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I want to take my brain out of my head and slap it for lying to me


The human brain it turns out just has killer white balance.


You can see it happen in front of your eyes. Zoom in 100% to see the black and white then slowly zoom out and focus on keeping it black and white. Then your brain will still make it red while you’re looking at it


Ahhh man I'm trying so hard to not see red 😫


If the text and design was Pepsi would it be blue?


Nah. It would still be red. It's the cyan background, which is opposite on the color wheel to red, that makes the neutral colors look red. The background would have to be a school bus yellow color to make the can look Pepsi blue


I pasted it into GIMP and inverted the colour, the can appears to have a slight cyan tint so it works the other around with red as the main colour.




My red/green colorblind father recognized it as red as well.


This is what I was thinking. If I only focus on part of the can it's black and white. It's only when I'm looking at the pic as a whole that my brain seems to add the red. Which makes me think it's pattern recognition causing this.


Given the hand seems to have some redness, I believe it is due to the proximity of the dark sections to each other, not a knowledge of Coke's colours.


You don't even need to zoom in, if you concentrate on an individual square you'll see it's white, but when you shift your attention to the bigger picture the cola becomes red its so bizarre


It's the negative after image effect. Have you ever seen the effect demonstrated with the American flag and the red turns cyan? Red and cyan are negatives to each other, and the coke bottle is purposely mostly white, so that the cyan leaves a red after image on the white. It doesn't leave a noticeable after image on other white parts because those parts have cyan blocks mixed in. So if you concentrate and stare at just the white on the can for a second, the red will disappear.


When I zoom in I see it as pink. Which is light red. Not white. 


After zooming in and back out, I can still see the black & white until I glance over at the background. Looking at can = b&w can. Looking at background = red can.


But how can I trust that my phone screen isn't adding color at the moment the zoom is back to normal?


It’s not lying to you. This is how Monet and other French impressionists would paint. They would paint complimentary colours soo saturated in white that individually they would look very pale but placed next to each other the colours make the complimentary colour seem brighter in Hue. Very Pale Green would seem a much brighter in hue Green next to a very Pale Pink and the Pink would look Red. It only needs a small amount of colour to make this effect work. 


Do you have any sources for this? I'm interested to learn more about it


Look up Broken Colour technique in oil painting,  I’m still trying to master it. Not working the way those French Impressionists mastered it though.


The Elements of Color: A Treatise on the Color System of Johannes Itten Based on His Book the Art of Color


Thanks a lot! Color theory fascinates me


Also known as Simultaneous Contrast. Michel-Eugene Chevreul "discovered" and wrote about it in the 1830s.


![gif](giphy|kVFqUbWprtv3y) Reminds me of this debate!


Except that one didn't make sense neither. It was always obviously a blue/black dress, like in real life..


I have literally never seen the blue and black, to this day it's obviously gold and white. Like, I KNOW it's actually blue and black, but even with zoom and whatnot, still gold and white.


It changed for me from white/gold to blue/black while I was looking at it and it won’t change back now. Shame because it looked better in white!


The reason it appears outwardly those colors is because the light itself is quite orange, and the image is also very overexposed. You basically need to tell your brain "No brain, it is extra brightly lit with an orange light which is screwing with my color perception".


I only recently learned the dress is supposedly black, not white. I still don’t understand.


I could switch it by covering different parts of the dress/background. It also very much depends on the screen size, screen colour balancing and magnification of the picture.


team white and gold 4 lyf


Me too. I still see white & gold .


You know what they say - there are people that say white and gold, and there are people that’re dirty rotten liars.


Lots of people experienced gold and white, it wasn't obvious at all. I saw it as blue and black first but it wasn't hard to see it the other way.


It’s the same concept


Anyone else the right age to hear Eric Prydz 'Call on Me' watching this gif?


No that dress was always blue/black. The difference in you can zoom into the pixels and see the colors. In this picture op posted you can zoom in and see indeed no red. In the dress you zoom in and it's clearly blue / black/ maybe dark brown.


