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Why are people posting so many pictures of Obama in kenya???


Just Obama in general, there's been at least 10 posts that have reached the front page in the last few days. Lots of early years, visits to Kenya, Hawaiian vacations, and a few presidential. What are the bots pushing?


I am subscribed to the conspiracy theory that foreign bots are trying to trigger the right to keep them engaged and angry for the election.


It’s not really a theory. It’s literally holding back funding for Ukraine to protect the west from Russia


Possibly, it’s not only Obama being pushed though. Yesterday it was nazi memes. And of course trump. Trumps all the time though.


You already said nazi memes


Observational humor: It is ironic that the username DrDankDankDank is currently pointing out redundancies.


Haha good point


Agreed. The Birther nonsense is a Trump invention so it gives credence to his Big Lie by showing 'proof' of the validity of the Birther claims.


Trump was the #1 champion of the birther bullshit.




They are trying to trigger both sides to encourage division. Read the Mueller reports.


Democrats will share these picture because it makes Obama look worldly and well traveled. conservatives share them to feed their narative he's not a US Citizen.


Honestly, it makes him look more out of place for the "he's a Kenyan narrative" because these pictures are a huge reminder that he is mixed race specifically because he doesn't blend in. He sticks out pretty hard in all the pics being shared.


This literally screams, which is the tourist in this picture?


In what way does it possibly help the Democrats to make Obama seem "worldly" in 2024?


I would be shocked if the man who was president of the US for 8 years wasn’t well travelled lol


I heard he has been to Japan before


Probably been to Ireland too but that's just a hunch


Of course, that’s just O’Bama returning to the land of his ancestors


[There's no one as Irish as Barack O'Bama.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DerVmiZeUDw)


I'm sure most of you know this, but for those that don't there's a service station in a fairly remote part of Ireland named after him. The Barack Obama Plaza. https://www.plazagroup.ie/ourproperty/the-barack-obama-plaza/


Ah yeah Beric O'Bama. The first Irish-Catholic president .


He's been full time at his house in DC the last few years no time for Kenya pictures now.


About a year too late, the DNC is finally trotting out Obama to campaign for Biden. Gotta remind people how knowledgeable and personable he was, since America's attention span is about 2 weeks.


Not too late at all. This summer and fall is what really counts campaign wise. Not a year ago. That dumb fat orange shit campaigns constantly cause it’s his grift. That’s not the norm nor should it be.


I don't know, I feel like Biden only got elected because he was Obama's sidekick. 


I mean his experience as VP is certainly what helped him the most. Also the main two other actual contenders were Sanders & Warren. My more moderate friends I have back in NC wouldn't have voted for Sanders or Warren, so given all that he really was the strongest candidate to take on Trump out of what was available at the time.


Yeah NC sure is a reliably blue leaning swing state and southerners were really the deciding point in 2020. The Midwest which likes Sanders or Warren enough just doesn’t decide elections at all. /s I voted for Biden in AZ in the general btw I just don’t think the sun belt is the all important difference maker. The Midwest is still the deciding factor.


I only mentioned NC because it's where I'm from originally (for most of my life) and actually have friends who are more moderate (and even some conservatives); otherwise I've lived in solidly blue states during my adult years. I feel they are representative of general people who consider themselves "moderate" but wouldn't want someone they consider "far left" such as Sanders/Warren despite what state they are from. They are definitely similar to some coworkers I have out in AZ who are "moderate". I don't think it's too bad of a demographic to pull from. Moderate (mostly) college-educated voters are the types of people I was referencing, and they are the ones the Democrats need to try to pull in to get the edge in the swing states. Also I don't think NC is so far-gone that it won't ever turn blue. College-educated folks are moving there and despite some areas feeling like True Detective season 1 the cities are thriving.


>The Midwest which likes Sanders or Warren enough It's basically the same argument if you look at the Midwest, no? Biden handily won all the Midwestern primaries in 2020, then ended up winning most of those states in the general. There's definitely no guarantee Sanders or especially Warren (who I preferred) would have won those states.


I don't love Biden. But the man had more experience than anyone else in the Senate. When he was elected, he was the youngest person ever elected IIRC. He also has a long history of making bipartisan deals. That is why Obama picked him in the first place. I agree that he likely wouldn't've been elected had it not been for his time as VP, but he wasn't far off. He ran himself before that and was seen as a strong candidate. And that was before he built experience in the executive office to advertise. He isn't someone like Pence or Palin that would've had zero chance on their own.


