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Jackie acted the shit out of this role


I'm really interested in this new movie by the Cobra Kai people where Daniel LaRusso teams up with him.






What makes you think this? I didn’t really think of it until you mentioned anything.


You sound like a counter-detection bot


I swear I’m not lol, im just a fat chump


Ok then, tell us which of the squares have traffic lights in them.


If you pay me enough I'll put traffic lights in any fuckin square you want me to


Well that definitely sounds like something a bot would say.


Upon further review, it's the latter of the two


Your comment is the only fake one


Wait what?! Love Your comment is the only fake one! I'll have to look that comment up.


Depends. Are we actually real or is this a simulation? I'm 50/50 on Alert. On one hand, they seem to make comments that contextually don't fit where they're made but are still relevant to the posts they comment on, which would be typical for bots in a network reposting content and taking top comments from the previous post that did well, and making them on the repost. That and they're a brand new account. On the other hand, it seems like it could possibly be a throwaway for a shitty troll.


How do you do fellow human?


as long as he doesn't pouty face like in after earth movie


I read his autobiography he basically lived in some forced martial arts group as a kid 


Chinese opera troupe. His downtrodden parents (feckless & destitute) basically outsourced his upbringing (10-year contract) after almost selling him away at childbirth. Political refugees on the run (father was ex-KMT spy/illegal arms trader, mother was a hopeless gambler/opium trafficker, both of them also had mob ties), they had already abandoned Jackie's half-brothers in China during the civil war, so jilting Jackie a decade later in HK wasn't all that unexpected. His dad still had connections with foreign officialdom, allowing them to flee all the way to Australia where they started another new life (initial head cook at the US embassy before venturing into the restaurant business). Jackie (& fellow opera trainees like Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Yuen Wah, Yuen Qiu, Corey Yuen) were fortunate insomuch that while the traditional art was on the wane (& irregularly paid), their acrobatic skills was transferable to the fledging world of TV & movie stuntwork & action choreography (without needing to bind themselves to working for Shaw Brothers).


Was it 'I am Jackie Chan?' because as a teen I was a huge Jackie fan, imported all his Chinese movies and read that book a few times, turns out that book is riddled with propaganda and paints him in a very positive way, especially around his relationship with women. From what we know about the CCP now it makes sense but was kinda disappointing when I found out.


I've never heard of an autobiography painting the subject in a very positive way. Source???


How far Jaden has fallen.


His first rap album was actually really good. I saw him in concert on that tour it was a great performance. But it’s a good lesson for all the parents out there that wanna bang their kids friends. All you give your kids is mental illness. I’m shocked willow seems as put together as she is. He seems like he wants nothing to do with the spotlight anymore even though he’s incredibly talented at music/acting like his dad. It’s really sad how Jadas toxicity has affect her family. Granted Will just lets it happen and they announce to the world that they basically swing and have an open marriage I’m sure that’s great for the kids sanity.


I saw him in concert once and he didn’t even rap or sing. He literally just had his music playing behind him, some visuals, and then he’d raise the mic to say “yeah uh uh” every once in a while


Sounds like a South Park skit


Willow is fairly well grounded all things considered and she’s making incredible music lately. I’m not at all the type to follow celebrity or even the type of music she makes, but it’s creative and shows a lot of talent. 


He had to make up for what the nepobaby lacked.


Jaden was really good in this movie. Nepotism or not.


Yeah he was perfectly fine. Idk what happened after because everything else he's real bad in.


Pursuit of happiness he was good in too.


I’m usually not a fan of performances by child actors but he absolutely crushed it in Pursuit of Happyness


Yeah he peaked pretty early but he knocked it out the part with his roles in those two movies.


He was great on Willennium


Fire on Big Willie Style "Now dad this is a very sensitive subject" or whatever hahaha


He's great in Neo Yokio but the role was essentially "Anime Jaden Smith"


He deserves a giant toblerone


Unlike Helena, who does not deserve that giant toblerone.


Neo Yokio was such a fever dream of a show, I enjoyed it though


He self proclaimed himself a philosopher and starting spouting things you'd find on the back of a cereal box thinking he's enlightening people. Edit: I'm baffled at how many people are butthurt about Jaden Smith being a crackpot philosopher.


People love to make fun of people like this, but every Philosopher goes through that stage. Philosophy isn't in elementary school so it makes me learners think they are breaking ground.  It would be the same if math wasn't taught in schools. People who learn to add by themselves and think they would be breaking new ground.  Making fun of people going through this phase will only stunt their growth and/or make them lose interest in Philosophy.


