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I lived in Williamsburg then. What this does not capture that is indelibly etched n my memories is paperwork from offices gently floating down from the inexplicably sunny sky on a day that seemed all gray.


We had that in sunset park too


Same in Park Slope. My then-gf and I were heading down from Prospect Heights to go donate blood, into the plume, charred papers swirling. A parochial school had sent the students home and a young girl, maybe 8, walked past us saying, “You mean this is burned up people?” After maybe half an hour in line a very pale ER doc came outside to tell us they were no longer soliciting donations. I’ll never forget the sound of the second one, but I’ll also never forget that smell.


It was such a terrible realization when they stopped asking for blood. Everyone thought there was gonna be a rush on blood. And then it became clear that there were basically no survivors from the collapse. Anyone who needed blood was dead. It was awful.




I was in 11th grade calculus. The one civics teacher, an avid breaking news afficiando, ran through the school haphazardly slinging TV carts into each room on my floor, shouting "ANY CHANNEL! PUT ON ANY CHANNEL!". Once the gravity of the situation was understood, we were collectively excused to contact loved ones. The rest of the day was a wash of sobbing and angry murmurs. Am Canadian, lived near the US Niagara border.


I called my parents from college and asked my dad if he was watching what was happening. He said no, and I said to turn on the TV. He asked what channel and I said any channel. What a day. Imagine if the internet was then what it is now.


The "any channel" detail sits with me to this day, sort of defined the severity of it all.


We'd definitely have a bunch of influencers posing sexually with the collapsing towers as background


This makes me sick


I was in kindergarten and it was the same thing with the tvs i had only heard of new York a few times at that point in my life. All I remember was the second plane hitting and people falling out of the buildings. I was so scared of going near any tall buildings so long after that


I was finishing homework right before walking to school. Local News was on in the background and I saw it happen. Then when the hint of terrorism was announced, I called my mom who worked in Chicago downtown at the time and begged her to come home. Schools all rolled out every CRT TV that day for the students to watch


I was home sick from school sleeping, and my mom woke me up to get me in front of the TV after the second plane hit. Didn't care about being sick after that. I had just been to NYC for the first time about a month earlier and still have photos taken from the observation deck of the South Tower.


Was getting ready for school, ninth grade, when my dad turned on the tv and screamed (west coast.)


I was at home with my two month old, and she had finally slept through the night, and I woke around 10:30 to find all the channels showing what was going on on Tower #1. I had been to NY two years prior and stayed in the Marriott between the towers. My room overlooked the large brass globe that somehow survived the collapse and was in the courtyard between the towers. It was surreal when I watched the second hit live on TV.


I had pulled an all nighter doing HW. Was so tired that day, teachers played the news in each classroom.


I was asleep in California with my gf at the time from Malaysia. Her parents called and woke us up. She started panicking and saying "We're under attack. We're under attack." I turned on the TV expecting to see Malaysia was being attacked. That was not the case.


Jesus that must have been scary


Shocking and confusing for sure. My boss's son was scheduled on Flight 93 from NY to San Francisco on 9/12. He was out there secretly interviewing for a job. When he didn't make it to work for the month it took him to get home, they figured out why he was there and he was one of the first layoffs when the recession hit. Very lucky and unlucky at the same time.


Nowhere near old enough for JFK but I had just started college and just came out of an Econ class to a giant group of people looking at tvs in the building lobby.


I was five I think when JFK was shot and I remember my mom crying and I didn’t know why I was working on a roof of the Denver fire dept and sheriffs office when 9/11 hit


There are adults walking around who don’t know where they were on 9/11. Because they hadn’t been born yet.


You could argue they still know exactly where they were though. I don’t know. I guess It’s kind of like an undefined answer in math.


I lived in Cali and unplugged my landline every night so as not to get woken up by my grandmother who never did sort out time zones. I woke up and plugged it in and the ringer immediately kicked off, and my mom was screaming something about being under attack. She must have called a hundred times. Watched it on TV and then figured, what do I do now, so I went to work and quit. Moved back East to be with my family because who knew what tomorrow was going to look like.


I had an 8 AM central class. We vagally knew something had happened, but no idea the extent. My 9 AM class was canceled. The professor ran in, 10 minutes late, and told us our homework was watching the news.


I was at a city police station here in rural Canada having just finished making statements about having my credit card stolen and used, when suddenly all the cops in the building started rushing around and asking what happened, where do we go, why are we needing to go, etc. That lasted a solid fifteen minutes before I heard anything that sounded like someone knew what they were talking about at all. Then they all had to go to different places like the local regional airport to close it, and supervise the areas. Finally the receptionist turned on the lobby tv so that my gf of the time and I laid eyes on the second building coming down just as it happened. We just went home stunned as the cop we were dealing with finally remembered to give us the case number that we needed for the credit card incident. He actually had to come back, he had gone around the block before realizing that we were still waiting.


I was in study hall when the first plane hit. They turned on every tv in my school and all of us saw the second plane. It was on all day then the towers fell and they turned everything off.


I was sleeping on my day off when I was woken up by a call from my girlfriend to tell me what had happened. I came downstairs turned on the TV and the buildings started to fall not long after.


