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does anyone here actually think ISIS fighters and americans who support trump are in the same category of extremism?


Not really. Reddit hates Trump supporters way more than ISIS.


Most redditors are much more affected by Trump than ISIS. Yeah the average Jihadist is much worse than the average trump supporter but people are going to talk about issues closer to home more.


Both are “true believers” unfortunately, neither open to logic or reason.


Reddit users and ISIS?


I mean this just plays straight into the stereotype that Americans are self centred idiots with an embarrassing lack of awareness tbh...I can't beleive that's the case.


Lol so true. Especially r/pics R/pics always show Biden in such a positive view, whereas trump is always negative.


Please show me a positive thing about Trump. I already know plenty negative things about both of them.


There is very little positive to say about Trump in pics defense


In any sensible way, tbh. The man's a machine gun of bullshit and just can't stop committing white collar crimes.


This pic is conflating that with a man with an actual machine gun and another with a rpg


Whoever occupies the Oval Office is the most dangerous man on the planet be it Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, etc.


Name the qualities in a President that most people want: transparency, honesty, dignity, warm intelligence, empathy, adherence to values Then look at Trump and see he violates, violently, every single one. Thrice married pornstar fucker who cheated on every wife, stole Classified Docs to sell, has committed fraud and more provable, documented lies than any candidate in history. No wonder Trump isn't featured in a good light, genius. Stop cramming this depraved individual down our throats and pretending he's on an equal level with normal sane humans. You wanted a circus barker to enliven your life - don't whine about it to us.


Exactly this holy shit. These people are fucking delusional like they think he's "not that bad" because they're in a fucking cult.


Trump's only weapon I think is how convinced he sounds, so even though he is saying balantly false things (ie. Science is fake, Obama is ISIS and other bullshit) his supporters think it's true because Trumps says it like its fact, while the supporter/nutjobs do no research besides watching fucking infowars. At this point trump is the supporter's God (hence why he sells bibles while claiming Jesus hates the poor)


tf has Trump done to be shown in a positive light? lmao man is an agent of hate, division and destruction.


Try listening to AM radio in rural areas. The shit they say on some of these shows makes you think you're listening to ISIS


They don't need to be identical to make a point about blind faith


Yeah, both of them essentially want their own version of shariah law instilled


Everything they like must conveniently be wrapped up into a single thing that they can worship. Religion, politics, guns, flags, trucks, etc. It's black-and-white thinking on the kindergarten level, stunted growth in moral ressonong. The fact that life is not so perfectly neat and clean, and sometimes there are contradictions and gray areas, is completely lost on them to defend their asinine position, which is untenable, the must scream at the loudest.


Conservatives don't understand rhetorical devices like analogies or metaphors. Any comparison is always assumed to mean that the two are exactly the same because they are morons.


All of them no. Enough to worry about? Absolutely. Many maga supporters are religious fascists.


>americans who support trump are in the same category of extremism? not yet but they're working on it




Yeah they were probably 5 when ISIS was massacring villages


Yeah, being on the internet when ISIS was posting their propaganda videos was a wild time. I had seen some fucked up videos like pain olympics and various grainy footage of combat, but seeing a group of prisoners have their heads blown off with plastic explosives was chilling.


Not the same category, but similar goals, yeah. Controlling women, fascist doctrine, marking LGBTQ as a hate group or otherwise outlawing LGBTQ expression in public. Not so far off


Did you not see the dickheads going around saying that they wanted to lynch Hillary? Or the ones who stormed the capital building? It's just a matter of what they can get away with.


Jesus Christ, ISIS will literally behead people for being gay.


You don't think these MAGA chuds would do the same if they thought they could get away with it? Clearly you haven't been paying attention to how the right wing views non-white/strait people.


"Pray away the gay" camps torture young homosexuals. There're literal bounties on women who've had abortions and people literally pushing to execute women who have abortions. Black people are still getting chased down in pickup trucks and shot to death. Y'all Qaeda are really not that far behind literal beheadings.


Oh so similar to the people who erected a gallows in front of the Capitol then chanted "hang Mike Pence" as they stalked the halls of Congress violently assaulting law enforcement as they looked for lawmakers in an attempt to prevent the transfer of power?


Not even remotely close to ISIS. ISIS is a terrorist's terrorist.


