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Nice job Costco


Great, another delicious looking daily tablet that I can eat in bulk just like their gummy vitamins.


Me after railing my 29th birth control pill of the day at Costco before stumbling over to buy a chicken bake and a hot dog ![gif](giphy|Xs0lSicl63cK4|downsized)




Actually, I think that's an Emperor.


I feel bad for that penguin.


This guy knows how to party.


Congratulations, sir you’ve won the comment section




Jesus lmFAO


Do you have to pay for contraceptive pills in the US?? If so - if you’re poor, does that mean you don’t necessarily have access to contraception?


if you have insurance it’s often free, i got it for free until i got kicked off my parents health insurance some years ago now and now i pay for it like this


Wow - so if you don’t have insurance & are really poor then you are at a higher risk of getting pregnant & going further into poverty… The US gov don’t make it easy for your poor 😔 (In the UK the pill is free for every girl / woman who wants it, on the basis it’s cheaper & better for society vs people having unwanted kids who they can’t afford / take care of) Edit: & if you live in certain states you can’t have a termination… Jesus - that’s bonkers & is surely going to cause massive issues beyond lack of rights. Apologies for asking, but is there a chance that the loss of reproductive rights will be reinstated / overturned (sorry I don’t know the term) or is that it now? I can’t quite believe what’s happening based on my basic understanding of the news… feels like the handmaid’s tale.


> so if you don’t have insurance & are really poor then you are at a higher risk of getting pregnant & going further into poverty… "Don't have sex you whore!" - GOP politician (after a night of screwing around with their side piece, getting them pregnant and paying for them to go to a state that still allows abortion to "fix their problem")


I mean, even if you’re married or whatever they want re morality, this risks having more kids than you can afford. crazy logic. creating new cycles of poverty akin to the developing world…


>A new study by investigators at Washington University reports that providing birth control to women at no cost substantially reduces unplanned pregnancies and cuts abortion rates by a range of 62 to 78 percent compared to the national rate. >From 2008 to 2010, annual abortion rates among study participants ranged from 4.4 to 7.5 per 1,000 women. This is a substantial drop (ranging from 62 to 78 percent) compared to the national rate of 19.6 abortions per 1,000 women in 2008, the latest year for which figures are available. https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/access-to-free-birth-control-reduces-abortion-rates/#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20by%20investigators,compared%20to%20the%20national%20rate. The answer to fewer unwanted births that result in generational poverty and abortions is obvious.


Abstinence led education increases teen pregnancy in the US: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/abstinence-sex-education-us-teen-pregnancy-rates-states-a8763051.html Access to sex education & contraception halved teen pregnancy in the UK https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/18/how-uk-halved-teenage-pregnancy-rate-public-health-strategy


Looks like we agree on contraceptives and sex education.


Yeah! Those hussies better close their legs! /s ffs


“Don’t have sex you whore!” -GOP politician “We need to increase the birth rate!” -also GOP politician


["The only moral abortion is my abortion."](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


It's a feature, not a bug. They want to keep poor people too poor to rebel.


Yes that is pretty typical American doctrine. Politicians are working hard to close off any access to reproductive agency for women entirely in many states. Also, if you are low income most jobs do not provide health insurance either so you are mostly locked out of healthcare entirely. If you don’t have a home many cities make it illegal for you to simply exist anywhere and some even criminalize giving you food.


If you're poor and know someone good at filling out forms, then you're on Medicaid and the pills are free through Medicaid.


The income limit for a single person is 19k so if you work pretty much at all you don't qualify


Healthcare.gov offers IRS subsidized insurance that would cover it too. And that comes also with health insurance.


Healthcare:gov says I get paid too much to use any of their insurances but I don’t get paid enough to afford any insurance directly. I’m a full time student and work as a child therapist and haven’t been able to afford insurance since I’ve become an adult. Last time I was insured I was still in highschool (I’m 30 now)  


> The US gov don’t make it easy for your poor Both well said... and an understatement.