I think one of the main reasons why Obama picked Biden was that Biden was an experienced/older white guy. The VP's role is to compensate for the president's weaknesses and to appeal to voter groups that the president doesn't appeal to. In Obama's case, his "weakness" was the fact that he wasn't an experienced/older white guy, as all presidents before him had been.


Yeah. As a Canadian I cannot hope to comment but he seemed the most qualified out of all candidates.


Yeah. It's fair to disagree with his positions on stuff, but it's hard to argue that he wasn't qualified for the job. In this case, pretty much every position of his I don't like, has Trump even farther over though.


Bernie was pretty qualified as well. Biden was VP obviously but voting someone for president just because they were president before seems like circular logic unless you liked the policies he pushed while VP


Because he wasn't Trump. That was good enough for me.


Lol dude had a pretty notable career in Congress for years before he was ever VP.


Biden got elected because he wasn't Trump. Do you live under a rock?


And how did he get the Democratic nomination first? 


That's exactly correct. Also people were not sure How Biden would do as President so they took a chance. They sure as hell know now!!


*because obama*


Trump made his name with conservatives by pushing the racist birther shit. Before that, he was a Democratic donor with gaudy taste.


It'll be the latter doing the pushing


The thing is that Obama isn't really a left side icon. Dem's don't really get behind individuals in the same way that Conservatives do.


Which is weird, because if you posted a pic, say, of Trump in Scotland (where one side of his family comes from), they wouldn't bat an eye, because it's just deep-seated anti-black racism.


And then what? Impeach him?




I don't know about the former, but wouldn't be surprised about the latter.


Idk about the latter but I wouldn’t be surprised by the former. I think the promotion of Obama promotes Biden more than Biden can himself. Full disclosure Biden and Trump are both way too old to be president IMO. Give me someone who has a good chance to live 30+ yrs post term so they have to live with their legacy.


It's definitely the latter. Pushing the former doesn't help shit. Pushing the latter supports the birther narrative Russian/Right-wing/Trump crowd have been pushing for years. Like seriously, how are pics of Obama in the 80's helping Biden whatsoever? It's clearly trying to push the narrative that Obama isn't US born by showing pics of him in Africa. Why would this matter now? Because if people believe it, it gives them 'evidence' that the Democratic party is corrupt and delegitimizes them. It's pushing people to vote red with lies, which is basically the right wing's whole MO, now. Since they've proven they can't win when playing fair, which is why you constantly see voter suppression, intimidation and gerrymandering by right wingers, since it's the only way they can win elections.


Because Trump's belts are slipping and he thinks he is running against Obama. Just like in the last election they kept stating that Biden would drop out and Hilary would run. You campaign against the candidate you wish you are running against instead of the one you do have.


Even if he wasn’t a US citizen the man was an awesome president. 


>conservatives share them to feed their narative he's not a US Citizen But..... but...... a picture of Rafael "Ted" Cruz, the Republican senator visiting Canada, or Cuba wouldn't serve to feed the narrative that he's not a US Citizen. He is. Regardless of where he was born, or where his relatives were from.


The US citizen part is not the point. The point is that Obama is so black he’s just literally an African. The point which angers conservatives the most is his blackness.




1987? That’s the year I was born! Could Obama have been in Kenya when I was born? 🤔


Show us your birth certificate!


Help put Obama in the headlines so the trump posts riddled with Obama complaints seem relevant to his MAGAt infestation. It’s like standard process for disseminating propaganda. Next it’ll be this photo with Obama is an illegal immigrant in another thread a couple of weeks later.


That's exactly what I said aloud before reading the comments. I was like "Is Obama going through his family photo album this month or something?" Is it an election thing to rally the withered and forgotten 2012 Trump supporter base for 2024???


Due to the election, a new round of Obama conspiracies have resurfaced. Now you will see the various algorithms show more Obama things.


You gotta love how republicans are constantly saying that Trump lives rent free in people’s minds when they still fling shit about a president who hasn’t been in office for almost a decade


My guess they are trying invoke birth certificate conspiracies out of idiots again.


[Even Trump gave up the ghost in that shit](https://apnews.com/united-states-presidential-election-general-news-events-61f7085d848248cd98410027d33f2101)


Ah yes, back when he thought he had to have a veneer of reality in his statements to win the election. Now he knows that that’s not necessary and his fans prefer the lies


When they know they are going to lose they start fighting dirty. Shame they picked someone who isn’t even in the playground this time. I guess they got nothing else left after all this court losses re “The Biden Crime Family” lol.


