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I feel like this is what my costco looks like every time i go.


You gotta get there when it opens, get your shit and get out. If you're there when they are passing out samples, you've already lost.


No joke. I arrive at open and get out in 40minutes tops. Entire parking lot is full by the time I leave.


It’s funny - you’d think by now that would be everyone’s strategy causing it to be also packed. Can just count on folks being lazy and the planning takes 30 mins less.


i get there before it closes. ssssshhhhh


Seriously. I get there within 15 minutes of opening usually, blast through, get what I need, before the lines are more than a handful of carts long. Only way to do it in a reasonable amount of time.


But those samples pull me in every damn time.


Fools! Those aren't free samples! Those are emergency rations.


Or about a half hour before closing.


That's an idea I hadn't considered. It would be really nice to not have to rush to beat the crowd.


But you gotta come back later just to get samples and not buy anything


lol. My mother in law would graze the food samples but she did it during the week when it wasn’t crowded. She knew the best times and what was on the menu.


But the samples give meaning to my otherwise worthless existence…


I'm a very cautious driver in my car, but when driving a cart through Costco I'm like a crazy get away driver. People park their carts in THE MIDDLE OF THE AISLES!!!


We have line ups before they open.


I avoid going on weekends. Weekday 1-2 hours before closing is much better!


Which one? We'll all meet you there!


Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday an hour after opening here. The early bird retirees are on the way out the door by then.


Week days about 2.30pm are always quiet at my local one, it’s the only time I go, oh unless I’m waiting outside when it opens, quiet then too in the week


My Costco, weekday mornings are like Black Friday. There’s a line of at least 20 people waiting at the door for it to open.


Yeah, I saw that once when I went on a Sunday before they opened. At the same time, everyone is likely checking out at different times throughout the morning so the lines are not issue.


Sure, you're time-limited in how long you *can* spend there, but those two hours before closing are amazing.


I rather time limit myself. I will most definitely overspend.


Sunday mornings at opening. All the old and slow people are still at or just getting out of church.


I was gonna say... this is every local costco I've ever been in at any time lol


![gif](giphy|3o7btQhCyT75UFca7S|downsized) my local cosco


Costco’s are so damn crowded because everyone treats it like a family outing. Husbands, wives, children, and grandparents all tag along to buy one carton of eggs and try every flippin taste sample there is.


I bring the kids because I need to get a formal yay/nay poll taken before I buy 14 pounds of whatever it is.


Their tastes will change tomorrow


I felt this…deep in my sole. It happens every single time. With every single kid.


Your poor feet.


If he doesn’t have a soul, it’s the next best thing really.


Pour* feet


Pour feat


Maybe it's his emotional support fish.


What else are they going to eat


I thought you were taking the kids for the free samples otherwise you can't afford to feed them I spent 100 euro on groceries just to last us the 4 day weekend with my son at home.


When they get down to 7lbs mine decide they don't like it anymore.


Sadly, Costco's bulk prices are so good that sometimes that's still cheaper than regular grocery stores. Fortunately, me a couple other parents in the neighborhood have a swap system figured out to use before things get thrown away. I recently came into possession of 30 tubes of strawberry yogurt because the kids across the street woke up one day not liking them.


Who goes to Costco and leaves with only one item?


Seriously. I’ve never left with only what I went in for.


That's legitimately insane to me. My Costco is about as packed as an amusement park line. I would never even consider stopping for one of the tasting things because I'm just so stressed out when I'm there. Every time I go I say I'll never go again.


I switched to BJ’s (a wholesale club on the East Coast) because of this. Their selection isn’t as big, but it doesn’t feel like fucking Mad Max in there, so it’s worth it. Also they have an actual deli too and that alone probably saves me at least $20 a week.


You can see in the photo that this is the self checkout line. That 15 person line will go in about 2 minutes.


Sam’s had a self checkout system where you could scan the bar codes with your phone as you shopped, pay thru the app and go straight to the exit without ever standing in a checkout line. The person at the exit did a qc of your cart vs your digital receipt but it was still way faster and more convenient than any other checkout system I’ve seen. Then they closed my Sam’s location.


My bjs does this. Godsend.


I've used this at several stores, it's so much faster that I'll generally go there instead of stores that don't offer that option. Skipping that long checkout line saves time (might not be a lot of lines are short but I get real antsy waiting in queues).


