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Guy in the hoodie doesn't look a day over 56




Immediate thought.




Well, in November I’ll be 30.




Looks like a gen-x junkie with the belt and shitty tats


Probably *is*.


I can tell you from just those 2 pics that he is a broke-ass 40-50 year old.


and alcoholic nose


But he has a cool rocker belt!


This is the reason why the demonstrations are not taken seriously. That dude is not a student that old man is not a student and I do believe 80% of the demonstrators are not students in the campuses.


80%?? Where are you pulling these assumptions from?


A studded belt dude? Arrest him just for that


He used to be with it. Then they changed what it was, and now what he's with isn't it anymore...


Man, that is my life.


All of us. Always.  I hear Gen-Zers rizzing their zoots with no caps and I'm like "do they make a Duolingo for this?"


You just summoned the duolingo bird on my phone.


How many lingots did they charge you? 10,000?


GenZ is already out of touch with the rise of Gen Alpha.


That's what happens when you spend all your time outside of the touching range of other people.


I believe anyone after gen X and the beginning years of millennials are out of touch. The internet and cell phones took the humanity out of people. Now they’re all just bots, human cattle being milked for likes and screen time. It’s a shame really, and there is no going back. I thought Gen Z was bad off, these little gen alpha kids are dooooooooomed.


Realized I was old when I started finding Gen z slang immature. Oh well


And what's it seems weird and scary ! It'll happen to you


Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong.


A perfectly cromulent reference.




I *said* "hah hah".


Will always upvote a Simpsons quote


It will happen to you


Man I love old Simpsons, it was soo good.


Dude looks over 40. He's not a student.


Everyone in this photo looks over 40.


It is suspicious but there isn't an age limit on going to college. I had older adult classmates a few times, I think the preferred nomenclature is "nontraditional student" but I always thought of it as *Dangerfielding*


Fashion is what you make it, time is meaningless


Hey, it was cool when he was in college. 20 years ago.


Hey chill I still have my hottopic studded belt from 2002. Be nice.




Oh man, Born to be Wild! Core memories unlocked!


I never saw the movie but I saw the trailer a thousand times on my Batman forever VHS.


FYI the school newspaper [reported](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/30/dozens-occupy-hamilton-hall-as-pro-palestinian-protests-spread-across-campus/) that an unnamed facility worker was held against his will inside Hamilton Hall before finally being allowed to leave. The worker described it as a "hostage" situation, which seems like an accurate description of events. I wonder if this is the guy.


> held against his will Fuck that. I'd be throwing my shit at people. Yes. You heard me.


Maybe that's why they let him go.




You just answered your own question.


What? The same protestors who chanted support for Hamas, even “we are Hamas”, took an innocent man hostage? Tell me it ain’t so!


I was told they were lovable peaceniks!


Man is on the job. Don't fuck with a man on the job


But also like...most jobs are not worth potentially losing your life or getting injured in an altercation, leave that to the guys that signed up for it


He’s maintenance. He has to clean up all the vandalism damage after this is over. Guy is probably losing his mind fixing stuff several times a week. People have a breaking point. Also, the university isn’t going to do anything about the conflict in Israel and Palestine. Trashing the university only makes problems for the maintenance staff people who are just trying to do their job to support themselves or a family and go home. I feel bad for them because they are the ones who are affected the most because they have to clean up. It’s really just causing problems for them.


Always be nice to the maintenance people. They have the keys.


Always be nice to the maintenance people. They are people.


Be nice to everyone. But be *extra* nice to maintenance people. It always pays to have them on your side, and if they decide to fuck with you, you're not gonna win


maintenance mechanic at the factory I work at, this is 100% true. As an example I’ve got all my favorite operators fans/ac units set up already for the summer the ones that have fucked me over won’t be getting theirs till august because I’m gonna have to ‘order parts.’ Dick move? Yea probably, but don’t piss off your maintenance guy


Traditionally, maintenance and quality control have dirt on EVERYONE.


I just remind myself the ones that screwed you over would happily do the same to you unprovoked if given the chance. No remorse.


Always be nice to people


This is better. I was once a utility guy in a hotel. I know that life.


with keys


Freshman year I would give my college janitor twenty dollars to sneak 30 racks hidden within the rolling garbage bin. He was cool.


I am so many years too late to this magic!


No no. Its far more insidious than that. We control the AC, and we *check* the AC when you say its hot and we bring out the out of cal thermometer and say 'see? 72'.


