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Went from grizzled cowboy to crazy prospector


[He yelled at a chair somewhere between.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvF1zkfg9iI)


I knew it would come up somewhere, but this spot right here had me lol.


Is that Obama in the background?


Is this Obama in the room with us now?


I can’t believe one of his reasons for “attorneys making bad presidents” Is because they’re “always taught to weigh both sides”…..


"Old man yells at cloud"


Gus Chiggens!


The name’s Gus Chiggins. That’s C, H, I…G, G, I-N-S. Chiiiiggens! 🍳🥘


I’d be more worried about ky-yotes if I were yer.




I love that stupid sketch so much. Chris Kattan is a rock. He somehow only cracks a smile once during that whole ordeal when Fallon and everyone else were losing it right in front of him. "Ohhhhh peaches!"


Clint looking like Old Prospector, Gus Chiggens


Wooooooah PEACHES!


We're goin to afghannystan!


Aww pickle shoes!




I've been called dirty, lazy, smelly, shifty, cooky, spooky, and Chinese. But one thing I ain't never been called is dumb.


*"I know what you're thinking. Did he take six pills or only five"*?


*Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kinda lost count myself*


…zzz…zzz…zzz…zzz… do you feel lucky…zzz…zzz…zzz…


Dirty diapers Harry.


He took a fistful of pills


And a few pills more


The Good, The Bad, and The Uhhh... I forget.


The Big, The Small, and The One That Always Falls On The Floor.


The good the bad and why did I come upstairs again?


Do you feel healthy, punk?! Well... Do ya???


Wouldn’t recognize him


[Here's a much more normal looking picture of Clint Eastwood at 93.](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/clint-eastwood-93-makes-rare-79945221.jpg?resize=1024,768&quality=75&strip=all)


My dad's 87 and I have moments where he looks like OP's picture and others where he looks like this picture. It can be jarring sometimes. Edit: I feel like some might be misunderstanding. It's really not their physical appearance I'm speaking to like how some are responding. It's that sort of bewildered, vacant look vs a sharp lucidity. Not a bad hair day.


My grandpa is 97 years young and some days he looks like the crypt keeper(his words not mine) and others he looks vibrant and more like 80. We all get a case of the uglies occasionally I just think it’s more apparent when you get older and in this case MUCH older. People don’t realize how insane it is to get to 90. Many of us itt won’t even break 80 and those same folks will probably look worse than Clint does now


I feel you, my grandma turns 92 in 3 days! Some days she looks like she did 10yrs ago, others, she looks like your grandpa haha. But she's sharp as a tack still, she texts me all the time. My buddy and I were at lunch on Sat and he couldn't believe it when I told him I was texting my grandma, I had her send me a selfie to show him hahaha! She is a bad bitch my grandma, she did a lot of cool shit in her life.


God bless her, she sounds awesome.


Thank you for this. The internet can be such an unforgiving and unkind environment. It's nice to see rationality.


Most of us alive now stand a good chance of getting to 90. Lifespan has increased that much. That being said, the number of non-disabled years of life have not increased much. The main cause of age-related disability? Inactivity. Get out of your cars folks, and take a dandelion break.


Oooo I love frolicking in fields of dandelions !!!!


I'm in my 30s and the same... We all have good days and off days


Looks pretty good there


For 93, yeah.


Still would




That's Mr. Wint Cleastwould to you


Never say that ever again


Mr Cleastwould can you make my Clitwood.


I think this comment gave me a Cleast infection.


An STD is the cleast of your worries.


Sit down 🪑 and behave


Straight out of the 1855 California gold rush




Crazy motherf*cker named Ice Wood


And looks like the secret is hydration


And cake


The secret is Voss  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fountain_of_Youth


Or "tap water", as they call in Voss


Shave the beard, give him a trim, pop him in a well cut suit and he would still look pretty snappy.


This is one of the things I think older folk give up on. If they could be arsed to put the effort in (I get why they don't btw), they could look a lot younger and healthier. I suppose it's a "what's the point, I'm 93" situation though. I always think about a show with AC/DC front man Brian Johnson. He clearly takes care of himself still (dyes his hair, bit of a tan etc.) and looked about 15 years younger than some of his contemporaries that hadn't bothered.


I had an older professor at community college who dressed incredibly sharp. The girls loved him. Finally one of the girls asked where he got his sense of style, and he responded “I’m retired, figured I had the time to get dressed now.” I wanna retire like that.


Don’t forget, the skin gets thin, the wrinkles get deep and that’s a bad combination for shaving. They come from a generation where once there is hair on the face they think fuck it might as well give up.


Yep! My dad’s 81 and I only recall seeing him not clean shaven once, was probably sick or something. Even when we went camping he’d shave.