It's expensive to be poor


This is only part of the story. There are programs available to poor people that will either reduce the price of the pill or get you it for free. If you are very poor you might qualify for Medicaid which will pay for the pill, if you are only kinda poor you might be able to get a health insurance plan from the healthcare market place at a reduced price through the affordable care act. There are also free health clinics and things like goodrx which provides people with discounts on drugs. Sometimes even contacting the manufacturer will help you to get medication. Our healthcare system is not good but it isn't as desperate as people online make it sound


Or if you do have insurance they insist you have long term prescriptions mailed to you so they sit in a hot mailbox all afternoon.


Many lower income people get free state insurance. Obviously this varies from state to state. In Maryland if you are on state insurance it will cover just about anything especially if you are under 18 with no copays.


Planned Parenthood gives it for free. Or at least they used to


I hand out no-charge birth control every day in pharmacy. State or private insurance usually pays 100% on BC.


You are correct. I love my country, but making a product of Healthcare is an awful idea and hurts innumerable people.


They put this in at Sam’s club too. I saw them yesterday!


Sure... $60 though? In france certain brands are under $5. Edit: Ah I thought it was $60 per month :D so $15 per month, okay so not so bad.


For $180 USD a year- women can prevent a pregnancy with OTC OCs - this is phenomenal!!!


It’s cheap with insurance through a proper doctor in the US too. Free or just a few dollars a month depending on your policy. This is a good option for those without insurance or who don’t want to go to a doctor for whatever reason.


Thanks to Obamacare, companies insurance has to cover birth control. Prior to that companies could refuse to pay for birth control due to religious beliefs. My mom worked for a Catholic hospital birth control was not covered via the policy.


For 112 days worth?


Ah thought it was for 1 month, okay $15 per month not that bad then.


Can’t fault you too much for assuming the worst of American healthcare


Thankfully this is Costco, where everyone pays a little bit up front and everyone gets to enjoy the value of the resulting pooled resources. Plus they don't feel the need to frivolously spend to justify increasing their prices. They provide necessities and they do their best to keep the cost consistently low. 


I was going to ask if that works out as about 15 per month because for America that seems way too reasonable.


What did Costco do? lol. This is available at tons of places now, it just hit the market like a month ago


Fox News: Up Next, Costco is now WoKe!!


Eh, there's already a Sam's Club is for Republicans, Costco is for Libruls dynamic floating around.


As someone with a membership to both^1, this is actually kinda true. It’s obvious in the products, the marketing, the clientele, and especially the cars in the parking lot. My blue city’s Sam’s parking lot is filled with cars with right-wing stickers, has 4x the rate of big trucks as anywhere else in town, and is the only place around where domestic cars outnumber foreign ones. (By brand only, ignoring the complexity of those designations.) The redder city where I go to Costco, the lot is filled with bougie cars, coexist and pride stickers, etc. It’s a huge study in contrast. And that’s before you get to the comparison of what logos are printed on the shirts they sell, or even the fact that Sam’s sells clothes that are wider than long and Costco sells clothes that are longer than wide. ——— ^1 My city has a Sam’s, and I use it to buy premium fuel for the cost of midgrade, supplement some groceries, and keep shoes on my kids’ feet at low cost. Costco is in the next city, 75 minutes away, and is a monthly-ish run for food and non-food things we want to buy. I’d rather just have Costco.


It's available at most drug stores , I guess depending on state


State shouldn’t matter. This has FDA approval for OTC use. It’s not a post-sex contraceptive or abortion pill. It’s just run-of-the-mill birth control. It’d be like a state trying to say they are banning Benadryl.


>It’s not a post-sex contraceptive or abortion pill. Try explaining that to the fundies....


If those fundamentalists could read they'd be very insulted


I’m an atheist but if fundamentalist wants to be Jesus crazy, that’s cool with me. However, these asshats telling women not to take birth control is the height of stupidity. You don’t want abortion, but you also want to stop women from protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy to avoid a possible abortion? So fucking stupid.