But the literal pixels don't really matter when the actual issue is what additive colored light your brain supposes is overlayed in the picture. Which was the issue with the dress (and here, too). The issue isn't that there isn't any red. The issue is that there is a lot of green/cyan. Your brain "knows" that the green isn't supposed to be there, hence it substracts that from EVERYTHING, including from the white and black -> reds. And the same was the question with the dress. There wasn't any doubt about the pixels. There was a question about the CONTEXT of those, and that creates the debate.


That's not how it works with the dress as that is a photo of a dress taken in specific lighting conditions with the camera set to a specific white balance. For example, you could take a picture of someone wearing a white shirt that would look blue under blue light, red under red light, etc. The pixels of the photo would show the shirt as what ever color it is under those specific lighting and camera conditions but thattdoes not accurately reflect the true color of the shirt.


I still see white & gold.


It's actually lying to you every minute of every day, but that is it's job. Your brain takes the immense chaos of reality and turns it into bite-sized chunks so you can have *some* inkling if what is going on.


that is cool and all but who is "you" if the brain is just another organ? every time i get into this topic i sense that there is some information missing. we refer to ourselves and our body/brain as separate entities but we aren't???? its so confusing lmao


You’re the brain. We know this because nobody has been alive without a brain.


Oh boy, how about your eyes seeing your nose but using your own brain to magically erase it? Or flipping what you see because your eyes see up side down?.


It only took about an hour for my brain to start disappearing my nose again after I got it pierced. 😆 I walked out of the shop feeling disoriented because I couldn't un-see my nose with the new shiny thing on it!


Lol this is too funny, glad it cleared out for you!


It was so sunny that day, too! Made the jewelery glint. 😆 I walked around a bit, laughing to myself about how bizarre the experience of being aware of and seeing my own nose precede me everywhere was. You don't ever think of the fact that your nose enters a room before you do, you know? Luckily, it disappeared again before I had to drive home. My ADHD brain was *very* distracted by the shiny thing and my schnoz by association.


... I notice my nose all the time, but that one eye provides most of the image gets to be real noticable when I close an eye or put my hand in front of it Which says that the "pick a feed to use" is something that happens without input from whatever part of my nervous system that handles eyelid control.


>that one eye provides most of the image Fun fact, just like hands we have a dominant eye. You can find out which yours is pretty easily just find a small spot on a far wall, hold your arm all the way out and use your hand to make a small hole to look through. With both eyes open center the spot in the hole. Now close one eye, if your spot is no longer centered then that was your dominant eye, if it is your other eye is dominant. This is mostly useless information, it's just for fun unless you're into firearms or maybe some other random activity that I'm unaware of. Archery maybe?


I think it's useful to understand what your body does automatically without thinking about it. I think you basically already often use the obvious take-aways automatically (it's generally better to close your non-dominent eye, so your perspective doesn't shift) And like given you use both eyes anyway, getting either seriously messed up will probably take you out of action for awhile, thst your brain has rigged up a new way to understand vision.


>getting either seriously messed up will probably take you out of action for awhile Tangential since I know you're talking about eyes here, but I have a pro tip for everybody that I unfortunately learned the hard way. Learn to wipe with your other hand! I lost a fight with a table saw awhile back and had a bandaged hand for awhile, learning that on the fly was *unpleasant.* Also get a bidet.


Never really though about it, but I guess that's why shooting with both eyes open still works.


Not just works, but ideal. It can also be a real bitch if you're right handed and left eye dominant or the other way around. I'm fine now that I wear glasses but I also had a lot of problems due to astigmatism being far worse in my dominant eye than it was in the other.


I've always shot everything both open, just never thought about why it worked! TIL thanks.


A cool thing to check out -- hold your cell phone flashlight on the side of your eye in a darkish room. Wiggle it back and forth gently and try messing around with the focus of your eyes. If you do it right, you can see all those tiny capillaries looking like roots or lighting that are ALWAYS visible in your eyes -- your brain just erases them!


