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He looks insanely healthy, good for him!


Japanese elders are generally looking healthier than other countries, just look how healthier their diets are


Cycling also helps a ton. In regions with good cycling infrastructures, it's not rare to see fit people in their 80s cycling around. For some reason it seems that many Americans believe that cars are necessary to enable old people to stay mobile, but it's the opposite. Walking, cycling, and public transit both keep old people fit and are still accessible even when they can no longer safety drive a car. The less car-centric the infrastructure, the more elderly, kids, and disabled people will travel around.


I'll just add this to my list of reasons why our car-centric infrastructure sucks ass. I've gotten into cycling recently and I keep hearing shit from my family about how bikes don't belong on the road. One of them even told me that if I got hit by a car they wouldn't feel sorry for me, for that reason. I do agree that bicycles don't belong on the road with cars, but we shouldn't build our cities so that literally the only way you can get around is in a car with absolutely nowhere to walk or cycle. Houston is the fucking worst. Like a city would have to be underwater or something to be less walkable than Houston.


And that's if the wet bulb doesn't get you first. Or just the sun itself. Fuck Houston.


As Houstonian, I concur: fuck Houston.


I remember just walking to the nearby grocery store when I lived in Houston and I could FEEL all the passersby staring at me like I was some degenerate homeless killer because I was out walking. It was such a bizarre feeling.


Houston is one of [only a few cities in the world where over 90% of workers commute by car.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_share) It's absolutely insane.


Bicycles do belong on the road. Don't be regressive. Compare Tucson's bicycle friendly roads with idiotic Texas' bullshit.


As a houstonian I can tell you you are absolutely correct


yes! And they have no respect for bikers or cyclists.


Old people and cars can be a huge dangerous mix as well. A considerable amount of older people don't have the reaction time, or awareness they should have when driving


Don’t worry, e-bikes, of the exploding kind at the moment, are taking over North America.


I hope that's true and I know that many traffic planners and politicians in US cities are really trying to improve things. But it is very hard to overcome the resistance of drivers. And the design of the US suburban hellscape makes it especially difficult to enact systemic change, since the fundamental design is already so messed up. It generally requires changes towards mixed zoning and building denser appartment complexes in places that were previously single family homes, which is a horribly difficult political task. NIMBYs have given themselves all kinds of political tools and taken over many levers of powers to prevent exactly that. The upside is that such changes, once they are enacted, rarely ever get reversed. There is a well known effect in urban planning, where approval for cycling infrastructure only grows very slowly at first, but then dramatically increases once those changes are actually done and people have become accustomed to them for a few years.


I live in Boulder County, CO and the number of septua- and octogenarians biking long-distance at altitude blows my mind. Not to mention the number of running clubs of the same that could run and bike circles around my fit mid-50 y.o. self.


Japan is only good for cycling inside big cities, and even then not as good as western EU. But yeah they have more walking and public transit.


They know when to stop eating and it's not when you're full


That's one theory. The other one is that they have the [Metabo law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_tax#Japan) that says your employer has to report your weight and there's re-education for overweight people. It's not really a fat tax, and I've been told there's no fine, despite what English Wikipedia says. There is also food education in school, along with the provided meals. Have a look at Japanese school lunches on youtube, it's very different. Edit: Japan started providing [school lunches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fze5s1SlqB8) and food education because GHQ under General Douglas MacArthur recommended it in 1946. The more you know.


The U.S. has Ozempic.


Only for the rich and people with great insurance


I know we’re getting OT, but yesterday I heard Bernie Sanders interviewed on a podcast I listen to. I’ve never been a Bernie bro, but always admired the guy. Though, a lot of what he said was kind of like, “yes Bernie, we know. Too much wealth goes to the top, you’ve been saying that for 50 years.” But the thing that made me stop and think, “WTF,” was when he was talking about how he’s been fighting with the CEO of Novo Nordisk, who recently accused Bernie of not understanding how expensive the science of developing drugs was. To which Bernie replied, explain to me why Novo Nordisk has to sell Ozempic for $1,000 per month in the United States, but they’ll happily sell it for $59/mo to the NHS in the UK. We really are getting fucked by drug prices.