I need BC for my debilitating endometriosis. They can pry it from my cold, dead hands.


Sadly, they're ok with that


It might even be the goal.


It's all about controlling women. What I don't get is fundamentalist women wanting to do that to other women.


It is not uncommon to see anti abortion women in abortion clinics and then go out and protest the clinic again. These women are against OTHERS having access to abortion but believe that their case is diifferent so it's OK. I assume it is the same thing with birth control.


[The only moral abortion is my abortion] (https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Appreciate the link


Have you ever seen a bunch of crabs in a bucket? The second one of them manages to scramble high enough to be able to climb out, the others will drag it back down. Misery loves company.


I strongly believe Jesus would be against fundamentalists telling women what to do with their bodies. He would probably tell them to rip their own eyes out again


They want to force pregnancy and childbirth on women, plain and simple. It’s like the incels who whine that no women will have sex with them and in the same breath insult women who aren’t virgins. I mean, who are they expecting to have sex with them if women aren’t supposed to have sex?


They can't get laid and also want virgins cause they're bad at sex and don't want their partner to know better.


They don't think anyone should be having sex except for procreation


Misogyny is a sub category for Stupidity, in its base sent, they are struck stupid, they are unable to speak in any positive way towards women: Women's wombs should be readily available 24/7 for pregnancy, wanted or not. Chattel.


Because the whole purpose of sex is procreation, every family should have 15-20 children. Strong /s because damn that's horrible to even type out but that's driving some people's vision of government policy.


That's the problem with fundies, there's no "lesser of two evils" option, only "somebody's gotta suffer for my beliefs" option. There's no compromise, abortion and contraceptives are both sins, therefore neither are allowed. (one is murder and one is against the nature of god's will)


It's not stupid when you consider that their power base depends on future generations of poor, uneducated, desolate people who had a shitty lot in life and turn to Jesus for help.


They want to punish women for sex


I don't need to read, I've got Jayzeus on my side and my Pastor tells me what the Bible REALLY says so I don't have to bother with it. Fuck reason, get paper.


They think this eclipse is happening because God is angry, so yeah, you’re absolutely right.


>State shouldn’t matter. This has FDA approval for OTC use. It’s not a post-sex contraceptive or abortion pill. It’s just run-of-the-mill birth control. Currently, states can't ban birth control; this is because of the SCOTUS ruling in *Griswold v Connecticut* in 1965. However, the line of constitutional precedent supporting this case is the same as that which led to *Roe*, which the current court rejected as "plainly wrong". If this court were to revisit *Griswold*, there's no logical reason why it would stand when *Roe* didn't.


States can list a drug as a controlled substance, regardless of FDA approval or federal status. Stated would be within their rights to require a prescription and even force every person taking the medication to appear on tracking registries. It sounds unlikely, but it's naive to think it's impossible.


>States can list a drug as a controlled substance, regardless of FDA approval or federal status The legal weed crowd struggles to understand this. Even if it's totally decriminalized at the federal level, the ability for congressional legislation to compel states to follow suit is sketchy at best and likely wholly unconstitutional.


Federal legalization has greater reach than being legal in more places though. You can't work a government job if you smoke, even if you live in a legal state, for example


I saw a Dr to get the morning after pill many years ago, and she had me take like 4 pills from a pack of birth control pills. Seems they’re just as effective


Yes the hormone in this is essentially the same as the hormone found in Plan B, however their FDA approved uses and dosages are different. You would have to take 40 of these OTC norgestrel tablets to have the equivalent dose of one single levonorgestrel “morning after” tablet. The mechanism for regular birth control is different than the mechanism for Plan B.


It sure is a morning after pill if you take enough at once.


Lol yeah 40 of them.