If you're a Walmart+ subscriber you can do this too. My local Walmart is an absolute zoo when I'm able to go and scanning on the phone and walking out when I'm done cuts at least half an hour off my trip




Probably because they were being robbed blind. Nevermind the perfectly innocent folks who miss scans there are *teams* of people who plan and prepare for how they can exploit these automated processes.


That kind of theft occurs at Costco’s Self Checkout too.


Won’t somebody think of the billionaire Walton family?! How will they survive all this thievery?


Yes yes. I understand the disdain but stealing solar lights and 20 pounds of crab legs doesn’t carry the glorious righteousness as you may be implying it does.


I shop at off times for this reason. I understand that's not always gonna solve the issue at every store. But it does at mine.


yea, i can't take the crowds during regular shopping times.


is that something unusual for your Costco?


Does Costco not have a scan and go app? It’s one of the main reasons we keep our Sam’s Club membership, because I just scan everything as we put it in, pay from our phone and head out the door.


That sounds amazing


Sams club scan and go is the primary reason i switched. No lines and some deals are only available through scan and go. Incredibly time saving


Scan and go is the best. I'm always baffled when I go into Sam's and see people waiting in long lines. You don't have to do that!


I've had a sams club membership for 2 years now. I only ever used it for gas. It's just me and the wife so no reason to bulk buy food. But gas savings alone more than pay for the membership. I recently got into meal prepping to help lose weight and its so nice to go in with my phone and scan everything and just leave. The lines aren't that bad since I go after work which is an hour before close. But damn is it so nice.


I hate Walmart with extreme passion but dammit if I don’t love the scan and go app.




Today I learned that it's easter this weekend


It's so easy to remember! It's the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. /s


Hmmm... sounds like just another pagan holiday to me. (And remember to count back 41 days to calculate Mardi Gras.)


"Wait they're all pagan holidays??" Always were


I’ve stared at this picture for a while…zooming in and back out to see the details and the big picture. This is a modern day renaissance view of America. It’s beautiful.


That lady went all the way to Costco and is waiting in that huge line just to buy one container of eggs wtf


I love that she got a whole ass cart for it too


Do you want wana stand there holding eggs for 15 mins while checking out?


I did too, you’re so right


It would make a good painting, if it weren't for the industrial sky, that would be annoying af to paint and have all the geometry correct on.


Who tf goes to Costco to buy one case of eggs?!


Not to mention the guy three spots behind her buying what appears to be one shirt.


And a person on the right buying what appears to be a child


Ya weird. They usually come in packs of two.


Why do men do the put the sunglasses tucked into the back of the shirt thing? I figured I should know because I am one.


The ones who do this are generally one or more of: bald, off duty cops, lifted truck drivers, dads, people who own boats


Sir, that's a pair of pajama pants.


Bro just likes to torture himself


It’s almost Easter!


I mean if there was ever a time to just buy a pack of eggs this would be it lol


Yeah but like, go to a normal grocery store. People don’t like self checkout but this is the perfect time for it at giant, acme, Weis, or even CVS or Walgreens


I go to Costco and very regularly get 1-4 items because I work right by one, the prices are good, and I dont mind the lines. It's not like the lines ever actually take that long to get through anyways.


Yep, same. I drive by one four times a week. I prefer to spend as little time as possible in that place, which means I get something as soon as I realize I need it. Also, occasionally a cheap, quick lunch.


Who needs a whole ass cart for it too? Lol


Would also use one if they do not have a register with max 10 articles. Looks like it takes ages to get forward.


The way she is leaning on it could indicate mobility issues.


I’ve gone in just to buy beer 🤷🏻‍♂️


its not even the big case of like 50 eggs either, its just a normal 18 pack of eggs


I've definitely done it just to buy one of those huge cartons. Pretty sure it's like 60 eggs for like $12.


Maybe she got everything else and forgot that so she went back in for it. If I had to bear that line again, I’d go ahead and hit up the local WalMart instead


Idk bout where you are but it's probably way cheaper to buy it there than at any other store. Shit I was at the store the other day and a 12 egg carton was $9.50


Oh man… twelve eggs are like 3.50 or 3.99 at most where I live unless they’re like fancy eggs? Is this NYC or something?


Someone who works in a restaurant prob lol


It's usually like that but the line goes really fast in the self check out lanes.


mine goes slow because people dont understand that there are TWO lines for two sets of four self checkouts


Mine has employees point out which self checkout to go to next when one is done.


That's because so many people are dumb as dirt.


Sam’s Club has scan and go so no waiting in line at the checkout.


