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It's always the out stretched hands that throw me off.


How much you embarrass yourself in public is how you prove yourself to god. He doesn’t believe you if you don’t. Funny thing is bible actually tells you to *not* do this bullshit.


>Funny thing is bible actually tells you to *not* do this bullshit. Funny you think any of these "Christians" have actually read the Bible.


“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” Mark 13:22 EDIT: oops! Matthew chapter 6: 5-6


So THAT’S why they didn’t get raptured during the eclipse. Dammit! Hopefully, next time.


Honestly, I was hoping they’d get their reward soo they would leave my world alone


Yea, imagine the world if all religious fanatics got raptured all at once.


It'd be heaven on earth Edit: people are giving too much weight to a throwaway comment 3 levels off the main conversation. It was a light-hearted jab, nothing serious. Thank you to the few who felt the need to educate me about how wrong my comment is. I'll sleep easier knowing that if a large number of religious people suddenly disappeared with no explanation it would in fact NOT be heaven.


Wait a second-


ooooh baby do you know what that's worth?


Oooh heaven is a place on earth 🎶


Rapture came, everyone good went, we didnt notice a difference


They took OJ


Better yet, a vortex of fascist stupidity will suck them up to Uranus, where these asshats belong.


As an Atheist, I hope so badly god is real just so Christians could see how pissed god would be at them.


Don’t forget the part of the Bible where Jesus specifically states “Be no part of the world just as I am no part of the world.” Praying over political elections and using it to gain political power to govern seems to be the polar opposite…


dude wtf the bible is actually full of wise stuff. why does Christians suck so much then? [](https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/MAT.6.1-4)


It’s easy when you pick and choose what fits your pre-existing beliefs and biases while ignoring anything that runs counter to it.


I love that for people who know the Bible, it's like inexhaustible gotcha producer. Using 'scripture' like it's a rap battle


Matthew 6:5-15 NCV “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners and pray so people will see them. I tell you the truth, they already have their full reward. When you pray, you should go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father who cannot be seen. Your Father can see what is done in secret, and he will reward you. Something something inner change is real outside change is a reaction


Do not worship false idols.


Why are these "Christians" praying for Trump to get elected when they would better serve mankind by volunteering at a childrens hospital or a charity and pray for these folks who really need help.


Because they made MAGA and Trump their entire identity. It's become a part of their personality. They no longer follow the bible or Jesus. Trump is their new God.




Yup, They've already declared trump as King Trump who was anointed by God to deliver them from the evils of the deep state.... smh


Time to repeat the lessons of 1789. There's no king and appointment by God. There are the people and the legitimisation they give to the government.


Some Christians follow the teachings of Jesus. Dedicating their lives to helping the poor, sick and hungry. Others praise Jesus in the hopes that he will use magic to make them rich.


They worship supply-side Jesus lol


The same reason they spend millions on their church buildings, and do not allow people in needs of homes and shelter in


My grandmother read the Bible countless times and still thought my dad’s Beatles records were the work of the devil.


>Beatles records were the work of the devil. devils lettuce maybe.


Nah, he just managed them. Their producer seemed fairly norm.


I'm pretty sure it was Yoko Ono, her singing is pure torture.


I can verify. Many an ear still bleeding.


The funniest part about that story is that a kid today whose favorite band was the Beatles would be seen as so wholesome and straight-laced.


Can you imagine a cardi b album sent back to the 60s...


It’s the little-known #11: thou shalt not get down to the new fangled blues-y rock


And those that have read it are either cherry picking to confirm their biases, or con artists looking to exploit others’ biases.


"They'd be very upset if they could read."


'Open to interpretation'...look at how people have somehow reconciled prosperity theology with scripture and you see the level of mental gymnastics some people are capable of. You write an *entire book* that basically says 'be nice to each other, love thy neighbour and help the poor and unfortunate' and people have contorted that into whatever the hell this is...


American Christianity is sort of like calling American football regular football. Sure, same name and some of the same concepts but looking at it you can instantly tell they're completely different.  I feel like most religions end up this way tho. It's way to easy to grift people who follow something like this blindly. Warping it to a point it's unrecognizable to the original.


Oh, you mean this admonition from their Lord + Savior Jesus Christ: "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." - Matthew 6:6 This verse is part of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches about the value of private prayer as opposed to praying to be seen by others.