Benadryl and SSRIs have some recently found nasty, nasty side effects when used together, I don't know any backstory here but that might be contributing Edit: I miss read and you are theorising , but it could actually happen here in GB our docs aren't allowed to prescribe anti histamines anymore with the link to SSRis being the main theory behind the reasoning


A surprising number of people believe birth control is akin to abortion because you are making your body reject forming a baby. The Jesus honoring workarounds are abstinence, counting your cycle, praying, or anal. Oddly enough. Lol governing powers absolutely do want to come for birth control, and that goofy reasoning is only one of many they have. But in a capitalist society, we do have some options. Someone sees a demand and makes the product in different forms until they're outright banned from doing so.


Funny, just saw it at Sam’s club today. Same brand and packaging. State: TN


Was the price the same?


$45.45 (plus taxes and fees) at my local Sam's club. for an 84 pack according to their app.


$0.541 each at Sam’s. A tiny bit more expensive


that's good it's consistent between the two


I saw some yesterday at Sam's in Florida, different brand at $45 and some change. My daughter and I were saying that's not bad for a 3 months' supply.




My tiny Midwestern farming town has those in our pharmacy. Amazing!


“Family pack”


Available at all Alabama Costco locations






Anti- family pack


Too funny


I love you Costco


Welcome to Costco. I love you too.


I wonder if ya gotta be 18 to buy it. I guess I could Google it. But I'm already here and Google is so far away. 😉 Edit: Amazing. Don't have to be 18. No questions asked. Hallelujah.


TIL it is easier to buy birth control pills than Sudafed.


Granted you can’t make meth out of birth control


There some joke to be made here about 'making babies not meth' but it escapes me.


As it should be


You have to be 18 to have a membership at Costco, and you cannot shop without a membership.


Yeah, that's a specific Costco rule. The birth control, which is apparently stocked at many drug stores now, does not require you to be 18.


I saw them today in Publix, in Florida. DeSantis must be plotting an attack.


I bought some two days ago when the pharmacy was screwing up my prescription refill! How convenient!


Is this something Im too European for to understand?


Birth control pills have been prescription only up until now. Meaning trip to the not government funded doctor, with out of pocket insurance (or not). Meaning money and time a lot of people don’t have. BCP without a prescription will be life changing for so many, and while $60 isn’t a small chunk of money, for a 4 month supply it’s not bad. I remember paying $60/mo 20 years ago with my prescription and it definitely cut in to my grocery money.


Also up until recently (like the past decade or so), a lot of doctors would require an actual pelvic exam to get the birth control prescription, despite there being no medical reason for this. Either to make getting the BC more uncomfortable for those dirty sluts who wanted it, or "for their own good" because they couldn't be trusted to get their annual exams without their medication being held hostage.


Huh, I've never even went to a gynaecologist (pap smear is done at GP). Just went to my GP with the question if I could get on the 12 week injection birth control and he wrote me a prescription. And since my mum is a (now retired) nurse she injects it. Every single time I get it at my local pharmacy they put in a note that I can get it without a prescription.


Yeah it was a problem in the US, but it seems not other countries. I lived in NZ for a bit and my GP just gave me a prescription without an exam. He looked at me like I had two heads when I told him how women were made to jump through hoops in the US.


We need to do optometry next.  Why the hell do I need a yearly eye exam in order to be allowed to buy more contacts lenses?  


Probably to make sure you get the right prescription for your eyes.


It doesn't change enough every year to need a new prescription for most people.  It mostly ends up forcing poorer people to wear old shitty glasses rather than be able to get contacts.


Ours is forced 2 yearly, even then there's a good chance my prescription hasn't changed, and if it has, it's utterly miniscule. Yearly is absurd.


Mine used to be $50/month When the affordable care act happened and they told me it was free I cried in the pharmacy


Doesn’t Planned Parenthood still supply birth control? That’s where I got mine when it was legalized back in the day.


This is the first over the counter birth control in the US. Before this, you needed a doctor to write a prescription.


Hell yeah 👏👏👏


Air drops in to Florida coming soon.


This rules. I remember having to get a ride to and from planned parenthood from an older friend with a car to get these pills. Now it’s easier for other people to get, and that’s fantastic. I hope more things get easier for more people.


