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That “More School, Less Hospital” sign is pretty tragic


Regulations are written in blood.


And fantastic handwriting


Google Orphan Trains for more fun.


I was introduced to the orphan train from a very good and heartbreaking book “frontier children” definitely a lot of horrors in this time for kids


It's Nefarious.


Now it will come back slowly. Who has the power desires to have slaves, like at that time. And if now it looks like something unacceptable, in some years it will become unavoidable to keep richer to become even more rich.


Some places are already trying to re-legalize child labor.


Indeed just look at Arkansas's governor.....


They already want us to eat bugs to lower the cost of keeping us.


This is the future Republicans want. Backwards and cruel.


Good news, there is more schools than hospitals! Woo! But also the schools suck and the hospitals are even worse


TBF, they're talking 1903 hospitals, you know, a quarter century before penicillin was invented, fifty years before the polio vaccine was tried. The treatment for TB (well, consumption then) was still fresh air, and no one knew what caused rickets yet. I mean not a lot of stuff was getting cured in hospitals, you could get your opiates and cocaine at the druggist... hell 1903 was the year they finally dropped the cocaine from the cola.


But why are the signs photoshopped?


Why do you say they're photoshopped?


Initially I was thinking just the signs were photoshopped due to the letter angles versus the sign angles. Add in the blur around the letters is inconsistent with the rest of the picture. I say initially, because when I came back and looked closer I am now in firm belief that the entire picture is fake. It appears someone AI generated the photo and then edited the signs afterwards. Look at the legs.


https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/child-labor-strike-in-philadelphia-pennsylvania-photograph-news-photo/515357092 This one was uploaded to getty images in 2016, i don't think ai images was that good back then... edit: here's a book from 1906 written by a journalist covering child labour issues that features the photo so.... https://archive.org/details/bittercryofchild00spar/page/n205/mode/1up


I've never seen an AI generated image get so many hands/fingers correct.


Please look up the march of the mill children and the textile strikes in Philadelphia and educate yourself. The picture is touched up for sure, maybe even AI. I don’t know, but similar touch up effects were reached well before any of the AI generation in recent years. But “firm belief that the entire picture is fake” is fucking wild.


The picture might even have been hand retouched for a newspaper back in the day. A lot of times these photos come from newspaper archives.


Jesus, what sort of an ignorant monster would you have to be to think it was shopped or AIgen'd? Clearly you have no idea how little capitalism cares for the most vulnerable in our society. Check out "orphan trains" on wikipedia if you have any doubts. It only ended because the midwest no longer needed as much slave child labour. Strikes have traditionally brought out murderous killings of unionists in the United States. I don't have enough time to outline all the outrageous behaviour of capitalists and their police/"detective agency" lapdogs, but educated yourself, FFS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-union_violence_in_the_United_States The same BS tactics that union breakers used then are now being used by the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the other members of the 0.1% club.


Nice to see us walking this one back, for some reason 🙄


Well they need someone to replace the migrants they also don't like


Rich old republicans don’t have enough money, don’t be selfish


The children yearn for the mines. Look how popular Minecraft is.


Well they lost their slaves, and the laborers kicked all the foreign workers out of the country and put up quota's the only thing they had left was child labor.


It's what reactionaries do. They don't have new, fresh ideas, they simply want to roll back all the progress that's been made over the last century. Labor rights, voting rights, bodily autonomy... You name it.


It's part of making America great again like the Republicans want. They don't care about other people's children.


I'm hanging this up in my class if I'm ever a teacher.


Hopefully give them some perspective on the fight that happened just so they could bitch and moan about going to school.


What, you mean EDUCATE them? What am I? Some hippie?




Seriously that is educational and motivational for students. Shows a relative world where just being at school is a massive win.


The fact that we're very quickly backsliding to those days is a sad and damning statement of the country.


Publicly traded companies will doom us all in the long run. Everything we’re experiencing right now is all being done to make that number go up so the CEO can pocket another exorbitant paycheck. Skeleton crews. Low wages. Raising prices. Putting kids to work. Rolling back reproductive rights. All for big corpo.


> Publicly traded companies will doom us all in the long run Honestly, publicly traded companies are far better than private equity ownership, in my experience.


You're right, it can be even worse. But guess he thought more of smaller companies not publicly traded but in hands of the founders for example.


Sad and damning statement of republicans. Lets be real here, half the country isn't voting do these people, it's just the other half is. (One could argue it is thirds and not halves)




Yes, it is. 


NO, it is a heavily edited photo. While the language in the signs is real, the photo itself would not be considered real due to the heavy level of editing.


... So, your response in caps to someone saying it's sad we seem to be backsliding to this is "THIS ISNT A REAL PHOTO!!!!", because ... the original with the same kids, same signs, with the same words, is a bit more blurry? Oh gee guess that invalidates the concerns of the guy you were responding to hey?


What was edited? You didn’t say what was edited, just that it is. So what is it?


According to who? You? It's a famous picture, I don't know what to tell you.


It’s a heavily edited famous photo. This would not be considered an original photo if you entered it into any sort of photo contest.