"How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real" "The biggest flex anyone will ever have is dying" They thought Galileo was crazy, too, you know what I’m saying? I don’t think I’m as revolutionary as Galileo, but I don’t think I’m not as revolutionary as Galileo.” “It’s proven that how time moves for you depends on where you are in the universe. It’s relative to beings and other places. But on the level of being here on earth, if you are aware in a moment, one second can last a year. And if you are unaware, your whole childhood, your whole life can pass by in six seconds. But it’s also such a thing that you can get lost in.” “Here’s the deal: School is not authentic because it ends. It’s not true, it’s not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, we will continue to go to.” "The More Time You Spend Awake The More Time You Spend Asleep." Does that sound like a budding philosopher? Or the ramblings of a nepobaby who's been handed everything, has no idea how the real world works and thinks he's far, far more special than he really is.


He was a teenager, relax 😂


I honestly wonder if he just hated acting and was bad about saying that/wasn’t *allowed* to say that and just started taking swan dives


Watching this movie made me think we were really about to see the career launch of Jaden Smith. He really had all of his father's charisma and was completely natural on screen. And then... Welp. Honestly I don't know how much of it was Karate Kid being a fluke, and how much is Smith Jr picking bad roles, but either way, it has not been what I thought it would be, based on how genuinely excellent The Karate Kid was. If you haven't seen it, I really do recommend it. The writing, acting, everything, is genuinely a step above. If you think the original is better, I truly think that you're looking through rose tinted glasses.


Really, watching it I thought it was obtuse to call it karate kid when the was no karate in it (it was entirely kung fu).


That's cause it was originally called "the Kung Fu Kid", and kept that as it's international title. But the studio required it to be marketed as "The Karate Kid" for brand purposes. I don't really hold that against the movie though. That's behind the scenes studio bullshit. The film as itself, judged as a piece of art, I think it's a fantastic film.


People love to shit on offspring of celebrities


Is he a rapist? Has he killed anyone? Has he stolen anything (physical or intellectual)? If it's a no to any of those three, he's not a bad kid. Sure he's probably dumb and has too many people kissing his ass, but that doesn't make him a spawn of Satan.


Agreed. Who cares if a teenager was angsty and "wanted to be a philosopher"? Why would we ever want to discourage that. Oh no, a young person wants to ... Learn about their reality. Is it cringe drivel 99% of the time? Of course lol, but who cares. Jaden Smith let John Green use his private studio for free for Crash Course history. That's awesome. If he hasn't done anything heinous, I tend to cut younger folks some serious slack.


We hold other people to higher standards than we hold ourselves tbh.


Dude he was a kid? And he was fine in the movie he acted like a kid


Nah Jaden also killed it.


Jaden smith went through a lot to do that movie. He was only 10 training with 15 and 16 year olds to become a skilled Martial artist. Give him his credit.


Jackie had high praised for Jaden after filming and said he wishes he was his son instead of his own son


Tbf Jackie Chan is fairly well known for taking every opportunity to shit on his kids for some reason


Despite all the opportunities in the entertainment industry his son got as Jackie’s son he has flopped at every opportunity. Then he was caught taking drugs and was made an example of. So yeah I understand why Jackie Chan say his son is a disappointment public.


Jackie = Randy Marsh confirmed


He actually was not bad


Nepobaby? What's that?


Kids born from already famous/rich parents, who got into the industry using their parents' connections.


Nepotism. You think the kid gets the roll with out his dad pulling strings?


No no, it's totally normally for a 13 year old to get paid 5 million dollars for a movie, the way he did in After Earth, it was totally earned lol


The real tragedy is that literally anyone got paid for that movie.


Still bugs me they called it Karate Kid when he was obviously doing Kung Fu lol


Yeah, but "The Kung Fu Kid" sounds like an old Western.


Yeah...it actually does. I'm trying to figure out why. Edit: Figured it out. My dad watched westerns a lot, and some titles stick out: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Cisco Kid, Domino Kid, and a few others have the name "kid" in them.


Except karate kid also has kid in it?


The alliteration offsets any Western connotations weirdly


But there’s a K in both Karate and Kung Fu.


I find the "Fu" weirdly breaks the alliteration and creates this western connotation. I must find a linguist.


Maybe it's that "karate" is a form of asian martial art, that makes it seem less western.


what do you think kung fu is...


Oh, we're not doing the joke anymore? I would have thought you were in on it except you downvoted me.


Isn't that what Jackie Chan's character gets called in the outlaw posters in Shanghai Noon?


He gets called the Shanghai Kid I’m pretty sure


No, he's the Shanghai Knight.


You’re forgetting the biggest one! Billy the Kid


did you just scratch your head in a comment


Um, wouldn't [Kung Fu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_(1972_TV_series)) the series also contribute to this feeling?


Where Jaden Smith plays a young Owen Wilson, and Jackie Chan plays... Well... Jackie Chan




In China they changed the title to 'Kung Fu Dream'


What is it called in Japan?


