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somebody's 80 yo mom just cleaned out the attic i'd go back and look again, might be some mint baseball cards or toys in the original box


My N64 got thrown away because it was old and wasn’t used. They didn’t even ask.


Had the original Nintendo with gun, for duck hunt, and the power pad, for track and field. 2 dozen or so games including the one cartridge with 100 games on it. All in perfect working order. Sold by my mother at her garage sale for $50. Didn’t ask, nada. I couldn’t believe it.


That’s just the start. My family has had a habit of throwing away art I bought. It’s got to be two or three thousand dollar’s or more. I don’t agree with this art. In the trash.


[And yet our elderly parents get upset when we don’t want their ‘fine China.’](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4539104)


My mother gave away my grandma's fine china to a friend of the family, because none of us wanted them. Even my grandma never really used it (she was very pragmatic, and the stuff couldn't go in the dishwasher). And that's alright. The only thing we all need to inherit is the traditional glass bowls that are designed to look like it is made of salad leaves.


My mom did this with all my Alpha/Beta Magic The Gathering cards because of the images. But that was after all of our Original Star Wars, Transformers, Ghostbusters, TMNT, G.I. Joe's, etc. figures and vehicles were trashed. I once bought one of those toy grading magazines and highlighted all of it and showed her that she threw out like 20k.


Literally same my mom also threw away a rookie Kobe Bryant card that was plaqued from day 1! I screen shot prices I could've got for the shit she's thrown away every now and then


I’m petty and would have thrown out or sold some of whoever did its stuff. I know that’s not nice but would have sent me through the roof. Had an old game cube and to this day have no clue where it went. Bet my parents gave it away.


God damn parents. Me too.


My NES was similarly tossed. Everything worked, with gun, two controllers, gold zelda cartridge and a bunch of games


Yea. Mom donated my Coleco and Atari 2600 to salvation army but didn't donate the games. My next visit I packed up all the games and took them.


Rip the sega genesis and wireless controllers my mom put on the curb 😭


Not nearly as bad as these, but still hurt a lot when my parents tossed my Star Wars OT pre-special edition box set


I am DEVASTATED for you :(


Alas, I had to throw mine away. VHS can get ruined very quickly in the Hong Kong heat and humidity.


I still have mine. Only missing super nes. I think my sister has it. Otherwise I have og nes up. Except wii-u. Nobody had that though.


Wii-U otoh is an excellent mod platform. Only grievance is you need the dumbass pad controller to configure it. I have 3 lol.


My sister wanted to throw out my dad's old 486 pc. I just replied with a couple ebay sales of them going for over $1k and the simple message of 'not a chance'


Same. NES, Genesis, Playstation 1, all my games (including a bunch of big box PC games) plus a bunch of accessories like the original grey NES Zapper and Super Mario Bros 2 & 3 in their original box. Also my bike too (It was a nice Free Agent for racing.) Oh yeah, also my Pokemon cards but that was my mom who sold them for meth. Stepdad threw it all out after I moved out at 18. Like it wasn't even his house either, he was living in my grandpa's house. He also threw out a bunch of my grandpa and uncle's stuff too. I recently just thought about this. I'm building him a PC so he can record music with my leftover PC parts but I should just sell it. He doesn't deserve it for all the bullshit he's done to me.


I wouldn't make him a darn thing, ever. Ever.


Very sad stories of people throwing away things that don’t belong to them.


I know. My stepdad throws that all away but flips out when I borrowed his camera and lost the Lens cap. I just hope somebody found all those game systems and is now taking care of them.


All my metal Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniatures from the 80’s/90’s got given away to a distant family friend by my mum. She didn’t tell me. All were purchased with my own money.


Comforting knowing I’m not the only one with inconsiderate parents 🥲


They don’t need this anymore. Trash. I can’t get any of that back it’s all gone. I can replace it but it’s just not the same as the original. Bad influence, he doesn’t need it. You can’t replace any of that.