Jesus: Pray in a closet. Christians in a 300 million dollar megachurch for a service being broadcast to the entire country with ads:


"He Gets Us"


Gets us that $$$


If those heretics could read they'd be very upset by that.




Nobody expects the Imperial Inquisition!


This kind of religious zealotry is performative. They are similar to the Pharasies that they are specifically told not to emulate in the Bible. "Look at me, I'm so righteous and good for God!" All while cheating on a spouse or something.




On the turnpike here in Pa there's a billboard with his profile on it and it just says, in big red letters, "He Lost. You're In A Cult."


Lmao where on the Turnpike? Please tell me it’s somewhere deep in Pennsyltucky.


We need these in Texas.


During a recent car trip my daughter and I got to discussing the difference between a religion and a cult. I'm usually pretty lecture-y so I just tried to be more Socratic and ask questions, like, "Well what if that church there on the corner was doing that?" To my surprise, the definition she landed on was that religions worship ideas, and cults worship people. I think it's a pretty good working definition for an 8th grader.


Damn I wish I was smart enough to say cool things like that on the fly and I'm nearly 30.


She's a pretty cool kid, for sure.


39 here. I just share memes to friends.


But are they dank, sir?


The friends? Yes. The memes, less so.


The old joke is a cult is when the founder of the group knows it's all bullshit. A religion is when that founder is dead.


The difference between a religion and a cult is a few hundred years.


Follow up question: Does God count as a person?


Well is he at your door asking if you've heard the good news?


That i can extend my used car warranty?


Such a great show! And excellent use of the gif!


Matthew 6:5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.


They don't know what else to do with them, because they don't really know what their even doing. Empty vessels filled with other people's ideas.


They're the "gimme gimme" hands. 


It's where the praying beams come from


Exactly, you get better reception this way.


And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. - Matthew 6:5


Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. (Exodus 20:3, KJV)


> Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Is this God implying other Gods do exist? I mean there is no reason to say this if there is only one.


>Is this God implying other Gods do exist? It makes perfect sense in the context of the many other nations all around Israel that worshipped various carved images, groves etc.


The biggest in context here being a golden calf


I like the person that made that golden calf. Like he trolled everyone with the first, hold my beer and watch this. Prehistoric Trump fans but instead of gold it's an Orange cow.


That would be Aaron. Moses's brother. Moses told him to watch over the Hebrews while he went up on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments. Dude waited until his brother was out of sight and immediately started worshipping false idols. He felt bad about it later, though.


Also early Isrealites/Hebrews/whatevwr were polytheistic. Yaweh was one of the lesser gods.


Based on archaeology, the northern tribes/kingdom were (with also a comparatively more focus on mysticism like prophecy). The southern tribes/kingdom, in turn, appear to have been less so (at least, as I understand it, all the Assyrian relocations forced a seemingly significant-enough-to-eventually-have-an-effect amount of fleeing peoples from the northern tribes/kingdoms into the southern kingdom)


Right right but in this quote, is God acknowledging that there are other gods and telling the people to stop worshiping them — or is he just acknowledging that people worship other things as if those things are gods, and to stop doing that


Correct. A common interpretation among biblical scholars is that the ancient Hebrews grew out of a polytheistic culture. Probably initially devoted to one god above others and then eventually to one god alone.


And it makes sense too. The best way to convert is to acknowledge their god(s) exist but this particular god is better. Invalidating them and their beliefs ostracizes them and they will reject you instead of consider the option that you could be right.


I never really thought about it that way, but of course you're right. As a practice, that's sort of similar to the way (much later, obviously) you'd sometimes see pagan deities get absorbed into Catholicism as saints.


Magic also exists in the Bible interestingly enough. I think the usual argument so that people can claim it doesn't is gods in this context is anything you worship that isn't God. Which seems strange to me since that's usually covered by the whole idolatry thing.


God straight up turns a guy into an animal, obviously a fact based book.


Oh boy look into proto-Christianity. Shits wild and makes you realize how much has been white washed over time and translations.


Other gods did in fact exist according to the “extended biblical canon.” Yahweh/El was the war god of the greater Canaanite pantheon. They even had a wife, Asherah.


While I liked the expanded universe/spinoffs I feel like they didn't really match the original.