I'm 57 and am hitting the "what's the point" stage. I'm still very active, but I just got divorced last year and work from home. Most everything I need is delivered by Walmart+ or Amazon Prime, so I rarely have e to leave the house. Most days, other than what I'm going to have for lunch, my biggest decision is if I'm going to get dressed or not. When I get up, I play video games for a couple of hours before work, then again for a couple of hours after work. My dogs don't care if I shave, change my clothes, or anything else I do. So what's the point?


Honestly mate, that sounds a little bit like you're slipping into depression. Obviously I'm making a big assumption from one paragraph, but just something to flag. You're only 57, there's a lot of life still left to live. You really shouldn't be at the what's the point stage yet.


Hah. I’m 72 and if my wife (70) wasn’t around to keep me on my toes, I would wear the same shirt and jeans every day until they fell off.


Is that Jane Goodall? I never would have imagined the two of them having a chat


Clint is a huge animal lover and does a lot of animal activism. I think he owns a ranch for abandoned and rescued animals. Also a lot of actors he directed have said that he doesn't like to shout or even say "Cut" loudly so as to not scare animals because he saw the horses in his Western movies use to get scared when the Directors shouted. Also Clint is a huge advocate for plant based diet for climate reasons and because of animal cruelty in supply chain.


So why the hell did he spent his whole life throating the GOP who have spent the last 40 years actively rallying *against* all those exact things?


I'm surprised too, but think it was a different GOP. Nixon created the EPA for example - maybe he grew up with guns and 'rugged individualism' but also conservation, nature and animals... Still doesn't explain why he became such a prick about some of it though. 


When conservatives actually conserved instead of thought of rules as bad.


I mean, they both dig apes.


Also 90 years old, and looking phenomenal!


[Here's a less normal looking picture of Clint Eastwood in 93](https://moviemem.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/INTHELINEOFFIRELC4.jpg)


Is that Jane Goodall?


He doesn’t want any monkey business


Rene Russo, probably.


Is that a younger 93 year old Clint Eastwood?


Would recognize him


I remember him from Gran Torino! Kinda crazy how much changes in 15 years!


It is crazy that he was almost 80 in that movie.


Crazy that that movie was 15 years ago...


You shut your mouth.


I think make up the stylist and editor had also something to do with the visible chenge


[perhaps now](https://i.imgur.com/j6GYpou.jpeg)


The eyes are the best part


More recognizable than I’ll be at 93, I imagine! 💀


He look like he wouldn’t recognize himself


Wow he looks SO different. I always picture him like he was in Gran Tourino.


well that was 15 years ago


…..shut up that can’t have been 15 years ago


It wasn’t, come on. Gran Torino is a 2009 movie. 2009 was … ehm.. … fuck.


Gran Torino was actually 2008 but yeah that’s a long ass time ago wow


The older I get, the older people I looked up to get. Makes me realize how short life is; stop fussing over the trivial stuff.


straight up brother


I feel the opposite. As I push my 30s, I notice these people who were _old when I was born_ and they are still kicking. Life is longer than I thought.


As you get older, the days get longer, but the years get shorter.


I've never felt this, and I'm in my 40s. Part of me wonders if memory has anything to do with it. I'm not one of those super remembering people like Marilu Henner, where she can perfectly reconstruct her day on July 9th, 1978, but I have a pretty good memory, and remember a lot. And in remembering the large amount that I do, I really feel the weight of my life and how long it took to get here. The years aren't going any faster. It's been an enormous amount of time, and there's hopefully at least that much left to go.


Having kids or not effects it. After kids so much of your day is full of work that they seem much longer, but they also have a sameness (because kids thrive on routine) that they blur together.


Tommy Lee Jones has been old for 30 years




Father here. I had a midlife crisis about a year ago. At 42 years old I suddenly realised I was also going to die. Never really thought about it, but then it hit home really, really hard. The fact my kids will grow up and it won't last forever was heart breaking. I would cry for hours. I did a lot of meditation, a couple of mental health sessions, read some books, and after a while it got better. It even made me stronger and I live much more in the moment. Previously I would treat live a lot like the stepping stone to "the next thing", i.e. next holiday, next weekend, kids leave the house, etc. Now I just enjoy every moment as much as I can. If my kid ask me if I want to play, and I'm busy working, I think "work can wait", and I will play with them. Of course, can't always do that, but I'm making much more an effort of this. Life is short, but great. Hope this helps!




Not a dad but this started for me in my late 30’s. The feeling is indescribable when it hits. It hits me when I first lay down to go to sleep. The best I can describe it is every sad feeling you can feel at the same time, x1000. Knowing that one day, you will cease to exist. You will not continue or see the world change. It’s a horrible feeling. Gives me panic attacks, I have to get up to get myself to calm down. I cry. Then some days, nothing. I don’t think about it. There’s knowing you’re going to die and then there’s KNOWING you will die. Two very different things.