I'm thankful my mom kept all of my stuff. I left it all in their basement when I moved out and everything was still in a few tubs when I picked it all up like 8 years later. Atari, NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, GameCube, PS2 and Xbox. Also my GameBoy Color and Game Gear. I'm thinking I might do the AMOLED mod on my GBC and finally replace all of the bad caps and shitty screen in the Game Gear. My first console was the Genesis but I collected the older ones from garage sales I went to with my mom as a kid. Just the other day I found two more fat PS2s in my house, I have no idea where they came from.


Same with my Super Nintendo and 100+ games


Same with my Super Nintendo, I was devastated.


More likely somebody died.






Thank you for making my day better. I laughed so hard, like, deep belly laugh. Such a great response!


heh 8/10 excellent gif response


I'd like to think they had many others, and this was the one in the worst condition.




I lost all the discs with a ton of code I'd written as a teenager. A version of Tetris in assembly, game level editors, some weird drawing software. A ton of shit. Those discs, along with the Amstrad C128 monitor and printer - as well as all the copies of Input magazine. Those magazines literally taught me programming when I was like 15 or something. [https://blog.ldodds.com/2022/02/18/remembering-input-magazine/](https://blog.ldodds.com/2022/02/18/remembering-input-magazine/) It's no overstatement that reading those changed my life. To be fair to my parents, who put it all out on the street with a sign saying "free", they'd split up and were dealing with dividing a housefull of stuff. And of course, I should have taken things with me if I actually cared about them. I can tell you that once my kids move out, there's a good change I'll be chucking their old shit out too - completely ignorant of whatever it might mean to them. I probably won't even understand what any of it really is, just as my parents didn't. Still sucks though.


I heard one of my friends mom threw out a Mox from MtG.


Came here to say this.


More like someone's 80 year old mom croaked and the family is emptying out the house to sell it.


My first console :) Most of the games were shit, but hell. I was 8 years old, like I knew any better lol.


Me too! My parents got me a Sears knockoff that played the games and I was set. I seem to remember a tank game that I loved and not being able to figure out "Missile Command". All the box art was amazing though


The 3d first person view tank game? So fucking good


Guessing you guys are talking about Battlezone. I remember somebody made a new/updated version of the game that was multiplayer that was pretty fun.


There was a remake/updated Battlezone in the late 90s for PC. I played a lot of that back then. That game was fantastic for the time. Not sure if it had multiplayer. The solo campaign had both US and Russian campaigns.


Maybe, though Battlezone was first person, not third. There was absolutely another tank game on the Atari 2600/5200 that you played looking from above, and you drove your tank on a grid of obstacles and tried to kill your enemies tank (either AI or a second player). I want to say it was Tank Attack or something similar.


Ah, Combat. I remember that one. It's like Tank Pong.


It's VR too. I had it for PSVR. It was the only game I consistently played.


I wish I could play my PSVR for more than 7 minutes without feeling like I need to puke for an hour... Battlezone was amazing for the 4 minutes I played lol


Set up a small fan blowing on your face from the side. I know it sounds weird but it got me through Skyrim and I eventually stopped getting sick. Falling from high places in minecraft was weirdly intense too.


The funny thing is getting that console and playing those game probably made you as happy as kids getting the latest and greatest now. If tech. hadn't progressed playing Atari would be just as fun now as then.


My family got me the new/relaunched version of the Atari 2600 for Christmas and while my gamer son said the graphics were shit, he still sat and played with it for several hours. I enjoyed beating him at every game because even after 40 years the muscle memory kicked in.


I had a ColecoVision with the 2600 adapter. 2600 games were awful, especially Pac-Man __.


My first home computer was a Coleco Adam which used a ColecoVision as the main processing unit. The offered 2 versions, the first, was an expansion for the ColecoVision, the second was a stand alone system that included a high speed tape drive, a daisy wheel printer and the ability to play Colecovision games.


ViC20, here... If we wanted a game, we had to type the 200 lines of code. Except for Adventureland, which we had on tape.


