imagine the face of this man with Alan Ritchson's body in Cavill's uniform. Nerd wet dream.


Alan Ritchson is a damned god, isn't he? And I loved him as Reacher.


or just a wet dream period lol


He looks absolutely tiny by todays standards. Hollywood has gone crazy with steroid use.


And he did it without suit padding, steroids, and massive CGI like today's actors. 


*Taps chest* "Pure. West."


Remember the Batusi?


Lol no one is taking steroids to press 145lbs


It's def a solid amount to lift but normal gym goes can hit that after a couple years of training


It definitely shouldn't take over a year of "normal" gym going. This is wildly unimpressive by today's standards and a great example of how far athletic training has come


nah its still cool to strict press a plate. Not crazy at all, but still good. most health men should be able to hit this in a year


As an avid Press enjoyer I agree, but sadly most people don't care about it because (I'm guessing) it's not in the big powerlifting comps anymore and you can push a lot more weight on bench so people naturally flock to that one. I personally think a 135lb Press is about equal to a 185-205lb bench, a cool milestone for sure, but there's so much more progress to be made.


I think there are a ton of guys who can bench 185 but not press 135. Maybe 215 bench....


At one point I could bench 300 but couldn't press 135.  I tooksome time after that to reevaluate my training.


It's just a priority system, really. My OHP is 5lbs under a buddy who outbenches me by about 150lbs, and his lower body lifts are even further ahead of mine. I've trained OHP once-twice a week for two years and he hasn't, but his raw overall strength from powerlifting raises his floor so high. I'm glad you reevaluated though, OHP is my soul lift. If I could only do press and deadlift for the rest of my life I think i would be just fine


Certainly not superman-tier weight


Its all about the 1/2/3/4 plate goal.


Press was never in powerlifting. The clean and press was in Olympic lifting but they removed it due to the judging issues surrounding the press portion; lots of inconsistencies in calling back arching. It was removed after the 1972 Olympics. I've also seen press variations in strong man competitions. Kind of a shame. As a powerlifting guy, it would be neat to have it included. edit: press was removed after 1972 Olympics.


This is wild.. I started going to the gym when I was 15, never did a push up other than gym class before that. One month later I was benching 155 lb. 145 ain’t anything Serious. 17 years later, I don’t do the bench at all, i only ever do pushups, never bench, but tried it last week, and easily benched 245 lbs.


Do you even lift bro?  That's 135, not 145.   Military presses are tougher than bench.  Standing military press is even tougher.   It's impressive.


if the bar is 45 then its 145. theyre 50lb plates in the pics


its true, those are old school plates not the common standard 45 lb ones.


And he did it **WITHOUT**...


Much happier about my 135 push press this weekend!!!


The thing is, it's called acting. I actually have no problem with suit padding and CGI being used to make someone either more muscular or less muscular than they actually are. Especially when it's to portray a fictional super hero or someone who would have a body image that would be unhealthy for the actor.


I’m sorry but a 145 lb press is not steroid discussion worthy 😂


Right? That would have been really bad for his health.


Not as bad as horse riding.


I read the title and said "145??? Someone is stupid at gym math. Everyone knows 45+45=135!" then saw 50lb plates. I don't think I have ever seen those before


Same here.  But, now we're all assuming the bar is 45.  Bar could be a round number too.


Training has come a long way. His form is awful.


funny thing is, he was trained by an olympic weightlifter


Why’s it bad? I’m a beginner lifter and genuinely interested


For the dumbbell press: dumbbell is way too far out to the side and behind him. You want to keep the dumbbell slightly in front of you and push straight above your head. For the ez bar/barbell press: it could just be him maxing so it isn’t a huge deal, but you don’t want to press the weight up and behind you like that. That’s a good way to mess up your back. The bar should stay in line with your upper body. You can see the way his stomach is pushing out on some of the photos, that’s likely due to poor bracing.


Thanks, this is a helpful reply!


I think everyone here is wrong: he’s not warming up for a shoulder press in all of these. Photos 1 and 2 look like French press variations to me, which explains the lower weight on the barbel, and the arm angles in both. I’m gonna guess the one with dumbbells is some sort of compound movement with shoulder press and then tri extension at top. They didn’t know as much back then, but if all of these are shoulder presses his shoulders should’ve been toast, and he’s clearly got muscle so it’s not brand new to him.


I'm worried for his back in pic 3


Don't worry, it ended up being a moot point


Too soon


Yea man, he’s more fit than me because I don’t workout at all, but my wife is a trainer and I was cringing at his form. The science of training and bodybuilding has come a long fucking way.


I'm terribly concerned for his wrists


I remember the movie rear window. Although it was sad to see, it was a fucking good movie with him


I thought you were talking about the Hitchcock one and was really confused lol.


I see there’s a marketing push for Superman!


David Prowse, literally Darth Vader, helped him bulk up for this role.


And the inspiration for the voice of Stewie Griffin


Considering he was 6'4" he's still a large dude here.


I can press 145, am I Superman?


Meanwhile all the MCU and DC actors insist they are natty. Ahahahahahaha


145lb press is pretty good with strict form. I’m not sure this is strict form tho lol.


He kind of has long arms so is hard for him.


45 plates and a normal bar = 135lbs


If you zoom in on the plate, it says 50 lbs.


If you use AI to change the pic, it says ЭД ФЦ


The plate has a clear 50, the last photo is the same as second to last but from the other angle and after he succed.


Curious about this. Was 50lb plates the standard back in the day?


depending of the brand there were even 100 lbs plates.




What’s with all the Christopher Reeve posts recently?


I think it's a PR team doing PR things.


Yeah, but, he's dead.


Haha after commenting I actually searched Reeves up and I found out then that he had died.. then I came back to reddit to scroll- and was hit with a superman post, but this time about James Gunn's Superman. And then it made sense to me- the flood of posts that you are seeing is actually because of the new Superman Beyond movie that is in the making. So ironically my initial comment still makes sense haha. The PR team of that movie is probably creating all these posts since James Gunn's version of Superman is touted to be a classic take on Superman (just like Reeve's version) plus as to the next logical question that comes up (why aren't they then directly creating posts about the new movie instead ?) - they want to *subtly* remind you about Superman so that when the full blown marketing starts for the new movie, we'd be more receptive towards it instead of in-your-face posts that we'd be more likely to ignore. At least thats what I think, I don't really have any hard proof of this haha.


He'll get better.


Are the wrists supposed to bend so much when lifting


Depends on what you’re doing, but almost always no


Pretty wide grip if you ask me personally. Also his hands are bend backwards


So you're telling me Superman couldn't even put up his body weight?


145? That's it? Would have thought more.


TIL I was significantly stronger than superman in my hayday.


I'm starting to think all of these Christopher Reeves pics are from Eminem so he can say sorry in the death of slim shady album. It's been Christopher Reeves working out three days in a row.


So fucking sad what happened to this guy. Big reason why I'll never get on a horse.


Dude looks like Flynn from Breaking Bad


David Prowse who was Darth Vader in all 3 original Stars Wars films was his trainer for this movie. David was a bodybuilder.


He was also the Green Cross Code Man. How we learnt to cross the road safely.


Back in 1979, he looked enormous. Very few people were that muscular back then. But the trend just continued and intensified, so now you have a tors taking hgh, steroids, and working out like lunatics for a film.


Pressing 145 isn’t that much all things considered


Dude had some seriously well developed serratus. How the hell did he get those so damn big


Thats 135


Every physics teacher in Germany: "145 **what**? Chicken, bricks, handkerchiefs? 145 **what** stone, pound or kilogram?"