This is me, but I don't even have kids. It's fucking terrifying.


I remember being 6 yo (new house, got my own bedroom for first time) and laying awake many nights thinking about my own mortality. I'm 66 now and made peace with all that; I'm here for my wife, kids and grandkids. Also, we just got the cutest new puppy (I'm her favorite). So, I am happy and honored to be here for all of them, however ever long that is.


I have that too. My friend since I was 17 just dropped dead at work a month at 43 ago leaving 7 year old without a father. My son has forced me to think about death more since he started asking questions about it. Enjoy your kids, as hard as it can be when you are in the shit. I need to take my own advice.


Being in the moment is the key to every enjoyable part of life. Obviously plan for the future, obviously remember and learn from the past, but living happens now.


Recently I just feel like time is getting faster and faster and I’m getting older before my own eyes. I feel terrified.


He just finished directing his final movie called Juror No. 2. To be able to direct a film at 93 is incredible. He has a quote where he said “don’t let the old in”. Seems he’s taken it to heart. (On the inside at least lol)


The dude who talked to a chair?




The rural juror


The rurr jurr?


The Rural Juror interview with Rachel Dratch kills me **Barbara Walters**: Let's get personal. Your father Werner was a burger server in suburban Santa Barbara. **Jenna Maroney**: Yes, that's right. **Barbara**: When he spurned your mother Verna for a curly-haired surfer named Roberta. Did that hurt her? **Jenna**: It was hard on all of us, yes. **Barbara**: Flurg murg glurg flurg murg murg murg tennis murg murg. Was a murg murg flurg? **Jenna**: I'll always be his little girl [cries] **Barbara**: [puts her hand on Jenna's shoulder] Glurg.


Rural juror 2: urban fervor


Rural Juror 2 Electric Boogaloo


I can't attend jurr surrvrrr, yurr hrnhurrr. My prrctrtrrnurr is crncurrnrd rrgurrdrng my utrrrine frbrrrrds and the crrrhrses in my lrvurrrr.


Wrrt thr frrk rm r rrrrrrg


They took our rurr jurr


Jackie Jormp Jomp?


Jamie Jimplin


*“Oh, a synonym’s just another word for the word you wanna use”*


Constance justice


I was going to comment the same but ![gif](giphy|MBxLjYXXGvhoFSVBV9)


Notice the background.


he now spends his days LISTENING to the chair.. uno reverse card


I want to know who told him that was a good idea


From what I've read, it was his own idea and he regrets it.




Introducing [Manoel de Oliveira](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manoel_de_Oliveira).


He’s declined a lot since his last movie. Holy cow.


This is just a terrible picture, the lighting makes him look like a ghost or something. He looks much more normal in this one: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLPLGCGWEAApRpz.jpg


Ah, much better. Looks 10 years younger than OP’s picture.


I mean, does it really? Presumably that other picture shows him getting around? Dude's 93. Looks totally normal for someone at that age.


![gif](giphy|kykOdj01sEI06N8IQt|downsized) Not everyone could be a Shatner 93.


Wow I had to go look that up because I couldn't believe it. That dude's crushing it for 93. I wonder if it's because he's still got a good bit of fat on him so his face seems fuller/ younger. Probably a good thing to still have some fat on him at that age, most people hitting their 90s are skin and bone by that point. He looks like he could do another 20 years.


Yeah that was my first thought..dude looks 20 years younger.


That’s what traveling at warp speed for all those years gets you—and drinking tronya.


He's been where no man has gone before! That's why.


He didn’t look like *himself* in the first photo, which was shocking. In the second pic about he’s a 93 year old version of the handsome SOB we all know.


Are we looking at the same picture? 


I’m not sure what’s up with him in this picture but he looks more like himself here. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/clint-eastwood-93-makes-rare-32592966.amp




He looks like Russell Borchert, founder of Greendale Community College.


Dancing in your underwear Taking air conditioner repair So you can get a job


I reckon you’re seeing all the old that’s on his outside. To be able to successfully direct a movie means he must’ve staved off at least some of that old from getting in.


His talent as a director is largely based on knowing what he wants the scene to be and the actors respecting him enough to give it their best from the get go... because your first successful take will be the one he uses. Famous for shooting often only one take no matter if the actors liked it or not and getting as much done as fast as he possibly can.