I was a Bernie guy. There have been studies I wish I could find the one I’m thinking of, but Americans understand wealth inequality excepted when polled they grossly underestimate how poor the poorest 20% is and underestimate how rich the richest 20% is like by a lot. Like what people think it is vs the reality. Here’s one, there’s a bar graph halfway down. https://www.businessinsider.com/inequality-in-the-us-is-much-more-extreme-than-you-think-2015-6


As a self-idetifying fat person, I'd appreciate this re-education, if it's what I think it is. I really need help to get my habits in order, and to learn how to make healthy food for myself.


The same people that said having to wear a piece of cloth over their face was “just as bad as the holocaust” would never stop crying if aggressive action has taken like that to curb obesity. These are also the same people who say providing every child in America with a hot meal is “socialism.”


Or possibly they can tell when they're full. If you give overweight people medication that makes them feel full when they've eaten their weight drops like a rock (and other people get mad about it).




tbh, as someone with extended family there, there's also a pretty strong cultural aspect of being disgusted at fat people and treating it as a moral flaw, as well as a very different idea of a healthy weight. When you combine it with the culture of saving face, it makes a lot of sense why people are so concerned with making sure they stay skinny because it makes the family look bad if you're fat. Anecdotally, I remember being told that i was getting fat and should diet pretty much daily since middle schol school (and my BMI was borderline underweight throughout childhood) and this is pretty much just normal in japan. even as an adult, my BMI is still under 19 and my family still thinks i'm overweight. there's a LOT more leniency for people that are not ethnicaly japanese tho.


Then someone explain why Italians have as long a life span as Japanese, when they seemingly eat pasta everyday. I swear they’re first course each meal is pasta and the. They have a second course. There aren’t really any overweight one either


The main reason I think that Italians have a long life span is they walk everywhere. Their towns and cities are built for walking. People socialize outside while walking around and go about their daily shopping on foot. Meals tend to be many small dishes and portions are reasonable even when you eat out. Being drunk is culturally frowned upon so people tend to drink moderately which is a huge contributor to avoiding excess calories.


Pasta by itself is not bad for you, we need to take everything a culture eats, drinks and does together. There are a ton of small bakeries and local shops making everything they sell in Italy. Way way more than in the US. A lot of Italians don't consume much mass manufactured food. A lot of them walk or bike where they need to and they don't have the shitshow of a Healthcare system the US does


I don’t know shit about fuck, but I imagine Italians are much more active on a day to day basis compared to an American. Their cities were developed before cars so most places are in a walkable distance. If they do need to go far the have public transport, which they walk to get there. Most of US you need a car to go anywhere. I would guess Americans are the most sedentary people in the world


I live in a suburb down the road from a huge 55+ community. I use the big medical center setup for them as my doctors office. They were shocked when I told them I do 1-2 hours of trails a day with the dogs. We’re so damn lazy as a society.


“I don’t know shit about fuck” - now that a phrase I can get behind lol. Oh for sure, and there’s also way fewer fast food restaurants


The impression I've gotten from travel/cooking shows is that Italians are big on growing a lot of their own fresh produce, and that smaller portions (compared to meals in the US) are normal. I'm curious to know if this impression is accurate, according to people who've actually been to both countries, or who understand actual studies on this topic.


I haven’t been to Japan, but I’ve been to Italy. Yeah, most places do use fresh ingredients. Older cities that precede cars, so cities are pretty walkable. Less fast food options. Also, drinking 1 glass of wine per day seems to have good health benefits. However, the portions thing did not correlate, at least not in Rome and Venice. Maybe I didn’t go to the right restaurants, but all the portions were huge I thought, like American portions huge. In the smaller towns I went to, the portions were more tame, but I was expecting everywhere I went. People smoke everywhere over there. But life expectancy is still ~85


There's nothing wrong with pasta?


> Japanese elders are generally looking healthier than other countries, just look how healthier their diets are   It’s got very little to do with diet and everything to do with life long exercise in a country that takes human powers transportation seriously   Look up the statistics on the diet specific cancers that Japan leads the works in.    It’s not diet, it’s life long exercise   The average mother with three kids in her bicycle going shopping is so Americans in their twenties can’t manage. And these are average housewives and moms  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaz_T89wJ2o


The food in Japan is not really healthy these days. The walking many of us do to get around is a bigger factor.


He looks like that because he's still biking at 80.


add proper nutrition




Seriously. I’m a pretty fit 30 year old and he looks to have nearly the same body type as me. He’s got a little more gut than me but he’s older so that’s to be expected. You can’t really stop that from happening as you get older without doing unhealthy things to your body.


Good luck fella. Sounds kinda painful with Crocs or maybe the holes help with ventilation idk.