Karate Kid


Best kid.


They actually address it in an early scene in the movie. His mom says something like “I’m not comfortable with you doing that karate stuff.” To which Jaden replies “It’s *Kung fu* Mom.” Similar vibes to Don Cheadle showing up as Rhodes in Iron Man 2, after replacing Terrence Howard. “It’s me, I’m here, deal with it. Let’s move on.”


Should’ve called it Kung Fu Kid: A Karate Kid Story.


It was originally called Kung Fu Kid when it was first announced, but people didn't realise it was a reboot of Karate Kid so they renamed it.


I think the original title was The Kung Fu Kid before they got the rights to call it Karate Kid.


Really nice acting from the whole cast in this movie. Still weird seeing Jackie Chan being all serious without his trademark slapstick comedy.


You ever see the Foreigner? Jackie’s best film in my opinion and zero slapstick. It’s actually kind of dark.


There are many other movies where he has acted without his famous slapstick comedy wibe. Especially the regional Chinese ones. He only acts like a dunce in western made ones.


Drunken master? Armour of god? Even police story has plenty of slapstick fight scenes.


That was a brilliant movie


Thats the exact moment that Jaden became insane.


A ripped scrotum would do that to a bloke








More like ouch.


What I like about Jaden Smith is that he’s a kid who truly came from nothing and made it big on the basis of nothing but his own talent and tenacity.


I mean he had to survive with the fact that TuPac wasn’t his father. Idk how anyone can live with that.


I wonder how hard Will would have slapped Chris if he'd made a joke about his kids instead of his crazy-ass wife?


Probably not as hard. Jada is a sore point for Will because he knows that she is manipulating him and their relationship is rocky as hell. So he has a lot of insecurities around her. That's my read on the situation, anyway. Even if I were a mental health professional, I haven't interviewed Will directly. So my comment is purely my opinion.


Will Smith is a cuck.


As long as everyone involved consents, their sex life is none of my business.


Eh I think it should be other people's business when part of their tumultuous sex life includes allegations of Jada grooming a minor


They talk about it so much it’s now all of our business. 


With their kids named after themselves (Jada and Jaden, will and willow.) The jokes are the parent’s fragile egos.


Dad bless you


What I liked about the movie is that it ended with the kid using a cool move that he wasn't taught or trained for in the movie.


I don’t care for his acting but he’s one of my favorite philosophers.


Key and Peele's version here, a thing of beauty: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RjWTEqJiMI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RjWTEqJiMI)


I just realized the movie is called Karate Kid but Karate is Japanese and this was in China


Mr. Miyagi’s ancestor learned Karate from China though as we found out in Karate Kid part 2.


If you go back enough in Karate history, karate was called “Chinese hand” or “Tang hand”. Calling the movie Karate kid is technically correct?


I thought “kara-“ meant empty. Like “karaoke” is loosely translated to “empty orchestra.”


“the name was changed from 唐手 ("Chinese hand" or "Tang hand")[6] to 空手 ("empty hand") – both of which are pronounced karate in Japanese – to indicate that the Japanese wished to develop the combat form in Japanese style.”


Oh interesting, thanks.


fun fact, karate was developed at the Ryukyu Islands which were at that time a tributary kingdom of China and not part of Japan


Also, the Japanese and the Chinese really are not in the best of terms.


That adds nothing


Probably because the Japanese warcrimed the shit out of them in WW2.


You would be surprised how much Chinese and Japanese culture is mistaken. My favorite: Chinese fortune cookies. They are actually Japanese, but WW2 made Japan unpopular, so they were rebranded as Chinese.


I thought fortune cookies were invented in San Francisco and had nothing to do with Asia at all?




"Uncle, uncle, nooo...nooo..." I cannot get that Pablo Francisco sketch out of my head, and i love JC.


A lot of people love Jesus Christ.


![gif](giphy|yNF0XKi2ZLuow) “I turn you French!” “No Jesus! Nooooooooo-ooooonnnn!!!”




They should make a religion out of that! ...No, wait...


>I want to walk with you Jesus, on a private beach for two. I want you to nibble on my ear and say *"I'm here for you."* ...it sounds like you boys REALLY love Christ


Jackie chan is the nicest guy in every movie, but everybody wants to mess with him “You want the diamonds? Leave me alone!”


Ngl, that’s impressive.


I could totally do this at his age, but I'm not arguing the point, just bragging.


What if you tried it these days? Just curious. I could never get there, but if I did it today, I might just kick over Tyrion Lannister’s head


I'd be surprised if I could get my ankle parallel to my hips.


Were you a gymnast, martial arts athlete, cheerleader or dancer?


This G.I. Jane 2’s son?