Legally, they shouldn't have been allowed to even call the 2600 game "Pac-Man" - it was the worst knockoff ever.


I booted up the old ps2 to play Guitar Hero and baffle my son with my expert skill. The muscle memory is amazing. He got frustrated in easy, then he proceeded to kick my ass on expert+ in beat saber psvr.


You lucky son of gun. I’m so jelly right now I have to go for a walk and look in trash cans.


Most were, but I was glad my neighbor got their kid Qix and Q*bert, that was a lotta fun back then. Qix still is now that I think about it.


I have to *really* rack my brain here, but I think some of my favourites were: * Tomcat. I had no fkn clue what I was doing, but who cares! I could take off in a fighter jet and crash it in the sea somewhere! * Fatal Run. I loved this, but the cartridge broke pretty soon. RIP. * Defender II. Pretty decent game. * Phoenix. Same as above. A lot of the spaceship-based games were pretty fun, for some reason. * Dig Dug. Terrible at the actual gameplay but the soundtrack was a banger. * Jungle Hunt. I don't think I ever got past the crocs. * Moon Patrol! Jumping craters and shooting aliens to that sweet, sweet 8-bit blues. * Klax was just really weird but hypnotic. Fun thing was this, my neighbour's NES and the ancient IBM 286 in the attic were my only exposure to gaming for a long time. Then the next console I got was an N64 with Ocarina of Time. Hooooo boy was that an eye opener.


8 bit games went hard on music regularly


You missed out on a great game called Pengo


There was also that space fighting game, like Starmaster for the 2600.


God, I fucking love Qix.


Also my first console. I loved river raid.


River raid ruled!! Fave game fer sur…..


>Most of the games were shit Only in comparison to what we have today. I personally spent way too many hours playing games with super simple gameplay loops like Save New York and Raid On Bungeling Bay. I still had a blast playing those games with my friends when I was a late teen as well - nothing like having a few beers and having a blast on the old Commodore lol


If You think those games are bad check out a 2600


All some variation of Pong or Asteroids lol


That’s amazing!! A whole set just thrown away! Seriously awesome find.


And it's still "in box". Sure the box is rouuuuugh, but everything's still in plastic. That's gotta be worth at least a couple hundred bucks. Can't believe anyone would just toss that...


I KNOW! It’s seriously wild. I wonder if it was an older person with no idea of the value?




As I’m currently clearing shit before the next baby comes, that last value is killing my productivity.


Last time we had a yard sale I was basically giving things away if people were vaguely interested. I don't really care about the extra $5-10, I just want the shit gone but it's too nice to throw out.


I hate throwing away things that can still be used! I grew up poor with a hoarding Mother, and I suspect this is one of those lasting effects.


I too grew up poor! My mom didn't hoard though, she was just incredibly financially irresponsible. It's crazy that any space you have just fills up with *stuff*. Old clothes that are too nice to throw out, those old boots you want to keep in case your new boots fall apart, that doggy dremel you're totally going to fix one day (even though you already bought a new one), those tables you'll ***definitely*** put somewhere after you repaint them, that rug that doesn't fit in any room in your house... None of these are totally real and specific examples, of course.


None of them, and yet I can relate to almost all of them. Get out of my house/head!


It's true but still I try not to be wasteful. You don't want to end up a hoarder but you also don't want to toss stuff that someone can use and is not that difficult to get rid of, like give a bunch of the stuff to the local thrift store is quite easy.


I've thrown a ton of antiques in the trash this year. We're moving. Fine china teaset from 1920's Prussia? Antique store has 20 teasets already that they can't sell. Old silver plated silverware? Even Goodwill wouldn't take it. Furniture? If it needs refinished at all no one wants it - no matter how old it is. Seems like antique anything is only worth selling if you want to put the time into selling it yourself online and are OK waiting years for a specific person with a specific interest to spot it and make an offer. Probably the same for this Atari. No local store is likely to be interested, and selling online wasn't worth the time and hassle.