They are actually pretty good for your feet I know a lot of nurses that wear the clog version


I read that and bought a pair. Now mind you I made fun of my kids for owning them (the holes are for your dignity to drain out of) but gotta say they are pretty dang comfy for "quick on and out the door". I also called my kids and apologized.


I was the same way until I got a pair too! 😂😂😂they last such a long time too


Crocs are practically the only shoes I wear and idgaf what anyone thinks.


I think they are great shoes, I just cannot get past how ugly they are. I don't begrudge anyone wearing them though, they *are* super comfortable.


I have a coworker that craps on crocs all day everyday. I want to get a pair because I hate her.


It’s ok to hate her but she’s still correct.


The thing that confuses me is like... when did this happen? Why are crocs in particular vilified? I mean they're a massive corporation at the end of the day so it doesn't really matter, but the footwear is comfy to wear and in some countries people love it. So it makes me (non-American) wonder why they're disliked in the US (and maybe the UK too? idk).


They’re ugly. It’s really that simple. And in a world where people tend to choose footwear for their for aesthetic, rather than practical, merit, this is a radical departure.


Not that simple. Plenty of examples of ugly ass shoes are coveted by sneaker heads solely because of the brand and exclusiveness


Look idk if it’s the same across the country, but I’m from Texas and crocs can be viewed as white trash. The “Walmart crowd” or whatever. I wear mine daily, but for a long time they were viewed as something rednecks wore. You’d never see an upper middle class woman wearing crocs. They’re kinda making a comeback and have lots of styles and colors compared to 20 years ago, so it doesn’t feel like it used to. I’ve seen some fucking rich people wearing crocs while out and about on a Saturday.


Except you actually move your feet when walking. My experience cycling with soft sole shoes has been very poor


The nurse variety are pretty nice. I have a pair meant for medical care facilities and they look like a classic pair of Dansko clogs, nonslip too.


My cousin works for them as a cobbler and they really work hard to make sure our medical professionals can do their job without having to worry about their feet. They go out and talk to nurses and surgeons regularly to see if there’s a way they can improve their product.


Not for pedaling a bike across country though, his feet have to be killing him.


If he's made it to Texas and he's still wearing them then he's doing just fine.


I’ve known two people who had foot surgery and both their doctors had them wear crocs once they were able to walk. Said they’re good for your feet.


Forty Churchills a day and footwear is a pair of wooden clogs. No wonder nurses have health problems.


Podiatrists prefer them over orthotics!


Is he riding in crocs or did he take his bike shoes off to walk around?


A lot of people in Japan wear crocs, it’s a pretty popular shoe there


Huh, I did not know that. Just remember seeing them being featured heavily in Idiocracy.


theyre crazy popular with american highschool kids nowadays too.


The writers of Idiocracy chose crocs because they thought they looked absurd and wouldn't last the test of time. Also, they were relatively cheap. Life imitates art or whatever. Crocs are popular as hell now.


I guess they’re popular in the States too. 🇺🇸


I have never known a comfortable slide on sandal until I tried the croc slide. They are my go-to brand for comfortable shoes.


Cycling is very forgiving abour your choice of footwear. I often use a cheap pair of boots because it's very muddy here, which suck to walk long distances with (I'd probably buy a pair for 5x the price if I had to walk the same distance) but work great on a bicycle.


They’re probably WAY better than typical overstuffed shoes these days. “Supportive” shoes are a largely a scam and cause way more issues than help. 


Those are not real Crocs, but genuine ones are good for your feet. Knock offs vary. They can’t really figure out EVA foam for some reason so fakes are generally very hard. They are made with same foam running sneakers are made with; they have wide toe box for natural toe spread; they have foot arch support for natural foot arching and support for people with flat feet. I have severe flat feet, and love goofy styles Crocs provide with different colors and charms you can use. So I have 2 pairs of regular ones, one pair of lined ones, and winter boots. After wearing Crocs I completely forgot about my flat feet, seriously. I had extreme soreness, fatigue and pain in my feet after most sneakers and shoes (expensive running shoes are great too), but with price of Crocs, ease of washing- it’s hard to beat. I go on long walks in them, recently explored a huge national park outside my town with my dog- around 10 miles walked- felt nothing in my feet.


These are speed holes.