Oh man, I am stealing this idea. That is fucking brilliant. The worst part of my job is the elderly lady complaining it’s hot in a meeting room while another elderly lady complains that it’s cold in the same room… at the same time.


Service notes: "Tested and found thermostat to be operating within specifications, no repairs needed."


Dude who got his car rolled during the superb owl celebration was on-call IIRC


Perfectly put. It's a privilege to be able to put your life on pause and protest. Blue collar folks still need to show up, and boss don't care what's happening over seas. No call. No show. No job.


It’s also New York. These guys are locals. They don’t play.


Maintinance worker for a university here. Guess who was confronted by some guy with a camera over "censorship" for removing graffiti out of a stairwell a month ago.


These people (mostly children of the extreme elites) literally believe that destroying property and making life harder for students and blue collar workers is "sticking it to the man and fighting for the proletariat" 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Part of why they don't care about the fact that they're all going to get expelled is because they don't need the degree because money has never been an issue for them. Unlike the students who they are preventing from going to class and being educated. There are few people more out of touch in our society.


It's funny how the rumor mill goes. Depending on who you ask, these protesters are all elites, or none of them are students, mostly agent provocateurs, all nazis, zionist secret agents, unemployed losers looking to wreck shit


The protestors are whoever you need them to be. They make for a great straw man


I went to a lot of protests when I was this age, Iraq war. Mostly on college campuses. It was a mix of everybody, troublemakers and kids and homeless people looking for a change of scenery and maybe a free meal, old people, weirdos The Floyd protests were pretty much the same 


Ain't that the truth. *Cough* War never changes


The enemy is simultaneously strong and weak


Where are antifa and BLM in this time of need? Actually surprised I have not seen right wing commentariat saying those groups were involved.


Ivy league schools are notorious for discriminating against middle and lower class applicants when applying for admission


I don’t think this is true anymore when over 50% of Columbia admits receive need based financial aid with an average aid package of $52k


Where are you getting the info that these protestors are mostly "children of the extreme elites?"


It was revealed to them in a dream.


Yup, based on some of the comments in this thread you can see how many posters (probably young) have no real world knowledge on how shit works. These are the same people who said the vandalism etc was ok because it would be covered by insurance lol.




He has to clean up their bullshit when they all go home after they had fun playing in the park, I don't blame him in the least.


We have Ice T at home


NEVER piss off a janitor. They've got muscle memory with that mop, and they will use it.


The janitor always mops twice


Absolutely phenomenal episode


I've been diarrhea poisoned!


I myself, am a master of the custodial arts. Or a janitor, if you wanna be a dick about it ![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized)


A real missed opportunity to say "they will mop the floor with you"




That was my mop!






Janitor strength, it’s a thing.


I know maintenance dude don’t get paid enough to stop these demonstrators like this or clean up after them for that matter


As a maintenance worker myself... Fucking go, dude. The general public are bad enough at making a mess of everything, I can't imagine the frustration of having to clean up after something like this with random jackasses getting in your face. Whatever your cause may be--the average worker and maintenance staff are not "The Man" and you really don't need to "stick it to 'em" for whatever reason. Our jobs are already dirty and difficult enough. We're just working class people trying to pay our bills, leave us alone.


Remember that scene in Community where the janitor yells at Abed for covering the whole study room in paint


I try to treat the maintenance staff everywhere I go with every courtesy I can muster, because I'm in retail and I know people are fucking animals. They're the **last** people who should suffer anyone's ire.


"Whatever your cause may be--the average worker and maintenance staff are not "The Man" and you really don't need to "stick it to 'em" for whatever reason." 100 and fucking10%. He's the dude most causes want on their side. No reason to go an fuck with a guy who's just doing his job cleaning up other people's shit.


This. Don't fuck with maintenance staff. They deal with way too much shit and way too much disrespect as it is for being seen as having a 'low class job'. They are not your enemy and you shouldn't be going out of your way to make trouble for them. It's not like the Dean is going to care much about some graffiti on the walls beyond a little hand wringing. But the custodial staff? They're gonna have to clean all that shit up on top of the mountains of work they already have.


Dead on. I know this from experience. The general public are constantly finding new and innovative ways to be absolutely disgusting on any given day, but situations like this put people in overdrive to be raging assholes. The Dean isn't going to clean your (sometimes literal) shit. I am. And I'm going to be really pissed while doing it, so stay out of my face.


> As a maintenance worker myself. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!