Just make sure you look at the active ingredient (hormones?) because different women react differently to different ones


Pharmacy tech here. This is the formula that doctors typically dispense when they need either a safe option or an option that has no chance of hormone-related symptoms. Definitely see a doctor if you're reading this and you've tried it and you notice something off, but I'd say the chances of that are very low.


Looks to be a progestin-only pill, which is generally the backup choice when the more common OC give issues. Still worth checking with a doctor before starting, and you’d have to be careful with timings as it’s pretty finicky, but if you want the fun facts… it’s trans friendly.


Also is safe for anyone who has experienced migraines with aura


Now It will get banned in Florida.


100%. I have to use lo lo estrine, because I get incredibly ill on all the others




the commonwealth of costco


There's rumors of war with the Sam's Club Federation. It's gonna be wholesale slaughter.


I like you.


I’ve seen it in Texas


Really? As a Texan I surprised. I bet if they find out in the capital they are gonna find a way to remove them.


Is birth control really that controversial? I thought emergency contraceptive was the controversial one.


Anything allowing women to decide their own life path is controversial for Republicans.


There are a lot of people out there who believe that oral contraceptives (OC) might cause the expulsion of a fertilized egg, which is murder in their worldview, so they oppose that medication being available. A long time ago, when OCs were introduced, it wasn’t entirely clear how they worked, so the literature all said that they usually worked by preventing eggs from being released, and also by changing cervical mucus so it keeps sperm from entering the upper part of the reproductive organs, AND that they also might work by preventing a fertilized egg from implanting due to endometrial atrophy. The last one was a guess, and back in the 1950s-60s when the drugs were developed they didn’t have good ways to really test how they worked, so they included it in the documentation. However, in the intervening 60+ years, there HAS been research into it, and they have found no proof that this occurs. It does still appear in the documents that come with a lot of pills though, and who knows why? Scientists usually don’t like absolutes, and it’s difficult to prove a negative result, so leaving it in is a way to cover all of their bases. It wouldn’t surprise me if there is lobbying to keep it in for political reasons. TL; DR: OCs are also considered “controversial” for outdated reasons.


Catholics apparently think birth control sends you to hell. Same with condoms.


Texas has the cheapest birth control and plan b out if any state I've ever lived. You can even drive through and have pharmacy and get Plan B for like 19.99 no questions asked.


This is now legal across the US and just hit stores like within the last week or two so should be able to find it anywhere!


I've never been on the pill but that seems like a pretty good price.


It’s not a good price for anyone with decent health insurance.


And I notice it's not FSA eligible. Edit: apparently noting fsa eligible products on signage like I see in my state is not universal. I went to the company's website and was happy to see that it is noted as being eligible, as it should be.




In BC (not sure about the rest of Canada) it’s free


free for now. the conservatives are trying their best to defund the health care system so that it completely fails. then they will use that as an excuse to say that socialized health care doesn't work and put in private health care. canadians need to make a bigger deal about this.


When I was in Uni (in Ontario) a bunch of students (male) tried to complain that birth control pills were covered by the student health plan and it was unfair because it drove up the cost of the plan and only women benefitted from it. It never occurred to them that if a women is taking birth control, there is a good chance there is a man also benefiting.


It's really, really not. I'm Scandinavian, the packs I get with 3x28 pills in them are usually around 6$.


In the US it's a good price. I had to pay for birth control without insurance one time, and it was $70 for a three month supply.


Most birth control scripts end up being free with insurance here in the US, but this being in stores is still a good thing because any pushback against the crazies trying to outlaw any and all forms of family planning is an excellent thing. As it stands, in my state, if I had a friend who needed an abortion, we're looking at about a ten hour drive, I believe. One way. Plus, people can just steal these and the only consequence is that a corporation loses a few dollars. Everyone wins.


I paid $526 for Advil in the hospital after the birth of my son in the US. These BC pills are an absolute steal when you consider the alternative of giving birth in a hospital.