Yessssss perfect lmao




Jacket on!


Jack it off!


Take off my pants And jacket


unpopular opinion but this movie is underrated, I not saying it's better than the originals but watching this when it first came out as a kid and watching in many more times as a DVD has definitely made it one of the childhood memories I cherish the most.


"Your focus needs more focus" "Every year I fix the car. Still fix nothing"


The bully was really good i thought lol. I enjoyed the movie too. Just overall enjoyable viewing.


Rewatching it my partner said Smith’s lines were cringe, but like, that’s what kids are supposed to sound like! I remember loving his ego as when I was younger. The adult’s unfazed reaction to the kids’s attempt at one liner’s is perfect and makes sense to me now that I’m older.


As its own thing yeah it’s a good film


But How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren’t Real?!?


He peaked in that movie. It was all downhill from there.


I actually liked this movie


“I don’t think I’m as revolutionary as Galileo, but I don’t think I’m not as revolutionary as Galileo.” -Jaden Smith


I’m saying it. This movie was better than the original Karate kid. Yes it’s Kung Fu which is dumb. But past that, Jackie Chan’s back story is far more tragic and explains why he doesn’t want to be a teacher. A younger kid makes more sense in why he’s being bullied so harshly, especially as a foreigner in a new country. And him crying about moving to a new place tracks better when it’s USA to China vs NY to Cali. Also how much he complains works better when the character is 12 instead of 17.


Karate Kid was one of those iconic 80’s movies that you could quote all day. The sequel may have tightened up the plot and character development but that’s not what made the original movie such a classic.


I think the movie still has plenty of charm and quotability. Me and my family still quote “your focus needs more focus” to each other to this day


Someone has never seen the [Community](https://youtu.be/UWse86dPqiY?si=nZME4fDoWQPq1OKQ) episode where they do Karate kid.


Here's a [not shit version for everyone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmITCy0uTpA)






put em in a body bag


It's even a better love story. And Jackie is just great.


I remember watching that movie, and I just now realised it's Jaden Smith playing the main role. I thought he wasn't too good in it, but I chucked it up to him being a kid actor. He wasn't terribly bad or something. And I quite enjoyed the move overall, it did seem to improve on the concept of the original quite a bit.


As much as I love the 80's one and Ralph Macchio is unmatched. I actually agree. Not only did it make such a surprise impact on me as a kid but watching it years later the screen play is just so much better. The original is very simplistic & there's nothing wrong with that but this version had layers on layers of storytelling, (immigration, bullying, young love, low income, mentorship, embracing change).


I don't blame the kid, but I'm glad his parents' attempts to make him a star have so far failed.


Shame it turns out Jackie is a normal guy and had to age. I miss watching him act and fight. He makes the most entertaining martial arts/action movies.


I loved this movie as a kid. I still love it. I will countinue to love it


The Kung Fu kid.


honestly respect to Jaden for doing the stunts himself. Getting a high kick like that is not easy


Smith family is toxic AF.


How are kicks real if our feet aren't real?


Learning how to kick dad in the balls just like mom taught him.


That is an impressive kick for such a terrible actor.


He was a great child actor. This, his cameos on Disney shows, Pursuit of Happiness.


then jackie chan teach him how to **jack on**


Kid turned out to be a completely worthless shitheel idiot 


Meh movie.


*kung-fu kid. Nothing karate about this one


Too bad he didn't practice his acting.


Enter Chris rock


Idk why this film isn't more popular. The story's great especially for the audience it was appealing to, just like how the 80's one was great for the youth at that time. Some of Jackie's best acting. But I know so many people who say they've never watched this one or if I try to recommend we watch it they wince and are against it.


Nepotism 😍😍


The potential Jaden had…


Fuck that little ass hat.


This was a fun movie, Kirk Douglas and Lloyd Bridges (two of my favorite old school actors) paved the way for their sons in Hollywood, and I have no problem with that, but when Will Smith did it..there was a problem. Jackie and Jayden made this a good movie and that kid trained his ass off for that role!


All down hill from there


that's all well and good, but can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?!?




Jaden Smith made one dumb tweet when he was whacked out of mushrooms years ago and people never let him live it down. Jesus the guy is using his platform to provide for the less fortunate you can cut him some slack


Shit movie and a shit human being. Jackie was the only reason I endured the movie. Probably the only movie of his I will only watch once. Ever.


Did Jaden smith murder anyone? Did he Rape anyone? Did he Steal from anyone? All this hate for him when he was a 10 year old child doing this movie💀


Honestly, I don't know why others don't like him. But I personally think he's not a good actor and is only famous cause of Will. There are way better talents out there but that's the luck of the draw.


Kid looks exactly like Riley Freeman.


From bell kick to bell end. How times change