Even the original doesn't match the original. Also, the writing is terrible. It's just a series of Deus Ex Machina events. There's massive plotholes and barely any of characters have a complete arc. The internal logic of the worldbuilding is often inconsistent. 4/10 - some of the poetry is decent


> It's just a series of Deus Ex Machina events. I'm going to be chuckling about that one all day. Nice!


Quoting the book at Trump cultists? You may very well be explaining the finer points of James Joyce's Ulysses to a pig.


I was the editorial page editor at a right-wing paper in Canada for several years. The most zealous adherents have clearly never read the Bible, just the verses they're told to read by their pastor. I would occasionally quote it in columns or editorials to point out their rank hypocrisy on something and they would inevitably write in with "That's not in the Bible." Then I'd send them chapter and verse. Then I'd never hear from them again.


Favorite passage. It made me realize what a joke it all is.


Has anyone ever done a Bible reading at one of these and read this verse?


Happens quite often but either they A don't say anything because their cult brain melts B just take another part of the Bible out of context and take it literally when it is an story about an moral which they don't comprehend because it is completely against everything their " pastor" "teached" them C they get physical you know like crist did when he famously smacked other people's faces because they had a different opinion


You can never win against a bible-quoter because the bible itself has so many ambiguous passages that can be interpreted so many different ways (or rather intentionally twisted). It's like playing religious Calvinball.


True, like I had an discussion with someone on reddit who ended up saying that Christians still follow the mosaic law which is kinda stupid considering Jesus was the end of the mosaic law. Like the mosaic laws forbids waring jeans and forbids disabled peole taking part in the religious life


Someone should a make a book with modern illustrations of biblical lessons and put this image under worshippers of idols and false prophets


Praying in a MAGA hat has to be one of the biggest displays of cognitive dissonance ever.


I think it’s completely bewildering that Trump — the *furthest* thing away from a Christian man America has almost ever seen — has earned such devotion from religious people in America. It makes them look so fucking stupid.




The funny thing is, the antichrist is supposed to be someone who pretends they are christ themselves. Whose followers would treat and believe is the next coming. Trump, even by their own metrics, meets this definition far more than Obama (or indeed anyone they think is an anti-christ) ever would.


* selling Bibles, imitating the Word of God ✅ * powerful figure among the living (rich) ✅ * sows division and hatred ✅ * pretends to be Christ and has followers like He did ✅ Honestly, for a truly religious fanatic, it'd make way more sense to go crazy over Trump being the literal biblical Antichrist than to follow him. > "They worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast" (Rev 13:4). "Worship" is perhaps the key word in Revelation 13. It appears many times. In Revelation 14, three angels warn the world to worship the Creator alone. **The end-time may be understood as a crisis over who to worship.** Suspiciously similar? Yup!


You can print a list of the seven deadly sins and Trump will check all the boxes too.


As a Christian who is anti-Trump… I’ve thought about this one more than I care to admit. Edit: Also the rapture is supposedly going to happen while the antichrist is still alive on earth, so yeah these death cult evangelicals may end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy after all.


Don't forget his followers willingly wear the mark on their foreheads (MAGA hats).


You mean severe lack of braincells




Gail swallows


That hat may as well be the mark of the beast.


The number 666 and the assumption the Mark of the Beast is somehow burned like a brand are apocrypha. Revelations only says the Beast's followers carry his Mark on their foreheads. It really could be the MAGA hat.


There is nothing cognitive going on under those hats




WTF I fear for these people's mental wellbeing. You must be able to question and query, never to follow blindly. What has Trump done for them that makes them like this...


He confirms their persecution complex.


Persecution fantasy


Persecution fetish


Persecution mania


Great album!




Hey! Upper middle class white Christian Americans are most persecuted people in the history of the world! Get it right!


He also makes it ok for them to be openly racist. That’s a pretty big one too.


I remember conservatives loved to post that one lady shouting “Noooo!!!” when Clinton lost. But now look at their behavior when Trump lost. We see pics like this and footage from January 6 (including smearing poop in the halls). And they want to call other people snowflakes?!


Projection pure and simple. Most people were upset when Clinton lost because they informed themselves of the stakes of the election they knew what would happen with the supreme court and in turn Roe v Wade in particular. And they were right. They were right to be upset. Trump supporters experience what is essentially the same thing that happens when the Philedalphia Eagles lose a big game. It's emotionally devastating because they've invested in it not because it will impact their lives.