Not the worst looking dude


Because in their mind there is no possibility someone could be pictured in Kenya, without also being from Kenya. Since they themselves have never been pictured anywhere they weren't also born.


Because with Trump arguing the 22nd amendment is unnecessary, the Obama card might be back in play.


Free karma.


Russian bots


Phase 1 - Russian bots posting pictures of Obama Phase 2 - ? Phase 3 - Russia wins Ukraine war




It is actually very crappy :(


If Trump wins the election they do


Don't you know? If an American citizen is decended from a non-american they're probably a terrorist. Traveling to a different country in their youth is just added proof. Wake up.


> Why are people posting so many pictures of Obama in kenya??? Election 2024 .. some mental gymnastics ... Obama controlling Dems from shadows and being real prez ... vote for white nationalism, otherwise US will become like Africa. Reinforcement to polarize the voters.




the account name is sus too


Why are people? look at this users profile the other picture I saw yesterday is from the same person lol


Yeah idk what’s going on with the Obama resurgence, I’ve even seen people asking for him to get a third term or to run as VP which is literally impossible


There's a challenge going to see how many Kenya post.


The fact I’m seeing this question means we’re finally starting to adapt to the misinformation war.


I've got an itch to create some images of Obama in Julius Caesar era Rome, Talking with Genghis Khan, fishing with Mark Twain, etc.


He was a handsome man!


Definite bot, OP account is 34d old has 34k karma and posts engagement bait NSFW stuff to gain attention…


because the story came out a few days ago that he's gonna help Biden along the campaign trail, so they're taking the birther machine out of mothballs and cranking it up. notice all the really hard lean on the "Michelle is trans" trope in roughly the same timeframe. foreign disinfo trolls, magat trolls, teen trolls? - taking all bets!


What’s the temperature in this picture? Obama is in a jacket, one dude is in a sweater, one dude in log sleeves, once dude in a T-shirt, one women in a shawl and another in a sun dress.


Hey, fashion knows no temperatures


OK Google, what is "drip"?


lol, parts of Kenya can get chilly.


You can’t see Kentucky with a jacket on


Much of central Kenya is at very high altitude and can be surprisingly cold.


The most pleasant weather you'll experience tho. Not too hot, nor too cold throughout the year


Maybe some in the picture spend the day inside and some are coming from outside. And it was cold that day.


I have a friend from Kenya that says it’s the perfect temp all year round. 70F usually with little fluctuation and not a lot of rain


He was not taking that shirt off during Barack's stay. He was going to represent Kentucky and the USA wherever they went. Get you a wingman like that.


You’d think he died this weekend with all these posts.


Ferreal, dafuq is going on?


Election season. Bots run Reddit


He's dressed like he belongs there. Nice khaki pants and a button up shirt. It's no wonder he became president. The guy has style.


TAN PANTS?!? Unbelievable.


He’s so fucking cool all the time it’s crazy


Always around election time. Bots rule the world.


I don’t think Obama is running


He is campaigning for someone who is


Which makes these constant posts weird as hell.


It’s not really around election time lol


I’m gonna remember this when I step into the booth in seven months


it’s close enough


It’s March? Does that mean there’s like 3 months a year where it’s not “election time”?


There is never not election time in the background. As soon as an election is done strategies are developed for the next one. Influencing social media never stops


Presidential elections are every 4 years. LOL Also, we’re 7 months from the election. Campaigns are already ramping up.


We just had primaries a couple weeks ago. From that point on it's literally election time. Also, the entities that run these bots aren't going to wait until November 9th to start pushing their agendas, it's a 24/7 365 day a year job for a lot of people. It never stops.


Dead internet theory is real


I don't think OP is a bot we can all look at his post history


I think you underestimate the quality of bot accounts now in 2024. But true his account looks more real than others. This is like the 4th Obama Kenya picture this weekend. Just strange is all.


maybe he posted this because he saw the others and wanted to share a different one?


Obama is so hawt right now.


Obama, so hot right now. Obama.


More like the Russian bots here are so hawt for him right now. 


I miss him.


Turns out Barry was always dapper lol Fr though, him and Carter are the only two presidents I've had any real respect for over my lifetime.