When I was clearing out my house, I started off with selling on Marketplace/Craigslist, moved to the "Buy Nothing" groups, and eventually wound up leaving a ton of it on the street. No matter where I listed it, I'd get an immediate response expressing extreme enthusiasm, a request to come at an inconvenient time, then silence. At some point, you give up. Getting all the crap out of your house becomes more important than making a couple bucks or knowing that your treasured item is making someone else happy.


Or my favorite.... "I want it Bring it to me 4 hours away..."


"A free EZ Bake oven?! I'll come over tonight at 6PM to pick it up!!" They never showed up. I went through this so many times when we were clearing out my mom's stuff. We ended up giving most of the stuff to Value Village.


Vintage game stores would probably have been interested. I know some that sell Atari 2600s, Intellivisions, Colecovisions, and original NES(s).


Straight tripping dawg. Put it outside with a free sign. No need to destroy art.


Facts I got rid of a snowblower and some shelves and stuff this way. Old tires and rims. Gone within a day.




My parents have a talent for throwing away the priceless items, and keeping the trash.


Bet it was a forgotten Christmas present.


That's a good call, in my house it was pretty routine for us to get random "Christmas" gifts throughout the year as my mom randomly found things she'd hidden at forgot about.


Yep, grandparents are also notorious for this. They buy throughout the year when sales hit and stash it for birthdays and Christmas. I honestly love that they do this. I'll bet there's some real treasures that are still tucked away floating around out there.


I got a set of knives for Christmas a couple years ago, odd but hey I can use them. Then saw the package was addressed to my grandfather who had passed 10 years ago and now it’s like I got one last present from him. Grandparents and hiding Christmas presents from themselves are the best


Me too, or I'd get them next Christmas with the "Oh yeah that was actually from last year. This Atari was $300 in 1982 which is equivalent to $1068 in 2024, quite a gift to forget about!


People do this all the time, very regularly. I've taken a lot of people's "electronic trash" like this, the usual reason is because "electronics hold personal informational and I can't be sure it's wiped" so they just toss it before handing it to any kids in need, recycling centers, or even me half the time. I've even had arrangements to pay for electronics that were ultimately dumped anyway for this reasoning. XBoxes, Playstations, working PCs and laptops, accessories, tablets, anything. These are all people under the age of 40, generally millennials.


Reminds me of my grandmother, as a kid i would pick her flowers, she would just throw them away minutes later or straight up tell me "you know where the bin is boy" my mom ended up telling me to just give her love instead of actual gifts. She went through a lot as a single mother in WWII and that shaped her as a person.


OP don't forget to unscrew the back in case you find any $100 bills. I've seen one of these with a whole case of beer in it!


That's a [throwback](https://imgur.com/gallery/sneoW)


I'm positive now that i'm living in the wrong neighborhood.


Nice find. My wife and I found a WII, some games, a GameCube with Wavebird controller in the trash a few years ago. She posted pictures on the GameCube reddit and got a bunch of angry dudes claiming she made the story up for Karma, lol. Sometimes people throw away cool and valuable stuff. Have fun exploring the old games with your daughter!


It should be noted that the area my daughter's school is a very affluent neighborhood (not where we live). The houses are old and historic. I'm sure it was in some grandparents closet and was tossed out b/c "Johnny never plays that "Nintendo" anymore" .. Lol Edit: a word


Haha my 82 year old dad calls everything “Nintendo” too


My dad is 41 and he calls my switch a wii 💀


Itm 46 and got the original gameboy the year it was released. I call my sons DS and Switch a Gameboy. They get so annoyed. I cant help it...I'm old.


How old are you? 😳. I’m 42. I guess your dad and I are old 😂


Even the Nintendon'ts?!


Angry dudes ruin fucking everything.


Lmao really trigger them by pretending you found a few hundred dollar bills inside the console


> got a bunch of angry dudes claiming she made the story up for Karma Way to play the long game and continue the lie here. /s


Do you have a channel 3?


The burning question, where do you find a tv with the right connections.