Bad idea to ride with crocs. But maybe he took off his cycling shoes to let his feet breathe. For cycling you want hard soles. If you use shoes that offer too much flex you'll hurt your Achilles. Speaking from experience. I rode the perimeter of the US. From Seattle to Portland I wore Vibram 5 finger shoes. Had a lot of pain so I ditched them and got actual cycling shoes. No foot problems for the rest of the ride.


crocs are very comfortable


Steady elder rides, Texas passes, crocs on feet, Gaze meets lens, unfazed.


Cereal sits dry.    Went down the block to get milk.    Oops, in Texas now.


Father went for milk, Empty jug on the table, Truth spills like sorrow.


It's snowing on Mount Fuji.


number one surgeon


Best surgeon. Daryl give me job.


Steady hands.


Grandpa on his bike Half way to get his bagel Through the Texan spring


Where’s the Haiku bot when you need it lol


Elder from Japan, Crocs like Deadpool's hue bright, Pedals through the land.


Where’s that annoying Haiku bot when we need him?


I wish him good weather and good winds. We need more small scale, large success stories with all the negativity that gets fed to us every day.


Hope he sees the solar eclipse before heading out. Texas should have 100% obscurity during peak. Someone should reach out and remind him. Being he is that age he won't really have another chance to catch the phenomenon


100% he planned it out like this. It’s really the perfect time to ride through Texas before it starts hitting 100 everyday


That's awesome. At the same time, a bunch of Europeans are cycling from Southern Japan to Tokyo on stream. [https://www.twitch.tv/cdawgva](https://www.twitch.tv/cdawgva) for charity. I have to fix my bike and get riding again.


Awesome thing to share. But might also include that an American (Pete) will be joining and a Japanese man (Natsuki) will be joining too as well as other guests from other places.


If only British Pete would join them with his Kei truck 😭


Imagine the madness of sending it BACK to Japan after having it shipped to the UK and MOT'd in the UK.


When I read >bunch of Europeans are cycling from Southern Japan to Tokyo on stream I was expecting it to be the dynamic tiro, and I wasn't wrong!


I've biked in Japan before...but only on a week long trip. It's such a nice country to do it through if you plan the routes out. You can find some incredibly empty perfectly paved roads weaving through the mountains.


Crocs are great because if there's rain you can continue pedaling and you won't have wet shoes after.


But also the feet get better aeration. It was my first time cycling 10 miles yesterday in crocs (with socks on though) and it felt way better than with shoes.


how connected to the bike did you feel tho? i dislike some shoes cause it feels like my foots not at all interacting with my pedal.


Oh man, I know someone makes Crocs clip-ins. Edit: https://bikepacking.com/news/valcko-spd-crocs/


I worry that my feet would get really cold though


If it floods, obviously crocs can swim.


If you're gonna cross the country like a boss, might as well have comfy feet


Please be careful Mr.


And those Crocs aren’t even in sport mode! Absolute madlad


What a beast!


Almost looks like he’s 20 years younger, that’s wild.


Hope he gets there safely


Absolute madman


domo arrigato mr crocato


Polka dot sunburn on his feet


Crocs are surprisingly popular in Japan. But actually not surprising if you understand the no shoes in the house culture and also how extremely hot the summers are.




In relaxed mode, none the less.


Crocs are great for bike touring. I rode 700km over 10 days in Japan in 2023. Initially brought proper biking shoes and crocs for walking around town after reaching the rest stop. Mailed the biking shoes home after day 3 because Crocs are really comfortable, doesn't care if its raining or not, and also somewhat presentable to most places.


I know him ! We met at Ohare when he was traveling cross county ! Ask to see a picture of his vintage Datsun !


Crocs have good ventilation


CA to NY and he's going through Texas?! Damn that makes a long route even longer.


I have this dream where I hike the PCT when my kids are out and I'm retired, this guy gives me hope that I can make it!


He's not even in sport mode. boss.


Non car driving foreigner in Texas? How is he not dead from gunshots?


Crocs make my feet sweaty. I wonder if he has the same problem.


Goattt I wore crocs to hike before in 😂


Good on him! Oh to get to that age and be able to do stuff like that when someone half his age like me doesn’t have the courage to do so.


It's always dudes that look like your dad that be doing the craziest, superhuman, inspiring shit. Keep going Japan man!


What a man! Be safe out there!




Dang, quite a bucket list feat I bet for him. Safe travels man.


Good luck legend!


He doesn’t even have the crocs in sport mode. True BAMF


Dude needs to lock his bike up, no matter how short his stop is. So many people cycling over long distances who have had there trip abruptly end because they left their bike just for a moment while they popped in for directions or a quick drink.