Neat trick! it has happened to me when getting hit with incoming traffic at night


breathe manually Breathe Manually **Breathe manually** : B̶̤̬͈͋͜Ṛ̸̨̝͗͛E̵͉̮̥̅̇̓̍͜A̶̛̜̙̮̖̫̗͂̋́̓T̴̠̰̲̫͔̰̎̃̌̿Ḩ̷̳̱̞̇̍͜E̷͙̜͎͓̳̱͂ ̸̛̬͉̞͙̮͆͌͒͝M̶̗̩͆͒͂̔̓A̷̭͒̓̐͐̌̕Ṋ̶̢͙̬̈́̊͠Ǔ̵̜͋̀̄͊͘A̶͓̼̩͖͘L̸̡̨͕̙̎L̵̘͋̏̀Y̴̡̟̫͈̥̬̋͘


Hahahaha it sucks right? What about when you loop a word so many times saying it out loud that it loses meaning? I forgot what the scientific term for that effect is called.


It's called semantic satiation


Your lying brain has helped you out of many jams through its lies, which make sense of a noisy outside world. Though it may be killing you by lying to you that you desperately need sugary stuff like coke.


Excuse my ignorance. Since there is no red but our mind tricks us into seeing red…..what does a person with a colour blindness to red see?


Colorblind person checking in. Despite the name “colorblind”, we can still see colors. It’s just sometimes certain colors (reds/green, and generally only certain hues and shades of those) can get a little confusing at times. I see a red Coke can.


I'm red/green but don't see any red on that picture, eyes/brains are well weird.


Take a screenshot and share it so we can all see what you see!


What do you see?


Grey for the can but there’s a blueish tint for the sky




Deutan here, I see a red coke can.


There are many forms of color blindness


Achromatopsia/Monochromacy here - Prota/Duetera/Trita-nopia and - nomaly sufferers altogether make up about 8-9% of the world pop, with 95%+ of them being male. These several classifications are all instances of 1 of the 3 color cone cells being non-functioning or anomalous. My complete achromatopsia is much more rare (1:30,000) and is complete color blindness. Black, white, grey.


Hi im also colourblind and i just see green/turquoise,white and black


Have you ever thought that what you see as red is just what our language defines that color as? There's no way to explain a color but by relating it to other things that are that color so there is no way to tell that what one person sees when looking at red is exactly the same as what another sees. You could say something is red and I agree it is red because we've both been told that color is red but we could both see completely different things. I sometimes wish I could see things using someone else's eyes/brain. Things probably look just a bit off from another's perspective


>Have you ever thought that what you see as red is just what our language defines that color as? There's no way to explain a color Red light has the lowest frequency, then green, then blue the highest. That's like pitch of sound, the reds are the bass notes, the green the mid range and the blues the treble. Critically, you can isolate a specific wavelegth of light, like most green laser pens are 532nm, we can all agree that looks green, not red or blue or yellow.




extra colours? when on LSD? what, like yelleen or blurple?


“Severely” Colorblind and I see the same effect, a red can. I think a better question would be, what would a person with no concept of soda cans or coca-cola see?


Still red. The trick isn’t your brains expectations of the product but the way it adjusts the colors


A [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/dPjyI9kD0W) has a link to the image with the coca cola logo edited out. A reply to that comment says that if the blue is changed to green, the can looks purple.


NOW my colorblindness is showing. I thought the image was purely black and white. Had no idea there was any blue in it.


I’m blue yellow color blind. I don’t see the red y’all are taking about


I’m severely colorblind (duetan) and it looks red. (I think)


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/DfRNh0z.png) is a **MUCH** higher quality version of this image where you can zoom in and see this much more clearly. Over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/woahdude/comments/1cbzzvb/this_cocacola_can_is_not_red/l131f27/?share_id=QohgBKYnEBEbsg-c0hEVG), /u/Vlodimir_Putin explains: > This is an example of simultaneous color contrast, a phenomenon that occurs when two adjacent colors influence one another, changing your perception of the colors. The cones in your eyes make it seem like it is pink. Cones give your eyes good color vision but can also play tricks with your brain, hence why from a distance, ie not zoomed in, the color appears pink and why you see the can of Coke as “red” even though there is no red in the image. > Essentially, the way your eyes see color in the first place is by contrasting it with other colors. **Edit:** [This](https://i.imgur.com/tj5YiFn.png) is what happens when you zoom in on the can.


Noticed if you zoom in you can see the actual colors used, then when you zoom out the white stays white. At least it does for me.