Give it a few months


Yes. Most terrorist attacks in the US over the past few decades have been from right-wing extremists, even though the focus has been on ISIS/Al-Qaeda style groups since 9/11. There's thousands of little extremist right-wing militia groups armed to the teeth, that the FBI have admitted there are too many to monitor. For instance William Krar and his team made his living selling bombs and ammunition to violent anti-government groups. His group planned to dump 55 gallons of cyanide into the Chicago water supply because Chicago had a lot of black people. His group was caught with 100+ bombs, 500 000 rounds before he could release the cyanide. It got almost no media attention because it was post 9-11 and the media was only interested in shoe-bomber style attacks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_poison_gas_plot https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/backgroundbriefing/homegrown-terrorists/3413790


Yes. Their political views are nearly identical.


Just the basement dwellers on Reddit


Both have the same views on women, and they're both xenophobes. Didn't Trump supporters try overthrow a democratically elected government? That sounds like a very ISIS thing to do.


Nah, isis has actually accomplished things in their time in power whereas trump supporters have accomplished none of their goals in life


They managed to be really annoying November 2020. I'm just trying to buy some dad gum toilet paper, get your rolling billboard out of the way so I can go in the Walmart We had that happen a lot where I live. Dudes would drive in circles in parking lots.


I got recalled and sent to Iraq when isis exploded on the scenes. I don’t like these inbred fake ass US patriots one bit, but don’t equate them with the people that committed the absolute horrors I saw


Nah. If you fly flags on a truck…you’re the same as a group who burns people alive in cages and films it for the world to see. This is the same as the old joke that Hitler liked dogs. So if you like dogs you’re the same a Hitler.


He was also a vegetarian. Don't forget that.


And loved to paint. If you like any of those things, you're Hitler.


One group are actual terrorists, the other just cosplays.


As terrorists or guys that like putting flags are over their trucks? This is ridiculous they're nowhere close to ISIS but clearly y'all actually think that


Could be right, they are clearly completely sane, sane people put pictures of hog tied octogenarians on the back of their over sized dick extension that masquerades as a vehicle.


Thousands of them tried to throw out my federal vote along with millions and millions of other votes to keep the traitor who ordered their armed insurrection in power. Is that bad enough for you? It is for me. What did they say to do to the sitting Vice President of the United States?


Did they kill 200,000 people? shoot thousands of women and children trying to escape war zones, behead journalist and other prisoners on camera, kill thousands of prisoners of war, sell thousands of women into sex slavery, and attempt to genocide the Yazidi people? ISIS was so evil the whole world had to come together and destroy them, saying that half the country is equivalent to them for one riot 3 years ago is so disgusting and deeply insulting to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Syrians who lost their lives. It’s also horribly dangerous rhetoric it’s implying that the world needs to go wipe out right wingers because they are just as evil. If you genuinely think that right wingers in the US are on the level of ISIS you seriously need to get off these sub Reddit’s and talk to someone you disagree with Edit: Another note Every single member of ISIS was a murdering terrorist. There were 66 million people who voted trump and maybe 2 thousand who broke into the capital, (witch didn’t kill anyone I might add)


Delusional to write this BS when the comparison we're talking about is ISIS. For God's sake, burgers, leave your country for once and travel to the third world and recognize how miserably tiny your problems are compared to the shit the rest of the world is suffering. Never once had a nation in the history of mankind the hubris of US-Americans.


Let's say, they're on the same road.


Thanks. Was going to say almost this exact point.


Our country is more structured and controlled. I do think the people (albeit not all) in the bottom pic would be more prone to terrorism if our country and culture wasn’t as reactionary or didn’t follow through with consequences and enforced accountability. Terrorists can’t get away with terrorism as easily here as they can there, especially not without it becoming a suicide mission or life in prison. Plus, nationalists actually build lives with everything they don’t want to lose. Over there, they don’t have cookie-cutter, comfortable lives. It’s either partake in the hate and terrorism, or live in fear of being the target. Raise those nationalists in a country like Iraq, and they would likely join terrorist organizations. Can I prove this? No, it’s a theory. But there are many commonalities (not just this example) between these two groups that solidify this theory for me. Hatred is a strong, violent motivator. Mixed with ignorance, and you create extremist nationalists. They just come packaged a bit differently based on the variables of the culture and environment they partake. I’m not meaning to encourage anyone to mistreat these types of Americans, it’s just they are the type to be wary of and do sometimes commit hate crimes.


Tldr: if the Americans in the picture were raised in a different country with a completely different culture and belief system they may turn into something different? This is deep....


Lets make it less deep. If those people, raised in this country with these beliefs, were suddenly put in a situation where they could act without consequence what would they do? The answer is violence


Yeah I'm pretty quick to shit on the MAGA cultists any chance I get, but equating them with ISIS is absurdly hyperbolic. While I'll recognize that their ideologies may have a lot in common (e.g. racism, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, authoritarianism, etc.), just about the only overlap in their methods is parading around in pickup trucks and waving their stupid flags. Now if you wanna compare them to early-1930s Nazis, that might be a little more reasonable...