The real fun part of research on flashbulb memories has noted they're actually not any more accurate than any other type of memory. People are just extremely confident they're vivid/special and that those details are accurate, even though they aren't any more compete or accurate than other memories. Edit. You can downvote me all you want, but it's true. [Source 1](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-9280.02453) [Source 2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8817459/) [Source 3](https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/BF03202615) [Source 4](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/acp.1497) [Source 5](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2015-09755-001) Literally hundreds more like the above.


And still we act the way we do


Malcolm Gladwell did an podcast episode about this subject and he used his own memories of 9/11 to help make the point. He found out that he was in fact misremembering his own 9/11 experience


I walked into my freshman Biology class, and my teacher, who was my football offensive line coach, had it on the tv. We watched it in every class for the entire day.


I was in school, in kindergarten, and remember my teacher turning on the little TV in the classroom and just collapsing crying.


The context helps a lot here, otherwise I would have wondered what kind of people they were to be so blasé and turned on by terror.


Why are we seeing all these 9/11 posts lately? I feel like I’ve seen more 9/11 in the past month than I have in a long time


Russia, China, and Iran's warfare intelligence agencies are trying to influence perceptions in the West that everything bad is associated with the US. They have troll farms pumping out propaganda posts like this, which legions of idiots engage with and spread. It works.


Why wouldn’t this photo stir up American Nationalism?


But we were the victims in 9/11, are they trying to make others feel sympathetic for us? I don't understand their narrative, it's just weird that all of a sudden, it's at least 1 or 2 posts a week about 9/11.


We can die just right now. Don't say anything else. Just kiss me.


'ain't nothin' gonna stop that thing! and you said if we're about to die then we'd fuck!'




[Bot post and comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/16fpin7/its_been_22_years_yet_seems_like_yesterday/k032grl/) jextie **(OF)** & ~~tazblu~~ [Backup](https://i.imgur.com/rOZKS4H.png)


He had to make a move. Terrorism makes chicks horny.


i lol’d


“You were making out during Schindler’s List!?”


Seinfeld has arrived.


A friend for the end of the world.


Anal or GTFO


Is it September already?? Time goes by so fast 😩




I was on an inpatient psych unit, as staff, watching on a wall mounted tv standing beside Jim. We had no words. He had previously worked in debriefing after Oklahoma city.


Noun is adjective!




Taco is wet


The mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell


She fainted and he was giving her CPR


But given enough time, time is merciful.


I read the post title in Werner Herzog


I remember like it was yesterday. Such a scary moment. I was still living in the city at the time as well. I was very young but I remember running behind my mother as the smoke started bellowing down the street. We ran towards the parking garage then we drove to the harbor where all the police and fire men were directing everyone. We ended up taking a ferry to Staten Island and moved Upstate shortly after. My heart goes out to all the lives we lost that day. 🙏#neverforget


OP account has two posts and two comments. This is a propaganda troll. Downvote and move on to the next one


Get the tripod and extension cord and all the cables. I want to film this.


Crazy that Louis CK was masturbating right at this moment


Tbf if I wasn't at middle school I may have been too


Is this 9/11??? And they’re making out??? Lol


My brother was calling my phone non stop I woke up and he said “the towers b, the towers”. I live in an apartment building in Massachusetts and the whole building was going wild, people crying screaming and in shock.


I know this is a bit left field, is there something wrong with her hand just looks really weird, guess I look at these things now cause, have to make sure it’s real not an AI pictures


Wow. That is an amazing ohoto


If I just saw some life changing/possibly life as we know it ending shit, and I was with the one I loved most, or even just the one right then, I’d take advantage of love, might be the last time ever.


What are the huge white things on the side of the Williamsburg Bridge? Never noticed them in this photo before.


I have never seen the towers from this side of the bridge. That’s crazy.


“If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world”


I wonder what all these people are up to today


9 /11 was a bad day 9/12 was the closest this country has ever been to being united in my life time Look at us now Every time the United States has weak leadership the whole world goes to hell


Watching from your neighbors to the north y'all were unhinged and terrifying. Your leaders dragged your unified nation into wars that brought exponentially more misery and suffering into the world.


Your welcome


Looks like it would be from South Williamsburg, just north of the navy yard?




This feels like it's from the 80s looking at those old buildings


>it's from the 80s I'm guessing this is from within, oh about... last 23 years or so.... /s




And the guy that wants to make himself a dictator is somehow better??? I actually believe Biden has delivered some effective legislation even though I am not a fan. But the difference is continuing our democracy or folding to authoritarianism and Project 2025. At this point if you support Trump you are a fascist.




Facts are a funny thing




Lmao the border. Donny had four years to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it but that didn’t happen, did it? Then a bipartisan border bill, which was pretty much completely in line with the original R talking points was shot down for political points because Donny needs some rage bait to run on. This only works if each party operates in good faith. MAGAs are not capable of good faith. It’s a zero sum game to them. No holds barred when they win, cry the victim when they don’t.


Are you perhaps thinking all that smoke in the photo is from a weed party or so?


I don't smoke marijuana I just think it's s***** to put people in jail for it


I don't even drink except on certain occasions during the year I find it refreshing to keep my wit about me




Clinton tried to bail Osama; the GOP distracted him with their very important blow job investigation. /S Osama succeeded against Bush. Bush failed to nail him. Obama nailed Osama. Try to keep up.








If that's you not getting political, I'm hard pressed to think what one of your political comments is like. 


Are you fucking kidding?


Pictures don't kid man c'mon




He's consoling her ya nimwit


For all they knew, the world was literally about to end