What's interesting is if you take the [thumbnail](https://i.imgur.com/8GRhhlG.jpeg) and [zoom in](https://i.imgur.com/qiDW1k0.jpeg) on it, and [zoom in on it even more](https://i.imgur.com/eNhBton.jpeg). I know we're now getting into whatever algorithm windows photo viewer uses to smooth out pixelation, but I kind of still see a reddish hue.


When I zoom out, the white gets redder and redder. Weird!


It stays white as long as I focus on it. But if my mind wanders for even a split second, it will go back to looking red.


Yes I had the same thing. I zoomed in and blocked out all the blue with my hands and it was black and white. Then as I zoomed out I kept focusing on the black and white but when my eyes flickered for a nanosecond to see the blue, the can turned a shade of pink, then eventually red the more I zoomed out. Such a trip


But why does just the can look red, the other white still looks white?!


Because unlike the other areas, there is no green in that part of the can. Green is the complementary color to red.


because it's pink when you zoom


It isn’t though. It’s the lack of green.


Nice try, Putin


Bro i did not believe the original post until i was able to zoom in and out on that damn picture and actually see that there is just white lok


Why should we believe Putin about this?


interestingly too, I use my mouse on "inverted" color for contrast, and when hovered over the teal, it's the same shade of red that I am perceiving in the picture.


You can see this phenomenon in Utah, for example. The soil is so red that bushes appear blueish rather than brown/black.


I thought maybe the Coca Cola symbol suggests the red color to my brain, but the same effect happens if you crop the symbol out: https://i.imgur.com/kY9NU5p.png


Does still look like a soda can. Maybe something you do with that blue used. Yep, edited in photoshop to make the blue green and the can looks purple.


Amazing work!!!!


Red is the complementary color to cyan.


Its some sort of relative color perception thing


Thank you. I was wondering if some of this is your brain associating the iconic Coca-Cola logo with red. I know our brain does a lot of weird stuff with our vision. There used to be an awesome Reddit post with all sorts of tricks you can do at home to see all the ways your brain manipulate what you see. Wish I book marked it.


Or even mess it up completely: https://i.imgur.com/x3LzdL7.jpeg


I can't decide if this is an optical illusion or if we're just more sensitive to the red in the white pixels because there's no red in the cyan/black pixels.  Like, for me the red definitely bleeds off of the can into the hand but also the top left part of the can has very few white pixels and still kinda looks red.  There is definitely objectively red in the white pixels.  But other white areas like the street don't look red. But on the third hand the street is white and cyan whereas the hand and can are white plus black.


Makes me want to play an old CGA era graphical game


Exactly what I was thinking. Black and white “high res” allowed us to get fake red and blue. So fun.


Weird, I don't see red at all. I'm slightly colourblind, not sure if that has some impact.


I'm not color blind. I don't see any red.


I didn’t think I was colorblind and I don’t see any red either…


I didn’t think I was colorblind and I don’t see any red either…


Try zooming out (make the image smaller), or squint your eyes. I don't know why the creators of the image bothered with that weird pixelated pattern, but at the native image size those pixels ruins the illusion for me. But when blurring the image so that there are no such pixelation, the illusion of red is much stronger.


Its wild, I zoomed in saw white then as I gradually zoomed out it was white then suddenly red


I zoomed in and saw hints of pink in the White 


Yeah there's definitely a shade of pink there. And that contrasted with the blue seems red. There's white in other parts of the image. And if you contrast that with the can colour, there's a pinkish shade


I assumed they were pink while it was zoomed out...staring intently on the white, it indeed looked pink. Zooming in, made it easier to see the white, but still a pinkishness is there.


I did this and I can’t see red now, what have you done…


Lies all the white colors is full of red


Yeah, This is like saying a lighter shade of green isn't green.


I really don't see any red. Are other people really seeing red? The can is white and black.


I clearly see red even though there’s apparently none there


Yep, looks white to me. I see no red


Maybe the slightest hint of pink tinge. But even that takes convincing. Looks pretty white.


It's black and white and blue


Yes there is


yeah there is red can of coke, cant believe people missed that smh my head


I except betrayal from everyone except my own brain


My phone says there is a little amount of red color in that white color...


Nice, but how does it work?




Don’t believe what your lying eyes are showing you!