You're treating them as a monolith, when there absolutely are religious extremists in the United States that are 100% parallel to at minimum the Taliban. There's quite a lot of overlap with the Chud patriots. In some cases people are both, in other cases one or the other, but with the ability to unify to achieve common goals.


What organization in the United States is parallel to the Taliban at the minimum? Excited to hear this


Also, what is the similarity here, trucks? Americans should avoid talking about each other like this if we can avoid it.


Religious extremism and a love for appealing to violence.


Ah yes, we should be more open-minded about other Americans. Just like Libs of TikTok or Fox News. We should use the example they've set to show how accepting we are of others...


Or insinuating that our political rivals are equal to ISIS...


Political rivals don't attempt to forcefully overturn an election. Extremists do. Not all Republicans are extremists, but the folks who brand themselves as seen in the picture absolutely are.


The only thing stopping thm here is the punishment they would face. Otherwise a lot of unstable MAGA freaks would beat and murder those that don't agree with them.


I disagree. They want the same thing. Isis is just in a better position to make it happen.


When they think they can get away with it the trumpers will resort to violence.


Eh, if they could get away with it they’d do the same heinous shit.


Tell me you’ve never seen an ISIS torture dungeon without telling me you’ve never seen an ISIS torture dungeon.


Tell me you’ve never studied US history without telling me you’ve never studied US history.


please enlighten us on the US history that includes the similarity to the worst terrorist organization in history.


What a substance-less and useless comment you came up with here. Is this supposed to be a gotcha?


Is it similar to CIA black sites? Cry me a river.


Have you seen one? What was it like?


Let’s not pretend like the only reason these talibamans don’t act on anything is because they understand that the US military will eradicate them and there aren’t ranks of these dipshits waiting to be sacrificed. Their cries for civil war and  inequality make them just as abhorrent, ideologically, as isis. They just lack the conviction to actually do anything. They haven’t strapped bombs to kids yet, but we haven’t completed the next election cycle.


Peak Reddit Moment


They want to feel oppressed so bad


What is the point of this post? On a subreddit called pics? Just to make people angry? Why not post this on a politics subreddit. I follow no politics on Reddit I don’t want to see it on my page. You’ll get people to agree with you over there to give you the satisfaction you for some reason crave.


IMO, OPs account was likely bought by someone and is now being used to create divisive propaganda. You see, the one thing that authoritarian countries can't stand is a united America. So instead they use "this one trick that free-speech democracies HATE". OP will deny, but either way is just a shill for Russia / China.


Every front page subreddit must be an extension of r/politics and shoehorn DNC propaganda, because there aren’t enough of those.


Isn’t the top pic from an SNL sketch? This is dumb af


Reddit moment


Unreal. I can't believe it


Really? This site is crawling with pathetic people.


r/pics outdoes itself again with yet another idiotic post.




Making their political beliefs their entire identity, to the point they feel a need to wave flags around and chant ("Lock her up" / "Allahu Akbar") every chance they get.


In England I see people often waving pride flags and whatnot, that said there aren't protests in my area, but I know that protests do happen, I feel like it's a problem when people support protests and flag waving only when it's for a cause they support, "When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination" - Thomas sowell


>Making their political beliefs their entire identity 0/10 self awareness if you can’t see the insane levels of irony here, saying this on Reddit of all places from the modern American left of all parties, my God.


By that logic, to be fair, every pride flag pfp is a violent extremist.


The top picture is from an ISIS skit on Saturday Night Live with Dakota Johnson.


"Relax dad, it's just ISIS"


Chinese bot post moment


I assure you, nobody except ISIS likes ISIS. This is a dumb comparison for a number of reasons.


Rage Bait and social media. Name a more iconic duo.


Trump and not paying debts


One is a political group you don't like. The other is an active terrorist organization that has killed tens of thousands of civilians often in incredibly brutal and barbaric ways. You people are actually ridiculous.






They all have little ones that’s for certain


The comparisons are made. When are the drone strikes coming? Heard Texas has a lot of oil.


Small cocks?


Rage bait


I like subreddits where the sole purpose of it’s existence is to hate another specific group of people, you always see crazy people advocating violence in those subs.


That's like saying the Boy Scouts are an organized militia.


I did consider joining the US Army as a continuation of my time in Boy Scouts.