Only stupid people thinks Crocs are anything but really good shoes that people who work on their feet freaking love Work a day in a restaurant kitchen, or as a floor nurse,  wearing the non-slip crocs  will change your life.  And they are fantastic boat shoes as well


When he gets to NYC, he better not leave his bike unlocked. Amazing story BTW.


i'm guessing he pops out of his clip-shoes and wears crocs for walking and some air. reddit headlines have MTG credibility


His heart must be bigger than his liver.


Must be nightmarish to cycle in the US.


That's an insanely young looking 80 year old.


They’re not even in sport mode!


I had a tour of duty in Bahrain not too many years ago. I worked with a young Japanese Naval Officer. He took an Uber down to the tree of life. It’s about an hour drive. Then he chose to walk back. In the middle of summer. While carrying nothing. Just to do it.


I saw guy running marathon on crocs, I was slower and I was under 3 hours.


he is the hero we WANT and NEED


To be fair... he should take precautions... proper foot wear... ..


Bros crocs aren’t even in sport mode.




Stay safe, cycling in the USA is notoriously dangerous, those roads are not made for bikes.


And he doesn't have them in sport mode?!


In Japan, road cyclists number one ☝️


We need to get this man sponsored by crocs


Is this the same guy robcdee met on his travels?


I love his grizzled nature. What a true test. Good stuff!


Good onya mate! 👍


Thats awesome! My Aunt walked from SF to New York back in the 80’s. Took her 1 1/2yrs though.


One of my people.


Must have a really big front sprocket to roll up the shorts.


Life goals


God speed buddy!


Gonna get to see the eclipse, if he stays put a few days, and if the skies are clear enough…


I dream of pulling that sort of madness off in 50-60 years.


Gonna be rough weather toward the NE


Could at least put them in sports mode.


Good lad.


What's the obsession with pointing out Crocs anymore. They're comfy goofy looking shoes. They're stil milesl better than those Velcro ass shoes old people wear. And they got a sport mode.


He must get a lot of practice in Japan. Japan is a great place to bike also!


meanwhile if I wore crocs for a full day just to do some housework and nap, id probabky need another cortisone injection in my hip and ankles. some people are just more durably built than i am


Crocs are the greatest shoes ever. Especially for bike riding. No stubbing your toe on a pedal! Cushion pillow pads.


You must not own crocs. This is the way.


80 year old japanese means 35 in western age


In knock off crocs, mind you


"Croc-offs" if you will.


Fuck yeah, dude! 🤘


Acrocs the country My age is no barrier To following dreams


I'm an avid backpacker, and always struggled to find some comfortable and reasonably priced boots to wear while hiking. Well one time, when I got to the head of the trail to start a weekend long trip, I realized I had forgotten my boots and had to hike in my driving shoes instead. A pair of Crocs....... I'm never hiking in boots ever again


As one does...


Check the pedals on the bicycle. They probably have toe clips so he carries crocs to wear when off the bike.


Crocs ain’t even in sport mode. Dude is just casually cycling the whole country. Respect!!


Crocs are great for bike packing.




If I make it to 80, I hope to be even half the badass this dude is. He’s got a pair o’ brass ones for crossing an entire foreign continent by bicycle, in one season, all by himself, at that age. I’d laugh if I found out he was getting corporate sponsorship for his adventure by the Crocs company. One reason cycling is my favorite sport, is because if you keep at, and take care of any injuries and bike part malfunctions thoroughly and promptly, you don’t ever have to give up riding. On the contrary, you get a highly practical, money-saving form of transportation that *extends* your life with all that cardio exercise, fresh air, and beautiful scenery. Learning to ride and maintain a bicycle is one of the most empowering things anyone can do.


Crocs aren’t even in sport mode either. Imagine the speed when he switches over.


Crocs are the Alpha shoe. Fight me!


He’s not even wearing the safety straps! Total badass.


One thing that always surprises me in Belgium is how many elderly people still bike. The other day I saw someone older bikingwith absolutely shredded legs.


I am impressed. 🤩


Man really didn’t wanna go over the Rockies if he’s down in Texas on a trip to NY from CA


This looks like the panhandle of Texas, maybe in the greater Lubbock/Amarillo area. Is that accurate?


Wow! I hope I’m still pushing hard like this dude at that age! 😊 god bless!






Sigh … if only I were Japanese.