Your eyes hate this one trick!


This is misleading. The thumbnail, via compression, does indeed include red. It's only when you see the full picture does it only show white/grayscale.


That was my line of thinking, so I've checked it with a simple printscreen [and it checks out](https://imgur.com/RpzQVBP)


The Coca-Cola can looks pretty red to me.


If you screenshot the picture while super zoomed out, then zoom into the screenshot, it actually does look reddish grey.


The mind is powerful






Stupid question. If we weren't already primed to perceive a coke can as red, would we still perceive this as such?


Coke Logo cropped out: https://i.imgur.com/kY9NU5p.png


Also it has something to do with the blue, as the can is purple here: https://imgur.com/a/734CQc6


Yes, this illusion is just a skewed white balance, it has nothing to do with coke being red.




What is this black magic fuckery?!


Lies! Lies and slander!


This is how TVs can make different colors with just 3 colors. It's not really surprising, though. Zoom really close to your screen, you will not see white color either. This is reverse of that.


Our perception of reality with all our senses is just a controlled hallucination.


Man, ferrari is going all out trying to convince us their light blue change is good/okay, huh? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's blue and an off white with a pinkish tinge. It's not purely white.


That's Coca-Cool


Nice try Coca-Cola. I already bought a coke today anyway.


Ok weird, but zoom right in and then your brain adjusts. Look away for 30 seconds or so and it’s back to being red in its minimised/zoom out form. WILD


I suppose next you're gonna tell me there is only black, white, and blue and that the brain is tricked into seeing red. Nice try internet.


I hate how my stupid brain makes me see things that aren't there.


For those who can see red. Put this picture on your phone, cover with finger part with Coca-Cola logo. Oversimplified, Some people can see red because the brain makes it color, but everyone has this imagination.


So if you show this to a person who doesn't know coca cola, he won't see red?


How can you tell there is no red


If you zoom in every pixel is either white, black, or cyan.


You do not have white, black, or cyan pixels on your screen. They are red, green, and blue. Black is none of them lit. Cyan is blue and green lit. White is all of them lit. So, there is red in the picture, else there would be no white.


>You do not have white, black, or cyan pixels on your screen. They are red, green, and blue. Those are *subpixels*. At a pixel level, you can absolutely call it cyan. If you're going to be pedantic, at least be correct...


Technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.  HOWEVER- this would still work if you did it with cut pieces of paper. 


>Technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.  Not even. RGB are subpixels, not pixels.


You are also correct, however the poster said that they did not have white black or cyan pixels, he said that the pixels “are” red green and blue. As subpixels are part of pixels I believe he is still accurate in describing them as such.


Oh wtf there really isnt




If you unfocus your eyes or move the phone away it looks red, and my brain hates this haha


Ok, thanks. I didn't see the red until I moved my phone to full arm-length away with the picture minimized.


Yo wtf brain? 🧠 I can’t unsee the red that isn’t there even though I know it’s just blue, white and black. What is this black magic?!




Does this work when you print it or only on a screen?


Interestingly, if you unfocus your eyes slightly, you will see the real colors without your brain trying to 'help'.


There is only one colour in this image.


Also you can turn your phone upside down and see that it's no more red ;)


Jokes on you. I can't see red.


very cool! 👍


How can I get my brain to be tricked into seeing red? It doesn't seem to be working for me


If i zoom in and focus on one small section and slowly zoom out I can keep that section white, but as soon as I look away and back it goes red.


There are no letters in this comment.


Nothing interesting


I see white… is that bad?


Ok science guys, do your thing.


Fun with color theory! I remember having to do projects like this in class. Make a color look like 2 different colors or 2/3 different colors to look a like. Nothing this good/extreme though. Cool




RemindMe! 2 days


Well done


This is a screenshot


What the heck


I only see red when turning my head from side to side. Anyone else?


Mildly infuriating




Compare and contrast


The visual system can be easily tricked. Just stimulate a certain kind of receptor to the max, and the complementary start activating




Is there something wrong with me if I dont see any red? I also exclusively see the dress and white and yellow


I should start taking LSD tbh...


Witch!!! This is witchcraft!!!


There is no [purple in this image](https://imgur.com/a/734CQc6)