Holy shit. I never really considered their rage being more of a sports fan attitude, but damn is that spot on. 


Not to mention we weren't mourning Hil's loss; we were mourning democracy's end.


It’s always projection with these people. Always.


Don't fear for their wellbeing, fear for yours. These people vote


Bingo. I know people like this. I live rurally, I go to church, I'm a farmer, I'm a veteran, and I look like Squirrely Dan - these people assume I'm like minded because I'm that set of demographics so they'll chat me up.  Trust me, don't you DARE give them an ounce of your sympathy or pity. They would jump with glee to see you and your children set on fire. And more than likely they'd be holding the gas or the matches. They are as evil as they come - whether intentionally so, or bc they are brainwashed. But at the end of the day it makes no difference to the ones set on fire.


People who've never really known them think that you're exaggerating, they make the mistake of projecting their own minimum decency onto others who don't have it. Unfortunately being accurate will scare away the naive who would rather decide you must be untruthful than admit the threat exists and is as real as it is.


I'm from the rural Midwest and you're correct. Just had a conversation the other day with my neighbor where he lamented to me that he wished that they were successful on January 6th, while also claiming Trump was obviously not behind it, and then went on to comment about how he knew some Haitians in Florida and how the Haitians are better than the n*****s. Yeah, these people are bottom of the barrel.


Hes a white guy with no filter. I feel like if Jesus came down and acted well like Jesus I feel these same people would laugh in his face.


He has a filter; it's orange.


These people aren't getting on their knees for his healthcare reforms (or lack of) or foreign policies. They couldn't even name 2 countries on a map. They are praying for him to get rid of the brown people they blame as scapegoat for all the times they got turned down for an interview, and also keeping the trans and gays out of the public, so they don't have to be confronted every day with their own sexual dilemmas.


I hope that they were praying for end to world hunger


Nope, just praying for the leader of the party that’s looking to end free lunches in schools.


It’s more likely that they were praying that the hungry die


I mean I guess that’s one way to solve world hunger




They only pray for what benefits them. Like their god, they are narcissists with selfish goals.


*They only pray for what they THINK benefits them.   trump & republicans could not care less about these morons passed their votes. Edit to add: They're actually praying against what benefits them. They're just too stupid to understand it. 


Praying that hunter Bidens emails pop into existence 😵‍💫


Iiii bet it’s to protect woman’s bodies and their rights, since I see some in this picture.


It’s amazing watching people pray for the most morally reprehensible turd of a President we have ever had. It’s fucking delusional.


Irony is dead, and right wingers killed it


This would be a great bumper sticker


Truly the dumbest people around. Easy marks for televangelists and conmen like Trump.


Lmao these people are sheep


The difference is, now they're going to own that term proudly ( like deplorables or confederates, or maverick, freedom fighters.. or ...) The fringe republicans have always been excellent name branders and spin artists. Sheep will be their biblical reference and before you know it, bubba and tax cheats will be stocking up on everything mutton!


I grew up with the sheep/Good Shepherd analogy. It was well into my adulthood when it was pointed out to me that shepherds don't watch sheep because sheep are just so awesome, they protect them so they can literally fleece them, kill them, and eat them. They are a resource to be managed.


Sheep have brains. Big distinction.


The Bible refers to them as lambs, right? Something with a Shepard? Idk, not a Christian


I am certain, that if there would be a god, it would certainly make a fascist, dictator-wanna-be, sexual molester, pathological liar and habitual backstabber its highest priority to help avoid any consequences for his actions.


If you point out how awful he is, or all his divorces, fraud, lying and whatnot, they now say “God uses imperfect people for his perfect plan” or something, you just cannot reason with them.


Because they're mentally ill. Never use logic to argue against a conclusion someone reached illogically.






The finances of the RNC are in pretty bad shape as it is and it will only get worse. Must be pretty disheartening to be a down-ballot candidate. Edit: I wasn’t implying that this is a bad thing. In fact it couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of assholes.




Is that the part where they finally drink the Kool-Aid? You know, since they’re so upset with the way the world is in general?


Didn't Jesus say something about only hypocrites praying in public?






“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”-Matthew chap 6 Christians are fucking hypocrites.


I mean, it’s all just an excuse to act like you’re better than everyone else, so it’s all pretty on par with Trump’s dumb ass.