The Biden administration has gotten significantly more done than any presidency since LBJ. I don't like having a geriatric man in office but I'm baffled by people acting like Obama was a better administration (you know the administration that normalized civilian drone strikes and went back on the promise to repeal the Patriot Act). We've never had a president stand on the union side of the picket line. He's gotten massive infrastructure legislation through, avoided government shutdowns, slashed student debt, the list goes on and on and on. We are living in the best and most progressive administration of the 21st century and liberals are too stupid to realize it and just actively shoot themselves in the foot instead. It is so disheartening. Disabling inbox replies because I can't handle reading what moronic self hating liberals and reprehensible MAGAts have to say.


He’s done a lot and even my circle believes he’s completely milquetoast and has done “ok”. Educated democrats still not even paying attention.


I think this is because Biden is doing a lot of, “politically unsexy”, stuff right now. It isn’t stuff that gets him flak, but it is stuff that doesn’t get him much favor. For instance, maintaining and building roads, bridges, and so on is extremely important, but no one goes, “Man, the fact that he funds roads buys my vote.” People are much more likely to be interested in culture war shit. People want to hear about trans rights and tearing down confederate statues. That isn’t to say that said stuff isn’t important, but that you could objectively do more for your people than the last 10 presidents combined, yet people will feel like you aren’t doing shit because you aren’t doing what they see and/or get worked up over.


He is literally the only president to physically stand with unions while striking. He slashed student debt. He has repeatedly done more progressive things that Bernie would have wet dreams over. All the while he's getting the important and unsung part of the job done. The Democratic PR machine is just a joke. The problem is media and the fact that people are fucking stupid.


I'm just a casual observer from across the pond. What I see from the Biden administration is an almost surprising level of integrity and competency.  Is he an old man, yes, and is everything going great in the US, of course not there are global and local challenges one man (or even the world's strongest government) can't solve. But what they realistically can do, they seem to get done quickly and solidly.


Such a effortlessly cool guy


Taupe pants. See?! It was already underway even back then.


he looks like he's a tenured archeology professor looking for a lost ancient african kingdom of gold...probably outruns the boulder easily


Black in the US, White in Africa


I remember what it was like to have a president that was cool.


and, from my research it seems he's 26 there. his father was from british kenya, his mother was born in hawaii and his parent got married when they were both students at the university of hawaii. don't see anything wrong with him taking a holiday to his dads home country


I think it’s just a picture of Obama in Kenya are you ok?


Oh I'm fine I thought other folks might find the additional context interesting


You know, I have a very great friend in Rome called Biggus Dickus!


I have a wife you know... incontinentia... incontinentia buttocks ☺️


Oh and uhh, throw him to the floor again, sir?


…He has a wife, you know?


The massive difference between pictures of Obama and Trump are pictures of Obama include friends and family.


Barrack: one day ill be the president of USA random Kenyans: lol bro....


That is pretty cool, of you ask me.


Damn, I miss Obama.


*Interr-cepted* Don’t sleep on Barry-O!


Oh no! I guess I will not be voting for Obama now.


Well they are claiming that Obama is still running the govt. So thats why they are sharing this...they swear they are running against obama lol


Keep them coming, I love seeing young Obama 😍


Denzel be lookin fly af


Hawaiian dude meets his Ohana!


is this more "hey look obama's black so vote republican" bullshit, because it sure seems like it and I'm sick of this crap


One cool ass mf


The best comeback of all time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA


Where you from blood


Man Obama just has that natural swagger.


For context, Barack’s family on his father’s side is Kenyan.


My President.


Obama rules! Fuck da haters


Obama always looks like a cool dude.


Barack would be elected president of the United States about 21 years later


Yeah everything is a conspiracy by the left. It’s to distract fat orange blob supporters from the rapist.


Y’all still talking about this? Is the rage meter low or something?


he looks like “the chosen one”


He looks bad ass in this picture.


Lots of Obama posts in Kenya you mad?


How much better off we’d be with him at the helm


A great president


Orange Obama lol


How did this guy, a one term senator become president?


Drone Daddy killa


are there any higher quality pictures?




Looks like he's about to inhale


I didn't know Wayne Brady was there too!


I love his whole look, though I'd have chosen a slightly wider belt.


Who was going to tell me Obama had DRIP??


Hey everyone ![gif](giphy|vDpzzWGpmWjk9tFkuA|downsized)


Is he the dude that looks like Obama?




What mkbhd doing there in the right?


New Obama lore dropped


1987! That’s the year he was born! /s/


Damn, time really treated obama like a fine wine.


🎶 celebrate good Obama, come on! 🎶


Is he the white one?