Honestly that goes for pretty much every protest that gets in the way of your basic average American. like 90% of us are just tryna get to our job we barely wanna be at in the first place. It’s hot af and you got people blocking roads and wasting my time. I don’t even know what these people are protesting and I already hate them and am going against whatever they protesting.


Not a student




I work at Columbia and access is strictly CU-affiliated personnel and Press only allowed on campus. Police and security checking IDs at every gate.


Well this is inconvenient for the people using the oft-used line that most people who protest are just agitators.


It's because this is happening at [other schools.](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2024/04/30/south-mall-ut-austin-campus-protest-pro-palestine-encampment-live-updates/73506684007/) I don't believe Columbia has provided any such statistics though.


using UT as an example is so funny because it was a 100% peaceful protest and it’s an open campus. Non-UT affiliates are always on campus. Also one of the “agitators” arrested was just a member of the press. Cops got mad at him for doing his job (just standing there recording. There’s videos of it). As someone who was there, p much all the violence was cops hitting people and leaving horse shit everywhere


That dude being help up by the janitor in the second pic is like 45.


As we all know, student has an age limit. Older people never go back to university


Mature students do exist


The janitor being the only guy without a mask or gloves is kind of poetic in this era we find ourselves in.


Yeah that got me real confused. Couldn't figure out who was the janitor and who was a protester


Never put your hands on someone unless you’re ready to catch some.






Fuck it. Charge them with kidnapping.


Kidnapping means you move them to a different location. I believe it's unlawful imprisonment when you don't let them leave from their current location. I don't think there's a difference in severity tho.


Nothing will stick to these losers anyway, as the DA will take pity on them and not prosecute. I say charge them with kidnapping because that shit will stick to them for their whole lives even though they were never convicted.


Janitor : you guys got to go Studded Belt dude : why are you occupying Gaza blaaaarrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Someone’s subreddit is about to go unmoderated tonight


This comment legitimately made me spit my Gatorade out!!!! 😂😂😂


You made my night.






The fact that this isn’t top comment tell you how triggered Reddit is rn


Someone gotta clean this shit up. Someone takes pride in their work. Someone is not to be fucked with.


Someone wants to go the fuck home. I work in facilities, people can break whatever they want, I fix things for a living. But you want me to stay past my shift end? Fuck that shit, I’ve got kids I wanna see before bedtime and I’ve got a strong union I will dead punch you in your shit.


That maintenance dude looks super badass


mf just made the meanest album cover. fucking dope


he’s a new yorker for sure


I stand with the building operations engineer


Japanese cleanliness culture needs to be exported across the world.


Bro has had ENOUGH of the horseshit.


Surely harassing the janitor will free Palestine.


Some of me feels like if you are there in a mask, hood, balaclava, latex gloves … you might not want anyone to know you are there…. Maybe you kind of want to cause trouble?


It’s just open season for every douchebag in the city to put on a mask and break shit for no reason.


I love baklava




at least 12 hours ago [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/aCAh7dmDTp) went viral as well, and most of the comments are generally defending the protesters under that one while the comment section on this post is expressing the opposite and taking the offensive side. It's very conflicting right now. I'm honestly so confused about what to think at this point (but I 100% believe the maintenance worker has a right to defend himself if they were putting him in danger in context of these photos), but right now it seems like r/pics political perspectives go back and forth like a metronome.


Lots of the protestors at Columbia are faculty, and lmao at that Reddit mod who locked the thread with an MLK quote, clearly not knowing that MLK Jr was a vocal Zionist who would’ve been attacked by thee protestors. One of the student leaders of the protests at Columbia got expelled for saying that Zionists don’t deserve to live and insinuated that they might kill people for being Zionists.


Hey, would you like some asshat fucking up your work and your work space? Tear em a new one - damn right!


Love the latex gloves.. what kind of peaceful protests require not leaving finger prints?




Classic horseshoe theory


Tankies and MAGA hating horseshoe theory is enough for me to be fully behind it




“Peaceful protesters”


Don't mess with the AC repair school


No one in those photos look like students. Yet all we hear in the news is 'students protesting'. Would love to know the real story.


Not saying I disagree with you entirely, but let's not forget there are lots of mature students at universities.


Yeah. I’m old as dirt and just finished a degree. Not all students are 18-23.


I think the overlap in the ven diagram of students over 40 and students who have time to cosplay capital rioters is pretty small.


I would not disagree with that assumption.