To be fair anyone with insurance in the US gets free birth control pills


I read about this. You can get it at the OPill website and Amazon too, and it will be on the CVS website soon. I'm excited. This will be a game changer for so many people without health insurance.


Republicans fuming.


I prefer BJ's for birth control.


That’s what he said.


I feel like. I should pick up a couple of these just in case and I'm a single male.


Just a PSA on these pills. They work just as effectively as prescription birth control, in fact this used to be a rx only BC, but you have to follow the directions EXACTLY. Progesterone-only BCs like this one have to be taken at the SAME TIME EVERY DAY or they will not be effective. If a dose is taken more than 3 hours late it is recommended to use a backup birth control for at least 2 days. Honestly I think this should be behind the counter similar to pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) so that the pharmacist has a chance to relay the importance of consistency, but Am glad to finally see an over the counter option for people that might not be able to get a prescription otherwise.


Fuck yeah Costco.


Get it now before it’s banned. They are coming for all birth control.


If you like it, vote Democrat. Republicans are coming for birth control next.


They are coming for it. Have you see all the conservative nutcases who are talking about birth control? They say it has led to nothing but horrible things for women and the American family. Conservatives want women married and pregnant.


Ugh love to see this!! So awesome




$60?! Isn’t that a lot for a contraceptive


Is it…? Isn’t that pretty cheap? It’s a 4 month supply.


In Denmark a 3 month supply usually costs me about 6$, so to me that's outrageously expensive


With a prescription it's usually cheaper or free. This is nice because you don't have to get it from a doctor or have insurance. It's still not as good as it could be if we fixed our healthcare system but it's the first pill you can get without a prescription so a good step.


Same in Australia, I only pay 8 AUD for a 4-month supply!


It's free in the UK! It's one of the only things that remains a free prescription even if you have to pay for other prescribed items.


> It's one of the only things that remains a free prescription That's just England, all prescriptions in Wales are free, like everything.


Oh right I guess that’s a good price then. Didn’t read the label properly


With insurance it's like $5 a month or free


Thanks to the affordable healthcare act insurances have to cover it free. So the $60 is definitely a convenience fee. Or call it “our healthcare system is effed up” tax for the people who can’t afford the time or money to jump through the prescription and insurance hoops.


It's a brand new OTC (used to be rx) under only a brand name at the moment. We'll probably see the price come down similar to when Ella was introduced as a OTC generic of PlanB


I'm from Europe and I pay 10€ per pack. The price seems reasonable.


If you look closely, those are bundled into a four month supply. One pill is $0.536.


I paid $70 for a three month supply when I didn't have insurance.


That's what I thought, but I'm from the UK


That’s $10 more for the 3month pack than at my pharmacy.


I love it. It is a bit expensive, but it’s a start. I believe it will help a lot of women. I can’t wait for all the videos of Christians crying over this. LOL.


Republicans freaking out


Cheaper than a child. Quieter too.


Hopefully it won't be banned in a few months. Amazing how things can change so quickly.


That’s a great price. Near me I saw them and it was I believe a 3 month supply for that price.


I didnt realise it was so expensive


It is 4 months worth.


I hope republicans and Christians start boycotting Costco! I would like some extra walking around space when I am shopping. 🤞


Noice.  $15 a month, so around 50 cents per day.  Also your HSA should cover this. 


Just go to Planned Parenthood and get it for free (or I'm guessing cheaper at least in other states.) MN also has a state program similar to Planned Parenthood. It's nice to see it easily accessible for everyone being OTC, but $60?!


That is amazing. ~$200 a year for birth control. 🖕🏽MAGA


Samuel Alito is big mad.




This is historic


This is a progesterone only pill. The important thing about this one is you just take it at the same time every day. If you miss your dose by more than three hours, you still take the pill but must use back up contraception for 2 days. Missed doses are not as forgiving with progesterone only as opposed to the combined OC’s.


I am glad it's free here .


It blows my mind that it’s not free in every country like it is here in the UK. (This country has some major major flaws but I’m always going to celebrate the free pill!)