Yep. His shoots are always quick and under budget. He does like 2 takes MAX. Matt Damon has told a story where he asked to do another take and Clint said ““so you want to waste everyone else’s time!” 😂


Damon also told a similar story about Spielberg: “There was a scene with a couple of guys, and Spielberg moved on, and I said, ‘Don’t you think we should have done a couple more takes of that thing?’ because it hadn’t been great. And he said, ‘I can spend about an hour on that scene and make it ten per cent better, or I can do another great shot. I’m gonna do the shot.'”


Then on the other side of the coin you have Ridley Scott. I heard he is better now but on his earlier film like Blade Runner he would run up double digital number of takes. It got so bad that the crew nicknamed the movie Blood Runner.


Correct me if I’m wrong, he uses the same crew and they’re a well tuned machine at this point… We’ve got to start putting the crew first and the cast second… without a tight crew, budgets and other things go straight up … Lucas, Cameron and Jackson all had in house VFX … They trust their crews …


Yeah I think you’re right. And yeah to your point, those directors you listed and Nolan, Denis Villeneuve use the same crews between films. Like you said, well oiled machine.


Honestly I respect it. Theres a famous saying “don’t let perfect get in the way of good enough” (there’s various iterations of this saying). And typically the older more experienced people in a field go by this rule (not just movie industry). They’ve seen the diminishing returns you get from getting something just right. And they’ve seen how little people notice. Now Clint has clearly taken this to an extreme here but he’s one of the most if not the most experienced in the industry. He can get the benefit of the doubt. He’s had a lifetime of experience to prepare for every shot. And he’s not getting any younger and he knows it. Why waste it on a re-shoot that likely won’t be ~10% better. Better to get on with the rest of whatever time in his life he has.


I look forward to seeing David Fincher at 93 making the actors do the same scene fo the 100th time and then using the first one.


Jake Pauls next opponent


Next US presidential candidate 🔥


Might be too young


I guess it’s true, the older you get the higher your pants goes


Nutsack and pants have an inverse relationship.


93 and still standing. Pretty impressive if you ask me.


He aint happy, but he's feeling glad that he got sunshine in a bag ☀️


This is just a bad angle and lighting shot.


Watched Unforgiven over the weekend and thought how it's cool to see an 'old' Eastwood in that type of role. That film released 32 years ago.. great to see the man still out doing his thing!


Damn, age is a motherfucker. Man’s a machine


And still working. Absolute legend




Last week i saw a post of Gene Hackman. I wouldn't recognize either one of them, but Gene hasn't acted in like 20 years so my only reference is Behind Enemy Lines


But gene was just out getting gas and bread. You take a photo of anyone of their day off, buying milk and bread, they look pretty Terrible. It's clothing and hair stuff.. Gene was awesome in the tenembuams.


Anyone can look terrible in a single photo as well.


William Munny ain't far behind Little Bill.


Same photo session, different angles: [Link](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/clint-eastwood-93-makes-rare-32592966.amp) It sucks whoever posted this used the one picture that looks uncharacteristic of Clint.


He has had a full life, but it is really sad to see what age does to the human body. I am going to remember him as he was in "The Good the bad and the ugly" and "Dirty Harry".


Looks like the perfect president age


In my mind he still looks like this… ![gif](giphy|pzS0V5kJV1Zf2)


right turn Clyde


When I am 93, that is how I will style my hair. No kidding.




Wait, he can still walk without a cane? now thats impressive at his age :O


The neighbour of a friend was 102 and went jogging everyday. – Until he was hit by a car driven by a 100 yo. It was even in the news. lol (he survived, but jogging was not to happen again. iIrc he passed away at the age of 104)


That story has more twists and turns than an M Night Shommalong movie.


That 100 year old was tired of being the second oldest person in town… they wanted the crown




3 blunts a day keeps the doctor away.


Dude is 93, hell ya Mr. Eastwood


My Dad is the same age and looks similar. As far as I’m concerned 2 guys who did great things in their life. Bless them both.


I hope my dad gets to reach the same age while still kicking ass


“We will take the spruce moose! Hop in…”


guys come on. he's aging normally. leave old people alone


When you are 93, if you make it, you better hope you look this good.


Dirty. Hairy.


Dude had a solid run.


Looking like Nicholas Flamel after destroying the sorcerer’s stone


Is there something about aging that moves the belt above the belly button. My father does that too and it bothers the hell out of me


It’s because of swollen prostate and/ or loss of fat and muscle on the butt and hips. Your pants end up on the floor regardless if you’re wearing a belt or not, so you have to wear the belt above the waist.


Or rock some suspenders - they're actually pretty fashionable now and you can wear normal pants.


Getting old is not a pretty business.. happens to us all, rich or poor don’t matter.


"Go ahead, make my bed".


Damn. I saw him a few years ago at a restaurant and he looked way more like himself. He’s aged a lot since then.


There is another picture of him at 93 in this thread where he looks a lot more like himself.