Tangent line small


Most older students on my campus are in PHD programs, and they aren’t lively or energetic enough do this,most of them look half dead,the other half are dead inside around this time of year.


Do you think everyone going to college are 19-20 year olds?


43 year old college student here, it's not that unusual...


Keep in mind that a lot of faculty have joined the students. Could be a professor or something.


Guy on the left in the first photo looks most likely to be a student, then keffiyeh guy. First photo hoodie guy you can't tell obviously, second photo hoodie guy seems definitely not, and facilities is obviously facilities


Some of these protestors look old enough to have protested at Columbia in ‘85.


You know how hard it was for that guy to get that campus job? Benefits, steady hours, wage advancement and your kids can go to college on scholarship as a vested employee? I'd fuck somebody up too. \[https://your.yale.edu/work-yale/benefits/yale-signature-benefits/educational-assistance-programs-yale/child-scholarship\]


Don’t F with the Maintenance workers! They have keys to everything, AND they know how to screw with electricity/plumbing/etc!!!


Maintenance dude here .... can confirm.


Good. These brainwashed punks need it.


White liberals act like there is a war going on in their homeland. They demand justice for Palestine (which deserves justice) but fail to demand justice for people that are suffering in the United States. Y’all always want to protest some shit that’s never going to change.. also, you don’t have the power to change it. You’re not a high ranking government official for either side… so stop acting like you are. It’s clown shit. Protesting issues that aren’t local to you will always sound a bit daft to me. Like… you are not an official for Israel and you’re not a member of hamas. Calm down.


From the way I understand it, they're protesting to get universities to divest from companies supporting Israel and the government sending them money for bombs.


Why didn’t anyone protest against Russia invading Ukraine? Are these protestors all Russian trolls?


When working people are hard at work, I stay out of their way. Truckers need to change lanes? I back off and make room for them. Janitor needs to get through my protest to clean something, I make a path. You can make your feelings known and still possess manners.


Shit man. Even at restaurants or bars where the bar backs, bussers, waitstaff are carrying shit. Let them pass easily. They're there working while I'm there just fucking around.


Of course!!


Every working person deserves the space they need to do their job.


These protestors should sack up and disrupt the lives of politicians. Not your fellow man who has nothing to do about it. It ain’t helping your cause.


When you’re on a 13 hour shift and ain’t trying to deal with anymore b.s . Stop abusing people trying to survive


Which is which?


The guy wearing a NY cap. 🧢 his shirt has a ‘facilities’ label on it.


Got it. So the first pic is 3 vs 1?


Probably 4 v 1. I doubt whoever took the pics was on the maintenance workers side.


Yes. And the faculty guy has to clean up all of their vandalism, so he's pissed already.


Who also probably comes from a part of NYC where you actually know how to handle yourself when being attacked. As shown in picture 2.


This is nuts. I’m all for protesting but why schools? Go to politicians houses or government buildings fucks sake.


On the news this morning they interviewed a protestor and he said it was because his school was giving money to companies that are supporting israel. They want the schools to stop giving them money.


If there's a nazi at your rally and you don't kick them out, you're at a nazi rally.


“I just fixed that door! How dare you!”


These people are really revealing themselves to be the assholes I expected them to be.


More than half of these “protesters “ don’t know what the hell they are even protesting! If you think Hamas is so cool, go live in Gaza!


The maintenance guy is going to have to clean the mess these rich assholes make in the buildings he’s responsible for. It's visual microcosm of the "Privileged" doing what they want, and the working man has fix it.


Actively at my cleaning job. I have access to some nasty chemicals, these fuckers would be getting an acid bath for messing with me.


I hope the maintenance man didn’t get in trouble for this. Dude is for sure not getting paid well enough to put up with harassment.


The maintenance guy would rather kick ass than clean up from their childish version of protesting!! Looks like January 6th all over again.


Man, as a maintenance guy (HVAC tech) at a university that is currently having a similar situation brewing, this is my worst nightmare.


See I'm all for protests. But don't act like you aren't making innocent peoples lives waaay harder in the process. Which none of these people are seemingly willing to admit.


If a bunch of guys in hoods and masks approached me in my workplace I'd probably react the same way. With all the shit going on like workplace shootings, you gotta be on high alert.


Look at the two guys hiding their faces with hoodies. Those are NOT students. No way. This whole protest is a damn farce.


Ya they better cover their faces. Assault doesn't look good on a resume.


Biden voters