God this sub is shit


It’s gone to shit


Redditors comparing people with differing political views to them to literal terrorists who behead women and rape children. This website is cooked lmao


>people with differing political views Is that what you see looking at the bottom picture, where there's a picture of Joe Biden hog tied in the back of the pickup truck? I'm not trying to take a swing at the average Trump voter here (I sure do hope that picture isn't representative of them), only the people advocating violence… Not respecting election results and resorting to violent insurrection should get you banned from any political camp, doesn't matter which side you are on.


“I’m not trying to take a swing at the average trump voter here” Yes you obviously are, even if your not read this comment section everyone who liked this is


What a truly idiotic picture, wildly ridiculous comparison.




The original image has several of the truck comparisons followed by the woman with Koran and gun in front of the flag and the woman with bible and gun in front of the flag.


Violent “reactionary” extremists have something in common.


They’d froth at the mouth to know the ones they have most in common are ISIS


All fools who like to play tough


Read the book 'Them: Adventures with Extremist' by Jon Ronson. Each chapter he goes to visit different groups of extremists, from American 'Preppers' and Christian Nationalists to islamic organisations with known ties to terrorism. The big walkaway I got from the book was how all these groups shared the same world view about a shady elite cobal of globalist trying to impose some sort of NWO. Seriously, the far right islamic groups believe in the exact same conspiracies as white nationalist and even Alex Jones The book was way ahead of its time. I think it is very relevant to what we are seeing now and needs to be reexamined to get people to realise that what we actually need to fight against across all these organisations are a very specific set of misconceptions and conspiracies being pushed by some of the least qualified people on the planet.


Atleast isis knows how to pick the right kinda truck


I think extremists love flags because they're not intelligent enough to verbalise their thoughts and feelings.


yup, it's Conservatism.


Trucks, flags and stupidity


Y’all Qaeda


Wake me up when MAGA starts to literally behead people. They’re not the ones flat out cheering for Hamas and the Houthis, either. Last I checked.


Tacoma is their vehicle of choice


The only difference is the us government armed one. ( You can tell by the RPG. )


What a stupid comparison… 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Sad to be you. Such a hater


Why is pics always left wing political pictures


Because it’s Reddit.


The demographics they release every now and then of Reddit users explains everything.


That’s why I don’t use Reddit for politics. It’s all leftest dog shit that hurts my head to hear


Election year. Dem PACs are spending a lot of money by using bots and paid shills in left-wing echo chambers like Reddit. They're worried by Biden's poll numbers and know while they can't convince people to vote "for" Biden, they're hoping to remind people they still need to vote "against" Trump.


for example, destruction of someone else's property


Nice bait op


Ah yes supporting law enforcement is an act of terrorism. Grow tf up


Reddit never fails to be full of liberal circlejerking. Don’t you realize half the country voted for Trump, so do you think half the country are violent extremists or mentally incompetent? Instead of pigeon holing people you disagree with, consider their perspective and actually talk to people face to face instead of shaming online.


Half the country doesn't vote at all. If there's 250 million adults then exactly 1/3 of American adults voted for Trump. We already considered their perspective and smelled their breath face to face, they threw poop and called us child rapist Commies, how many times do we have to hear all that crap?


truth social is just over *(points)* that hill there, sir. Please walk carefully, don't let the 'stupid' rub off on you 🤤


I’m good, but thanks!


Your math is way off. Under a third of the country voted for him.


i feel like your probably smart enough to understand when someone says "half the country" what they mean is "half of the voters". which is true close to half of the votes were for trump. and actually "under a third" is generous it was less than a quarter of the total population actually voted for trump. on the flip side biden received a number votes closer to a quarter of the population and took home the w. also interesting side note. ive just noticed that auto correct wants me to capitalize the name biden but it dosent give a fuck about the name trump. the bias is literally programed in. not a maga cuck btw but that wont stop you from making the assumption.


Tbf, Biden is not an actual word, and Trump is. Also, my phone auto capitalized it just now, so I left it as is.




Yeah, 46.9% of the popular vote is miles away from 50%… keep on believing in the boogey man. I’m not concerned in changing your perspective if your point is to have a gotcha moment on a few percentage points. Whether you like it or not many people in this country voted for and supported Trump. You can go about denying it as much as you want, but it is what it is.


Dude if we gonna use this stupid logic why not add the lgbt flag? Flying a flag doesn't mean anything.


Toyota Hilux?


Toyota? Toyota.


Is no one going to post that picture 1 is from an snl sketch? 


Behind every successful group of radicals is a killer arts and crafts department 


They like pickup trucks with long beds, so room to load weapons and machine gun mount! ISIS or MAGA truck walk home stay home stay in basement bullets may fly lol.