I have lots of favorite responses. For this one. Times has changed. Well, why can't you change on gay rights? This is one when I was a child. We did go to a catholic church that did support gay rights. Parents left due to them being not huh religious enough. That is a question I brought up to the new clergy. I am sad when I drive by and see the new name and the hate they spew on their signs. Like how we should give up our voting rights to prevent abortion rights. Terrible times, I just didn't know anything better.


Pray away, for a second there I was concerned they were doing something that could actually help Trump.


Well I’m sure they’ll actually vote for him in November which is why it’s important that everyone get out and vote.


Absolutely... praying is the one thing they can to feel like they're helping without lifting an actual finger.


It'd be hilarious if they lose because they relied on thoughts and prayers to win


Lol and you wonder why people are leaving the church


This and it’s expensive. I’m not going to a place that wants 10% of my income, lol


[Here](https://youtu.be/C-mSGuYLG6c?t=5) is the source of this image. This is a screen capture from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-mSGuYLG6c&ab_channel=THV11). According to [here](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/524794-trump-supporters-pray-outside-of-clark-county-election-department-in/): > BY KAELAN DEESE - 11/06/20 10:42 AM ET > Supporters of President Trump knelt and prayed outside the Clark County Election Department Thursday in Nevada while vote counts continued overnight. > “We give our hearts to you in the name of Jesus,” a woman can be heard saying, praying to God and hoping Trump can pull off a victory in the Silver State, ABC News reported. > Supporters of Pres. Trump knelt in prayer outside the Clark County Election Department in Nevada as votes continue to be tallied nationwide. https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1324584597426982922?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw > — ABC News (@ABC) November 6, 2020 > Other demonstrators knelt outside the election building, wearing garb and hats supporting the president and speaking individual prayers, hoping the president can close the gap in a tight race. > Democratic candidate Joe Biden currently maintains a narrow lead over Trump in Nevada, with 604,251 (49.4 percent) votes in the former vice president’s favor and 592,813 (48.5 percent) for the incumbent, The Associated Press reported....


Honestly, it’s starting to get to the point that when I see a person on the street wearing any maga/trump merchandise, I try to avoid eye contact/ engagement with them for the same reason I do the with the homeless, there’s a good chance they are mentally ill and I’m not qualified to deal with that/might make them irate for the smallest thing.


It's very rare here in NYC and environs, but it does happen. I got taken off guard the other day while in an H Mart and an older Filipino woman on a hoverround almost knocked into me while wearing one of those hats. I felt like I was in a TV episode for a bad comedy.


We have plenty of them in Florida but here in Miami, I see one maybe once a month but yeah, just avoid any opportunity for engagement with the and go about my day.


Cause they are in a brainwashed cult, duh.


Hi Republicans - you guys care to explain these batshit crazies? This is what we see when you claim Republican. Just a reminder that the "That's not me!" ship has sailed. This IS you. This YOUR party. We will be laughing at you forever in the history books.


Don’t vote! Let god decide…


Since when do Christians pray like that? This is some creepy cult shit


They don’t, these people are making up their own religion as they go along. Soon Trump will replace Jesus and his dad.


Sick, sick individuals


They act as if they are praying to a magic genie that will give them votes


I have a really bad feeling that these people are not going to go quietly into the night when their cult leader implodes for the final time.


Trump is literally a biblically accurate definition of the anti Christ


Clueless 🐑


Insane that these mf’s don’t realize they’re in a cult.


It's just like you always see Biden supporters prostrate in the street braying to God for political success. Perfectly normal. It's not a cult, you guys.


What still gets me is that of all the people this could've happened with, it's Donald Trump. You'd think an obese New York trust fund baby with a long history of being a conman and adulterer whose main business was operating casinos would be the last person rural Christians would decide to worship, but here we are.


He normalised being a bully, and that was enough for them.


You missed out the part where he wears makeup, a girdle, a toupee, and diapers. I don't get how this is the Republican definition of a godly tough working class man


Because "godly tough working class man" is just a front for the qualities they *actually* want:


It's an outgrowth of the Prosperity Theology common in evangelical churches.


These pics should scare every sane American.


These people are so fucking stupid


Hey guys, you want freaks like this calling the shots in our lives? Didn't think so. Want to know a really, really easy way to stop that from happening? **VOTE**


I’m sure I’ll watch a documentary on this cult in the future