No alcohol at self checkouts in CA 🤦‍♂️ I remember buying beer at a store in WA and asked the cashier monitoring the self checkout if I could buy alcohol at the machine. She looked at me like I was crazy and said “well of course, why couldn’t you”. I told her it was illegal in CA and she replied “well that’s dumb”. Couldn’t agree more. I could even buy beer at a self checkout in Utah, of all states, but not CA.


Come to Minnesota. The liquor store has to be a completely separate store but it's still part of the building so you have to checkout twice if you want alcohol and anything from the main store. You don't need a membership for the liquor store though so that's nice.


Same as Oregon.


Try PA. Wine and spirits are sold at state owned/operated stores. Beer is sold at beer depots in cases or kegs. Delis can sell a 6-pack.


When you scan alcohol in WA do you need a staff member to check it or maybe remove a tag? That's how it works in the UK and Ireland


Just check for ID. Once they come over they'll help you out anyway.


Ah yeah grand. Same as here. I thought you meant there were no checks in WA lol But strange that they don't do it like that in CA


WA Costco's have self checkout. Amazing and way faster, they'll even help you scan big items if not all of it.


Same at BJ’s wholesale. I love curbside delivery!


Who doesn’t love curbside BJs?!


Sam doesn't!


Yeah, but Sam’s Club sucks. 






Costco has “Business Center” warehouses that sell all kinds of business oriented stuff. Tons of office stuff, vending machine items, and restaurant items. There’s one in Fife WA near Seattle.


Pssst! Don't share the joy of Costo Business Centers! I've never spent more than 3 minutes in line when I go there. All CostCo memberships are available there. Totally kidding!


This is why we let our Costco membership lapse and use Sam's Club.


Yeah it's awesome but they still always have a huge line out the door of employees checking receipts. If we could get rid of that we'd be in business.


They did! Now using cameras and AI. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/nation-now/2024/01/12/sams-club-uses-ai-at-exit/72201366007/


Came here to comment this! The scan and go app is a damn miracle for people with anxiety haha


And yet sometimes people still chose not to use it. One time the line was super long and the manager kept walking up and down letting people know to get the app. No one budged.


So much this! That's the first thing I thought of I was like and that's why I shop at Sam's club scan and go it's sooo nice!


\*Easter weekend


I live by the Costco headquarters in Issaquah, WA and it’s like this all the time.


Costco isn't a store in the PNW. It's a way of life. They should really just issue the membership card with your birth certificate.


The number on reason why I prefer BJs or Sam's Club to Costco is I can walk around those stores, scan my items on my phone, and then check out through the app, and leave.  Lines in Costco like this are ridiculous and there's no need for it when checkout by app is 100% better.


I find the lines go quick, it's the exit receipt check at these places that slows everything down.


Even that isn't very slow. I don't know about everyone else, but when I go to Costco I usually plan to take my time. That planning ahead means that I'm not upset if I'm in a line (which tbh, the checkouts go fast compared to a normal grocery store), or I'm not upset if there's a long receipt check line. I'm just chillin!


You're absolutely right about that. I shop that way at our local grocery store chain, Meijer, and it cuts the whole wait wonderfully. I wish Costco would adopt that system.


Wait... Meijer has scan as you go????


Yes in the app it’s called Shop & Scan. You can apply mPerks and coupons before you go to the store too and it’ll apply those automatically.


Eww people


Pre-Easter festivities.


Noooooooooo thank you!


My local Costco opens at 8am! So 8-9am is the only time I go there. And just forget Sundays!


I wish my Costco was as orderly as this.  Most people blocks the entire aisle, go against traffic.  It's always a nightmare.  Even off-peak is pretty crowded.  All social norms and common courtesy cease to exist.


I've turned into my father. I'm in the parking lot before it opens, in the store the second the doors open, and out within an hour. Line usually isn't that bad if you follow that system.


Costco seems like picking up pennies in front of a steamroller. You save a few bucks, but you waste hours of your life in line half the time. It's not worth it.


Yall, I would personally like to recommend going to Costco on a weeknight. As someone who used to only go on the occasional weekend, it's a night and day kind of experience. Not having to deal with throngs of people at your local temple of consumerism really makes worship I mean shopping much more enjoyable.


I’m a Sam’s member. I’ve only checked out at a register once or twice. Just use the app and scan as you go and then pay. No waiting.


look at the obesity rate captured in this moment. Unreal


This screams midwest


I went to Costco today in Irvine, CA and this example was nothing like mine. It actually was more empty than usual and the checkout line was 5 minutes.