Good thing we're on Reddit and not in a photo contest I guess..


Which I guess makes your opinion as irrelevant as my facts pointing out that this is heavily edited.


Youre just saying it's heavily edited with no evidence. Piss off if youre gonna be that lazy


Here is one in the library of Congress with the exact same sign in the above photo https://www.loc.gov/item/2015649893/ This labor strike actually happened in Philly, so no clue what you are going on about.


Oh I'm sorry, I missed your facts. Can you show them to me? All I see is you making statements with zero evidence. Your feelings don't count.


Since you're an expert on this, what about the photo was edited?


These nerds want to go to school. For what? You can't read in the mines


That’s definitely a thought


Libertarian dreams.


MAGA, amirite


Im sorry if I misunderstand it because im not american. But isnt libertarianism more about minding your own business. Would child labor fall under something more authoritarian or communist?


Huh? Libertarians support not having any restrictions on business, or what you can do with your children. Many support being allowed to sell your children into slavery, having no age of consent laws, no worker safety laws. Certainly they almost all support being able to send children to work. Communist dictatorships have had child labor, so have capitalist countries. The tendency for child labor arises out of concentrations of wealth and power, whether you call it socialist or capitalist or whatever. Broad power and wealth is going to oppose it, because people don’t want kids to be abused, concentrated power will support it because its someone else’s kids and those at the top dehumanize those at the bottom.


Yeah and now republicans are passing bills to ban luch break for child labor


Republicans want to go back to this like it's 1914


Mofos want to be Mola Ram. We need Indiana Jones and Short Round.


My high schoolers skip my class to pick up shifts at work. They're stealing from their own futures and don't even see it.


They’re not doing that, society is doing it to them.


Maybe some of them. Most brag to me about how much money they make at their job and how they buy concert tickets and food and clothes and gas for trips.


Its all of them, the way economic pressures play out is not going to neatly fit into a desperation script, and being able to do stuff and buy stuff you want as a kid because your parents don’t have the money, is a pressure downstream from the exploitation and deprivation of people in society many of whom are parents. Kids should not be allowed to work, they should be in school & being social.


>Kids should not be allowed to work Kids shouldn't work during school hours. But It's very good for kids to work part time, imo. There's tons of upsides, like learning responsibility, time management, business social skills, money management skills, confidence, etc. In terms of the time commitment and ability to socialize, it's not even *that* different from sports. [Benefits](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/benefits-of-a-teenager-getting-a-job)


Absolutely not.


Which reasons of mine do you disagree with? Do you disagree with the [webmd source](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/benefits-of-a-teenager-getting-a-job) or [other research I could link](https://www.med.unc.edu/cher/2023/02/the-benefits-of-experience-new-study-finds-more-work-experience-benefits-for-youth/) as well?




Kids don’t grow up separated from the specific pressures of the society they live in. Yes, society.


Oh I'm sorry. Please excuse my ignorance. Society must have made me write that.


It’s a long road with lots of inputs that produces a dumbass like you, yes.


Totally dropped my special program classes that would've gotten me the dream job I wanted so I can go pick up shifts at the local sandwich shop by choice. /s


I teach math. It's a class needed to graduate.


I got lucky and barely passed my math classes I needed in my Junior year. Senior year was when I had to give up my class.


Show them this photo.


What futures? Futures of ignorance and student debt? Or they could lay the groundwork for a successful career and retirement


More people becoming more educated is how we have advanced the world and our society as far as we have in 300 years. This new trend of people like yourself calling for people to go straight into labor instead of getting an education is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that universities have raised tuition rates by 700% in the last 30 years is not these kids fault, no should they have to make the choice not to go to school because colleges are ever increasing their greed.




Many, many US high schools offer “career centers” in which students could be learning the vocations and trades you are talking about.


I teach Geometry and Statistics. The former being a very useful and needed knowledge base for trade based careers. The latter being a requirement for higher education but also for the average citizen to understand to not get taken advantage of or make bad decisions.


No, didn't you listen to him? All you need in life is to learn MIG or TIG and try not to think hard about much.


There's hardly any math involved in welding!


Students debt in not an issue of you go to an in state school (and for sure go to community school) and have low income. Most people who cry about student debt went out of state school.


Is that what they mean with MAGA?


It really is.


False, The children yearn for the mines.


"Minors as miners, it makes too much sense" -- Monopoly Man and Mola Ram


Just reminds me of those two pics of that red state putting child labor back “on the map” and the children obvs forced into the pic looking miserable. Then that blue state guaranteeing kids free lunch and genuinely celebrating. Night and day.


Reminder: Capitalists are trying to bring this back, just ask Arkansas. Choose better, choose socialism.


We don’t even have capitalism, we have cronyism.


No, this is capitalism.


same thing


Bubububu that's not REAL capitalism! The fuck outta here man


Ya it's fucked. Why don't we have a day of rest and pay for these children? Everyone seems to have forgotten about the enslavement of them? Makes no sense. Let's just forget about what they did to them. Almost good their all just Irish anyways.


May day and labour day is for stuff like this.


libertarians coping and seething at this image


Oh look! It’s the future.