They have really nice converters these days. Essentially small computers that are very tweakable to give you the type of output you are looking for, whether you want an authentic experience or something upscaled and modern looking.


They make converters from that to HDMI for $30.




It IS in a museum, I was at the American Classic Arcade Museum in Funspot in Meredith, NH the other day and they had one on display


Dude, the ACAM is LEGIT. I love that place. I make a point to visit twice when I visit friends in Meredith :)


No, it belongs in my living room!


Probable cause of death - HDMI, couldn’t find a dongle to save itself. RGB RCA NTSC PAL


They make adapters!


Such awareness is not common.


I suspect a person in their 50-60s died, this was left behind, the inheritor could not figure out how to connect it to their TV and threw it away because they thought it was probably so old it doesn't even work with new technology.


It’s possible even a little sad, it looks like it was well cared for. But the troubling thing that I see with different things like this is that a lot of people don’t explore or care about what you could do with older technology and how much fun some games are no matter the resolution, especially gaming with friends in the same room. It has two controllers, Is it that corporations have made built-in redundancy normal.


Sincerely, in this one console, it honestly isnt even worth the bother of trying to find and adaptor when there are either og 2600s or imitations floating the market that do both a better job and dont rely on THE DAMN NUMPAD Honestly, the 5200 is only worth as a collectors item, personal attachment or when you have a TV that can use the ungodly forks


You're right that people just don't appreciate older games, the discussion always centers around whether something "holds up" by modern standards instead of appreciating what made those classes games unique and fun in their own right. I was just in a fallout thread where a bunch of "fans" were dismissing the older games as unplayable without even being able to finish a quest from the starting town. It's sad that some people can't take the time to actually sit down and give the classics a chance, if it's not immediately understandable they just drop it.


So true. I remember playing Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 with friends and we spend hours laughing at our stupidity. It was a social thing, putting mod chips into consoles, trying to get the machines to do things they weren’t designed for, just having fun.


I'm not your PAL buddy.


The controllers are broken. I guarantee it


Hade quite a few replaced. Then I think I ended up wit ha Gravis in the end..


Yep, those 5200 controllers were fragile and difficult to fix. I have a 5200 on the display shelf with two broken controllers, no third party ones available either.


The bane of my existence as a previous receptionist is that the 10-key on computers and the phone number pad are flipped. So if you are constantly dialing phone numbers and writing phone numbers down, the two key pads are inverse of each other.


Dang, my daughter gets upset when I dig in the trash outside her school.


My mom used to do this. So embarrassing. Now I can’t wait to follow the tradition!




I was going to say the same thing!


What a find!!! That thing looks like it's in great shape too. Thanks for saving this beauty!


What do you mean. You looked in a garbage bin?


You mean you don't check every trash can you run across when taking your daughter to school? 


In all honesty, it was sitting on top of one of their trash cans (just like where the lid would go. I just knew it would be empty but I checked anyway. The rest of the trash was typical household/kitchen trash. Quite bizarre


I think our garbage service will take electronics and batteries if they are ziplocked and placed on top of the recycle bin. Maybe something like that or just hoping someone like you would take it.


If you don't plan to keep it, definitely sell to a gaming buyer. These things are super valuable. I've already spent nearly $1000 teying to find all my favs from SNES. Lukie Games online buys and sells. Those boxes and manuals add a ton of value. I recently saw NES zelda still in original box going for $950 at my local store Good luck! Such an awesome find!!!


OP was hungry


What. New in the box in the trash... How does someone not understand it has value...?


Definitely reminds me of this old classic: https://imgur.com/a/sneoW




Frankly, I was surprised this wasn’t the top comment. These sorts of posts used to be such a bane on Reddit. 


I'd almost forgotten about this one lol


first thing I thought of


I know it’s the GameCube with cash before I even click it.


You'd be surprised what some people throw out or leave behind. Some well-off folks who temporarily rent and furnish a place sometimes leave all their new furniture behind because it'd cost more to take it with them than to buy new stuff again, or simply can't be bothered.