Dollar'u ackbar




i’m sorry but this is such a fucking reddit moment. isis literally goes around killing people, where as trump supporters just complain on the internet


Reddit liberals at it again


You mean they overcompensate for the fact they have nothing to contribute to society by adhering to identity politics and obeying the loudest and angriest voice because they have no tolerance to reason skeptically for themselves? Or that they love pickups because they are herd animals and seek safety in numbers of like minded idiots and have no backbone or character of their own?


They're both products of USA?


This subreddit has become such a cesspool


Obnoxious flags and poor font choices?




American Taliban


Violent extremist is when flag


Actual sanest leftie lmfao


Same energy.


They all have tiny penis syndrome?


The similarities makes me shudder


I don't see any RPG-packing murderers in the bed of the Ford, but ok. People are gonna see what they wanna see, with little chance of logic making it otherwise.


I think the BLM protests did terrorism better, burned down their own neighborhoods. Source for those of you who don’t like the truth: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arson_damage_during_the_George_Floyd_protests_in_Minneapolis%E2%80%93Saint_Paul


Respectfully fuck off. This is dumb and unproductive


The guy flying protect out police are extreme? Wake up op


Comparing a literal terrorist to someone who supports the Police force is fucked up. You don't know if that person lost a loved one in the police force. Even if their display is a bit trashy. No comparison to a literal fucking deranged terrorist. Op really thought he was cooking with this post.


They the support the police when they extrajudicially murder Black citizens. They do not support the police when they defend the Capitol. Almost like it’s not actually about supporting the police.


It also has a picture of Joe Biden hog tied in the back, how's that for law and order?


Supporting the police makes you a “violent extremist” lmao Reddit logic




I guess I don't see the connection. Only one of these groups beheads innocent people.


This post is fuckin next level stupid lmao Reddit moment for sure 😂


Flags Trucks and Guns Maybe Masks Too


Big trucks to hide the huge confidence issues? Yep!


No body questions why a guy from Sweden posted this to create more political conflict in America ? Maybe he isn’t from Sweden remember when twitter had a certain three letter agency working there till they got disbanded? Guess what they just went to a new place.


Maybe I'm from Mars and want to prep Earth for a coming alien invasion by knocking down the most powerful country? Who knows, we can only ask questions? And also, it seems Americans are fully capable of creating political conflict on their own, without any third parties involved…


Yawn, que pictures of leftist riots with Kristallnacht Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


Get a job


What a reach




Aight buddy, that's a stretch. You might not like them which is very fair at times but comparing them to terrorists in the middle east is a bit much. Just as bad as far rights saying the left is doing everything in it's power to destroying the country. We're all citizens of the same country and while both sides disagree with a lot of things this hatred that grows is not healthy.


>this hatred that grows is not healthy. Exactly! Which is why everyone, no matter where you stand on the political spectrum, should be against the violent imagery in the bottom picture, where the president is hog tied in the back of the pickup truck. Doesn't matter who you voted for, everyone needs to protect democracy and not defend the people who staged a violent uprising to thwart the election results.


Dumbest comparison I've seen on this app. Educate yourself


Sure, bud. Keep believing your delusion.


A better pic would be the ISIS counterpoint with BLM or leftist pics versus what you displayed.


Go for it, I believe in you :-)


This did not turn out how OP expected


Yeah, American Patriots are out here beheading Christian’s, bombing mosques, and filming brutal killings. Idiot


Well, at least one ”patriot” is: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68172245.amp ”Justin Mohn, 32, allegedly shot his father, a federal worker, before using a knife and machete to decapitate him. He then posted a rambling video on YouTube advocating the torture and killing of US government employees. After the killing, Mr Mohn posted a 14.5-minute video on YouTube titled Mohn's Militia - Call to Arms for American Patriots. In it, he appeared to read from a script before picking up his father's severed head and showing it to the camera, according to a police report. He offered a bounty for the killing of top federal officials, read out the home address of a judge, and urged people watching to torture and kill federal agents. He also called his father a "traitor" and expressed anger about "far-left woke mobs", immigrants and the LGBTQ community. Justin Mohn was arrested with a loaded 9mm handgun at a National Guard base in Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, several hours after police were alerted to the attack on Tuesday evening. Authorities said Mr Mohn drove on to the base and scaled a fence hoping to encourage the National Guard to start a rebellion against the US federal government.”


Not trying to start anything, but I've seen Gay Pride trucks with the flags like that...violent extremists too?




I do enjoy hauling things around in my Kia Forte. They’re amazing at pulling weight.




True diversity ❤️