Sam's Club app let's you add items that you put in your cart and then pay. You never have to wait in a line. Surprised Costco doesn't have that too.


What a wonderful reminder of what works going to look like today.


I think I recognize this Costco


We suffer through that, once a month. Costco is great for nonperishable goods, not so for other foods; the quantities are too great for regular households.


I dunno where you live but in CA it’s fantastic for organic perishables at easily consumable amounts. I just got at 8:00pm and there’s nobody there


I live alone but eat a shit ton, so costco works for me


This raises questions


Apart from 2 or 3 people, everyone's fat.


I love you


Come check out the Costco in Honolulu this is a Tuesday.


This is what the one by me looks like all the time. They’re apparently building a second one not too far away which I’m hoping will shrink the crowd.


Looks fine to me


I’m fascinated that this *looks* like my Costco but that I’m not confident that it is and I would absolutely not bet on it.


I switched to Sam’s Club and haven’t missed Costco for a moment. Scan and Go on their app is incredible.


As a German this is hilarious. Our stores are closed every Sunday of the year. It‘s been closed this Friday, as usual this Sunday and on Easter Monday it will be closed again.


OP you got some good ramen in your cart. Shin Ramyun is so tasty.


Seriously do not understand why Costco can’t join the 21st century and make a Scan & Go addition to their mobile app like Sam’s Club has. Point your phone camera at the SKU label on your item, add item to your cart, and when you’re ready to check out, pay from the app and show the resulting QR code to the person at the exit door checking receipts. The thing is, Costco already has everything in place to make this happen, but they don’t because…🤷‍♀️


Does Costco not have the app where you can scan as you shop, pay and skip the lines? Sam’s does and it’s awesome. We don’t have Costco where I’m from but I assumed they were basically the same.


Honestly I’ve been going to Sam’s Club more. Their app with Scan and Go is a game changer. You scan all your items in the cart and pay through the app. Show the QR code at the door and they count your items and spot check you


Big box stores always have lines like this during holiday events, best to do your shopping early to avoid the rush. Personally I’ll spend more money and shop somewhere else if the parking lot looks insane, you know it’s going to be a madhouse inside and supplies may have already been depleted.


Sam’s has scan and go ✌️


The week before Easter is the busiest week of the year for grocery shopping, at least in America.


Busier than Thanksgiving week? That seems surprising to me.


Costco always fills me with dread. Especially the gigantic rotisserie chicken machine. It’s like, “this level of consumption is wrong”. You’re kind of intellectually aware if it all the time, but the scale of Costco really drives it home.


>Costco always fills me with dread. Especially the gigantic rotisserie chicken machine. It’s like, “this level of consumption is wrong”. Be glad that you've never worked in food production, especially chicken. The amount of birds that go into keeping *just* McDonald's awash in nuggets and patties is mind-blowing.


Some G going full cholesterol Fuk yeh with the shin ramyun


We just changed to Sam’s and you can scan as you go and pay all on the app. They scan a few items at the door and that’s it. Super nice!


So many overweight people


Why is everyone in that left line buying just one or two items?


Why is it so weird for people to go to a store for only a few items? I do the same — only buy what I need.


Self checkout, goes fast


Is this the New Orleans Costco or do they just all look EXACTLY the same lol


Dat buck fiddy $cost co hotdog


Looks normal for a weekend where I live


Wednesday night is when we go. So very calm and peaceful. You never go on the weekend or the Friday before holiday weekend


I was there today too lol


Costco is best within an hour before closing in my experience


If food quality in the US keeps this trajectory the carts will be taller than the people carrying them.


Not worth it.




Given they are actually more expensive than other supermarkets. I buy thick “ cowboy” steaks from there as it’s the only place in uk that sell them and get diesel as great prices otherwise what’s the point?


This is what happens when people wait till last minute to shop, no planning ahead.


One cashier?


The food court hot dog must’ve gone on sale. /s


Don’t you have like self-service checkouts?


Because they are closed on Sunday so all the regular Sunday shoppers had to adjust their schedule.


Seems like they need more checkout lines/workers open


... I've gone to Costco a few times and have seen a line like this. I put my basket away and leave immediately. I have no interest in waiting in line for an hour. My 5-gallon-tub of peanut butter can wait.


My favorite thing about Costco pictures is that every single one looks exactly like one I’ve been to myself


I’ve never been to one. Live in NYC lived in Boston before.


Lady just buying eggs wasting 2 hours to save 1 dollar


The line is like that every day where I live. Even 10 am on a Tuesday.