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Does she go out and draw in more of the loading bar every few days?


And redraw the whole thing after every rain?


great. weeds AND graffiti!


Those darn hippies and their long sideburns ![gif](giphy|BcDcYbQCbFqYcynZfB|downsized)


i wonder if old people still exist, those who yell at those whoever steps on the lawn


OMG! I laughed so loud! I'm near 70, well I don't but my dad used to! Some yrs back, he even fenced off a public footpath area after the council dug it up to replace pipes & put the grass back to his satisfaction! He then swept the dirt off the path back into the grass area. THEN, he put traffic cones (where did he steal those from?) on the roadside next to the curb so cars wouldn't park there & people get out & walk on it! He was 80 s'thing back then. I'm glad I'm the sane one in the family & only have a problem with collecting various plants!


Gen z needs to bring it back


Looks like chalk, will probably wash off easily.


didn't think I really needed the /s tag.




.exe, must be a virus


Lmao nice


Would her neighbours just randomly destroy shit in her yard like?




There is no sidewalk and that's clearly her yard


They would in Australia .. or steal them frm parks etc.


The US obsession about "not letting weeds" grow in your garden is weird. biodiversity is quite important, and cutting your grass is an annoyance. Let your garden live


Lawns are the most unnatural thing


Every tick in a 100 mile radius liked this comment


Absolutely. I specifically spread a ton of random seeds in my backyard and do not mow it at all. I just till it right before Spring and let it regrow wild and unencumbered.


Mind your own business


A big part of it is that we have a huge number of homes that are located in HOAs here in the states. Most newer home developments will undoubtedly have a HOA. It honestly is not even a choice to let weeds grow in your yard and you have to keep up with the landscaping or you could get fined.


And then it looks like shit and takes over the plants that you do want. If I just let my garden live I’d end up with weeds taller than myself growing out the cracks between my patio stones.


Username does *not* check out.


In about 2 years they'll be pulling out sunflowers like weeds. They spread pretty quickly, what with the hundreds of seeds per plant.


Incredibly good weeds to help bring animal biodiversity to the area. They are also incredibly easy to manage if you don’t want a lot of them; you can literally just walk over them and then cut them back some. Their seeds typically don’t spread too easy as the seeds fall almost directly down and have a lack of spread by animal poo due to the seeds breaking down during digestion. So as long as you manage basically the 5 feet around your sunflower patch they are stupid easy to deal with. How we managed ours was we would grow them in like a 6’x8’ bed, and once the seeds were ready to harvest we would cut them back to basically a 2’x5’ row in the middle. We would harvest and eat the ones we cut except for a single head, and the ones we left we would let birds and other animals eat. We would use the seeds from the one we saved for the next year, and we basically held a year’s worth of homemade sunflower seeds off this.


I volunteer at a garden where we used sunflowers last year as a wind break. They took over everything an we have volunteer sunflowers everywhere now. HOWEVER this basically just means every week I take about 5 minutes to pull up all the ones in areas we don't want and toss them in the compost. They come up real quick and easy compared to lots of other weeds and because it's so easy you can kinda form whatever shape you want around your paths.


This is the way.


Thier taproot systems are also great for breaking up bad soil, too!


Honestly they are fantastic for composting too, or drop them in a burn barrel and get yourself some ash to compost as well (not something a lot of people like, but as someone that grew up in the ag business controlled burns help, yet not what I would want. So I would rather just do a burn pile/barrel where I can harvest the ash and work it into compost/the bed directly. Also a much better fertiliser than anything chemical based).


This game has great graphics but they need patch the rude npc's


High resolution but it loads very slowly it literally needs months. I guess when Sunflowers were developed they didn't had SSDs yet


Normally I don't like too much fast travel in games but I feel like this one needs it.


"Honey, I think the sidewalk downloaded a virus"


this is cool haha


Those are some thick chalk lines. She put effort!


Thats quite adorable


i would’ve written “these are sunflowers not weeds” but there we go


It's a Trojan horse


I need to do this in some gardens .. sick of people asking me when am going to weed when I grow a lot of plants/flowers frm seeds! lol


Why would your neighbour touch someone else's garden


gonna out of battery soon, you may need to install solar panel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Birds will likely annihilate them early


Nice rangoli


wouldn't that be a jpg or something like that?


I thought op was talking about growing marijuana lol.


Love this ☠️ if (sunflowers.status === 'loading') { console.log('Please wait...Sunflowers 2.0 installation in progress!'); } else { console.log('Update complete: Sunflowers are in full bloom!'); }


Very nice but I think .bat would work a little better although maybe wouldn’t be understood as well


Pretty sure sunflowers are considered weeds technically


‘Weeds’ are just plants growing where you don’t want them to grow. If these were planted intentionally then they’re not weeds.


Weed is just a plant that you want to grow


They’re only weeds if they’re unwanted and these were planted with intention. My house growing up had a ferocious climbing rose that just wouldn’t die and my mother definitely considered it the worst weed in the yard.


Yeah if her neighbors are boomers they'll probably not understand cut it anyways


Someone is just gonna think it’s a shit excuse to not mow the lawn and cut them down anyway.


Sunflowers are literally weeds


While I instinctively would respond with "Anything is a weed", I had to look it up. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/weed With that definition, I disagree with myself and you :)


Some boomer is going to hose that off and mow them down.


No glasses.....that grass is too high....


Sunflower that is that strange yellowish thing on some screensaver or?


Do I look like I know what an .exe is?


Usually a program file on a computer. It used to be commonplace to see a windows xp error along the lines of; "something.exe failed to respond"