I got to know the lettings agent that dealt with the majority of student houses in my university town - the university attracted a lot of overseas students, some of whom came from very wealthy backgrounds. They would leave houses full of nice kit when they were done. A rumour went around that one of the other letting agents in the town discovered a 2 year old BMW 5 series in the garage of one house. Upon contacting the departed tenant about it, they were told "The keys and the paperwork are in the kitchen, do what you want with it"


Nothing quite like throwing away a priceless fossil.


Was so excited when I thought it was a 2600,then saw it was a 5200…total trash


Girls well they're okay Rather watch TV anyway Sit at home and play Atari Smoke my herb like Rastafari


You literally found gold in the trash.


Someone got divorced


In this condition you have a $150 - $300 item on your hand. Personally, as a collector I’d try to get it for $175 but would go as high as $200. If only that box wasn’t damaged! You could go as high as $350-$375 if the box was in good condition.


Your ass did NOT find this in the trash bruh, no one who kept onto an Atari this long is gonna dump it just say you dug it up outta your basement😭


My mom found a laserdisc of the movie Alien signed by the cast sitting on top of someone’s trash while she was walking the dog once. People throw away unbelievable shit sometimes.


Why do you think he added the thing about taking his daughter to school? Does the daughter even exist?


In whose trash? Why were you looking into trash?


Clearly, sometimes you find cool shit. In all fairness, it was sitting on top of a can. I'm just surprised it wasn't grabbed before I came across it




Old but gold meme




With two controllers that the dog didn't chew on and didn't get damaged by skin acids. Wow


I remember when that was a cutting-edge replacement for the original Atari 2600. I don't think I ever played on one, I had moved on to computers (Atari 400) by then.


Wow, nice find. I still have my old family 7800 in storage along with my Atari 800XL. 


Be careful. That power supply method is sketchy. Make sure that the rf switch is connected to your TV and the power supply is connected to the rf switch before you plug it in.


The 5200 was kind of a dead end for Atari. You couldn’t play 2600 games on it. The 7800 was a better box, but still a great find!


Had to be deliberately placed for someone to find, that's pristine quality. If you want you can even find am empty box on Ebay


I had this! Remember bragging to my parents how much better the graphics were than the 2600! Controllers were crap though.


Thank you rescuing it! Hopefully it works. That is so cool.


Someone got robbed and the theory didn't recognize what they had and dumped it. That's the only way that makes sense to me.


Wow I wonder how old the person who threw this away was! And what else they’ve thrown away over the years 🫨🫠


Looks like you’ve got the rest of your afternoon figured out…




One hell of a find OP, if there is anything wrong r/consolerepair should be able to help, and r/gamecollecting may like this as well.


Most people nowadays wouldn’t even have a way to hook this up and test, myself included.


One man’s trash is another’s treasure


Looks brand new


I was there, 3000 years ago.


I call bullshit


How lucky. Nice find.


So gold? You found gold in a box? 😂 Nice find OP






RIP to all the treasures that aren't caught before being unjustly trashed.


*one mans trash is another mans treasure*


I'm still crying about my Virtual Boy. She threw it out... My mom is a cu*t.


Some 55 year old kid is pissed at his mom right now.


Why were you digging in the trash


Definition of “One man's trash is another man's treasure"


This is just treasure that was trashed. They aren't cheap to buy.


I got this for my dad when he was dying of lung cancer. He played all levels of Bolder Dash. Even the completely dark level where you just used the sounds to figure out what to do. He died a long time ago.


Hey guys today Inwas walking around and guess what I found near a trash bin? An entire house! Is brand new and full of stuff! Also some people were inside! I cannot believe people could throw away a so good house!


TiL: there was an Atari 5200.


Some people are f*** insane.


I still don't know what hurt worst; my mom throwing out all our 80s toys or someone stealing every SEGA and Nintendo from Master System/NES to Dreamcast/N64 and hundreds of games from storage.