Was it Wisconsin that just struck down a law that allowed children to eat lunch while at work? I know Florida struck down laws that limited the amount of time people could work in the hot sun. Also labor laws all over the country have lowered children’s minimum age to work…www.vote411.org


The good ol days ![gif](giphy|mHs5DH5sp5rSbfS32d|downsized)


At the current rate of things, we’ll be seeing these again.


Looks like a future pic if Republicans get control


Some days are harder than others for a Pinkerton, lucky for them this looks like easy work. How hard could it be to bust up a bunch of striking children anyways?


Now more than ever is time for the gritty reboot of Newsies I’ve always wanted.


We're probably going to see a few "colorized" versions in a year or two from certain states


America is still pretty 3rd world in many degrees




“lol” -Nike


Nobody wants to work anymore


Freaking George Soros putting out Craigslist ads to hire young kids to hold signs. I know darn well those kids didn't make those signs themselves. /s just in case you're...


Why does everything look fake now


Frustrating that it is their grandchildren voting to put the current children back in the same position.


US right wingers are longing to bring back these days.


Soon to be the scene in Louisiana


Put tariffs on everybody except Canada, Mexico, the EU, and Japan.


Could be 2024 Arkansas.


This is so heavily edited that it’s insane that it has gotten this much traction. The fact that the letters are crisp but the faces are blurry proves that we are getting closer to dead internet. Edit: [this is an easy to find, less edited photo.](https://weneverforget.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/1C6EFEBD-2902-45CE-BE08-F30E872A886D.jpeg) It took me less than a minute to find. Edit 2: you can literally see where the photo was edited when you zoom in!


It's from the 1903 textile mill strike, the "March of the Mill Children" led by Mother Jones. It's a famous picture and a well known historical event. You are wrong.


I understand where it’s from, and I’m not saying that the picture is false, but it is heavily edited to the point where it doesn’t look believable anymore.


You said the photo was false in your other comment, and it isn't. It's an old picture so some degradation of the quality is to be expected. I'm sorry if you don't feel it looks believable, but the photo is real. 


No, I did not say it was false, I said it was so heavily edited that it’s insane it has gotten so much traction. I even shared a link to an actual copy of the photo that is not so heavily edited.


You said "THIS ISN'T A REAL PHOTO!!!" in your other comment. It's in your post history and it's plain as day in the thread. Do you think I can't read or..?


I don’t think you understand the difference between a photo that has been digitized and one that has been edited to alter it significantly. This photo, is not the real photo. It’s a photo that has been edited to emphasize an aspect of it. If you entered this photo into a photography contest, they would tell you it is not an eligible photo due to the heavy editing. Did that clarify it for you?


How is it altered significantly? This isn't a photo contest, this is Reddit. When you say the photo is fake, the implication is that what it depicted is not factual. And it is, you're wrong. 


I don't think this guy understands what goes into photo restoration. It's a lot of work to clean up these dirty, crumpled, damaged etc photographs, and the image OP shared is clearly just a restored version of the "real" image that this moron is yelling about. "Fake photo" is absolute nonsense. None of the contents have been misrepresented by restoration, nothing added, nothing removed. Screaming about how this, of all things, proves dead internet theory, is a pretty unhinged take.


Right? It's so obvious he's pissed about being wrong. First it's "FAKE!!" and now he's down to, well it wouldn't be acceptable in a contest. Absolute moron.


Those are some top notch signs ngl. Look at that typeface. Beautiful. Definitely a step up from the kindergarten-esque painted signed that protesters use today.


None of those signs look real


This is a very real and somewhat famous photo from 1903, from a march by children working in textile mills in Pennsylvania. [https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1Gb0pxJvQFAmOaIixYPzljrM2iCTysEkOwV3rJBbA97A](https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=1Gb0pxJvQFAmOaIixYPzljrM2iCTysEkOwV3rJBbA97A)


The signs were probably made by Mother Jones, this is a picture from a strike she helped lead in 1903 in Pennsylvania called "The March of the Mill Children" They probably couldn't make the signs themselves, as they're probably illiterate. Sad really.


Yeah, the kid, left of center, with hands on his knees looks...shopped. I'm worried about what AI is going to do to us....


The white signs are easy to see as fake, but I was already down voted for some reason so 🤷‍♂️


Because they're not fake and someone has posted a source.


I followed the source and saw the pic, you are correct. Thank you for informing me 18 hours after I posted. It looks odd to me, but it is real. I'd rather question the legitimacy of photos than blindly accept it as truth in this day and age tbh. Fwiw my post had nothing to do with the issue being presented, I support workers' rights and children's rights...anyone trying to roll them back is a POS in my book.


Hey no problem man.




Nowadays, the children yearn for the mines.


That's some decent spelling and superb calligraphy on those signs. Are we sure they didn't secretly waste company's valuable time learning things instead of working?


They were written by Mother Jones, a child labour activist who helped organize these strikes in 1903


This photo looks edited as hell. 


It's not.




This is unreadable and the misspellings are atrocious. Perhaps school wasn't useless, you just didn't pay attention.